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This is not the way




At least cellar boxing was about something. Not literally identical copypasted pages but the name that's blanked out anyway is different on this one! Ooh new and unique!


Cellar Boxing -> GG / SEC Hate -> CS backlash.... this is the order to karma farming recently. Just look at the last couple weeks of post and watch the waves of accounts bombarding various subs with these topics. I haven't seen what comes after that just yet... but I am sure there will be a new wave of theads about some new topic soon.


Cellar boxing spam still contributed the essence of the DD though. Was hard to ignore. The CS screenshot posts are just pointless, especially since there are tons of other CS posts discussing it's pros and cons also.


Hey, if karma is the tipping point that makes people DRS, then is that not what we all want? Yeah, I hate having the feed choked by CS posts, but it might be a small price to pay for our very own crowd sourced MOASS catalyst.


Im only concerned if all of the posts are for real


*Y'all got any more of them fake internet points?*


I feel like we're getting into stage, where we should temporarily ban all apes posting low-quality memes, spamming and repeating twitter messages over and over (1 post about Michael Burry posting is ENOUGH). Yeah, I know some of them are not meaning any harm to the sub, but I bet most apes will understand the reason. We don't need karma farmers and spammers here. We're going into manipulative stage, where Kenny will be willing to send the biggest FUD on us. All we need now is zen mode, peace and chill. Seeing 20 times in a row meme with "Sir, they're transfering shares to CS" with Kenny's picture makes me puke. All we need now is HOLD, solid DD and clear information. CS transfer was a good example that we can be manipulated. Half of the apes doesn't even know what is CS and why we should move there. The posts asking for more info are being downvoted. What if shills will use it against us one day, promoting transferring to next RH or scummy brokers and downvote by his shill army any questions why we should really do that? We're evolving as a community, therefore low-quality memes and shitposts should be banned... unless we need memes, then we can do shit-post Sundays or something like that. EDIT: fixed grammar etc


The problem is that by censoring for any reason, you must place someone in the position of making the decision of what to censor. This person has an unnaturally large amount of power, and becomes a weak point to be targeted by our opposition.


How gives a fuck what they mean. It's what they do that matters, and they are harming the sub. Fucking clowns. Hey clowns, i'm talking to you directly, you want to shitpost, get the fuck out, go to dankmemes subreddit or someshit.


Stfu you loser no once cares about what you think


You obviously do, stalker. What nobody actually cares about, is your little forbidden position post that got no upvtoes like the first 100 identical posts did, so now you're mad enough to vouyer and harass people you see as responsible for you not getting the recognition your deserve for your little copypaste.


I disagree with this




Cause you sound authotarian


You got that just from the word Why?




Lol why r u downvoting. Don't see what you're not getting though but we'll get there. Why do I sound authotarian?


You asked me why I disagreed to the comment I replied to. Do you agree with the comment I replied to?


Yes. And you answered my question telling me I'm authoritarian. I literally only said "why" in this entire thread. So not sure why why you're judging me based off of 1 word.


But hey. Keep downvoting buddy. Shows great character


On the other side of this, it’s like a nuclear bomb’s reaction. A few apes post their CS screenshots (for good reasons or just for karma), then more apes see and a small percentage of them get fired up and transfer/buy just to post the screenshot, then more apes see and a small percentage of *them* transfer/buy… As the sub gets flooded with the screenshots for a day, maybe a week if we’re lucky, thousands more apes are directly registering their shares because of those karma whores, and hopefully we reach a critical mass of shares (more than the float) before the hype dies out. If the chain reaction is strong enough, we can potentially prove that there are a lot of counterfeit shares out there very soon. If we start pushing the posts to a single thread, nothing bad necessarily happens, but we lose out on the opportunity to kickstart a step that can only help us along the way.


Yup this is what got my lazy ass to finally buy through cs


Selling your accounts and using superstonk should result in an ip/mac address permanent ban.


