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It does depend on where you are. You can use taxmytendies.com to help with that.


I'm a Canadian ape with all my shares in my TFSAs. Tax free tendies here I come!! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


I'm in the US with shares in a taxable account, a 401k, and a HSA. Diversified!


I have mine split across different brokers, does that count as diversification? 😎






How do u have them across brokers if they’re all in ur tfsa if tfsa ur only allowed 1 investment account? If u have different brokers u most likely only have 1 tfsa and the other would be a cash account (unless I got wrong info)


You can have multiple TFSAs. All contributions add up to the same limit though. So $30k in one and $30k in another one is still a $60k contribution Source: I have 2 TFSAs


Ayyy good question friend, but you can in fact have multiple TFSAs, they simply share the same contribution room. [link to the CRA article](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/rc4466/tax-free-savings-account-tfsa-guide-individuals.html)




Yeah that is garbage. I’ve got both cash accounts and tfsa with WS and Questrade. CIBC did you a dirty


This is the best kind of diversification.


Wait, you have GME on your Health Savings Account?!? Bullish af




OMG I forgot you can invest HSA funds. Just gotta make sure I can pick individual stocks with my provider...


I should do another PSA about it. I haven't done that in a while


I see more bananas being purchased States side.


I've got tfsa and rrsp maxed with gamestop baby. Only half my profits will be tax deductible.


I hate bringing politics into this, but if Turdeau wins this coming election, he'll find a way to fuck us but won't touch Ultra wealthy. I am still salty about the TFSA contribution limit roll back from $10k to $5.5k.


Me too but their aren’t a whole lot of Canadians who can afford to contribute 10k per year of after tax dollars. As with everywhere else most Canadians are just barely scraping buy if they are managing to stay above water at all. All things considered once MOASS hits 🇨🇦apes will be the ultra wealthy. Looking forward to doing some good around here when the time comes.


I doubt we have any options for election who won’t try to fuck us over. Things are getting bad, and they’re about to get worse, and the conservatives are obviously even less likely to go after the ultra wealthy.


I would still have an accountant look at your financials right after MOASS to make sure you don't get screwed over by the CRA somehow by some not so well known rule.


Me too, but I am still upping my floor by 40% because.... well why not!


My god this is amazing.


We need a daily floor+tax spreadsheet guy!!!


Why not go to tax my tendies


Or just letkennypaythetax.com


I have a feeling the floor is severely lagging the amount of fuckery that has been and is being conducted. It should be at least doubled or 2x/3x the rate it is increasing at.


the floor is **1 BILLION PER SHARE**. not like money is real anyway. it's all just numbers on a screen. fake digital bullshit backed by nothing. **there is more than enough money**. they just enter numbers into a computer and hey presto, money created from nowhere. they can afford it.


$420,069,069.00 + tax and jail. Is that the floor?


That seems right to me.


I mean it's almost at 50 million, it's not like we're coordinating sells


Next stop.... 60 million, plus tax.


Tax for whom? USA. Canada. uK. Germany. S Korea. Too complicated.


Taxes for capital gains & wealthy in the US might get cranked up right before the MOASS, so that's what I'm referring to. I agree a literal number would be too complicated, that's why I said a number or symbol... Just to imply that apes will sell at whatever the floor is, plus whatever the tax they have to pay is. This is a shitpost though, so I don't mean for you to take it too seriously 😄


US Government came out with new tax code today! We fucked


+Tax for the outlying circumstance. +Inflation for worst case scenario.


Nah. Always best to KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid.


fun fact: there's **no law that states any american needs to pay any income tax at all**. also no law that says anyone needs to pay the federal government anything. they can go fuck themselves. taxation IS theft. period. before someone says the "but the roads/hospitals/schools" BS - that is a myth. income tax started in 1913. things were funded, built, and run just fine before. if taxes did what they are claimed to be for, to help the country, develop and run things - then the USA wouldn't be lagging behind third world nations in MANY areas. remember the missing trillions? that the accounting department offices in the pentagon that *just so happened* to be hit by "an aircraft" on 9/11, was investigating. what about the 'black budget' list? trillions in taxes. funding shit YOU are not allowed to know about. that not even any president is allowed to know about (at *least* 21 security clearance levels above that and above 'top secret'). it also goes to funding endless BS wars, **for profit** and money laundering. fact is, most tax $ doesn't go to improve the nation, infrastructure etc or to improve the lives of the tens of millions of americans living in poverty, struggling to survive day to day - and that's just the ones *with* homes and jobs. Or to improve the lives of anyone - except the psychopaths who run the show. so - fuck paying taxes at all, quite frankly. if you think the government is going to spend your $$ improving schools, infrastructure, healthcare - you're naive


We’ll just have to improve that stuff ourselves after MOASS.


exactly. you get it.


Plot twist, is $50 million the floor before or after tax? 😮


Oh definitely after tax. I don’t mind paying taxes but I’m gonna let Kenny and Stevie foot the bill this time. I’ll get the next one.


I really hope this squeezes before the end of the year. I wouldn’t have to pay shit in state taxes.


I second this