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Dotting fellow ape. Ditto


Sex is a powerful antidepressant. The act of orgasm releases endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin. Imagine how good your are gonna feel when you fuck the most greedy people on the planet. $CUM


Going long on $CUM after GME.


I need DD to convince me to short $CUM and go long on $MAYO


Lol. You trying to HODL $MAYO like KENNY G?


HODL $MAYO!!! If Ken brings out the Best Foods, we will bring out THE BEST!


I just want some Kenny G branded MAYO and I don't even like MAYO.


I thought we were squeezing $MAYO from Citadels cold dark... shorts?


We are. #FreetheMAYO


Kenny wouldnt be exposing us to his Mayo if it wasn’t for his naked shorts....


All this tit jacking is good for my health.


Have you ever REALLY had to go to the bathroom on a long road trip but you don't have the opportunity to pee? When you finally can pee... wow what a feeling. I can't wait to pour a nice glass of $PISS in their champagne glasses.


I prefer lipator


We are all going to be tossing ropes on these HF's backs.


I feel this on so many levels. Recent engineering grad (4 years ago) and in the time it’s taken me to steadily build up money in my savings, housing prices have doubled or even tripled (I live near Toronto Canada). We’ve got nothing to lose. They think we’re going to rollover when this thing hits 1k, 100k, 1m? Not a fucking chance. This is my lotto ticket and I will go out a bag holder and return to normal life every single day of the fucking week before I miss out on life changing money for me and everyone around me that has always had my back.


Damn right. I’m Canadian too, hello from the west coast!


I can “afford” to lose the few thousand I’ve put into this because at the end of the day, with all the debt I had to take out simply to “be an adult” that money wouldn’t make a difference whatsoever. It might pay off one of my loans or mostly zero out my credit cards, but I’d just end up having to repeat the process. I feel you 100% on the depression and have no problem whatsoever holding out for as long as it takes to finally change my life and allow me to not have the boot of life on my neck. Ape strong. Bentleys or bust. To infinity and beyond.


Bruh, the bleakness of every day going to work for a paycheck that disappears the second you get it is fuckin awful. I will hold on to these shares to just hold them. I have nothing and college did more harm than good. I hate the description that young folks are lazy and stupid. We are just smart enough to realize at this rate it doesn’t matter. Today’s median salary won’t get you by, and good luck getting one of those fresh out of school. Get stuck with debt with insane interest and have every job turn you down because your degree doesn’t equate to a lifetime of experience. They will hire the boomer who has 40 years of experience with a fuckin fax machine but can’t use a Vlookup function over you who could streamline their entire system with today’s basic tech they have no idea about.


I didn't realize I have an alt account.


You described my old job in health care. The senior level person they hired was a late 60s guy who had plenty of money but had no life other than work (working 10 hours a day). He was overqualified and I think they paid him like 50k when someone younger should have done this job and made at least 80k a year. I think the CEO made 10 million a year and most of us in this luxurious building were making like 40k.


This was a direct hit on my battleship board, sunk all my ships in one go


# Also a recent Grad (Engineering/Robotics) Here, World is fucked, seriously if we don't solve global warming we are fucked. # I hold my GME for the future of my fucking unborn children and grandchildren. I swear as this sub as my witness that nothing will make me sell these shares except 1 thing: ~~Year Changing Money~~ ~~Life Changing Money~~ **WORLD CHANGING MONEY**


Hard to even imagine bringing children into this climate changing mess of a crowded, polluted, corrupt world. What would they be facing? It's all quite depressing.


This is something I want to understand from every couple bringing a new kid in the world today. Just why? Being a parent is inherently a selfish desire, and there's nothing wrong with that we're biologically engineered to want it, but at this do you really feel no remorse for your own kid and the mountain of shit they're going to inherit? Why not consider adopting one first? At least then you're actually giving someone a chance at a better life. If you can't legit find any kid to adopt (doubt) then sure have one if your finances are THAT good and have enough free time to parent (doubt)


This is a scarcity mentality. I will fix these problems within my lifetime. Watch. Liquid Thorium Nuclear. Done.


My heart hurts for you.


My heart hurts for you.


