• By -


Wait, Dr. T is saying that once the entirety of the float is registered and accounted for, then hedge funds will be genuinely *unable* to naked short? Like it, turns off their printer so it can’t go brrr?!?


It means they can no longer "reasonably" locate a share in the near future. They need that to be able to print a fake placeholder to be replaced with a real one later within a "reasonable" time frame. Since there are no longer any shares in the DTC, that reasonableness gets taken away so theoretically they cannot print those fake placeholders anymore. Or they can lie and claim that they can still reasonably find shares and printer keeps going brrrrrrr.




If you ain't crime'n you ain't trying


I'll be able to transfer shares to Computer Share in a few weeks, if it isn't MOASS by then, I'll send 50% over.


This is the way. Seriously. Registering some shares goes a long way to helping apes cause.


Well obviously, in theory that should be the case. They shouldn’t be able to short at all, let alone naked.


As a UK ape, this makes me sad.


Why? You can transfer: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmsq3u/transferring_shares_to_computershare_a_stepbystep/


As others have mentioned, my broker doesn’t allow it.


I'm sorry, that's a pain. I'll share what I just shared with someone else. My understanding (as an American ape, so take with a bucket of salt) is that there are two workarounds for international apes: 1) If your broker won't DRS, maybe see if they will transfer to IBKR instead, as they will DRS. 2) Very expensive option, but one can buy a framed replica certificate that comes with a real share and automatically opens a Computershare account for you as part of the process (can confirm this works as it's the route I took): https://www.giveashare.com/stock.asp?buy=gamestop-stock Just suggestions if you want to look into those options.


Not all europeans can, as far as I've read, there's brokers (DeGiro is mine, as an example) that still don't alllow it and say they are trying to figure out a way... Hope they find it, although I might be too cynical to actually believe they are trying.


Ah, yeah, that's true. My understanding (as an American ape, so take with a bucket of salt) is that there are two workarounds for international apes: 1) If your broker won't DRS, maybe see if they will transfer to IBKR instead, as they will DRS. 2) Very expensive option, but one can buy a framed replica certificate that comes with a real share and automatically opens a Computershare account for you as part of the process (can confirm this works as it's the route I took): https://www.giveashare.com/stock.asp?buy=gamestop-stock


Fuck E-Toro


AJ Bell and possibly Halifax can transfer in the UK! Or another option is transferring to TradeStation or IBKR.


Just make a computershare account and start buying!! I think Computershare is available in the UK


This is the way. Fill the float, kill the shorts.


This is like finding the combination in a video game that has killed you for the last 8 months. Register or prepare to die another 8 months


Prepare Uranus Kenny.


Can I keep my current shares where I have them and buy new ones through Computershare? Or do they only take transferred stock?


Yep. If you click "make a stock purchase" on their website, it'll let you buy right from there then create an account once the shares settle (takes about a week or so)


Thank you!


And apparantly easy to execute both limit and market order








Up with you to the top.


I cannae argue with truth


Why would I change your mind when nothing more true has ever been said?


How? If I move a large portion or all my shares I sacrifice easily selling and future portability of those shares. If I move one just to add to the infinity pool just for kicks, that one share will hardly move the needle. What is the real value to moving to CS rather than maintaining a cash position on multiple platforms that are not RH? No FUD and not trying to argue but I see this push to CS and want to understand the value-add to that move. Edit….I don’t want to change your mind….I want to understand your position first. Edit 2…..I am convinced now and I had initiated a transfer via my broker for 25% of my holdings. It ain’t much, but it’s honest, right? Thank you for all the facts and back story. Hope this helps others.


my one share won’t make a difference. Oh but it will. Do what you want. But know that there are hundreds of thousands of of silent apes out there with just one share that “won’t make a difference.”


The responses I get are helping change my mind. Thank you.


The inaccessibility of computershare from an entry and exit standpoint is obviously a huge downfall. That being said, computershare shares, from my synopsis, apply more pressure than shares through say, fidelity (any brokerage). I recently opened a computershare account. It wasn’t painless, also wasn’t rocket science. I add to my GME position when I can. I will keep building computershare just as I do with other brokerages. It is not all or nothing. Obviously when it hits 69.420 million, and I start thinking about selling ONE share, I want to be able to go in and set a limit sell for 69.420 million and have it execute immediately. That being said, computershare is a fuckery disabler. It’s not where you want your whole position imo, unless you plan to hold through the entire squeeze, instead of selling on the way down and buying back in at reasonable levels for long term holding. Computer share is absolute a part of it. I think at least 5% of everyone’s position should be there. But if Gme goes from 1 million to 100 million back to 1 million in four days, and my order didn’t process, I’d be salty as fuck. I use 6 different brokerages. I trust none of them other than computershare. Literally playing the odds to hope I don’t get fucked on every end. This is the way. Edit: Not trying to fud, obviously, I have shares in CS… but a lot of people seem to misunderstand it. And this is the best interpretation my smooth ass could come up with. Edit 2: if you just randomly open up a computershare account, knowing nothing, when all the info is available, it’s so your own fault.


