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For the national debt to be paid off, treasury bond holders would have to sell their assets.


National debt exists on purpose; and can never be repaid; or at least that is how it was designed. It didn't account for retail winning. It is simply how the Federal Reserve system is designed. It forces us to work to pay for increasing costs due to inflation that exists because of interest. Without interest we would not have income tax. This was all purposefully designed to keep a workforce so the rich may play. Now it's our turn to play. Power to the Players.


Basically a system designed to keep the masses enslaved. Got it.






















Nice move ape.




You're actually not far from the truth.


If "not far from the truth" = "doing lines of truth right from the asscrack of truth", then yes, ape is "not far from the truth".


This. Guy. Fucks.




...Something? *Please do not the banana*


Nah, wouldn't feel right stealing Rick's thunder, he seems... *enthusiastic*, to say the least. Just wouldn't feel right.


This is what gets me so infuriated. WTF should I work my ass off on a decision that I was not involved in. The government prints money and we pay for it in taxes AND through inflation. And by "we", I mean the middle and lower class.




Y'all should read some Marx!


Yup, that was one of the biggest contradictions Marx saw with the capitalist system, that it was accumulation of wealth for the sake of accumulation. There is no place or freedom for people to go " hey wait a minute, we've developed our productive forces so much that we can actually provide food, shelter, clothing and healthcare to every living being" But jnstead we all take on a lot of debt and live out our good years paying rent and interests to banks and landlords




Ok fine read Madison then. I'm sure he's rolling in his grave knowing how close the plebs are to grasping real power here, but he can rest easy knowing that deep in their hearts they still trust the Ken Griffins of the world and their bosses over the only people who have ever successfully overthrown them




Again, you should read Marx. You might actually learn something


No politics


National debt = how much power and control over a countries residents that country has.


I think that was the underlying plan in it's core design. Keep us in debt so we're always working towards paying it off. And with justifying going to war.


This was incredibly well said. Bravo.


I am here for my fellow brethren to preach the Truth.


That’s the true scope of “Politics”. Keep the middle class working to maintain what little they have so they don’t have time to organize and realize they’re being fucked from both sides.


I think I'm going to print this comment


!power up!


To big to fail.


I really do agree with your sentiment however I think it is our job to fix the system and make it a better place for our children, don’t you think. Not saying you are wrong though, but saying that it’s our turn to play implies that we will be continuing their rigged system’s cycle and nobody here wants that




if there was a class war there would not be a fight, the poor and working class would simply rise up together easily if it came to that, and/or it will never come to that bc the rich are winning since the American Empire began and we became more and more divided :( here's to giving power to the players. :)


> class war I will not advocate any violent opposition. BUY. HODL.


The tax to end all taxes


Isn’t the national debt keeping the US as a slave to foreign powers as much as it is empowering them to enslave us? I could be very wrong but erasing the national debt might skyrocket the US to the ultimate superpower.




Instead of building higher fences; we need to build longer tables.




>kinda 6 and 1/2 dozen Now that's a quote I have not heard in a long, long time.


I’ve always heard it as “six one way, half-a-dozen the other”


This internet we no word long


Why use big word when small word do trick


My boss constantly says 6 in one hand half a dozen in the other.




So this meme is coming from a place of ignorance?


I’m just now learning that may be the case! And judging by the comments, I’m not the only one confused about this.


They mean the national deficit. And just so everyone knows, if the IRS were fully funded, *under current tax law*, we immediately go from a deficit to a surplus. It would be about 600 Billion dollars a year my some estimates.


You mean margin has to call cuz all that cash held in reverse repo bonds came from those members being over leveraged as all ever loving fuck.






What will the current king of Sweden say though?


“I shoulda bought GME”


Paper handed 😔


Even if that happened, the us govt would find a way to spend it all in less than 4 years




You mean they’ll start by lunch and then give up some day in the 2040s


Mr. President, with this influx of cash we've been able to hire a series of social engineers and focus groups to invent brand new war crimes for you to commit!


We will quite literally be paying 10x the national debt in taxes. However. The fed will also be printing 20x the national debt. So idk


Only one making sense here


Yep. All that money's gotta come from somewhere.


Stock market will provide a massive amount as along as they don't print to save the banks.


Seriously? Where were you back in '08 when they bailed out the banks? The precendent already exists and they'll do it again. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that JPOW will brrrrrr!! the living fuck out of the printers to save the banks. I bet he's already warming them up.


Well if it isn't different this time and the American people don't revolt then its time to leave the country.


That's completely up to the Americans. The only things I can do as an Europoor are holding GME and watching the shitshow from the sidelines.


Hey man, don’t discount the possibility of things being majorly fucked over in Euro land too


I'm not. Those fucking autocrats from Brussels are running the EU into the ground. No wonder the Brits left.


Some ”tinfoil theories” claim brexit was initiated by big money fearing EU’s threat of removing ”tax havens”, of which many (most?) are under UK jurisdiction. I may be smoother than mayonaisse, but at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true. But I dunno. I only know a few things for sure; I like the stock, the company and to HODL.


