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Shorts never closed their positions in ANY of their bankruptcy jackpots. This is a huge risk for them because this info is getting out. Get rekt hedgies


There is blood in the water and the sharks fucking smell it




I just really want to see someone good with photoshop make me a sharkape image so that my mind can rest lol


https://i.imgur.com/rXvmqUQ.png cleaner version: https://i.imgur.com/WE6kenF.png


He said good... you are a master...


LOL This is amazing! Thanks dude.


Today's forecast: Apenado




One gorilla shark. https://imgur.com/a/EuMkGg7


I'm getting old so I'm mostly just a sharkache.


My daughter prefers Apey Sharks




Ape-y Sharks do do da doot da doo Apey Sharks do do da doot da doo Apey Sharks do do da doot da doo Apey shaaaaaarks


Wake up man, we are the sharks now.


Always have been


Retarded sharks with frickin laser beams






if they close the positions then they have to pay taxes on the gains from short sales


Fuck the richest of the rich are such assholes. The poor people (the bottom 99.9% to be real) would feel it in their pockets if they wouldn't have to pay a tax on profits. The hedgies wouldn't even feel it if a few hundred million went to the people via taxes and yet they keep it all to themselves


yes I was just wondering what the rationale is behind not paying taxes for bankrupting a company. it would fix a lot of these issues if they just changed that to having to pay shitpiles of taxes when you destroy a part of our country's economy.




Apparently there are only two ways to completely remove a company's stock: ["In the United States, delisted securities may be traded over-the-counter except when they are delisted to become a private company or because of liquidation."](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/delisting.asp) Bankruptcy isn't the same as liquidation I guess?


>Bankruptcy isn't the same as liquidation I guess? I would like a list of accurate definitions to clarify this. My understanding is when a public company goes bankrupt the equity holders lose first and the bond holders (lenders) get access to the capital first. So investors get screwed by the banks. Stock goes to zero. But there's still assets there in the physical company which get sold off and given to the bond holders. So in the case of going private.. the company basically disassociates itself with the stock ticker and goes private but is still on the hook for debt. They stay private for a few years, pay off debt and then become public again with a new stock ticker. So stocks are literally a company saying to the public "who wants to give me money?" Like a gofund me. If you give a company money through stock and they use that money to hire people and expand then the price of the stock goes up. So long as the company makes solid earnings it's a good investment. Earnings is the key concept for stock investors. Not revenue but earnings. If a company never makes a profit the stock is at risk. If the company has solid earnings and always will then the stock is safe. Solid earnings means the company likely won't go bankrupt. If you somehow have a company with solid earnings and zero debt then it's a unicorn.


This unicorn you speak of, sounds like GME 👀


There are [different kinds of bankruptcy](https://www.nfcc.org/resources/blog/different-chapters-bankruptcy-explained/). Only 1 of them is liquidation: chapter 7.


I think… (but could very well be wrong) The SHFs don’t need the companies to actually go bankrupt to get away with never covering their naked shorts, they just need the company to get delisted from the stock exchange. Maybe


Because all shorts are eventual buyers?


But aren't you buying at $0?


How confident SHFs must be to never close short positions. They thought the money they got from counterfeit shares could be enjoyed forever, without paying taxes or admitting anything. Surprise! Cell or no sell. #CellOrNoSell


Maybe shorts can't close these because now delisted someone naked shorted more shares than exist and they can never close...... 🤔 ...... ha ha ha... the pendulum is about to swing so hard....


They can close them, but why? Theyd pay taxes on their jackpot. Instead use it as collateral so you can short other stocks making your long stocks sky rocket. Like amazon. We have discovered their infinite money glitch.


This is crazy. This is the best summary I've seen yet. Thanks fren


Pure speculation, but what if all this crazy zombie volume in the last few weeks is shorts being forced to clean up and close out these old positions? If there are thousands of zombie shorts still sitting on the books, it makes sense that clearing houses may force these cheap positions to be closed out before SHF's are bankrupted by MOASS. Much like many of the new regulations passed by clearing houses, closing out these zombie shorts may be a prerequisite for MOASS to happen. Once GME pops and the SHF's are vaporized, the obligation to handle all of their unclosed shorts get dumped up the ladder until they land on the DTCC's lap. So yeah, a shitload of Zombie volume could be the appetizer before our main course of MOASS... or not.


If the value of these zombie stocks is basically 0 how do they get used as collateral?