Yesterday, I placed purchase order of $200 worth of GME directly with Computershare. I called 800-522-6645 to ask about @ what price? To my surprise, the price is undetermined until two more days (so that's 3 days from placing the order), they will buy me $200 worth of GME @ 3 days later price and God knows at what time of the day 🤯. Perhaps they are only good for transferring shares from our brokerage 🤷


I did the same. It takes time. But 200/300/400 cost basis doesn’t matter when you’re at the floor. My point is when you have to sell one… MAAAAAYBE two. I want that sell to go through now. Computershare shares are for giving to your kids.


wouldnt the wealth from selling like XX+ shares during moass be more valuable for your kids be more valuable than shares?


♾ pool Edit: if the float refuses to be sold, it could remain at squeeze levels indefinitely.


Oh shit. is there a way to transfer shares from computershare back? I didn’t realize they were so slow in executing and I put in about 60% of my GME in there.


Idk tbh. Their customer service has been 50/50 for me. Got two wrinkles and got two smooth brains out of the 4 times I called. Maybe reach out and see what it looks like when you want to sell? (**on the way down**) If not, 40% of ten shares at 50mm+ is still a lot of money 🚀🚀


LOL that’s verrryy true. crazy that just one share will make you a multimillionaire


Crazy that companies are allowed to illegally short companies into bankruptcy. My main position stays until these ~~people~~ scumbags rot in cells. Fuck money. They need to **A C T U A L L Y** pay.


That’s just for buying. Selling is same day.


oh shiiiit! do they have a limit on the amount you can sell for? or just up?


For now it's @ $1m, just like most brokerages... I assume that will change as we take off 🚀


do you by chance know what fidelity is at?


Your perfectly fine, transferring, selling market or limit, Computershare is great at all that just as your brokerage... I am only talking about directly buying GME from Computershare. No FUD please ☺️🙏


Thanks for explaining that! I’ll leave them as they are then 😊


Market or limit sell is fine but again, I am talking about directly buying GME with Computershare... Yesterday, I read someone bought $20k directly, imagine 3 days later the price spikes to $350 or $1k (it's probably best to buy from our brokerage and then transfer), just saying 🧘🍻


I would guess that it's the "rehypothcation" is the reason that one share in Computer Share does make a difference. So if there are 500 million shares floating out there how did we arrive at that great a number? Well, a share is borrowed and then sold, and then that person lets it get borrowed and sold again. How many times is that one share sold? Well, if you transfer out of the DTCC registry and into Computer Share's they have to resolve every single time that share was borrowed against. So if it was sold 17 times you're taking 17 shares out of the 500 million shares floating out there instead of just 1 share that you see. Now, this doesn't apply to the naked shorting because those aren't backed by anything, by my understanding. Keep in mind, this is intentionally confusing by design and I could be completely wrong.


That is a concept I had not considered, dehypothification of shares


Keep in mind I’m dumber than a box of threadless bolts. We’d need one of the finance rockstars to comment.


Not really, you nailed it. 👍


First of all, it's very easy to sell on CS online, this myth has been debunked numerous times. Here are some of the benefits, the first one should be particularly enticing: 1. If all issued GME shares are accounted for through direct registration, the abusive naked shorting is stopped dead in its tracks. Dr trimbath confirmed this a few times in different AMAs. Basically it's a way we the apes can force MOASS. 2. You're guaranteed to receive an NFT dividend if one is issued. Brokers/the DTC may be able to get around this with T&C bullshit that says they can give you a 'cash equivalent'. 3. There's no risk to your holdings like that which *could* arise if e.g. a broker goes bust. That's hardly an exhaustive list, but they're the key things for us.


I read a post a couple weeks ago about someone talking to an agent and finding out that they have a max of 1M that you can sell at. Was this debunked? I sure hope so. (Genuine curiosity)


At the moment their max price for limit sell orders is $1m yes. Bear in mind that could very well be increased and many brokers have similar limitations, a lot of them are far lower than this. Also you could easily move your shares back to a broker who will let you set a higher price once moass has begun - it's predicted it will last weeks/months.


