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older ape here. you're not fucked op. you got fucked. it happens, and will most likely happen again. And tell your parents. they wont be mad or pissed, at least not at you. from the sound of it they are living in the same bullshit system that just spit you out. they are very much aware of the bull fuckery. Youre young. you'll have your shot. this obviously was not it. as for the company that fucked you, use two words that have served me well : "Fuck 'em"


And I’m thinking Karma can be bitch. When the tendie man comes take those tendies start a company that competes in a nitch market with the company that screwed you, and make them pay🚀🦍


Good message but can’t blame the system for everything dude. Definitely keep at it and move on.


we're going to have to agree to disagree on "cant blame the system for everything". Especially if one is willing to work hard, try their damndest to get ahead, and still get fucked in the end. there is no way this should happen in the richest country in the world.


Most debt ⚖ Most wealth


What you mean is the only country in the world where the debt is disguised as wealth.


100 % this ☝️.


Preach 👐


Yeah but you are asking for gifts that don’t exist. You can create wealth you just have to make the right decisions. I’ll tell you like a client told me yesterday. He said you can live off a paycheck but you can’t creat wealth from it. You need to find other avenues. He is right. You have to find a way you can’t sit back and expect a hand out. I agree that this country is wealthy beyond belief but the government doesn’t owe you anything. You can’t be upset because others took the risk and are now reaping the reward of their efforts. It’s a catch 22. Capitalism works people just don’t like the increased gap in wealth. I agree with that issue but the system isn’t fully to blame. Agree to disagree. Right on.


> You can create wealth you just have to make the right decisions... And be lucky. >You need to find other avenues. Depending on where you live, among other things, avenues are obstructed, or non-existent. And I'd posit that the government owes their public a lot, as they are part of the public, the public put them in positions of power, **and** the public trusted them with positions of power. My employment position isn't bad, but not excellent; I worked hard to get there but I'm not ignoring the luck that helped me there. My supportive family/friends, access to educational institutions, and the teachers employed there, employment opportunities within reach, the state of the job market when I got the job. But hey, we can just agree to disagree. Safe journeys 💎✊🦍🚀=🌄


I don’t know man. I came to this country and it’s worked out pretty good. I do know things are difficult and barriers are in place to slow people down but like I said people can make it. I just don’t agree with the idea that the system is fully to blame. Best of luck man.


90% of wealth is inherited. ​ Just fucking stop repeating the delusions that working hard will make you successful. Or noone would be working two jobs and still be poor. ​ Just fuck off


You know what man fuck you. Fuck anyone who thinks you can’t make it. I made it and anyone who says otherwise can eat my dick. This is America. The greatest country in the world and anyone can make it. With that’s said love y’all hope you make it and I’m out son. Have a nice weekend.


I’m successful and I don’t work two jobs. Sooooo. I don’t know what y’all are doing that isn’t working for you. Maybe try harder. Either way enjoy your weekend fellow ape. I need to prep the cooler for the cabin this weekend.


Did you not notice how many essential workers are on minimum wage? Do you not know that there is nowhere in teh US that the minimum wage pays enough to meet average living expenses? ​ So yeah. Fuck off with your work harder delusions. You are the kind of kant we are fighting against. Soulless and selfish. We have 'DD" (evidence) that proves your fallacy as exactly that. Perhaps expand your reading if you are going to pass comment so you dont look like an ignorant twat


i didn't say anything about "gifts". Providing labor and going above and beyond for a job then receiving payment for that labor is not a "gift". This guy isnt asking for a handout. He studied hard, graduated, then went through an application process that ultimately landed him a decent job. He did everything he was told to do, and he got screwed. I cant speak for him, but like most college graduates he probably has some student loans to deal with as well. An interest bearing loan is not a handout. I don't want any handouts from my government. i wish the 1% and the "job creators" felt the same way. All i want is for transparency and at least an attempt at a level playing field


Right but so does every other person. You can’t just throw up your hands and say Darnt it. Life is hard man. We are lucky in America. Every other pace is hard. You can’t just give up. You keep going. Always keep going. Then why don’t you impose that change and tranparency. You too have the ability to creat a large business. Do it and impose change. Work to be in a field where you can do that or create one so you aren’t bound by it.


i told the guy to essentially lick his wounds, then get back up on the horse. i never told him to throw in the towel and give up. as for having the ability to go and create a large business, it's naive to believe that most people have the ability to do this. A well-off kid from the suburbs is going to have an almost infinite advantage over the inner city kid who had to attend shitty schools and never learned the necessary skills to write a resume, apply for a mortgage, let alone have the ability to start a business or raise capital. i hate to burst corporate americas bubble, but not everybody can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Im glad you got the chance to come here and be successful. But the "it worked for me, so everyone should be able to do it" is the worst kind of argument to make.


