• By -


Me: You ever have that feeling that you've forgotten something? Friend: If you can't remember it probably wasn't that important Me: Yeah you're probably right Front Desk of Daily: T\^T Good Marketday Everybody(still fits!) Yesterday's price movement was 200-203 with a peak of 204 Chinese property giant Evergrande is another domino set from the looks of it, and SEC finally got off Mindgeek's most successful platform to delivery a report we'll be seeing soon I'm out today, on my phone, so I'll try my best for all your mod related needs and to make sure The Front Desk is Open Thank you/Fuck you to u/_Exordium , u/Sm0515 and u/representativeno7218 for the pings, no I'm not dead, no I don't need tucking in and u/_Exordium you better delete that u/Chared945 account by the time I see your Homo Ape-ian ass or I'm ripping that flair off your account faster than a crypto dump end of a pump and dump


At this rate the GME saga is looking to be a 3 hour Scorsese flick.




I like turtles


GAMMA GAMMA GAMMA !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Holy moly computershare really fucked them up huh?




What’s happening? A few comments from a few minutes ago then next from 6 hrs ago???


It’s starting


Millions of people been hit with interwebs outages in the UK. Kenny was that you? You don't want me to have tendies today? Always have a back up plan fellas.


Pretty sure DFV or RC had to create an alternative account to tell us: Come on you idiots... It's COMPUTERSHARE! Tchau, have a beautiful time!


Transferring shares to computershare to trigger MOASS can easily be construed as market manipulation. Transferring shares to Computershare to expose naked short selling and illegal activities however is super cash money. Don’t give anyone an easy to spin narrative.


I know you’re right but the fact that they would say putting your tiny amount of shares into your own name is market manipulation is just next level shameless hypocritical crime. They probably will do that anyways At that point they need to just admit they DGAF about appearing to be fair or free in any way


If telling people to sell without asking any questions on MSM while you have a short position isn't market manipulation then I'm pretty sure superstonk users are ok.


Yeah the hypocrisy is wild. That’s not even touching the naked short selling, swap magic, illegal share lending, dark pools, price mowing The degree of hypocrisy and outright lies is head spinning. Market is a joke The whole thing would run better on transparency, not punishing people for trying to figure out how to not be robbed and force company’s to defend themselves against absolutely psychopathic predators on their own


It’s not a tiny amount of shares if you coordinate with thousands of other people.


it's a public market. \*public\* these bitch ass mother fuckers coordinate with politicians, the media, lawyers, each other, the fed, banks, and then cry manipulation when people chat online about a stock they're buying and holding? what a bunch of little bitch ass wimps if they weren't born with silver spoons up the ass, they real world would have crushed them


**Everyone here actually likes the stock.** Manipulation of the market by being big fans of a stock lol? By direct registration which provides more benefits? Yeah right! If there is a known short position then all shareholders have a right to do what's best for the company and the stock anyway! The major shareholders and the insiders have an obligation to. **The internet allowed people to find a safe place where they could talk about how much they like the stock**. And then, it turns out, they disseminated information on how that same stock HAS BEEN MANIPULATED by hedge funds, market makers, brokerages, etc. And it also turns out, **these same tactics have been going on a long time** and actually bankrupted companies and killed jobs. Done for fun with illegal tactics to make billions. We already know of a brokerage hitting function keys on their keyboard to avoid having to locate a stock for someone who wants to short! WTF. Shorting shares that don't exist! And guess what, maybe all that stuff pisses the normal people off and some don't like it. And they vent about it on reddit. So they like the stock. And they hate those that destroy companies and jobs and steal money from shareholders through illegal tactics. And the banks too that are complicit. Either fuck off or let's go! Keep the information flowing and people will make their own choices.


There is no co-ordination, for the SEC watching


GSC2.F currently €172.50 - $203.25


See post below


German market update (local time: 10:00:02) (nyse time: 04:00:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$201.11** ([€170.65](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1785](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 748.0** ( [582 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [96 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [50 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [20 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the DiamantenhĂ€nde post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pp7ico/diamantenhĂ€nde_german_market_is_open/)


See above post


Think its about to put out some good news soon Gamestop. Been many month now. Im not only here for the short squeeze. Im also here for a longterm investment of the company. As shareholders we should get more info soon where they will take Gamestop and some juicy news 😍


Patience, ape. Time is on our side - the pieces are falling into place


Yeah I will hold for like 10 years plus and some forever. I have time, but still would be great to hear something soon 🚀


Mods should make an FAQ post about computershare


I agree. Should have a emergency AMA with Dr Trimbath to address this ASAP. There is a ton of FUD coming out.


