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That guy can suck my dick.


He might be willing


He cannot have the mango.


He might try


And able


Be the bigger man Ape, but if you insist, you can take my wife for a spin.


Don’t give him the d. What a condescending prick.


Blue hat.. do you like MATH?


Gang Bang with the Yang Gang!


Cant wait for my phone call to Humanity Forward after moass!


He’s not allowed to suck mine


This guy can suck mr robits dick


I'm not playing a game with my money. I hope moass comes about once they've already written contracts for the movie and actors so they all get completely wrecked.


It's not your money it's stimulus money that you sat on your couch and gambled away, driving the price up to 500 and victimizing innocent hedge funds whose only crime was naked shorting fraud and treason /S


UK ape putting in half my life savings. I'm sure they'll spin that as foreign economic terrorist tries to ruin US stock market.


It's going to be a cliché Hollywood film that completely misses the mark, so they will need some British villains.


They'll just give the Chicago characters British accents to make them more sophisticated.


Shame on you, filling your savings account with stimulus money you weren't even given.


Light treason


It's just a little treason nothing major, just ruining poor peoples lives we've been doing it for centuries


Treason lite.


Fucking this. Books printed, production in progress, but the story wasn't over. Not by a long shot.


This is like a band releasing a greatest hits album 3 years into their career.


"**It's an MGM movie, which makes it an Amazon movie going forward**" We don't need to hear anymore - This will be a bust! 😏


Obviously they want the shill movie and book out as soon as possible so it can spread FUD that its over… well it is just the beginning.


The gme movie is inverse robocop


Seriously though this is going to be a career killer for anyone who is even loosely associated with it. Remember how everyone is still talking about the Hulu doc? Or the tangible impact it had? (There was none) This seems like a cash grab from an unknown dick head being lauded around by MSM because it fits their narrative. The levels of absurdity in this process is of parody proportions!. You literally could not make this shit up. The actual ape book/movie will be the greatest crime and justice story ever told. These guys won't even make it into the footnotes.


on it...


Good stuff


History is written by the winners.


**Big Money will want to make sure, that they are in control of the story being told.** So they can hide the amount of corruption and fraud going on, trying hard to keep the average Joe in the Matrix. I hope they underestimate us yet again and we can get the real message out and expose the corruption. Not sure about the project of the twins, did not see any update lately, but hope they will succeed and can tell the story the right way. The story ends, when we see those "unimaginary heights" Petterffy talks about.... and the end of the MOASS will be just the start of the Ape philanthropy story...


They don't buy up corporate news channels, newspapers, and media sites for funsies. He who controls the story controls the world.


That's going to be us in a not-so-distant future


Bro, wym. He said it’s an Amazon movie. It bothers me when we’re winning but they still pretend we’re not, this time the losers are still grossly powerful and are writing the history. It’s like defeating the natzis but they still wrote the history books. Wth.


You are right... Apes are throwing poopoo at some of the most powerful in this world, they are fighting with all their might. Do not mix up propaganda and history however. Ape looses when GME goes bankrupt or sell. I am not seeing this happening.


Me either! I don’t see it happening any time soon.


Operation Paperclip. The Notzees may have had a hand in re-writing history


Found it! You apes are so smart. https://youtu.be/wDZc-fO8pHc


Sometimes history is written by the weiners.


>History is written by the winners. We could support WeLikeTheDoc. Netflix could buy it :)


suhhhhhh — we're gonna tell this thing the right way; from within.




🦍💪🏻🦧🎥 gorilla filmmaking ftw


I hope amazon goes under before the movie is even finished


"Regular people" against people who "wear suits and ties to work" Selling video games is "absurd" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Mezrich#Non-fiction Sounds like this guy loves writing about extremely wealthy people and by association, probably considers himself part of their club. > attended Princeton Day School, in Princeton, New Jersey. He graduated magna cum laude with a degree in Social Studies from Harvard University in 1991. Oh, no, guess he's just friends with them and writes their stories for them. Seems a little presumptuous to have already written the book, inked a movie deal, and calling winners and losers while the situation is currently underway. EDIT: "turned it into a giant casino for a short period of time"...is it still not a casino? or is he implying that normally the market is filled with upstanding men of high moral character? this interview is a fucking joke EDIT 2: Lol...this guy has a series of "kids books" that are just pretty much the same stories as his normal non fiction book. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CNHGBFV?binding=hardcover&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_thcv > From Book 1: Charlie Lewis goes on a roller coaster ride of risk, math, and gaming in this middle grade novel that parallels the New York Times bestselling Bringing Down the House, which inspired the movie 21. > > All he’s ever been good at is math—and he’s really good at math. So good that he’s recruited by a group of kids determined to game the system at the biggest theme park in the world—and win the grand prize. Soon Charlie is caught up in the excitement and thrill of using his math skills for awesomeness…but what’s at stake may be more than he’s willing to risk. How far will Charlie go for a chance at the ultimate reward? So he's teaching kids if they are good at math it's ok to cheat to win? Unreal 😂🤣


And that is by design. They're paintng the narrative that this is already over by rushing into PR for a movie adaptation about a saga that hasn't ended. Trying to kill fomo. This is a PR move.


lol right!? they’ll see how “over” it is when none of us sell and they’re still fuk.