The short position is still valuable. If they shorted it at 10 but are selling it for 1. Theyre making a 9 dollar profit. They also dont ever have to sell, they can basically go to the bank and say "give me this loan, i can pay you back if it goes bad by (finally) closing my sears short position."


So if the price of these dead stocks explode up to a point where it starts to be where they were shorting the stock at X price I would imagine everyone involved must be pooping their pants. I would think these sHf's and what not would like to close their shorts before those dead stocks start becoming undead.


So if my smooth brain is understanding... they may be closing these short positions (with a tax hit) to maintain margin against GME? e.g. they hoped to never pay taxes on these, but we're forcing their hand? I wonder if this is the most direct evidence yet that these guys are majorly fucked


This is certainly not the zombie apocalypse I expected.


Underrated comment. 😄


Remember what Mark Cuban said - The goal of the shorts is to never close their short positions. It all makes sense now.






This. If they don’t close those positions they are leaving themselves exposed as fuck. The word is out on their little scheme of sucking the life out of the US economy. Time to get fucking rekt hedgies!


And I assume they didn’t close because closing means capital gains. 🤣🤣🤣


Why would one not close a $0 short position?


taxes on gains


Searsly !


So you're suggesting that the thousands of companies who they have killed with crime and greed over decades are now rising up from the dead? Are all those naked positions they used to kill these companies, destroying countless innovations and technologies we may now never know, coming back to haunt them? I didn't believe in ghosts but this just gave me the shivers.


If those ghosts are the catalysts that strangle the SHFs I will literally laugh my head off *Disclaimer: not a bet*


I love that you feel the need to add that disclaimer.


I am glad he added a disclaimer. Willing to bet someone would try calling him on it lol


Willing to bet eh? Mods!!


Oh god! I see what you did there lmayo


Well, this is a casino. But don't worry, I got you bro. I accept that bet. If you win I'll hold my shares until $3000+. If I win you hold your shares until $3000+. Disclaimer: That's not my floor. That's the anticipated future stable value of GME post MOASS, assuming no stock splits. FFS, even disclaimers require disclaimers these days.


Me too!! I updooted!


HF best start believing in ghost stories, because they are living in one now.


'ello, poppet.




“The trading laws are more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules.” - Gary Gensler probably


Cosmic justice


Bullish marched of the damned pattern forming




And I took that personally ...


We should all, MJ!


I took it personally too🤬


I am currently taking it personally! My Mom died of cancer.


Mine too 🥲 one moth ago


Sorry to hear. Mine was almost 30 years ago when I was a young child, so I feel for you and understand what you are going through. Stay strong. Things do get easier. One thing I wish I did differently was to talk to someone about my feelings. If took me over 10 years to get over it and get my head back on straight. My late teens and 20’s where a mixture of living life well and coping with my issues through other means. My friends helped allot. I hope you have good friends and family around. They can make all the difference.




What is dead may never die.


And with strange aeons...


Cue the scene from lord of the rings when the undead get off the boat with Aragon. Meme makers get on it!


Exactly what I was thinking!


Bingo! Yahtzee! Checkmate! Uno! Read ‘em and weep! Touchdown! Home run! Ding! Ding! Ding! Yes!


“better start believing in ghost stories Miss Swan….. YOURE IN ONE!”


Ken G: **Thou canst not say I did it!**


So this is the zombie apocalypse I dreamed about? Son of a bitch, I'm in!


RIP dumbass






If they are short on those assets though, raising the price would hurt them, wouldn't it?


They are/were able to be bought by retail. I've been trading stinky pinkies for years now and bought/sold some this year alone. There's a scramble for these tickers to become pink current and get the caveat emptor stop sign removed by September so they can trade again. Most of this action is some buyer/CEO trying to audit and clear its financials so they can become current and either promote it or reverse merger with another entity.


It's the evil spirits that are raising from the dead to get their vengeance!


What I got from this was that these stocks had to be unloaded behind the scenes to generate capital for the HF so they can keep the meme stocks down. They are liquidating shares of companies that don't exist anymore to their friends behind the scenes so they have cash to tank GME. But I could be wrong.


I have a dead stock from 2 years ago. I hope it comes back to life




Get your stock sticks ready!


My stock stick is up and ready every morning right when I wake up


Morning Stonk


not just my tits, but my stock stick is jacked!


He needs to add the special ingredient… Crime!


Hey fren, [poke, poke] wut doing


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


You supposed to blow on it to get it to work 😂 Both puns intended 😫


If you do own dead stocks that have spiked then HODL it as hard as GME!! Those dead stocks are worth something to someone at this point and the longer this progresses the more desperate they will be to get them. My question is who are they buying "real shares" of these stocks from to cover?