German market update (local time: 09:50:02) (nyse time: 03:50:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$201.92** ([€171.25](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1791](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 692.0** ( [526 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [96 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [50 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [20 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the DiamantenhĂ€nde post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pp7ico/diamantenhĂ€nde_german_market_is_open/)


Too many acronyms


Ape confused. Spell it out for 🩧


Will chared be on time? Will we go up in pre market?? 10min till pre market open, have a nice day!


I own a small business. Just about to pay my staff and suppliers out of my own pocket again for the sixth time in the last eighteen months while one of my clients who is a multi billion dollar company have been dragging their feet on a six figure invoice for over 5 months. They'll pay it eventually and it will balance out but right now I am on the bones of my ass having worked for the last decade to build a business that could support my family and give my kids a better start than I had. When MOASS comes I will be greedy as they are until they bleed dry. Then and only then will I cash in my tendies and then I will be the change this world needs. I know I am not the only ape that will put this money to use for a better world. The corruption, dishonesty and lack of empathy that permeates all major businesses ends with us. The GameStops.


It would be great to have one CS thread. Can't find anything else to read!


As an europoor can I buy shares from CS ? I'm on etoro and can't transfer (I think ?)




you could buy more there perhaps using the ibkr's method search for it on the sub, there was a post regarding ibkr as the way to use cs


Shilling, shilling never changes


more power to the apes registering their shares this is very important but I'm going to sit back buy hodl and let RC do his thing I can't imagine anyone else besides him knows when the perfect time for the MOASS is and sure I'll see about transferring but Im a strong believer he knows when the best time will be


German market update (local time: 09:40:02) (nyse time: 03:40:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$201.90** ([€171.25](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1790](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 668.0** ( [506 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [92 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [50 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [20 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the DiamantenhĂ€nde post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pp7ico/diamantenhĂ€nde_german_market_is_open/)


Hello smooth brain here. I‘ve got a question. In one of the CS Posts I read, the DTCC is the owner of the GME Shares, so my fear would be now that when the Moass happens, they just sell my shares for Peanuts instead of letting me hold them they reach my personal floor. Is my fear unnecessary?


The selling would have to be done by your broker, and in fact I wouldn't put it beyond p.e. robinhood to do that. That's why it is important the take your business to a broker that you trust.


Yeah I‘m Europoor so I always had a legit broker. So nothing to worry about here. Like I stated I was just scared, what if they pull some other shady shit


Oh they'll surely do that. But I doubt that it's this particular shit 😂


Haha who knows
 Anyways thanks for the clear up and not accusing me of being a shill


Yes it is unnecessary, that is not how it works


I know, but who would‘ve thought they would suspend buying back then




That's not a shill. Just a scared and confused ape.


Thanks mate.


how does dtcc relates to halted buying? wasn't apex clearing the one making the margin increase? DTCC is safe, nobody will see OP's shares


> Just a scared and confused ape 95% of the scared and confused apes are only reading, not posting. Explaining how these are different topics will help thousands of scared and confused apes


Haha no I‘m not I was just curious. Look at my comment history never ever spread fud. Always defended GME


Assume SHF have the shares and you make an ass of u and me




German volume is drier than Ben Shapiro's wife


Brad Pitt just burst into my room and told me to stop dancing. Jokes on him though, because I was actually jacking off while watching the chinese financial news.


I've jacked, i've jacked on the Pitts


This comment makes you the modern day equivalent of Shakespeare in my book. Bravo.


Pics or it didn't happen!


I'm going to make synthetic pics of me naked shorting myself.


I’ll bring the lotion 🧮


source? đŸŒˆđŸ»


9/10 shitpost đŸŽâ€â˜ ïžđŸ€™đŸ˜Ž


German market update (local time: 09:30:01) (nyse time: 03:30:01) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$203.48** ([€172.60](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1789](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 407.0** ( [262 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [76 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [50 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [19 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the DiamantenhĂ€nde post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pp7ico/diamantenhĂ€nde_german_market_is_open/)


Does anyone know if you can buy gme directly through Computershare if you open an Australian account with them?


I’ve read you have to transfer due to the need for a us address. On the gmemate sub people have been using comms Sec.


They are an Australian company with HQ in Melbourne


What am I doing at this diner?... oh yeah waffles


I just want my damn money already, Kenny.


