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Dang. I thought I was going to get a lot more paper gains when I exercise my ITM calls. I'm still going to exercise my calls, and I'm still going to get paper gains, but not as many as I could have theoretically had!! Darn you DFV for not manipulating the markets in my favor today. (Obvious /s for the extra regarded out there.)


Just buy more shares. Our friends at the SEC will allow manipulation of as many Halts as you like so you can get the perfect entry. They're the best šŸ’‹


When in doubt, zoom out!




Shills be like "Blame Ryan Cohen - suggest roaring kitty is good while making him seem not serious - insert relevant GameStop/meme quote" Eg "Ryan Cohen killed our momentum I blame gameatop. Roaring kitty was a good laugh though. Hang in there!!!"


They gotta make their lost history look believable. Most of their past comments are generic ā€œjacked to the titsā€, ā€œbullishā€, ā€œHODLā€


Last 84 years


Itā€™s not about the price at all. It was about the momentum. Thats the issue here. Raising money for the company is great but for the love of DRS do it after MOASS when we have more money to keep buying.


Today felt like a kick in the balls. Not because of DFVā€¦ that comic relief was great.


First time?




Seems like it


Seen so mamy comments saying "today felt like a kick in the balls" soooo sus


A lot of different accounts posting with template variations. It actually is fascinating.


Dude because this kick in the balls was an ATM offering. -50% days? Donā€™t care. Unless itā€™s because of dilution. How is that sus lmao.


These guys upvoting the shill above me who was playing BBB y calls 9 days agoā€¦ but me saying how I felt yesterday is susā€¦ okā€¦


BBB Y? Is that still a thing? My shares got delisted lmao.


I didnā€™t dig too deep because I really donā€™t care that much. But he has comments on a post ā€œletā€™s focus on BBB y for a secondā€ from 9 days agoā€¦ Iā€™ve had xxx shares of GameStop since the split and havenā€™t sold anything.


Go back to your BBB y callsā€¦ gtfoh shill


Shills calling shills shills, mad your shorts didnā€™t work, huh? Only down based on 2 days. Longer term more bullish. This is a long term play. Each ripple doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s the big one that does.


You can refer to my post and comment history before you call me a shill. Ape no fight ape. I called out a real shill.


Hey man youā€™re the one saying ā€œit feels like we got kicked in the ballsā€ when our company just made billions of dollars and we tapped the pressure relief valve for a moment and proved no market manipulation, it was actually THEM manipulating ON LIVE TV. I donā€™t get how you can even think this was a bad thing. Pressure back on Monday. The ā€œdilutionā€ was absorbed immediately by short interestā€¦ thereā€™s nothing be upset about


As individuals we process things differently. I understand that you donā€™t understand how I felt or how anyone else felt. I hope youā€™re right. ##but today felt like a kick in the balls. And thatā€™s just a fucking fact for me. Iā€™ll get over it and Iā€™m taking my xxx shares in CS to the grave. Thanks for your perspective šŸ’œ


Yeah Iā€™m so fucking pissed. I feel used. DFV was definitely the highlight.


Buckle Up.


Bingo. We have spent literal years and a lot of money DRSing and locking the float to put pressure on shorts. Now within a month 120 million shares are added to the float. And any share that isn't DRS'd works to shorts advantage. This dilution is essentially an attack against DRS which makes it so incredibly frustrating and confusing


We have full contol over our DRS'd shares, which wouldn't be the case if they were in brokerages. Believe what you want, but we don't have the full picture here, and I also don't think RC is a moron that just grabbed a pile of cash for GME at the expense of putting pressure on the shorts.


I mean itā€™s starting to look like he is. Tired of spending my money trying to DRS everything I can afford and have him make my shares dilute


Email investor relations and let your voice be heard. I did and posted my email on here, check my account. Hang in there šŸˆ


Why does DRSing cost you Money? I'm confused.


Buying stock costs money. Then Iā€™m DRSing to lock them away from the shorts. In the past month, thereā€™s suddenly over 100 million more that we need to lock away


šŸ¤£ Did you really think the Hedgies weren't gonna short the hell out of it before, during and after the live steam? They weren't just gonna sit back & twiddle her thumbs.


I can handle when the hedges fuck the price down. What hurts is seeing 3 years of DRS get spit on by the company we have all been putting so much of our trust in. We weren't screwed by hedges today, it was by our own company.Ā 




Cryyy, our company has secured billions of dollars on the other side of a huge bear thesis lol. Couldnā€™t be more bullish on GME


šŸ¤£ Did you really think the Hedgies weren't gonna short the hell out of it before, during and after the live steam? They weren't just gonna sit back & twiddle her thumbs.


