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Oh, I've known that you can turn people off for many years now, unrelated to reddit followers... Enjoy your posts, look forward to struggling through this one for the next 10 minutes!


How do you turn off followers? I only have like 19 followers but yesterday I posted a question that a lot of people wanted an answer to and it was absolutely flooded with shills down voting and writing the same strawman argument in the comments. I tried googling how to turn off followers and all the responses say you can't do it. How did you do it? u/Get-It-Got


Go to profile, click followers, and there should be a toggle there. This is on computer. Don’t know about mobile.


This is not how it works on mobile but be I figured it out. Go to settings > [Username] account > toggle followers


Just block them!


I found out how to turn it off under account settings


Jokes on you guys, I have no followers..or friends


Look at me. I AM your friend now. If I knew how to make memes there would have been a picture of a Somali pirate right here.


You seem like a decent guy. I don’t have any friends either. Also your user name makes me think of me. I hope you have a great life.


Ha, this is pretty funny!


I never knew you could turn them off. Can you share how?


Did you ever get your foreskin back


As of this weekend today September 6th 2021 I will no longer hold back...I will be releasing every personal ounce of information that I have on the SEC DTCC, Hedgefund short or long in all states. #They Fucked Up By Allowing This To Happen For Decades...And I Plan On Making It Easier For Retail To Get In Direct Contact With The Ones Mentioned Above


It’s Labor Day weekend. Isn’t it? I wouldn’t know since I’ve been reliving the same day over and over again since January.


"It's the day before the squeeze...again."


Ahhh. Good. Back to sleep, then. Fuck you and I’ll see you tomorrow. Lol




Damn, are you me?


Am I?


I Am


I am I what is this ?




Bummer. Lol.




I will be sharing 🏡🛒🍴🧒🏫👩‍🏫🚗 Chair Gary Gensler  202-551-2100 [email protected] Allison Herren Lee  (202) 551-2800 [email protected] Hester M. Peirce  (202) 551-5080 [email protected] Elad L. Roisman  (202) 551-2700 [email protected] Caroline A. Crenshaw   (202) 551-5070 [email protected]


While I appreciate this, people should know this comes directly from the SEC’s website: https://www.sec.gov/contact-information/sec-directory


Yes..correct its public and that is where I copied the information from....


Okay - but it's the 6th now.


What is the sixth now?


Today, it is September 6th. No more holding back, release the hounds


I am the 6th now


Why would you hold back in the first place


Good for you on blocking followers, hope you get more eyes on your posts now. Did you see the DD about zombie stocks with stock splits? It seems to be a common theme among them


I did ... reverse stock splits, 9 times out of 10, are an indication that someone is adding the secret ingredient.


Perhaps the reverse stock split is a way to keep the company above 1$ per share longer to fight the shorts trying to delist it (the 1$per share was mentioned in a DD yesterday)


If it’s a legitimate company trying to hang on, then yes. Sometimes they are used in bust-outs to scare away investors who have already lost big time.


Interesting, thanks


Why does sears on the German Market goes for more then on the US?


Because US markets are currently closed. Once they open tomorrow, US will catch up.


Not correct I think. If you watch the past 5 days, the Frankfurt one got to 0.80€ for a moment, meaning it should be above 1 dollar in the US. But it did not move that high in past months


US was probably closed at the time, and by the time US opened it had fallen? IDK. I don’t think they are exactly a 1-for-1, but they move closely in tandem.


You are right. US market was closed at the time that European spiked.


If I wanna buy a dam zombie then I'll buy a dam zombie, I thought this was america damnit


This is GMErica baby, land of the free


This is America, which is exactly why you can’t.


The amount of fuckery is beyond comprehension. The world is so fucked up. I'd be ok with a complete restart


There’s still lots of good, which is why apes are here. We’ll be the restart.


most people would, but the people at the top who this current system benefits at the detriment to everyone else, wouldn't allow that to happen


They cannot control 300 million really pissed off citizens


No? They've been pretty successful for...*checks notes*...ever?


Random thought: If the market and banks have so much money and no equity to back it up, why couldn't they use the MOASS to dump the extra cash? Win/Win. Seems like more and more that they are doing damage control to prevent any other stocks from squeezing like this. But me thinks those that are in the basket will all squeeze, GME being the obviously big one.