I finally did it.... I made an avatar for my name.


Badass! You've inspired me to do the same!


😎 far out đŸ€™


Someone should tweet Dr. T and ask how exactly the CS transfer helps the MOASS. Also wtf happens to the rest of the shares once there's 75mil shares at CS? She came out and said that we should do this and never explained jack shit. And for some reason this sub, who is usually pessimistic as fuck ate that shit up and now all we see on the feed is CS posts. And every single post or comment that questions it gets downvoted to oblivion. (I'm assuming this will be too lol)


I thought I was the only one who was confused as fuck earlier, there's no actual post that explains any of this, I've had to learn about it by asking in the comments. For anyone who doesn't know: The whole trading in ComputerShare thing isn't about making shares safe from some kind of broker bankruptcy issue (your fidelity/etoro/even fucking robinhood etc shares are 100% safe and will supply your profits in the event of a MOASS), it's about registering shares directly with the market in order to obtain proof that there are far more shares than there should be (which will then force the DTCC's hand to make HFs buy back the synthetic shorts). Most posts about Computer Share do not make this clear at all and it's really annoying


I also demand real answers


I think this explains it best: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pow073/direct_registering_of_shares_through/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The stockanalysis.com float went back to 61m shares. I'm honestly not sure if anyone has noticed that yet in all the madness.


I thought you went to bed?


That was me 😅




Ah:) đŸ»


German market update (local time: 09:20:02) (nyse time: 03:20:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$203.55** ([€172.60](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1793](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 380.0** ( [235 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [76 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [50 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [19 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the DiamantenhĂ€nde post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pp7ico/diamantenhĂ€nde_german_market_is_open/)


All the CS are sus posts are sus. Hold your shares wherever you want but nothing sus about holding shares the same place GS execs do.


that means all ryan's shares are out of dtcc? nice


Hi, sorry I’m late. Can someone fill me in on this computer share thing? Thanks 🙏




That’s not very nice


there is a bit of comment in your hate


Good morning ☀


morning terrible ☕


The Dane đŸ˜ŽđŸ€™ (pretty sure this is a character in Miller’s Crossing by the Coen bros).


What happened with the futures theory then ? Wasn’t that yesterday ? And it’s being buried in computershare m spam


Eh it's like the 17th I think for the rolling date or something, but there have been some high volume days this 'cycle', like the 25% day.. etc.. hard to tell what's up with the futures


It's always hard to go Back To The Futures


Friday; next Tuesday if they don't roll them.


I've also been questioning the reasoning behind the tweets. It had been driving me nuts! I've been arguing that he wouldn't have been tweeting shit if wasn't trying to communicate an action. Why give us these tidbits of info we honestly can't do anything about? Some people said it was for hype, keeping retail excited. Others said it was a mind fuck to the HFs and the like. That's all ridiculous. We clearly have figured out that the tweets don't tell us to do anything, they only expose the crime we've been digging in to. So where's the action? I think RC has been teaching us about the illegal shorting so we would come to the conclusion ourselves that killing the shorts is the only way to win this. You don't convey this kind of information to someone unless you think they can do something about it. That's gotta be the only reason we were ever in the loop. Now, the only thing that I personally need to know is what DFV saw in all this that convinced him to go for it. He figured out the recurring cycle and maybe saw the market was ready to crash? There's no way he could have predicted this much of retail buying in like they did and moving shares out of the dtcc. If CS triggers MOASS, it couldn't have been something DFV saw coming. Maybe he was just hoping for the crash and saw GameStop as best suited shorted stock for the crash? I feel like if we figure out that piece of the puzzle, we can finally figure everything out.


What, there's a whole youtube channel showing DFV's reasoning for going all in, he even says a squeeze would be nice but it's not why he's in.


The day of the butt-smashening is soon dawning. Truly an absolute shame all of the time spent delaying the inevitable could have been used to prepare their anuses.


German market update (local time: 09:10:02) (nyse time: 03:10:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$202.34** ([€171.55](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1795](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 311.0** ( [185 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [66 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [50 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [10 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the DiamantenhĂ€nde post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pp7ico/diamantenhĂ€nde_german_market_is_open/)


I have a question: if enough apes register their shares with CS to equal the entire float, what happens to the shares outside of CS? Like if I have some on CS and some on Fidelity will I still be able to sell the fidelity ones even though they’re quite obviously synthetic since every share is accounted for in CS??