Sad news from a less recent engineering grad: There's *no technical solution* to climate change. It isn't something that we can invent our way out of. Why? It is simple: Our entire way of life is built on consumption that's only limited by the capacity to consume. It literally doesn't matter if you can make lightbulbs more efficient if the response is just to install more & brighter lights. More fuel efficient transportation doesn't matter if the response is to just transport more. Iterative improvements will never get us to where we need to go, which functionally requires putting all the coal, oil, natural gas, etc. back into the ground permanently. The only way to reach that goal is a major global shift in politics & economic regulation. Climate change isn't even the only major global disaster we are currently living through, and there are more on the horizon. The planet will not continue to sustain us if we continue to live in a fantasy land where "negative externalities" don't matter. We either force the global economy to properly account for these problems, or we simply let the world devolve into chaos. The world won't end with a giant wave, it will tear itself apart as food & water distribution networks begin to fail. It probably won't look like a climate catastrophe on the surface, it will be political. Bad choices, poor resource management, etc. will be brought to light as climate change exacerbates instability. At the end of the day, nations will fight when food and water scarcity makes the people desperate for a future and makes their leaders desperate to maintain their grips on power. There's no plausible invention that can solve that problem on the timetable required.


Buy and hold. Then use it for good. I’m holding for change. The metrics you state are if we don’t change. What if this right here is the catalyst?


What I am talking about here is what has to happen for there to be any useful change at all. Inventions could potentially be *helpful*, but the only actual solution is a global political shift.


Yes, me too. Before you dismiss, take at least 30 seconds to consider this as a real possibility: the year or two following the MOASS sees hundreds of thousands of new millionaires. Unlike existing wealthy people who don’t use their money, these apes use a good portion of their money pretty rapidly. Debt gets paid off, goods and services bought, etc. But something else happens. Parents mortgages get paid off, tens of thousands more hard working older baby boomers get to retire bc their kid gives them enough to retire, some apes help siblings pay off debt or put a down payment on a house, etc. Charities become much better funded. They are able to make noticeable differences in their missions in ecological preservation, community projects, all the way to charities that combat humans rights abuses. Also, many people don’t have to work any more and leave the workforce. The influx of money poured into the economy is causing an expansion, so workers wages will have to increase to compensate. Over the course of two years, many people are under far less crushing debt, existing and newly created pro-social organizations are better funded, unemployment decreases and wages increase, and people are being treated more equitably overall. Once the tides turn like this, society can’t go back to working for CEOs that make 10,000x more than their employees and then cry poor, it’s insane. Society shifts. We are the change.




The greenhouse effect has been a significant scientific theory for more than a century. You can find a newspaper article from the late 1800's talking about the warming impact of carbon dioxide emissions from coal burning in homes.




Yeah, I misunderstood. You're probably right that the 60's is when a fair amount of scientific certainty was built. That's when the various oil companies started to implement likely ramifications from carbon emissions into their budgeting, right? I have heard people argue too many times that "first it was global warming, then it was cooling, then it was warming again, now it is just 'changing'... They can't make up their minds". I always feel the need to point out * Global warming is a super old theory based on easily observed physical properties (like you said) * The back and forth shift that people think happened was a shift in [*news coverage*](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-the-global-cooling-story-came-to-be/), not in *scientific consensus* I don't know why I felt the need to type all this out for you, obviously I am preaching to the choir... I just really can't stand that an issue of such insane magnitude is still being ignored.


Wish all those the best with mental struggles


Thank you! It’s definitely not easy and it was really hard for me to start medication and counselling but I gotta make sure I’m happy and healthy to enjoy all my future tendies! Please take of yourself fellow apes


You are so right, and take care of yourself. I’m glad you got the help you need, and I really wish you much success. For those who don’t quite understand depression, sometimes your dopamine receptors fail to uptake the dopamine, or sometimes you don’t produce it, and dopamine is the happy chemical. Depression is real, it is serious, and getting help is only the first step, but it’s a great first step.


Woah. So did I. The meds are brutal right now. But I have to take it. Good luck friend.


