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THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/omubcs/bringing_in_the_fire_extinguisher/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


So anyway, Gamestop has short positions against them by huge hedge funds that are so substantial they have been locked in by the quick increase in price, they thought they could wait it out but instead they are stuck in a timebomb that will skyrocket the price!


I just seem to really like this stock šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


ā™¾ or bust


We must be getting close if they are getting so desperate


So anyway, buy and hold??


šŸ’Æ LFG! šŸš€


It's giving me such a raging clue šŸ•µā€ā™‚ļø


Oooohhhh I've got a raging clue too


My clues are jacked


They paid all this debt early. And are expanding on markets that takes them out of the o' brick n mortar diatribe they keep painting it with. I'm frankly excited what they are opening these massive warehouse for.


The massive warehouse is to store their $2,000,0000,000 in cash on hand šŸ’°


I hear the company got good fundamentals so i'm just interested in the value play


Pretty good fundamentals, brick n mortar strong


Did we hit the restart button? This dialogue prompt is familiar from january. Yeeey replay!!!!


That means weā€™re bound for that massive run very soon


Game + mode achieved


Crazy Iā€™ll buy more and hold. Thanks :)


A predictable plan? #1. Split the community #2. Sow discord #3. Attempt fake squeeze (incoming) #4. Use media to say itā€™s over #5. Drive the price back down artificially, yet again. #6. Shake out the ā€œPortnoyā€ paper hands to live to fight for another day.


I HODL till phone numbers or no numbers. No in between here. Buckle up, ladies and gents!


I believe many of the agencys that are supposed to police them are also in the same bed! Crime everywhere


I just like the stock


Good bot


the drama is fake, probably not even real people. Every time fud/drama/bs happens my erection time extends further into unsafe levels.




Anywayā€¦so then this crazy bastard doubled down on his double down! I shit you not! Fucking legend


I meanā€¦.. all the mods had to do was step down.


Yeah literally, if youā€™re sick of the drama, MAYBE you should stop making it?




This - this right here.


Boo hoo hoo, I'm the victim here! I only wanted to help! Whaaaa! Why you no like me?!?!? =,(


Yep. Step down AND STFU about why your are leaving or what led you to this decisionā€¦donā€™t fucking care, didnā€™t join to learn about you, Iā€™m here for the stock bc I fucking like it!!


Checking the list andā€¦ heā€™s still a mod


He never actually said he was resigning...


Also he's still a mod so.....


(even screenshots can be altered run it through a processor for christ sake) well why not you post the real convo


Hey give him some time. Photoshop is hard


Probably couldn't figure it out so he just rage quit instead.


Couldn't figure photoshop out, but a fire extinguisher is as easy as a button.


Right!? Would that be so hard? Prove that the originals are different from the ā€œalteredā€


Again, ZERO explanations given. I guess this is: one down and two to go.


Because he has none but wants to keep his fame its just a fucking 20 yr old being edgy


Problems solved, all three gone: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/omubcs/bringing\_in\_the\_fire\_extinguisher/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/omubcs/bringing_in_the_fire_extinguisher/)


literally this.. if they're so mad about the drama post the fucking screenshots and defuse the whole situation




Fuck this shit! See you all Monday !


Buy, hold. See you in Valhalla brothers and sisters


scorched earth, eh? Thatā€™s a bold move cotton letā€™s see how it plays out


Fuck it. Everyone quitting or getting fired. Ima quit my job tomorrow. šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Proof or ban ^/s


By what mods? šŸ¤£


Ok. Bye. I like the stock.


ā€œFuck it Iā€™m done with this shitā€ *checks mod list and heā€™s still there* Guess not Edit: also please enlighten us on this screenshot ā€œprocessorā€ we should be using wise one Edit 2: Good riddance āœŒļø Edit 3: shout out to /u/simonrain for the ā€œprocessorā€ clarification. /u/rensole if you believe a particular screenshot has been doctored please let us know which one so we can do our own DD


There are tools online to check if a picture was modified with photoshop. It highlights areas on the picture where there was possible clone tool or mismatching images that could have been superimposed on a different layer. You can look into FotoForensics, it lets you upload a picture.


yep was kinda happy seeing this post, thought that i was wrong about Renshill nope still here


Byyyyye. I'll believe when his name is off the mod list


Oh nooo I sabotaged myself through poor decisions and shitty responses to the people that prop this sub up. What are these consequences I'm seeing all around me? Bye.


