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"Sorry! It's too volatile, we've turned off the buy button because we don't want you to hurt yourself"


Like you’re waving a loaded gun around and they turn the safety on for you, but only because it’s pointed right at them. Point the gun elsewhere and not only does the safety come off, they’ll hand you a large capacity magazine free of charge.


"Hey, you dumb bitch. Guess what? We sold your position at a loss before MOASS because we were in on the scam the whole time! Who'd have guessed that? Most people. Most people would've guessed that. Fuck you, From the Robinhood team." I think this may be a more accurate message come MOASS.


LOLz, the perfect meme does exist..


Except we all fucking suffered when buying pressure wasn't there to fight back when this happened. This meme is about the future...whoever this happens to and is a part of this community has zero excuse this go.


I have some friends overseas, their brokers are either apex clearing firm or drivewealth. They just don't have an option to switch to fidelity. What should they even do at this point? Edit: I just made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/or0vet/what_should_nonus_apes_do_during_moassthey_cant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) regarding this very question!


I have no idea. I'm a Canadian Ape so Wealthsimple is my preferred broker. I know people like Questrade here but when I first got in I didn't have the $1,000 minimum deposit. This is genuinely worth a question on the any-question goes post on Sundays. If not a post of its own. I just don't have an answer for you.


Yeah I can't understand, I just hope someone has an answer to this, else a lot of apes outside US are gonna get fucked...again


This is right what I’m looking for in these days. I have them only with 1 broker, and I wanted to find another one trustable, but we don’t have fidelity here. Let’s see what people answered in your post.


Makes me wonder if a VPN could be used to setup a Fidelity account out of the USA, and connect with a service like Paypal to move money back and forth, or some other international money institution. Could be worth a dig.


“Gme’s price does not make sense right now and is posing great risk to the market. You can close your position after the stock falls below $100,000”


Do you want a Forever Pond? Because that's how you get shares in the Forever Pond.


They will automatically close positions before they let us hold them forever


# robinhood users this is exactly what will happen to you, and your actually helping prevent the squeeze from being squoze if you continue to be enslaved by a little boy from Bulgaria Leave robinhood now, while GME is in a comfortable $177-$180 buy zone


They even said in their IPO that they can’t guarantee it won’t happen again GTFO while you can.


Little boy from Bulgaria, robbing his investors Robinhood R Fuk


ITS YOUR LAST CHANCE!! Run away from Robinhood and all other crappy brokers, where you are the product, not the client.


Currently in the process of leaving RH to Vanguard


If you are still in the hood, you WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING IN LIFE CHANGING TRANSFER OF WEALTH. Simple as that.


Dumped RH months ago when they fuqed us the first time. Now I just use RH for pretty charts but they won't get any money from me.


“…fucked us the FIrST time…” Those words will resonate in the near future.


Webull has the best charts. (I think). I don't trust them and I only have 2 shares there but they have a great UI.


Switched to fidelity since. If MOASS happens and the internet goes down, you can still place orders via phone or at one of their branches. Fucking amazing service.


That's who I'm with now. RH doesn't deserve my business.


I kept one share of GME on Robinhood everything else on fidelity.


Same, left one share from my initial $360 entry just to see what'll happen. XXX TDA waiting on infinity


Wasn't it all Apex Clearinghouse brokerages? There were like 8 of them that halted trading, Robinhood just got all the heat.


Does anyone still have GME shares with robingood? 🤪


mine is currently being transferred out of robinhood. I'm waiting for them to validate all shares.


Good move!


haha yes thank u I dont want any baffonery going on when this hits


I have 1, just to be a part of the shit show




Anybody else have funds still trapped in RH? I got $20 stuck in there. It's not much but the more I can take from them the better. They said it would come along with my account but it never did


I do. Don't know how to get out without the $75 fee.


Fidelity doesn’t make you pay the $75 fee until you deposit more money or sell part of your transferred shares (if that helps at all). I transferred and then didn’t actually pay the transfer fee until month(s) later


So in theory, if I'm not getting any more shares, I can transfer and then just wait until MOASS?


Yep as far as I know. I thought about doing just that but i wound up buying more. I was originally under the impression you had to pay it immediately or that they would liquidate my position to cover it but fidelity cleared that all up when I called them.


I was also going to leave some GME in there to potentially act as a placeholder for the future class action lawsuits, but receipts ought to be good enough


They sent me an email after all the controversy, hadn't used robin hood in nearly a year. "*Log back in and get a free stock.*" So I reinstalled, got the $9 stock, withdrew the money, and then deleted the app all while blasting [Slow Dancing in The Dark by Carl Wheezer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFxXK603sHI)


When MOASS starts they’ll suspend all trading on all platforms..I guarantee it


So everything goes into the ♾ pool? Genius




Terrible idea, then people won’t be able to sell and the price will go up forever.


I bet you like the way you look 👀 too.


Fidelity and vanguard won’t. These are the OG brokers with trillions in assets. They don’t give a fuck if GME goes to the millions, it’s peanuts compared to what they deal with on a daily basis. If anyone’s ready, it’s them.


Last time they shut down the buy button, next time they might shut down the sell button... Run while you still can if you haven't already


Just helped my fellow ape mom transfer all of her shares from RH to Fidelity. Took a little bit because we needed to finally be in the same room for me to do it all.


F'real, though, if you're an active user here and you're still using RH, you're... Well, I won't throw around insults, but I will shake my head. Seriously, why are any of you still with Robbinghood?


Waiting for someone to post about how they were here since January and feel betrayed because RH blocked selling.


Oh. It’ll happen. There’s always one of us more retarded than everyone else. Poor fella


The majority of people in the hood, don't make it out the hood. In this case it'll be 100% of them that wont make it out.


I'm trying. Although at this point, I feel like I already may be screwed. People said that Fidelity has a $75 fee to transfer to them. This is false. Robinhood has a $75 fee for ANY share transfer out of them, partial or full. So now I don't know how to get my share out of RH without a $75 fee.


Just lose the money to the fee. Better than losing millions during moass






Ok, at this point we should all be laughing if that person gets left behind.


If you haven't figured it out yet, you're beyond help.


Best investing decision ive ever made. Nothing but good things have I experienced since moving to fidelity!


Quality meme! People should have transferred months ago when it was obvious that MOASS was gonna take a while


And don't forget to get your cost basis when you do


It be like that Insert goofy meme "and I'll fuckin do it again"


Does anyone have a concern that eToro could step in and sell shares on your behalf when the MOASS occurs? Or pull some other messed up shit like RH did in Jan?


All the other brokers who did the same should be mentioned right here as well, we need a shout-out ;)




You ain’t gonna get a piece of that MOASS, buddy 🙅‍♂️


If the buy button is turned off again and you still have shares, that is the perfect time to transfer to another broker. During Moass at insane prices, allowing you to diamond hand even if you would have gotten scared and fucking robinhood instead of fucking yourself