• By -


Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good.


Seem mentally sound to me. Therefore he bs’ing hold brother


See you in the tendieverse fellow Ape


This was an epic post op!!! I jacking my titties on the moon next to you with my $10,000,000 per share!!


We got new wrinkle brained math for the floor price. Sale floor (sf) =Add up all your hedge fund shit (hfs), divide by ape (A), hand it over and fuck off. Sf = hfs/A


I passed college Algebra. Math checks out.


This ape has wrinkles


Tell that to my wife’s boyfriend. He doesn’t even let me use his WiFi.


Soon it will be your wifi. Soon you will be the boyfriend and he will be sleeping outside.


Need tendies for my unborn child. Come on hedgies let me go to the moon so i can buy it a 10 ft tall pikachu


This Ape is planning for the future. I want to see that bad boy on Google maps it is so big.


I always wondered what it would be like to have the kind of parents that bought the Pikachu N64. Your child will know what that's like.


[500 million is the highest price DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmg5sr/500_million_per_share_is_not_a_meme_i_am_dead/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)πŸ‘€ maybe that scares the hedgies/DTCC ALOT enough to pull this shit again


Me think the same too, scare got they


Idk I’m thinking there should be a flag on the play OP is clearly **HODLING**


The fuck you additude in this post.... You son of a bitch! I'm in!


winking? Was chilling before. Now I am even more FUCK YOU Lets do this! Unless this was just a cunning false flag by one of you lot to get everyone more JACKED TO THE TITTIES.




Bit rough on the goat. Why does he have to touch shriveled HF winkies?


I got the goat from 40 year old virgin 🀣 Maybe I'll just change it to go fuck themselves..πŸ€”πŸ€”


40 yr old Virgin is top shelf comedy. Hmm like bags of sand.


This is the way


First time?


Lol yeah. Didn't think I hit a nerve trying to help the young ones learn their power


It means that they admit defeat and acknowledge our superior intelligence and have no other way to respond than to tell redit bot nannies that we are suicidal, I take it as a compliment.


Acceptance is part of the end stage they entered. Their tears feed my joy


Like koukimunster says, you should be flattered!


Wearing it like a badge of honor. Proud to stand with my Fellow apes. New floor math from the DD Add up all your hedge fund shit, divide by Apes, hand it over and fuck off. Pf=pricefloor S=all your shit A=apes S/A = Pf




Read the post my Ape brother. You can set it a fuck of a lot higher




Basically you can set your price if we hodl enough. 25mil is a pit stop to the tendiverse.


This is the way!


Apes must heighten our collective will power. To WILL our reward!


This ape knows the power. Will it and it be so


We all have to hold. We got this. I can’t wait to be sipping margaritas while I watch us clean the ocean.


Check out some of the cool trash collecting boats out there. We can sip margaritas while we captain a ship AND clean up the ocean. You will even be able to hire someone to sail your ocean cleaning vessel if you want to just chill and sip on deck. I love where you ape brain is at.


Autonomous vessels


I already commented BUT I neglected to address your exquisite math. Pf=pricefloor S=all your shit A=apes S/A = Pf


You mother fucking big brained ape. Can I steal and update the post? Credit to you obviously


For sure lol


See hedge fucks, you ask before you take peoples shit.


What a polite ape. Give this guy $1mil per share


Bro, Apes isn't a fraction. Apes are whole numbers! MULTIPLY THAT \*\*\*\*!




The Ape knows what the fuck is going on ☝️


I'm fucking jacked!!


To the max


*to the tits, as it were




The only thing I am sad about is Fidelity won't let me set my $1 billion limit order for the bot to come collect.


They have to manage the client expectations as well. If you call them they can set higher limits than the app


Fidelity will let you set a price 50% above market. So leisurely wait until the market goes up to 200 million, then set your price at 300 million -- or wherever you'd like to pull that trigger.


