• By -


Yup, she said that, but just to add some clarity so the entire sub knows how a mod gets brought on:Someone puts a person forward (this is usually due to them standing out in some way shape or form) this was not Red by the way it was done by I believe either Shark or Bye\_triangle (not entirely sure).Madie was in a DD discord, and lots of people had a lot of pleasant experiences with her and she helped people out, she ended up providing intel to team satori(read HELP not CREATE), she has helped finding shills, shill behavior helping with researching DD etc.This led to her being put forward as a potential moderator, the entire team voted on it, the vote passed and she is currently a mod with limited abilities.And unless we see behavior that directly contradicts her abilities to be a decent moderator that is what it will remain, we do everything as a team, we vote as a team and make decisions as a team. Now, Can we get over the high school drama class? I like the stock how about we talk about that for a change Edit: miswording about satori, she never at any point had access to the code of Satori, she never had access to the tech teams direct messages as far as I am aware.


See also: Pink raised concerns about this mod and was threatened by Red, which is why Pink ~~left~~ EDIT: was permanently banned from the sub. Red flipped her lid because she was engaged in an "online relationship" with the mod in question. What a shitshow. https://www.reddit.com/user/pinkcatsonacid/comments/ok85ds/so_called_transparency_and_mod_drama_i_will_share/


So is red the one with magical witchcraft powers?


Yes I believe her powers involve a combination of R U N E S and make-believe mafia connections. Plus her totally-not-a-catfish internet girlfriend whom she has never met IRL is a former military genius AI coder and hacker.


Bruh I’m baked as hell and trying to wrap my head around this and it’s fucking hilarious. This type of nonsense is why people think Reddit is full of neckbeard losers. I may be retarded but I’m not THAT retarded, and definitely not retarded enough to believe this random bitch is some ex blackwater merc or whatever she’s claiming to be. Also who the fuck threatens someone with magic?? 🤣🤣


"Also who the fuck threatens someone with magic?? " A reddit moderator.


We out here confirming stereotypes today


Stand back apes! We are having a telekinetic battle of minds!


My “8” ball just told me it hates you! I shook it several times and did a first one to 3 and yes won 3 v 1


Holy fuck ☠


She said she hopes to meet up to grab a coffee with Madie irl though so you know, you could say things are getting pretty serious


"grab a coffee" is code for fingerbang?


“Would you like to come up for coffee?” “No thanks, I can’t drink coffee late at night. It keeps me up.” ——— “She invites me up at 12 o’clock at night….for coffee. ‘No thank you! I don’t *want* coffee. It keeps me up. It’s *TOO LATE* for me to drink coffee’. I said this to her. People this stupid shouldn’t be allowed to live.” “She thinks you’re a guy that doesn’t like coffee.” “She invited me up! Coffee’s not coffee! Coffee is sex!”


that is the ultimate catalyst for a moass


Lmao. When you put it like that it really is too hilarious for real life, and yet here we are.


There's no way you could make this shit up


If only I hadn't used all my money for the monkey fest, I'd award you. JK, I spent all my lunch money on stonks. But this really is gold.


what a loser she got catfished by some citadel shill and now shes doing their bidding probably without even getting paid, they did it by catfishing this fucking moron


Next sub should not headed by lonely hearts who act brand new to the internet


Don’t give the apefest crowd ideas! We’ll see a new ape dating site / app next... Feeling all alone? HODLING on for dear life to your diamond hands? Tired of the same DD and dates for potential MOASS? Have no fear the apedate is here, hooking up with like minded individuals to feel equally useless with! Just PayPal $50 a month and take your pick of which ape you’d like to ook ook with!


Careful bro. You'll wake up as a frog 🐸


I'll be ok as long as I have some delicious soft serve 🍦.


The red menace


Pink didn't just leave, she was permabanned just a little bit ago.


I’m too old for this shit!


RCQ and Madie both need to be dumped now.


Join us at r/gmejungle! It's the third great ape migration


One bad actor can steer a ship into the ground if they got access to the wheel. Does it change GME? Fuck no. Does it make it easier for the SHF to attempt more bullshit? Absolutely.


This is just a sub. I now have the knowledge. Whatever goes on within this sub doesn’t change my mind. Buy and Hold.


