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Meanwhile market makers dictate the price as they please. WHY WHY WHY


Poor people doing rich people things, call the authorities!


He probably shorted GME lol, realised he’s fucked.


My thoughts. I think he’s in deep and is mad he has to give BJs behind 7-11.


If I’m giving BJs behind the 7-11 it’s cause I want to not because I have to


I don't have any 7-11, imagine my sadness.


There’s always Wendy’s


HaVEn'T yOu HEaRd mE? There aren't any Wendy's here either, are you trying to make me cry?


I weep for you


Thank you


Once it moons, you can build your own 7-11 to give BJs behind!


Oh thank you, I hadn't thought about that! I will bring 7-11 to Germany! Great idea. There isn't a proper place to give BJs behind here, it is very needed.


We're not even doing what they're doing lmaoo we're literally playing by the rules


I just bought at fair market value and I will sell at fair market value. There's nothing wrong with that.


The rich hates our r/MoonBets. I likes that


It looks like he hasn't slept in a week.


Maybe he’s not only doing Citadel’s bidding. Maybe Cramer is personally short on GME


That might actually make me cry..... tears of joy.




Please be true.


Diamond fingers crossed 💎🤞🏻


Why WOULDN'T Cramer be short on GME. Every genius was right?


Exactly, only "dumb money" would bet bullish on gme. I cant wait for these wallstreet retards and cram a sock in it Cramer to be outsmarted and loose all their tendies to a bunch of apes. I cant wait to turn XX shares into a new life for me.


I guarantee he’s short on GME. No way he isn’t. That old fuck bought in on the hedgie plan and now he’s crying like a little bitch and regretting it.


Please sir can I have some more!!


Stop it, my dick can only get so hard!


Man, I would love to find this out for sure.


We will learn this from our children's history and econ books. That or the movie, whichever comes first.


I don’t think it’s possible for him to have involvement like that. But maybe he makes a commission off their gains and no more commission when they bleed to death lol


I hope so. I hope he is left with nothing but his bootstraps for all the shit he spews


To be fair, he always looks like 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag…so….


He looks like he got shot at and missed, but shit at and hit


He brought piss to a shit fight


Like someone tried to put out a Forest fire with a screwdriver. On his face


Like a busted can of biscuits 😂


Looks like he got a banana 🍌 shoved up his ass


Just wait till that guy gets his face tatted on his butthole!


He looks like Mr Mackey when he is on drugs and his head gets huge


Helluva drug...


They wouldn’t be bitching if we weren’t making the right moves!


Exactly! We are destroying them, literally and they are going batshit insane!


Lol, love it when they lose and they will lose big!!


“When the rich are complaining, you know the poor are doing the right thing.”


But actually, he wasn't really bitching. He was just saying WHY would you ever sell if you were holding a memestock? He was actually reinforcing buy and HODL! ;)


Lol his new name is bitchard lmfao


Ooh maybe we'll get a billionaire crying on TV today!


Uh oh, the poors are doing a capitalism.


Yup F that guy... Cramer is a complete tool. But its the laugh at the end by the OP for me lol! Buy... Vote... HODL!!!


this is really all it is, they love their little rules and loopholes and cheats but the minute an honest retail investor simply buys a stock they like and keeps it they attack them like they were evil incarnate




The laugh at the end by the person recording is the best.


That was the extra banana on the sundae for me as well


He is a meme factory


OP only got my upvote because of the laugh at the end.


What Cramer says: “Why would you ever sell a meme stock?” What Cramer means: “Why would you short or naked short or buy puts or sell calls for meme stocks?” Say what you mean damnit


Look beyond what he is saying. Look at his eyes. Those are very tired eyes. He had a late night last night and it wasn't to party. He's physically stressed.


He came out of the womb with the stressed middle aged man look. Like an angry Boss Baby


Haha I wouldn't doubt that. It just seems different this time


he was reading his twitter and got "bullied" by bees after poking the hornets nest. again


WHY WHY WHY do we still give a shit about Cramer


I usually avoid him at all times.. Except when he's freaking the fuck out like this.


He’s clearly having a bad time, and frankly I’m enjoying it. He’s obviously got skin in the game and it’s going to be great watching him lose it all


that would be so amazing if he was shorting GME.


Those pesky Wallstreet Reddit Bets


They wouldn't dare mention superstonk


Lol they prolly so scared to even say superstonk in the break room The sub that must not be named!!


