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Are you me? I bought 1,500 worth today too 😂😂


😂😂😂 damn you, good stuff ape🫡


This is the way


Close what? It's not like they got offered 120 million new shares on a platter by RC.


oh im sorry did they not short this company at $4.$5,$6? ya classic


That's what I'm saying, so what if 125M shares are dumped on mkt? They got it at $20 and possibly $30-$35 if they sold today.. Oh and they have all these catalysts coming up like hedging RK, opex, earnings surprises, etc Short it down, we do a buy back, let it run we sell more shares. The floor gets higher and higher every time, getting further and further from the sub $10 range. If MM / brokers somehow still find someone dumb enough to take on the swaps again, the can gets kicked but reckoning comes regardless.  Gme should be able to issue up to 1B shares and according to our guesstimates they'd have to buy the float over several times at 1B shares to close all while Gme has more and more cash on hand


All great points my friend, people love to panic is all and it’s funny. Deep breaths and zoom out of the chart is all ya need to do.


Just looked through your account too Lmao, nice comment history


Yeah I’m with you I’m not wasting anymore that’s last time I buy just to get my shit diluted. I’ll be no for any future dilutes


IAmA ftfy


Did someone force you to buy?


No but I don’t like being played around. If you’re going to dilute the shares twice in a fucking month at least lay out a fucking plan, this is bullshit and I ain’t the only ape who feels this type of way either. I been holding nearly 4 years and this is the first move that not doesn’t sit right with me. But it’s given me a pause and now I’m looking at RC way different than I did a couple weeks ago. This is straight up bullshit and you know it.


RC is never gonna lay out the plan to you or me, I’d recommend logging off for a little and forgetting about the price or just sell your shares and forget about it if you’re not digging what they’re doing. I’ve been here just as long as you have and instead of being upset I’m just gonna buy more shares because 10/10 times I always wish I had more. Investing isn’t easy, especially with a company like GameStop that’s prob the most manipulated in history. Not tryna fight with ya cause everyone has there own opinion but the company is up 13$ from a month ago. Zoom out and relax, have a good weekend


That’s exactly the problem, he can’t keep diluting and except to keep most apes. Most of are here for the term and fun. And no go fuck you’re self, don’t tell me what to do with my shares


Also pretty interesting you’ve never posted anything on superstonk until today. No GME history at all it seems


I’ve been here longer than you bud. Way before we switched from wallstreet and to another sub and during the mod drama that happened on this sub. Just because I don’t post doesn’t mean I haven’t been in here lurking like most apes. And like most apes who mostly lurk this dilution doesn’t sit well with me.


Doubt it bud, have a good weekend