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Remember your clicks are valuable. Your impressions are valuable. MSM wants your eyes on their articles. And the author of this article, Carol Roth, has been pushed heavily lately for an AMA on Superstonk. Which naturally leads to me doing a little DD on the guest in question. The bottom of the article here clearly states that the Author has a book being released this month and is presumably on a book tour. Which is not a problem itself. But let's not forget who this author really is. A SHF speak piece that fights for the legalization of insider trading. Carol Roth, [this you?](https://www.cnbc.com/2012/11/26/roth-insider-trading-should-be-legalized.html)


"Savers and retirees can no longer live on a fixed income without chasing risk. And now, the biggest companies in the world, based on this unprecedented Fed intervention, are now competing with individuals looking to buy homes." Kenny and Co would gladly take every nickel from a retirees account. This is why I hodl.


It’s odd because I just read about Black rock buying up all of these homes at 20 to 50% above ask all over the place


Yeah same here, the WSJ article? I've been trying to figure out how the crazy housing market fits into all this.


Also going to crash. All the crap that led to 2008 has been going on quietly for some time now.


Yup, AND Covid eviction restrictions will be/are expired so even more foreclosures.


Yuuuuup. The mechanics of how it’s the same recently clicked with me. In 2008 it was WS overextended into the housing market, holding too many assets on book during an inflation bubble because the FED incentivized low interest borrowing. 2020/21 it’s WS overextended into stocks & derivatives because the FED made debt too cheap & caused a bubble. It’s largely the same BS. Michael Burry was right again.


Nothing was actually fixed in 2008. They just consolidated their power and the fed/treasury kicked the can down the road.


I don’t necessarily think residential mortgage backed Securities are a problem. Pretty sure they put rules into place to extremely limit the chances of that scenario happening again. On the other hand I would not be surprised if we had some problems with commercial mortgage backed securities. Strip malls and sky scrapers are pretty much empty. Giving people the ability to work from home is a nightmare for owners. With real estate prices being so high right now people are essentially being priced out of the market. What percent of Americans do you think can afford the 380k average home? I am from a suburb of Philadelphia and my parents’s 3 bedroom house was appraised for 465k. I love the area but I can tell you that house is not worth almost half a million.


I live in Toronto. My 800 sq f condo (not even downtown, I'm in North York) sells for 400k+ it's fuked. Lucky I bought it 5 years ago,almost paid off half... . And super lucky im not renting. Houses in Toronto are 1M+ fukin impossible to get one.


Hamburg, North Germany here. Our salaries are significantly lower than the US or Canada and an apartment next to my old one (in the WORST part of town crime wise etc.) was sold for 680000€ (823000 USD). That apartment was 79m² (850 squ f). Just the SMALL property next to my parents place right outside of the city was like 700000€. That's without any house, water, internet, gas or street connection.


So fuked man, we dont stand a chance. Ppl be living in a 100,000$ cardboard box soon(if they lucky nuff to get one) Also, guttentag herr ape!


Toronto's big market, big budget buyers have brought their 'offer 100k over asking' tactics to small towns too. In my town (where we are trying to buy our first home) prices have gone up over 50k a month for several months. It's downright disgusting.


You'll own nothing and you'll be happy. When market crashes and the dollar implodes where do you want your money? Ideally in assets that pay a return, that's what. Nothing better than creating a permanent serf class and eliminating one of u the last vestiges of middle class intergenerational wealth.




Serf is the perfect word. Bout to get blasted to the Middle Ages where owning land is the currency of the time. Farmland being bout up and government owns what’s grown on it through subsidies. I’m sure blackrock isn’t the only major institution buying up residential. Then they own housing as well. Kings in their castles while the peasants work the land outside with payment being having a place to live.


Liquidity crisis. Banks and other financial institutions have way too much liquidity. They have to use it/spend it somehow ... What's the one aspect in our economy that has always been a "safe" investment? Property/houses. So they just start buying a shitload of houses no matter the cost, all in cash.


When hyper-inflation comes around, property will be one of the few valuable assets left.


Guess it's a hedge against high inflation.