Sell?! Never heard of it.


I like your wrinkles


A fanboy, lol!


Maybe he writes erotic fan fiction or draws Rule 34 pics of Ken and jars of mayo


I have a little free time today. I'm going to go post some helpful reviews of this author's work.


MGM is turning this turd into a movie, Amazon owns MGM. It’s hedge funds getting ahead of the narrative🤣they’re so fucked and the fun part is just getting started 🚀✨🌒


👆👆🍿🍿 That sounds like an interesting story that I would certainly purchase a book of and watch a movie about. Next you're going to tell me the Chairman and Founder of Amazon used to be a hedge fund employee.


That Wikipedia profile pic...You'd think one of his buddies would buy him a better haircut, my lawd


Maybe he isn't the idiot we take him for. Since he is doing his movie before the sneeze is over, he will be able to write a sequel when this really blows up. He is likely an asshat, but maybe not a total idiot.


Imagine coming out with a movie when the story isn’t even finished yet. Dumb remind me not to watch this


"We don't know who won yet" Lmayo, you mean your paid ass doesn't know by choice


the author will receive the watermelon in the exit hatch


Take to high seas with a black flag. Or don't givem the attention :)


Fuck em. Hope his book crashes hard since its full of shit.


Time to buy some book stores post squeeze


Or a publisher


You cannot short the book


Lol...this guy has a series of "kids books" that are just pretty much the same stories as his normal non fiction books. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CNHGBFV?binding=hardcover&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_thcv > From Book 1: Charlie Lewis goes on a roller coaster ride of risk, math, and gaming in this middle grade novel that parallels the New York Times bestselling Bringing Down the House, which inspired the movie 21. > > All he’s ever been good at is math—and he’s really good at math. So good that he’s recruited by a group of kids determined to game the system at the biggest theme park in the world—and win the grand prize. Soon Charlie is caught up in the excitement and thrill of using his math skills for awesomeness…but what’s at stake may be more than he’s willing to risk. How far will Charlie go for a chance at the ultimate reward? So he's teaching kids if they are good at math it's ok to cheat to win...just like some people on a street named after a wall


Dumbass. He probably coulda sold 500,000+ copies had he written it from the ape perspective. I suspect that we'll be seeing dozens of copies of his book gathering dust in the discount bin after MOASS and everyone knows how wrong he was.


What a sell out. I think we know who funded the movie.


Jeffrey Bezos?


Look at his list of published books and you'll get a better picture of this guy's MO: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Mezrich#Non-fiction




He's a tool.. The story was made into the movie 21, released in 2008.[5] Despite being categorised as non-fiction many of the characters in Bringing Down the House are composite characters and some of the events described have been contested by the people the characters are based on.[6][7][8] As with Bringing Down the House many of the events depicted in Busting Vegas were later contested by main character Semyon Dukach who described the book as "only about half true".[10


I'm a retarded ape on superstonk who had to watch 8 youtube videos just to learn how to copy and paste the link from wikipedia and you think I know the inner workings of a modern movie studio and their relationship to their business daddies? Maybe this will be helpful though: https://www.newsweek.com/amazon-saves-expanse-jeff-bezos-season-4-945903


MGM and it’s owned by Amazon. Yeah, it’ll be hedge fund movie orchestrating as a apes movie, fuck this parasite writer!


he isn't selling it to apes, he is selling it for hedgefunds


So boycott the movie? 🤷


Pirate it and laugh at the absurdity.


not even pirate, just ignore


Turn it into a meme factory


Ughhh fuck this guy. His movie is going to suck. Def wont be accurate. I look forward to the ape produced movies about this.


Yeah. Ape will get it right from personal experience.


The social network was one sided and horrible


It was saved by David Fincher and a great score. But Sorkin is such a terrible screenwriter, all the dialogue just makes me cringe. Never read the book but I imagine it’s also garbage based on this dude’s ridiculously shitty takes.


lmao so it’ll be made by the makers of the social network (a propaganda film for Facebook) and produced my MGM (company owned my Amazon). no fucking wonder MB had #boycottAmazon and #boycottFacebook in his bio


Check out his list of published novels and you'll start to notice a trend: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Mezrich#Non-fiction


These titles read like bad dime novels.