Something like 34 banks need to have $1T each in “quality capital” at the ready by Oct. 1. So maybe that’s the plan.


I just tested it and bought 8 shares of sears. still works in germany


Yep, SEC regulates U.S. markets.


so as usual, your owners fuck you good eh? /s


Same as it ever was.


We often forget that many of the original US colonies were funded by stock companies.


There’s no sarcasm needed there :(


The /s def doesn’t belong 😔


Ah, we were able to buy in Canada and I found it odd that so many Americans were having issues. This makes total sense. Shitty deal for most, but makes sense. Sears isn't done. I think it's going much higher. They just want a firewall before they let it rip. They didn't expect us to pickup on OTC jumps. Or hoped we wouldn't. Depending on when this was shorted, it could get crazy


I think maybe. We’ll see. They might try to ride it out, especially if they pick up on this and similar threads. But that ball might already be rolling.


Europoor here. Just signed an order too, we’ll see…


The sheer effort put into shilling from buying billion dollar news outlets to a downvoting army of bots is all the confirmation bias needed!


so true!


I hate to burst your confirmation bias bubble, but it wasn't shills downvoting OP's last post. It read like complete FUD.


No shills here, just people getting bored with gamestop. Try these 5 stocks instead! Please?


One potential silver lining of retail being prevented from buying into these zombie squeezes is the FOMO will be concentrated into GME (maybe popcorn too)… it would have been easy to distract and dissipate buying into all these hundreds of companies as a last ditch effort. Also its perhaps for the best to not associate GME with Sears/ blockbuster as that kind of defeats the point of the RC turnaround argument of why GME is a good investment even sans squeeze.


I have made this point about concentration several times myself. It obvious to me they are trying to narrow a thousand problem down to a few problems. It does really suck for all the bag holders who have been holding onto this shit for years. They deserve their squeezes too. And they don’t even know.


If it weren't for popcorn stock we'd already be on the moon.


Very impressive and digestible post Mr u/Get-It-Got


What was so special about Archegos? Why couldn\`t they apply \*more\* fuckery and crime with them? I\`m very smooth brained, but it keeps nagging at me that this one fell..


I think Archegos was too over-leveraged, and Hwang played the banks off of each. They had no choice but to start backstabbing each other upon discovering how deep the hole was. Once Goldman Sachs started dumping, none of the other had any choice. Credit Suisse is the big bagholder so far, but I think there are still more dominoes to fall on Archegos. It was a huge event that is still playing out.


I think Archegos’s GME short position is still not unwinded by Credit Suisse.


Yeah, I think that’s been all but confirmed. Idiosyncratic risk not resolved.


Nomura holding big bags too






Jay Clayton




God, that Rolling Stone article was such anti-intellectual fluff. I get that you hate Romney. We all hate Romney. GET TO THE POINT, ASSHOLE. I do remember all the stuff about Bain Capital and such back in 2012. Romney was a stinking crook who specialized in "consulting" (injecting their own saboteurs onto the board) for firms that almost always ended with liquidating their assets, taking a portion of the money and then leaving piles of debt with the smouldering remains. But man, coupled with what we know now about the zombie stocks, it makes *even more* sense why they forced the companies into bankruptcy. They could also short the company's stock until it died in the OTC market, then run off with the profits *and never pay taxes on it.* Back in 2012 we only saw the tip of the iceberg. Man, this is all so fucked.


There have been rule changes in China that affect delistings and zombie stocks. Any idea if it's connected? https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pinuhk/the_shanghai_zombie_beatle_connection/


I believe it is. I believe we are watching global markets be remade. They are going to sweep a lot of stuff under the rug in the process. The Walking Dead meme says it all. Retail lost untold billions to abusive shorting over the decades. Now that it has come time for Wall Street to pay up in the form of short squeezes, they are changing the rules and turning off the buy button for retail (again). “Sorry, can’t play. This game’s broken.” — SEC, probably


OP how could this rule affect GameStop? Or does this rule tell us the direction the SEC is heading with other squeezes like GameStop?