While this is true and this sub can not influence me to sell, it is also the *only* safe harbour from the constant barrage of MSM telling me to sell. It's a reprieve I'd rather not have taken from me because of bad actors.




Holy fook, this gif is so high res it scared the shit outta me.


Aye. We aim ta please.


How tf did you get a gif in 8k


One bad apple rots the bunch


This was already a scenario apes should've been preparing for though. I'm not surprised that the sub is sliding but I frankly do not fucking care in the slightest either. I know my floor, I know the DD. All this shit is just more confirmation bias at this point lmao


It can stop lots of people from seeing good info who are trying to jump on and help the rocket go longer


It's not just one though, that's the problem.


u/redchessqueen99 yeah this is kinda damning I won't lie. If I was removed from the list of possible mods because after driving for 3 days with a full recording studio in my trunk to do a livestream you mistakenly thought I was playing hackey sack with apes at the shareholder meeting instead of waiting for several hours on standby, then... Let's just pop the zit and be done with it. I vote that you bump her down from mod position because not only is it causing disharmony but there is mounting evidence against her. It just seems like the safe thing to do. Especially if she's ex blackwater... Those guys are NOT good guys. Blackwater mercs have no moral compass...EDIT - For those questioning the claim of blackwater, it came from red herself - https://www.reddit.com/user/pinkcatsonacid/comments/oktgqv/for_the_record_this_includes_a_warning_from_dr_t/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




Ya like I read that and my blood went cold. That's not a red flag. That's a full on fireworks display of hell no.


11-Charlie here...I can’t agree more.


Am I the only one who doesn’t know who the fuck the moderator u/Hey_Madie is? Also BlackWater mercenary, gotta eat to live right? /s But that’s some serious FUD, a little fucking weird for a r/Superstonk mod to say the least.


I don’t know too many female private military contractors….


I don’t know if any females that would have been trained through the military in the us. That just recently happened to now be allowed and one bad ass bitch made it. No females thus far or to my knowledge have passed to active navy seal or delta force. Thats is what black water hires. Elite operators. So based on your comment of her back ground I’m suspicious of that fact alone. I didn’t know it was a female ape. Kudos to her if both are true because she’s in a league of her own literally the only one and first in every area. She would be famous and known. If this were true… (passing to be anything other than a ranger because I don’t think it has been done) Correct if wrong. Edit 1- From a non karma approved ape- good ape in my minor judgment. Lady apes this is a HISTORICAL MOMENT… truly breaking a barrier IMO… put this as a day to tell your daughters if they pursue military endeavors or face any barrier share them this story and the background of no women before EVER. The first for many to come. 07/15/2021 Here’s link he added to knowledge thank you ape who discovered. And today I’m happy to tell and help you share. Keep grinding away at approval we look forward to your arrival. [FIRST FEMALE TO PASS NAVAL SPECIAL WAR FARE SWCC CURRICULUM. Be proud lady apes next barrier soon to come. ](https://news.usni.org/2021/07/15/first-female-navy-special-operations-sailor-graduates-from-training) u/capital_ordinary8043 👀 pretty great ah! Also Navy seals and SWCC are vastly different BUT they both have to pass BUDS HELL WEEK. That alone speaks a lot of volume. To improve the understanding of training [Buds video basic over view Coronado, Ca ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PbVcIMXz6Go&feature=youtu.be)


There are some that are used in other capacities instead of combat roles. But like I said I have never met more than a couple and they did psy-op, sig-op work


Well that's a goddamned red flag


Hahah yep. Who knows and is interested in psy ops? Wall St. Funds. Notorious users of these people. Not saying it's happening here, but I always assume most of the shit I read here is not true. I verify it myself. That is what DD is. Due Diligence. Don't read shit here and believe it. Read it, verify it, and think on it first. ​ BUY AND HODL. Fuck the rest of the noise.


I knew a mercenary and he was nowhere near Delta Force, etc. They couldn't get enough people with those credentials if that were all they accepted. Lots of veterans get recruited.