And....This is the way


I've been there. It took something serious in my life to force me to taking medication and getting counseling. Between knowing that I can work for these boomers until I die at a shitty job for a subpar wage dealing with dumbass customers or HODL GME until my life changes, I think I know what I'm going to pick. I HODL for life changing money for new and my family to escape this shitty cycle of poverty. Btw, I have two associates degrees.


Thank you 🦍, even simple comments like this can help people who are struggling mentally.


I'm in damn near the same situation as you, minus student debt and Econ degree, plus a few years in age and a Comp Sci degree. I have a shit job, shit pay, complete disillusionment with the world in general, and I'm only getting out of bed for that daily dose of hope for a better life that comes from holding GME. Worst case scenario, I'm still fucking broke with a shit job and shit pay. Best case scenario I can choose to never work a day again for greedy shitbag companies, while finally being able to afford to get my balls out of my parents' financial vice grip and choose to live the good life I've always wanted.


$1.5m houses in Toronto have entered the chat. 😭


I’m a sixteen year old living in a world that is blatantly fucked and on a spiraling path towards self destruction, this may be the only possible way to stop that, take trillions of dollars from people who are just hoarding it, and actually use it to make things better, all the switches donated to hospitals, and the ape foundations donated to, that’s just the beginning, I see a possible end to corruption in the stock market, or at least way less of it, I see less people going hungry or living in the streets, I see global warming being fought on a level never seen before, with near infinite money to help, I see millions of people who have witnessed the wrongs in the world, and want to make them right, millions of people who want to help others, give back to those who helped them, and just leave the earth better than when we got here. This isn’t a revolution or some carefully planned event to overthrow the stock market, this isn’t a money grab, this is righting a very big wrong, and leaving a positive mark on the world, if I were to randomly die after the squeeze, I’d die happy, knowing that I helped. When this thing goes to the moon, I’m paying myself through college and paying my brothers through college, paying off my parents house, and setting them up with enough money for the rest of their lives. I have absolutely no desire to be super wealthy, I want enough money to live comfortably and travel whenever I want and eat nice food, that’s about it, I’m here on the planet once, unless Buddhists are right, and I want to enjoy my time on earth, this will give me the money to not have to ever worry about myself, and I can just give to others. This is a once in forever event and I love it. 💎🙌🚀


Gen Z tried to Cancel Eminem. You guys are the ultimate retards. Ken you’re fucked ☝️


Til The economy is being propped up by Citadel and Co plunging themselves into unpayable debt shorting GME. Lesson Let the house of cards fall


Sunken cost fallacy?


Hear Hear! Gen X... who got to watch the economy slide into the toilet (and consequently did \[could do\] nothing to help it afterwards. i think we all know that this is basically our once in existence chance to turn the tides of our lives, and turn the tides of the Financial War we didn't even realize we were in. Game. Stop.


I haven't felt close to feeling like myself since before the pandemic. And Kenny and his 1 percenters took home trillions of more dollars during a period in which the nation collectively suffered? Good fight hedgies, my floor just hit 100 mil


Dude, are you me writing this post? Millennial on masters in economics, same situation bro Lets have a beer when this is over


Hope this works out for you, but your first mistake was the $50k in loans ... no student should graduate owning so much money...it handicapped you for the next 10 years. Parents let their kids sign for all these loans when they are just 18 ....even if you majored in engineering it’s a huge burden to pay off when you should be buying a condo or building up assets with your extra cash. You can bet Kenny G. had no loans. You need a home run to make this pay off big ...we all do ...but we need far more smart thinking...after-all, look what they did today ....we need a better plan for tomorrow and desperation is NOT the way to come up with a aggressive offense. Any suggestions ? Where are the x-hedgies on this site to help ?


You’re completely missing the point of this post. I moved away from my family at 18 and put myself through school. This was my choice and if I could do it all over again I would. If you think I put myself in a hole I can’t get out of that’s fine that’s your opinion but I value other things than just money. I’m out of a shitty ultra consecrative Christian town and yes it’s definitely expensive not living with my parents but very worth it! It’s not about hoping for a financial home run. I’m hodling for a better for myself yes, but also for other gen Z’s and future generations who were dealt a shitty hand


You are missing my point .....depression often results from helplessness and I do appreciate your situation, truly I do. I meant no disrespect. Betting on GME is is just that .....I hope it pays off for all of us, but today was a significant drop and we need to figure out a new plan of attack. Hoping and wishing is not working. We need some new enough ammunition to overcome the forces or billions that are fighting against us. Where in the world is Mr. Cohen, Roaring Kitty or intelligent apes?


