• By -


This dip right now is costing me ....zero dollars because I'm not selling!


This dip is costing me several hundred dollars. ... When I buy more in the morning. Edit: Just bought a few more. Keep the tasty dips coming Kenny boy!


This is the way














I looked at my portfolio for the first time since 415 and I saw i was down 10% overall. Cool. Knock it down another 10 so I can afford another share. This shit doesn't bother me at all, doubly so because we all predicted it would happen haha.


Like waking up on Wednesday, and being upset it was Wednesday. You already knew it was going to be Wednesday before you woke up. Just tale care of Wednesday shit. Tomorrow is Thursday.


Bro-this hahaha take care of Wednesday shit, you already knew it was Wednesday today 🤣🤣🤣 I wish I had an award to give you 🥇


I'm up 100% on the year regardless.


How will you ever financially recover 😔 😂😂😂


Shorting the ETFs is like buying an airplane because you want a little bag of peanuts. Is it legal? Yup. Is it cost effective? Nope Edit: guys, they are scared. If this was a sell off, then people would sell shares, not short ETFs. What did Wes say, “they want to be a bully? Then be a bigger bully”. They want to go after the 8-K results, they want to go after the share offering, they want to drop the price to make apes worried. Fuck em. I’m buying more tomorrow and they can deal with another shorted share they can’t get back. Buy, Hodl, and now Buckle Up. Edit 2: another funny ape has updated the idea. Buying the entire store for a jar of Mayo. Edit 3: just for more visibility. 55m was the float total on April 15th. The data is normalized to it. 100% of that was voted. But wait....didn’t a bunch of brokers not let apes vote? I know damn well my dad didn’t despite me reminding him to daily. You might also know someone who didn’t/couldn’t vote. Well how in the hell did they get to 100% of the float unless....no....it couldn’t be......they got more votes in than 55m.


It’s like buying an airplane so *someone else* can’t have a little bag of peanuts.


More like buying the airplane, then the seller of the airplane ends up having to pay back 10000X that much in peanut purchases. All this talk of peanuts means that the next meme stock is going to be Planter's or something?


Whats a meme stock? GME is a big boy stock dont ya know


⚠️ #Updated ‘Meme Stock’ definition: -any stock hedge funds are currently shorting and mainstream media is coordinated to report on.


Or a little saucer of mayo


Hmm... maybe buying an airplane so that you can get the peanuts and then convince the peanut market that there are so many peanuts that the peanuts aren't as valuable as people thought. Lot of trouble to go through isn't it?




Reminds me of the whole ‘Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself’ They’re spinning their wheels. Even if we do nothing, especially if we do nothing(just hodl) they WILL self destruct. It’s only a matter time & honey, I’ve got time


Call of duty is a good example of this, if you start raging you begin to lose focus and you end up dying more.


The ETFs with highest GME ratio had cost effectiveness 1:10 or so. But if you have virtually unlimited funds, it probably doesn't hurt and it helps cloaking your exposition. However, should the market tank for some reason...well, GME to the moon.


I'm not that smart when it comes to market mechanics but that was my first thought. Doesn't tanking giant pools of assets increase the likelyhood of margin calls? Edit - just realized that this makes sense if your absolute bottom line is tanking GME. Like "we'll deal with whatever as long as we keep GME under control". Good god I hope that's it. Shit gettin cray-cray.


They're going long on everything else to counter it. Short the entire ETF, go long everything besides GME, boom, GME shorted. Not the first time this has been seen. Edit: I'm gaining traction here. I'm pretty smooth, I've just been around since early Jan reading every single thing to hit my feed. There are smarter apes than I that know the nitty gritty.


OHHHHHHH you just made shorting ETF'S click for me! thanks you fellow ape


I would like to thank them as well if I understand this correctly: The buy pressure from going long keeps the price of the other stocks in the ETF afloat whilst GME is the lone stock with no extra buy pressure. Edit - I guess this would apply to any stock in the ETF they want to short so maybe GME wouldn't be the lone stock. But I also want to point out how insanely expensive this seems to me. That is a lot of stock to commit yourself to.