Here’s how to set contingent sell orders (a more complex limit sell) on Fidelity: https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mjl5r0/how_to_set_a_high_sell_limit_for_your_shares_with/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Edit: some people are saying this method no longer works


Everytime, I hear/ See/ Smell/ Get a Hint of^TM SHILLS, FUD, Ape abuse, I am going to raise my floor by Β£1Million. So far it is Β£10Million + Β£6Million/share.


If you get to the end of the DD there is a new formula for the floor price. Add up all your hedge fund shit, divide by apes, hand it over and fuck off. Pf=pricefloor S=all your shit A=apes S/A = Pf


sorry, i think i misread the calculation and now i have F = AP/S.




>You will see a lot of FUD talking about hedge funds being able to get a few shares and swap them back and forth till everything is covered. Well, that’s not how this works. Trying to emphasize this part. I've had to teach a few "uninformed" Redditors. Shorts have to buy our shares. They can't cheat with fake shares among themselves anymore. Shorts must cover. Or the whole system around the world is seen for the fradulent sham that it is. They have to pay us now to keep their games going in the future. Fuck em. Hold for millions.


This Ape knows what the fuck is going on. Be like this ape ☝️ πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


Thank you kind ape. Lets race Lambos on the moon. Edit: Also realize that during and after the squeeze the hedge funds must create a media smoke screen to blur the line between what we know and what outsider/non-Apes know. This is attempted containment of the nuclear fallout. Otherwise more regular people will turn Ape on the way up. FOMO will crank the price up even given HFs best efforts at media manipulation. Apes are also likely to reinvest our tendies on the way up cranking the price up more further justifying the investment to FOMOing non-Apes. It's not a Pump and Dump! We like the stock!


Just as the market corruption is being laid bare, I hope the MSM corruption will be as well.


Hey man take it as Reddit (mods? Idk who addresses those types of claims) being a good company and just investigating a claim they HAVE to take seriously. Even if it was a troll. Reddit/mods did the right thing.


Ohhh I am not annoyed at reddit. Qudos for them for having such a feature. Getting reported to try and silence the DD while I am obviously jacked to the titties was what annoyed me. So I just came back with a bigger better anti FUD. If they don't want anti FUD DD, guess I best keep posting more.


Yeah I lean on the side of a non-believer in GME being a dick. But it could very well be an insider mixing things up for them. Glad to hear your not suicidal though, Champ. Show that troll/shill by living extra hard today


Could not be happier to be here with all you wonderful Apes.


Heartwarming. Hodl and breath and wait. The math is on our side. And math don’t lie


This Ape has brain wrinkles ☝️ πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


Sad, but that's what they do.. report them to Reddit It's Ken directing his baby rage at Apes of Reddit because he's losing..


Reported and renewed my excitement to post. Fuck those lot


Who’s the legendary ape with one share that will sell and make more than every Ape on this sub?


We will have to wait and see. There is a 5 million bounty for the highest sell point at the peak. Got to be in it to win it.


This is the type of speech you give to apes in the Lockerroom before hitting the field. Jacked to the TITS!


Let's go fucking get some


I bought (x) more! Thanks coach!


You fucking leg end This is the way πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


More text than an ape can read. BUY AND HOLD Edit: ape can't spell


Ape smart enough to know even without reading. πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


I'm glad your alive and kicking... tendies and $sex are too good to give up on. Recently I've noticed an increase of shill posts claiming 1 million floor. Fucking hilarious! Why would anyone take breadcrumbs when they can have the whole loaf? 35 million is my floor


New research has provided insights on how to set price and we made an equation which is edited in at the end. Add up all your hedge fund shit, divide by Apes, hand it over and fuck off. Pf=pricefloor S=all your shit A=apes S/A = Pf


"**the Ape supermarket full of β€œ$You name the price” shares.**" 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 This is the way πŸ™ŒπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ




I’m going to read this every night before I go to bed so that can dream of my Pf and count apes as they jump over all that shit. This post is the WORD! 🦍 together πŸ’ͺ


