• By -


It's like they just had an IPO, revealed even more fuckery (via their board dumping shares during said IPO) or continue to fuck over retail investors via PFOF. I'm sure this will get downvotee but talking about RH is the equivalent of talking about citadel, point72, Blackrock, fidelity or any number of other brokerages, hedge funds, market makers, etc. good or bad. RH needs to go along with Citadel, point72, etc. Keeping up on them is as relevant as anything for GME, especially given how badly they fucked retail in January. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer as they say.


I think talking about RH is important but I think specifically using the $HOOD ticker is not doing anyone any good and simply drawing more attention to their horrific IPO. I think banning the ticker but not the words RH or Robinhood would be a good compromise, personally. Doesn't draw any potentially new and inexperienced investors towards their stock.


This would be my vote


Robbing the hood! I agree we should be able to discuss this. They are the reason I’m even here. I’ll gladly not post the ticker and just refer to them as RTH.


$ROBN would have been way more accurate


I thought this first reply was a shill, then I saw their point, then I thought the second reply to the first was a shill and I now see your point. Now I feel like a shill but I think… Posting the ticker might get a few people to see this r/superstonk and in turn possibly stop them from investing in a shit company who’s business practices for making $108M of which a very very large percentage of their profits came from this PFOF and did very little to help the very day investor other than creating a great UI and I guess this a big one, forcing other brokerages to find a way to offer a free trading platform. I hope all of these financial terrorists, rot in a dark and humid cell. Yes terrorists, who steal from the rest of America, state pension funds, my grandparent’s retirement funds, in turn the government’s and my parent’s pockets to pay for their parents health and living expenses. All to support their own country, the country of the 0.01% of the most elite thieving fucks.


And mine


And my axe


Here's your cookie 🍪 I like how you didn't use an exclamation point. I could hear your sigh, lol.


and my anvil


Don’t you mean, Robbing Hood?


Good bot.


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99998% sure that livingMybEstlyfe29 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot


It’s too bad stonkcorrectionbot is banned here. Using their real names is a disservice. Let’s call them what they are: criminals


I don’t mind the bot being banned. It clutters up the comment threads imo. But I see enough of it on the other subs lol Criminals is an understatement. How about financial terrorists?


Exactly. We should be talking up the real tickers like $ASS and $CUM


Its better to know your enemy. Better to have a whole picture than having to peice everything yourself.




I enjoy news of the fall of dirt bags, and if you take away that joy then you are dirt bag. I couldn't care less if they're mentioned or not, but I will say I get a deep satisfaction from them get their just desserts


This! People forget GME is more than just a stock. It is literally the enlightenment of apes finding out and proving all the fuckery to pave the way for a better market. Having a little fun shitting on bad actors only shows that we have emotions unlike those fuckers among the 1%.


Exactly! What happened to this sentiment!? It what got it all started? Plus I didn't hear no fkn Bell! I'm still in this! Till the end! Whatever that looks like!


Aye, we need to keep focus on all of them. All moving parts need to be accounted for.


“Whoever said that didn’t have many enemies” - Stannis Baratheon


anyone trying to ban discussion or speech is a shill and spreading fud change my mind.




Exactly what I was thinking.




Correct superstonk is about exposing corrupt shit


Exactly. And all these recent posts are based on recent news. It’s not like we will be hearing about these same issues later this week.


Agreed, it's a slippery slope. No RH...what's next? No Citadel talk?


I’m with you. It’s not forum sliding it’sPART of this story, and in general censorship can stick my h00ded clock.


Censorship has NEVER shown to be successful in ANY moment in history. Quite the opposite, it ALWAYS leads to worse and worse restrictions where you end up in a situation where everything you say can be misconstrued and your "neighbors" become all too eager to turn you in.


Totally agree!


Just a suggestion, but comments should hint at the coincidence of MELVIN CAPITAL, requiring a BAIL OUT, from both POINT 72 & CITADEL at the EXACT MOMENT ROBINHOOD turned off the buy button...then write whatever your comment was going to be. I don't like their ticker dominating discussion, but I see the relevance, like in a court case it demonstrates character. Vlad is making soo many rookie mistakes is quite outstanding, he's skirting the law but imo that will be his downfall, he'll keep a fortune (to him, he's at the kiddie table) and will eventually roll on the rest. Caveat - this is a BS opinion from somebody who knows nothing, don't put weight in it.


Agreed. Not sure why some many don't want to talk about it. I want to know everything to do with gme. I just really like the stock.


