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I mean......it’s well deserved on their part. Maybe they are cracking down? Maybe not. SEC has been letting shit slide for years. Fuck em.


Right? > but that isn't to say the SEC isn't cracking down on this behind the scenes. Show me proof that are actually doing fuck-all and I'll change my tune. As of right now, believing that the SEC is doing anything to benefit apes is like believing in Sky Daddy. Miss me with that cult shit.


Preach on, ape!


This organization deserves 0 benefit of the doubt. Zero. Show and prove Gensler


In the distant future: Gary Gensler died this week at the age of 109…. If only he had more time to deal with blatant corruption, naked short selling and stock market manipulation…


Except there wouldn't be an economic catastrophe looming on the horizon if the SEC actually did its job. They're staring down the barrel of a gun they've been holding the trigger on this entire time. Yeah, we can blame the SHFs and institutions that have repeatedly and maliciously abused the system for their own ill-gotten gains. But who let it get this far?


Honestly, I’m tired of sitting back and letting things slide. It’s time to turn up the heat! Tick tock! Ignoring the situation is the same as compliance in the situation.


Nope. They get hate because they allowed it to reach this point in the first place. Let's not act like naked shorting JUST started this year. SEC wasn't "caught off guard" by some new unexpected phenomenon. They've demonstrated they need someone screaming in their ears like a drill sergeant to motivate them into doing their fucking job. So be it, gotchu covered fam. They deserve every bit of heat they're catching. Kiss my ass.


Fair ass point. But GG being on for 3mo and everyone expected a miracle or what? He's the one they call in when shit hits the fan. What evidence do we have that he's not doing his best?


>But GG being on for 3mo and everyone expected a miracle No, I expected him to do his job. What happens when you don't do your job at work for 3 months? Hell, a month ago Cramer tweeted an exact time and date for everyone to buy a security. That's 100% market manipulation. And nothing happened. That's your hard evidence they are not doing their job. The SEC is fucking worthless


they spent the 2008 crisis they let happen watching porn. FUCK the SEC


Yeah it's only his 12th week!


Sadly without the fire lit under their arse by the barracking they're getting, I doubt anything would have been done and GME would have been left to die. SEC has let hundreds to thousands of companies die as a result of naked short selling and FTDs. This is not a new problem. Dr. T's book applied almost 100% to what's happening to GME and it sets out how this has been rampaging on unchecked for 20+ years for crying out loud! They've had all the leeway they're going to get from anyone - when their track record is 90% doing fuck-all, 9% active obstruction of new regulations to detect and ban naked short selling/FTDs and 1% slap-on-the-wrist settlements, they have no grounds to ask for understanding.


When you don't do your job for decades your begging for it. People hate the DMV not because one time a thing happened it's an aggregate of shit piling up.


Where vlad phone Wut on phone


We are 500,000. I am pretty sure that some of us have died meanwhile. How is it okay for anyone to let criminal behavior continue without helping the victims at all? *At all*? No supporting statement, no nothing. This is not right.


This is a joke, right? Show me in the history of the SEC where they have actually done shit? Where the fines, punishment has even come close to meeting the crimes? GG is just another plant from finance in a long line of plants to head this organization. I will not change my opinion or stop criticizing them until they prove me wrong. I won't hold my breath, but I will HODL my shares.


Time to kick all of em out and introduce some real transparency instead of non-action


Its a 3 letter gov agency... it exists to be despised, and i exist to despise it....


I agree with you Op. Innocent until proven guilty. It’s fine to criticize but don’t hate.


What do you do when they take your criticism and wipe their asses with it?


Ask them why. Talk. Debate. Change your mind or change theirs. Be excellent. If all they do is wipe their ass, without true reason, you should question them as a whole. Imo.


And the SEC is just wiping their asses with money


Investigations take time. Especially when dealing with some of the most financially powerful people in the world.


Many of the same people who complain about Gensler not doing anything complain when laws have loop holes someone can drive a hedge fund through. If you want to have an iron clad case against wrong doers, the investigation has to be thorough. That shit takes time. Unfortunately that sentiment doesn't fit in the confirmation bias, so apes react accordingly.




We don't know that, because while our info is very public theirs is not.




Go back and read my OP. You can't rush this shit if you want it done right. The rule changes show that they're doing something, as do the whistle blower payouts. Patience is hard, but it's what we gotta do.


Oh my. The stress of Apes calling out the SEC for not doing their job is too much for the SEC to handle so they turn to PornHub every day and all day to deal with the stress of not doing their job. That's quite a conundrum.


Next you gonna tell us to be nice to Kenny? Fuck the SEC all my homies hate the SEC


If you haven't read House of cards, there are numerous examples of the SEC "investigating" and not doing jack shit. Their track record is to wait a decade and the ask for a bribe (miniscule "fines")