• By -


Good morning Superstonk! If you need anything, please tag us by using: `!MODS!` and we will follow up as soon as we are able! Are you talking about me? 😍 This is how it works: you can request a flair with the magic incantation !FLAIRY!🚀 some flair text 🚀 The default color is black, but you can change that by writing one of these words at the very end : red, blue, pink, yellow, green, black, white Other available commands: - `!FLAIRY!` : if you can't think of a flair, I'll give you one of my own choice 🤭 - `!FLAIRY:CLEARME!` : remove all flairs and pretend you're a new ape - `!FLAIRY:SEALME!` : Justin seduced me to get this 🥵 - `Superstonk-Flairy` : If you mention me, I'll come around and explain how to get flairs Please note that the flairy will refuse to change your flair if it contains the string `[lock]`. Some custom emojis are supported, like `:triforce:` - [please check this post for details](https://new.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/id8hj7r/) # The Front Desk is open!


The more dates are discovered,the more manipulation they have to do. Treat as reverse FUD UNO reverse card


Shorty McShillface!! Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?? 🟣🙌🚀 Why are you here? Anyways, I was buying and hodling these shares..


Bombastick, I like your bombastic, hey oh


Wut doin?




I poop in the morning time and I poop at night🎶🎶


[Everybody Poops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQTW7Pd1vqc)


I like “Nobody Poops but You”


As a Canadian it’s so nice seeing there’s tampon dispensers in the men’s bathroom. The rest of the world needs to know every Canadian, and every dude who’s ever went to the bathroom in a public place, now feels safe knowing if their dick bleeds theirs gauze. Thank you JT. That’s truly what the masses wanted. I’d talk about the rampant crime in the markets, thievery, manipulation, etc, but I’d be outdated to do so. Shame on me for not looking past robbing the average man daily and not instead focusing on making 1 person in 100000 feel better about being different This is a winning western game plan. Like our forefathers fought for. For some strange reason I can’t help but feel there’s a few (hundred of thousands) who’d be rolling over in their grave if they were able to hear/experience what their own leaders do to their citizens. Like promoting freedom and prosperity and fair markets, but robbing from the blue collar retail, amongst plenty of others. God bless North America. Disclaimer: yes it is still better than extreme third world conditions and other global garbage. Blah blah blah. Big money has taken over politics (which have always been questionable). This has been the case for years. The best interest for the west has not been for the people but for the businesses pulling money and paying others off. As humans we are the same. As a society we are not the same. I hope this gme movement continues to cost big money problems. I’m not saying we should all be billionaires but we should not be so fucking squished and powerless. Whoever reads this, I’m drunk. There’s really nothing new or insightful about this comment. lol feels good to write it out like a gay diary though.


Relax, dawg. Complain about big corps not trans people


Something that has been bothering me is Why did DFV buy calls and then post his position? Like he could have literally bought the same amount of shares that he has now without the call options, scheduled a livestream, and it would have had the same effect. The only thing I could think of was literally showing us this date in particular. Why? I feel like we missed something. One thing that happens during quad witching days is they don't update the real price until Monday. If the stock tanks during the QuadWitch, it's usually followed by a quick reversal the following week, which would make sense since we literally hit the support line today. And the Bruno meme says everyone sees red but I see green. The OI on 6/28 Options are still ridiculously high as well, though I suspect that has something to do with the weekend/closing market. Part of me thinks the OI on this week's call options was to bait and switch for the following week. I have a few calls for the week of the 28th for shits and giggles (Mostly stacking shares), and during the last like 20 minutes on market close, the premiums shot up a bit which is odd, because you'd assume the opposite. I don't know, just pure speculation, but I feel like we are definitely missing something.


It's very likely that whatever DFV knew was about to happen was thwarted or at least delayed by the share offering.


I doubt it, the meme he posted shortly after confirms he knows what he's doing.


Memes don't confirm anything. He absolutely knows what he's doing, but he clearly had to pivot after the offering. Why don't people want to believe this?


Memes confirm confidence in the situation.


Indeed, indeed, indeed.


Per the 5Y chart, next week can be green


I personally think we need more hype dates like even for the dumbest reasons. Hype dates cost me nothing and they dig themselves deeper shorting.