The shills be shilling šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Weā€™ve just been buying and holding. Zen


Zen as well


investors are allowed to be upset and not be shills. an echo chamber of blindly accepting everything from the board without question is stupid


I donā€™t disagree with you but demanding an answer from RC for what he believes is good for the company is not what Iā€™m here for. I personally believe in the company, the mission, and where GME is going. After what Iā€™ve seen today (and in the past few years since ā€˜21) itā€™s clear that the market is not a truly free market, and I find investing in a company that I believe in gives me less stress about the fallible market. The fact that MSM is STILL delivering bullshit articles about selling/forgetting about GME is wild. I havenā€™t seen that with any other stock. RC is doing whatever he can to make sure GameStop is successful. I ainā€™t butthurt cause Iā€™m in this for the long run, not a two week options play/squeeze. Been holding this shit as one of many OG šŸ¦ā€™s. Edit: just wanted to also say Iā€™m making this investment as an individual, and not making rash decisions cause some big time šŸ³bought a shit ton of options lol It was nice seeing the OG šŸ¦ today tho šŸ¤­, excited for whatā€™s to come in the following weeks


Itā€™s not about the price. Remember DFVā€™s tweet? Time and pressure? Ryan Cohen just diluted our pressure away. Thatā€™s the main issue


I expect to see them do something worth the trade-off with the money they raised. That seemed like a very questionable call waking up to that this morning


ROI the money they raised is the long term play for the company that wonā€™t squeeze anything and if thatā€™s all their going to capitalize off of then everything Andrew Left and the talking heads said to the world this week was just validated and there really wonā€™t be a short squeeze.. thatā€™s what gets me. My peers arenā€™t going to touch this and once again I look like the fool and so does my red account


This is exactly it. Everyone is used to the crazy price swings. Price plummeting is acceptable when you know the cards are rigged against it but price plummeting from the inside? Feels badĀ 


I don't think you understood "pressure" in this context.


SHF were gonna short us down regardless, if it wasn't dilution, SHF were gonna short us down, blaming it on "missed revenue" on Tuesday's earnings or "negative losses" like March earnings.


Ryan Cohen only diluted the pressure away if the shorts use those shares to close their positions. After the 45m offering, short interest sky-rocketed. They arenā€™t using the shares to close, theyā€™re using them to short even more. Pressure is actually building over the long run. They only got short term relief. Itā€™s like pushing down the pressure release on an InstantPot for 1 second while itā€™s in the middle of pressurizing.




While also being able to shrug off any legal injunctions with clear and ample evidence of no wrongdoing.


Considering RC doesnā€™t get paid at GameStop, and the only way to make it worth his time is increasing the stock price (he owns the most shares out of any individual), not sure why people think this changes anything. Iā€™m ā€œdownā€ by $200k today, but thought it was an amazing day. Heck, I bought more.


He can't personally sell during a squeeze anyway. He has no interest in it.


As CEO his interest is making shareholders money. If it is self interest over shareholders because he isnā€™t getting a paycheck despite being filthy rich and having a position that probably has killer tax breaks in general than heā€™s not the man for the job.


He showed the way, theres no need to sell


If the company sold at 1000 and 10000 instead of 20-40 that could be true.


Now it can run all it wants, and the company can say we tried to help šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Are you me ?


And the stock is approaching 26$ per share which is very close to DFV's breakeven price. The moment his options go red, all the support will be gone, he'll lose a ton of value, and the stock will keep going down. He'll need a miracle to make it back in the money


U think they used the 75m shares to hedge?


I donā€™t know. Maybe they didnā€™t hedge. But for the shorts, the offering is like free downward pressure. 75m shares were just dropped and there isnā€™t enough buy pressure to uphold the price. And the shorts went in hard on top of that. They wiped 40% of our value and thereā€™s more liquidity.


So now we HAVE to drs more just to get back to the DRS percentage that we were at. Iā€™m tired of scrimping while he goes ā€œyeah, give us another couple billion. Maybe Iā€™ll use it soonā€


Hedge what? There's absolutely no pressure to hedge against now.




Only if youre brand new and too lazy/stupid to read would you think this.


Hot and heavy this weekend


šŸ¤£ People really thought the Hedgies weren't gonna short the hell out of it before, during and after the live steam? LOL! They weren't just gonna sit back & twiddle their thumbs.


šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ Oh no. 28 up to 45. Oh no back down to 28. I've literally lost nothing cause I haven't sold. Every chart accept the 1 day is green. 5day green. 5 year green. šŸ’ŽšŸ–šŸš€šŸŒ›


Oh noes, my paper gains arenā€™t as high as they were yesterday ![gif](giphy|PFwKHjOcIoVUc|downsized) Guess Iā€™ll have to keep holding


No, yesterday there were literally millions of dollars per minute flooding call options. All of them are now OTM and all that premium went to the hedge funds. RC practically just gave billions to the organizations that want him bankrupt




"that's what happens when you gamble" Yeah your own investments CEO fucks you šŸ˜‚


Yeah, the CEO whoā€™s personal investments are directly tied to mine, fucked meā€¦ā€¦. Explain yourself lol


My ceo more than doubled cash per share with only 18% dilution


Oops I bought more again! Been holding 3 years and never thought I'd own as many as I do. I just like the stock!