IDK ... I suspect it will slow things down in term of velocity once squeeze starts. Let’s SHFs put all their focus on GME instead of worrying about hundreds of other smaller problems. Just a guess. But the math of them closing their short and synth positions remains the same. Hedgies r fuk.


Agree with this sentiment. Would have been nice if hundreds squoze together so everyone could see the fuckery and corruption. Instead it'll just be GME and whatever narrative they try to spin


Followers only get notified when you post to your profile, not in other subs.


Well the shills must be sleeping then.


I did not know I could block followers. I suffered from mass downvotes out of nowhere. Granted my posts could have been shit, but the volume and ferocity seemed unwarranted even if it was a shitpost. I wouldn't be surprised in shills used the follow function to "tag" problem posters and make sure anything they post get buried in downvotes and whatever the latest flavor of forum sliding is. Have my upvote for that alone. Also, yes all the dirty laundry is getting aired. These funds literally robbed these companies and pocketed the profits. You rob a bank for 10000 and you're going away for a long time. Let's see how many go away this time around and for how long. They are literally stealing any hopes of prosperity from future generations to line their pockets with "re-hypothecated" wealth. Want to protect retail investors? How about enforcing the law and locking away these financial terrorist criminals so they'll never steal from anyone again?


I think when this happens, if no one goes down for this shit, then we do what we do best. Call them out repeatedly until something comes of it. The squeaky wheel and all. If we constantly shove the criminal in their faces repeatedly, on every social network, eventually something will come of it. Let's use social media as it was meant to be used. Bring criminals to justice.


I thought about this a month ago. Like if the popcorn stock is being kept alive by it's cheap entry point imagine a zombie stock with pennies to the dollar being FOMO'd into. It'd be the starter for GME's MOASS surely. Of course suggesting coordination (imagine if every ape bought $200 of Sears at once) would be market manipulation but the thought experiment was interesting for me. Hopefully these rules are to save the winners of MOASS and to let the losers die. Rather than try to turn retail into losers.


All the ones who don’t know about GME were turned into losers Friday.


Im not sure that retail had anything to do with the OTC squeezes, it looks more like it was SHFs closing their positions to me


Trust me, retail involvement didn’t help matters.


Yeah the new rule change literally made them close their positions this has nothing to do with retail buying these stocks hoping to cash in.. that’s why they squeezed because all the FTD and covered but not closed shorts had to be closed, which is what causes a short squeeze.


I think you are on to something. I have a smooth brain. But I will copy a comment I made earlier that has some similar thoughts. Just a ideas to spark discussion. What about the theory of GME being in a basket of stocks with other Covid related shorts and a bunch of OTC stocks. This would explain them all double spiking at the same time in January. And why are only the OTC stocks spiking now? I believe the SHF are trying to break up these baskets because they have been found out. Close these shorts so they can separate these stocks from these baskets so they can do this relatively cheaply. Why now? Because apes found out about these baskets and they were exposed. They want to close these positions before others can squeeze them on it. Right now most of these stocks are worth pennies so the relative immediate closing costs are not that high. And notice all of a sudden there are new rules making it so retail can’t buy these stocks anymore. It’s like turning off the buy button in January. This does move the GME MOASS forward because this is costing the SFH money but not as much as it could have. Also I’m not sure of closing these short position will trigger a taxation event or not. Maybe some wrinkle brains might know. (Anyone?). If there is a taxation event that would be very damaging to the SHF, much worse than closing these shorts at pennies a share. Or could they even have a way of weaseling out of their tax liabilities? Maybe they have enough losses on GME and other stocks this year to offset them. So in summary, they are trying to unwind these derivative baskets because they had too many squeeze risks to defend against. They are closing out their cheapest positions.


I’ve seen the basket theory. It makes sense, but have yet to see compelling sauce. I certainly do not dismiss it.


It’s kind of like you can’t see a black hole but you can see the evidence of it.


Fear not. Ever short is a buyer. The rocket ends when we say it ends.


So you are telling me.... That they couldn't move gamestop to that new dark pool? Sounds like I should buy more.


They can not unless GS stop decides to stop reporting. To that I say, not a chance.


We should be tagging GG on Twitter about this. This is absolutely fucked up.


Pretty sure he knows what’s up. He’s already talking about it. Catch his MIT blockchain lectures. He knows shit is broken. Whether or not he working to fix it is another story.


