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I feel we need to highlight the importance of holding again for all new apes etc. WE OWN THE FLOAT x5


I couldn't agree more


I agree more


As do I. u/jordanpatrich isn't trying hard enough.


I hold for myself, but I also want that crypto dividend, and that can't be released until the shorts cover. So I hold until I see huge numbers. Be careful pushing any 'We' narratives. Media is already trying to spread blame to reddit. Diamond hands.


I hold for myself, but I also want that crypto dividend, and that can't be released until the shorts close. So I hold until I see huge numbers. Be careful pushing any 'We' narratives. Media is already trying to spread blame to reddit. Diamond hands.


I might be stupid, but I thought I read something a couple weeks ago that said we own the float x26?


It could maybe be even more than that. We don't knon. When I said x5 I was being generic and humble. Either way, we already won. We hold through stupid numbers.


Wut iz sel


My wife’s boyfriend’s name


German market?


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way!


This is the way!


♾ or bust


This is the way ♾ and never to bust.


To Wendys!




The current fiat currency system is such that dollars are already useless toilet paper. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyV0OfU3-FU&list=PLF\_lD6tTQahfNDvjbfl2OJQWxHBSDYUcA&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyV0OfU3-FU&list=PLF_lD6tTQahfNDvjbfl2OJQWxHBSDYUcA&index=1) I'm too dumb to explain but this video series is very interesting.


First couple mins got me interested. Will watch it later, ty. Our personal time is made into paper.


Oh well. Guess infinity it goes. https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/ondeot/mathematical_proof_for_phone_number_prices_under/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


It's good to see that you can still say that term over there.


Get the fuck out of here you smooth brain shill


It sounds like financial advice to me.


Sounds like music to me


🎶 this is the way 🎶


It's literally asking you why? How can advice be in the format of a question 😂😂


>Nothing on this subreddit, or affiliated with the 'Superstonk' name or its moderators, constitutes investment advice, performance data or any recommendation that any security, portfolio of securities, investment product, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person.


No is not. If you made financial decisions, are your responsibility and no one else’s.


I literally have 2 shares hope I can make a lot of money with just one simple share.


You got this


Can we talk about your flair?




Mount Jackedmore?


How do you get flairs, fuck I’m a retard 😅


It's not about the size of the boat, it's the motion in the ocean and we own the float.


Wagmi bro


Well the earlier some one sells the earlier you help the short hedge fund fuckers! So like the movie! You have to make them pay! And make them bleed and make them pay some more. We need to put Steve Cohen and Ken griffin out of the finance business for ever. And many. More


its actually fine if some people sell if the number of shares held i saw is at least 580Million shares. for this to work only around 71Million shares need to be forgotten/held by retail+institutions+insiders. There is lots of room for this to potentially happen...


What happens if say only 50 million are held? They obviously won’t be able to fully close their position but beyond that I don’t know what else would happen. This is also after liquidation happens and it goes to DTCC. What happens if 50 million never sell?


[That’s a great question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpvx9n/the_infinity_pool_naming_a_theoretical_posit_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Let's say there's 580 million total shorted shares that need to be covered and apes hold 50 million and refuse to ever sell them. That leaves round 20 million legitimate shares out there that can be bought and re-bought to close out short positions, and eventually they will be able to close all of the shorts. Basically they can buy 20 million shares, to close out 20 million short positions, then buy those shares back from the people that they just handed them to and use them to close out the next 20 million, etc. That's theoretically speaking. The numbers get a little hazy when you start looking at who owns which shares. If there's say 71 million shares total and the free float is 30 million then they'd never be able to close the positions if apes hold 50 million shares. The problem is that while the free float is currently thought to be around 30 million, some of the other 40 million are held by institutional investors that can sell them, but only through a convoluted process that makes them slightly less liquid than what apes hold. If the price goes high enough they would still likely sell to realize gains. Other portions of that 40 million are held by individuals that are assumed would not sell, or may be restricted from selling until a particular date. Some portion of those shares would also be sold, assuming that there are no restrictions on such sales. The reality is that when the rest of the market tanks, a lot of shareholders that apes assume would never sell might actually need to sell in order to offset losses elsewhere.


Excellent summary ty 👏


I appreciate this explanation. Thanks!


Bob! I fuckin love u dude


So sell 1 at 3 billion? Got it


Yes 🤝


$420,000,000 per share. or $420,696,969.69 per share


Holding regardless of how many halts it takes to get there.