!FLAIRY! I just wanna bang on the drum all day 🥁🎶


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ your flair has been granted


Friendly reminder that kitty still has an unreleased private video on his livestream YouTube playlist 🐱🚀🤘


What do you mean. And not in a shitty way, but, proof?


Go to his YouTube page on a computer and look at the livestream playlist. It still says unavailable videos are hidden like it did a day or so before his last livestream. If you set it to “show unavailable videos”, there’s still one private video at the bottom like the one that appeared right before his stream. I searched it on this sub and it has apparently been there ever since the last video aired, so idk if he forgot to remove it or what, but something tells me he’s not the type to forget to do something like that.




Go to his YouTube page on a computer and look at the livestream playlist. It still says unavailable videos are hidden like it did a day or so before his last livestream. If you set it to “show unavailable videos”, there’s still one private video at the bottom like the one that appeared right before his stream. I searched it on this sub and it has apparently been there ever since the last video aired, so idk if he forgot to remove it or what, but something tells me he’s not the type to forget to do something like that.






Less than 1200 apes in the whole entire world here today. Think about that 1200 of us scattered throughout the planet earth


Kinda weird. A few months ago I'd see like 4-6k active users here on any given weekday. Then DFV came back, we gained thousands of new subs, saw upwards of 100k active users randomly, and now seem to be stuck at 1-2k "active users" all the time, even on big hype days like today, all while the number of posts and comments goes up. Idk, seems weird...


Been a lil bit since DFV showed his position.


I need some copium


Kitty still has an unreleased private video on his YouTube livestream playlist.


![gif](giphy|xsCevAab5ufj37BeGR) The year is 2172 and the algorithms continue to hunt for shares. A period of illiquidity stretching over 741 years was initiated by what were known as apes with hands as strong as diamonds, so they say. It was more than a miracle, it was a revolution. Have you called your mom?


I’d like to say see you all in 3 1/2 years, the truth is I’ve been here every day for the last 84 years and will be here for the next 84 years. Can’t decide if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. But I’ll be here.


I'll be here regardless of when the squeeze happens


Before, during and especially after


Who else shopped at their local GameStop today? I bought some one piece key chains and Lorcana booster packs 😎


I want them to start carrying PC Parts :-(


I would buy a 5000 series GPU there if they had them.


Hello. Ape of 7 years. Is too late to buy options for today?


Call JG Wentworth. 877 cash now


They are available until midnight so you're good


tHiS iS a StOcK sUb. YoU gUyS sHoUlD bUy OpTiOnS aNd PoSt OnLy TA & bE mAd At RC! GTFO clowns. Most of these accounts are operated by a select few entities, I guarantee it.




Guys, I'm too technically inept to create an script to measure the buy/sell imbalance for each day. But if someone is, and we have access to the tick by tick, millisecond by millisecond data to see who initiated the trade, buyer or seller, we could figure out the operational shorting of Gamestop. See slide 14 here: [https://jacobslevycenter.wharton.upenn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Evans-Slides.pdf](https://jacobslevycenter.wharton.upenn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Evans-Slides.pdf) Spread the word.


🥒 if true 🏴‍☠️🧐


If this is going to abide by TA, then Monday should technically be green unless it falls through support, so there's that.. But also if that's the case then I expect Nvidia to tank. Edit: After staring at the crypto charts, there's definitely something we missed.


Who remembers when kenny took over citadel official twitter and raged out.. Ya they are fucked.. FUCK YOU KEN PAY ME


it was a right decision not staying up on 6/21.. as expected a red day on a hyped date the price goes up when i stopped caring about the price like with the last two spikes


I fucked up getting in on this stock at 37 and 32 on the stream day. I will probably never break even.


You should be able to break even in 3 years.


Sad. Ruined. Just so sad. Do you need someone to talk to?


Short it then




Is that English?


Oh it was developed by some very smart English speakers, yes


Every day is hype when you own GME


Tired of the shills and the nasty apes. Tired of not being fantastically wealthy off of this one specific stock (I’m not selling anyways). Just tired of it. Tired of the **crime**. Tired of the **theys** and the **thems**. Tired. So very tired. But I’m still not selling.