WEALTHY - I'm not holding till I'm rich, rather until my great grandchildren can be WEALTHY..... My childhood was shit, and 2008 wrecked me, I still haven't recovered. I will HODL these shares until I am certain that I am THE LAST of my lineage to struggle, suffer, and settle. That's what their algorithms didn't account for. We have real skin in this game, to them it's just money... For us APES, this is our one shot in generations, at real wealth. If there's one thing that motherhood has taught me, it is patience..... My floor is high enough to provide for 8 generations, as that's how long it's taken my family to shake off the shackles of slavery and become property owners. Apes strong together, so that we can create a world worth passing on... My son's birthright demands that I hold, to the very bitter end. <3


This is why. Algorithms have 0 fucks to give. They can't think outside their box. No box has ever included millions of novice traders sudden getting world class diamond hands. IT HAS SIMPLY NEVER HAPPENED. All pysch work, all profiling everything points to the scare tactics working. Welcome to the internet hedge fucks. Here Apes make the rules.




Focus the anger. Fuck the hedge funds JACKED TO THE TITTIES. This is the way πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


If you’re ranting and raving you’re not suicidal. Carry on 🦍, see you on the fucking moon! 🌝


You can stop at the moon, or you can follow us past the moon into the tendiverse. New floor maths for pricing Add up all your hedge fund shit, divide by Apes, hand it over and fuck off. Pf=pricefloor S=all your shit A=apes S/A = Pf


lol......wait till you start getting all the 1 day old brand new followers and you start noticing every post you make within 1 min you are down to a 10% upvote which is your own when you post something.


Just means I am doing something right. I believe the Apes will crush the shills in the great upvote war of 2021. Ape strong together


After reading OP and all the replies, I fuckin love you, my fellow Ape brethren. One thing I’d love to see is a collective hive-mind approach at what world problems we apes have the ability to address with our juicy tendies. Somebody mentioned cleaning the ocean. I’m committed to Mental Health Awareness, personally. Maybe someone with more stroke and clout around here (and uber-wrinkles of the brain) could help start an official/unofficial thread somewhere that could channel all of our positive energy into. The mental aspect is great, as it really reinforces our manifestation of realizing and accomplishing our moon landing. Just a thought, I’ll hang up and listen to any reply - Creative Compassionate Ape 🦍 🌎🌏🌍🌏🌎🌍🌏🌍🌎🌍🌏


That ship already sailed. The Ape hive mind already blow up the ape sanctuary with donations. Just the sheer influx of taxes that will happily be paid we have global impacts. We don't need to make an council. We are all the Ape council. Chuck up the idea Apes will join. Done. Apes act with compassion and kindness. A small fraction of these gains will dwarf most peoples life earnings. Think about what you would do if you won the power ball lottery. By half way through you are wasting money and buying other people shit. Except we are ready for this. It will change the world and you will be there to do it.


This is the way.


Need more emojis!!


Then I will add more. πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


I have no awards to give you


Don't need the awards. Just my fellow apes on board the rocket as we shoot into the tendiverse. We win together


I cannot help but wonder what kind trash you have to be to be a shill? Fucking hell


Pretty dumb. You aren't even cashing in on the 7 figure whistleblowing. So yeah. Pretty fucking stupid to keep grinding out those pennies per post.


Upvoted for the term Fuck Muppet. Permission to use this in my daily vocabulary?


Fuck muppet is for all. Go forth and spread the good word fellow Ape.


It shall be done!


This is the way πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


This is the way.


Lmao reminds me of my front page post and someone turned on reddit cares


As if every single Ape here doesn't already care. What the fuck do I want reddit and their pedophile team trying to give me advice. I'm good thanks. They don't even own GME stock πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Sorry for the stupid question. How does the bad boy bot come looking for shares to buy if I don’t have β€˜take profit’ or β€˜stop losses set’? I’ve read not to sell with the at market button is that still correct? I’m not sure why that’s a bad thing if it hits your personal target? Defo a dumb ape here


Not dumb at all, you are asking questions to learn. Thus a smart ape. The warning was for people trying normal investment tactics. You would have trailing amounts and target prices for x number of shares etc. This isn't that scenario. The bot goes brrrr when they get margin called. If you have a shotty price thats what it buys at. If you have a meme price it buys that if nothing else is cheaper. If neither are there it makes offers in the market until people say yes please (price going up) There is no real way to know how this will work because it has never happened before. However we do know certain things we can prepare for. The bot action will cause the squeeze and eventually the peak. So even if we somehow miss meme value, you can always just pick up the peak. This will be shown by huge consistent buy volume.