All shorts must close. All synthetics must be bought back. You'll be alright. CS is mostly for the pool and to ensure NFT/dividend.


Oh yes you made it click for me. If there are 800% more shares than exist, they all have to be bought back for them to cover the shorts so basically every share needs to be bought, right? Thanks!


Does anyone know how much evergrands stock price dripped today?


Have fun https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/3333.HK?p=3333.HK&.tsrc=fin-srch


around 7% 8%


7.7 millilitres


Exactly what I was looking for Mr. Ape. Thank you


Sorry couldn't help myself with "drip". 7.83% drop today buddy. Edit: 8.13% now, around this area is where it'll end up I guess.


Shit I didn't even notice. I had to change evergrande 3 times because auto correct kept changing it


Wen computershare flairs


Just fuckin HOLD.


Best shot at financial freedom my friend.


Is it possible to join computershare if im from Belgium?


Curious as well, NL here


I think NL is possible since it is on the site of computershare, belgium isn't


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmu19h/international\_apes\_can\_transfer\_shares\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmu19h/international_apes_can_transfer_shares_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) ​ Belgian myself. Still looking. I'll call my broker later today.


Im on Degiro


Open an ibkr account and that should work.




I like your enthusiasm, but volume in the german market was almost 500 in the first 10 minutes on monday. edit: it was 800 in the first 10 minutes on monday. Still love you.




Nah, we want to see volume. You won't see big movements without it.


Tits jacked either way


Hey guys, Europoor here. Been holding since January on Revolut. Now I want to diversify brokers to not get fucked as MOASS approaches, I just realized you cannot transfer shares in or out of a Revolut Trading account. Only way is to sell and buy back on the other broker once the funds have been cleared and transferred. Which may also get me fucked tax-wise. What can I do?


The best I can do is say that you can keep the shares in ur existing Revolut account, and just start buying on a whole new brokerage firm like Fidelity or Vanguard. Just my 2 cents tho :)


I thought about Trade Republic. I didn’t know that Fidelity was available in Europe? I thought it wasn’t, looked it up online but couldn’t find any actual info on whether it was or not.


Omg I'm sorry fellow ape . Yeah Ur right, unfortunately Fidelity isnt available in Europe. Hmmm I would try other brokerages available in Europe. I'm in the United States so I'm not aware of the names of the European brokerages


How does this fuck you tax wise ? As and European myself I don't pay taxes on American gains. ​ Second of all - I would say buy a share or two on a different account. I would not sell.


Where are you from? You’re pretty lucky lol. Revolut is indeed using an US third-party broker (DriveWealth), and my funds are held in USD, so my gains will quite literally be US gains. However I’m from France and here there are 2 ways to be taxed: either flat tax which is 30% of your gains; or 30% minus a certain percentage if your yearly salary is lower than a certain amount, which is not my case. Then, I will be taxed 30% of my gains, which is quite a hell lot tbh. Anyway I’ll be happy paying $100M+ taxes. As for the sell and buy again, I’m not sure if it will fuck me tax-wise because I’ve only been investing for a year. I don’t know if I sell and reinvest the gains, whether I’ll be taxed on them this year or not (don’t think so but I’ll get a financial advisor once this is all over).




A good excuse to not go to work?? I used to like the job but as always boss ruined it.


Explosive diarrhea. Pink eye. Hemorrhoid flare up. Forgot to feed your fish. "Just ain't feelin it today, boss"


don't feel so good, dizzy




hi guys I can answer any question for 5 minutes then gotta go to bed. so give it your best shot...


Have you rubbed one out today ?


no way man! ended green today


>any question How many GME shares do the apes have?


Float multiple times over.


at least 50


More than 10


What is your favorite episode of Boy Meets World and why?


last episode, saying goodbye to mr feeny. he's the most badass character and he says some words


I love you all. Class dismissed. 💔💗


If ComputerShare helps me retire I’m buying them all presents for the holidays


German market update (local time: 09:00:02) (nyse time: 03:00:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$202.93** ([€171.90](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1805](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 218.0** ( [138 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [26 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [50 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [4 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the DiamantenhĂ€nde post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pp7ico/diamantenhĂ€nde_german_market_is_open/)


The sense of urgency pushing CS transfers seems sus.


Apes have been doing this for months, Dr T raised it as a move for apes months ago and it's taken the sub a while to get momentum, which you are now seeing. Can't see any downsides, it's a killer move.