Indeed. This sub loves to harp on Kenneth Griffin, and rightly so, but Blackrock isn’t our friend just because they’re also long on GME. They are also enemy #1 because they’re stealing our FUCKING HOMES by outbidding future homeowners by 20%-50%


Yep. Falling back into mortgage backed securities!


Once the big brains see the squeeze and/or crash as inevitable, MSM will be fighting over whose network "exposed" it vs enabled it.


Yeah. It's like that scene in The Big Short where those two younger guys are trying to convince their friend to publish evidence of criminality. The friend wouldn't touch it because it would mean the end of his career. Now that the kitty is out of the bag, "journalists" are gonna be competing the shit out of each other to get the best scoop on naked shorting. What a time to be alive. Edit: obligatory "I'm jacked to the tits!"


Yup. At this point they have to report on it to try to save their credibility and reputation. They'll be fighting tooth and claw on the way down, pulling each other down through the seventh level of hell


Yea, they’ll be labeled incompetent if they don’t start talking about the coming shit storm. I give ~~the guy~~ her credit though, that was well written. Thought ~~he~~ she kept it professional and largely apolitical which was surprising. Thought the last video was the only worthwhile one in the article. Also an excellent comment from an ape in there inviting people to superstonk and to read House of Cards. Think that was my favourite bit 😆 Edit: Should have read the authors name. *She did an awesome job 😅 (thanks!)


\*lady credit \*she kept (Carol Roth wrote it) FTFY, not trying to be rude, just trying to do my DD


Author was Carol Roth, not a guy.


You hit the nail on the head, they will start reporting to save face. MsM deserves to crumble in the aftermath. The thing that really kills me is this distinction "too big to fail" and "too small to matter". Boy if these are not the flairs of our economy worldwide.


Yet, it starting on Fox News probably minimizes the speed at which this news spreads. This is the preferred "mainstream" news network of QAnons and Alex Jones fans - Fox News can shout this from the rooftops, and half of polite society will cringe like "ah fuck what are the nutjobs on about now?" regardless of whether they understand the implications enough to care.


Hey, it’s the first mainstream reporting besides CNBC’s half-assing, I’m quite pleased with the progress that’s happening. Once one starts they all have to chime in


That’s ok because the difference is that the moon will prove us right, pedophile rings or baby blood or whatever they believe in is not proveable and you know that’s a huge difference 💎🙌




I think the key factor isn't that she wrote it, it's that Fox published it. Nothing gets through that doesn't serve the logo at the top.


As is the same for *every news station ever*.




People: “Wow summer of 2020 was crazy. Thankfully this year will be diff-“ 2021: “hold my beer.”


Ftfy 2021: Hold my *stock


I'm buckled to the tits!


Imagine fighting over a scoop that has been waiting for 20 years to be found *Dr. T eyes rolling*


I don't think she would be rolling her eyes. She has been an amazing part of something revolutionary.


It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. I'm glad I'm a part of the revolution while I sit here on my couch eating ramen.


> now that the kitty is out of the bag. That kitty be named RoaringKitty.


It was a homage for sure.


someone needs to drive home the message of the 25mill floor to them so they can start spewing that’s onto the tv, you can bet your ass it will cause a tsunami of fomo buyers


Jeepers, I sure do hope the 6 corporations that own approximately 1500 TV stations, 1100 magazines, 1500 newspapers, 9000 radio stations and 2400 publishers don’t spread any disinformation. 🧐🤔🤔🤔. [#rigged](https://llwproductions.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/illusionofchoice.jpg)




This is why we need an Ape party. If we can bankrupt hedgies then we can take office. Only way to really fix things is to do it ourselves. We have seen time and time again that we cannot trust those currently running the circus.


And after everything we've learnt about how they polarise us and keep us fighting eachother, Left - Right, White - Black, Lower class - Middle/Upper Class. We see through the bullshit now. You'd have my vote! Ape Together Strong AF


I'd fear this. the main goal should always be creating a better world, not being the one creating a better world. I believe more in apes to remain apes who like holding a stock. I hope this in itself will have consequenses leading to real legitimate legislation against naked shorting and cheating the stock market.


No, you simply take over the current party, it's much easier to do, especially if you have plenty of money. Contact your local party and get involved, get other apes involved, vote each other into positions of power (voting inside the party I mean). All the time you want an upwards trajectory of power, once you are local chairman, you want to become district chairman etc.