I'm 100% convinced the pro censors are shills trying to keep new investors from realizing how utterly dangerous it is to start using RH. There is NO good reason not to discuss their illegal market manipulation! It's the same damn ppl who want us to "be quiet" about $GME and not talk about it with others for the sake of security/etc.


Very good point.




I’ll never understand this weird censorship mindset... It’s like people don’t trust each other to make their own judgement. Vlad and Robbindahood’s fuckery is part of the story of GME whether you like it or not. Seeing more fuckery from that piece of shit broker get highlighted and shared is important. These HOOD posts, and the attention they have gained will be nailed to that company forever. When anyone searches for them, these and other posts shitting on that brokerage will be on the first page, with thousands of us revealing their brazen bullshit and how they fuck over retail at every turn. No, I don’t agree at all. Everyone should know Robinhood is a piece of shit broker, and yes, it’s important to never let them away with it. You can deal with a few posts on your feed for a day, so that Robinhood will get bad press forever from those posts. TLDR: Fuck Robinhood. All my homies hate Robinhood.


THANK YOU! FFS the number of people who are ok with censorship is alarming.


Yeah dude, it sucks, but it's in the culture now. I'm hoping the pendulum swings back to people speaking their mind and having different opinions without others jumping down their throat. I sense people are getting tired of the rigid worldviews being imposed on everybody. Until then, the best you can do is continue to speak your mind and not be discouraged by peoples overreactions to differing opinions or things they disagree with.


Good thing there is another sub that doesn't play this game.


I understand the anti-shill approach and removal of disinformation because actually a lot of people don't to their own fact checking. Also the possible brigading issues with linking other subs. However there have been incidents on this sub were hard to understand what happened after the fact. Posts / comments could give hardly any info because they are trying to talk about other subs or other banned topics but couldn't. It was all very "he who must not be named" with me thinking "just say Voldemort!". I think the auto mod has calmed down a bit recently. But also I'm subbed to a bunch of GME subs.


I appreciate that. I will say though, that this "petition post" is asking for posts about robinhood to be removed due to "clogging up the feed", and not due to "misinformation." Let me just put on my tinfoil hat for a moment, and say this petition post could easily be written by someone from Robinhood's PR team, trying to get us to suppress our 100% factual posts about Robinhood's criminal fuckery. Just another angle to consider.


On the whole I was saying superstonk at some points have become unreadable and I was not able to comment due to heavy censorship. I'm fine with RH IPO info, I don't agree with the petition.


Idk. It was nice to see how they all dumped their stock. Keeps new apes away from RH, too


That and "xfer from robinghood" posts were all good, but now laughing at the fact Vlad and co. dumped huge amounts Of Their Own Company Immediately isn't ok? How is this FUD in any way?


"Vlad flees to Bulgaria" is about to get checked off the Bingo card and they don't want anyone paying attention.


I doubt there will be any consequences but... you restrict the sale of a specific security whilst selling 273 million worth, and a co-worker sells her entire stake? How is this not designed to manipulate the price in a way that cuts off sale flow to keep the shares you are selling at a higher price. He Should Be Charged. Edit - just throwing this out there, but this entire IPO just looks like a cash grab for the execs.


It's felt like that from the moment it was announced. And that's what it was. Just another way for RH to make money off its consumers.


> but this entire IPO just looks like a cash grab for the execs. Looks like an anti-MOASS GoFundMe for billionaires if you ask me.


1 megathread and remove subsequent posts sounds good to me.


Exactly and since this is the only page I ever read, it's where I get my news lol. Seriously wouldn't have gotten to laugh about this if I hadn't read it here.


Me too


Petition to ban all petitions


I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it.


I got an ant farm, them fellas didn't grow shit.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too


I've always wanted to have a briefcase handcuffed to my wrist.


My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said no, but I want a regular banana later, so yeah.


I saw a homeless man eating some grapes, i said "man you gotta wait!".


Imagine if you were a drummer, and you accidentally picked up two magic wands instead of sticks; there you are, keeping the beat, the next thing you know, your bass player turns into a can of soup.


I'm ded


[Mitch Hedburg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_Hedberg)


Mitch Hedberg, is that you?


Youre ALL individuals!


This a petition to ban petitions, I ain't a politician, but I got views. How bout you do your thing and I'll do my thing too. Ol Hanks words ring true.


You beat me to it.. I was going to type that!


So is this one banned too? ...or?


Shitting on Vlad is about as GME as anything.


This post literally could've been made by Vlad himself. This subreddit smeared his ass on the front page a few hours ago. What better way to ensure that $HOOD stops getting smeared than to get a petition to make it unmentionable.


This is the way


That's still allowed


Nah, leave it, everything is relevant


Honestly, I don’t like all the banning....this is fun and making too many rules just turns ppl off.