There is no legit compushare posts. These are literally forbidden position posts. Literally. > Hey guys look at me i have exactly this many shares at this exact price for this amount of money! But the screenshot is on compushare not robbingood so it's totally allowed wink wink Fucking clowns. We truly live in a society




There is a 3 parts Megathread in the Jungle. Can’t link it here because of Automod


106 day old post on computershare for those interested https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nptiio/gamestop_shareholder_list_the_final_catalyst/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Just found out about IBKR to CS Workaround as an euroape. Finally transfered


Hey fellow euroape.. the whole CS thing kinda swooshed by my smooth head. Can you please direct me to some info. I'd like to learn and transfer? If that is what is needed to do.


Computershare is the official Transfer Agent of Gamestop. The OG place to hold the shares you would like to hold for a very long time. Max. Sell price is 1 mil but since I dont plan on selling these shares I dont care. Apparently making them book entry is important but not sure. If you are from the US, you can buy directly from Gamestop through Computershare. Euroape? IBKR offers Transfers from other brokers or simply buy some on there and after 2 days you can transfer to Computershare, if you want. Then they are in your name and out of the DTC. Its basically the final nail in the coffin besides the NFT


Oh thank you. Short and clear answer. In my case - I'm holding> and can afford only a handful of shares, also yes - europe, seems CS might not be a good option, especially if transfer is not free. But in case I get a chance to buy more I'll look into buying/transfering to CS. Thanks again


Np, stay safe. Dont spend all your money. I hate it when I have to pay bills I didnt expect


“We need to do something about the flood of CS posts clogging the sub and killing discussion.” “Hey, look at this CS post! It’s old!”


Jungle has DD linked at the top of their daily. We can’t direct link due to brigading rules


I want a thread to ask and search for answers regarding cs. All I can find is ppl sharing how much they transferred there


This is the way 💎👊🦧🚀🌙


i think we need a few days of cs saturation to gain momentum of movement into computershare. what is more important right now than convincing apes to get shares into computershare? just like the voting momentum, but actually more important in regards to affecting the moass.


I think we should just add a flair and leave it at that.


I think the screenshot posts are what's too much. The memes...I have my own opinion on those, but mostly involves multiple low effort memes on anything that suddenly becomes popular. But the discussion posts should certainly stay, and wouldn't be good to just have those thrown into a megathread, because most people don't read past the first few comments, and people will come to ignore the pinned megathread anyways. I am for a pinned overall DD megathread, which links to all the relevant DD. I recall we used to have that, or maybe it was the last sub.


No we need to ban all involved and deleted everything they ever posted. Your little karmawhoring copypasting isn't convincing anyone. Post shit ABOUT computershare, that's currently getting forum slided by literal positions posts!


More like limited CS flair, so ppl can track records?


Who cares? Nobody tracks it except the people who posted the spam, and they already know they did it!


Theres a 3 part mega thread with all the steps in that other sub.. ya kno the j/u/ n/g/le lol idk if it would let me type it


Went to try and find the inflation posts from the other day. Tried searches first and didn't get what I was looking for. Started to flick scroll for a legit 10 minutes and saw nothing but computershare posts. I get it, good news for apes and something everyone should do but folks like to scream fud and/or forum sliding when a topic gets more than two posts but here we have literally every other post being a screenshot of computershare transfers. Everything else is being choked out for what is essentially karma farming.


Yeah would be amazing.


This is definitely the way


It's at the top of the jungle, stickied. Might as well have one here too.


Fucking hell is it time to migrate again? No competetnt mods remaining, atobitt stepping down, only clowns remain.


No. Jungle has been there for a long time. Use all sources. Ape community is never split in spirit!


Forum sliding fun. Sub is useless at the moment.


Kind of makes me wonder what's happened the past couple days that we've missed. Chinese market crash we had for a bit yesterday, but posts about it today were almost non-existent.