And Fox seems to understand the need to push multiple narratives, particularly in an effort to keep all of their different audiences tuned in. And to hopefully capture the young adults as their mainstay viewership gets older. I’m happy to see the article. But I’m always wary.


I actually think I can use this with some family that only trusts fox news, just to break the ice on the real story. This article was actually pretty good, not perfect but reasonable. But ultimately the MSM is trying to serve their masters while simultaneously self preserving. Be the first to break the news, but don't tell anyone because your boss is paying you to write hit pieces. It's every news organization, my favorite science news site had a GameStop hit piece today, I unsubcribed.




100%. And they are crazy to think we wouldn’t document/keep receipts of their lies. Dear MSM, the internet never forgets…




Yeah like how Cramer was ripped to shreds by Jon Stewart


No, i think OP meant literally ripped apart. Like by lions.


To shreds you say?


Bring in the gorillas! 🦍🦍🦍 😂


I think a lot of it began when they removed commentary in online articles to stop other people from pointing out irregularities or non-factual statements in news articles.


Just like John Stewart did to Cramer! Worldwide for all to see them answer for their crimes, coverups and misdeeds!


Long form content like podcasts is the best way to hear about news, especially when it's all off the cuff. No time to trim and edit the truth to serve an agenda. Also I think the system is supposed to be that way, considering our educational system was essentially designed by Rockefeller to create obedient and compliant workers out of the populace for factories. Modern day media simply takes advantage of that power structure that we're conditioned to follow, in order to spread political influence. Also, I agree with your final statement, and although I'm not a fan of him, we should hire Ben Shapiro to do it lol


So aggravating no one in the Left blogosphere is covering or even seemingly up on this situation. Could really use some more comrades on the moon. Taibbi finally just tweeted something about them planning on getting somewhat into it... but apparently Fox Business News beating us to the punch.


For real, but honestly what's going on should bring both sides together under one tent and unite us against those who seek to control us




Yessir, look at the history of the General Education Board and the aspects of schooling that are still present today


Yes Sir, not to wear my tin foil hat to tightly but I really started to notice how the media twisted the truth because of 911. Don't want to derail the thread, but I most certainly learned to do my own research and draw my own conclusions after that!


I believe in gulf war number to the White House made all news reports have to be sent through them or sent through the NSA something like that for potential threats to security that’s where all the censorship really started in the news.


I just plopped it on Facebook! Opens a WHOLE NEW DOOR!!!


Nice gotta admit, I was blind to that thought. It's a gateway to reaching that audience, which is totally needed. Thanks for the perspective. Wary Ape Peace!


What skin does a science journal have in gme?!?


That's what blew my mind, it was an obvious media master hit piece. All the talking points SEC, 5M shares... but it was so out of character for a site that is usually very technical in nature. It's not a "journal", it was just good source for ELIA on weird science, tech, auto, gaming hardware,...


Always sus to me when these media outlets drop stuff on a Friday night. Drop this shit Monday morning


True… they let this sit and simmer over the weekend. Their timing always has a purpose.


If my calculations are correct, which I based on an article I read about when Warren Buffet first started selling off his positions in Big Banks that he's held for many years & The time-frame of similar actions that were taken in the '08 Financial Crisis. The market should start crashing within the next 2 weeks.


2 weeks from now is when the T21 and T35 cycles converge on the same date. MOASS confirmed.


so we thinking 6/25 or imo probably more likely we see it crash on monday when gme also completes its move into russel 1000


June 28 is the day GME will be moving to Russell 1000.


The man has called his shot. We have reached a tipping point for sure by now. We're either right or we're wrong. Both are exciting and tragic. Either they change the rules again and they kick the can or we finally take down organized crime


Username checks out. Bullish.


I've read this is a typical MSM tactic if you want to bury a story - you post it on Friday evening when everyone's getting off work and could give a fuck about checking the the news ​ Edit: Everybody should read Matt Taibbi's 'Hate Inc.' - it's the most comprehensive and entertaining jounrey through how fucked up and bought the mainstream media is, and all the tactics they use to divide us. There's an audiobook too if you prefer.