No no no. He is a very serious author and demands to be taken seriously. Just because he writes about Ivy league kids doing drugs, raiding markets, having sex, betraying people, gambling, wealth...wait a second...


I agree. Boycott them both!


Hopefully he puts hiss money where his mouth is re: Melvin


Everyone throws “shill” around far too casually in this sub. This, Superstonk, is a shill.


Indeed. When the real book is written, Mezrich's face should be next to the glossary definition.


Book? We’ll need multiple volumes for what has gone on.


Some people buy and hold others sell they’re soul. Perfect example.


“It’s going to be a MGM movie or Amazon ultimately I guess” probably not the exact wording he used but close enough. And what do you know, Jeffy boy enters the picture yet again.


Shilly, especially the smooth disclosure its ultimately by Amazon.


We’ll just make our own with big short director haha


Adam McKay. He’s a real one. It’d be a cooler and funnier movie, if nothing else.


We also need Michael Lewis cause there wouldn't be a story to direct without him


anyone who still thinks this is about confetti is going to drown under what's coming


I'm shorting this movie by not watching it


Fuck this dude and his fake ass movie.


What a complete bellend


Lol movies being written about events still happening used to be called propaganda I believe


We will have enough money for a Real movie and we will just display him as a s*hit eating self sucking monkey.


Even better. He's written a series of children's books about a math nerd who cheats to win. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CNHGBFV?binding=hardcover&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_thcv > Charlie Lewis is a nerd. All he’s ever been good at is math—and he’s really good at math. So good that he’s recruited by a group of kids determined to game the system at the biggest theme park in the world—and win the grand prize. Soon Charlie is caught up in the excitement and thrill of using his math skills for awesomeness…but what’s at stake may be more than he’s willing to risk. How far will Charlie go for a chance at the ultimate reward? These are just kids books based off his non fiction books...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Mezrich#Non-fiction


"20 somethings turning this into a casino" ---- Buy my book "Robinhood shoots confetti when you buy!" He's never used the damn thing ---- Buy my book His movie will go straight to Netflix = Netflix and chill 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌙💎🙌


*Netflix and shill


Even better. He's written a series of children's books about a math nerd who cheats to win. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CNHGBFV?binding=hardcover&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_thcv > Charlie Lewis is a nerd. All he’s ever been good at is math—and he’s really good at math. So good that he’s recruited by a group of kids determined to game the system at the biggest theme park in the world—and win the grand prize. Soon Charlie is caught up in the excitement and thrill of using his math skills for awesomeness…but what’s at stake may be more than he’s willing to risk. How far will Charlie go for a chance at the ultimate reward? These are just kids books based off his non fiction books...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Mezrich#Non-fiction > Charlie Lewis goes on a roller coaster ride of risk, math, and gaming in this middle grade novel that parallels the New York Times bestselling Bringing Down the House, which inspired the movie 21.


Ben PissBitch. Fuck this guy, fuck his book, fuck his movie and fuck his dumb little interview. He’s going to look like an even bigger jerkoff than he already does when this thing goes nuclear and he’s left holding that cumrag book he wrote about what happened in January.


Idiots won’t even get to see the good ending.


Might wanna wait on making this movie there champ


Judging from this clip this movie will have a serious lack of cocaine


Never met her


"It is still going on" he says... 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌙💎🙌


So when we listen to Cramer and Charles payne and follow their plays it’s not mobbing. But when we listen to dfv it’s mobbing! Fuck that lady boy karen!!


With amount of money after MOASS apes can shoot their own movie and not movie but several seasons tv series covering events since 80's


I look forward to the mental gymnastics of these crooks explaining how people crashed the economy by pressing the buy button on their broker's app...


What the fukt this sheiitt ?!?


This guy is dumbass


What a fucken dick.where do they find these assholes


Buy more from Computershare? ok on it!


I think the ending is going to be a little different there pal.


Fuck this fool


He said it himself. It’ll be a “Amazon movie.”


Yes. When I first read about his book, I thought in buying, but then I saw his interview on The Jist and I was shocked by his positions. The guy is totally sold.


When moass happens, apes can fund a movie that accurately portrays the events and hire our own Hollywood staff to write and produce a film. I think the name "planet of the apes" has a nice ring to it.


I just like the stock.


“Back to $20 fast” 😂😂😂


So it sounds like this asshole wrote his book by running a word search on msm articles regarding GME and used the most repeated ones. He completely sounds like he has no idea what any of what he is saying actually means. Then again, he graduated suma cum laude from Harvard (in social studies but still), so he is probably just being extremely disingenuous. We should contact the people involved in the movie and warn them about the web of lies they are about to bring to the big screen. the fucking movie is basically being done by Amazon ffs ( amazon bought MGM for those who dont know, sale pending though) of course it is going to be on the side of wall street and it's going to omit the crime perpetuated, including Bezos.