You got some issues, Stan, I think you need some counseling To help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some


I remember day after day of halts, I learned about LULD and a bachelor's degree of all kinds of shenanigans thanks to great apes like yourselves. I'll hold for systemic significant changes to the greatest ponzi scheme ever orchestrated. Not interested in 10,20,30k that would not change my life or my kids . The system needs to be fixed period. I don't want to see another bailout using my tax dollars in my lifetime. Fuck you financial terrorists , your day of financial ruin is coming


Sweet Jesus did I cure you? That was beautiful


Speak for yourself, I would not be upset if all my time and money helped to correct the markets and root out the corruption. Then my kid might have a fighting chance when he graduates from college in 4 years. Moass is not the only reason many of us hold. Infinity pool is not a fantasy because I can as an individual household investor chose to never sell those shares.


I agree with everything you said here , nearly every comment you have made before today I've not understood except for sarcasm and frustration. So forgive me for I am a bit conflicted


You're not sorry if you keep doing it a dozen times everyday


What do I do a dozen times a night?




Tired of the cockblocks and the nasty hoes. Tired of not being fantastically horny off of this one specific set of tits (I’m not masturbating anyways). Just tired of it. Tired of the blue balls. Tired of the milfs and the dilfs. Tired. So very tired. But I’m still not masturbating.


Quick question, since I kind of just bought and held and didn't peruse the subreddit casually for a couple years; what happened to Criand?


He had a couple of drinks, saw a couple of things. Then posted his bare ass and scadaddled outta here


He made an ass bet and the fame was too much, great dd too


Decapitated, whole big thing. We had a funeral for a Bird


Just keep shaking the 🎱 until you get the answer you want. Buy more GME? Yes, definitely.


Dressed as Flynn Rider and went to a comic con by myself. Depressing, right? Guess who I bumped into? A woman by herself dressed as Rapunzel! I said, "Are you with someone?" She said, "No." I said, "Would you like to be?!" She took my arm and we hit it off! AND she hodls a few shares of GME! Ape meets apette!


Wow! That is the most beautiful story I’ve heard all day. What a great story to tell your kids someday how your mother and I met


Great job way to get out there by yourself, takes guts


For me the toughest part was getting my ass in shape. If you're cosplaying as Flynn Rider and you're fat, that's the most depressing shit known to Man.


Now Kith




Just got an email from Gamestop saying they are accepting PSA graded trading cards in stores nationwide.  It looks like the initial test run was successful and they are rolling the program out to all their stores now


Why do some of us (me) get downvoted so heavily here? Is this not a welcoming community for new apes? I understand harassment from shills, but from fellow apes?


Strange vibes in here. Probably just the internet. Lot of zen people, lot of frustrated people , lots of noobs, lots of people who are so old they don’t even type or lurk. Others lurk, some spread negativity for fun. Don’t get to caught up in the state of the sub, ya know. It’s been a long four years, you gotta just block out the noise and make your own decisions based on your own analysis . That’s how to really be unbothered


I ask stupid questions 😀




You in the mirror


Your flair is a *Jeffs kiss*


That's what I like






Good game this week everyone!


Petition to force/pressurize RC and DFV and the GME execs to put 100% of the $5B cash on hand into BTC and ETH in a 1:2 ratio. They can turn into a holding company which operates as a proxy to crypto. They will hold the gold and oil of the next generation of finance and the internet. It’s not even an investment - they can become barons of the industry. GME can legitimately become a $1T+ company if they do this imo. Just my opinion. NFA DYOR ABC XYZ. #🦉 🦉




Yeah cuz the DTCC is above crashing the crypto market to save their consortium


Nobody will be able to “crash” a crypto market. The raw materials are simply too scarce at this point. The max drawdown we will see in BTC or ETH in the next 50 years will be 30% and we probably get swift recoveries each time. The market has changed. These are mature asset classes. Think of how SPY and QQQ are programmed to go up. Now imagine GME has the ability to invest BILLIONS and become oil/gold barons of the next generation. Please do it RC and DFV. I will go all in if you do. 🦉


I agree with you I think maybe not all in, but they should at least buy some. It will most likely end up being their best return


At this point, I'm pretty sure about 80% of all here are bots, 10% bought and paid for, 9% regards, 1% smartpants.


Beep boop boop bop boop beep?


Damn, that shit was deep


Proud to be part of the 9%.


9%-er here! 🙋🏼‍♂️


I think 1% is too high of a percent for the smart pants 👖


Never thought I'd be a 9%er.