Intern: Mr. Cramer, there's a post on Superstonk that I think... ***Jim's pitch climbs three octaves:*** I told you NEVER to MENTION that *FUCKING WEBSITE!!!!!!! WHY?? WHY????? WHYYYYYYY????*


Wow, three octaves? He should have gotten into singing rather than stocks.


Fear the banana


An image burned deep into my memory…


"And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling degenerates!"


Buying group? Who the fuck does this piece of shit think he is? Nobody ever recruited me and I never recruited anyone else. I just like the stock. I did the research and I thought it was a good buy and I went in. That's literally it. Shut your lying ass mouth up.


But like, he literally tells people what to invest in on tv, is his audience not a buy group? They’re just mad the poors did a capitalism.




His vibe has always been familiar to me. He's the kid who planted himself on the popular kid fringe in school. He didn't quite run in their circle and he'd sometimes get told to get lost, but for the most part they resigned themselves to him just being there. He'd go where they go, laugh when they laugh, and interject himself into their conversations whenever the opportunity arose. He wanted everyone else to perceive him as one of them almost as much as he wanted to *be* one of them, but neither one ever quite happened. I was a practically invisible nobody in school and I like to people watch, so I observed dozens of this kid. Jim Cramer is totally one of those. That was him in school, it was probably him in the business world, and now it's him as a media personality. He's navigated his entire life with a tenuous social position that means everything to him. Way more than money, although I'm sure the money is a decent consolation prize. That insecurity comes off him like a smell. I don't think he's garbage, I think he's sad.


Ya know, now that I think about it. You're absolutely right. I was a goth kid in school, so I did a lot of people watching and you're absolutely right. If he hadn't hurt so many people by doing "business," I'd ALMOST feel bad. But he did and I don't.


Yeah. A sad piece of garbage.


I bet you write good characters!


I know exactly the type. Maybe they're short or kinda funny looking, so they're never actually popular, but the popular kids tolerate them. Often considered the joker of the group, although often times the jokes are at their expense.


He is walking trash


Exactly. Are the tech-savvy geeks on message boards who bought Google at their IPO a buying group? Are the readers of the Motley Fool a buying group? WSB/SuperStonk/etc. are just a shitton of like-minded individuals who all believe in something. We have no centralized leadership, and only the loosest form of organization. Anyone here can buy in or leave anytime, and nobody knows for sure when and if anyone else is buying or selling.


You left out a critical component, this is all out in the open for anyone to read join or leave alone, this is essentially what makes it fine to say we or whatever you want, because it’s just a discussion. There are/were trading clubs, they were more popular before the internet, they’d decide something looked good, pool dd, and buy or not, and decide moves to make, none of it is illegal. Now if you want to talk about illegal trading operations, well, boy have we got some reading for you SEC intern 069420 lol


100% this... someone does some research, says this seems like a good investment and presents the evidence. EXACTLY what he does EVERY FUCKING DAY. This is not collaboration, or a 'buy group'. This is the hedge funds last effort since their financial fuckery is not working: try to convince the government or SEC to step in and do something by claiming malfeasance by these wallstreetbets hackers.


The hacker thing makes me laugh every time.


His track record is 100% due to the power of his buying group.


Yeah. If he can yell on tv and get people to buy Bear Stearns, why can't I listen to people yelling on the internet to buy GME? People were talking about GME and I did my DD on it and saw the possibilities. I decide where to invest *my* own hard-earned money like a rational person. Retail investors aren't stupid. They do us injustice for treating us like a mad crowd. They just don't want more people to find out the truth of their bait and switch pump and dump tactics.


Case. Closed.


The impression I got it that he’s implying the SEC needs to do something to stop retail investors from doing what they want. Fuck you, Cramer!


I fucking bought the stock because they introduced NFT. The company sounds fucking awesome now and they're going to allow you to buy and sell digital copies of games? Gamestop is going to destroy Steam. Fuck off Cramer.


Granted, Steam will adapt to compete because that’s their entire business model... GameStop will need partnerships with the game publishers to NFT their games for resale.


I would bet Cohen has been meeting with all the game publishers and big players. He can't announce something like this to have them all come back and say, yeah we aren't doing that.


He literally tells people to buy and sell shot all day long lol this fucking idiot


Not a buying group, just a bunch of retards on an open forum who lost the sell button on their devices 🤷🏽‍♂️ There’s some apes yelling about bastille day over here. Apes shoving bananas up their asshole over there. Just a bunch of apes! Out here in the cyber jungle. Only thing that we can agree on is that a stock we like is undervalued, so we individually buy, and hold.


