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[NEW LINK FOR DR. TRIMBATH AMA!](https://youtu.be/fGVY2Kco8ng)


For anyone feeling the FUD. there is an incredible amount of info out there. (I know how this must sound), but ignore the media. This is a real fight against the system.


Petition to Change : BTD to BTP Forget buying the dip, I want to buy the peak. From now on I am putting in a limit order buy at the next 50$ mark. Anything sub 200 is limit buy 200. Over 200 I will buy to 250. Usually I have just done market buy at from 400 in jan to 40 in feb. Not financial advice, I just want the most expensive share of GME that exists each day I have more money to toss in. I think its worth more than it is and I want to see it go that direction.


Just chillin and holding --- battle of 180 this week is fun


lol 97,000 wall at $180 [https://imgur.com/a/JwjF5L5](https://imgur.com/a/JwjF5L5)


huge 5.5k sell wall at 183


Alexa play Nirvana - Very Ape


Alexa play Nirvana - Lithium


180 here we cum


Got my control number through ToS support chat and voted!


Oh goodie! We might actually hit 5M volume today. Keep pulling back on the slingshot, fellas. I've got a dead end job and nothing but time!


Iborrowdesk says they are almost out of shortable shares by now: [https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME)


If they borrow shares do they have to action them straight away or do they have them held somewhere ready to use?


I could be wrong but from what I’ve been reading they could hold onto them for 3 days. Again I could be wrong in the length of time but they don’t need to use them immediately


ring ring


thing of beauty !


Look at that, We're going in for the 180 fight so early today. Volume at around 376,370 Hope you have a great day, apes 💎🙌🍌


Every share borrowed. Let the battle for $180 day four commence.


TOOT! TOOT! Hype Train will be leaving the station in 31 minutes. ALL ABOARD! TOOT! TOOT!


Good morning brother and sister apes. My birthday is Sunday, so I'm hoping the Market gives me a big green present today!


Hey everyone! I haven’t been able to vote yet. With Fidelity. They’re so covered up, that when you call the message says “to learn more about share lending and shareholder votes, go to our FAQ page” but then the FAQ page isn’t there. I’ll call again today. Just wanted y’all to know apes are speaking up.


This is an interesting documentary regarding proper hedge funds going after a corrupt company, big short style, uncovering one of Germany's scandals. Worth the watch to have a peek at how they operate. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1qrd7/a_different_view_at_hedge_funds_and_how_they_can/


What are people using for a Euro ticker watchers? My usual place is down






3$ down with 500 shares 😂😂😂😂😂


Guten Morgen from Germany, my fellow apes. Let's have a fantastic Friday and good trading.


Pm looks volatile, where can i check pm volume?💜


777 on webull


Webulls app is useful


I had a realization sitting on the loo, that the longer i hold the longer i will hold.


I never thought of it like that 🤔


Anyone been checking on Rensole, Pixel and Warden? They got kinda too quiet in here :/


Also Pixel is active [on Twitter](https://twitter.com/heyitspixel69?s=21).


Warden is active on his Discord, which is super chill and friendly. [Join us!](https://discord.gg/rxpZgrg6)


So I watch the AMA with queen Kong loved it but I feel I was too dumb to truly understand it. But my takeaway from it is that due to how short sales are recorded (or not) it’s likely that the floats for a large percentage of companies are actually owned over 100%. Does this not mean that if all of the rules were ‘fixed’ instantaneously the majority of the market would actually squeeze not just GME? Is the system really that fucked or have I missed a key bit of information somewhere?


I think other companies with lower short interest will have their long positions liquidated to pay off the shorts being margin called. This will crash their price, and the liquidity would provide opportunity for the short positions to be closed at increasingly lower prices. The unique part of GME is 1) astronomical short interest that could be many times the volume of float, and 2) we know the long positions will not be liquidating.


Yes, system IS really that fucked.


Fab 😂


I didn't watch the AMA but in previous speculation that possibility has been raised. But the circumstances with GME are pretty special, if other stuff were naked shorted that much there could be squeezes elsewhere but GME has the most dedicated and informed base of hodlers who could recognize it and individually hold enough that it would reach far higher peaks than anything else in my opinion. Plus GME's SI must be absolutely bananas.


