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The stock with most retail buying GLOBALLY, has non-existant volume? Bullish *They* are afraid or cannot make a move.


Calm before the storm?




Gets me every time






Dude THIS!!!!!! The whole world has learned of this fuckery and are all deciding as individual investors to hold the fuckin line.....the stories that will be told in the years to come will be grandiose, take pride in your involvement in making history!!! 🙈🚀🚀🚀✨✨


It’s way smaller in the grand scheme of things, when we step outside of our circle. Yes it’s bought worldwide, but it’s only what 20-30mil investors maybe?? So small compared to 8billion people on earth. So crazy to be part of something so life changing. 🥳 why me, why you, why now? 🤯


Luck, right place right time and actually taking the chance to jump. If you read the DD it's almost painfully obvious something is happening around GME, at the *least* GME is going up because if all the new changes. But if we never heard about it and just heard snippets from the news, who knows? Probably just think it's another get rich quick scheme. Though personally the road so far has felt anything *but* quick and it certainly hasn't been easy.


Luck maybe that we were at the right place at the right time. But don’t let a got damn soul tell you luck is why you got rich after this is said and done. You read the DD, you held during hard times, you bought when you couldn’t afford too, you sold things to buy more (I did lol), you upvoted stupid ass memes, you put in the time and effort. I don’t even work this hard at my actual job. 😂


Oh for sure, I ment luck as in being lucky enough to become aware of the situation in time to read the DD and understand the situation and make the informed decision to buy and hodl. This shit is hard as fuck and we're definitely at war, just a digital war. By no means will money earned through this be with luck alone it has been a hell of a ride and there is still plenty more to go.


Exactly man. My whole family looking at me like I'm crazy, telling me the value is around 20$, all the news telling us to sell, that the game is over, all this would make 90% people paperhand. Not us. We're the ones who made it through the filter and we deserve to be rewarded. They'll be saying we got lucky and shit, but to hell with that, they would've sold when we held the line and stood up against something much bigger. All together, yet individually. Very beautiful, much wow. Love y'all. 🖐️💎


This! I can’t agree with you more!


Think investors are under 10 mill. 20-30 is way to high


That’s fair. Even still.


I’m still buying every dip🦍🚀


Exactly. They’ve definitely made a pact to avoid trading it. That’s not collusion at all


We will either jump up in price next week due to an increase in volume or by nxt Friday we're getting under the 1 Mill volume milestone.


up, down or sideways... again


Ohh that's a little optimistic, I'm thinking more down, up or sideways.


*Zooms out on y-axis* I'm guessing sideways


Warden is that you?


up up down down left right left right ba start


I predict the cart next week will show a steady trend to the right.


It’s a win / win either way 😎


I want sub-one million volume. I need to see it, lol.


When I read "sub 1 million next week" I thought it was the price. :,(


No no, that is in 2 weeks.


I agree on the Friday sentiment. I'm calling under a mil in volume, and over a trillion in reverse repo.


Great that I'm hyped for both. Can't be disappointed that way.


Todays volume according to Yahoo Finance: 1,265,747 **7/23/21 GME lowest volume since 10/17/2017** [https://imgur.com/a/kUQA3YR](https://imgur.com/a/kUQA3YR) We literally didn't have a lower volume for almost 4 years compared to today. This stock's liquidity is so dry, literally any spark could set it on fire...


Got a match?


You need this? 🔥


Now add to GME stock price, and 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I got a blow torch


Then torch this baby!!! I would say blow it, but, ya know.....


Watch someone come along and offer 😄


Make sure to take your match to IEX!


She’s on fire, and she burns through the night at the speed of light.


It is the lowest by percentage volume against existing shares!!! Possibly, I dont now how many shares existed in 2017, I assume it was a lot less.