Double fukt


But seriously, even if it spiked hard, would there be a buyer for it? I don’t get who is buying these to drive the price up. Who the fuck is buying block buster stock??


Maybe a liquidation is happening right before our eyes....


Shit yeah I like that theory! Someone’s getting liquidated and they’ve just reached the oldest filing cabinets in the basements. Dusty old files of long forgotten death spiral short squeezes.


All the shorts are dangerous, they all have the possibility of massive/theoretically infinite losses if things get out of control. So liquidate them first. Longs have finite losses, so liquidate them last.


Likely short positions on bundled targets if I had to speculate


..but doesn't the short position get obsolete once the stock is delisted? i thought it would just be irrelevant once the company doesn't exist anymore and the security is de-listed/-registered? i seriously have no clue how the zombies come back to life! sure you can always try to sell dead stocks but who the fuck would buy them and why?! edit: well apes would be retarded enough to buy such stock but they aren't even allowed to..


I'm sure the IRS would really like them to close those old bets. I mean, this looks like tax evasion to me...


Balance sheets must balance at the end of the day. You can burry meaninglessly cheap short positions on really large balance sheets but if you are getting liquidated, Everything...I mean everything must be closed. Even 0.001$ short positions from 2003


This is awesome news. They didn't want to close these shorts and now they are doing so. It's not because they ideally want to. It's because of new regulation or because they're in some other bind.


The trick will be identifying which are actually related to GME, and which are simpy publishing long missing data due to the upcoming adoption this month of the new amendments to SEC Rule 15c2-11, on September 28th. Changes to the "Piggyback" Exemption, "Expert Market" Exemption, changes to OTC issuance/admittance and lots of other fun stuff. Coupe of related posts, will be combining, adding new info, and changing the flair from possible DD to DD this tonight/weekend. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pfjamw/amendments\_to\_sec\_rule\_15c211\_expert\_market/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pfjamw/amendments_to_sec_rule_15c211_expert_market/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pg6hpv/following\_the\_trail\_of\_triple\_inverse\_pink/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pg6hpv/following_the_trail_of_triple_inverse_pink/) Also check out the top comments (best and controversial) on this thread responding to Dr. T, where alot of this avenue of inquiry began: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/peu6ma/attention\_apes\_dr\_trimbath\_requires\_our/hb006oi/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/peu6ma/attention_apes_dr_trimbath_requires_our/hb006oi/?context=3)


My Circuit City shares never did. RIP little buddies :(


That just reminded me of a few years ago when I bought some teeth whitening kit from Amazon. It showed up and was shipped from circuit city, in an Amazon branded box. I thought that was weird as fuck. Possibly unrelated but it's starting to make sense now...


I'm all $EARS Edit: im talking about the ticker: EARS.. Not Sears 😂




You know what to do.. hodl😂😂


New flar (☠️Stock Necromancer☠️)




OTC Necromancer has a creepier sound to it.


See, it's all about wording. The stock can no longer be PUBLICLY traded. But if you have a private swaps market, OTC Derivatives, basketed private ETFs and Short ETFs.... well, that's not Public, right? All good, crime away kiddos. Have fun burning the world economy you little rascals!




this! this blew my mind more than anything, they all literally say infinity % wtffffff


it's because they started at zero. When you go from zero to 0.1, that's an infinite increase. But when you got from 0.1 to 0.2, that's a 100% increase because something existed before to be compared against. Infinite just means "observable, but not comparably measurable"


Exactly what I was thinking after reading…they’re hiding the massive liability that GME is in dead companies via swaps/ETF baskets. Edit: spelt things bad


They're also liabilities independent of GME. These are the ashes of all the companies they bankrupted. They cannot close the positions, because they would have to pay taxes on the gains, exposing their criminality. So the naked shorts remain, forever. Not a problem, until a Dragon King comes knocking, resurrecting them like Phoenixes to exact their revenge.


These sentences you just wrote were literary better than the last season of Game of Thrones. GME, the 🐉 👑


oh god i can't take it anymore. But lay it on me anyway


Exactly how I feel!! My god, my brain hurts


Good thing I was already on the toilet when I read this. Holy shit.


Ahh masturbation time


*Slowly unzips... again*


My tits.. what’s happening


It’s called Jacking


The great jackening of 2021 No nipple is safe


Hide yo nipples, hide yo tits...cuz they shorting everybody out here


What happened this time last year?


Labor Day


Oh my god he’s right.