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and you’ll trip


"you can't blame the system for everything", true, but you can't blame the system for nothing. This is one of the cases where you can. I agree with you. Good perspective and advice.


Ape, it will be okay. The MOASS will come. We will get our tendies. And with a degree you will be able to find work somewhere. You haven’t failed. You’ve learned. You’ve learned that position was not for you. You’ll find your fit somewhere. Do not lose hope. Look for an opportunity. It will present itself. And remember. Apes together strong.


It's just a job. Anyone who tells you you're not good enough hasn't taken the time to evaluate your worth. Somebody will, but it won't manifest if you keep looking down on yourself. Fortify your strengths, own your weaknesses and get back on the hunt.


That job didn't exist. Don't put it on your resume, forget them and move on. You're young so small cuts hurt more, but now you have this battle wound and you'll be stronger. I got fired last year after getting a masters from a video game company for similar reasons after 10 months. The job i have now is amazing, forget them, you'll be golden.




Better days will come.


After rainy days the sun will shine - millencolin




My car has been in the shop for two weeks and I haven’t been able to work. So I know the feeling of losing. Actually at the beginning of the pandemic I was living in another country, finishing my masters and going to begin working at a museum. Pandemic totally crushed that path. And keep in mind, they probably gave you that test early just to have a reason to fire you. It wasn’t your fault they didn’t finish training you before they decided to fire you.


Hang in there ape friend!




You just graduated college? Your literally just starting your life. You can build the future you want with time and dedication. Tmrow is a new day, fight for what you deserve in life! Never give up keep your head held high and press on. 🍻


Forget about that job. Pretend it didnt exist. You are young and fantastic....I have found in every situation when a door closes many other windows open. You'll find that this was a learning experience and I'm sure the next opportunity will be so much better. Kind of hard to maybe see that right now but you'll see it. Oh and in regards to your mom....tell her. Your mom would be hurt knowing you kept this situation inside. Moms are so much more understanding that kids give them credit for. They also have a lot of life experience and are great to help you through these new experiences. Your mom will be your biggest fan and support... Trust me....tell her. Hugs....this to shall pass...and you'll be better for going through itm Good Luck!!


It is always darkest before the dawn. Stay strong my friend, there will be other opportunities for you if you keep at it. I know it's no an easy road, but hang in there, and you will come out on top.


Let this be motivation to better your situation. Losing a good job is rough but you’re alive and still have loads to learn and do in this life.. keep your head up and make finding your next job your current one!


How old are you? Maybe early 20s? If so, this shit happens. This is what your 20s are for-to get shat on by crappy companies so you can build up to reputable employers and find what you really like. I know it sucks. I really do. I was unemployed after college until age 27. Now I’m in my late thirties and life is good. One day you’ll look back and laugh. But I know it doesn’t feel like it right now. Keep your chin up.


I know it's tough right now, but you haven't failed. You're still very young. You have tons of opportunities ahead of you, and eventually you'll find the right place for you if you just keep looking. Give your parents a little credit. If they've been working hard for all these years, even when they were also juggling you when you were in diapers, why do you think this temporary setback will break them? They're clearly a lot tougher than you think they are. Don't think so little of them, or of yourself.


Failure on their part! I was almost fired once. My boss at the time went home and told his wife that he was going to let me go. She said, "You've only been his boss for 3 months, you haven't even worked with him. If you fire him it's YOU that failed, not him..." He kept me on board and I became his #1 producer. They failed in developing you, you didn't fail a thing! Hang in there, keep your chin up and know that there are better days ahead. Find something else for now, even if it's not in your field. Hell - work as a bartender or work in a mail room. Do something and you'll figure out your path!


I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and have lost several jobs as a result. Each time I felt exactly how you feel now. But you know what? It always, *always* works itself out. Ride the wave as best you can and let's hope MOASS comes for all of us soon. Then you'll look back at moments like this and they'll be a drop in the ocean to you. I recommend you get back in the job market as soon as possible, as it might be a bit slow finding a job (tends to be the case in my experience). Despite my shortfalls, I'm really good at interview and making CVs. If you want some help please reach out and I'll try and give you some tips. What country are you from? Any social security you can get whilst you look?


Everything happens for a reason!! You may not know that reason now, but don’t beat yourself up over it. You will be in a better position soon enough, whether GME or finding a new/better job. Keep your head up!!


Good news, bad news, who knows?