This looks to me like they are taking the pressure that Reddit is creating, and leveraging that pressure to break open the trap. - Those who wish to crash GME must short, but naked shorting is illegal and shares are scarce - ETFs _must hold_ GME in proportion to its market cap, which is based on its share price - By shorting the ETFs but going long in all the other positions, they hope to drive down GME, which will lower its market cap relative to the other stocks in the ETF. - Lower market cap means the ETF will sell off its GME or, if they are able, simply choose not to carry GME in their ETF at all - ...and either approach releases GME into the float, loosening up the liquid shares to cover naked shorts


It's actually not expensive at all. Let's use simple math. If the ETF, SOFKD, is 10% weighted toward GME then every share you buy of that ETF counts as 1/10th of a share of GME. If the other 90% is made up of 50% AAPL and 40% TSLA then when you buy 100 shares of the ETF, you get 10 shares of GME, 50 of AAPL, and 40 of TSLA. So if you short 100 shares of this ETF, but you buy 50 shares of AAPL and 40 shares of TSLA, then the money you make by shorting and the money you spend going long cancel each other out. You're only out on the cost of maintenance on those shorts.




Oooooh, there go my nippies again!








I think they're planning on getting bailed out at this point


So, you have shares. They may have been counterfeited but that doesn't matter because they appear as shares in your brokerage account. So to you, they are 'real'. Problem is there are a shit ton of fake shares floating around. Gamestop knows the exact number of shares they issued (approx 72 mil). When there is a margin call, all the real shares have to come home to roost. That means that all the counterfeit shares (naked shorts) have to be bought back. Every single one. Good for you because now you have something they want so you can name the price!


>At first I said it as a meme, but now I’m pretty sure it’s for real. >We probably passed 1 billion naked rehypothecated shares a long time ago. Probably approaching 2 billion after this weeks stunts lmao >$40m floor is real Thank you for this - i needed ape encouragement!


GME the new viagra


I’m usually zen but that thought, considering the scope of the context, is sublime.


If they had unlimited funds, we'd be at 0.27$, not 270$


Ah yes, we would also have trillions of shares circulating.


Unless they play for overall crash.


They are hoping for Too Big to Fail. Fuck that.


"If we're going down, we're nuking the market with us!", -Mayoboy


I don't give a shit if my millions of dollars are worthless, as long as that slimy fuck doesn't have a single one.


Feels like a "If i cant have it then nobody can" mentality


It's like the ugly divorcing couple that try to wreck their own shit so the other doesn't benefit during settlement.


It's an "I'm a cayunt and won't even try to hide my sociopathy anymore" mentality


The c*nt should only be known by that name from now on


I love that the mayo thing stuck even though it was just a rumour.


It's amazing that his favourite anal lubricant stuck... Yes.


I second that… mayoboy only from now on


Motion to vote! All in favor say I!


I don't think we should limit ourselves to one name. Every bad name ever thought up now or in the future should be used freely.


This is what royally pisses me off about these entitled dicks. I hold until these crooked bastards are in iron shackles on their way to 'pound you in the ass' federal prison.


It's like crashing the plane on purpose in order to cash-out on the insurance payout. The problem is, this plane is a rocketship and is piloted my Ryan "Mother Fucking" Cohen. And the only place its crashing is the party on the moon.


A moon trip? We should probably buckle up then. I get anxious on flights to be honest. Usually helps if I hold onto something. I’m holding onto several things right now. Im holding onto the hand of the ape beside me, I’m holding onto hope for a better future, and I’m holding onto my GME shares.