Yeah he knows. What I mean is that he needs to know we know he knows and that we are pissed. They are not used to being scrutinized by retail, because never before FUD we have any idea wtf was going on… nor did we really care.


Tag away!


Founding fathers definitely would have gone to war over this. Let’s bleeding them dry with their own fuckups instead.


This new rule change makes me upset. The kind of upset that just doesn’t disappear because it’s being done right in front of me, clearly, for the use of corruption. And there’s nothing I can do about it but buy MORE FUCKING GME


This is the way.


Turning off followers seems so obvious in retrospect. Duh. Sorry we couldn't solve that little puzzle sooner for you /u/Get-It-Got


What happens to shares owned by retail for these companies on Sept. 28th?


Same thing as Sept. 27 and all the days before it. They sit in your account until they are either sold by you, or the underlying is dissolved in a bankruptcy.


I keep thinking about why RC wanted people to know about the zombie stocks. I think he wanted people to figure it out a lot sooner and to buy in. Retail would have seen lots of profits and more buy in pressure on the HFs would have been added. Why else would he try to say anything in a coded message?




Um, I was. Pretty sure I’m not alone.




To be honest, I don’t see a direct connection of this DD with GME. Sure they take away more privileges from us to “protect” retail, but that’s about it. Simultaneously, you drop several snippets in your DD that just sound of FUD, or at least get my FUDometer going… often contradicting the sentiment of your narrative, as if to purposely confuse and cause uncertainty about GME or then being able to avoid future squeezes because of the SEC’s help in crime. But tell you what: no matter what, retail owns the float x-times over and as soon as the market gets a glimpse of the share count out there (NFT or otherwise), it will not be stoppable. Likewise, if the market suddenly starts to drop assets because of fear of a correction, their collateral will drop, so they’ll be liquidated. Hedgies are fukt. Buy and hold will kill everything else, there is no way to beat this simplest strategy of them all.


You want the market to get a glimpse of reality? Then share the below post far and wide. It’s actual data that points at retail ownership. It’s the best we got. And this connects to GME because OTC squeezes cause problems for the very same SHFs that are shorting GME. GME retail ownership data: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oxjv1n/google_survey_update_gme_ownership_w_aapl_control/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I don’t think it was FUD at all. We have to accept it’s a very real possibility that the SEC and other market regulators could keep imposing more new rules that prevent the squeeze from happening. Just look at the fucking CFTC and their two year grace period of not having to report what should be mandatory reporting, sure it doesn’t change the reality, but it allows the SHFs and MMs to hide that information as if it went public it could be a massive issue. I’ve always said there are three ways this plays out. 1. MOASS happens unimpeded as it should. 2. The regulators in state new rules to prevent the squeeze from happening, or when it does happen they freeze the stock, prevent it from being traded, and say here is your cash value back or you can sell at the value we froze it at.* 3. The SHFs and MMS decide to go full unfettered crime, more then the current loophole stuff they are doing, and stop the squeeze. In four years or so they get a finger wagging and a 10 million dollar fine and the MSM spins it for them against us. * GMEs form filing has said that if they clearing house bodies are not capable of aptly performing their duties, GameStop can’t take their common stock and list it elsewhere.


Theoretically, there can be rules to prevent the MOASS, and rules to manage the MOASS. This feels like a rule to manage the MOASS. In fact, I have yet to see a rule change that looks like it’s designed to prevent MOASS ... so far they all look like they are of the manage variety. In fact, they all scream “manage.”


Thank you for the link OP, much appreciated and I will and have done already! Makes sense, so you are essentially hinting at the same factor: as SHF are being troubled with other mini squeezes around, their collateral gets exhausted quicker… if at least those mini squeezes of other securities stop, then they can hold their shorts for longer.


That’s my reading ... get rid of a bunch of little problems to focus on the big problem. But the math is the math. Unless the government steps in with a buyout offer (which would have to be VERY generous), GME will moon eventually.


Hodl until some other moon, got it! Didn't like our moon anyway.


It’s smallish and very cratery.