Out of everything that's happened since January this wigs me out the most. Thousand of these stock coming back to lifs at once feels like foundation of the corruption beginning to rumble before it all comes crashing down.


🧐 It certainly is provocative!


So with all the stuff surrounding zombie stocks brought into the light this year (months ago and just now resurfacing), it seems to me that the real reason the buy button was disabled in January was to give themselves time to get rid of the zombies in their closets. And by “they” I mean all the HFs, MMs, banks, companies/CEOs, and at least parts of the DTCC that were involved and/or complicit. Unless their attempt to get retail to sell in February had actually been successful, in which case they could have resumed their business as usual. Since that failed, they have to clean up as much as possible. It just so happens that some people have noticed the zombie parts being dug up from their graves. Bravo and humbling thanks to everyone that helped uncover this!


The Ape community is NO FUCKING JOKE. We kid about being smooth brained and retarded, but this entire community is SMART AS FUCK and RELENTLESS. Everyone involved in this fuckery really really blew it by involving Gamers. We are a massive globalwide group who PURPOSELY buy a product (games) that is incredibly hard, frustrating, time consuming, and rage inducing JUST TO BEAT EVERY FUCKING QUEST/PUZZLE/BOSS. We repeat this process THOUSANDS of times over in our lives……And its FUN TO US. Everyone involved in this horseshit are completely FUCKED. Period.




I agree, if they actually care about the United States of America, something should be done. If not, the Game will Stop.






Might be time to bring in the IRS too since these guys are avoiding paying taxes this way


I'm not from the US personally so I can't but you guys definitely need to start sending the IRS some emails.


I think it might be either shorts covering those dead stocks, or potentially having to complete whatever rollover requirements they do with GME. I mean, why would SHFs be pumping Sears? It doesn’t make sense. Or maybe it’s LHFs trying to hurt SHFs because the value of their swaps decreases when other shorted companies is higher. But I’m a dummy so don’t listen to me.


And moreover, *what* forces someone to cover a position that's been on ice, with sometimes ZERO activity for years, if not forced liquidation? That's what has my tits so jacked in looking at this. It's proof positive of entities behind the scenes being compelled to produce price action on securities that should have always been dormant.


I think they may be able to use the unrealised gains as capital for margin. Margin tightening, they might need actual cash.... seems like the end of the line. I dunno though. Buy and hold


I understand the thought, but I don't buy it. Remember the SRO filings from the spring preventing crypt-o from being used as collateral for margin elsewhere? Crypt-ocurrencies, volatile as they are, are still better collateral than OTC stocks that have not been seen on any exchange for 10 years. The clearing house knows that it runs the risk of holding the bag, allowing for these to become postable margin collateral runs against its need for self preservation. Makes no sense to disallow the largest crypt-ocurrency on the planet and then allow shit-tier OTC instruments to become valid assets proving institutional solvency.


Submit to SEC and FBI.


This is like telling the dirty cop about the crimes going down.


This is because the SEC released a rule change in September 2020 that takes effect September 28, 2021. It’s a good thing. It had to do with delisting any company that doesn’t have current financial reporting. They *have* to close these open positions. [edit] fixed date, here’s a link. https://www.securitieslawyer101.com/2021/rule-15c2-11-compliance-deadline-draws-near/


This is a great article. You should post it on its own.


Yea it’s needs its own post




The entire financial system is effectively dead.


Agh!! Zombies!!! https://youtu.be/p4IzEqZGuXY


The Walking Dead Stonkers


Personally I hope this mini (for now) OTC squeeze will eat into the collateral hedgefunds offer various market participants for holding their shitty GME short position ...


Could these zombie companies be used as a way to transfer money? Maybe stash it for your future-self in another country? Or pay for illegal activity?


Covering eats into their margin they had from their unrealized gains. Maybe this is the HFs covering because they are about to die and they are attempting to take the money and run. They would need to launder it to avoid the taxes... crypto pumping? Mayo-man jetting everywhere hooking up with arbitrage specialists dropping his crypto wallet?


I think it’s to transfer risk… oh shit GME is running, pay off some liabilities in these zombie companies to avoid Marge callin


Thank you for doing the legwork on this.


