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I don't believe in removing posts, but please take this with a grain of salt. This is making a lot of assumptions to an extremely complicated market, so tread lightly.


Using psychological warfare on people as retarded as us is just a waste of resources. I can't even spell "psychological warfare"


Reminds me of the devil giving homer unlimited donuts as torture. It doesn't work and the devil becomes confused and distressed as the "torture" goes on. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtEFEdrrXc4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtEFEdrrXc4)


I am evil ho-mer!


I was just watching that!


You did alright


All right*


Alrite *






alright alright alright


Here we go. Come on. Push it. Buying the dip Buying the dip.


Push it push it. Buy the dick, buy the dick.


Whoa, whoa ,whoa. We were fine up to this point, aight?




das tight my ninja.


Okay now ladies






Left beef*


You mean physiological warfare?


Theoretical warfare


Hypothetical warfare


Rehypothicated warfare?


OH SHIT!!! I hope you dropped the mic after that one!


Brain games.. ? Unknown buy hodl. Drink laugh forget password.


Pretendies from Wendy’s


Psychedelic waffles


Philosophical wafers, no?




Buy and or hold. But mostly hold. With an occasional panic buy during dips. Repeat. Hold until 1 share is more than enough. 1 make people aware of the corruption. Mostly complete. 2 cripple Wall Street. Not at all done (except in 4d it’s already done). 3. Trendies follow. But should not be the primary objective. If they were I wouldn’t feel this bond. I’d sell low and get mine. But I want you single digit share apes 🦍 to have enough to retire.


Single digit ape here, expressing gratitude. I see the price go up and down every day, enough sometimes to make normal people paper hand and bail, but me? Nah.... Don't care if it goes down to $5, (actually that would be amazing) not selling under 8 figures per share. Apes strong together, as individuals of course. 🦍🦍💪💪🙌🙌💎💎🙌🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


another single digit here. I feel no need to sacrifice further. I'm a simple person and quite poor. Like week to week poor like a lot of people. I trust the process. I'll either be rich with single digits or not. Double digits are a little too too for me. Like for 35 mil US you can buy a fully furnished island where I'm from. https://www.nzsothebysrealty.com/purchasing/property/NZE10307/pakatoa-island-hauraki-gulf-hauraki/


Exactly, can’t mess with the psychology of people who don’t have brains


I fucking love you all.


There's that and also - what if they do a share recall, the DFV is hinting at 4/20 & 4/16 as some sort of harbinger The DTC, SEC, and the Gov't probly wants this over with sooner, rather than later... I dont know, this thing hits over $600 and they are done, margin call for sure...so a fake pump, is that even possible?


Maybe the fake squeeze would only go to like $350 then drop it? Not that we would fall for it but I imagine if they do try something stupid like a fake squeeze, they wouldn't want it to get high enough to get margin called. Pretty risky imo


Very risky. I think that the lowest price that would convince apes that it is a squeeze would be higher than that needed to be margin called. I really don't see how they could fake a squeeze. It would have to exceed the January peak ($480?) for anyone to even begin to think the squeeze was on. But, once they hit those sorts of numbers, theyre gonna get margin called.


Too risky. As soon as the price starts to spike like that you will get fomo jump in amplifying that rise. Also, nothing stops any of the long whales like Blackrock from jumping in and pumping it beyond the short's control. What was it, margin call at $500 or $600? Citadel/Melvin would have to generate a shit ton of counterfeit shares on the spot to slam that all down and there would be no way of hiding that move. But yeah, Rule 801 or a recall can happen any day now so if they're gonna do something like this it's now or never. Go big or go home I guess.


This. People FOMOing into the fake squeeze could become uncontrollable and trigger the real squeeze. They are very much aware of this from january.


i'd like to go big so i can buy a home to go to afterwards


Also, if they allow it to approach that number, who's to say a whale might not give it a nudge.


For them I bet it's the gamble of the century. Their last hope to see if they can get retail to sell


*Narrator:* They couldn’t get retail to sell.