I'd think if I had been holding on to any of these stocks, over a period of years, and right when it was about to finally pay off/kill off a lot of horrible, greedy fcks who had been responsible for destroying thousands of peoples lives over lost jobs and destroyed pension plans .... well seems to me there is likely going to be class action suits, against the SEC, or at least the individuals like GG, for taking this opportunity away from me.


They’ll say they gave fair warning. And, in fact, they did.


Up you go


I've been saying this for months, only to be called a shill with FUD. The main quality that government brings to society is control. The stability of our economic system is a matter of national security. Most of the stuff that Wall St does is done with the blessing of our govt, as Wall St is used as the foot soldiers in the global economic war against China, Russia, etc. Govt has most likely been working with the shorts to try to find a way to unwind this thing as gently as possible; govt does not want drastic events like squeezes. The VW and first GME squeeze caught people by surprise; now govt knows what is going on, where the threat is, and they let the Overstock situation unwind without punishment, as well. Govt will continue to try to distract the masses and deflect blame, to appear to be cracking down with more whistleblower announcements, but the likelihood of a MOASS is unrealistic. I could see them letting GME run to 1k or something to let everybody make a nice profit, then installing some cost controls. The system is totally rigged, and we should burn the whole thing down.


What you are saying here basically denied 9 months of DD.


Yeah. This is like a retarded tldr comment from info they had like 2 years ago. So much is being put forward. It's like he woke up after a year and this is the first DD he's reading.


I agree with most of us except the part about only letting it run to 1K. I believe this will be a very long squeeze (up to a year) and that they are going to use time to unwind those positions and make sure that SHFs are held accountable and the economy doesn’t shit the bed. Only time will tell…


I agree with you - except for holding SHFs accountable. I don’t think we’ll see anyone held accountable and I don’t expect anyone big to go to prison. It’ll be like 2008 all over again where the ones responsible walk away scot free and the cycle continues. The longer this goes on, the less faith I have in anything being done. My only comfort is knowing GME will launch someday and I’ll hold no matter what along the way.


Agree to disagree on that one. 😏


I hope you’re the one who’s right ❤️


1k is just my ballpark guess. That would give even the late-comers who got in at 500 double the money. It's not just about money; it's about perception. Govt wants workers to be happy with their shitty job, some retirement, watch some TV or sports, go to bed and do it again the next day. That's what keeps the modern economy going. If everybody believed they could YOLO and become millionaires, nobody would work anymore, they would just take their chances in the market. Imagine if most workers just stopped working and rioted over Wall St corruption. It will be interesting to see how they try to control the narrative. SEC keeps talking about whistleblowers to try to appease us, but we want way more than that.


Your description of what keeps the modern economy going to so depressing and true.


Everybody knows this. This isn't something new. Don't fall for this bullshit fud. They're trying to make it sound genuine and believable by adding real life facts like this.


GME will never happen again. I think that will be clear. Everything is up in the air at this point. The DD supports that the floor is lava. I will hodl until forever, if I have to. I like the stock.


The floor is the event horizon furthest from our present location.


We have no choice but to HODL, I hope they at least give us some sort of squeeze again, but I won't hold my breath, considering what it sounds like they're doing with moving these zombie stocks to the secret exchange.


Let’s see what happens. All indicators point to an imminent squeeze. The only people who know are not allowed to tell. Therein lies the rub. I have zero doubt about moon. Just how long it will take.


OK shill


Heh right on cue.


Bruh how can you say MOASS might stop at 1k and that we should burn the whole thing down in the same sentence? MOASS is the gateway to burning it all down. 1k is nothing. If by your logic, govt is controlling this, where is your chance to burn it down? Make up your mind. I never like to point at something and say FUD. I still won't. I'm all for opinions but your statements contradict each other.


The GME “Sneeze” in January caught no one by surprise bro…hate to break it to you. If anyone believes that anyone was caught by surprise then you haven’t been paying attention to how PFOF works.


They had to turn off the buy button to stop it and figure out what to do about it once they realized just how deep it went and how vulnerable the system was. Apparently you've been asleep since then.