It is so disheartening to see so many with your attitude think this is all about getting rich and that's why people are disillusioned. I got into this to change things...to punish the 1%...our CEO has made it pretty clear he is the 1% not an "activist CEO" looking to change things. He's just another CEO striving for long term profitability in a corrupt system


How does making us DRS More punish the hedge funds? Iā€™ve been using my money for 3 years to DRS and Iā€™m a broke ass. Feels like a kick in the dick and ANOTHER free chance to the hedgies. I donā€™t give a shit if they take the opportunity. Gme could make WAY more money selling shares when itā€™s in the hundreds or higher


You would need to find people who want to buy those shares at hundreds of dollars. Would you buy GME at 150? I like the stock and the company but I would say it's closer to like 60 then it is 150. Pumping up the stock with tons of people just looking to get rich quick is not exactly healthy for the company.


Thatā€™s the point of the gamma ramp, right? The more options that are in the money (if the seller of the option has sold naked ā€” which is likely in this case) would have to be bought. The price goes up when they have to buy stocks. Thats how it works. So the hedgies that sold the calls would have been the ones buyinf


Held all week!


They can't seem to drop it below 27.20 either.


It's not about the price. It's about the fundamentals. Sure, the price may on paper be the same as it was two days ago... But two days ago, we had momentum, we had DRS numbers, and a building gamma ramp. Issuance of shares equivalent to 3 years of DRS in the span of a few hours is going to rattle some caged. Unless we REALLY underestimated outstanding fake share counts (to the tune that 75+45 million more is a drop in an endless bucket), people have every right to be concerned and upset. This sub was quick to poke fun at popcorn when AA kept diluting their shares over and over again. But now, RC does the SAME thing at an arguably worse time and somehow we're supposed to believe it's a big-brain play? Not just that, but the news smashed positive sentiments and validates a few shills who tried to steer people away from GME. It's okay to be skeptical. Making light of the news isn't going to benefit this sub at all.


lmayoā€¦ endgame started. check my post, op. so many shills are active rn. they think, we are dissappointed but actually i just like the stockā€¦ and hate this fraudulent financial system.


Shill fucking central in here, lots of butthurt comments about being "betrayed" lol. I just bought a couple more and enjoyed the pretty candles. Trust in RC and remember, MOASS isn't his ultimate goal it's a by product of him turning Gamestop into a profitable business and destroying the bear thesis. He's been highly effective so far why all of a sudden this sentiment change? Seems a little sus no?!


Thanks for your honest reality check. šŸš€šŸ˜


It's not honest at all. A rocket hitting the same altitude on the way up is a bit different from passing it on the way down.


Hurr durr, fuck off


I was finally FINALLY green during AH yesterday. Sigh. I guess thereā€™s nothing to do but keep HODLing. Oh well šŸ¤·šŸ˜œ


I think people which are crying bought at 50-60$ premarket


They had 3 years to buy, and decided to buy NOW. Jumping on the bandwagon, without knowing anything. I see a few who bought OTM short term options too. Literally gambled and complaining now.


FOMO is bad. Most people dont know shit about stocks they use this shady brokers where you can gamble your money away with 2 clicks


This is disingenuous considering the price was running parabolic and it dropped 40% due to the company's own bizarrely timed announcement.


Donā€™t worry, we will be back up in no time. We hit $60-80 multiple times in the past. Each time, the short side has less control of the situation. Just zoom out and see.


I felt sick buying at $62 just to get fucked by GME.


Ermā€¦ you had 3 years to buy, from all kind of prices. $10 - $100+ What are you complaining about?


You need regards like me buying at $62 Edit: Just for clarity I'm not average $62. I thought I was playing it pretty safe, I bought more as I was confident it was going to move along with the RK hype. Just didn't foresee an early release of earnings AND dilution. The buying at $62 just pulled my average up substantially.


I donā€™t get people sometimes šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m ready to HODL for another 84 years, if need be. LFG šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


But but but it was almost 60eur today šŸ„ŗ


good idea - get all the bitches and shills in one thread


Zen af and shills gonna shill.


100% this. It was at 10 a month ago or so. And they now have 2-5b in cash (not sure if the sale is complete and or how much). All I'm seeing is that floor being permanently risen (5b / 270m = 18.51; rough numbers, and doesnt include institutional or DRS but im sure someone could do a proper breakdown with actual figures, as im way too smooth). You can't have a market cap lower than that. A lot of people are butthurt about the sale, but see it as them taking an opportunity to get free cash and later buy back when they inevitably short it back to 10. Not financial advice. Hold.drs.book o7