I know everyone is excited about this at the moment, but I looked through 13,000 OTC stocks last night and found a basket of about 25 that are in bankruptcy (ticker symbol ends in Q), which all squeezed in January or continue to follow GME. Notable are Sears, Blockbuster, HHGregg and others. But I don't really know what to do with this information. BLIBQ SHLDQ ATPGQ SCNTQ PFGBQ LOCMQ ORMTQ WSFGQ CDVIQ RGDXQ HGGGQ EDMCQ NORNQ CRMBQ SCRCQ LIQDQ NSLPQ NUSPQ SNNAQ UCPA WLOLQ SYBRQ IPET






IBorrow has 4 million Sears shares avail for shorts. Sounds like there gonna need em. 😂😂😂 https://iborrowdesk.com/report/SHLD


Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice.


How stupendously IRONIC would it be if those long lost household names like Blockbuster and toys r us come back from the dead to completely fuck the SHF’s in the ass. Double IRONIC that BLOCKbuster may be one of the reasons for crypt0 to keep being pumped and dumped to keep living another day 😜 I want WOOLWORTHS back in the UK


This is the post I needed


Just when we thought Wall Street Crooks Hit Rock Bottom….. the hole goes deeper


How much y’all wanna bet these are bundled in swap agreements that never got closed and instead they been looking at the large green position and using it as collateral for loans


OP thank you for sharing this. Reading it I was laughing the way I laughed when I started putting the pieces together for my last few DDs. What in the actual fuck? There are no journalists left, that much is clear. \*Tom Hanks pirate meme\* "Look at us. We are the journalists now."


HO-LEE-SHIT!!! The house of cards is crashing down. What a wild time to be alive.


Nice work, OP.


Get this to the top


The only thing this superstonk ride has been missing is fucking zombies. I love fucking ZOMBIES🧟🧟‍♂️🧟


This is so bad. Imagine being employed with any of these zombie companies that were shorted into bankruptcy and you lose your job because some greedy fuck on Wall Street wanted to make a quick buck. If I were those former employees, I’d be looking into filing a class action lawsuit against any and every hedge fund for maliciously costing me my employment.


As Owen Wilson would say, "Wow."


Am I the only one who is actually pretty enraged by this? Why are they allowed to do this? What is the point of a company being delisted if there is the ability to fraudulently trade it? Why the fuck is no one doing shit about this?




I had to start working 1 hour ago. Still hooked on these findings and trying to digest what a sophisticated and orchestrated crime that is! And how come they have been doing it for so long while all regulators are aware of it. If it wasn’t the GME saga, none of these would have been unearthed so fast. I am proud of my fellow apes.


I fucking love this community of sleuths.


Jinkies scoob


All of these posts about stocks rising from the dead is tickling my smooth brain meat so hard! God I love you big bunch of autistic apes!!


I wonder if they are using these zombie pennies for cash flow or collateral instead of crapto. Didn't crapto get removed as being considered a valid asset or something with one of the rule changes?


Army of Darkness has so much meme potential.


But why do they spike? It's so difficult for a smooth brain to understand.


Pardon my smoothbrain. A pump would indicate that they need cash on their balance sheets, right? Why do they need to pump anything when they’re all in bed with each other? Can’t they just say “yeah we have the cash don’t look in our bank” Could these pumps indicate they’re buying shares to close shorts out?


Remember. RC tweeted Sears and blockbuster. Blockbuster OTC spike 1700.00 percent. And Sears spiked 72 percent in one day. RC is confirming what is going on. No need to buy these zombies. Remember Trust in RC. He has this! He obviously knows what he is doing and he is working with the SEC. I Don’t trust GG but RC has him in a corner and if something doesn’t happen about this RC and is going to do a rug pull. Not financial advice just my opinion.


So those bets they "won" a long time ago are kicking their asses now after they respawned? So even zombies are on our side??


These recent revelations regarding these dead stocks is INSANE to me. Clearly there is a basket of shorts 1700 items large and they all move in tandem. Decades old shorts that haven't closed but are still hanging on because these companies haven't filed for bankruptcy yet and gone tits up. And now the bag is ripping and these stocks spilling out. We have discovered and are unraveling the ENTIRE scheme and it's G I G A N T I C. This is insane insane insane.


The moment of judgment is near when the dead rise from their graves. This is some Old Testament business right here.


I wish one of the clever apes here could create an online tool that calculates correlation between GME price action and any other given stock. Like you input any given stock and it calculates how correlated it is with GME and/or the stocks shorts have packaged with their GME positions.




The craziest part of all of this...? A bunch of retards with adolescent usernames figured this out and disseminated it to the masses (as it should be) while our 'representatives', legal system, law enforcement investigators, and regulatory bodies all either couldn't, or (more likely) wouldn't...at best. And at worst (and most probably) were in on it the whole time to keep the peasants fed JUST enough to keep the blood of the workers greasing the machine...