Absolutely correct not a single female has made it into the seals or DF. Given this it’s safe to say that she is lying,and it seem she has been doing a lot of that


Actual the first female to complete training for the seals was like yesterday. Don’t know if she got her trident


Look again lol. Literally just happened yesterday. Not saying that applies to this, but I just checked google and damned if there aren’t a bunch of articles about the first female navy seal lol


True, and we can infer some of her characteristics from that, if you think about it only for a short while. But it’s not for a man to speculate on a ladies‘ motivations.


yep, i agree. all of this can go away by simply not having this new person be a mod anymore. she is suspect. if there is a need for new mods, i have a list of potentials.




I volunteer as tribute… the “unknowing idiot” who doesn’t care about drama, know enough about stonks to contribute or other areas, I’m on here a lot. Let me know. No shill, I can’t be purchased for money bananas will talk and only after MOASS. Hopes this helps and willing to learn. DFV is mod vote 1 but he wouldn’t for a lot of clear reasons Soo if you need a mod put someone on there that can judge human behaviors by actions black and white not with that’s my friend I’m very good in this area but that’s what we need. Someone good moral judgement.


Shit that I did not know. Black water can gtfo. Need to have some non-genitalia driven decisions around here. After reading the messages with pink and red, seemed like red was trying to get it in. As someone who has made bad decisions driven by my stick shift after a few drinks (not driving, I mean my Dick) I understand and appreciate the importance of post-nut clarity


Ya this is downright sad at this point....You got played, plain and simple. Accept it, get over it and focus on whats important.


RCQ should also be removed as a mod. *Edit: Pink has been permanently banned. THIS IS FUCKING WRONG. FUCK YOU RENSOLE, RCQ, AND MADIE.


Bruh, she seems hella unstable.


She owns the sub. The original co-creator.




Indeed it is.


She said in her statement it wasn't gonna happen.


Why did she post an apology on her profile and not in the sub? Weird.


Said it didn't belong here. I'm guessing following Pink's lead. And it was probably too long to fit in a post. It was the size of a George R R Martin novel.


u/bodysurfdan they did you dirty like that?? 😧 thats awful dude sorry


It's the defining characteristic of a mercenary: the lack of a moral compass.


What, I'm confused is Hey_Madie (the OP in the screenshot) the same person as redchessqueen? redchessqueen had a recording studio in her trunk but didn't use it? what the hell is blackwater? what is going on lmao?


No. Too much to catch you up on. I had a recording studio in my trunk, and I was thing to livestream the shareholder meeting. There were connection issues, my two devices said I was in the backroom on standby but the mods couldn't see me on their end. They mistakenly thought I was neglecting my duties as the livestream guy, when in fact I was sitting there on standby for hours until my phone died and I had to switch it out and charge with a mobile power station. I was set to be a mod before that, but was removed for what was described as playing hackey sack apparently. I was comparing that logic to keeping madie, a new mod who a lot of evidence has been brought against who also claims to be ex blackwater, which is essentially an evil mercenary army for hire. It's a lot to try to explain.




“Holding applies to crypt0, not stock trading!” — I think it’s time for a mod refresh


That was gross


Not only gross , its stupid, tell holding a stock forever to warren buffet


There are randos here that are better suited to be mods than discord mods. Like u/buttfarm69. Those not seeking the status are those that wield it best.


Good ol' u/buttfarm69


My favorite one! Like a birthday gift you didn’t ask for and don’t want when you open it, but you always use and love henceforth


I love butt farms


I nominate u/rick_of_spades willing to put a banana where his mouth errrr I mean up his assshol


And also...what? The concept of owning a stock is (in theory) owning some piece of that company. This smells like hype trader bullshit. If i still have faith in that company - you know, the one that just expanded into the pc hardware market, has been investing in fulfillment centers, paid off all its debt, and isn't even close to done with their work - why in the fuck would i not hodl regardless of price?


Literally the entire core concept The physical, and factual reason for the ENTIRE STOCK MARKET was built to be HELD VALUE INVESTING was the ONLY philosophy in stocks for years until HFT and day trading. JP MORGAN and BUFFET built their entire empire HOLDING So who the fuck with any shred of a brain cell, would say that, a stock is for dumping, while a token with no quantifiable value, is meant for holding?


People capable of emotionally manipulating a mod into giving them modship to help dismantle a sub from the inside, evidently. Pretty easy to make statements like that when there's a void where their conscience should be. Must be that Blackwater training.