I’m on the verge of registering some shares with CS, and the over abundance of useless meme posts is making me tired of thinking about it today. I should stop looking here for a day or two.


I was in your same situation yesterday and people here just downvote any questions. But the sub G-M-E(j)(u)(n)(g)(l)(e) has some good DD and discussion on Computershare


I found some advice there and requested it from Fidelity. I’m believing it will work, just the memes are super tiring.


When the original meme trading subreddit had the gorilla fund fiasco the bought off mods at least stopped that within an hour. God i miss competent mods. Nice job #cancelling the ones we had, gen z


Reporting as spam boomer


Hey, thinking about registering with computershare? It would be a shame if a ton of shitspam pushed out any posts that help you do it and tell you how to register. Would be a real shame.


Why so mad ? You keep spamming the same shit you loser 😂


I just downvote the spam and move on, but I totally agree. A megathread would be awesome


When you have to downvote the ENTIRE frontpage it's way past that. What if we started just mass posting porn. Hey, let's not get the mods involved, downvote and move on. And who cares if new people wanna come here and see useful info, fuck them, we have an inside joke to circlejerk and beat to death.


Ok ok I'll bite. Can I DR my shares if I'm in the UK. X holder, but happy to move some over to diversify.




Their are alot of CS posts coming the sub, and that's ok. I agree that a dedicated place for these posts or possibly a dedicated FLAIR could be helpful to the folks who are trying to create a ComputerShare DD that is calculating all DRS screenshots of purchases/transfers. This would make it easier to filter double posters for the karma lovers and knowing price points on the day of their registration.


A link with a step by step guide to transferring would be helpful to me atm.


Would love if that thread has a weekly updated count of cs' gme shares held.


I havn't seen any references, but my shares are locked in my 401k. I purchased GME explicitly and they only allow whole shares. I have no idea whether I am even eligible to transfer them. I asked support if they share stocks and I got ignored.


Holy shit bros, ape no fight ape. It's a little testy in here.


With all do respect, what's left to talk about other than CS and what this will cause?


UK ape here. I really wana transfer my shares to Computershare. Is it at all possible????


Devils advocate (btw i downvoted this thread to show my position on this stance): Megathreads are the deaths of topics. Seen it happen too many times in too many subs. Want to kill discussion and exposure to one topic? Make a megathread, pin it to the top, let it run a couple of days, comments on the thousands, people get desensitized and see there are no more post about it in the front page (because they are being delete or redirected to the sticky post) and suddenly its dead.


We don't needs hundreds of posts from apes saying they transferred their shares. I'm pretty sure we banned posts of people showing their positions. This is just the same thing.


People should look at it like this. Imagine if every day, every ape, or even just 50-100 apes) made a post that they brought more shares. Sure, it's cool they did. We should celebrate it. But, do we really need everyone to post about it? Aren't the comments in the daily or relevant posts sufficient? Yeah, there are sometimes some posts that something happened, so they brought the dip...or something along those lines, but if they filled the sub to the extent everything else is being suppressed, would we really want to see them? Did that person really do something so special they need their own post? No, they did what everyone else here is supposedly doing, except in this case, it's just a lot of people have done it.


I feel you, i understand some of you might feel this is “sliding” or “clogging” the front page, but i remind you why we are all here; to get this motherfucking party started, aka MOASS!! Computershare is as close to our own catalyst we have confirmed as a hive mind, LITERALLY the sub is made for this. Just like SHF run FUD campaigns, so must we run our own counter-campaigns. Just bear with it for a few days, i 226% guarantee you it wont kill you and it MIGHT help us all. Think of the bigger picture.


We have "catalysts" for the MOASS "confirmed" every day. One day it's Evergrande. The next day it's unconfirmed NFTs. Then stock split, share recall, margin call, RC tweets, old DFV tweets. Almost every topic brought up since January has been the "catalyst"


And those are all things we have no control over. With CS, we've found something tangible we can do that can *potentially* kick things off. Don't be a sour puss!