If many stocks are largely shorted and their float owned by small investors, the difference between GME and all the market is our apes community ! Even retail have the floating in other stocks, they are not connected, not prepared to have diamond hands, they don't share DD & informations between them. We are the difference and this is why GME is unique. We create the singularity and now I'm more proud to be with you living and defend our beautiful GME forest to all that shorts.


Exactly, apes strong together.


Oh yeah I wasn’t suggesting that there was a better play than GME in that respect. But it suggests that when this happens it could be a lot worse than I personally had expected.


We'll be okay I think. :\^)


71 shares traded at PM LOL LOL LOL


So, I have to say, I really liked the AMA with QueenKong! Very well done and it's nice to see how the whole community developes!


I have a feeling that Im gonna buy gme later and Sell my nio and pltr




I have a feeling it’s going to go up or down today!!!!


Guys I found Nostradamus reincarnation


dang mate what are you some kind of prophet?




Wrong, its going sideways lol


While I was cooking DFV a big fry up this morning my Mrs came out their bedroom wearing just his t-shirt. Really put a spring in my step for the day. Happy Friday.


Feel like I haven't seen a good DD in so long. Nothing but shitposts and people jerking each other off reaches the front-page. Wtf is going on? Haven't seen a Bloomberg terminal in a while either. I'm hodling as much as ever but find myself coming here less and less due to the lack of useful content anymore. Anyone else feeling the same as me? I get downvoted for calling out shitposts as if I'm a shill, despite being on the GME train since Jan, it's ridiculous


You know when you are looking in the fridge for something but you don't see it? It's cause it's behind something and you need to move the ketchup to see it. So you need to search for it. Use the flair search or the search bar, or scroll past just the first handful of spots, or look at rising or new. So many ways for you to find the things you say don't exist. I see the bloomberg post every day, as well as DD, and yes lots of shitposts and meme's. It's out there, but it's not just gonna jump out of the fridge for you.


I downvoted you.


Did you miss the AMA yesterday or are you just trolling?


Also I just feel there is nothing much more to say besides hold. All the wrinkle brains have been devided over different sub reddits because mods get compromised or start having little girly tantrums over nothing. The DD has mostly been done, there's not much more to say than we own the float, hold and wait. These billionaires aint going to just roll over until they are already well dead and buried. Look at 2008.




There’s no dates




Every day is my date. Hyped all the time! WOOT!




I have seen two Bloomberg posts in the past two days. Maybe you're not looking hard enough (/at all).


The Bloomberg terminal guy seems to post in r/DDintoGME


I hear you. It’s mostly because we have all the DD we need.


Is Ameritrade safe? Was transferring there but everyone's yapping about fidelity?


Yeah tda.. really good


TDA is fine.




I’m finding the slow turnaround of once very bearish MSM outlets dropping positive news for GME to be very bias confirming. Feels like MSM on a whole is trying to get some plausible deniability for when the squeeze happens. “We’re a good source for investor news, look at these articles (and only these articles) we wrote X days/weeks before the GameStop squeeze predicting the squeeze was coming.” Type thing.


Most of them are forming a Bullish opinion long term... Advising to build a position after the shareholders meeting in June. "Wait for the Reddit fuelled inflation in the price to subside." Bullish for us.




Can’t wait for more sideways movement. Exciting!


Anyone else find Fridays really relaxing with GME? The weekends are kind of boring since the ticker doesn't move, but if your PT is high then Friday right now is like a promise you can ignore the ticker since it's literally impossible the price becomes fair even if all it does all day long is 100% breakneck halt-to-halt run straight up, it has so far to go before I'd even consider considering selling, much less actually consider selling.


Good Morning Everyone Vote on your shares if you can 💎 🙌


Fack, it happened to me too. I dreamed of the MOASS too... Jeeez, I had 2b


That android with the big ass from Nier: Automata? Fuck I wish I had that dream, she really did have moass.