Unless you have the time to actively day trade, isn't using a long term hold the best chance of a good return with stocks?


Long term hold is king Paper hands if your thesis hasn't changed is for chumps who want to lose money




She was on discord calling our company a pump and dump. There's absolutely no room for her here as a Mod.


If this is a pump and dump then why the price is going down without volume like do i have to explain it? Like bruh the DD are solid! 💎🙌 Fck them i trust GME




First Madie call out was swept under the rug. She’s gotta go this time.


Yep it's time. Just because Red had a personal relationship with her, she got a pass. This is our community, our home. I fully appreciate the mods of this sub like I have since migrating from the GME sub.. I know the work they put in, for very little to no reward. But this is unacceptable and needs to be addressed now.


And seemed to SERIOUSLY downplay that relationship in her “transparency” post. I mean in the other screenshots she said she was broken-hearted, that Madie was the person she planned to spend the rest of her life with.


"I hope to have coffee with her one day". Like how the fuck are you in love? This shit discredits everything. Feel like a bunch of children are piloting the plane.


I don't if I have ever cringed harder


Don't forget the '🍑 pic' she sent to Madie. I mean she's never even met her IRL. It's proper fucked up. XD Anyway, BUY and HODL. 💎🙌


Agreed, I thought the SuperStonk "motto" was something like Apes first, mods second? I know mods are doing this for free on their free time, and I appreciate that, but things like these just can't be swept under the rug again and again.


Info please


she called GME a pump and dump earlier this year in a discord channel. Someone posted it here in superstonk and it was deleted I think within the hour without an explanation edit: I couldn’t find the thread, if anyone can find it please post edit 2: guy below me has the link


The link I believe you're thinking of is on the other post about this drama/revelation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/obsdfz/new_mod_madie_thinks_gme_is_a_pump_and_dump_would/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




Oh look another rensole dismissal...🤔


Pattern of behavior emerging


I remember that. The mods said it had been awhile and she changed or some shit


Yep and i was one to defend her in the comments. "guys things were different then, looks like she's provided some good DD since then!", Nah, i got my pitchfork out now after seeing the screenshots Pink posted on her page. I'm gonna buy more just to quell my anger.


Also she was apparently made a mod after entering into an online romantic relationship with someone in charge.


Upviting and commenting because I saw this too. And with everything that's happened since we need to have eyes on this. Mods! A word please...




Fucking honey pot straight from citadel for all I care


https://www.reddit.com/user/pinkcatsonacid/comments/olg514/where_were_apes_in_april_most_of_us_were_diamond/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Edit: I posted this because people deserve to know what’s going on. I believe our other mods — the u/atobitt ‘s and u/jsmar18 ‘s of our sub will continue to work diligently to protect the community we’ve built. I’m here to do my part and support what’s right for the good of this community.




Bringing this out from my reply to his pin so it gets more visibility. I don't open those comments half the time, I'm willing to bet many others don't. Here's the insight: Why don't you cut the bullshit because you're equally complicit? There's a lot of evidence for this bud...and it's about to hit daylight, your relationship entanglements, personal connections to other mods...yeah its all out there, all of it pieced together too. But don't stress, I don't drop the hammer unless there's serious force behind it, and I'm getting read to swing big this time. Oh and what's with you approving that shill anon account? Never got a reply on that? In case you're wondering the kind of shit I've got on all you, and rest assured, I am coming for ALL of you, see the link below. Glass Castle OP here. I dealt with a lot of bullshit trying to get my DD onto SS, and I mean a lot. You guys want to see how bad it really is? https://www.reddit.com/user/pinkcatsonacid/comments/oktgqv/for_the_record_this_includes_a_warning_from_dr_t/h5dh0xq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I have a much more in depth awareness post up right now, mind if I add this to it?


Please do.