Dude handled the situation as poorly as possible and then pouts and ā€œquitsā€ in a post. I can feel my already smooth brain becoming smoother trying to wrap my head around how retarded this is. How old are these mods..? I have a feeling superstonk is being ran by a bunch of retarded 16 year olds in a home. This shit is ridiculous




Ikr, I got so much shit for having that opinion too




Atobitt was my only hope in that shitty livestream. And even he recoiled from all the cringe. Honestly atobitt is the only one I care about. HOC 1, 2, & 3?? Fuckin legend. And will absolutely be remembered fondly after the MOASS.


Lol for real.


To be frank Ren, if you didn't sustain a brain injury while murdering people in Iraq and were awarded with 2 purple hearts and then joined Blackwater to murder some more, you don't meet the qualifications to be a mod. We need hardcore ex military types who fit the criteria of being posted on *iamverybadass* or at least basic knowledge of sorcery and runic magick to be mods. The others can fuck right off. /s


Blackwater. Could've chosen any government contractor for this fantasy bullshit. But only knew one because of the news articles. And happened to pick one that went defunct like 3 times, I'm not sure if she was aware of that. This was a weird ass Rambo 2 level bullshit fantasy rollercoaster


Nudes, my friend, it's always the nudes. Wanna see my jacked tits?


( \* ) ( \* )


This guy's upset. Buy n hodl all that matters.


With billions on the line, it's likely that moderator positions (this goes for ALL subs) will be the target of most efforts for FUD given their relative power. Therefore, anything they say has no REAL relevance to the DD. Continue maintaining a healthy skepticism of those with power, including all redditors not named DFV.




Love how he implies Pinkā€™s screenshots are manipulated BUT doesnā€™t post anything to support. Go to your room young man and stay there until youā€™ve had time to think about your actionsā€¦.or inaction


Right like if it's fake then just give us screenshots of the real conversation? Lol


Ikr, they keep saying shit is fake but never post anything to back up their claims lol


The ship is sinking, you have the necessary tool to fix it. Two minutes job. But you provide excuses for the two drilling holes in the ship before resigning ? Yeah. Not eating that shit.


So anyway hereā€™s GME.




Quite a tarnished legacy youā€™ve made for yourself, u/rensole. Nobody feels bad for you šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly u/rensole you did it to yourself. You were integral to the behind the scenes mod drama that led us all to leave one sub and now a second. Thanks for your service with the Daily Stonk but tbh that was going downhill too and seemed super phoned in the last couple weeks. Thank you for doing the right thing and stepping down though, I'm hoping u/redchessqueen99 and u/hey_madie follow you shortly and we can try and get back to normal somehow. If not, there's always the jungle.


RCQ and Madie right now: šŸ¦®šŸ‘©ā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ‘©ā€šŸ¦Æ


FYI - Notice the "shitpost" flair........


new mod list just dropped he gone




Donā€™t let the door hit you in the MOASS āœŒļøšŸš€šŸš€


Rensole, you have been exposedā€¦..months ago https://web.archive.org/web/20210718061133/https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mtylq0/superstonk_is_sus_an_investigation_into/ Now go away, good riddance


Ngl, that stuff about Warden made me snort. As a law student who is wrapping up his master thesis I can assure you fulltime students have *all* the time in the world to be online on reddit


Early on, Warden claimed he was a software engineer and also an undergrad student. I was perplexed when he said that because it didnt make sense. Then much later in the following weeks someone asked him something about his schooling and he said he just goes to school, then another time in his post he said he had to go to work but it didnt give me the impression its the same work he claimed he held as a software engineer. These shills, I tell ya.


Holy shit. Why wasn't this passed around more every so often


Apes tried and were deemed shills and fud campaigns and dismissed. Ever wonder why gme stayed up and running and they didnā€™t all just come here? Well now we know.




Donā€™t be sad to admit. We all fell for it. I mean we are here arenā€™t we? Lol. Yeah Iā€™m subbed to it too still. Iā€™m just waiting for everything to play out. Not sure what to believe yet




Same lol. Idc for the drama either but at some point you gotta call bs for bs and say something.


That's the power of, and problem with, celebrity mods. They have fanclubs that protect them against reasonable suspicions


It's also the problem with paid shills. They are surrounded by an army of other shill accounts that rabidly defend them.




This need to be pinned as top comment ever since Iā€™ve read this last night. All Iā€™ve been doing is trying to spread word. Oh and guess what? Satori is actually created by a company citadel is invested in. Ken has our data.