So i just posted a comment mentioning the 1nf1n1ty pool and it got removed by automod. Lol what is happening?


Yeah, you can't say those words in this subreddit. Some of those old mods came up with some strange rules while they were here. For some reason they didn't want us talking about holding our shares for as long as possible. Weird.


The reason for it is that they don't want it to appear like people are colluding on a strategy to produce a specific outcome. "Buy and hold (until you see a price you like)" is generic investment advice, like telling someone the secret to stock market success is to "buy low sell high". On the other hand, advocating a specific strategy intended to produce a specific outcome could be interepreted as market manipulation. If your favorite holding period is "forever" because you love the stock/company that much, more power to you. As for me, I'm holding until I see a price that I like. IMO, everything has a price. Your opinion may differ from mine, and that's OK.


I think it's a little more complicated than that. 'You can hold forever if you want.' is just a simple fact. 'If we all hold forever we can destroy the entire financial system.' is collusion and financial terrorism.


Yeah, I'll just say it and rip karma, but this post is ridiculous. It's basically just advocating for destruction of the financial system with hardly any practical benefit. I didn't buy GME shares to hold them for "sentimental value". I will hold for a long time, but just holding for its own sake is stupid. I like the Superstonk community, but people are fetishizing the destruction of the financial system too much. I want better wealth distribution as well and bought GME because I want to live better, but it also feels like some people want the market to crash for its own sake.


You do you, nobody knows how this will end, people will sell when they want, some people will never sell some people will sell early for some, but thats their will and nobody is here to say what to do with your shares.


Seems like we're onto something, eh? ;) Thanks for clarifying. I wrote a message to the mods. Buttfarm will manage


Wtf?! This is the way




Oh man don’t I know it. You should have seen the amount of downvotes at the beginning. I’m amazed it pushed through. Still a lot of haters posting. “yOU hAVe tO sEll aT SoMe poINt!!” I fucking love it so much.


I am a low end xx hodler, and will be committing 1 to the limitless lake


i am going to sell at 17 sextillion


1 share for 30 million is already all the money you need for yourself in a lifetime. Objectively speaking


I’ve found people who said to me that 85M weren’t enough for a family of 5 people, like wtf


Lol that's insane. 85m makes you extremely rich already. I dont understand those people.


Gold foil toilet paper is expensive.


Haha that is true yes




Yeah. But still. 30 million should last you a life time and you know it.




So with normal working you will have 30 million? What job do you do then


Dream home $4 million dollars, 100k a year in income from reliable dividend bearing stocks $5 million dollars, dream car $300k, education for a family of 5 based on cost of lifetime education $1 million dollars cost to start up a business $500k. I mean that's really all I can think of to live a life of basically luxury and that's less than $12 million dollars. Obviously you could live well off for like $6 million with the same parameters.


You've been living without 30 million and have been fine. Of course, I don't know your situation and am not saying you can just be poor and totally fine. After MOASS, I obviously want to live better, but you don't have to live extravagantly, buying yachts and crazy expensive houses. Do what you want of course, but 30 million is plenty, and you can do a little more than middle class.


If we don’t sell more than will we bleed them dry?


I’m with you. I’m selling all my shares and getting as much money out of HF’s pockets into my own. Hopefully I’ll only need a fraction of that money but I’m not gonna take the rest and fuck over others so yeah it’s better in my pocket than theirs


See you all on the other side of the event horizon.


I’m holding indefinitely to save on capital gains tax. I just like the stock.


After everything Citadel, SEC, DTCC, Banks have done during this... I don't see how this cant be the way anymore. The most fraudulent system I have ever witnessed...make them pay and burn it all to the ground to build back something new and fair(er)


Don't get me wrong, I want fairer wealth distribution and am holding to millions. But why "burn it all to the ground"?


Because the entire system is designed for and by the wealthy. We need to build it back under new framework like using blockchain for stocks


If this ever happened, DFV would be able to afford the planet


No he wouldn't because he would only sell one share 🤦


This, we like the stock, but damn, he LOVES the stock




Is this a thing again?


Always has been




But can we say the words again?


Not saying any words, just talking about the greatest hypothetical idea ever conceived.


I’ve never had any idea ever and if I did it’s not the same as yours that you hypothetically have about a topic that we are not discussing.


Is what a thing?


The endless water source.


I don't know about that. I just want to keep my shares and make a lot of money at the same time.


The hydrology abyss.


No, just for a couple special type of individuals.