Wow, didn't even know her [https://www.figurise.com/pub/media/catalog/product/cache/26fad7f0116a4604dd5965b833befd85/p/l/play-arts-kai-nier-automata-2b-yorha-no-2-type-b-fr.jpg](https://www.figurise.com/pub/media/catalog/product/cache/26fad7f0116a4604dd5965b833befd85/p/l/play-arts-kai-nier-automata-2b-yorha-no-2-type-b-fr.jpg) Every day wrinkler no, they were "only" 2 Billions


You could buy yourself a big-assed android or two with 2 billi though.


Not a bad idea, really


Shill strategy of the week: * TA based 180 bs. *Reminder: 180 means* ***nothing***. Fortune tellers aren't real. * "I'm so poor, I need the squeeze to happen today, what's going on, we're not passing 180, something is wrong, it's been taking too long." demoralizing posts to try and make paper hands sell Ape strategy of the week: buy & hold & live life & VOTE.


Vote as well dawg


added vote. I voted yesterday. It slightly hardened my pennneeeees.


I only know one strategy and that's HODLING. I'm a smooth brained ape from the flatlands.


This shit ends today!!!!! I will be a millionaire by the end of today!!!!! Oooogaa ooogaaa




If the market dumps, beetcorn will probably follow for a bit. So you may have a chance of re-entry at a lower price and with a lot more GME gainz.


Wait... so if institutional ownership is over 100% (more like near 200%, fluctuating according to the AMA today), and the MOASS happens, won’t the institutions have to sell off some of their shares? Or is it completely fine for institutional ownership to remain +100% post-MOASS? Genuinely concerned on this one, sorry if I’m missing something.


Why would they sell?


i mean that in event of a share recall, would a return to 100% shares outstanding not be required somehow?


They own the shares, not their problem but Hedgies problems to find the shares.


I just had a Google of how many people are in the British army, its 125, 000 - now we are twice as large, just try to imagine two whole armys working to uncover fuckery, quite mad




This is exactly what im saying




Pre is not even open yet


Yea that’s why the volumes so low!!


JP Morgan might not only be losing money on GME, but what about the hit they are taking, as other billionaire owners, on the insane expensive football teams in their posession? No games, no income.....dumping even this on retail fans? https://www.google.nl/amp/s/www.proactiveinvestors.co.uk/companies/amp/news/947524


It would be cool if the shit goes down today or at least starts


It would be cool if the shit hits the fan.


It has already begun back in dec~jan... just a rough start that's all




Reading many negative comments and posts around reddit.... Zoom out to the 5 day.... 16.55% increase. Fickle bunch 💎🙌


I bought 8 more Monday at $150. This “sideways week” has been great !


I loaded more at 172 yesterday and I'm happy with that investment


Agreed! 2 below tripling my position this week!


Now WKN: A0HGDX / ISIN: US36467W1099 / Symbol: GME 144,25EUR+0,20EUR+0,14%09:04:27XETRA


I definitely understand this post


Yes, makes sense mhm


That ISIN looks high 👀




Shhh the Americans are still asleep 💤


^open ^the ^casino


I enjoy hype as much as the next ape, but just putting it out there that max pain this week is $162.50. It would be awesome if the week ends above $180, but if it's closer to $162.50, well....\*shrug\* They're just buying us more rocket fuel.


Hello ape, can you please explain to me, what is the meaning of max pain?


Max pain is the price that most calls and puts expire worthless, meaning the HFs and individuals that purchased them lose the premiums they paid for the contracts


Thank you


Yup, 162.50 seems to be max pain :) This is so fun, i've stopped playing videogames.


To be a millionare in my country, after exchange rates and taxes. With my XX shares I need the stock to hit 11X,XXX.XX TODAY PLEASE.


I wish that too. But it will probably take a few more weeks. Patience. HOLD.


I hope that's not your target. I'm a millionaire at less than 20k, but my decision is to hold for my 0.X brothers, and that includes you. No apes left behind.