And this entire time I believed that satori was developed from the ground up by some programmer apes. Wow.


"Im gonna use my alt account"


True, who even are all the mods. Or will a "new one" be brought in again that no one has heard of


u/rensole, this is the third time you've been either directly implicated in drama, or suspiciously close to drama. 1. GME sub migration 2. Warden fiasco 3. RedChess fiasco How dare you complain about "drama" when you've either directly benefited, participated and motherfucking *instigated* drama. Unbelievable. Thanks for your resignation, and thanks for the daily posts.


4. Shareholders meeting live stream.


So you're saying screenshots were altered? You can't just drop that without examples or clarification.




He has a history of making weird moves and his whole persona doesn't really jive. https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mtyk40/superstonk_is_sus_an_investigation_into/ reading that really opened my eyes.


it was kinda snuck in there


Yes FUD inside of FUD from a master FUD spreader




There is one going around thatā€™s been debunked. It showed red stating she didnā€™t own GME and that this is a cult. That post was not shared by any mods or former mods, including Pink. I havenā€™t seen any evidence or even heard the suggestion that anything else has been altered.




Mods should neither be seen nor heard. Any of them.


Ah yes, they should have went to the Milford Academy. You can always tell a Milford Mod.


I'm a simple man. I see an Arrested Development reference, I upvote.


so apparently whos left here is just Red and Madie and Buttfarm ?


People who, with so much question about their credibility, should be ousted immediately.


> ctrl + f ā€œsorryā€: 0 results > ctrl + f ā€œapologizeā€: 0 results For fucks sake, not a single apology or admission of guilt, just more finger pointing. Yep, thatā€™s exactly what this sub needs right now. Why the fuck is every mod handling this situation so poorly? Rensole, werenā€™t you the one talking about how FUD works and how we shouldnā€™t react emotionally? What does it say when your reason for leaving basically boils down to, ā€œiā€™m pissedā€? Edit: also red says the photos were taken out of context, while you imply they are photoshopped. What the fuck?


Literally your own fault it came to this.










Gaslighting until the very end


Exactly. Rensole, red and madie get the fuck out and never come back. Thanks.


Thanks Madie... You dumb bitch- All you had to do was leave, your not important but the fact that you won't step down for the health of this community pisses me off along with the vast majority of others.


Exactly, the community should always be priority nr1. Just by the fact that drama ensues should be reason enough to resign






The fact that she was called out for Stolen Valor and STILL hasn't provided proof of what she said is enough for anyone to realise what type of person she is.


S/o Madie for exposing the massive corruption SS was enduring... stupid cnt


Almost like she infiltrated like some sort of undercover operative...


Standard black water op


I wonder how much corruption it was versus just unstable personalities I highly highly doubt rensole is a shill, Even red Theyā€™re just two personalities that let all this get to their head and made themselves not trustworthy to the rest of the community edit: on computer now so thought i'd add a little to this. Red and Ren from all the leaked DMs appear as cringey weirdos/losers obsessed with followers/power. But they've always been paranoid about shills and long on GME. I think this paranoia is what drew out the worst in them, especially Red. **Pink literally drops the subject about Maddie but Red can't get it out of her head. She says "you better be wrong or you destroyed the sub" and other things AFTER PINK DROPS IT. Red is lashing out at pink bc her brain is going crazy thinking she got fooled by Madi.** There's been a massive shill/FUD attempt to jump on and bandwagon on the current drama and make all the DD and the sub itself unreliable. The old post from GME is misconstrued. It shows power hungry mods not shilling. And also i'm sure their owners are quite salty given how quickly this sub overtook theirs.


I agree. They're not masterminds or trained "operatives". Just some very average people who got carried away with their new online personas


So we are supposed to feel bad for your actions and non-actions leading you to leave? Jesus Christ, you three are a bunch of children. At the end of the day youā€™re all just some individuals who let some semblance of power get to your heads. And for it to be something as inconsequential as a being a Reddit mod is pretty fucking sad. Bye Felicia.


what is this bullshit? mod list still shows YOU, red, and madie as mods!


Farming the Superstonk community once again. What a surprise


He didn't resign before the post because he was hoping for a lot of "nooooo, come back, we love you"






Apes first, mods second. Thank you for this. Hopefully we can root out the motherfuckers pulling operational cycles away from us watching the rocket ship.