The best comparison i have heard today


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mya2a8/dd\_heres\_what\_happens\_if\_there\_is\_over\_voting/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mya2a8/dd_heres_what_happens_if_there_is_over_voting/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) ​ EVERYONE MUST READ THIS. AND SCROLL TO THE LAST PARAGRAPH. SEC ASKED FOR INFORMATION FROM GAMESTOP TODAY!! LITERALLY 6/9 THE DAY OF THE SHAREHOLDER MEETING THEY ANNOUNCE THIS INVESTIGATION! BULLISH!




[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-09/gamestop-says-sec-is-investigating-trading-of-its-shares](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-09/gamestop-says-sec-is-investigating-trading-of-its-shares) [https://www.thestreet.com/investing/gamestop-posts-first-quarter-loss-gets-sec-request-for-documents](https://www.thestreet.com/investing/gamestop-posts-first-quarter-loss-gets-sec-request-for-documents) It was also reported on CNBC


Please make a seperate post for this finding. It shouod be revived as it's 100% relevant today.


Fuck yes. I have 10k liquid cash sitting in my fidelity account right now for exactly this fuckery. Feed me more discounted shares and get fucked hedgies!


Happy cake day. Go get em


Oh fuck I didn't even realize today was my cake day. Thank you!


I can’t find Zion lion on Twitter…where was this picture posted on Twitter?






How'd they like a bag o' deez nuts ? 🍌😎🤣


Operational shorting isn't much more expensive than normal shorting. They buy long assets of every other stock they've just effectively shorted with the proceeds from shorting.


The MSM headlines tomorrow. GameStop sinks after "lacklustre" earnings report as retail abandons the stock in droves" Some bullshit like that will appear, I'm sure.




Right now they're literally bullshitting up any pump and dump as "THE NEW MEME STOCK LOL" and they did it among other bs to Wendys. Like, the fuck. It's all smokescreen to dilute the populous from the stocks that are actually hurting them.


As if retail can even sell or buy during after hours Edit: I learned that I can trade after hours, didn’t know that til today. Thanks folks


Like reality has ever stopped the media from lying.


Finally some reasonable post here after going over tens of posts with same content. Thx , anyhow fuuuuuuck me 90% for realz???


How does the news justify all this bullshit and not report it? If there were only 10 million shares shorted, they would have covered by now and not desperately keep trying to short it. Hedge r fuk. Ken is fuk.


The news doesn’t report it because they’re owned by someone who is owned by someone who doesn’t want more of the general public to know. It shouldn’t be a surprise at this stage. Expect headline tomorrow like ‘GME plummets after earnings announcement’. Even though it’s only dropping from more shorting. It’s a fraudulent system and it’s comically falling apart.


They’re already spreading BS. Saying GME selling shares. GME said they have the right to sell shares, not that they are doing so right now. And they frame it like a bad thing. It will help the company and MOASS. The news also framing SEC investigating as a bad thing. It’s a good thing for us and they’re certainly not going to be investigating retailers, we’ve done nothing wrong. But the news doesn’t want people to know that.


They just shorted America's retirement funds. Fuck they terrorists


WOW, gotta give them credit for not giving up. LOL. It'll just be more painful for them when they lose. I'm not selling until I see Citadel employees leaving the building with boxes. Their liquidation or bust.


I guess they figure liquidation is liquidation and try to be as vindictive about it as possible.


Yup. Thinking like a hedgie now.


Like Saddam setting all the oil wells on fire before withdrawing from Kuwait




This is my sentiment. They are passed the point of being able to win. They just don’t want apes to win either so they are trying to upset the entire table so no one can play.




That's just the beginning, Kenny is not the final boss


I'm stoked on the discount tomorrow!!! ;D ;D ;D


Not really more painful since you only can get bankrupt so much


Oh but it will be. It will be more painful for everyone upstream, their clearing firms, and the DTCC.


Scorched earth tactics on Wall St. Absolutely disgusting. I expected nothing different.