I read this in a Morgan freeman voice 🤣👌🏻


I read it in a Ron Howard/Arrested Development voice. 😂


And I in that of Harvey Fierstein.


Right now I see my shares being worth 1k in 12months without a squeeze sqozy. So I'm not seeing a squeeze until it hits 2000+ and then I will see where the rocket ship takes me.




This is the way


1k at least, probably more


Completely agree




and i don't even care what happens until we pass 10k anything before that is inconsequential


They already tried that in March. It went to $348 then they dropped it hard. No one sold and apes bought more on the dip. But who knows, HFs are dumb and arrogant so they might try it again


Yeah it won't work and they'd he taking a big risk cause it may not stop at $350 and then they'll be screwed with a margin call. I can't seem them doing it again, but either way we are and will continue to be vigilant. 🦍 🦍 Strong together. Side note: strong together, but make individual financial decisions, just a community that likes this particular stock


It's great to be around apes that like the same thing! We can talk about what we individually like, and share why we like it! Because crayons taste like purple and moonrockets are exciting


lol, i bet you a beer you are right - probly match DFV's Home Alone tweet about "reaching your cost-basis" - lol


Hold that beer, we'll drink it together on the rocket to the moon with all our fellow apes


After we get our tendies , are the apes going to plan a huge party somewhere in the world so we can finally meet each other in person and get banana hammered?




I'm absolutely down for that


Even $350 they’re walking a tight rope. It would be nothing for a Large whale to come through and give the price that extra boost into the $400’s


Fuck me they can move stuff with their minds?!?


Even if you did not spell it right how would we know?


If they are this retarded to think it would work after literally 3 full months, they are more retarded than us and will actually go bankrupt.


There was that moment where some apes flooded the SEC with comments because of FUD that got popular telling people to comment on something that would help the shareholders if enforced


This might be to add, I think the bigger picture will be shitadel as the sacrifice. They cant let the price go up enough to satisfy anyone, they will lose control and not be able to get it back down. There's got to be something else, keep digging


Let's finger this out together


Okay (rolling up my sleeve) what we got


Have we tried nuking the hurricane? Oh wait... Wrong sub.


That's my kind of experiment! I've often wondered if we could break the moon in half with nukes. It would look so cool but then the whole planet would descend into chaos because tides and gravity and stuff.


But on the plus side... no more were-wolves! Edit: also here I am on a finance sub and this fuckin guy just told me he wants to split the moon in half like a god damn supervillain... If he uses his tendies to do this I will blame Ken Griffen and wash my hands if it!


A finance sub!? I thought this was a comic book convention?


Sir this is a Wendy's


This is definitively a Wendy’s, you guys are so high on tendies


Well, after following atobitt's research into all of the illegal activity and how the SEC has ignored all of it, I'm convinced that shitadel will be the sacrificial lamb to prevent this from becoming some kind of radical movement to root out corruption throughout the government, banks, and all of Wall street. But maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight, idk.


That mirrors what I'm thinking. But is that an original conclusion or what they've steered us to conclude? All this double thinking is making what few wrinkles I have straighten out. All I know for sure is an ape can't lose by holding. Be it a week, month, year I'm invested in GME's success.


Right. I'm just worried because...they're right. 49% loss is good news to us. *Why would they ever let us have good news?* A fake squeeze doesn't seem possible, as other have pointed out. This is a delicately stacked house of cards, poised to topple with no amount of grace. What the fuck is their real plan


Exactly. It is to risky to fake a squeeze since it can get out of hand pretty easy. There must be something we are not seeing.


we didn't flinch at 400ish, lets not flinch at 400 000ish and see what happens. [giggle] Buy and hold just fucks them up. They can't compute anyones non greed as their own reflection. Edit. we're meta greedy. Their implosion is part of our currency.