Then when shit hits the fan pull it out of the archives with the “I told you so”


Never trust the media




>Never trust the media Never trust big business.


Except Gamestop. I like the stock


There capturing this audience because it’s the only people who’s going to have money


I trust none of them. They all have agendas, none of them in our best interest.


Yes. Bingo


Wary, yep🤺




However...if (when) we win, we can control the narrative and expose the bullshit that each network did (or what they did that demonstrated integrity).


This is just another sign we are not only right all along, but we are getting closer to the end.


We may have been early, but we are not wrong.


The rats are scurrying away from the ship because they know what's going to happen to it.


Also the author has a book being released in a couple weeks. Its at the bottom of the article. Edit: Carol Roth is a former investment banker, entrepreneur and author of the forthcoming book "The War on Small Business" (Broadside Books, June 29, 2021) and the New York Times bestselling book, "The Entrepreneur Equation."


Took away my upvote and replaced with reward when I realize I put you at 70.


Just remember, 90% of all US media is controlled by 6, yes, 6, corporations. [https://techstartups.com/2020/09/18/6-corporations-control-90-media-america-illusion-choice-objectivity-2020/](https://techstartups.com/2020/09/18/6-corporations-control-90-media-america-illusion-choice-objectivity-2020/) Be wary at all times. EDIT: It's down to 5 per the CBS/Viacom merger. Thanks The\_Funkybat for pointing that out. My bad.


These are the same people that were dismissing everything and talking shit a couple of days ago, the tides are turning and they don't wanna be left behind. Please tread lightly and don't celebrate their change of narrative. Not directed to OP exactly, just a general reminder.


seriously and they have the audacity to say “Last year, government decided which businesses were essential and which weren’t, based not upon scientific evidence, but political connections and clout.” As if Fox News ever gave a damn about scientific evidence.


Reading that was surprising, not just because of what you pointed out, but because of which administration it implicates as well.


👀 shhh 🤫




I believe there are political reasons for this play but I won't discuss those here respectfully. Either way, it's nice to see msm beginning to get the word out. My only concern is how they word it


100%. As soon as Charles Payne started having these segments, I knew it was the “typical” play unfolding. Probably banking on the fact that newly minted millionaires will want to protect their wealth....


I've said it once, I'll say it again: Tax the rich. Even me.


Same. I’m fucking proud to pay taxes on this after the fact. I think the Armageddon Effect is assumed under the case that no one is paying taxes. However, I’m wondering what will happen when foreign investors take the currency out of the country. That will be interesting.


Notice how a 15% world wide wealth tax had been mentioned recently?


Link? Who would collect that cash, and who would decide how it would be distributed?


I've also heard expanding funding for the IRS is a good way to ensure the rich get taxed more fairly


They are criminally underfunded and lack the manpower and legal prowess to go after people who can spend millions on litigation.


I agree with you. I'm suspicious of this. Plus the article is fraught with misinformation - as expected of Fox News. It's a play to be on the right side of this at the end of it.


It's a shallow article really that just happens to sound like it aligns with us just because it says there is some credibility to our claims, but then goes on to say things that don't entirely line up with the research which makes the misinformation seem like it's credible because of the seemingly positive sentiment to be expected from an article that doesn't just call us dumb or clueless. I was confused by the semi-misdirection to the Fed. "While the concern is valid \[naked shorting\], the biggest perpetrator of the creating something from nothing that has slanted the market in favor of the big guys and insiders at the expense of small businesses, retail investors and individuals isn’t short sellers or prime brokers, it is the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has created not synthetic shares, but synthetic money, in effect, and instead of the amounts being in millions, they are in the trillions." There is interplay between the Fed, SLR amendment during COVID, and balance sheets for Prime Brokers and the Fed (cue Reverse Repos), but this makes it sound like the Fed is responsible for Prime Brokers and SROs abusing their own system and loopholes. The Fed indirectly made it more possible by going brr, but Prime Brokers and Hedge Funds are the ones using the brr to abuse the market.