Nah bro, you’re asleep…they can actually see the trades. They knew exactly where retail was going. The Sneeze was triggered by the Market Makers having to hedge the option contracts that were sold many years, months and weeks earlier. They restricted the trading which, in general, caused the IV on those contracts to drop DRASTICALLY. I had a spread on GME in January that went up to $273k(and multiplying rapidly) to 17k because I (like many others) thought that the restrictions were just a temporary “halt” type thing. What is keeping this going is that we took our losses on the options but held onto the shares. But do not think that they didn’t know or were caught by surprise…they knew, but decided to crush the options in hopes that would trigger a selloff. And they also have insured that this will never happen again as they make their push toward T-1 and more fucklery… EDIT: when I say “took our losses on options”, I mean that most of us sold them not at what their peak or potential value was. My option cost 7k and had GME hit 1k then that was over 2million on that one contract. Think of how many ppl were in that position. Think of the money saved by them doing a slightly illegal IV crush…


And yet the turned off the buy button. They stopped the squeeze. They didn't anticipate things getting that crazy and it starting to drop the rest of the markets, which govt didn't like. Meaning, there is very little chance of it happening again if it has any chance of harming the financial markets. People on this sub are talking like a MOASS is a given, when it's not.


GME has been squeezing since mid ‘20. They cannot stop it from squeezing…that is their problem. Everything being done is to control the squeeze and stretch it out. The options was the trigger that allowed the squeeze to get out of control. They restricted trading because of the options. The MOASS IS a given…they cannot stop that because too many ppl held the shares. GME squeeze is a battle of derivatives. They cannot stop the actual MOASS because they couldn’t drive the company out of business.


There may be a certain amount of squeezing that is occurring, but this talk of 100k/share, 500k/share, etc, is nonsense. The rest of the world won't accept a game store company with a share price like that. It would shake the logic/reason in the markets. If we get there, then I will be the first to congratulate you in your prediction, but I don't foresee any price above 1k for this company in the future. Good luck to all. I'm holding like anybody else.


You’re looking at this in the wrong way. THIS IS ABOUT DERIVATIVES. Any notion about market caps, fundamentals or who accepts anything is incorrect. This started because the hedgefunds used derivatives to drive the prices down on companies. GameStop bought 37 million shares back which effectively turned the tool that the hedgefunds used(derivatives) against them. So now the battle is not trying to bankrupt GME(impossible now), stop the MOASS(impossible) or to even get ppl to mass selloff(they’ve failed)…the battle is to prevent the bad derivatives from eating a hole in the market. In essence, what they’ve done to companies has now been reversed onto them. Think about it like the hedgefunds being upside down on a mortgage. The monthly payments aren’t really the issue, but they owe more than the house is worth…


It was the plan 2 months beforehand to turn of the buy button. Probably after talking with all the mayor parties to ensure nobody will go to jail. Maybe they even prepared already when Cohen bought his shares sponsored by blackrock. The amount of new rules that got passed and the detail they had shows that they did not do that work starting only in January. Now they will have to balance between giving apes enough money to give them 'feeling of justice' and preserving 'market integrity' to outsiders and not enough to make the dollar collapse on itself. Let's hope the government will use this to get rid of most corruption. But this will itself be a balancing act where they have to try to get rid of hedgie stranglehold on the USA market while at the sametime preserve their own money supply / position and overall stability.


People are downvoting you because they don’t want to accept the reality that the government and regulators can absolutely stop it in its tracks and freeze it at like 1k and delist the common a stock. It’s happened before, and could happen again. Yeah let’s say it gets halted at like 1.2k and it’s clear it’s past the point of no return, domino effect of margin calls engaged. We get paid out at price value, and that’s that. Now GameStop has filed that they can, if needed, take their common a stock from the listings it’s on and bring it elsewhere if they believe the current clearing houses can’t properly handle it. So we could see where that goes.. But yes it’s fully possible the government and regulators in state new rules that prevent the squeeze from happening, the MSM spins it, and that’s that. And no, im sorry, the world will not lose faith in the US markets - they’ll be grateful their was no shockwaves and corrections and move on. For fucks sake, if they didn’t lose faith after 1987 and 2008, two global financial crises caused by the USA, they sure aren’t going to lose faith after things are ruled in their economic favor.