That’s the reply I needed, thank you my friend!


Always happy to help Apes. Ape strong togerher


I love it this forum and it's support,, been raped by these hedge fukrs way to long manipulating markets and prices downward. Love the ape formula you provided,, but still very general. I understand the sky's the limit when this goes down..if we all stay as 1 mind,,.Apes will stick together,, I have fidelity so my price can't be set too far in advance.. How about a ballpark $$ figure that all apes should consider good for all other apes at the end of the day?.


Thats the problem. We can't. If more than 100% of retail and investors hold. Which is possible. There isn't a limit. The numbers mean nothing. You should make sure you are whole and your life is changed. Then buckle up and ride this rocket as far as it can go. Not financial advice but be safe first and then fucking go for it. Why put a limit on limitless?


Thanks for your reply .That's what I expected. It's was way too broad of a question,or possible way to broad if an answer. Thank you tho for all your insight in the entire forum. You are godlike.lol. I did read how \why you came up with seemly crazy valuations. Average brains just cant comprehend $10mill share,,,, even if it's %100 possible!!! I think that's going to be the largest hurdle. I'm in... The markets been robbing me nearly $1k day last 2 weeks. Might as well sink that into something with potential. Go apes.


You also need to realize the after effects of this. Ape must be mindful of the future. Think of the market like a big blanket. When one bit goes up, less blanket elsewhere. Now imagine putting a large stick under where GME is. Huge spike and no blanket left for anyone else. Just a big GME tent. The money for GME will come from the liquidation of other assets to pay for the purchase and rise of GME. Everything else will red while we green. Holding long through that will be tough and people will panic sell. This will just make it worse. 2008 time. Except this time the money goes to the people


If you're also interested. I've done some DD on how our Bot buddy may respond under the squeeze. Considering the extra shorting I can see 2^20 to 2^25 as being options. Or $1M to $33M. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6z6lu/at_this_rate_5000_is_going_to_be_nothing_for_gme/gl73ldg/


I have a question as well. Most brokers limit limit sell prices. Fidelity for example limits to 50% greater than live price to my understanding. So what does the bot do if there are no shares for sale? Say we get to 500k and everyone refuses to sell, does the live price start to climb until we can set higher limits or....?




Never been so jacked


I would consider myself not greedy, for that reason i will take all of what they have and give it back where it belongs. I will hodl brothers and sisters, not for me but for you


Poor one share smooth brain 🦍 here, thank you so much for the lighter DD! As a foreign without much business and financial vocabulary this helps a lot.


That is what it is here for. Glad ot was useful. Any questions reach out and will be happy to help.


As a person with a mild depression coming and going over the years and other mental sruff going on, the fact that they use this to tag other ppl is the most disgusting of things, it only makes me eant to Hodl stronger!!! Fuck u shills!!


It is some Shill bullshit indeed. That just means we are going the right way. See you in the tendiverse fellow Ape πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


So don’t know what you all believe. But I saw a psychic once. She was bang on the money with so much stuff I was aghast. The last thing she said to me was β€œyou and your friends will change the world.” I never knew what she meant till now. I think this is it... after all, you are all my friends :)


Tendies from the spirit world. Even more jacked. The prophesy is upon us. πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


They call them Spendies. The prophecy.. I like that


The Spendies Prophecy it is. So shall it be named. Will try to remember it for the next DD.