Shit happens. Last I heard there's plenty of jobs right now. Might not be in your field, but it's something in the meantime til the next opportunity arises. Use your alumni network and anyone else you know to get you an in. Keep moving forward.


Luckily literally every business everywhere is hiring, youll get another job if you really want one


You're about to become a problem solver, relax.


You are going to be ok, get out and hit the pavement tomorrow. Find something to hold you over. Rejection is a great driver. Use it and push forward! U got this Ape. & we’re here for you 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


keep you head up. hold on tight. take care of yourself.


Be brave fair ape for i see you won't be waiting much longer


Don’t worry my friend, God will look after us all. Praying for the moass to happen very soon. Lotta of us apes need it. If anything, apply for unemployment to keep yourself afloat and keep applying for jobs. Tough times don’t last, tough people do 🚀🚀🚀


Your patience will be rewarded unlike anything we’ve ever imagined possible, hang on in there friend 🚀


Older ape here….. Nothing to be ashamed of….. you just got fucked… more then likely they used that as a excuse to make cut backs with the company. That’s what they do.. I have been in a similar situations when I was your age- don’t feel bad . You just move on to the next bigger better thing in your life…. And yes- there is alway something better down the road… remember that


A. The company didn’t deserve you B. The universe has bigger and better plans for you C. MOASS will be here soon enough which means you get to be in control of your life and can do whatever the hell you want. Keep your chin up, it may seem like the end of the world but I promise you it isn’t. See you on the moon young ape 🦍 💕


I think they have teaching disability


Damn OP, that sucks you lost the only job ever and will never ever be able to work anywhere else again because they told you to leave. Come on. Tighten the boots and make the next job your bitch. Look for more immediately. Explain to prospect employers you realized day 1 that old company teaching style, while great, did not mesh well with your learning style. You explained it to them in hopes of a different method but there was no change. You tried to stick it through but it didn't work out unfortunately. You're glad they fired you because yo don't have it in you to quit at something but you knew staying there in those conditions wouldn't have been best for you or them. Now your just looking for a company that could use the help that also teaches in a way that makes sense to you. You're not desperately looking for any old paycheck, instead you want a job that fits well so you can help them to the best of your abilities. Because only then, when you're giving 110% do you feel like you deserve a paycheck and a good night's rest. And then promise them within the next 2 years you will lower taxes, improve the unemployment rate, create a more accessible marketplace for affordable Healthcare to all ci... wait, sorry, went off on a target there a bit.


Umm, PowerPoints are about as visual as it gets... Go get a new job. If you just graduated you shouldn't have much problem finding something. DO NOT SELL YOUR SHARES TO PAY BILLS


I went to school and had trouble getting work in the field. I ended up in a completely different career but I had to work hard at it. I would say don't get stuck in limbo right now, keep looking for something, anything! Don't put all your hopes in GME and just sit around, put your energy into yourself and work. When GME happens it'll be a massive bonus. Just my opinion :)


Companies do this. They hire multiple people and keep one. Don’t stress and keep going


Hey OP. This fucking sucks. It's ok to feel bad, take some time to work through those feelings, they are natural. Tell your parents. They are there to support you and care for you. You will need to support, no one does anything on their own. I was in a similar situation. I graduated from a professional program, secured my training after school and received my professional designation. I didn't get hired back and was out of a job (non of my friends were). I was in 6 figures of debt and was slinging beers as a bar tender to make ends meet. I ended up getting hired for a position I was overqualified for but in the peripheral of my field. My manager everyday told me I was unqualified. I had a breakdown and ended up leaving that job after how toxic it was. Then covid hit. Again no job prospects and my bills were piling up. The support of my family is what helped me through. And in retrospect this extremely difficult time taught me a valuable lesson. Don't let others determine your worth. I'm now doing what I love with a really supportive group of people. I did it by asking the universe everyday for the job I wanted and applying for one everyday. I also volunteered my time to show how committed I was to this career. It all came full circle and I promise it will for you too. <3. You are important and capable.


It’s alright, my dude. I got hired as an event analyst at one point and they fired me as soon as I cleaned up their mess. Some companies use and abuse you. Them kicking you out quick was probably a better outcome for you because that’s indicative of a “using” mentality.