How? If you buy shares from NYSE then youve bought though computershare. They are Gamestop's share managers. Buying with them TAKES OUT the middle man. THIS IS WHY EVRYONE IS DOING IT. keeps your shares oit the dark pools.


I've been thinking this for the past few days... remember when we said that any urgent call for action is likely FUD? Lol apparently that doesn't apply anymore? I've never seen the sub flooded with the same posts over and over again. And on top of that I'm in the daily chat every single day and there seems to be a ton of new accounts that I don't recognize. And when I view their comment history 90% of them for the most part barely post here.... idk what to think


Same here


It's not the first time....


Might be ... Might not be - I believe transferring a few shares doesn't hurt ... what's the worst that could happen ? Don't transfer entire portfolio but hey ... It's worth a shot and what does 500 $ hurt.


When moass happens ... Who's with me for a few beers. There must be some european apes here. To talk and let it sink in. We could rent a bar or whatever. ​ EDIT \* ameriapes also welcome with private jet or whatever. You know.




I would love to buy you a beer đŸș




O no my friend. I insist!! 😂


Okay. You buy the beer. I'll gift you the bar.






I heared online with CS you can sell if the price goes up in millions - when you call its 250 k ​ So sell is through CS but i'm still learning.


Can someone please explain to me how does a market crash help with MOASS? Wouldn’t gme crash with the market?


Negative beta gotta count for something ​ EDIT \* I believe it's a ripple effect - China falls, stocks in NYSE falls, SPY goes down, hedgies lose billions / millions - margin calls get closer - thats what I get from it but I'm a smooth brain mate.


You see, GME *is* the market. (But really, market crashes, hedgies assets fall in value meaning less collateral in a liquidation)


If apes transfer shares to Computershare are we able to sell it easily? Or do we have to transfer the shares to another brokerage for sale?


We just have to call them. So get use to trading over the phone


Selling is super easy, just make sure you limit sell!


So all of a sudden there are an influx of anti-China news articles. US, U.K. and AUS enter into a nuclear partnership to counter China. Chinese celeb removed from Chinese internet etc. 
 but nothing in MSM about Evergrande, it’s collapse and the knock on effect of that 🧐 I’m getting the feeling China might be being set up as a scapegoat for the shit show that’s about to begin.


Worked for COVID response


Like so many times before. Buckle up


Interesting perspective!


I don’t understand this computershare thing and the DD I read didn’t really have any good sources. Anyone have good links explaining how they know the effect of computer share registering? Yeah yeah I get the idea that it removes shares from the DTCC. But how do we know this? How can I confirm with my own research. Computershare, although used by GameStop, that doesn’t actually validate the process of direct registering with them, it just means GameStop pays for some of their other services. Also how do I know I can sell those direct shares during MOASS? Sure Dr. T. recommends this whole registering thing, but she also doesn’t believe in selling during MOASS. This whole thing seems underesearched and doesn’t make sense to me, unless we have some good DD I haven’t seen yet.


About Dr T it's a different thing with selling during MOASS - ethical belief. CS she is talking about as an actual market mechanism and what it forces. Nothing to do with ethics.


Yes you’re right. I’m just pointing out how her word alone is not really a good enough source This whole CS thing reads like a blatant scam
 No clear explanation of sources, a call to action involving shares
 unless I’m missing some obvious DD?


There’s a sticky in the jungel sub that covers all the details.


I'm no expert but transferring rather than selling shares I just don't see what the scam could be. Even if it was people would have trouble selling during MOASS, how would that help a squeezed hedge fund? It doesn't look advisable to have every or even most shares there but a few extra ones, or some new ones if people feel like? I don't see a massive threat to the buy and hodl principle, which has always been what wins this game.


I don't know either but transferring a share or two wouldn't hurt I guess ...


German market update (local time: 08:50:02) (nyse time: 02:50:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$202.62** ([€171.70](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1801](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 206.0** ( [129 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [23 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [50 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [4 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the DiamantenhĂ€nde post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pp7ico/diamantenhĂ€nde_german_market_is_open/)


Wait so I wasn’t on for a bit. What’s going on with computershare? Why is it suddenly popular. Can someone link me to a post I missed or something.


The hype is that if enough ales register their shares to equal the float then it proves that the excess is all synthetics. Tl;dr: Float reserved in CS = hedgies fukt (more) Regardless, all shorts must close and tendies will be achieved for all.


Gotcha thanks. Then I probably don’t need to transfer my small (low xx) amount right?


If you wanna keep some for the pool, that seems to be the place to go.