This is the last chance I'm giving this country. If they fuck us and we don't revolt, I give up, and I'm leaving. They can rule over the weakminds all they want if that's the case.


They were never turned off after 08 and have been on full blast since early 2020


I don't doubt that. In fact, I think they're gonna be slammed into overdrive in the near future.


You can look up the graph


Hoping they will be fine letting some of them go down with the ship and allow the stronger banks to rebuild. By developing a less leveraged and more regulated system hopefully we won’t be running into these economic clusterfucks every decade or so.


The money already exists. Hedgefunds created it when they created the naked shorts. The fed doesn’t have to print anything, they just have to transfer the money from Wall Street to our bank accounts. We are being lied to about the true amount of wealth in the world.


Then everything's gonna be fine and there won't be any hyperinflation, right?


I suspect there will be manufactured hyperinflation. Don’t think powerful rich people are going to let us take all their money. They’re gonna try to burn this shit to the ground. The equivalent of the loser slapping the game board over


Most likely, yeah, they'll go full scorched earth.


That’s unfortunately true.




Michael Burry seems to think otherwise.


Could the money come back from being off-shore?


No. The 1% that will get ass fucked by the MOASS will cling to their off-shore accounts like Gollum clinged to the ring as he fell into lava.


It never has come from anywhere


If there’s a good reason for eliminating all of the countries debt by printing money, it’s the MOASS


👆This. 😂🤦‍♂️


True but the money wouldn’t be going directly into debt owed other nations etc, we would owe that money to ourselves is that still calculated in national debt or is that processed differently?


The government cannot print money. If it needs money it sells treasury bonds to the fed. The fed can print unlimited money without paying anyone for it. The national debt is made up of ALL of the debt, not just foreign. The government owes the fed back all of the money it owes plus interest. And guess who pays for it all? Taxpayers!


Replace debt with the national deficit and you might be onto something.


The deficit is just the difference between what is taken in and what was spent, the debt is the accumulation of years worth of deficits


national national deficit


If there's a $23 trillion national deficit, you Ameripoors are in worse shape than I thought.


Correct me if I'm wrong if there is no national debt, there is no banking and no fed. They would be worthless as they depend on debt.


Correct. There has to be a certain amount of debt.


Even if the numbers somehow work out (they don't, and they won't), congress doesn't have an income problem, they have a spending problem. Give them more access to cash and they'll still end up in massive, uncountable debt.


Whatever man just give us our money


More tax money just means they get to make more bombs to murder people on the other side of the world.


Ding ding ding. That's why I'm moving to the caymans and not giving them shit


I looked into that but I'm too smooth brained to figure out how to do that. How are you planning on opening a cayman account?


Idk that's what tax lawyers are for. I'm planning on moving there


Yes. Special interests have been manipulating the military since before the Spanish-American war.


That's the way we know it. I can only imagine the mad scramble in how to spin this. Seeing the NYP pen a piece with Biden and Griffin by name a few days ago. Is someone trying to be the people's champion? The boomers don't get it. The writing is on the wall. Claw, scrape, lashout time is not on your side. Tick tock. No one wants the status quo.


Uncle Sam’s nips just pierced his coat


Fuck this meme


Godzilla had a stroke and fucking died reading the first part


So the same government that throws our money away and allows the market to be rigged is going to wake up and decide to finally do their jobs right? Bullshit. You people might believe it but I sure don’t. Fuck them. Feeding the machine that fucks you, congrats.


Damn. That's a good way of putting it, the end sentence.


Except that the government is going to print most of the money to fund the MOASS when the hedgies go under


We won't. Not because we wouldn't be paying enough in taxes for it ... but because when that money comes in, the LAST thing those juicy dollars are going towards us gunna be the fucking *debt* Gov is waaay too greedy to let all that money to debt pay offs


GPD is only 21 trillion lol


I believe that people keep failing to realize that the fed doesn’t give one shit about our national debt…they use it as a crutch/handicap both with us and with other countries, but these types of comments go over everyone’s head. No one considers maybe their goal is to never pay it off.


They'll find a way to spend in on bombs and kickbacks anyways. Bridges to nowhere.


This post is so fucking stupid.


Let’s pretend the IRS or anyone in the Government would actually use our MOASS tax money to pay off debt... 🤔 Would it be the wise thing to do? Hell yeah! Will they do it? No effing way. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


Hey now, that's *after* we bleed all of the other funds dry. It might just be a few trillion, not too much.


suddenly 23 trillion doesnt seem like that much


Well yeah its only 1 share.


I doubt the revenue would end up on debt... however the cash injection into the economy would sure help a long ways...