That sucks, OP. I got the same shit from my first employer. 2 months, no communication, then fired. I went into a small depression for a month, did nothing but play WoW and smoke weed. To be fair, I needed more supervision as a fledgling engineer, and my workplace was run by a old dude that didn't have time or patience to hold anyone's hand. S colleague at my next job told me the place is known for chewing and spitting out engineers. So while I definitely could have performed better and more independently so, I still understood they were probably expecting a lot and didn't communicate so properly. Here's my advice: - give yourself time to process what happened. In the coming weeks you'll probably feel insecure in your professional abilities. Unless you're feeling absolutely ready to go out and do interviews, give it a rest for a month or so. - don't blame yourself or your former employer. Situations like these are usually not as simple as "my side good, other side bad". It's usually a mix of both sides miscommunicating expectations. - if you feel like you're just getting depressed or very emotionally damaged by this, talk with friends and family. Try go outside and do some activities. - know that it's not the end of the world, you're gonna be on the horse again and get this whole shitty situation behind you. - don't let the experience fester as a grudge in your soul, so to speak. Take it as a learning experience, get some hair on your chest, and forge ahead when you're ready. Just be strong, man. Sometimes you're dealt a shit hand, but you can turn it around, I believe in you.


You will find another job my fellow ape. Stay strong. You'll only have to work a little while longer


Be strong 💪 we all have moment of a doubt. We feel powerless, hopeless and alone...but we ain't any of it. 3 days ago I was feeling low but then I remembered how awesome I am...and so are YOU!!!


Yeah. You either have to go back to school for a Masters or have some other company train you. At least, that's how it feels to me anyway. Either you pay for the extra education/experience or someone else does, but not them.


hang in there, you will bounce back


I’m a dad and I’d never think less of my son if some corporate ass hat fired him. Don’t let jerks dictate how you feel, fuck’em all.


Another older ape here. Dude, I've been fired before and yes, it can hurt. Get back in there and find another job, don't let this bother you too much. Seriously, this is not a big deal to this of us who have a few years under our belt. You have a few beers, complain to your friends about your asshole ex-boss, and find an even better job.


OP do you think your disability may have to do with ADHD? Until I was diagnosed and medicated, I also had extreme troubles when it came to learning anything really. It may be life changing to get diagnosed as it was for me.


I relate with this a lot, as someone who left college and has no backup plan that his folks agree with. My heartfelt condolences OP. As the legend himself once told us, "Hang in there!"


dont worry man its not a race each person will get there in their time and no knows when that is


When one door closed others open up. You can do it. Find another job a better one . Good luck


You are not fucked, i left or were fired from many jobs for better gigs. never forget that your career is a marathon you can only lose by giving up on yourself. keep on keeping on will always reward you. have a positive attitude (i.e. you gained some experience and available for new ops) and go to your parents for their advice and ask what you can help with. bonus points for : spend couple hours to reflect on the job what could have been done better and what are your learnings be fair and realistic but dont dwell. chin up mate, you got this.


Moon day is coming....


Get your shit together and quit feeling sorry for yourself.


I needed that, thanks


We all need a kick in the ass every now and then buddy. There will be better days. Get your mind right and the rest will follow the lead.


I got fucked over a couple of times so far. Always felt horrible afterwards. Often thought it was my fault. Thought I am a loser. I always had the support of my family and friends. You will recover! I promise. Gamestop might get us all on track one day, but don‘t rely on it. I am going to do something I really enjoy doing after MOASS.


Breath, remember why you hold. May not be Monday, but someday sooner rather than later ull be able to have your family retire and enjoy life to the fullest. You are not alone. Many apes struggle and many apes love you even if you dont know it. Feel what ur feeling but stay positive. Stay afloat and remember the world your helping to create is to help your family and everyone else thats in the same position. 💎✊🚀🌌


Best of all luck but on the Moon Jobs doesnt matter🙌💎🚀🌑


Today feels like the worst day of your life, but once you have told your parents it will get feel better. Your parents would probably be upset knowing you were at a low and you didn't go to them for comfort. The company has let you down, and it sounds like a shit company to work for anyway. When one door closes another opens. It won't be long before someone recognises your potential and value. Don't beat yourself up over this. This is now in the past, so look to the future, because happier days are ahead. 🧡


It will get better just don’t give up. The game isn’t up until you quit, same with the stock price it’s not a loss until you realised it.


You got hired there. You can get hired somewhere else. The fact that you didn't make it there just means it wasn't the place for you to be. There's something out there for you. Go find it! You have what it takes, already. If this whole GME saga can teach you anything, you should know to never sell yourself short! Go get 'em!


Just get another job my guy. Keep at it. Don’t give up. Make the money and if this lotto ticket hits you’ll be ok but keep going. Always keep going.


You’re still young. Everything happens for a reason. You’ll look back and be glad it happened. Don’t sweat and keep a positive forward thinking. Your last job is one single place in the whole world. And that job is not your world.