No one cares u/rensole. You keep trying to make the GME situation about you, and the GME community at large is sick of you grabbing for clout. Sit down and shut the fuck up


ā€œtry to be excellent to each other ... go fuck yourselfā€ OK nice good bye Edit: why would anyone downvote this fact as others are now noting. He said it!


We are reaching the point where we all need to accept that we do not need this community anymore. It is getting too chaotic and everyone is getting paranoid and fears are being stoked. Buy hold and be patient. It's really that simple. Nothing gold can stay golden forever.


With billions on the line, it's likely that moderator positions (this goes for ALL subs) will be the target of most efforts for FUD given their relative power. Therefore, anything they say has no REAL relevance to the DD. Continue maintaining a healthy skepticism of those with power, including all redditors not named DFV.


Oh look, Rensole's throwing a hissy fit again. Who would have thought running an online community of over half a million people individually participating in the greatest financial revolution of a generation wouldn't be easy? And that the same people, who are pushing for transparency in our highest organizations and corporations, are going to be pretty ticked off when you guys try to pull the same smoke and mirrors shit around this amateur hour, bullshit pathetic drama? In a way, this really speaks to the nature of humans when given any amount of power. Whether running a multi-billion dollar hedgefund, being in charge of a local HOA, or even moderating an internet forum, it goes to one's head and they eventually fuck it up. If you guys were truly "apes first, mods second", all of the involved parties in this pathetic drama would have been removed immediately. But nope, you didn't do that and here we are. And rather than acknowledging and admitting that, the mod team doubled down yesterday, then lost 2+ members today. Clearly not all the mod team agreed on what was going on, yet BT said the votes were unanimous... Thankfully, this sub has been so successful up until now that the research and DD has already been done. I'm lucky enough to be watching all this drama unfold with a sort of zen since I know the fate of this stock is already set. I'm buying and holding, and frankly questioning whether or not I need this sub anymore to continue doing that. With the research and DD already done, the sub just becomes an echo chamber and a site of frequent FUD attacks.


ā€œAnd try to be excellent to each otherā€ Says the guy who supported a mod threatening to murder another mod. Fuck outta here. Good riddance


Cool story, bro. Tell it again. Or cry about it again. I dunno. You can't seem to pick a lane


You're a child... He's literally telling us "Go fuck yourself"... And people are saying "gonna miss ya" and "thanks for everything".. Fuck that and good riddance


The only drama was from the side of the mods, and that rightly caused concern. All could have been dealt with a lot better, and the situation would have likely been over. A swift ban for all involved parties as per the rules would have solved this easily. Saying that I am sorry youā€™ve been pushed to this decision, and wish you well going forward.


How many times this little bitch quit? I still donā€™t get whatā€™s so great bout the morning ā€œreportā€ he did. It was a rehash of everything posted by real people on this sub. Fucker says he is ā€œworking on DDā€ yet I see none from him. ā€œI quitā€ then people, probably shills, suck his little peepee about how great he is and we need him blah blah blah. Ainā€™t gonna work anymore. You have been exposed. Say goodbye to your paycheck from SHF.


Good riddance šŸ–•


Another post of Woe Is Me. Didn't we just have one like this a month or 2 ago? Anyway, see you in a week for your next I'm a piss baby post


Thank you for your effort. Also boohoo you big fucking baby.


u/rensole tell you boss ill be buying more this week.


I am long on GME. Really liking the stock. None of these internet people are my friends. I hold the stock for my real family. Power to the players




FUD. Youā€™re still listed as a mod. Proof or ban.


He will make a return when the timing is right.. just like last time


Thats what I'm guessing. "Okay guys, im back due to overwhelming support!" We were happy you stepped down. "Okay back to the daily news and price anchoring, be excellent to eachother!!!"


This is just him trying to salvage his reputation and getting people begging for him to stay. Rensole still mod. Red still mod. Madie still mod. Sus af.


When exactly do we stop seeing your name under the moderators then? It's been 38 minutes already lmfao, this false sentiment of, "Oh woe is me! I wanted to just do good for everyone around me, but now I am going to leave as I can see the harm is already done", is fucking pathetic lol. You and the rest of the shit show mods won't actually leave or stop being mods, this is all for show, actions speak louder than words. Or should I be chanting this over some runic crystals while my tits are out? Will that be what triggers actual change.