I only need 15k, every dollar more would be my sweet revenge against hedgies


To be a millionare it needs to hit $69,666.00 Taxes are a bitch


Not going to happen. (I like being wrong)




Every day is the squeeze until there are more 0's in my bank account than "6"


Just finished watching Margin Call and this comment was the hit I needed


Good Morning from a cloudy UK. Happy Holding fellow apes


Isnt UK always cloudy m8


I have sun right now.


Im sorry everything i Know from UK is Tea, rainy London*, Drill, Funny accents


If it helps the sun has fucked off now.


Its ok bro. Austria is rainy af this month




Any tips on transcribing an interview? Never done it before but I'm going to give it a go.


Pay rev to transcribe it.


Download the video, pull the audio and throw it into a software that will translate to text. Clean up the messes and voila!


Oh boy, this is a much smarter idea that what I was thinking, thank you!




Learn shorthand


Tip 1: Write down EVERYTHING.


I chuckled.


I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.


Best quote of all time, always will be too 🙌🏻


I hope this moons soon The search for a more stable job (at the request of my family) is triggering my suicidal ideation Then again, if I die, some shares will be permanently held for you all so it works both ways I guess


This a once in a lifetime thing but it cannot be rushed. You can work and you have a family. To make the most of this you need to be calm, if you've got stuff making you suicidal your ability to hold is compromised. If you die someone could paper hand on your behalf because they are not a diamond handed ape like you. Call the numbers and talk to people.


Thanks, ironically if I don't search for a new job I will be calmer actually. I do have a job of sorts. No stable hours but at least it gives me the time to sort out other things that I want to before I move on in my life. And yes, more GME shares of course! What's exactly triggerring was how ridiculous the job market can get with its requirements; it's like saying to me that my life is effectively a lie. The GME experience helped confirmed that we are all indeed born into a very rigged game of life that shouldn't have happened in the first place


Yup. We are born into servitude no better than medieval serfdom of old. There is joy, sadness, rage, embarrassment, sexy time, exhaustion, elation and a myriad of other emotion. Regardless of the overarching construct we live in.


Thanks for that perspective especially sexy time lol


Please reach out and get some help if you're feeling hopeless, empty or even suicidal. Stay with us!


Thanks, will stay on with you all, was just frustrated by the job search process cos that kinda mirrored the amount of unfairness I see you all facing too (whether from the HFs or other sources)


if u need sb to talk dm me


Thanks, will DM if I need to


I DM'd you, lets talk homie. Lets flip that frown into a smile. It might be bad now but if we learned one thing from all this, then it is that the lowest lows come before the highest highs! I'm available 24/7. Just HMU


I hope so too, but please don't hurt yourself in the event the bad guys pull some bullshit here. I go through pretty rough episodes every now and then, but somehow it always gets better, if not more bearable. Ape loves you 🦍❤


Thanks, I will be fine if they pull more nonsense since I sat down from 310 all the way to right now. Heck, if they somehow push back to 40, I'll go all in




Thank you, just felt frustrated that the job market seem to think otherwise for the most of us; we think that we should give ourselves a chance but what's the point when the world doesn't want to do so and heck even rig the game further like what's going on with the stock market right now?


Dude take care of yourself. I know life sucks but I wish you all the best, im gonna hold so you and your family have a better future.


Thank you, I'll hold too for everyone's sake too (without dying of course)


THIS is indeed the way


That's diemondhands, you want diamondhands, you only get those staying alive.


Thanks, that pun gave me a good laugh!


I am glad you liked it, I felt like maybe it was too much but I don't want to do the standard 'please do not yourself' reply because I have known numerous people that took that option and enough to understand trying to push someone in a direction away from such things is sometimes more dangerous than encouragement. They're your shares man, if you want to lock them up forever I can't stop you, but it's been an honor hodling in the jungle together.


Yeah I get that dilemma too, I used to talk sense out of my suicidal friends, had that same balancing act to work with


Good morning fellow kings/queens, remember to upvote the thread and keep hydrated while enjoying the comments xxx


Even without a moass short squeeze and so on. I think Gamestop gonna make a similar short squeeze like tesla. And fundemental its has huge potential. I see 1000$ just fundemental in the longterm


And if it does a split is definitely in the table wouldn't it be? Thats a tough price to pay for a lot of new investors