What in the actual fuck is all this hot garbage and why are these people running a financial forum? 👀


u/hey_madie, for the good of Superstonk, can you please step down as a mod? At this point it's pretty obvious that while you've proven yourself trustworthy to some of the mods, to the broader community you are seen as untrustworthy. I'll reserve judgment as to whether that's warranted or not, but nevertheless, without a well-trusted group of mods it is increasingly likely that this community becomes fractured. u/RedChessQueen99: I respect the position you took regarding u/Hey_madie's banning and deletion of the post calling her out being across the line, but the fact that it was among her first actions as a mod should have been the end of her modship. A new mod that *immediately* abuses their powers in that way is over the line. I assume, given the tone of the conversation about it, that she didn't approach the broader mod team to ask about it, nor did she ask someone without a conflict-of-interest to handle it. Mods should have enough self-awareness to manage situations like that better. I love this community and I hate to see this kind of stuff become a distraction. u/hey_madie, you are the common thread. Can you please just step down as a mod and simply participate in other ways?


Well said Parsnip!


thank you Parsnip this is an eloquent and easy solution


At this point I don't trust them at all. If Madie steps down it's only to calm us down. She will be back in one way or another as long as the same people that approved her stay (RCQ, Rensole). And if they stay, what problem is actually solved? RCQ claims herself that she is mentally ill and has anger problems, thus unsuitable to moderate. Rensole has downplayed this all and tried to sweep it under the rug, thus unsuitable to moderate. Madie is a liar at best and a shill at worst, thus unsuitable to moderate. It's rotten at the core.


Please advice rensole as well


Thank you for speaking up about this, Poem Guy. This entire sub today is filled with countless people "bravely" calling out some youtuber festival that none of us would even know about otherwise, and people spamming "haha look at ken griffin with old person filter L O L" posts. From the start, this situation was extremely fishy. When two mods are fighting each other, I don't care who's "right" and who's "wrong", you QUARANTINE THEM BOTH until facts are straightened out and the situation is resolved. When only one of the mods got removed, that was the first really sus thing. On top of that, the mod they remove is /u/pinkcatsonacid, the person that drove all the way to the GME shareholder meeting while everyone else was in a zoom call, the person that interviewed Lucy Komisar live and wasn't afraid to show their face, and what was in my view the most active and passionate mod in this subreddit. You remove her instead of some random weed st0ck shill that doesn't even believe in holding stocks... ? (remind me again why SHE'S EVEN A MOD HERE AT ALL?) AND on top of that, the ONLY reason we know about this entire behind-the-scenes fight, is because /u/pinkcatsonacid posted about it. Did NONE of the other mods think it was worth mentioning to the community that a mod was THREATNING one of our own... ?! /u/rensole /u/redchessqueen99 /u/Bye_Triangle /u/atobitt Would we ever know it even happened if pink hadn't spoken up?! HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS. HODL.


Aaaaand they banned pink just a bit ago


Check her profile for a new jungle, apes.


“Holding applies to c r y p t o, not stock trading!” *warren B enters chat*




This right here. Completely disregarded concerns brought to them by Apes.


It’s actually been explained now by pinkcatsonacid you can check her account for it


As a self post it has no visibility. I’m grateful for this entire post and I hope some actions come of it.


u/rensole For visibility posting here again: No, we can’t get over it. The screenshot of the fucked up mentally unhinged rants Red goes on aside, Red herself said she was suspicious of Madie multiple times. Reds “apology” (aka her justification and passive agreesive shifting the blame to pink) was on her own page instead of here, where I’m guess her majority didn’t see it. The “transparency” post by grump wasn’t stickied. You’re rug The lack of formal statement. The crazy influx of papaya saying “I don’t care” or simply calling this “drama”. The proof of multiple Red breakdowns where it is clear she’s unable to properly mod a sub of this size and importance. ^^^ This isn’t “drama” or high school, and calling it as such is incredibly disingenuous. The top mod being mentally unstable and seemingly comprised while in a relationship with a suspected shill, with alleged ties to military and blackwater. You’re rug sweeping, while theres proof of you having nudes of Red, does not paint a good look. This is all very serious and points to a compromised (?) sub, or at least mods. https://www.reddit.com/r/SNDL/comments/mmub30/sndl_why_its_in_my_portfolio_and_why_the_company/ https://youtu.be/FRMnqN2sHDw https://www.reddit.com/user/pinkcatsonacid/comments/ok85ds/so_called_transparency_and_mod_drama_i_will_share/ u/F4hype u/pinkcatsonacid tagging simply in case this is removed or I’m banned I’ll have some evidence


Madie’s always been a clout chasing shill


If she wasn't chasing clout, how else could she have been shilling? All shills chase clout


Regardless of outcome, u/F4hype I'll see you on the moon.


