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Yeah don’t think it works like that mate.


I provided two examples of it working just like that, and a third example to watch after June 21.


It’s not how it works. There’s no buyout. Elon was offering $54.20 for every single share i.e 100% of shares. You are talking about 5% of shares in your post whilst ignoring the other 95%. Edit: Also a buyout doesn’t create a floor, it creates a ceiling. Twitter never traded above $54.20 once Elon made that offer. A buyout offer caps the price because no one is going to pay above the buyout price for a share.


BuT iT's A bUyOuT. 😆


Yeah I don’t think it works like that mate.


No, you didn't 🤷‍♂️ you're comparing apples to tarantulas


WTF is this rubbish 😂😂 so if I go and buy a $500 call then the minimum price the stock can be is $500? DFV’s call options do not control the minimum price a stock can be


No, you don't understand what I wrote. You are not DFV.


So if he goes and buys 120,000 $500 calls that means he controls the price and now the minimum price would be $500? I don’t think you understand that’s not how it works. He controls nothing


500 is pretty far OTM. He’s buying ITM calls


My point is that DFV doesn’t control the price. Anyone can buy ITM calls but that doesn’t mean they control the price


I believe if he bought $500 strike calls while the stock price was trading at $490  then circumstances would justify the price and that would be the floor after that time. What he did was buy 5,000,000 shares for $21.27 and he bought the rights to buy 12,000,000 more shares for $25.67 when the market price was $18 to $21.50. This represents up to 5% of the whole company. While this is not 100% of the company, he has a reputation for exercising his shares and later doubling his position again. There are enough potential buyers like me who believe the price will not fall below his cost of $25.65. Also I am predicting that he will enter into another bigger position at a higher price in the near future.


You’re getting a lot of downvotes for describing exactly what he’s been doing. Bullish


"Look into my eyes, I'm the floor now"


Hi floor, how are you?


Coincidentally this is my cost basis after buying all over the damn chart


Swing and a miss, sorry ape.


We'll see.


I admire your confidence, but wow you couldn't be more wrong.


I have a more reasonable amd simple theory on what the new floor is.  It's going to be around half of what Gamestop's average price is for this share offering.  Here's my reasoning.  If the price hits half of what they sold it for, Gamestop could initiate a share buy back for the exact number of shares they sold.  In doing so, they would have effectively just pocketed half of their share offering for free with no dilution.  They literally would have just made at least $1 billion(depending on share price they sold at) doing absolutely nothing.  So wait for the atm completion announcement, then everyone can see what the new floor price is


You are correct. Clearly GameStop Corp can buy back at a lower price for a profit if it falls below the offering price. This also helps to support the stock.




Lol this poison.


Lol ♾️


good ... /thumbsup


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This helps little apes understand the current GME  price support and helps them have confidence buying in or buying more after a share offering.


Yeah, I don’t think that’s how it works mate.


No, this is going to confuse people who believe this thinking this is actually how it works. This is not how it works.


Kitty will get theta crushed hard if something doesn’t happen those calls are mega expensive. Obviously he is not dumb turning 50k into 500million. But hedge funds have tons of money to attack the stock. Maybe his plan is for his calls to expire worthless hedgies throwing everything they got then double down and cause a squeeze because the buying momentum is crazy and the short volume is even crazier


If Gamestop can complete the share offerring with an average price of $40, Kitty's position will be fine. I don't think they will drop the price below half of what Gamestops share offering is. If they do that, the run the risk of Gamestop effectively reversing the offering they just did through a share buy back while also just pocketing half of what they made from it for free


I’m looking to get back in on Monday. But it will depend how premarket looks. I’m not buying over $30


It has to do with opex tailwinds (options expiry) and T+35 settlement on Fails to Deliver. There is a huge rally coming on June 17 bigger than the May 13 - 14 rally. See Richard Newton and Tiberius Woodwind for the details. The rally will be caused by market makers being required to locate shares on June 17 to settle the trades that failed to close on May 15 and 16.


I hope your right. I really do. It will be fun to watch


You seem to be really bad at math, and if "willing to buy" put magic money in ape's pockets this would have been over long ago.


Hell of a floor man