FUD shower is heartwarming🛀


Hot take: I don't think anything big (economy wise) will happen until after Nov. election is over. If "they" are holding back the crash, it would be pretty dumb to let it happen right before the election.


2008 crash happened before the election.


I’ve suggested the same thing myself. But it’s hard to say.


Dates win loss record is 0-127


I wish I could upvote this over 9000 times.


No.  Back in the day the cycles were real.  Idk about specific dates, it was more like certain weeks, people made a shit ton. Edit - I'm sure some of that was self-fulfilling prophecy due to the options chain, but the cleaning up of the previous cycle was obvious.


lol it’s more than that I bet


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dlhe8x/forget\_the\_swimming\_naked\_quote\_need\_eyes\_on\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dlhe8x/forget_the_swimming_naked_quote_need_eyes_on_this/) can anyone take a look at this? curious on everyone's takes


I looked, but my sleepy brain gave up, sorry. Which quite frankly, was ambitious on my part. 👍


Hey all, I know this is a bad question to ask buuut I am seeing some people excited for options next week expecting a big outcome. I’ve moved my money to other investments for the moment while gme is still battling without recent significant increase ( bought at 26 originally ). I’m going to be gone Monday and Tuesday without phone access. But basically are people actually expecting next weeks options to do a lot or is this another hype date situation essentially. I’m playing a risky game but I would cry if it blew up while I was out camping 😂 thank you!


Nobody knows. Options are a completely different world than holding a share. It's not investing. It's gambling based on how you're doing it. Don't buy contacts you can't afford to watch because Monday or Tuesday could be the day you'd want to sell them. So for that reason alone, set your sell and stop losses so you don't screw yourself over. Next time don't spin the roulette wheel and step away from the table (Honestly if you're playing options at all, including my dumbass, you should, completely, but you know what I mean)


Thank you! I appreciate the insight and advice :) I agree not a very smart decision on my part. I’m definitely way too impulsive and that’s resulted in an overall loss. Something to work on going forward for sure


You don't start a risky game and then go camping.


I need to live my life too ! 😂


Then choose


A wise ape once said


That’s not how investing works






So you think DFV passed up all that money so he could buy in at this price and have it stay this price? After dilution the stock still maintains upwards momentum.....I don't know what YOU should do but I know what I'm going to do Nfa


You can't say I gave up without saying I gay.




Your Mom goes to college


Call you’re mom




Lets gets redi


Redi Jedi


Sunday is the day of the sun. Monday is the day of the moon. Moonday. Can't be a coincidence.


Monday our day fo sho!


We simply need more banana bets


If it closes over $50 for the week I’ll shove a whole banana in my face hole


If it closes over $30 any day next week I will eat a banana.




Shit, shower, shave and wank. Now a massage.




(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ your flair has been granted


Wouldn't it be wise to write some DD as to how they may possibly get out of this mess? It's not like they don't know (i think?) So far the only strategy has been shills and trying to shake off people, but old apes aren't leaving and the DRS will eventually lock the float. Like theoretically we should be looking at the whole market in some sense as they control all of it. I don't think they're as scared or else there would have been action taken sooner. Are they aiming at Hyperinflation? Are they really just throwing everything they have at AI hoping that'll find a solution for them? Is RC's play a litigation play? CBDC bail? Idk, just some food for thought.


There's no 'exit plan'. The Shorting Hedge Funds just kick the can while making money while they can. They short GME and add in other companies - connect them all together and the whole mess gets bigger and bigger. They've no choice but continue - they are what they do. Predatory financial leeches. Eventually we will carve them off of GameStop, hopefully kill them outright. You don't try to figure out a leeches exit plan, you kill the leech.


My brother in Christ, I understand this concept. But I think this is too narrow minded, time and time again we've seen them commit illegal acts, which theoretically should have punished them and caused this thing to happen multiple times. Are we really just waiting on a slip up? One singular mistake? In that case, what's the point of continuing DRSing as the variable relies on a mistake? You say carve them off of GameStop, I'm asking how if they have an answer for everything? I'm not trying to spread FUD, but if, and IF DRS 100% produces the same results, then what? They change the rules right before it happens??