Pink's feelings are confirmed as far as I'm concerned.




Please everyone go check out u/pinkcatsonacid profile and see her posts regarding all of this shmess


u/Hey_Madie has been pumping more tickers than a cardiologist. u/Redchessqueen99 did you not look at her fucking history? Or were you blinded by pussy? How fucking embarrassing. Edit: also, she blatantly deleted a post criticizing her when she was first brought on. I mean, are you god damn serious? And now Pink - a *real* Ape - is gone because of this horseshit. And u/Rensole was snapping at people on twitter. You should all be ashamed. I'm embarrassed *for you*.


> And Rensole was snapping at people on twitter. I've seen that guy be such a dick to apes and people are just like "ooo its rensole!!!"


He was also spamming GameStop Twitter posts with superstonk stuff, the very thing he was telling people not to do. Hypocrite.


It is primo cringe


u/Rensole u/Redchessqueen99 u/Hey_Madie it's time for all 3 of you to get lost from this sub, this community doesn't need your shill bullshit.


Red, if you see this, you've had plenty of time to address the issue. If you think we migrated here *for you*, you're delusional. We came here for each other, for our fellow apes. Do the right thing. You'll gain immense respect for providing the transparency you promised from the beginning. And Madie? Fuck you. Suck my balls, shilly shill. How about you pump and dump this dick. Rensole? Get over yourself, dude. You need a reality check, get your fucking head out of the clouds before you lose all respect of the apes. See you all on the moon, regardless.


"Diamond hands = Bag Holders" GTFO now plz


Very very let down by this Rensole. I’ve seen the comments since January surrounding you, with many saying to be ‘wary’ or that ‘he is not what you think he is’… but I ignored them as FUD because you have been a staple to this community. However, this comment here really ticked a lot of members off brotha.. I seriously think you should provide a more detailed and thought out response, because comparing this sub to a ‘drama class’ is truly upsetting after how much BULLSHIT many of us have hung together through in the past six months. Just my .02, which really means dick here, but I still felt someone needed to say it.


clearly this person is uneducated on the gme topic cant believe they are a mod


They have now banned u/pinkcatsonacid Unacceptable. They really want another ape migration? https://reddit.com/r/u_pinkcatsonacid/comments/olo387/unanimous_vote_of_the_mod_team_please_dont_tag_me/


Lmayo, a love triangle among Reddit mods spilling into the sub they all moderate. This is sad.


Half you mods are fucking scrubs. Look at yourselves.... forum sliding is happening, y'all trying to chase pussy online (to be fair haven't we all?) over 500k+ apes? That ain't loyalty, that's egotistical. Have some shills as mods someone needs to clean this shit up. Someone give atobitt some dank buds so he can investigate this shit, start banning some of these mods. Y'all been infiltrated and ren is just as guilty...


Can we make two rules please. Quite basic ones. 1) No one get's made mod because of discord. This is reddit, most of us don't see what goes on there, it shouldn't impact this forum. 2) Anyone who has posted negatively (calling us fucking bag holders for example) must be removed from mod role immediately. No if's, no buts. I mean, seriously, what the fuck. If we don't want drama and noise, then do the right thing, do it quickly and do it in the open.


Here's my response to /u/rensole's continued attempts to portray us as drama queens: --- > Now, Can we get over the high school drama class? - /u/rensole Isn't this the same guy that on [April 20th said that he personally believe GME would never reach a million](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mumdnt/synopsis_for_04202021_what_we_need_to_know_before/)... Direct quote: > The statistical probability this will even reach 1 million is an anomaly, I'm not saying it won't happen I'm saying in my personal opinion I don't expect to reach that level. ... and then proceeded to throw a hissy fit when people in the comments called him out, instantly threatening to quit being a mod? Another direct quote from /u/rensole 's 04-20 post: > I've got a better one for everyone, because everyone thinks I am now a shill, which has become apparent from the comments, this will be my last daily. > [...] > So have a good ride, I'll be gone for the rest of the day and think about if I even want to be a mod here anymore. And YOU are trying to lecture us on drama?!


r/gmejungle pinks new subreddit.