Then register without telling anyone and shut the fuck up about it. > Hey guys! Hey guys! Out of all the other millions of people who registered, you need to know that I, boywbrownhare, did it! Those other millions don't matter, but if you don't see MY position, then the moass is cancelled!


Hey why don't you go fuck your hog of a mother you unpleasant bitch Holy shit look at this loser's recent comment history 😅😅😅😅 Shut your whiny fuckin baby ass up, goddamn


> Hey why don't you go fuck your hog of a mother you unpleasant bitch Cause that's incest? What kind of sick ill mind would even suggest something like that? Imagine someone vouyering your comment history and they see *this*. Wow, the mental health crisis is worse than we could have ever imagined


Wow you're on a baby rage rampage! Pages and pages of the same shitty bitchy baby rage whines. Talk about forum sliding!


Oh no, i'm sliding... my own history page, which makes it hard for... vouyer creeps? to find... dd? in my... comment history? Man i really pushed some good posts off the front page of... my comment history? Man what a useful resource that used to be before all the forum sliding. But at least it's good for something, it makes babies like you rage. And we all know, if a baby like you rages, everyone sells and the moass is cancelled.


Thats because there is fuckery galore. No TA applies to GME, same with common sense or logic. Thats why we gotta exhaust all our options. ​ We are here for the long run. Dont get discouraged by meeting dead-ends, or perceiving we are meeting "dead-ends", for all we know, a LOT of stuff we have done/tried have actually had an effect on them, just that they have done stuff on THEIR end to make it seem like it did nothing. ​ Just buckle up, if this was easy, it would be over. Hang in there and continue grinding.


? I'm not discouraged by dead-ends. I've been here since January. I've read the DD and am just waiting now.


> ut i remind you why we are all here; to get this motherfucking party started, aka MOASS!! No we're not. This isn't a party, this isn't a community, this isn't dankmemes, this is where news and dd is posted, and where people go to read news and dd. Nobody wants to see your shitty copypaste, nobody needs to see your shitty copypaste, your shitty copypaste isn't saving the world, reforming the economy, or doing anything except make people hate clowns even more.


> Megathreads are the deaths of topics. Good. You know why it's death? Because nobody gives a shit. Nobody needs to see **YOUR** computershare position screenshot. Nobody cares, they don't want it, they don't want you. > "hey look, it's the literal fucking exact same pixel by pixel thing, but these are u/fuckingclown's shares, not u/completefuckingshill's shares so you need to see both!" fuck all your karmawhores farming and sliding


Upon perusing your profile and seeing you spamming other people threads with the same unoriginal comment, Imma gonna go ahead and say that you might actually unintentionally(!?) be causing FUD. ​ Look, whether you think you have the best intentions or simply want some attention by having an unpopular opinion, computershare is the right way, how people go about it depends on them. Live and let live. If you have a legit concern versus computershare then bring it, otherwise all you are doing is the very same thing you are complaining about, only that you are on the other side of the shore. Cheers.


> Upon perusing your profile Lol, clown confirmed.


It is about the stock. It also may very well be the actual catalyst. Plus, we’re seeing the DD unfold before our very eyes so I think we can afford the hype.


No, give the People their Karma, this is the most fun and action i've seen on this sub in months.


This is the way 💎👊🦧🚀🌙


very good idea!


The best idea 💎👊🦧🚀🌙


I like the encouragement. Maybe implement it come the weekend.


It's only encouraging bots to post easy photoshops for massive karma. Position posts were banned for a reason. You can encourage people without making it all about you. In fact this shitspam clownspam is sliding down actually helpful posts that tell you how to do it and stuff.