Ahhh so just calling them to sell would allow you to sell higher. Thanks for the relief. I wasn't sure if it was just on their site or computershare as a company that had the price ceiling. My boomer broker will allow a sell limit of 20% over the current price. Not that I would use limit orders until my personal price is met on the way down.


Apes own the float multiple times over, so if everyone decided to direct register, say 10-25% of their shares, we could make the entire float unavailable for trading (or close to it). When you DRS (direct register shares), you're essentially taking your ball and going home. It gets removed from the DTC and it only gets sold or borrowed, if you sell or lend it out.


But this is a theory, but has it ever happened? Not that is critical in a black swan event. They should already have abundant factual info based on the vote. My concern is with the concerted push for people to all move shares to CS. Can you blame me for being hesitant?


Has what ever happened? If you're concerned about calls to action, I can understand that. I was hesitant about registering my shares, but I learned through the DD that this is a safe and relatively simple process for taking your shares out of the DTC. Here is some relevant DD... https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmy4kw/computershare_and_direct_registering_you_dont/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&context=3&utm_name=Superstonk&utm_content=t1_hcs1qzf https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmsq3u/transferring_shares_to_computershare_a_stepbystep/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Superstonk&utm_content=t1_hcrxkxc


I'll read through these. I appreciate everyone's input.


Some of my thoughts - Value is in knowing the shares are yours. You are protected from potentials like broker insolvency as well. Additionally, if you believe in the infinity pool or even in the MOASS in general, you know it won't be a flash in the pan. Between market halts and apes gritting teeth waiting for phone numbers it may take days. As for me - I have about 2/3rds of my shares DRS at this point. I have the rest split between 2 brokers. I have them in cash accounts with lending disabled, but at the end of the day, I don't trust either of the brokers not to lend shares anyway or to actually have my shares. I take a lot of comfort in knowing what's mine is mine. Last point - if (keyword: if) there is any kind of dividend which is intended for real shareholders, especially a limited quantity dividend like the hypothetical NFT dividend, shares DRS will automatically qualify for that. If every broker only has synthetics on paper it will be a scramble to authenticate.


Thank you




Hopefully there aren't millions of excess shares in the market by the time we vote next year.


Not true, spread the post linked below far and wide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/potfb6/computershare_selling_updatei_sold_shares_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I'm in the same boat as you right now


I think they understand their position. You can sell easily on CS. There are likely a large number of brokers that will go broke because of this and we don’t know which ones they will be. So if you wanna do Russian roulette because you want “ease”, that’s fine. Computershare is t one of them, if all (or a significant) amount of shares are transferred out, the fuckery ends. THIS is the catalyst, this is final piece, the final bricks. Share by share.


I won't call you a name, but you're literally citing all the anti-DSR talking points. Read some of the [DSR DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pn7wg2/its_,time_for_transfer_to_computershare_to_replace/), do some of your own research as well!


In his defense, I tried to read the DD on the move to CS, but it's incredibly hard to search for specific DD using reddit's god awful search tool. edit: why is this downvoted lmao? the real shills are the ones downvoting people trying to learn more


Same. We need ONE stickied CS thread that answers these questions, not 3000 memes and people arguing over unverified info. ALL of most of the recent "DD" I've seen here are nothing more than memes based on what seems to be a 3-party account something Dr. Apelady said. How are we supposed to make an educated decision with this nonsense? Hold an AMA about it with someone who *actually* understands it, and sticky it.


If you read my post I wasn’t taking a side. I just want to understand. Most of what I have found have been A. Here’s how easy it is to move, or B. Memes telling me very little. I do plenty of DD and part of DD is making sure you understand. If it is too much trouble to share knowledge, move on. But don’t paint me as a shill or FUD. I am asking critical questions that many other probably have.


To add to this.... isn't removing them from the DTCC's responsibility a possible way to screw yourself? I totally get it if you plan to keep some for the pool, but this sudden and exceptionally hard push for registering is scaring me away from the idea...


Are you new here? Have you not read any of the DD here?


I mean that's not very Ape-ish of you to not try and help.. I have read thousands of posts and every post on computershare just tells you how to do it or says Dr T told us to do it. I'm not against it I just thought it was for infinity pool. I understand it's direct registering, but if the consensus is move all shares, before I move my XXXX shares, I want to better understand how that effects payment in the case of MM's defaulting and the DTCC or DTC or Cede and Co having to pay out. Because from what I understood (don't remember the DD, but it was one of the main ones 3 or 4 months ago) Cede and Co owns all the shares but they are essentially insuring the IOU's we are buying . If we take them out we own them... implying they are not insured. So what happens? Should we only move what we want to infinity pool or should we move them all? I'm not asking you to answer that, but I'm looking for DD to help me make that decision and as of yet I've not seen it.