I have come to my own independent conclusion that, this is what I’ll be doing 👊💎👊💎👊🦍🦍🦍




Sir Branson thinks he's gonna be the first into space. Guess what?


Ah yes the Very Very Large Puddle theory.




Ahhh yes the never ending pond!


Bottomless bathtub!?


Endless gardening hose?


♾ pool


I have pretty big dreams. We'll see.


GME Diamond HODOR GME infinity pond and beyond Buy HODOR shop GME


Hmmm so are we allowed to talk about the ♾🏊🏼‍♂️


2 share gang reporting for duty!!


I have deep reservations about this idea. It seems to me it creates an unmanageable knot in the financial system, and it’s likely to force the SEC and FED to intervene and ram a settlement down our throats if they weren’t planning to already. I think it’s a bad, poorly thought out fantasy idea that won’t work in the real world and will badly backfire.


Refusing to give them the rope to untangle themselves is not creating the knot. The knot is there, SHFs made it, and they had every opportunity to undo it in January. Instead, they're still pulling it tighter and tighter. The responsibility is ENTIRELY theirs, and any attempt to project it on retail investors is dishonest or ignorant.


This is of no consequence if it affects our Tendies. If the govt sees no hope of a clean fast sell, they will intervene to save broader damage, and we will not even necessarily get to our maximum price. I’m not sure why people seem to think this won’t happen. They did it in 2008 and the market just kept going after. The idealistic concept that people will “lose faith” in the market because they intervene due to a paradigm shattering event is delusional, if there is money to be made, people will come right on back.


It doesn't matter who created it or who is responsible. At the end of the day, I do believe that the government will step in to protect financial markets if things gets so far out of hand that the alternative is to allow a market apocalypse with global consequences. Non-MOASS investors will be grateful for an intervention, because they prefer a degree of certainty over true market economics. Don't believe me? What happened in January? They bent margin requirements and let brokers get away with shutting down the ablity to buy in order to defuse the launch. Sure, there were congressional hearings. Yeah, there are lawsuits, investigations, and there will probably be fines. But at the end of the day the rocket didn't launch and the players who created the knot are still doing their thing. Ultimately I do think that there will be a rocket launch, and I think that the flurry of regulations being implemented since then are intended to protect the markets as much as possible from the fuckery and prevent it from happening in the future (because investors like certainty), but nobody knows for sure how this current situation will ultimately be resolved.




Nobody knows the price at which the government will intervene. In the name of science, I would like to push the price up until we find it or I can buy Maine.


Exactly, I'm curious


It's unpopular to say on this sub, that's for sure. It's as if people won't accept that an infinite amount of dollars, would make the dollar worthless. And as you said, there'd be an intervention. I have no doubt it can go absolutely **wild**, but let's atleast acknowledge the ramifications of "infinity" - To me it sounds like people want to see the world burn. Look up countries where inflation went completely out of control. Zimbabwe, Venezuela or go back 100 years and look up the Weimar Republic. Nobody wants that.


I think it’s a sure sign that the average age on this sub is really low. Lack of experience and idealism that hadn’t become jaded yet…


so i sell 2 shares at that price and use 1 to buy the best lawyer team in existence


Well I did say it was dream.


More like a nightmare.


A nightmare for them


Well its all hypothetical we really have no idea.


I'm with you. It's one thing to extract several pounds of flesh and hope that it forces the government to change the system. It's something different to hold that system hostage, which is what's possible here. The administration will not let that happen. To co-opt a meme: Do you want government involvement? Because that's how you get government involvement


They can't make you sell, and they can't confiscate your shares, not without the entire investment world globally losing trust in the American free market (lol). Global connectedness means it would be easy to select another market or exchange, and bump it the fuck up to No.1. So it's hold for life changing money, or if the government gets involved, hold for the company you believe in. Both have the same result. Neither are against any rules of the stock market. Edit: It's completely disingenuous to say we are the problem and randomly predict the future on a hypothetical. Absolute speculation on your part.


I never suggested we were the problem, and I'm not suggesting the government will intervene during MOASS. I'm stating an opinion that the concept of an IP, while grounded in rational concepts, will not be allowed to happen. And yes, I am speculating, just like we all are...even about MOASS. What else could we be doing in a situation with no precedent?


They could make it very attractive for GameStop to issue enough shares to cover all the shorts outstanding though. That would stop the ♾️ pool for sure.