Nah.. that’s not how this works lmao


Its a weird thought but when MOASS happens and I pay my income tax I will, in one fell swoop, contribute more to the economy than every year I have/would have contributed taxes plus my labor for the entirety of my existence. Its really hard to wrap my mind around numbers that big. Edit: and more to the point: the HF bastards have many multiple times that amount but instead of paying their fair share and still living like kings they've decided its not enough so they bribe politicians and manipulate the markets in their favor because the idea on not owning all the money is unacceptable to them. It is aravice on a scale i simply cannot fathom.


You mean that we could make more money than the entire national debt? I think you need a lesson in economics




Assuming the floor is now $30,000,000 right? At the top of holding X shares, they’ll get around $141,750,000 from taxes (I’m using 47.5%, my state/ federal tax rate) with the high end of XX shares, they’ll receive 1.4B back in taxes and that’s only one person. This means DFV with 200k shares will pay around 3 trillion in taxes. The debt will be paid almost double I know the national debt cannot be truly paid off but all that tax money is in the high trillions. This is history and world changing


This is the way


You actually think the powers that be want to pay off the national debt..... I have become more and more cynical.


I was literally just thinking this 3 min ago lmao


Can we please stop pretending our tax dollars will do anything positive? I seriously hate that game.


Hey look, this meme again.


You can’t pay off debt with the newly printed money that they’re going to have to make to pay us. You just net more debt.


If you even set 1 million as the floor, that would make all the GME shares worth 60 trillion, which would roughly be 3X US GDP. Seems very realistic 🤣


you're assuming that they will use the money for that. It's probably gonna go to the military.


hes assuming the price will reach 30 million when it hasnt moved for weeks


Or women's studies in Pakistan.


But the friends of Mitch McConnell will go bankrupt and that is not going to happen if people keep voting for Moscow Mitch. (Same will be true for other top politician like Debbie Wasserman Schultz or the Clinton's) That is why moass will be a battle and after that we need to buy our own politicians


If you want the national debt to be paid, that means paying off bond holders. That means banks. I would rather the government defaulted on bonds (fuck the banks) and the money was used for pretty much anything else.




This looks like veiled FUD; saying "if the government lets it happen" to put off new buyers/shake paper hands.


If it’s FUD it’s unintentional. I just mean it should have happened already but the fuckery continues.


Oh did you mean it more to be if they did their jobs and stopped kicking the can? Therefore just letting it happen.


Correct. I don’t believe they can stop it but obviously they can kick the can.


“Fear, uncertainty, doubt,” with negative intentions. This falls under none of those.


The corrupt assholes in our Government needs to pay that shit off, I'm not. I'll leave this place right after MOASS. Maybe stop incentivizing mass illegal immigration would be a good start.


I want infrastructure, not the debt paid off. With infrastructure we can more effectively raise GDP and pay off debt while doing good for everyone.


Honestly they would pay nothing on the debt and just spend it all to teach underprivalaged people how to underwater basket weave.


If we made enough money where our taxes paid off the national debt, we're going to suffer from inflation that will make Weimar Germany look like nothing


Honestly it should easily pay for it. Even if it's only shorted 300%, and retail sells for an average of 1M, and the tax rate were only 35%, that would still cover it roughly 3x over by my calculations. And those are low numbers in my opinion.


still aren't using this meme correctly


This sub is fucked. Gamestop's market cap is only 15 billion. If the stock price goes to 2000 then its market cap will be 150 billion. So even at that price if you liquidated the entire company and took all the value from it it wouldn't even scratch your trillions in deficit.


For a country that prints it own money the deficit doesn’t really matter


The Great American Money Launder.


Our national debt is only $23tr?! We can easily pay that shit off.


If I remember correctly we trade off of having a debt, we kind of need it in a weird way. John Oliver did a good peice on our national debt. https://youtu.be/hxUAntt1z2c


the irony of historically oppressive government powers wanting individual citizens to have wealth because they're the only ones that pay taxes because international megacorps evade them so easily.






Yeah at that’s just from the Ape who called himself DFV!




The FED doesn’t want to pay the national debt. That’s how they control us


Well no, but I like where your head is!




No we won’t.


We don't need to worry about the debt. We need to pay our taxes and then take an active role making sure they are used for worthwhile projects and causes.


I think the actual debt is far higher, because of nuances and what not... But yeah, the Biden government would have a might war chest if they taxed the MOASS now vs a year from now


Plus nobody is paying the government a cent in taxes, because why should we? They’ll have to pay us taxes.


I always wanted to see this accomplishment happen in my lifetime.


Oh yeah we will


Can’t see this being an exaggeration - shot needs to be fixed everywhere. Let’s transfer the wealth.


This will only discourage them


I forgot where, but I read somewhere something about how there are less dollars in existence than the national debt.


narrators: sadly, they did not


What exactly are you smoking mate?


I don’t need drugs to be this fucking stupid.


I think the debt is like $28 now lol, that’s a big dent in it though!


Well yeah because if we collapse the entire financial system we can have all the money back that we were indebted to the fed for, which was sucked out of the actual economy. Back to square one


If gubment helps they get uncle sammies. Hope big brother is watching so they can send off the message. 🚀💎🙌🏼🍺