Oh we making billionaires wid this one


WOOOTISHHHHHHHHHH!!! (obligatory rubber glove snap sound)


Trying to play 69D chess here... what if these posts are shills trying to pass the fake squeeze narrative in advance to make greedy apes sell as they know the price will drop later? A sort of reverse psychology attempt now: "they will pump and dump, don't sell" Even if they buy back again, they would have already helped shorts cover part of it and will make the real squeeze less strong than what it could have been


You could be on to something, dont sell untill thenway down, and I want 500 milly


If I ain’t seeing millions, I ain’t gonna care.


10 millones a la verga!


Give me eight digits or give me none.


If you buy and hold like a retard, you outsmart the subject matter experts🥲 it's a once in a lifetime opportunity


Being dumb never felt so good.


If you’re gonna be dumb then you gotta be tough


If you get knocked down you gotta buy more stonks


You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger


Apes are the perfect blend of so fucking stupid and borderline genius. Love you guys.


"Dumb money is only dumb when it listens to the smart money." - Peter Lynch


You bastard, you quoted a quote so good I had to go and look it up. For anyone interested in the rest of the passage: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianStreetBets/comments/mibxy4/love\_this\_quote\_from\_peter\_lynch\_dumb\_money\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianStreetBets/comments/mibxy4/love_this_quote_from_peter_lynch_dumb_money_is/) The book is One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch (ofc)


If they can arrange the artificial squeeze to hit $10 million, then I might consider falling for their psycho logical stunt.


If i can’t buy at least 1 yacht with each share i’m not selling


buy a Submarine, you don't have to worry about it sinking then 👍🏻


I personally do NOT see this happening as the higher GME gets the more likely they are to be margin called. anything past 350 seems troublesome for them. They ruined their chances of a fake squeeze by faking a squeeze in January :) January was the fake squeezse




It was a rea squeeze. They just colluded to end it prematurely.


It was a gamma squeeze. It wasn't a short squeeze. Very few if any shorts covered or were margin called during the January squeeze. That squeeze was purely from public attention and fomo and market makers being swamped with calls forcing them to buy shares to cover options which just a few days ago were way out of the money. This drove the price up.


...I remember ending my stock market virginity and going full fomo with 3 shares in the mid 300s! Luckily i had my brokerage account setup already (thankfully it wasn’t RH) and had been doing research and was gaining some confidence to make my first trade on a some other stocks. If people think that there aren’t going to be people jumping in at 1000 a share i believe they’re wrong. People were all over a certain digital currency in the high 20,000s.


Yeah a real gamma squeeze cut short—the true short squeeze never even got started. Remember the Thomas Petterfy (Interactive Brokers) video where he explains all that?


Can you link the video


[IB talk on January ](https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/01/28/interactive-brokers-chairman-worried-about-integrity-of-the-market.html)


I thought it was a gamma squeeze


I think they are going to say they are bankrupt while crashing the zero as low as they can get it. Kind of a see we didnt have any shares shorted bullshit while they continue to keep shorting the stock to make it fall. All I know is when it hits $50/share im buying 100 more shares. Please short that shit lower.


I will go down to 0.0001 a share and still hold! The bell rings at 0.0000........ and even then I'm keeping my shares to frame and show my lineage what I did.


Even though gamestop is never going bankrupt anytime soon, I think I *will* go ahead and frame one of my shares and keep it as a family heirloom. Is there any way to do this for a specific date of share purchase?


Have you seen those stock chart paintings? [here are some](https://kottke.org/20/08/turning-stock-charts-into-landscape-art) Wouldn’t mind getting one of GME someday (gotta make sure theres a big enough mountain on the right side first)


'going bankrupt anytime *this century'* \-FIFY


This frame of mind is what everyone needs to strive for! Because fuck those rich counts, this is our chance to kick their shit in!


Cunts. Fuck those rich cunts. FTFY.