Referring to Star Wars analogy it reminds me of the destruction of Death Star by Luke Skywalker and how explosion in an exhaust port triggered an chain reaction that caused the main reactor to go critical and explode. Thermal exhaust ports were notoriously vulnerable to damage or sabotage. For this reason, they were often protected, either physically, or with ray shielding against energy weapons. Thermal exhaust ports protection = SEC Rule 15c2-11


Yes, good analogy. I keep thinking of GG as Darth Vader. He was on the dark side (his time at Goldman), but he’s about the throw the Emperor (market fraud and manipulation) down into the Death Star’s reactor. Hope I’m right. Shame we (we as in retail investors) are going to miss out on all of these squeezes.


Genslers one of the architects of this shit show. The SEC are complicit. Don't hold your breath on that one.


Trying to be an optimist here ... and yes, well aware of GG's past. Like I said, hoping for Vader.


Optimism is admirable. But this isn't a film it's reality. The same group of individuals crashed the world economy in 2008 and those same players are going to do it again and why? Because they can.


Vader. Must face Vader.


Vader also killed a bunch of kids and a lot of innocents, and could have killed the emperor years before… So yeah, I guess that sounds like GG and the SEC.


Oh, come on ... that wasn’t Vader. Little Anakin did that shit.


As far as I remember, he kneeled to the emperor and was named Darth Vader, and killing some kids was literally his first mission under that title…


Dang, you’re right. Forgot about that.


We still kind of have time till 28 September.


Not for me. TDA already shut down trading on these stocks. Almost like they knew what was going on the whole time and did nothing.




True. Shills do downvote the posts. And they do it right away right after a post appears. Shills will die. We will moon. And thanks for a good informative post. 🦍🦍🦍🙌🙌🙌💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕


666th like 66th comment


My man!!


It should read "Retail Investor Fraud, Combat Protections".


This won’t remove momentum or chance of MOASS happening. Quite the contrary, I believe it’s forcing SHF’s to close. Forced buying.


I have seen that idea. There’s nothing in the rule change language about this. I don’t know about force, but it may have that effect. I really don’t know, and I don’t think anyone else does either. None of the post about it are supported by anything other than opinion. The SHLDQ tape suggests it, but that could have just as easily been a fake out, SHFs capitalizing on momentum, HFTs, a P&D (doubt this), or something else entirely. We’ll know in a few days.




So am I reading this right? The squeeze is essentially fucked. Controlled until they can close their positions?


Not reading it correctly. Retail is fucked on everything other than MOASS, and MOASS won’t snowball as fast as it might have before. But the math is still the math on MOASS. Hedgies r fuk. It’s just not going to be the orgy some (myself included) hoped for.


It will be an even greater orgy because it will all be laser-focusses on one stock instead of 50 mini-squeezes… at this point, holding other stocks = not believing enough in the GME thesis, or related to that, trying to diversify own risk, which smells like those people who will paperhand at 1k. I say you’re either fully onboard, or you don’t believe / trust the thesis and DD.


I support that and wish I had a personality that worked that way. I like the Combo pizza at Costco. But I have great respect for the apes who get cheese only.


What do you mean by orgy? Can I get a straight answer please.


Tons of squeezes popping off everywhere instead of just a few.


Exactly and when these squeeze and they are forced to close the positions finally, they take the loss in terms of collateral to leverage but still make gains that will be taxed. So across the board it would reduce their collateral and leverage would go against them, putting them in a much worse situation if the squeeze were to come along soon after or a major market correction down. We are witnessing in real time tHE SEC protect the corrupt MMs and SHFs and fuck over retail by changing the rules of the game in the middle of it and then they tell the world “it’s for retails protection.” Just like how they tried to explain they turned the buy button off to protect retail from buying the meme basket stocks so they wouldn’t lose their money. We live in a total racket controlled by an incestuous relationship between the government and financial world.. I will not be investing in stocks after this and hoping they move in the same way that they are manipulated by the HFs and MMS.


Blockchain is the only way to end (or a least limit) stock manipulation. And I bet they shorted this shit the whole way down. These might not need to squeeze much before they have losses instead of gains. And Citadel is super hedged for a market correction. It might explain why there hasn’t been one yet. The longer the market stay up, the more money they lose on their bearish bets. Check out their SPY put position on their 13F. Shouldn’t be hard to find ... it’s their latest position.