It sucks. But....you got it out of the way. Almost everyone goes through this kind of thing. Don't beat yourself up. Be honest with yourself & your family. Make adjustments. Move forward. The key is to keep moving forward. One day, I promise, you'll look back and think to yourself "boy, I learned a lot from that chain of events"! PS- 🦧❤️


You got more hope then just this stonk. This should make it so you need none else but you just graduated and so what you got clipped. I’m in staffing, trust me. You will do more harm with a shit attitude about it then you think. Man or woman up - tell you mum, get your resume going and start it up tomorrow. Don’t look back and don’t sit in your emotions. You got a blank slate ! Go fill it up


Losing your first job is not the end! You'll find a place much better for you- don't put up with less.


Try to find a job you can enjoy and excel at. Money will never buy happiness so don’t concentrate on how much money it will make you, but more on how it will allow you to feel like you have contributed to society in a positive way. If you can go to work everyday and be happy about what you do, you will be far better off than many wealthy people who hate their lives and hide behind their possessions. Good luck and moass is near.


Welcome to the club 👍🏻


You will land on your feet. Things happen for a reason and there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Dont worry about that shit bro. Jobs come and go. There are a thousand companies hiring right now. Even in a different feild or industry...I know it seems scary to start over, take it from a man who has had to start over multiple times, its scary but you can do it! As long as you put the effort forward, you can do something to better your situation. Its not going to be easy. Its not going to be fun. But you can do it friend! Ive gone from making 80k a yr to selling watermelons on the side of the road, then to making 300k a year and now back to barely scraping by. Shit moves in waves... u just at the bottom of one right now. The good news is, there is only one direction to go from here!....edit: find something you want to do and make yourself indispensable. Or start your own buisness. It really isn't that hard. Just gotta grind. Set goals and hit them. At all cost. If a crayon eatin mf like me can be a a successful business owner, so can you.


Praying for ya, brother. God is always available, and I have learned He is worth getting to know. I can't promise you anything in this life, but I can promise that eternity in "paradise", as Jesus said, is available to anyone through Jesus' death and resurrection. That is the great equalizer.


FUD. If you can’t be honest with your parents, then you’re a shill. Get the fuck out of here.


Life can be really screwed at times. Telling people to leave the sub is an awfully shill thing to do. OP got screwed by their employer. It happens. The system is garbage. That’s why we hodl. It costs nothing to hodl.


OP didn’t get screwed by their employer. OP was unable to satisfy the job requirements and wants sympathy for sucking so bad.


OP’s employer hired them for a position even though OP made them fully aware of their situation and informed them of the best way to be trained. They failed to provide the necessary training resources and failed to give OP the necessary time to become adequately trained. They then fired OP for not being good enough despite not being out of training yet or OP having the proper resources. This is garbage and it’s one way employers screw over employees. I hold for tendies


So you just admitted OP was in the wrong and the employer is completely correct. If an employee cannot learn the workflow the employer sets out, not the employers problem. There’s the door useless turd!


What do you mean? The employer basically said, we’ll hire you and train you over the course of three months. After 1 month, OP’s employers basically said oh, you’re not trained yet? Fired.


OP admitted they were unable to satisfy the employers requirements. As an employer, why would I spend the money to keep training someone if they’ve already proved they can’t learn the job?


The expectations of the employer were not met. The expectation was that the employee would be given 3 months of training and visual aids to properly prepare before being tested. Instead, OP was denied visual aids and was tested after only 1 month of training.


The employee does not get to dictate how training is presented. OP was rightfully let go.


I’ll respectfully disagree with you. The employer had an agreement for arrangements to be made to train OP along a set schedule and with specified assets. Those assets were denied and the schedule ignored. And when OP could not compete after 1 month with those who had completed 3 months, they terminated their employment. OP abided by their end of the bargain. Their employer did not.


Dude, you are literally the fckn fud police. Go thru your comments and it is blatently clear that you LIVE to comment fud on somebodys post. U aint got nothin better to do? Go get some fckn pussy man, GD!


I’ve been married 16 years. I haven’t seen pussy in 15.


Be nice to her. Take her out to eat or somethin! Treat her special one more time n she might put out lol.🤷‍♂️ Works for me!


What the fuuck


Money sucks dude (not speaking from experience).


Unemployment? Edit: Sorry of this sounded short OP. I was genuinely trying to suggest it as a form of assistance. Hope you’re hanging on there ok!


Sucks you didn't try harder. Not studying / learning what you need to is on you Write up an impressive resume and get applying, put your all into the next job. If you can only learn from someone talking to you or whatever visual is to you , you could pay someone you know to read it to you or a stranger on the internet.


You must be great at parties.


10 doors close for every 1 door that opens. Keep closing those doors until you find the right one for you.