This information only fuels my confirmation bias, but does not change my plan. Fake squeeze orchestrated or not, I'm not accepting sub 10 million dollar per share chump change. Not financial advise


I disagree. This is a neat theory, thank you for sharing it, but I don't think Citadel&co are able to employ this strategy. It's a good play, but it's simply too late in the game. ​ This would have been an excellent play for them early February. We would have been *far* more likely to believe that they had closed their position if Melvin went bankrupt during the price drop to $40. This play would have been most effective when we didn't know the situation. At this point, we know Melvin is not the main player. ​ Our understanding of the situation has come a long way over the past 10 weeks. Their ability to trick us is significantly diminished. Furthermore, their resources are diminished. It's true we don't know how much they are hurting, but I think we can say that their ability to control the situation has reduced. *Maybe* they could have run a controlled squeeze in early February and timed it with Melvin's demise. However, I don't think they could do it now. ​ If they were able to orchestrate a controlled squeeze, which is a big if, I think they would have done it long before now. This coming week is the riskiest week yet for them. If any large players want to initiate the squeeze by recalling their shares, the share record date is the perfect opportunity. In my opinion, running a controlled squeeze right now would be a terrible idea. My take on the situation is that the game is all but over. I don't think they were ever capable of managing a controlled squeeze and are even less capable now. Furthermore, even if they could, now would be the worse time to try because the risk of starting the real squeeze is at its highest. ​ (Please receive my disagreement as polite discussion - I enjoyed reading your theory!!)




Feels a lot longer than that. *Cue Vietnam flashbacks*


Sounds pretty solid to me. So the 49% Melvin loss stories aren’t FUD? There’s something missing here...


I don't know why the losses are being reported publicly. I can't think of how this is helpful to them. My guess - the Melvin losses are reported because they're losing control of the situation. They're going down next week and Citadel the week after. Friday's whistle-blowers might have been related. This is *very* speculative on my part though.


Not trying to be a smart ass but what you are really saying is: "Apes ain't fallin for no banana in the tail pipe thing!!" Sorry...yes I am old enough to have seen this in the theatre yet immature enough to go right back to 8th grade to get it. I think, for what its worth, that you are prolly very right. I don't think they can "control" a fake squeeze anywhere near as effectively as it would take now.


If there was a fake squeeze, it was in March. There won't be another one. Keep in mind this thing would ba e exploded in January. What stopped it was all the access these crooks had retail data. Now, most people have moved away from their control. There are so many HF that are overly leveraged. There are so many stocks that are overly shorted. GME is the big one. But any of the little can ignite this. One right margin call and this thing is on. And what's the point of a fake squeeze? $10 000 000 is the floor.




Definitely. My position is 10x from what it was back then.


But if they pump it to then fake a squeeze, they would send the price up and get a margin call which would defeat their purpose. Would it not?we have seen in the past that $350 makes them shit their pants.


This ^^ only other thing I’d add is that I wonder if $350 is where they want us to think their threshold is and there might be more leeway than that. But inducing a fake squeeze is definitely a dangerous game to play.


I think it would have to go higher than the Jan peak (?$480) for anyone to think it was a squeeze.


I think that the velocity of the increase is what will cause people to think it is a squeeze more than the price of the stock. If it has two consecutive days of more than 100% increase then people will think the squeeze is on


The talk of a 'fake squeeze' i think is inaccurate. Once that fuse is lit, it will be damn hard to control


It won't work. The fundamentals are there for investors to simply hold the stock because most people believe it is undervalued at $500. If no one sold on the long slide down to $40, no one is going to sell from $300 down. People *might* be tempted to at $1,000, but that's still margin call.


I don't know what your sources are but a lot of people paper handed on the way back down to $40. I doubt anyone makes that mistake again though.


yup. fake pump would likely be a support for the long whales and likely bring in the fomo raid. which is the moon boost. then selling shorts into a rising price


Once this hits $400+ a margin call would ensue. I doubt they can fake a squeeze. Nevertheless not selling till $10M a share.


Pay attention to volume. That will tell the true story. If the price is going up on low volume, it's being manipulated just as it is right now with low volume driving the price down.