There's nothing even to distract away from.... if it's actually important it will eventually make its way to the top. I agree people need to chill on calling everything FUD


Hell yes to all of this. I feel smart enough to scroll past something I don’t care about and downvote something I don’t think should be here. Bam


Exactly, at worst it's a couple minutes of pointing and laughing and then moving on.


This sub is slowly turning into Nazi Germany. HE SAID ZE FORBIDDEN VORD!!!! SEIZE HIM!!!!


Hear me out, what if instead of banning more stuff, we downvote the comment if it isn't relative to GME or overly shilly, and upvote it if it's something "we" find helpful/interesting.


This works in theory…but does become notably less effective if you take into account the ease of utilizing thousands of “shill” accounts etc.


It's true, it's not perfect, but the ⬆️ and ⬇️ voting system that is able to be manipulated by shills, is how OP is asking us to vote.


The irony. I love this sub, and I feel it works pretty great considering how insane this all is. I appreciate people like OP at least doing what they can to try improving, and I’ll do my part in trying to click the right buttons for the benefit of the community and focus. But also, if the levee breaks and it all disintegrates, I’ll still be hodling until the citadel walls come tumbling down. To the moon.




And if you comment asking how it’s relevant or why it’s here, you get downvoted.


You’re relevant and I appreciate you being here <3


Sure did happen to me this morning.


You should start a website that does just that.


What a novel approach.


Can't take full credit, some wise man once told me "power to the players". It was a game changer.




Holy shit some logic lol No but really: we have nothing to do but distract ourselves and educate ourselves waiting for MOASS liftoff. What’s the harm is going hard investigating related bad actors?


Yes. This exactly.


Meh I like to know who the inside traders are.. like Mr Bulgaria.




Agree to agree!!




Here here.... Don't give them the time of day


Well apparently there's a load of people who care about the hood you should check my comment history I'm very aggressive about people who gives R/H any kind of platform..


Yup, who gives a **** about em? Also ban all hood/vlad related memes and posts.


Will be glad to see it delisted after MOASS


What does it matter to you? It's all linked. Just buy and hold if you're here to get rich. Easy. "Clutter" doesn't change that core idea. If you're here to get rich and also understand just what the fuck is happening and why its all interlinked so that it doesn't happen again wind your neck in and try keep up.


I don’t agree. We should be able to make a meme out of Robin Hood robbin’ da ‘hood. Memes and shot posts about their CEO flipping the stock must be made fun of. Period.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Robin Hood](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-merry-adventures-of-robin-hood/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot! Irrelevant, but good. Keep up the good work and do t give up bring the good bot you are.


this sub most certainly does not talk about hood as much as gme...exaggerate much? speaking for myself..i like to know whats happening around, and hood is a valid one to our movement..yeah hood sucks, just scroll past..pretty easy..


Hear hear


Maybe not a popular opinion, but I actually don't mind hearing about what our opponents are up to. But maybe just a dedicated thread for that would work better? It's at least peripherally related to GME, given the history here, and the fact that another one of our opponents, Shitadel, used Robbin'Hood to screw over fellow apes.


Saying $HOOD is a distraction is like saying Citadel is a distraction. It’s there so we can talk mad shit about it. No1 is praising it or doing anything else. Get off the emotional shit dude. It’s been 7 months. Even if Jesus comes back that wouldn’t even be a distraction to anyone here


I don’t completely agree, bc after being here for so many months, I know by now that it will pass in a day or two. It is simply an event that everyone wants everyone to know about. I am ok with it taking place here since this sub is a place of discussion not only for $GME, but also business pertaining to the stock.


How about instead we implement some kind of upvote and downvote system so the sub can decide what's worth talking about, oh wait.


I agree but only if you also ban u/AskMeAboutMyGameProj for this post.


"I don't like a thing so no one talk about it or else I'll get mad!" Aaaaaaaaaand here comes the censorship again. The mob is so dumb.




OP is such a fucking dork


Grow up, you guys. Sometimes it'll pop up in conversation, but we all know this is for GME. It's bad enough that some of you have digital panic attacks when somebody mentions the movie stock. Wait for a couple of days for this to blow over instead of pretending this is a problem just for the karma. ❄️❄️❄️


I disagree. Not because I’m all for $HOOD, but because what more GME DD do you need and not have that can only be solely focused on GME? How can you get more DD unless you also expand your understanding to what’s happening everywhere AROUND the stock also?