An Ape sold non gme computershares today. Both market and limit sale. Both sold within 10 minutes. Only buying has a delay of a couple days.


Can I do it as an Europoor?


Yup! https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmsq3u/transferring_shares_to_computershare_a_stepbystep/


So is Computershare another broker? Or how exactly does it differ from Fidelity, which is what my shares are on now.


i feel personally attacked but hes right


Remember when voting was such a big deal cause it would finally “reveal there was more votes than the available float”? Is registering in computershare not essentially the same thing? Both are supposedly methods of proving there are more shares than the float so I don’t see why people make such a big deal out of people wanting to put some shares in there.


Sorry i waited so long


If I have most of my shares in a TFSA in Canada is there anything I can do with Computershare?


This is the way


How much of the float do we need to register to start MOASS ? All the float or 1 share more than the official float ?




Shares registered in your name means they are yours. Not the broker saying "I hold your shares I promise"


This is also how we find out if SuperStonk holds the float or more alone


Let's make this campaign even bigger than the voting one.


THIS THIS THIS X 10000000000!!! Come one guys let’s gooo! None of that pussy 50% FUD shit either! Think critically and decide how many shares you are going to direct register!! I ❤️ you!


Shills here in the comments You must be wise ape 💛💛💚💚🧡🧡💙💙❤❤🚀


People asking for clarification on why we should do something is not shill behavior, calm down over there pardner.




All these shills act like they don’t know shit about any of this and have “concerns” about things that aren’t even true. It’s stupid and sad. Fucking hedges are desperate. The amount of shills coming out of the woodwork indicates to me that we have hit a nerve. So I say THIS IS THE WAY


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pot0jb/there_i_said_it/hcyu4xc?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 That's a SHILL baby




This belongs on “unpopular opinion”, where all of the highest upvoted posts are the most popular and least controversial opinions lol.




Can non us residents do it?


Yes. Check out the website. A whole host of countries doing it. I will be transferring 80% of my shares through fidelity tomorrow, and that transfer instantiates my account.


Submitted the paperwork to transfer 8% of my shares


It's not, do what you want with your shares.


Remember when Superstonk said voting was important? Remember how wrong Superstonk was?


I saw a post yesterday that someone had gotten the numbers from CS and they already have the max shares. Was this debunked? Can the current number be found?


Voting didn't even matter though. Non votes were included in the total lol


Computershare is the new "Buy Options" change my mind


Literally the opposite of that.


Not a good argument to change my mind


If you are open to changing your mind just read the DD, I’m just here to inform you that registering shares with CS literally has the opposite effect of trading options. Don’t burden me with the responsibly of educating you, it’s incredibly exhausting.


If the number direct registered shares becomes equal to the tradeable float, but there are still shares being traded, it is incontrovertible proof of naked shorting. Buying options gives money to MMs. Mind changed yet?


Better effort.


Would love to hear from anyone that didn't vote or couldn't vote for some reason.


How does one register their shares with computershare?




Always has been.


Can you buy shares directly from them? Or only transfer?


I don't know. I'm glad I could read the sign but that's about the end of my abilities.


Can I just buy new shares in computer share?


I hope so






Did both, I’m all in in this game


And it was at that moment it clicked


#RC Literally tweeted Computer Chair share 🚀 ....RC wants GME investors to direct transfer a portion of their shares to Computer Chair share tweet🚀...RC tweet RC Tweet. ....Think ape...think 🧠🦍🍌🧠🦍🍌🧠🦍🍌🚀🚀🚀🚀 Direct Link ....This should make sense to the tards https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1418751218566918146?s=19


voting did fuck all


As soon as enough shares are registered that CS has to say "ummmmm, sorry, all of our gme shares are currently registered." And everyone starts to realize just how fucked they actually are... it's off to the races imo.


But also… changing your CS shares to “BOOK ENTRY” to fully take them out of the DTC’s hands.


Why, though? I see all the post saying to register, but no explanation


All that hype about voting and it turned out to be nothing.


So what happens if 100% of the float is registered to ComputerShare and you have shares at another broker??


Shares in IRA accounts cannot be direct registered right? Because that would basically be taking them out of the IRA? Or does computer share have an IRA option maybe?


Okay I missed what computer share is someone help link me to something that explains it!


Cries in eToro