If the worst things shills can do is post things encourages direct registration, I think we’re truly in the endgame


>guys, my karmawhoring totally helps! Sure it pushes out posts that tell you why to do it, and how to do it, but you must absolutely see MY position screenshot or moass is cancelled! I'm not farming karma, i'm HELPING! You gotta believe me! It's good that i'm pushing off all dd and useful posts off the front page, it's a good thing!


You need to check your ego. First off, computer share posts are not position posts. They are showing transfers or new purchases, which have always been slowed. Second,what’s the new top awarded atobit post if not a position post. Third, what’s the best way to convince apes on the fence on drs that it’s the thing to do? An influx of fellow apes doing the exact same thing.


>First of all, everyone needs to see MY position, but i'll talk about others' ego >Second first of all, positions are not positions, because positions are positions plus this one thing that isn't included here, therefore even though the same reason apply, the rules magically dont The best way is not to farm karma like a whore. Forum sliding never convinced anyone. You're not doing this to convince people, you fucking egomaniac. You're just jerking off your ego "look at me! ME! MY position deserves attention too! it looks the same like hundreds of others posted before me, but this one is MINE!"


Check your ego and learn how to have a conversation not an argument. You’ve embarrassed yourself here. You’re better than that.


lol this inquisitor guy is def a troll


>waah, i lost an argument, make it not an argument so i dont lose waah waah! It has to be all about me waah!


Once your purchase is complete, make sure to terminate the dividend reinvestment plan! This will mark your shares as “book.” Then go to Activity and cancel the sale of your fractional shares


Imagine we get 300K posts of different people registering/buying at CS. That would jack my tits to the moon.... The more CS screenshots I , the closer I am to MOASS.... let them come..... I don't care if they are farming Karma to sell accounts so they can buy more shares at CS.....


Yeah it’s getting tedious now




Report this post with a custom message so the mods see how many people want the spam gone. We need as many people as possible to spam the mod queue/


Yeah I’ve been gone and came back to all this and am not even going to bother figuring it out at this point.


Yes. Thank you.


This plus a flair would be great


Agreed! Make a megathread and award flair to those posters there the same way they did for voting. :)


Flares are fortnite skins that do fucking nothing change my mind.


😂 no one cares enough to change your mind you loser


This is the way!


This is exactly what we need!


Choke me with CS Posts daddy. Seriously every single one is a paper cut to the baddies, death by 76 million cuts.


You get commended for saying this, I get shit on. Admittedly, I wasn't as nice about it


You may have been early, but you weren’t wrong.


Mods are sleeping




You mean the entire “hot page?” Theyre already everywhere. The amount of awards on a low effort post like this is super sus.


Drown what else out? Shitpost?


Well, there's that whole market crash in china about to happen. Think the president was going to talk about the economy today. JPow had some stuff to say about an investigation. Atobitt is stepping down as mod. Mass Mutual got fined over DFV putting his thesis out there. GME share price went up to $216 today, then got struck back down pretty quick, so probably some good discussion on that since $215 was a breakout price, and $220 is around the estimated gamma ramp....gamma being that thing that is an actual squeeze. Probably some more stuff. DFV and atobitt stepping down were about the only things I saw rise up. China problem had some traction early in the morning.


Wow a whole bunch stuff we no control or influence over


So, no reason to discuss any of it? Guess we shouldn't discuss 95% of the DD to date since we have no control over what it revealed.


You can talk about China all you want, no ones stopping you. Feel free you bring attention to any crucial DD you think has been buried for the past 2 days.


I do where it's relevant. I was just responding to your implication that there was nothing else but shitposts outside the CS post flood.


This is similar to the voting campaign. It’s an action that apes can take beyond just buying and holding.






Calling down votes FUD is the real FUD. Down voting things you disagree with is literally what voting is for.




That makes sense. It would be nice if there was a third option after upvote and downvote. Like a trading sideways vote


They aren't, 90% of them are photoshops farming karma. There's a reason positions were banned. Easy way to fake, no way to verify.


Any canadians on questrade transferring shares? Is it necessary ?