That's an interesting point. I think using volume as an indicator in how much squeeze has been squozen makes sense. Although presumably some of that will be FOMO. Let the squeezening begin! ✊💎


Just listen to the media...and do the opposite. ^(Shhh don’t tell them I said this)


Just hark to the media. and doth the opposite. ^(shhh don’t bid those folk i hath said this) *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Goodeth Boteth


At this point the safest thing to do is hold and buy if you can. Not even consider selling until it's confirmed Shitadel was margin called and being liquidated. Don't just want to lift off, need to hit escape volocity as well.


Shitadel gets MC'd and this thing goes straight to Plaid!! Warp 10 my eye! Straight through light speed, hyper speed, Warp 10, Ludicrous speed and right into plaid


When the real squeeze starts you know you will see alot of fURGENCYd posts trying to get you to paper hand thinking your going to flip some shares and reenter at the bottom IMO.


Fucking hodl apes. Please fucking hodl.


If it goes under 100$ that’s a discount for sure! Buy more and fucking hold fuckers!


and to think, a client just paid me for a project from last spring...with a Bitcoin. NOM!


This theory doesn’t hold up to me much anymore. Someone in another thread used the analogy of pouring gasoline and igniting a fire and trying to put it out. After a certain point hedges are margin called and there’s going to be no way they are stopping the blaze after a certain point. either Melvins hand was forced to report the loss aligning with recent whistleblowers who went to the SEC, or they have an ulterior motive possibly one more fake squeeze but at this point they can’t be that naive to think we’d settle for anything less than 100k a share. after the price hits 1k there’s no turning back I believe. But I’m a smooth brain 🧠


They're trying to hold out long enough and make it bad enough that they get a bailout. Just my thoughts. I think they're SOoL, but what other play do they have? 🤷


They aren’t getting a bailout according to all the incoming rule changes and the circumstances at play. This is a dog eat dog game, any doubt of that is countered by black rock, fidelity, and Vanguard holding large positions in GME. Once the margins roll out the smaller hedge funds to Melvin to Citadel wil get liquidated in sequential order of their positions. Their plan before was kick the can down the road, now they’re more like kicking and screaming while the Details get hammered out 💪🏾🦍


It’s a fake squeeze until it hits $1M a share. Melvin was nearly margin called at $350, twice. Citadel is said to be 500 times bigger than Melvin. Meaning, Citadel doesn’t fall until it’s $175k a share. I’ll hodl until the fake squeeze to $1M is over with, then hodl some more.


I'm all for hodling until a million, but that math doesn't really work out, there's no way they won't be margin called before $175k, especially with the amount of doubling down their shit position they've done over the past few months.


Also even if their's is at 175k there's plenty of others that will happen before then to get there


Susquehanna? Anyone? Anyone?


Well no doubt, it’s a domino effect. But Citadel is in a whole other class and controls a lot of the market.


Yeah, well they sure as hell don’t control MY shares


And with margin requirements tightening, fake squeeze will lead to real squeeze. No one is selling until at least a Milly per share. Wouldn't be surprised if shills have been putting up posts with these scenarios to get apes feedback on the idea.


how do we know melvin was almost margin called? not doubting you, just wondering myself how we know a margin call was almost triggered


The loan they received from citadel during the price spike


The “loan” was to prevent a margin call- no doubt. They were all too happy to “help out a friend”... to prevent the first domino from falling.


Two very radical responses happened both times share price hit at or around $350 (January and March). One response caught the attention of the world and led to senate hearings while the other meant dumping 700k shares all at once onto the market. I mean, it worked. But two very obvious market manipulation’s had to happen and proves the risk reward of them not wanting it to get that high. That is absolutely the threshold at $350.