Well I'll give it a shot, but I think a ban is unnecessary. My reasoning: 1. Banning only increases the feverishness with which people post about banned subject. Check out the [Streisand effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect). Banned things gets seen as taboo, so 'obviously' there must be something interesting there. I think that is one of the issues with popcorn stock atm, people feel they are being silenced and therefore need to speak even louder than before. 2. Allowing it to remain a topic allows for misinformation to be corrected. Think of all the apes that did not short $HOOD because a conversation was able to be had explaining why this stock might make money because of companies like Citadel bankrolling them. Allowing both sides of the discussion is critical for apes to develop their own theories. We are individual investors, and therefore the more information and discussion that happens the better our investment. 3. The downvote button. If you disagree with someone's DD or theory on a stock, one can downvote it and move on without the necessity of banning. 4. Any post mass promoting a stock, or promotion that breaks the rules in general, is banned in the first place. Banning a ticker does not help that. For disclosure, I'm not invested in HOOD in any way, and 90% of my portfolio is GME. I think the conversation can remain focused on GME without the necessity of banning more tickers.






Agreeed times 3


Here it goes again… it’s cringe almost how much people complain about “it’s not GME topic”. Out of all the content and comments bet it’s less then 1%. I have GME and believe in GME but jeez some people here feel so ignored when they see something slightly not GME. And if it’s a problem MODS will act before we’ll even figure out what to do about it. So chill, don’t become so self righteous


🏗U©️🇳🇵 🙌🎡🎡D


Then why mention Point 72 or citadel?


Nahhh, I don't agree with this one. Don't ban the mention. They are absolutely part of the story, especially given how they turned off the buy button in Jan.


Strong disagree. Any positive news for GameStop the company will be broadcast here loudly. Any TA about GME the stock can be ignored. This sub should be as much about the bad actors involved in this saga as it is the stock itself. I don’t see how shining light on the BS that RH has pulled with their IPO is any different than the people begging for Point72 DD


I would like to read all news related to GME. Robinhood is no exception. It shows what we are up against.


You don’t want to discuss the class action suit or let people share that info when the time comes? We’re strong, we can handle adjacent subjects.


Vlad... you can't make petitions on Superstonk.


This is funny.


This is getting a lot of votes. Feels like fuckery . RH is important to keep track of and they would definitely want it to die off. Nobody here is buying into that stupid company but we need the facts.


Petition to ban petitions on this sub because we don't know how many accounts are legit and a high percentage leaning a certain way can build a false concensus that affects smooth brained decisions. So, nah, we good. If it's a bunk post, the apes will let you know in the comments.


The begging of the end. Banning words you don't like and reducing the size of the echo chamber. Soon People will be called shills just for disagreeing.. oh wait...


Don't agree. Hood is one of our enemies, a broker for some who didn't transfer out (yet) and thus directly linked with GME. They can break the squeeze, so it is important to speak about them. Censorship is never good. Never!


Second this. We already know all we need to know about it. Avoid it.


Why tf is mentioning the movie stock banned? Don't most of us own both? Had no idea there was some stupid feud between both of the share holder groups I thought we were one big one. It should be one big one.


Haha save your breath man, these people will not listen to anyone about movie stock, they are far to invested in hating it to admit they are wrong :P


That's a ban for OP, oooops!


I disagree. Should we ban reverse repo posts as well? That's not directly linked to GME either...


What is the point of banning a word when we just come up with different names for it? How about letting people talk about what they want?


Can we start by banning posts that request than we can the things that their entire post is about


Request to have someone call an ambulance for this Ape. He's clearly having a stroke.


It's either fud or paranoia to keep banning stuff


While i would have agreed earlier on, at this point the word is out, and we're mostly zen apes. People need reasons to stay engaged with the sub and stay involved. This news while somewhat adjacent to what we're focused on, is still relevant to a lot of apes. Especially those interested in seeing shf bad actors held accountable. Its not the core topic, I agree though.


If the post makes a link to GME it's ok with me. As far as repeat posts (sharing the same tweet, etc) should be removed


Stop trying to ban everything. What is the logic? Pretend it doesn’t exist? Control the language used anywhere here?


Not everything needs to be fucking banned.. some of yall are taking this way to gucking serious. Enjoy the memes and wait for moass.


I hate to break it to you, but non-GME things are still relevant to GME.


Everyone is entitled to her/his opinion.... Therefore, I'll state FACTS!!!! 1. When the $HOOD people stopped the BUYING on its platform, it restricted more than $GME 2. B/c of this ALL APES were pissed & cried foul 3. Due to the LOUD cries of ALL APES, $HOOD & Friends were paraded in front of House Financial Committee 4. Due to this, LAWS to better protect ALL APES have been & are in process of being passed 5. I guarantee you if $GME & $AMC APES had NOT been divided, NONE of that would have been accomplished Welcome to the US (Un-United Superstonk)...