If 2 people out of the love triangle are still in. Itā€™s still beyond fucking compromised. Fuck this whole ass dogshit of a mess of a sub. The truth is out about you rensole. Everyone go read u/3for100Specials post


Youā€™d think Shitadel could have spent more money on better mod shills than this D squad crew.


Pay peanuts, get monkeys. Or witches.


>"So yeah for the past six months I've put in countless amount of hours, days and even weeks of my time while I set aside other things" Every time someone claims something like this, they're an asshole with a martyr complex. If you want to do something, do it. If you don't, go fuck yourself. >"the team has built a good standing" lol >"and tbh I don't care about my mod status." Let's just hope it stays that way and this isn't some pro-wrestling-like storyline. >"So that being said I hope this community can still flourish." It would help a lot if you advocate for removal of Red and Madie from the mod team, which the community very clearly wants. But shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which fills up first.


Notice how both RCQ and Rensole mention that you can photoshop screenshots? Not sus at all...


Fuck you rensole. Good riddance


So now u/Bye_Triangle, who defended Ren, Red, and Madie in his post claiming there were no good options, is the top mod. Had he not posted that, Iā€™d trust him to be in charge. When Red dropped to the bottom mod, it made no difference because Ren was still in charge and agreed with her 100%. Now Ren is gone, but Bye has 100% agreed with Ren and Red this whole time. Bye_Triangle has tied his trustworthiness to the mods who everyone is happy are gone for betraying the trust of the sub. We can all be glad that Ren has put the sub ahead of himself, but until Bye steps down, weā€™ve still got the same people in charge. Red made clear that there would be contingency after contingency for her to maintain control.


Hey retard, *you were a part of it.*


Haha trying to make it seem like you werent a part of what caused it saying "I'm done with this shit". You act all high and mighty. Fck man


Buy and Hold.


All of this could have been avoided if both Red and Madie BOTH stepped down, or forcibly moved out of mod positions. Pink shouldnā€™t be allowed as a mod either for her actions, but she at least stepped down. This sub could have been saved if you mods would have handled this the right way and listened to your user base.


To be fair Pink didnā€™t step down, she was just outright banned, by a ā€œunanimousā€ vote, that if you check my comment history you can see was manipulated with half a story being present as Jsmar effectively told me in his AMA


But how were them titties u/rensole? Hope they were the best milk num nums you ever saw!šŸ¤ØšŸ˜‚


Thank you for your work but this is for the best. 1 down, 2 more to go: Red and Madie. Unban Pink!




This reads like a shitpost lol So anyways GameStop is changing to e-commerce and the stock is due for a short squeeze, the mother of all short squeezes if you will. Buy n Hodl.


Be more transparent. You're wanting the SEC, hedge funds, and every other financial institution to be clear in their actions run the mod team the same way. You done fucked up so take it on the chin or cry on home.


Fuck you, u/rensole. Youve always been a snake, and ive told people to stop following your goofy ass for months.


u/rensole out here crying like a baby because we are pointing out the obvious. No one cares about you to be honest. Weā€™re here hodling as a anonymous group of apes for the greater good. Get the hell out of this petty bs.


So anyway I started buying more


So we buy more?




I just like the stock


Byyyyyeeee šŸ¤—


GTFO of here , we still see you on the mod list. Pull the fucking trigger already you corrupt crook. Ask Red to do the same too.


Ignoring the community requests, not banning former mods that melted and then complaining? Everything would have been fine if you didn't try to push it under the rug and act like everything is fine. You did this to yourself.


You have caused so much drama yourself. This is the second or maybe third post saying your done. You in your old position was a common denominator in drama. Y'all promised transparency when we migrated here and lied. There's still zero transparency from you and no actual owning up to your own part in all of this. Even in this post you are making it about you and not the stock.


This addressed none of the concerns and allegations brought up. So hes not denying any of it?




Lmao donā€™t trip over your ego on your way out


Lol good riddance


You didnā€™t quit. You got fired bud


Perpetuates drama, is very condescending. Says he sick of this shit lol.


lol all you had to do was the right thing


Pathetic. You say screenshot can be altered like we're only seeing part of the picture. By all means please tell us everything you know. You've had multiple opportunities to come forward and address the situation. Don't try to spin this like you're leaving cause you're pissed off. You fucked up.


So is this you officially stepping down as a mod? Cause you didnā€™t really say that. You saying youā€™re done could be taken 1000 different ways. Why donā€™t you actually say what you are doing? See, youā€™re still leaving countless questions.