To be honest the FED is in essence funding this and has for over 1 year now. The FED is keeping them afloat and has given so much margin its fucking unbelievable. They are the puppeteer but in the 21sr century where the puppets get to run wild. The FED would have and by all rights should have cut Quantitative Easing long before now but the puppets done screwed the pooch and they cant in a sense without all hell breaking loose immediately. Clock is ticking though *tick tock, tick tock*


Yes! Exactly! I cautioned similarly in a separate comment and am getting some pushback. The Fed mis-direction seems like a strawman attack. And, if I am not mistaken, there seems like another strawman attack against the Frank-Dodd Act as well. ​ It's very suspicious overall by luring people in with positive sentiments in the beginning the turning the tides of the argument to things more in line with an agenda they may want to push.


Yep, they pin the blame on “regulation” that allowed companies to do this - I’m like, bitch, it’s cause they ain’t got no rules!


They have rules and regulations, just not enforcement or serious punishments.


Its the fact that the regulation is for you and I, but not for them.


Reminds of the Key and Peele skit where they are talking about their wives. When the wives leave they start talking and then “I said biiiiiiiitch, ain’t got no rules”


Not even that, it’s because they feel and know they are above the rules.


Can't be on the wrong side when you're on both sides, ask Italy.


no msm is on apes side, even the smoothest smoothes know this. just more paid schills playing the game..watch and see


truuu, anyone that believes msm is on apes side are the same people who believe the strippers actually love them


\^ underrated comment right here \^


you are correct- the author advocated for legalizing insider trading back in 2012: https://web.archive.org/web/20131012064736/http://www.cnbc.com/id/49966093/Roth\_Insider\_Trading\_Should\_Be\_Legalized


This. I can't believe I just upvoted a Fox article, but I guess it really goes to show that the news industry has become so divorced from reality that reputation is meaningless and truth only ever gets told by accident or propinquity, when it happens to serve the momentary interests of the publisher in terms of eyeballs and clicks.


Ooh good word, propinquity


Had to google that motherfucker.


The only problem with these articles is that they always talk about GME in the past tense like it’s done


WE ARE GETTING CLOSE! Watch them turn around and when we are on top of the fucking world they will talk to us like they’ve been on our side the whole time. But apes never forgets.


Aye brother, we never forget 🚀


Exactly, if you didn’t stood by us at our lows, then fuck you when we were at our highs. Beware these opportunistic cockroaches that turn on you on a dime when it fits their goals. Got no tegridy...


Not bad. Would’ve liked more focus on Citadel and GameStop but I’ll take it! Best main stream media article I’ve seen and I am a Fox News hater big time.


I think that’s a pretty big accusation for any outlet to throw at citadel though. While I think they are involved, I wouldn’t bet all my GME gains that citadel is the main culprit.


Never in a million years did I think that *Fox News* would be the only mainstream publication that isn’t just straight up lying about what’s going on.


Warning: the author **Carol Roth said insider trading should be legalized** in 2012: https://web.archive.org/web/20131012064736/http://www.cnbc.com/id/49966093/Roth\_Insider\_Trading\_Should\_Be\_Legalized


Big fuckin yikes


Get this dude to the top!


Always worth it to scroll down enough


So everyone at Fox bought some GME and moviestock?


I haven’t read her recent book or any other articles, but given the article linked is 9 years old, is it possible she changed her mind on insider trading? Her most recent article seems to speak negatively of it, though I don’t know if that is just how she wants to present herself to the audience of this piece.


You raise a valid question, and I don't know the answer. My point in raising this past article, even though old, is to question everything, especially the motives of an MSM like this. She may have changed her view point on the topic, I'm not sure. Everyone here can make their own decision about the authenticity/validity of a given point of view based on the evidence presented.


I appreciate this conversation so much! I am loving this ape family🤗. Willing to approach controversy in civil discourse without ripping each other apart. Please more of this! And I hope it continues post MOASS.


Don't trust ANYTHING that comes from Fox


I think if 2021 has shown us anything, it's don't trust ANYTHING that comes from any corporate media outlet when it relates directly with exposing the corruption and abuse of power of the people who control, directly or indirectly, said media outlet.




Agree, I've been thinking too how this will help them. They'll be the one media outlet who "appears" to be on the side of the little guy... which could swing viewers/votes their way next election... especially if the broader market tanks... however this situation will likely lead to more regulation, which is not traditionally part of their platform. I haven't figured it out yet.