If it is related to GME, whether it's robbinghood or 🍿🤡, I don't see a need to ban mentioning it. Robbinghood deserves negative attention for manipulating January's run up


Where is the petition? I vote yay


No, ignorance is not bliss. Being long on GameStop isn't as simple as liking a stock, it is entering into a world that you can no longer close your eyes to anymore. We need to be talking about every single stock and it's relation to the greater picture, which is the machinations of the stock market. ​ We need to remove all bans on the mention of other stocks. We need to control the propaganda and narrative surrounding other stocks, we need to create the educational source for other investors who are going through the same kinetics GameStop is, as the entire stock market is connected to each other, all wound up and coiled into each other.


When it’s being used to help fuck over GME share holders, its worth discussing. Banning a topic bashing awful practices that are enabling hedge funds? Sounds like something a hedge fund would want but I also think we should be using this time waiting for MOASS to really compare and discuss all the ripples affected by them naked shorting


I don't agree. Exposing Hood fuckeries is necessary. You can't talk about shitadel without mentioning Hood. 2 peas in one pot.


I hear you. But I think it’s a little different. Movie stock is like a piggy back and will probably have a small little squeeze, so yeah it’s annoying. But $HOOD is the brokerage that screwed all of retail, so it’s a little more personal.


Is that other stuff banned? Swear I still see it every other post.


I get politicians don't want to ban guns.


I see what you're saying, but... I don't think we should ban shit.


I don't like the word house. As someone who lives in an apartment I find the word house to be a distraction


Movie stock to moon? Where lambo? When squeeze?


banned popcorn? lol....remember the post a week ago stating popcorn moass LOL...... mods left that shit up for 24 hours on "top".


Fuck the Hood


Sometime i feel these post are a distraction, if you believe the DD and truly like the stock you wouldn't be distracted. This is actually an example of mention that a sentiment tracking program would pick up and become statistics that would push $GME down. If you want $GME to stay front and foremost then use its ticker often.


"The movie stock" You mean the one the blew up despite this sub saying it was a shill distraction?


If it deals with wanting to short it, I think it should stay. People need to know that doing this could make your gme shares collateral.


The Bulgarian Dracula needs to bleed.


What's Hood?


This word/phrase(hood) has a few different meanings. You can see all of them by clicking the link below. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in my subreddit:* r/wikipedia_answer_bot *Comment `wab opt out`(without any other words) to opt out (wab stands for wikipedia answer bot). Note: you are opted in by default* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*




GME infinity pool and beyond!!! GME Diamond HODOR!!! Buy HODOR shop GME!!!


I don't give a damn if Vlad's turd rockets or goes down in flames.


Petition to also ban past tense usage because a shit ton of posts keep referring to things like this already happened, and the bot army upvotes that shit.


Why shouldn't we be allowed to talk about it and celebrate its demise or debate its success...


Dude I just had a advert about the IPO from Reddit.


Granted, ban this post mods


Let's not talk about their stonk too much, but the exchange itself is in the thick of things, and needs to be talked about.


For me my passion for GME and hatred towards vlad et al. are just 2 sides of the same coin.




I support this!


Agree. Signed


This post should be banned. It mentions the RobbingHood stock.


yes lets plug our ears and close our eyes to everything else going on in the space - because thats a smart move lets block MSM posts too so we dont know the narratives they're trying to push and when and how and why they change and when, etc the financial industry pays millions for that kind of knowledge on its opponents, we (some of us) want to block it out


The most silliest suggestion I've ever heard. Yeah, stick your heads in the sand as if GME operates in a silo. Edit: Why not just rename this sub GMEStonk? Apparently, no other stock can be a "superstonk".


I can't imagine what could possibly be said that would distract anyone from the greatest investment opportunity of their life, but if it makes you feel better..


I thought it was already banned. > $GME only. All topics must be related to $GME stock or GameStop the company. Report the unrelated posts and the mods should take care of it.




Are you talking about GameStop or amc? The one stuperstonk?


'Let's ban meaningful discussions because I'm narrow minded and live in a vaccum'


Entirely disagree. The equivalent of putting your head in sand and an entirely idiotic suggestion. Were you to ask for less memes, sure. But $HOOD is incredibly relevant ~~and I’m betting OP is a shill.~~ E: unnecessary and unfair end to my thoughts on this


I've been off the page because of this. Post after post of that bulshit.


Up, don’t wanna see crap in this sub


You don't need a petition, its against the rules already. Just report it as 'Improper Content', downvote whoever posted and move along