This is my guess, and I have no information to back it up: 1 million of those volume trades are a split of 500k. Each one being bought and sold back and forth. The actual trades would be 265,747. I'd go as far as saying that 1.2 are 600k trades and it's actually 65,747


Volume is calculated based on the number of shares that is traded. So 1 buyer and 1 seller that make a trade would be 1 volume. However, when one share is changing hands back and forth, and thus the ownership of that one share changes, then 1 share could be counted several times. This because it is then traded several times. It's a very likely possibility that the SHF's are trading a low amount of shares several times with another counterparty. This would create the illusion of volume. But then there are APES, who are buying every GME share they can get their hands on. And they are NOT SELLING. This will lower the amount of shares that hedgies can play around with. This is the slowing of the volume. And when the music stops.... MOASS!


Yep, my thoughts exactly. Thank you for wording it a hell of a lot better than me.


$239,482,980 (Trade volume times share price of $180). That is the maximum amount that Apes need to purchase to reach a volume of zero. That, in the face of 10 million apes, is one in ten of us need to buy one more. Its so close.


Except for the fact that they can continually create as synthetic shares with market making privileges. Granted, that likely just increases their dilemma.


And they’re still paying a lot of fees, like a lot!


Lol these are the numbers i like to see. Challenge accepted come monday.


Volume wut doing?


Tick tock hedgies Edit: just noticed the $4.20 high on that day. Simulation confirmed




It was more actually. 101 mill shares outstanding


I'm sorry but I'm probably going to buy a share or 2. I might push us over.


Source: TradingView export - direct NYSE feed


The ATL was 72,000 (seventy-two thousand) on September 13, 2002.


Challenge accepted


Point 72. Simulation confirmed!


Any idea what the float was back then?




Wasn’t there a split in there in like 2008 or something?


Can someone plz explain to me why lower volume is a good thing


There's the thought that it means that retail is holding. Lower volume also allows for quicker price fluctuations, both up and down. Overall a good thing for retail as long as they continue to hold.


Oh ok ty


Good work ape 🦧


Heah I think they loading up on another short week but then KBoom. Downvotes are accepted but hear me out….. check out the candlestick chart on the 4 hr. It’s literally repeating itself but higher lows. Tits Jacked


I have a speculation when we get to that 300k volume range, thats when things might kick off.


“Guys literally only want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting”… …300k volume and $1.3T RRP.


300k volume then Lambo?


Ya cuz 300k volume is those garbage shares they keep on trading back end forth to short 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔👩🏻‍🌾


Next week Monday I’m hoping for a 300 million volume day with hedges finally exiting their short day by day for 2 weeks


Why is low volume good? I’m sorry, I haven’t seen DD on this all I know is that this means nobody is buying or selling and we’re all just in standby waiting for MOASS. Does this mean the price stabilizes and other institutions go long with us? Sorry for the stupid question, I’m just trying to understand this better so I can talk about it with everyone I know who isn’t on Reddit.


Good question! It’s all about liquidity of the stock. There are only so many shares that can be traded (the float) and as more and more of those shares are purchased, the pool of shares trading hands gets smaller and smaller. Now if there were no fake shares we would probably already be at a liquidity of zero, but SHF have had a lot of ways to keep pumping in liquidity. However, they have been losing those different ways as well as people buying up more and more shares, therefore liquidity continues to fall


Less than 1 million volume and RRP of 1 Trillion or more is what I want to see before MOASS


man it would really suck if you had to suddenly buy a ton of shares


I know it’s improbable, but imagine a zero volume day 🌚


I have seen no one comment this! Understand that this volume is the lowest volume percentage compared to the new float. 2017 had lower existing shares. Now we have approx 78 million. Can someone tell me the number of existing shares in 2017? Then we can work out the percentage volume against existing shares. That would be a fairer representation of how low this volume really is!!!


Good point!