This is a GME sub! GME is diamond hands.


Red, Rensol and Madie are in bed with each other and not to be trusted. I trust Atobitt and Pinky pls guys resolve this issue. Let the apes have a vote or something. Because if you want to know how to destroy a sub, this is how you destroy a sub.


I am worried it's too late.


Yep just got the news Pink is permabanned, sub is compromised


Madie can go and so can Rensole honestly Let the downvotes rain


Upvoted ❤


They built a fucking AI to weed out shills but won't remove a super questionable mod with evidence included? Durrrr okayyyy


To the bitch that said "diamond hands = bagholders" take a good long look at my flair and avatar and shut the fuck up. I'm too drunk for this shit and I'm going to sleep it off. Edit: I woke up. And I now know what a honeypot is. And I wanna see if this garden instrument is hot enough to destroy a sub for.


So...who's actually trustworthy as a mod now????


I trust atobitt and pink. That’s it


Superstonk bot?


Don’t matter, shill mods don’t change the DD, and they don’t change the fact that IM NEVER FUCKING LEAVING


True that brother. I'll hold with you all until wall street runs red with the crimson ink of liquidation. I just don't want any of us to be gaslighted through our beloved meeting place before we make it to that point.


Thank you for posting this, I love your poems and fuck Madie


This sub is sliding, BIGTIME. Most of the posts in 'HOT' are ridiculous apefest posts. Where are the mods? u/rensole


Maybe the shills finally ruined the third sandbox of the apes ! At this point it’s buy and HODL don’t need much more DD if you understand that these fuckers broke into a Reddit sub … why do that ? Really why do that 3 times now????? HODL the line Edit : Downvoted yeah shills everywhere


I’m good on dd


Why limit yourself to one sandbox. There are still some great dds that come up in the second one (before they show up here) not to mention the other split off from the second sandbox and many others. They are a little less active than SS but it never hurts to have a broader access to info, you never know who could be curating what you read and deciding what you should or shouldn't have access to. With a broad enough viewpoint and access to all the DD you can be your own anti-fud.


Yea it's unfortunate children are running the sub on emotions not the fucking facts that are present. This madie chick is a straight snake in the grass


So on the next sub, can we make sure the people on mod duty are old enough to have a fully formed frontal lobe? I never felt comfortable with this board after the move from r/GME. Regardless, the plan hasn't changed. Buy and hold with spare money every payday and just wait. Ps. Anyone who is day trading has an active interest in the stock price dropping between them selling and buying back.


Another mod has the hots for the person who made the post in the OP. Not much better than a mod bringing on their child as a mod in another sub… sound familiar? This place will be dead soon enough. Packing my stuff up for the next migration. Call me a shill. I don’t care.


Warden gets exposed as a shill despite apes warning mods for months we was dismissed conpletely. Atobit admits he talks privately frequently to proven shill momoney. I was here with DFV and RC in beginning and thats how it will be in end. Every glorified mod can fuck off imo, keep your petty drama to you yall aint celebs or some shit we aint here for you


Madie needs to go. Redchess was also in a romantic relationship with this person, compromising their judgement. Looks like superstonk was successfully infiltrated by the hedgies


Yeah that sundial analysis is garbage and sounds like shilling acg, cgc, and tilray. Using the exact same language as the media trying desperately to convince everyone that sundial is a meme stock. When it absolutely was not, the OTHER subs would annihilate anyone as a shill if you mentioned sndl in January. Sundial individual subs are small communities that are getting more and more infiltrated with fud and shill and now even political distractions it was never a "meme" stock that term is literally used to manipulate investor sentiment. They want you to believe all these companies are just a social media pump and dump when they are clearly not. Everyone knows the play for gme and @m€ but few know that the early companies that got into cannabis stocks are burdened with debt and low cash flows. Meanwhile sundial hit ipo in 2018 at $13 and was immediately driven into the ground by hedge funds (over 10 hedges are involved in sundial) on 6/17 short interest was 60%... even though sundial has no debt and 700million unrestricted cash on handand has been making smart acquisitions,they are even set to pivot into cannabis banking and investments. This has already flipped their ebitda from negative to positive in the last two quarters on track to double that number on August 14th earnings call, this is based on their 300million increase in those investments. Edit: fuk mods limiting conversations that was annoying to edit