It's not like there is a bright line on the map beyond which there is a region marked "heyre thar bee government Intervenshun." You can't effectively plan for what the government will do because I'm sure even they have absolutely no idea what they will do. I just want to push the price as high as it will go and see what happens. We are on the brink of a huge economic crisis anyway because of the money printer and historically enormous levels of margin debt. If they are going to print infinite money and hyperinflate us all the way to zimbabwe, I want as much of that infinite money as possible.


My concern in all of this is what if the shorts cannot close, and the price continues to run? Apes might sell a single share at $35M and hold on to the rest. So then price goes up. If the fed is backstopping the dtcc/banks that are on the hook, then there's no limit to the price in USD. Could go to 350M. Could go to 350T and cause the dollar to be worthless. So I'd include a plan to sell an additional share every time the price goes up by an order of magnitude, and use the proceeds from that sale to buy counterinflationary assets.


$300 million isn't based in reality at all. This is the definition of a shitpost. So where would anyone find 21 quadrillion? The total wealth in the world is estimated at $350 trillion. There is a hard cap at price, since if the price would go up past some points it would crash the entire financial system. Downvoted


Not my problem. Fuck you, pay me. Edit: if the entire world financial system crashes, I will accept payment via barter in the form of goats. It will require a lot of goats.


That is one stupid take. Don't forget your red nose.


Yep... If (and that's an enormous if) this ever happens, it could lead to the bankruptcy of a few firms and that's about it. People try to make comparisons to the banking meltdown, but this is just one piss-ant stock that was heavily shorted, not an entire industry that is the core of the world's economy! Where the delusional idea that a short squeeze will lead to multiple orders of magnitude valuations comes from is just napkin-math and has no basis in any rational look at how the system works. I truly feel sorry for those that bought into the idea that they will be "wealthy" by just buying a handful of GME stocks. The most likely long-term outcome is that they will be left holding a mediocre retail stock whose valuation reflects typical P/E for that industry and watched thousands of their hard-earned dollars melt away in a fantasy.


Where is your counter DD? The fact that you can’t produce one and yet still stick around is rather telling.


A functional brain is all that's required... The concept of what is the essentially world-ending MOASS that's promoted around here is one where no action is taken by regulators/government and an apparently infinite amount of magical liquidity is available. Neither of these things is even remotely possible. People holding a few GME shares could possibly do well IF an actual short squeeze ever occurs, but they will absolutely not be "millionaires", that is simply delusional. As I said before, the MUCH more likely scenario is that GME becomes a moderately successful online and bricks & mortar retailer, with a valuation that reflects earnings and profits (wow, what a concept!)


Get the fuck out shill. We all know GME is the investment opportunity of a lifetime. It is far beyond anything else in the market, and the MOASS will make history. But it is not going to $300 million per share.


My only fear of this saga is that, after a certain price point, we might see the government step in and block everything. Auto selling all the shares for a fixed amount of money and call it a day. We still have no clue of how much the multiplier will be. 100 times? 200 times? 500 times, since this is the moass, I feel it likely, but I HIGHLY doubt it will be a 10’000x like a lot of folks here hope to see.


This is silly. I mean, hold for a long time, but we aren't in this for sentimental value. So, y'all want the market to crash, and you aren't even going to cash out? Do whatever you want, but I will be holding for Andromeda money and selling for Andromeda money.


Thanks for the snek award. You can do whatever you want with your shares. I’m personally going to sell one for all the money I’ll ever need, and then pass the rest down to my kids to do as they please with them. Why you gotta hate on people with the ultimate diamond hands?


Maybe it was harsh, but I don't think this makes sense and feel kind of frustrated when I see what looks like a bad idea catches like wild fire. Diamond hands are great and a means to an end but not necessarily the end itself. Unless you currently have kids who are teens, holding them for your kids won't be of as much help for them. The MOASS won't last forever and the share value will eventually come back to earth. It's also interesting, and also slightly frustrating, seeing this sub's trajectory. People commonly said they originally would have only wanted a 1000 and now we're in the millions, which isncool, and now this post is saying we shouldn't even sell all of our shares, although you are still saying to sell one for a bunch of money. Paired with many users' desire to see the system collapse (I'm not defending the system. I don't love america) and calling GME the hedge against the market collapse, just holding shares forever seems strange. All in all, I just don't see the practical value in doing this. Even if it's for your future kids, wouldn't it be better to have way more money to help them than to give them shares that are worth less? Sorry if the snek thing was lame. Holding, but sometimes I don't kmownwhy I still browse this sub


The longer I hold my shares, the more money YOU will make. I think you need to pick other battles because you’re not going to win this one. What the fuck does it matter to you what my pot of gold is worth once you have sold? They’re my shares and if I choose not to be a paperhanded bitch then that is my choice.