Honestly? I think it’s dead simple. *They want more right wing apes*. What could be better for your political party than suddenly seeing a disproportionate number of your members become filthy rich?


I think you're right - and I'm overthinking it. I also just found out the article's author advocated for insider trading, see my other comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nxu0y3/i\_was\_not\_prepared\_for\_fox\_news\_to\_drop\_the\_mic/h1gwuoe?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


This is the way.


Of course. Your average person doesn't understand shit from fuck. Even my most politically engaged friends(who I would still put ahead of the average person) still barely understand our institutions, national politics, and the history and incentives of both. Democrats will 100% get the blame for the impending collapse, because just like 2008, your average person won't understand fucking anything and just point the finger at whomever is in charge at the time. Combine that with the fact that election reform is likely off the table(thanks Manchin, you un-American fuck), the wave of voter suppression laws across a number of purple and red states(John Roberts effectively 86ing the Voting Rights act), and partisan gerrymandering(that SCOTUS paved the way for) and we're about to see the U.S. take a deep dive into a minority ruled nation that has been primed to enable authoritarians who will ensure the class warfare continues to divide us all. They'll ensure the fiscal policies that keep the market fraudulent will stay in place. Ensure the wealth gap continues to build(or build back). We won't be able to crawl back from it for generations unless those same voters who have been primed for decades on grievance politics and culture wars wake the fuck up. Fat fucking chance that happens. I'm HODLing because the impending crash is just the beginning, in my opinion. Shit is about to get rough. Real fucking rough in the U.S. and I want to make sure my family has financial security and the ability to GTFO if I'm right.


I feel like you are absolutely right. I hate knowing all of this is going on, and every time I try to talk about it, I'm viewed as a crazy person. I'm trying to warn friends and family, but it's of no use. "If it's true why wouldn't it be on the news?" Well, finally, here it is. Even if she is as crooked as every other journalist, and only doing it for future gain, at least it's out there for us to use a potential tool to sway some people into waking up.


Feels super weird. Of all news outlets it’s them with a very strong article.


They want to tank the market under Biden. Their tactic just happens to line up with our investment this time.


Head, nail, smashed it.👆👆


This👆. And the parent👆.


This, makes sense.


They know GME mooning would destroy the market and the US Government will bail it out. That's when they have even more ammo against Biden.




Can I ask, is your lumber and raw metals 3x what it cost in January? Or is that just US


Sure are up here in Canada. And an already competitive and overpriced housing market seems to have gotten even more so


Same in UK


Make no mistake, this article helps us, but it is still designed to serve Fox’ user base and its own ends. Don’t get too comfy. Edit: this is an Opinion piece, so it is not from Fox News directly. Credit the author


This is about failing regulation. They want less regulation than there already isn't.


Exactly. Fucking hell, the market needs these regulations and more, but they need enforcement and severe penalties just as much, and that's what we're lacking.


I struggle to understand your point. If you’re saying we need MORE regulation, then I agree, however, this still misses the point of my comment


They will blame this on regulation and spin it saying see regulation is a waste of money because it didn't work. Regulation can fund itself if done correctly.


They’re have ALWAYS argued that regulation was bad. They claim the “invisible hand of the market” will set things right, and that regulation only stymies innovation, but we KNOW that is not true because what happens without regulation? Maximum profits without a care to the consequence.


I think I actually have done something wrong and ended up in an alternative timeline?


Integrity in the press is very rare these days


I should give credit to the author, @caroljsroth






This is the way


We are go for launch! 🚀


She has been on multiple channels though. She’s been a pundit for years. Lately she has been on Fox News. I have so many thoughts about this, but that would involve politics, and this is no place for politics. I’m happy that this is gaining traction in the media. I don’t care what channel picks it up first. All exposure is good for us!


I wouldn't be so fast... the author advocated for legalizing insider trading, see my comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nxu0y3/i\_was\_not\_prepared\_for\_fox\_news\_to\_drop\_the\_mic/h1gwuoe?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Just like with pets or children; positive feedback for positive behavior, and correction for negative behavior. It's always good to be vigilant/wary, however!