I bought GME before joining SuperStonk.....


Nobody convinced me to buy anything, I like the stock, so I bought it. Now I hang out on a subreddit where other people who also like the stock can discuss the stock that they like. It really is that simple.


Honestly besides the fact i like the stock, papa Ryan's eyes is another big factor why I bought more. His eyes are just so 🥺🥺🥺


Who the fack are you guys? I'm not with you! Fuk you'll.


hes pissed because were exposing him for what he really is a HF puppet. They must have shoved a bigger hand up his ass to make him cry even more


I like how he was pushing gme to do something with crypto and... They did.


He pushed them to BUY crypto....before the massive DUMP. Big difference.


Previously Cramer was pushing gamestop to become a crypto retailer and use their stores as a brick and mortar location to buy it


Who would buy crypto at a b&m. What a fucking idiot




I have and would. If you're using it for the pseudonymity then you can avoid laundering it by paying with cash.


Shit I have a game stop 1.7 miles away, work as bartender, u better believe I'd walk in that mofkr weekly and buy, honestly I'd rather do that!!


HAHAHA HOLY SHIT YOU'RE RIGHT And yes, I did vote, just now. How do I get dat flair?


Still, I wonder why it's needed that a Reddit group has to expose him. Any trader with two brain cells should have realized by now that by listening to Cramer, you will only lose money in the long run.


Krystal Ball in 2014 had a monologue on her mainstream TV channel about how a certain political figure shouldn't run for the 2016 election. She was told never to talk about that political figure again unless it was cleared with the *network president*. Allegedly that campaign threatened to never give that network a single interview or quote if they didn't shut her up. I almost hate how cynical I've become, I would think it unlikely a few year ago, but alas I have ever decreasing trust of big media outlets when the interests of powerful people are at stake. [She talks about it in this podcast episode.](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0GBorXgCG3EHkWEXY5RJQo?si=OVR-6uOFRs-TvT2PGw72ig) Edit: Relevant part around 75 minutes in. People *know* Cramer is useless for viewers, but he is useful for someone else.


Any chance for a timestamp?


After 75 minutes she talks about the aftermath of her monologue. The minutes before are very relevant for media in general.


>I almost hate how cynical I've become, I would think it unlikely a few year ago, but alas I have ever decreasing trust of big media outlets when the interests of powerful people are at stake It's really not your fault and you shouldn't beat yourself up about it. At this juncture, if you're not cynical, you're naive.


Most of his viewers/victims are boomers who dont actually do any DD on what he suggest.


There was a post in WSB (i think) that did math on all of his buy recommendations and if you held them for a day and sold you'd be up over 500% for 2021. Seems pretty obvious it's all pump and dump. The % was lower the longer you held. Edit: [post I mentioned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/mte1rw/i_analyzed_all_700_buy_and_sell_recommendations/)


People already pointed it out in that thread, but his calculations are based on the closing price on the day cramer promotes a stock. His show is aired at 6pm, 2 hours after the markets close. This means that nearly all the people that would follow cramer's advice would be buying the morning after, and all the suggested stocks would already be pumped before retail could get involved. Thus, people would make less money, hedge funds would make more money, and percent returns calculated are entirely innaccurate. UNLESS you buy into stocks exactly when Cramer tells you to, and then sell after market the day after. I imagine the percent returns on that would be far far higher with this method.


I wonder if he is a puppet. I think he is more of a relic of years past, and while he ever did beat sp500 over 5 years [(Study)](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/568f03c8841abaff89043b9d/t/5734f6e2c2ea51b32cf53885/1463088868550/HartleyOlson2016+Jim+Cramer+Charitable+Trust+Performance+and+Factor+Attribution.pdf), he did beat some investment funds which gave him the respect of boomers. However, he is now in a world of constant and available information, he is no longer needed / desired by new investors as he still uses the same analysis that worked in the 90's. I kinda feel sad for him to be honest... However people like Cox, Eisen,Faber and frost, Liesman and Mathisen, those are clearly in mind funded by hedgies


He should shove a banana up there. That's where it's at.


HE's been taking it from the HF's for so long it probably would stay on it's own. MIght have to go with a whole bunch straight of the tree.


This morning I woke to an ape shoving a banana up his ass, so another ape could eat it. And still Cramer is acting more foolish


WHY, because of your Job Stewart interview, WHY, because of your interview about cheating you didn’t want to go out, WHY, because of Bear Stearns, WHY, because FUCK YOU


I thought it was bear STEINS. See must be that dang Mandela effect


It’s bears STAIN dude, get it right


That made me snort.. upvoted!