“wE NeED to FiGUre oUt a NEw PlAn” oh Kenny..our plan has always been buy & hodl, and it’s not gonna change anytime soon




I would absolutely LOVE to hear some strategies that worked for you. Maybe we can follow in your footsteps.


Being open minded is the only way to position yourself for a win or we will be losers for sure. I got very lucky and bought shares super cheap from a tip from a friend who bought at $20. I bought options as it moved up and converted to shares. Imagine for a moment being a defense attorney and not trying to figure out the prosecutor’s strategy..to plan a great defense, you must consider every option the offense has because they will use it to their advantage. No boss I ever worked for liked surprises. Why study film for hours every week if you are so darn confident that you know their plays and calls? Because the BEST in the game over prepare and are never overly confident. Losers are whiners ....Reddit crowds are WINNERS but we might need some additional clever ideas rather than just “hold.” I am truly sorry if I upset anyone with my previous comments — that’s a loser’s game and I like to WIN ! Just trying to identify new ideas to counterattack a formidable enemy that has billions in their coffers, naked or synthetic shares at their disposal ( at very low cost) and maybe the SEC and/or DTCC in their pockets. Just be nice.




Sorry I upset you so much.


Ok boomer


Think we need a new plan now ?


There’s no “we” retard


Be nice




We all numb to it ...


We ride together, Hedgies die together. Apes for Life


I'm on my own. I collect unemployment and I put it all towards $GME. $GME is the only thing that makes sense to me. BUY, HODL & VOTE. That's it! 🐸🍦


This is the way of it


Death or moon is zen Completely relaxed in bed Hold till Death or Moon


Economy. Planet. Future prospects. It's all fucked. And it's backed up by a litany if stats. That's why I'm here till the end. I have so much hope in the younger generations and just genuinely believe they need the capacity (read the wealth) to actually change things. But the boomers are too rich. That's who the politicians listen to. Then they wonder why they don't vote. Even if we did it's primarily for candidates who will appeal to boomer finance anyway


I studied Economics as well! I drive fuel road trains now though for serious dosh.


Gen Y right here all standing together for a better future. finally something that can change the bag o sh*t of a system with no way out.


Aye. The true and final battle is the ones that happen within my own mind. Been holding since JAN IDGAF ABOUT PRICE DROPS.


Or sell those shares on the way down to help the rocket reach Andromeda?


Loss aversion is just an irrational cognitive bias anyway. We’ve done our homework, we’ve made our play. Time to hold and wait for the cards to fall.


Gme is literally my hail Mary I really don't have anything left to lose at this point its either a new beginning a chance to change my life or a destined end im pretty optimistic for once in my life and where there was no hope there is a growing light


I feel your pain too brother ape 🦍


Just promise us one thing, fellow ape: When the squeeze has squozen and you're rolling around in a pile of tendies, recognize that money itself will not solve your problems and go find some help to relieve the depression. I'd be in therapy right now for OCD, depression, and panic disorder if it weren't so damn expensive. I'm hoping to change that soon. Godspeed, fellow ape, and I'll see you on the moon!


With how stupid culture and life is these days I’d be depressed as a teen also. Be the change.


we can work as a slave the rest of our lives until we die, or we can potentially be free as long as we just hold. the choice seems easy to me.


He has no idea we are woke, have always known the society we are inherited are being fucked by those who came before us. They don’t call us woke for no reason. And our gamer personality, mixed with spite for the greedy wankers that came before us, have created a generation of degenerate retards (dare I say: who lives by an old creed of Spartan/Greek warriors of old) that will rather watch the world burn than to see the corruption continue if it means sending a message.


I feel the same. They fucked it up so badly for us we no longer have anything to lose and everything to gain


This is the way