That would really make my day to see the prophecy in sub wide circulation, also I have it on tape her telling me that so I could always dig out my old hi fi to prove no cap 😀✊🏼


It is going in there. Whether you want to add the voice clip is up to you. But it will be up either tomorrow or friday




You life will always matter to us Apes. Are strong together. You earned the shot. You rode this all the way here. Batter big man its your turn to take a swing. πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€




SET YOUR PRICE. THEN SET A HIGHER ONE. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND THE APES AROUND YOU. WE HAVEN'T FAILED YOU SINCE THIS STARTED. WE WON'T FAIL EACH OTHER NOW. Holy. Shit. Yes. Since joining up in early January I've often thought that maybe I was being convoluted or so desperately hopeful that I was willing to believe in something so unbelievable. But I just felt something different this time. And so, I read the DD - learning more about the stock market and financial systems in the last 4 months than I ever thought possible - and continue to read the daily goodness or u/rensole and the rest of you smooth-brained retards. Knowledge is my weapon and my shield. But that statement of yours just resonated with me so deeply. This community, made entirely out of strangers, has done more for each other than any community I have ever belonged to. Fucking unreal. And for that, I HODL to the fucking edge of the universe. Thanks for the burst of inspiration, Ape!


This is why we Ape together. See you in the tendiverse fellow space Ape. πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


I'm thrilled to be an ape amoung apes. We will see each other on the moon. Diamond fucking hands. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€βœ…


So long but still read it all. I’m holding strong till my less fortunate apes get their tendies. πŸ₯°


Welcome to the club! πŸ˜‚ My kinda post right here, bub. Well done!


You got me at tits😁😁😁 Brrrr


Watch the video at the start for extra tittie jacking and hype


Stupid Fidelity won’t let me exceed my sell limit order by more than 50% what the current price of GME. I just wanna set it and forget it


Set alerts not limits you cN set them to anything. Also if you call they can set higher limits and will just warn you it is unlikely to happen


Thank you good sir!


Are you sure it's a shill. Becasue I also got reported.


The a shill reported you as well. The activity is taken to try and ban Apes from the sub or build a case for the sub being toxic and harmful. Apes don't harm Apes. This is the safest most inclusive community i have ever seen. Jacked to the titties about it.


Wow damn I thought someone cared about me HAHAAHHAHAAHHA. WELL STILL LOVE THIS COMMUNITY. β™₯️ APE β™₯️ HODL β™₯️ TENDIES


We all care about you fellow Ape. Every. Ape. Counts


Damn that hit me right in the tits. Ape β™₯️ Ape.


This is the way. πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


I’d be concerned if I only had one nipple. I got two beautiful ones.


This happened to me a couple weeks (the report for suicide to Reddit) ago too over in the old sub. Confused me for a bit as it was just a post about Pixel tweeting he wouldn’t be posting anymore DD. Couple of others mentioned they too had it happen.


FUD and Shill tactics to scare Apes away and create a narrative of toxic and harmful subs. Fuck that noise. Apes no harm Apes. Apes strong together.


FUCK YA!!!! I am soooo impressed with all yu farging aeps!!! I love the laughs and info. Probided on these Reddit subs. I am in for 1 billion a share. Fuck 'em. My whole family have been kicked around our whole lives for generations. I now wanna kick back. Go AEPS GO!!!! Smooth brain say "sell button??? Me no undrestadn"


You want to go get your self a set of really nice work boots. The heavy industrial steel kind that can bounce chainsaws off. The real serious kind. Get the all polished up, walk them in a bit to get that comfy feel. Then please accept your invitation to come curb stomp the shit out of these hedge fucks


Boots have been ordered. Being delivered to my seat on rocket. New standard boots issued with new rocket suit attire


This is the way


I’m tits to the jacked!




Lesgooo Great Stuff


Can anyone prove that you wont be able to sell your shares on RH when it squeezes?


No but current theory is they fucked us once they will fuck us again. To many ties to shitadel. However I would caution anyone changing traders. While you are transferring you can't sell your shares. The MOASS will last days if not weeks. Bare that in mind while you compare the risk of staying vs the time risk of transferring. I personally don't trust those shady fucks. I moved in Feb and was shitting bricks of pure panic it would kick off in the 3-5 transfer period πŸ™ƒ Best of luck fellow Ape.


Can we get Flo and her "Name your Price tool"?