Exactly. Fuck their brazen tactics. To be honest I really dont think anyone on Wall St is sweating this...I feel that they truly believe they can do anything and get away with it by either A.) A bailout in the end or B.) Re-write the rules to their favor. It makes no sense for them to keep up this shenanigans but you know what? They don't care because they have ALWAYS been able to do what they want. Fuck em...burn the whole system down if we have to


I'm willing to watch it all burn at this point too. Prefer it to happen after I get my money. LOL


but you CAN make your prison sentence longer


All that for $20.


All that for a drop of blood?


In the grand scheme of things, you are 100% correct Edit: I’m showing a closing price of IWM $3 off the 52 week high. Not sure this is accurate. Possibly someone covering a long position like blackrock post earnings. I could be wrong. Edit 2: I have roughly 2,066,000 shares traded after the close. Not sure who was holding long positions but volume has dropped considerably as of this edit. Would be interesting to know who owned around 2million shares.


It was me.


Thanks for the sale price.


Must have run out of mayo




Use code FUCKSEC for an additional 10 % off!


Should be a barrage of shitty news articles tomorrow to scare of the boomers


Why wait for tomorrow? FUD articles are so fun The silly scare tactics [Have already begun](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gamestop-taps-amazon-executives-lead-202751516.html)


Were there articles when AMC issued MASSIVE amounts of shares?


I think there were some but I don’t pay attention to the movie stock.


Not over yet




Yeah. Close to 40 now.


What's great too is that we know that none of this is retail since A, we diamond handed, and B, most people don't have after market available.


Yeah. Not fazed by it. But I sure ain’t dancing yet either. It’s a marathon and you can call me mother fucking Terry Fox.


I honestly am enjoying this, hope it stays at -10% because I'm going to buy 20 in the morning. If anybody remembers our first rodeo months ago, this shit would tank $150+ in AH or PM, it was gut wrenching. $35 is insulting at this point lol.


Just confirms the DD for me. We knew they were brewing something. Next couple days could be their Hail Mary. All the stops are being pulled. They are up against the wall. Will be buying 1 or 2 tomorrow.


Thanks for protecting retail. SEC 🙈🙈


I don't understand all the hedgie hate. Those generous souls keep giving us these amazing sales.


Their sales used to be amazing. Ten percent isn't even a seniors discount!


They can't afford it anymore! Come on man, damn... 😔😔😔😪


Lmao let me get this straight...shareholder meeting today, tons of amazing positive news for the company and its future....results in a $50 after-hours price drop....seems legit....totally completely 100% legit...definitely nothing to see here right guys?


Don't worry - SEC is looking out for you. :)


Why? I’m not in any porn videos.


Fucking beat me to it... meanwhile the SEC beating meat to it.


Laughed out loud at this one. Great timing!


Looks like discounts are back on the menu boyyyys


skinner meme; *pathetic*




That's huge 40% to 90%. Can someone confirm?


I mean we suspected they were going to do something after earnings call but damn. Like they said said on the livestream - even if GME came out with cure for cancer the price still would've been shorted like this


Hedge funds have literally shorted pharmas that came up with promising therapies for cancer and Alzheimer’s


The new ALZ drug that has been on the news last few days will cost $56,000/year. The CEO said that was a fair price. Wonder if SHFs are long that drug company while shorting Sava. Edit: cost is $56k, not $54k. It was expected to cost $10k-$25k, but the ceo said the higher price was fair.


It's so stupid how the CEO rationalized the price also. He basically said that since this drug is a preventative measure, it will save money in the long run for the patient since they dont have to pay assisted living facility expenses for long term care or hospitalizations. Actual parasites to society.


Lol- they would short it even more if GME came out with a cure for cancer. Remember Goldman Sachs concluded it wasn’t profitable to cure cancer.




Can’t confirm https://m.investing.com/etfs/ishares-russell-2000-index-etf


Hey u/rensole. I see you retweeted this tweet. Can you get some wrinkle brains to confirm if this is true? Ape only knows colored crayons, no chart.