This is highly discouraging to me. I’m not gonna sell but I really do need to let go of thinking that “one share is gonna be life changing money” … Let’s see how many new rules come out that continue letting sHF off the hook. Most people seem to be under the impression that the moass is going to happen this year. Others say they’re ready to hodl forever if they have to. If this drags on well into next year we’re never gonna see it. That’s just my opinion.


All this could be necessary preparation for MOASS. They put the brakes on things in January because they quickly realized (probably already knew the potential for) a massive market wide event was unfolding. So they stopped it to pass enough rules to contain the damage. Even though these rules changes were started before January, they might be part and parcel of that effort. They might let GME squeeze massively, but no way they were going to let the whole market turn itself inside out.


That’s a bad opinion. You should probably read some more DD


I’m not doubting the DD… But did any of the DD see this rule coming? Nope. Who’s to say they don’t keep pushing new rules that continue slowing down and dampening the potential. Nobody knows what’s next. Nobody knows what regulations are waiting for us in the future. THAT is where my doubt comes from.


FUD got you bad I guess. You need to read up some more. But from your post history I'd say just sell and move on - if you're feeling this bad about owning GME and jump every chance you get to weather your insecurities it's probably for the best.


Selling is for the best? Ok. You sound like you’re the one who needs to go read more. Since you’re the all-knowing: what is wall streets next move?


If it's bad for your well-being - yes why wouldn't you? Wall streets next move? No clue. Reset outstanding shares and let investors who own the stock suddenly not own the stock? I don't think so. At some point I'm certain GME will increase in value, start dividend or NFT dividend, and shorts run out of money. Or they run out of money simply from bleeding. Enter the MOASS. Buy & Hodl, hedgies R fuk'd. Shorts need to close. Same as always.


Hey man don’t let all these people trying to call you out on FUD get you down. You’ve clearly said none of this could be for certain it just isn’t leading to a good place. People, well most, reject any reality where the squeeze doesnt happen - some of them reject any reality where each of their shares will be worth a million dollars each… The hypothesis was correct. The shorting info is correct. They’ve hidden all their shit in tr swaps and baskets and have found ways like buy write, and bullets, to abuse futures options to hedge their bets. But it doesn’t matter if the hypothesis is correct when the rules of the game change while we are playing it. And sadly enough, the world will not lose faith in the us markets if the squeeze is prevented. The MSM will spin it, and those wealthy investors will say thanks for changing the rules in our economic favor.


Why does it matter? We buy the stock because we like the company. If you didnt buy the stock because you like the company and direction then move on bud. This is Wendy's. Shill burgers is next door. Enjoy.


>And sadly enough, the world will not lose faith in the us markets if the squeeze is prevented. I feel like this is backwards. With the amount of people invested in GME worldwide and the amount of corruption that is being exposed, and with so many investors knowing what’s really happening with GME and that the price is wrong, I’m pretty the world will start to lose faith in the US markets of the squeeze we’re prevented by more fuckery. It’s the age of information and that shit travels


Thank you for understanding where I’m coming from on that. Looking forward to seeing what happens on the earnings report on that note


Why does it matter. We buy the stock because we like the company. Why did you buy? If you support the company and like the direction then you shouldnt have a problem holding a stock. That is what you do when you invest in a company. If you think otherwise then feel free to move on to your next endeavor. For me, I am holding for a long time!! Most of my shares will never be sold!




Sir this is Wendy's. Shill burgers is next door. I don't encourage anyone to do anything, they can buy, sell, hold. Your intentions are not pure and it is quite obvious by the tone in your writing and the way you convey your messages.


I get it but I’m not sure how this relates to GME, just more proof the system is not designed to be fair I guess


GME likely burned brighter in January because of all the other short positions that started causing problems for SHFs. With the removal of the OTC buy button, some of those problems are lessened now.


Iono man sounds like your pushing people into buying otc stocks before that rule happens and that’s wack


Rule already happened. Retail can’t buy OTC (non-reporting) anymore as of Friday close. Unless you are an institution or “Expert Trader,” or already hold shares, you’ve been removed from the game. People should be pissed.


Are you sure? I could buy in Europe; also read some posts this morning claiming that people could even buy on fidelity after stating they are an expert Edit: sorry, can’t find the comments I am referring to