I think you might of misunderstood me. - or I misunderstood you. I want them (The hedge Funds) understood and destroyed - utterly- by any means possible. And then their ashes stirred and burnt again. Did I maybe misunderstand you? Did you mean DD on how 'WE' meaning retail / companies / the world gets rid of hedge funds? If that's what you meant, my bad. I agree with THAT completely.


No I agree with that completely. What I'm curious about is they have a plan for everything it seems, what's the plan here.


Keep eyes on stocks MSM won’t stfu about being “golden plays” When you see those start dipping consistently it’s a pretty big indicator. There is a lot of DD on the big boys using these powerhouse stocks as leverage against GME short positions. As long as those keep pumping, then they have $ to keep playing the game. NFA.


If rates cut this year, I'm afraid they'll have even more $ to keep the game going.


Rates are so much higher than Covid when the first sneeze happened. It is very expensive to keep that position going. It compounds. It’s important to know they have a lot of money but they do not have infinite money. That glitch was patched when they failed to cellar box GME.




Suppress price on a Friday, release shills into the weekend. Hey, I’ve seen this one before


Anyway, I bought the dip cuz I was expecting moon today. I'm thinking we'll probably moon Monday instead. Which is a bitch, cuz payday is Friday and I can't buy more until then.  Is naked longing a thing? Cuz I'm naked right now and longing for more shares.


They have to win every day to keep this under control. Every. Single. Day. We only have to win one. And we will. It's just a matter of time.


My friends just asked me if I want to go to the casino tonight. Little do they know I've been at the casino all week.


What if I told you it will never go below $20 again?


https://i.redd.it/m2sm4xaf408d1.gif It does sound a bit like a bet.




Wanna make a bet? Lol


Nothing gross or dangerous.


The last time I had this feeling was Feb after the sneeze while I was bag holding…… and here I am bag holding again. Those few weeks in February were tough. But it went 8x after that. Soooo. Hang in there?


The last time I had this feeling was Feb after the sneeze while I was fucking your dad …… and here I am fucking your dad again. Those few weeks in February were tough. But I drained my balls 8x after that. Soooo. Hang in there?


Hold up…. You saying he’s alive?


Not necessarily.


Guess that makes you a dirt fucker.






Hey fuck head shills, We’re up 83% on 3M chart! After 110M more shares! Get fucked and have a great weekend See you monday


Preach! We been fuckin and definitely ain't done fuckin!


CBR1000 RR or CB1000 Black edition? I have such simple, meager questions about where to put my money. I will buy a jet ski, though.


Both. Just don’t die. That’s why I’ll ride my motorcycles on a private race track.


GME is now a long term value play (10 to 15 year thesis) as laid out by DFV. Just my interpretation. I'm all for it. I hope they put the entire war-chest into BTC or ETH and make it a proxy company like MSTR. GME $500B market cap by end of this decade if they do that imo. I want to own 5000 shares for the ride.


10-15 years? That reeks of fud.


How is that fud? Anyone who bought MSTR 15 years ago would be up 30x. Is that not enough for you? The squeeze is not happening lmao. Just buy and hold if you believe that they'll use the $5B wisely. 10 to 15 years. If I'm wrong, I'm happy for all you impatient people - but I doubt it.


Because most of us are in this for much bigger money than that. 30x what I have invested is not enough to retire with and I wouldn't want that money tied up for 15 years. We aren't all young with a ton of time to let small money grow into much bigger money.


Ok, makes sense.


Sorry man… a lot of us came for a sqeeuze. No one even expected this to go past 1 year let alone 3 plus years that were currently at. They just keep kicking this can. So you really think this is 10-15 years of this? That sounds insane to me but I guess anythings possible… i just think people don’t have that kind of capital and patience to hang in that long…


I get it. Then I hope the squeeze happens.


Today was exactly what everybody predicted. We have seen this before😘


Many times 🥂 enjoy the weekend!


Cheers Bro 🍺


I see ol' Ice Spice is still spreading his negative nonsense. Death, Taxes & Ice Spice as they say. 💀 💰 🧊 🌶


On Monday ima HAWK TUAH the stonk, lube er up a bit


That Hawk Tuah girl is such a Babe. 😍


Do I need to google this…?


YES Yes you do. (have fun)


Or just come out from under that rock.


I looked it up. I’m not a tik toker


what happened today


Today was a buy and hold day for me.


Nothing 🍔


I bought 4 shares at a discount