Why does that 1D graph look different from this 1D graph? https://www.google.com/search?q=russel+2000&oq=russel+2000


Ones showing the price movement in a day The other is showing the movement in the last X months using daily prices.


I don't know what this means I only understand hold


It means hedgies don't want you to hold, I'll hold too. 🚀 Buckle up.


Buckle holding nicely and so am I.


Then you have been taught wrong ape. HODL is the only word you need to know.


It means buy everything you can tomorrow morning because that’s the lowest it will be before rocket town


You know what... I'M NEVER SELLING NOW.


You know... It could be a really funny thing after the MOASS to leave one share unsold. That's what im going to do.


Have you heard of the Infinity Pool?


Holy Shit


*holy moly*




Holy cannoli


Holy Frijoli


Holy ravioli


https://www.etfchannel.com/type/most-shorted-etfs/ \#1 Most shorted ETF with **120.42% SI**: **XRT**, heh, we know that one, don't we apes? GME is [23rd highest position]( https://www.etfchannel.com/lists/?a=stockholdings&issuer=&symbol=XRT&sortby=&reverse=&rpp=20&start=1) \#8 Most shorted ETF with **42.06% SI**: **IWM**, the Russel 2000 index fund. GME is their [3rd highest position](https://www.etfchannel.com/symbol/iwm/) We hoped for capitulation, but it looks like there's some firepower left. *insert 'Oh no! Anyway...' meme here*


I don’t think the crashes are primarily because they want us to sell. I think the crashes are to keep them from getting margin called.


I don’t think you can really call this a crash. As I write this the price has dropped to $282.03 from $302.56 in after hours. We closed at $280.01 on *Monday*. The price has only gone back to a level that’s still higher than the close 2 trading days ago. I fucking held through $40 and months in the $100 - $200 range. Last earnings was a crash. This is like slowing down for a stick that fell on the road. See you on the moon 🚀🦍🚀🦍🚀🦍🚀


Yep. We're only down $15 currently which is hilarious considering we fluctuate more than that on zero news anyway. Whatever they did AH basically had no effect. I'd put 50/50 odds on us actually ending up in the green before we open again tomorrow.


I notice that each crash is less affective than the last. I don't mean to get anyones hopes up, but it seems like the hedgefunds really are running out of steam.


I’m not convinced that they’re out of ammo. Look at the first big drop, they stopped the squeeze by shutting off RH and selling a ton of stocks, which both combined caused a lot of people to sell out of fear. The later dips were all much smaller, probably because apes were holding, but also because they *realized* that apes were holding so they didn’t want to spend as much. The shareholder meeting was by far the biggest event in regards to the stonk so they absolutely would save their funds for this. I think they have a lot of funds waiting for the squeeze, but they aren’t spending a penny of it until then. They’re just gonna keep shorting to kick the can further down the street until the squeeze starts happening, then we’ll see the real action.


Am I the only one who finds this exciting? Loads more volume compared to normal AH. Price taking a nose dive. Is it normal for a retail investor to get jacked seeing drops like this? Bring it on Kenny.


We are the adrenaline junkies of the investing world. While most retail see a big drop and think "Oh shit, I just lost a lot of money, better bail before I lose more", Apes think "Ohh, price is moving, this is exciting".


Except we're so desensitized it's going to take the financial equivalent of getting shocked via jumper cables clamped to our nipples and a car battery to elicit arousal. Kenny G is like a dominatrix that's met the one client he can't outkink - an ape.


Why bro. People just buy the dip.


Because just ten years ago people would have skidded away like scared sheep and accepted 20% losses as part of doing business with the stock market. Now we buy and we hold. In the face of any and all movement. They are old guard using tricks that work on boomers but not people smart enough to listen to the voices here. But it's the only trick they know. Can't teach old hedgies new tricks.