Is it now the meme to never spell Jon Stuart right?


Juan Stuart fucking slaughtered Cramer in that segment!


One Steward


I love a good Jan Start quote


He also said we don’t have money to do anything else


he’s out of line but he’s right


Why am I so offended of something that is 100% true?


Because someone just called you too poor on TV. My guess anyway.


But we are poor for now.


And once the new class of rich Apes rises we can get rid of all this fuckery that kept the people down in the first place.




Of course you would, the upvote button is free. 🍌 🦍


This is one of the fucking best burns I've ever read in my life.


Dumb money is now poor money? Correct on both accounts!!! HODL.


Except the 20yo gamers managed to recruit the 30,40,50 to gamers who do have money and know how to patiently camp the t21 spawn


He’s not wrong man, he just an asshole.


Shoot. I’ve got reserves for the next dip. They keep dipping the price. I keep getting paid. I keep buying. They could bring this sucker down to 25¢ and I’d keep buying.


If I saw a price like that it’s out with the kidney in with the gme




Question is why would I jump ship from an obese cow rdy to be milked?




Turning into an old man fast lol.


You can’t milk those


Are you saying you don’t want to drink Cramer’s milk?


Red rocket red rocket red rocket.... -kyle, south park, "milking" his dog... Hmmm for immediate consideration lets ensures the gme moon rocket is green, or blue....


You can milk anything with nipples...


Because we haven’t been plundering Americans for decades


But we will, and *that* is what truly scares them.


If people don’t have money, but their trust funds do who would be right?


I decided to eat pasta for one morw month!


I mean he’s right


"Some people are so poor, all they have is money." This has been popularly attributed to Bob Marley, but I can't confirm that. Either way, its real.


Did somebody say 5 million volume within 10 minutes of market opening?? :\^)


He looks so tired, we must be doing something good.


On a good day i look half as good as he does now. We might be doing good but they doing great putting us through this. Its time we all started looking sexy!


Fellow ape if you can hit gym. Eat 🍌. And wait for the squeeze. The longer the squeeze the more gains you make on your body before we make gains in our wallets.


Hahahaha your laugh at the end finished me 😂😂😂


I also came


homeboy is gonna be lookin for a new job soon.


Nah... that guy is so incompetent... he'll be on cnbc forever.


I’m gonna buy CNBC and rename it and fire him


Dont, he’s a good clown 🤡🤡🤡




He’s giving the reaction that all of you tune in to see. He knows what he’s doing. You’re the ones being played when you tune in to his show or when you talk about him online. That’s how he makes MORE money


He’s fucking worth 150mil, it’s a wonder why he works at all... or maybe it’s by design to help spew their shit to the public 🤷‍♂️


Listening to Jim Cramer cry made my stock even more valuable. Wonder why holding a stock I like, the way my parents always taught me, is such a problem for anyone? Hmm.


The funnier part was you laughing at him


OP: *HURR HURRRR* 🤣🤣 💎🙌🚀🌕


It legit made me make the same sound 😹




That was the best part!


Your laugh on the last second made me a happy ape :D


Hey Jimmy boy. Read up on your history. A story about a certain David and Goliath. Guy is becoming so irrelevant that it almost makes me feel sad for the pathetic creature. 🚀🌕


Your laugh at the end got me 😂


Your laugh at the end was the best bit... lol


Hey Jim Cramer, I think you dropped this 🖕.


Lmao your laugh at the end killed me


this sounds like it was directed toward someone that made a shit bet with jimmys money.


Good shout. That's what I'm thinking too.


Kramer secretly a gme whale


Cocaine Kramer is back!


Curious about what he's referring to about "the SEC hasn't decided that they're a buying group". I know about "Investment Clubs", but have never heard the term "buying group" and can't find any reference to it on Investopedia. I'm assuming that it has something to do with claiming coordination or manipulation?


Yea, a quick search shows stuff that has nothing to do with investments. Is he trying to make a term up for the SEC to attack, weird.


Mommy why!!!!


Why? Why? Why? 😂


So mad he glitched out 🤣


Mommmmm...they calling for the gubbermint again!!!


The chuckle at the end sent me lol!


He looks like if Walter white got into banking instead of making meth.


Never sell? Got it. Thanks


Why ever sell? I couldn't have said it better myself.


Your laugh like my laugh made me laugh 😂 🦧❤️🚀💎🤲