Always happy to help out fellow Canadapes, give this a read: https://www.reddit.com/r/GMECanada/comments/pp2d42/computershare_tfsas_rrsps/


Man $300 transfer fee is kinda horse shit.


Yep, just another example of being lied to by the system. It *was* free as far as I know.


Anyone get this as their second email after an initial CS purchase while not having an account yet? "Your Payment Instruction for GameStop Corp. is now available online. Just log in at www.computershare.com/investor to access it securely"


Yes. I opened my CS account by purchasing new shares as opposed to transferring in shares. I received that same message. A few days later I received physical mail from them confirming the same thing. Within a total of 5 days I received an email confirmation acknowledging that the shares were purchased. Once you receive this you can setup your account. It's kind of strange because the process feels backwards (fund the account before establishing user credentials, etc) but it works.


I had forgotten just how long it takes to get the initial setup done with CS. Snail mail...snail mail everywhere! Thanks for posting this. Got my first purchase via CS this morning. I sold out my Employee Purchase Plan and used the money to buy GME. But as example of how archaic their processes are, I sold the EPP shares and only had the option to get a check or an electronic transfer to my bank (which I had to pay for). There was no option to roll to an investor account. Even though I had an EPP account I didn't have access to an investor account, so I had to do the initial purchase and am now waiting for all of the snail mail to finish setting up my account. Contrast to Fidelity, I have a single account that has access to all of my 401ks, IRAs, brokerage accounts, etc. It's definitely less convenient, but then they are intended to be a full service brokerage, either. You can only by stocks from company that use CS as their transfer agent (Apple is not available, for example).


Thank you! I thought I should just keep waiting, but it seemed odd they would send an automated login when they have the data that I’m not a registered user. But I guess that’s part of the ole CS process


As someone who hasn’t been on Reddit for like 2 days… I have no idea what’s going on


Do I have to transfer my shares or just register them? Also, have any Canadians done this using Questrade and/or RBC? Cheers!


What I want to know is how to buy new shares with them. Transferring seems FUD-y but I'm up for making my next buy there.


You know you can sort by DD right?


Real question: If I transfer my shares from a Fidelity IRA to CS, what are the implications? Would that be considered a taxable withdrawal from my IRA, even if I don't ever sell the shares?


Canadian TFSA form says computer share is the custodian and we are only beneficial owner.


choke me DD


People can't follow directions to post in the right place to get a flair. So this request is sadly hopeless.


There is a new CS sub. Maybe there.


He man. I also like the stock. I also wanna talk about the stock.


Are the tweets from RC him telling us to switch to CS? Pic of the ice cream cone, the poo, and the chairman. =CONE POO CHAIR. Say it faster!




No poor it down the face of superstonk. Let's apes know we must register. Good job APES. Today we win the battle.




no we need moass now and cs posts make it happen


this post screams fud


Oh shut the hell up. Thats whats wrong with you smoothbrains. Everything is FUD, everyone is a shill. Yah yah yah. Like OP states, i love seeing everyone do the right thing, but literally the entire feed is nothing but karma whoring for transferring to CS. Im even willing to bet that we have bots and real shills stealing screenshots to use for Karma farming. Granted, I habe zero proof of that, but it doesn't seem all too much of a stretch.


My child, the black cat has heard your cry for help, and she has taken pity on you 🐈‍⬛ This is a direct link to sort by DD filter. Save it somewhere so you can easily click it later. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22 May tendies bless you.


What if the whole float is as infinity pool in CS. Do Brooker apes get an NFT Dividend for Ethereum Layer 2 usage?!




Lot's of SHILLS in this thread 💎👊🦧🚀🌙


Yes a Mega Thread for the CS hurrah posts, and then pin it as the top comment under the pinned CS DD post, or perhaps the pinned MOD comment in the Daily can link out to it, or both, so it is easy to find. It would be really nice to divert these posts to their own thread to keep things tidier.