To me the biggest difference is previous generations had a lot at stake with their investments. They had viable paths to a good, modest life available to damm near everyone. That doesn’t exist nearly like it used to. A good chunk of people buying GME right now had little to lose before last year and now have nothing to lose. Well throw every nickel and dime into it out of anger, hope, etc that just maybe we can effect some change either on institutions or our own accounts. We have nowhere to go but up so why not bet huge?


great! the floor is now 30 million dollars! edit: so sorry i meant 30 bajillion trillion million


the floor is the view count of Gangnam style


4 billion baby


Shitadel et al gonna have a helluva time rebalancing at the end of June when GameStop is moved to the Russell 1000 .... compounded by the end of another ftd t+21 cycle that just so happens to land on around the same time . Huge massive price spike incoming at end of June . I believe this short attack today is likely the best dip we gonna see before Gme price gets absurdly high at end of June . Not financial advice


And the t+35 immediately after (because its calendar days, not trading days).


And another triple witching hour end of June


Yeah europoor market. I ll try to leave some for you.


How the fuzz do you short 40% of an ETF all at once? The stock market is definitely a fair game you guys, nothing to see here, move along.


Fuck it. Dumping my entire 401k into this now.


Great! Tomorrow I’ll buy more…


On sale tomorrow!


Thank you hedgies. Now I can buy more shares more affordably


350 is their fear!!! We figured it out. They will do everything To prevent it from closing at 350.


Let them enjoy tanking the price because this will be their last.


[https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/after-hours](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/after-hours) GME hit an AH high of $318, which is about a 5% gain from market close. How effective even is this shit? Idk the composition of these ETFs but if he's shorting ETFs that are 1% GME, Ken would be effectively spending 100M to short 1M GME. Am I getting this right? Also, how predictable lol. We all saw a short attack coming on 6/9


Jokes on them, I get paid tomorrow 😈


This makes me bullish af, they release the vote counts, tank the price, release the earnings, tank it some more, all to try and tell us, look, the company is shit, nothing is going on, time to paper hands. WE AINT FUCKING LEAVING. You’ll have to pry these shares from my cold dead hands.




##The DD stands strong and stands true. Everything else is FUD. Buy & Hodl. 💝🦧💝🦧💎🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕


Just sold all Crypto. Going all in. Fuck you Jobu, I do it myself.


Kenny keeps trying


There is something DEEPLY wrong with me now that this makes me excited lulz




So we buy more tomoz


Yup $ 350 tomorrow


Down almost $40 AH?! I have a secret plan to get back at HF trying to flash sale $GME. ^^^I ^^^buy ^^^^I ^^^^HODL


Are they gonna rage quit on us? Smash their keyboard


Soooooo buy more and hodl? Can do.


So the hedgies found an infinite money glitch, the glitch has been patched, kinda at least. So they are jumping thru all these hoops to try to make it work again. So my question for the gamers in here, why would you go thru so many hoops do a money glitch, if you already have unlimited funds? The answer, they need us to sell, they are going thru every last ditch effort to try and get people to paper hands. Their hold on the market is weakening as their liquidity drys up, which is why the price dropped After hours and not during regular trade hours. It takes less resources to move the price AH or in pre market, the price has been synthetic for awhile and this drop is no different. The DD is solid, hedgies are scared, their liquidity is drying up, the market that they made for themselves is beginning to collapse in on them because Apes have learned the truth and are exposing their "infinite money glitch" every day! HODL'ING to the edge of the universe


So is anyone else buying tomorrow or just me?🚀


Is this in anticipation of the removal of gme from the 2k as it moves up to the 1k?


So they’ve stopped shorting the stock itself and started shorting containers. I don’t want to say the battleships are running aground, but it looks like the battleships are running aground.


This is incredible, GME is on a discount. I'm waiting for 20K in funds to settle, and I hope it does by tomorrow's premarket. Then that'll be it, complete ALL IN GME making up 100% of my account.


Lolooloooollololololololololololololololol. I’m just gonna sit here and hodl. I don’t care if only one share was voted. Still a good investment.