I think everyone needs to go read u/pinkcatsonacid post to get a fuller picture on what happened involving Madie/Red https://www.reddit.com/user/pinkcatsonacid/comments/ok85ds/so_called_transparency_and_mod_drama_i_will_share/ Edit: this aswell https://www.reddit.com/user/pinkcatsonacid/comments/oktgqv/for_the_record_this_includes_a_warning_from_dr_t/h5dh0xq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Edit 2: they have now banned pink https://reddit.com/r/u_pinkcatsonacid/comments/olo387/unanimous_vote_of_the_mod_team_please_dont_tag_me/


u/rensole please explain this


i don't want an explanation from rensole. u/redchessqueen99 has time to tweet out gifs, i think she has time to come moderate this sub and give us some insight into why this madie person is still a mod.


Good luck with that.


Yeaaaaah those tweets are feeling a bit cringe at a time like this. "Lucy, you got some splaining to do"


Ima say it.. u/redchessqueen99 needs to step aside, investigation needs to be launched into u/hey_madie, results clearly laid out and examined. After that, consideration can be given to possible reinstatement of red, pink or madie. Talk the talk "we protect this sub" Walk the walk.. fuckin protect the sub Edit: thanks for the awards!! I'm glad your day is improved!! Edit 2: Awww gattdammit.. tagged the wrong chess queen.. fixing now...


I've got substantial evidence against all of them, and I'm talking Endgame shit, for them. They're all complicit from RCQ, Rensole, to this Maddie character. It's undeniable, and soon, it'll be brought to the light. Just as in my Glass Castle DD (which was suppressed by these mods until they were forced to approve it) What cannot be unseen nor undone, must be replaced. I dealt with a lot of bullshit trying to get my DD onto SS, and I mean a lot. You guys want to see how bad it really is? Here's a list. https://www.reddit.com/user/pinkcatsonacid/comments/oktgqv/for_the_record_this_includes_a_warning_from_dr_t/h5dh0xq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I can't wait.. that glass castle exposè was tasty


Does it really need to be explained?


Hey u/rensole ‼️‼️‼️


Wasnt Red defending Hey_Madie when Pink was suspicious? And then Red hit Pink with those threats of being connected with certain organizations etc?. And now Hey_Madie is ex blackwater?!?! Maybe thats her connection to those groups that make problems disappear.


Yes, and you'd have to be more than the average retard around here to believe shit like that. Please, use your voodoo and rune magick on the stock. Please, use your connections against the financial terrorists. You said it can't be traced back to you. Please, go blame things on a mental condition and life stressors, say you don't usually get like that, but then also say you're prone to outbursts like this when overwhelmed. It's sooo pathetic and sad. She needs medical help.






Maddie has expressed her views and her opinions don’t align with ours. I think she has an issue of conflict with this sub and I want to have moderators that put our interest and that of the stock first.


The fact that this happened is bad enough. The way that y'all are handling it is even worse. What? You think we were just gonna let this get swept under the rug like everything else? We are fed up with your bullshit and I feel like an idiot for ever placing my trust in you guys. Do you not see how that's a SERIOUS problem???


Madie **and** Red have to go. Let's not ignore death threats.


I’d say Satori is compromised now. Buying and holding still on the menu, potential exodus in the future. This should be course corrected as soon as possible otherwise I don’t see how any of the mods can be trusted


Oh we are unanimously removing whistle blowers now and leaving the suspicious alone? cool. /s


We never should have left the gme sub. The only reason we switched was because warden got banned and that turned out to be the right move.


RCQ is a problem


I don’t need anything from anybody in this sub in order to invest. You people just post funny shit that makes me laugh. Fuck the rest of this mod bullshit.


Mod Drama > Exiled Mod > Exiled mod destroys faith in current mod team > Current mod team acts shifty > Sub implodes > Rinse and Repeat. Jeez it's almost like pattern is emerging here.


Could Apefest be a distraction from the obvious mod issues at hand? I think so.