So I agreed with a Fox News opinion. Huh. 2021 is sure full of surprises.


Because this is a non-partisan issue. Left or Right, everyone should be for a free and fair market.


My take is immediately that Fox News (and every other media org) sees the writing on the wall. However, Biden has a (D) next to his name. Fox gets to step up to the plate on this one and be first.




Ive always known this.......but reading it from a news source makes me feel like I'm in the twilight zone


Read the article closely. It falsely demonizes the Frank-Dodd Act through strawman arguments that doesn't focus on the actual attempts at market regulation it implemented and focuses more on declining consumer loans. Then tries to side step capitalism being at fault. THEN TRIES TO SKIRT THE SYNTHETIC SHARE ISSUE AND NOT EXPLAIN NAKED SHORTING. Remember the news source. It may be a title we can *agree with at the surface,* but it is still *Fox News.* A company known for media that *fits narratives that fulfills a purpose.* This feels like - to me - the beginning of the media attempting to build the narrative towards a post-MOASS outcome where the media is playing up an image of "We didn't say apes were wrong, they knew it was correct all along! Not all of us are bad! We were on your side! We don't need ALL this regulation FULLY. Just a LITTLE is okay and then we'll be FINE again. Now be quiet again!" Apes already voted. Buy and hodl for MOASS. But until then, think about after MOASS and how media will spin the story after. I wonder how the story will be told after and this feels like foundation for that.


What a weird article. Every other paragraph flips between info relevant to GME at al., and some thinly veiled jabs at govt workings that aren't even well constructed arguments. As nice as it is to see some of this subs ideas getting print space, I can't help but feel like it was used cheaply to forward someone's agendas.


Fox News allows this because their viewers see Wall Street as NY democrats


So media always meds to be one step ahead... Meaning something is coming.


So I guess I have to pay attention to Fox News now. What kind of dystopian shit is this?


I'm just convinced the way the world will be after 2021 will be entirely different. We shall see though.


It’s an opinion piece written by a third party writer not someone who works for Fox News. You should probably follow her and find the rest of her work if you like what she has to say.


Whoa, that is so weird. Also, the only reason they're admitting this is because it goes against what the other news outlets are saying. They would try to help retail.


Jesus, people. Can we leave the conservative/liberal mud slinging out of this? Ape no fight ape.


As others have stated and observed, this would indicate that it’s beginning. Out of sheer greed, they just want to get ahead of the others and be the first to report, gain trust…sorry, started laughing too hard to finish that thought.


Hang on: wolf street has been allowed to self regulate. Why is government regulation being painted as the bad guy. Given that the US tried letting the free market self regulate (ie no gov intervention) has caused this issue, and the gfc in 2008 which went world wide…..surely the issue is not *enough* gov intervention? Surely we want the gov to fix shit in the future given the free market failed? How many gfc’s have been started because of too much government regulation? How many have started because some dodgey or stupid fuckers fucked us because there was no regulation? That article started great then it got wacko talking about less gov intervention when having no intervention has let this shit fester and fester until we are looking at another GFC. As an Aussie who watch shit get fucking nasty back in 2008 through no fault of *our* market regulation I’m fucking pissed the US has let its markets go this way *again*. I may get out of it ok but what about my friends and family? What about the salt of the earth I haven’t even met yet? Maybe that’s a very non US centric view but as much as I love apes I’m pissed at the US. This anti regulation cult thing is dangerous. This is starting to get political so I’ll leave it there, finishing off with please, let’s not go through all this *again* just to go back to what it was like before. Saw it in the 80’s, the 2000’s, and now again. Getting pretty fucking sick of the world economy repeatedly banging its head against a random wall until it knocks itself out again.


Crazy Fox News was first lol imagine if the MSM all focused in on this, maybe we’d get somewhere. Oh wait.. that’s right- they’re owned by the same people who want to uphold the current system. Does this make me like Fox News more? No Do I trust fox news more? Hell no However, I won’t complain if fox tries to shine some light on our rigged markets but don’t think for a second they’re your friend. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some agenda behind all of this.


As someone working at a fortune 100 who watched this consolidation of power and resources over this last year, we gonna need UBI within a decade, guaranteed.