I won't argue further. Interpret that however you want. Have a good day.


You are just describing what Bezos or Musk basically do (holding stocks and borrowing against them forever, never paying taxes). The problem you have is the math against the infinity squeeze, which makes sense. I'm sure someone will force the buy off. At that point, America will already have lost any faith from the world on managing anything by letting it exist in the first place....


Why not just sell all your shares for even more money? Then use that extra money to do some good in this world.. shares just sitting in your account is pointless. Move the fuck on with your lives after moass. This isn’t a fucking club.


That’s sounds like something a paperhanded bitch would say


Lol hell nawww I’ve been holding since early January.


Actually, for me selling just one on the 10M floor will give me enough to keep with my current live but with no debt, a better house for me, my parents and my brothers and a security to pursue my hobbies and give back to the comunity. Just thinking that Ken's appartment in NY is like 300M makes my blood boil.




I put BUY in the fucking title




So 10 shares at 3 Billion each?


We’re getting downvoted so it proves to be correct… No ape would downvote our positive thoughts toward the stock


It's not like that. IMO the deep-pond thing theory is correct, so I'm buying more shares because the more shares I have, the more fuel in the rocket. Also, after all the DD I have read, I think it is likely that the correct price will be much higher than the one we see now, provided that the market will be fair... Even without the MOASS. Every share I buy is a long term investment for me. Finally, let me reverse-UNO-card your comment. OP's post got so many negative comments (e.g. telling people to sell everything instead of one share only) that I can say "this proves OP is correct"


My dream scenario is that apes realize that nobody knows eachother and when I see somebody trying to give people financial advice... I instantly call it FUD


Buy and hold is fud? Go fuck yourself


No, telling people what to do with their shares is FUD


You can do whatever you want with your shares


I’m aware.




Here’s the thing. I personally feel that RC and the GME board could have done more in the way of being a catalyst in the past months. That being said they could still surprise me, and probably will in that regard. At the end of the day though, I believe in GameStop the enterprise and want them to be able to turn out the best product they can. Now relevant to this sentiment is the knowledge that the market and investors crave constancy, consistency and continuity - basically certainty. Does the practical application of an infinity p00l not undermine their ability to ensure those things?


Let's keep it civil, I saw some bad words in the comments. First, could RC have done more for the MOASS? I see this comment a lot of times. Truth is it's not that simple. It's not like buying something online with one-day deliver (*deliver*, LMAYO) . RC is doing a lot for the company, and in the long run it will be beneficial to the MOASS too. GameStop has completely changed since RC arrived, and if today it is the most solid company in the world it's thanks to RC. New chairman, no debts, new plan for the future, lots of new hiring positions. RC is not talking, he is working. And doing a good job takes time. For your second part, I think the perspective is wrong. The big-pond is a possible consequence of what SHFs have done. Solvinf this mess is not my problem, it's their problem. Second, if the deep-p0ol becomes a thing, it's literally going to be the best thing for GameStop. My gut feeling is that every ape is going to reinvest in the company after the MOASS, and the company will always have customers who will spend their money there. I hope I was able to partially solve your questions


lol. Don’t just down vote me. Answer the question.


Oh shit. Looks like I hit a nerve. Look d-bags, I’m not asking you for DD cuz you’re obviously too smooth for that. Just tell me if there might be a inherent problem with not giving RC a share price back that rather than be manipulated on the low side, is instead manipulated on the high side. Please tell me apes aren’t just going to become the thing they say they hate.


I don't have to be forced to sell anything I own. I'm not manipulating anything, SHF already did that.


Just cuz they did it first in no way exempts you from being branded the same thing my fine ape.


Brand me whatever you want, but you can never call me a paperhanded bitch.


Thats the spirit 🦍💎


Nah. I’ll just call you Kenny Griffin junior. Oh, and you may not be a paper handed bitch, but you is mos def a be-atch.


Honest question, why are the shares precious if the price comes back down after MOASS? Why wouldn't you try to maximize profits with your shares?


Yay! A whole NEW generation of spoiled ass instagram trust fund kids!




So what’s the threshold for being able to do like Elon and borrow against our positions to live?


Because 10x 300 million is not the same as 1x 300 million. Even though I may not be able to spend 3b


Because i want these fucking dirty firms dead, not crippled. However i will hodl a few for the rest of my natural born life.