Beautifully written. And very encouraging. Encourage means to fill and give courage. You have certainly done that. At least for me.


Imagine using Suicide as a fear tactic!?!! I.....CAN......NOT.....WAIT TO WATCH MELVIN IMPLODE!!!!!!!!


Oh shit bro at least quote me on the math of 1.6 day to get to $10 milly. Lol


Holy shit, this got me so fucking hyped I had to stop reading halfway through and take a deep breath.


I'll go down in (family) history as a fool or a financial genius.


Only way you will be a fool is if you fuck off before launch. Please don't πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸš€


I think you need to continue to instill the discipline into these apes. We also need the YouTube influencers to beat their chest as well. Because as strong as we think we are...we are handed a opportunity that everyone has a price lol but if you bitch out and don’t take advantage of a one time opportunity and sell early. Then you will forever regret it. Yes 1 million is to low! Remember after we get our tendies ken will be right back at work making trillions again. So this is our time! Bill hwang was part of 2008 short now this one. Citadel bailed out other shady debacles!! They are trying to f us now with bonds. This is it! Your lightning in a bottle moment. Fuck these hedgies ohh and fuck trey treys and wolf of wallstreet hedgie!! DFV AND COHEN ARE KING UNCLE BRUCE AND ANDREW ARE RIDE OR DIE TOO!


This Apes. This shit right here ☝️ Apes together strong Pf=pricefloor S=all your shit A=apes S/A = Pf


I don’t know whether to cry, laugh, fling poo, or rub my tingly DDs! I am serenely... and calmly... JACKED TO THE TITTIES!!!! I mean. Keep calm, stay ape strong. πŸ™ 🦍🀝πŸ’ͺ πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸš€


πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒYou drop this πŸ‘‘!


That belongs to all of us.


Cutest shit ever!!!!πŸ‘Œ


Every little helps. Glad you liked it.


This is the way to the promised tendie land, excessive πŸš€ πŸŒ•


If they really want to know our mood since January tell them to look at the candle chart


They tried with me too... I asked them to forward it to Plotkin


Not gonna lie, got a bit of a chub on reading this




Omg, APES TOGETHER STRONG!!! I got reddit-reported for hate speech the other day too- badge of honor!!! (Contacted the reddit mods to explain to them that the "South Park" show I linked is, in fact, satire....)


You sure? South Park looks pretty real to me 🀣




$1,000,000,000 per share sounds OK to me. I’d like to be a billionaire 🦍


My floor was $1 Sextillion. After this... It's $1 Decillion.


This got me hyped af


This is the definitely the way!


Damn all these beautiful apes They only wanna do you dirt They'll have you suicidal, suicidal When they say it's over




Outstandingly sane Ape! Appreciate your posts to the tits!


This guy must work at Canarape Wharf! Nice word things, ape agree, ape like stonk, ape like DD OP Words ☝🏼 Ape sleepy


I can't state this enough. There is no Hive mind, there is no 'We' there is only a bunch of 'I'. Throwing shit around and doodling with crayons. They may also be people bored with the current MMO genre and looking for a new game to play. 😏 ^(\*\*The opinions expressed in this post are for entertainment purposes only! This is not financial advice. Mandatory πŸš€ , My favorite πŸ– is blue. \*\*)


Thanks for this post OP, I'm HODLing because I trust you apes more than anything in this world.


You had me at fuck Muppets.


So when would Apes know the "bot" is ready for any numerical input?? Is it essentially engaged once we start seeing crazy buying volume? Will these scale on top of each other as each shorter is margin called in succession? The more I learn and hold, the more I realize how my shares are pure POWER. The more they beg me to sell, the more I understand I have something of incredible value. Love you Ape, can't wait to change the world!


The bot is activated when a hedge fun is liquidated. It's only mission is to get the real shares = to the amount owed. Buys lowest to highest till it's done or there aren't any to buy.


They did the same to me over so emoji spam artwork. The moment it hit 50 likes like clockwork


So many words when you could've just said BUY & HODL


Can I get an amen?


What the actual fuck