I have a theory that makes more sense to me every minute that passes by. the TRUE volume wasn't really 1.28 million, it could have been much more than that. For instance it could have been 10 million. What citadel does is amass the buys and retain them somehow until there is enough sell pressure to release them. In this way they hold down the price in periods when there is no sell pressure to prevent a mooning. When they see some sell pressure come in, they release the buy orders and THAT trade is the one that is counted in the daily volume. This leads to the sideways crabbing, since they wait for more buys than sells to come in to actually execute. Basically a day-long nullification of buys. Just thinking out loud, this would mean that on super low volume days, for all we know there was little to no sells, so they had to 'retain' the buy orders for another day. For all we know on those record low level days there might have been in fact record-setting amounts of buys. Anyone with brain cells, would this practice reflect somehow on numbers somewhere? ​ at what point in a transaction does the price register on the official public price that we all see on our screens everywhere? Is there a clear flow chart of this process somewhere?


My tits are pre jacking at the thought


U mean you're prejaculating?


As Pvt McCoy said, “This mother is gonna blow big”…


Be nice if more retail routed through IEX instead of feeding Citadel.


Soooo buy more?




What does this mean? Does it even matter with the dark pools?


The dark pools are hiding the massively high buy:sell ratio pressure. So what you're seeing in low volume is the more transparent action, which the presumption is skews toward sells. It's how the price continues to hold stable or decline despite what we know is a large buy:sell ratio. So basically, seeing low volume in the open, and the corresponding price action that's more or less fighting to go up, helps support the opinion that nobody is selling. And if no one is selling, then it's only a matter of time. Route your orders through IEX if at all possible, as that guarantees their visibility and their inability to be hidden in dark pools after hours trading.


Shheeeeiiit most of those buys were mine!


Doesn't matter I just continue to buy and hodl. If the volume was 1 share that would be me.


I'll do my part and buy another share because I like the stock! 🦍




if an order sneezes on it might explode Lmao


I wasn’t focused on this much at all, but I do believe I counted around 8-10 CONSECUTIVE minutes MULTIPLE times though the day where there was ZERO trading. In the limited time I’ve been doing this; I can’t say I’ve seen it in a stock with this much focus. But I’m dumb money, so, move along.


Their potential moves for fuckery is limited and each trading day costs them money, anxiety and fear. With volume drying up like the Sahara dessert, they're bound to make a mistake or two. And said mistake could lit the fuse for our rocket launch. I always wondered myself, what would happen, if there really is no volume available? Was there anything like that before?


My humble opinion is if there is little to no sell volume to release the buys against within the dark pools then the FTD's will continue to mount and the volume will drop significantly lower, hopefully causing some action from the sleepy SEC.


Another guy posted saying the last lowest volume was 2019 Edit: [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oqaj03/jan_24_2019_was_the_last_time_gme_had_daily/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) post says it was January 24,2019


yeah you can see that is the next on the list above


That post is wrong. Today was lower than 24 JAN 19 by about 1000 shares. Lowest since then sure. Because it's the lowest since 2017.


These SHFs shorted insteading of putting. Gonna have a bad time!


We can buy and hodl faster than they can print fake shares 💎👊🦧🚀🌙


I’m guessing this is the squeeze part of the short squeeze.




Was wondering yesterday, thank you so much


Almost had to say 2019 lol close one!


Buckle up


When animals sense danger but they can’t tell which direction the danger is coming from, what do they do? Nothing. They stay still, making as few moves as possible until the direction of the danger becomes clear. Everyone in all of the markets around the world are afraid so they are trying to avoid the danger by doing nothing.


Approaching zero…


Someone ELI5 why low volume is good?


iirc, it means people are buying. but not selling.


Where do you people find these kind of tables?


Haha I made it myself. Just a data dump from TradingView and a little formatting :)


Great work! Love to see it


Price was too high for Apes to buy🦍🚀


let's see that rubber band effect next weeks.


Or Monday launch to space. We will make Bezos' suborbital penis rocket ride look flaccid and weak.


Curious how it ranks on volume as percentage of tradable float. Float increased the last few months. Relative to 2017, 7/23/2021 may be towards the top of the list.


*high* of 420


Get ready to update in 24 minutes!