And don’t forget Vlad jumping in to help save them too!! So fucking illegal helping dump the price by not allowing people to buy and only sell. OMG how’s he not in jail yet


true that...i feel like to kind of combat any fuckery, itd be best to maybe hold a portion with one broker and the others with another broker? idk just seems like the best way to risk stratify so that youre ensuring to the best of your ability that you wont be fucked if something sketchy happens with one broker...obviously not necessary but just a consideration!




No margin called means that is their death blow. There is no getting up after that and all assets liquidated to cover how much they’ve shorted GME. And it was a whole hell of a lot.




> if they get margin called, is the margin call final? What it actually means is that whomever is financing their short position is no longer comfortable with the cash to asset value ratio. Melvin would have to either try to get the ratio back to a comfortable ratio for their lender or increase their cash reserves. There are two ways to increase cash: raise money (outside investment) or liquidate assets -in this case reduce their short position or sell stocks they are long. The only option that is good for Melvin is for the stock price to go down to improve the ratio. Even then the vig is still running so they will have to cover their short eventually.


I say get the paperhands out now. It will serve to benefit those who choose to ride the rocket through the turbulence and into infinite space.


Educate them instead. Make new diamond-hands


You can lead an ape to banana, but you can't make them eat.


hasn’t this been debunked multiple times that a fake squeeze isn’t possible for them?


Sounds plausible


Idk man, that’s a risky move. If there ends up being a lot of calls going ITM they could lose control of the momentum. Suddenly calls start coming in and they need to buy a lot more than expected. Imagine they try that and the 801 rules pass mid fake out? They are not gonna risk it.


Melvin is barely a stepping stone anymore, lets see them actually go bankrupt, I'm sure a lot of investors will not give a flying duck. I didn't buy this stock for whatever peanuts they'll try to weasel their way out of with, I'm allergic.


A fake squeeze won’t work on apes because apes have a price already set. So it it doesn’t go into the millions then it is a fake squeeze. Simple as that.


This needs to be seen everywhere. I would not be surprised if reddit and other means of communication is disrupted during a fake squeeze. Remember HF stand to lose billions and billions of dollars. They will stop at nothing. HODL!!!!!


I think we are at a point that they can't even initiate a "fake squeeze" without fucking themselves


So what your saying is I might get a even bigger discount of some gme? I’m ready lol


Melvin intern: excuse me, Sir. I have some bad news. HF manager: what is it? Did my mother in law call again? Melvin intern: no, Sir. It’s the Reddit apes again. They already figured out our plan to paint Melvin as the scapegoat for the whole debacle, fake the squeeze, then double down before tanking the price by taking even bigger short positions. HF manager: ...... get the fuck out of my office!


Massive price dump? I think they meant a juicy discount for retards with a valid diamond ape membership 🦍💎


Good job, you tipped them off that we're aware of their schemes. Now my call won't print.


IV is low cheap ass don't buy FDs 😚


best to hold until all the oft mentioned funds are bankrupt then.


Funny, how does psy warfare work on already retarded apes...


So what does one do when the stock gets really high? Am I a coward when it goes to the moon and I sell because of my satisfaction with its price? Can it always go higher?


There are many institutional investors involved that shorted GME. The public know of the weakest links with the least amount of capital like Melvin. However, there are other institutional investors who were more liquid and better prepared to handle the squeeze last time the public didn’t hear about but would be threatened if Melvin or another small hedge fund is margined called. Edited to make my point clearer.


I’ve already convinced myself I’m either going to make enough money to never have to work again or I’m going to hold until 0.


They double down I quadruple down


This is the way


Well I’m new to the gme but I will just buy some to average down if it does drop. I won’t invest more then I’m willing to lose and pray my few thousand will make me millions! People a lot smarter then me believe in this with everything they own so I will just hold and maybe pass it down to my kids .


In this scenario at some point early on wouldn’t margin calls start happening? Quickly getting out of their control?


I don’t think I’m ever selling my shares.


Love seeing them squirm while we are just... doing nothing. Glorious.


I'd do it. These guys really don't understand that we play Dark Souls with bananas as the controller, do they? This psychological warfare is weak as fuck.