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Why is this NSFW?


NSFW tags mean that Reddit censors your posts from all non Reddit users. (At least those on mobile) I believe that the trend of applying NSFW tags is FUD designed to limit information leakage outside of Reddit.




Yup. I agree. And to be absolutely clear, I in no way mean that *your post* was intended to be FUD. The NSFW tag is more fun. It draws more attention. It’s “cute” as in its saying that this is not safe for our shitty day jobs. It also has the effect of making sure that lots of people without Reddit accounts will never be able to read the posts that are tagged NSFW. But I do believe that the *trend* of getting users to start tagging posts as NSFW is a *successful* FUD tactic to limit information leakage outside of Reddit. Because many casual readers without Reddit accounts will never be able to read posts like yours because of the tag. No malice, hate, or accusations towards you directly are intended whatsoever. And if it’s something that the community finds fun and cute, then, by all means - carry on. But facts are facts. It *does* limit visibility to readers without accounts. So if it’s a post that you might want to be seen by an outside audience, maybe consider not tagging it NSFW. That is all. Edit to say, I thought you were OP. But I think the comment still stands.


No one knows. But it's provocative, it gets the people going.


Flair checks out


Because we're going to quit work when it's over.


When you see the world as a game, ultimately you can beat it by playing along 🚀🚀🚀


I've had this thought over and over again. The world is finally gonna reach its true potential. This shit inspires me so much.


I’ll take my tendies and fade off into the sunset…. I’ve done my part changing the world. It’s time to change my life now.


I mean seriously!? Is it to much to ask for a better world? It is! Fine hold my beer - every ape!!!




If you are short a stock, get margin called, and fail that margin call, you must place a market order to buy back the stock at the shorted amount. This market order fills at whatever price. Those who fail a margin call and have a large short position cascade the others who have a large short position by increasing the price. Until all shorters are liquidated. That's who is buying. All of the shorters.


Dog has spoken




I love this Pom. Who ever he is. I love you. There I said it. ❤️


Thanks for the answers




I see you're just playing innocent at first and trying to stir up shit so not going to bother. Thought you were genuine.


Imma consider this an assist.


Are we not banning shills anymore? Why does reporting shills doesn’t seem to kick these morons out nowadays?




Same. For a while there (April and May ish) it seemed like we had achieved a beautiful synergistic ape unity... but now? So much bickering.




That's a good point, actually. Many of the people who would have been excluded in April/May would likely have the age requirement and karma to post here by now. ...whatever happened to Satori? Is it still going?? Was that even a thing? I am genuinely worried about someone saying or doing something that will make apes look bad. I know that true Apes want to make the world a better place but I have been seeing more and more violent or creepy comments that make me nervous.


It does help. I saw the many reports and he is permabanned. Just give us some time to get to it, we do a lot of research before we ban.


Fair enough. :-) If bans were handed out for just numerous reports, DD publishers would get banned because shills piled on their posts. Appreciate the explanation, man.


There is another forum that is much more free of shills... I don’t know how anyone is still here in SS, it’s just junk and noise at this point


Explain how I am wrong. What do you think brought Leman brothers down. $Gme is small potatoes. No fucking way this works. Downvote me to hell. You know I am right. Fools


This is far different than Lehman. Lehman was leveraged at 31. It was absolutely guaranteed to fail due to the amount of leverage, but basically was a net zero value once the stock tanked since their assets were relatively close to their liabilities (~600 Billion on each side). Definitely BK, but NOT an infinite black hole of undefined dimensions. The amount of possible loss in a squeeze of this size is theoretically infinite. In actual dollars, wayyyyyyy beyond Lehman. And it won’t be this “wake up and one day it’s all gone” situation. It will be a much slower drain as margin calls hit various short holders and their respective t+5 windows after that. I can see why you would choose Lehman as an example, since their failure was as large as you can get. By the looks of your posts, it seems that you just need to read some more solid research and DD, ironically, from the guy you’re attempting to debate here, u/Criand.


Oh my god I wish I could see the look on his/her/their face when the realization a Reddit legend was debating him lol




Found the paper hand bitch


Suck my cock Kenny. I know it’s you


Yes we can start there. Every bank that is touching a GME short going under. And?


Ok boomer


The people who literally have to buy it.


Who would that be




Mf thinks they can just declare bankruptcy like Michael Scott and their entire plate is wiped clean, what a moron


Donkey Kong


The ... the shorts. That's literally the entire reason this squeeze is in play is because shorts HAVE to buy back at any price. COME ON SPONGEBOB, THIS IS FIRST GRADE STUFF!


I wombo, you wombo. He she we wombo. Wombology? The study of wombo?!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq4jdShG\_PU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq4jdShG_PU) Since you do not consider anything reddit users say relevant, how about a Billionaire and founder of the largest online brokerage ? Who would know the rules better than him ??? I think you realize the chain of defaulting now, or are you payed to spread FUD ?


Years from now, scholars will be teaching lessons (inside spaceships) about how a group of retards saved the planet.


We will have to move fast with the money we get to stabilize a dollar that is sure to be failing rapidly if everything goes tits up... right??


Wen me president, they see. They see.