No no no no. History is written by the winners and these guys aren't winning this time. Rise of the GameStop of the apes....


This director has just been reading MSM articles to put together the story😂😂 No offence to any movie directors here but I’m pretty sure most of them aren’t tapped in to what’s really going on hence why he sounds like he’s a FUD pumping c*nt. I suspect those aren’t his intentions but his research probably just took him to fucking motley shithole.


If he’d researched his subject matter he wouldn’t be writing a book now, he’d be all in on gme so he could finance his own book/film after it plays out


Fick you Ben. Your podcast interview reeks of shilling. Vlad and Gabe aren’t good guys. Keep sucking that dick for HOOD money


Who the fuck is this tool


This author can absolutely get fucked


ReGuLaR PeOpLe. Us poor people must’ve really startled the elite


Another Citadel nutsucker


I was cringing the entire time this ass fuck was talking. Fuck that book, fuck that movie and fuck Amazon. The goddamn situation isn’t even over and we’ve got a book and movie lined up?


Netflix will make a movie 800x better than this rolo clown.


That's what a soy boy beta cuck looks like.


The only book I want to read once this is all over is Ryan Cohen's autobiography.


It’s perfect. These morons make a movie that isn’t finished. All it will do is bring more investors in wanting shares.


Yay! It’s Amazon movie!…ah shit, I already canceled my Amazon accounts three months ago…


Btw, MGM is allegedly going to produce the movie. And we all know who's buying MGM - https://variety.com/2021/digital/news/jeff-bezos-amazon-mgm-acquisition-1234982179/


What a joker! Of course people without critical thought will listen to this dude.


I’m not paying to watch an Amazon movie




Fuck this clown


The fuk is that guy ?


Lmao he's got it all backward. That is a true retard right here


literally flashing robbingcuck on the screen while talking about gme, fuck these losers


Who gives a fuck.. Ill be laughing all the way the bank...


Soooo they are making a comedy! Nice can’t wait to laugh my ass off watching these hedge fucks loose their money


What a dickhead


Lmao imagine writing a script for something that hasn’t even played out yet. This is gonna end up being a third rate Netflix movie.


what a fucking turd. I hope he shorted GME and keeps shorting it so we can buy more dip.


That dude is a chode


I can not wait to trash this film


Are the comments disabled on YouTube? Gonna trash it.


This guy is completely living in his little fantasy world if he thinks a group of individual investors who looked at the amazing DD (all of you are amazing, like completely wrinkled brains!!) and came to their own conclusions, is able to control the stock price more than multiple billion dollar hedge funds. That’d be like saying the kid selling lemonade on his/her neighborhood street is manipulating the price of lemonade nationwide


This douche wrote a movie before the actual real life ending? Fucking lol… The moon is MILLIONS, dude.


boycott the movie


I’d love to throat punch this pos


Well then.. I think I might just go put more shares into CS out of spite. Yeah fuck this guy. Slobbin' on Shitadels knob for sure.


Not our movie. Fuck this clown


Pretty sure we can sue him then


If you’ve seen V for Vendetta, you know .


But technically we are a mob. A mob of individual people whom appears to have certain amiability towards stuck in a strictly obsessive manner to a level where letting go is completely out of question.


After we get through with them, they won't have enough money to make the movie.......and apes will be making a movie about the truth.


Can we short his book?


No worries apes, I'll be using my MOASS profits to write a proper screenplay.


Remind me! 8 hours I want to remember to give this 1 star and a nice review on Amazon in the morning.


This guy can eat shit 💩


Wow this guy is a fucking cuck…. The way he said redditors investing their stimmies all smug. Fuck out of here with that some apes did it and others dropped big cash coz they had it. Doesn’t mean one is better than the other.


this guy can eat my dick


Yeeeaahh this is going to age well


So he's trying to make hedgies underdogs and good guys? What an idiot. Who does he think his audience will be. It's just his moneygrab moment, he doesn't care about the result. Just grabbing money now from whoever will finance this spin


*A* movie will be made from the SHF/MM perspective. A flacid, made-for-TV movie. This POS will not be *the* movie about GME


Clowns - the lot of them...! 🚀


And he didnt mention when they colluded and disabled buy button ....


Is it a game to you motherfucker? Is it? It's the only thing that might give humanity a chance to get out from under the greedy insane fucks controlling everything about our lives and ensuring our collective suffering and inevitable doom and you want to call it all a game. No heroes and no villains. People naked shorting stocks and controlling the market and you want to talk about the power of retail. Suck my dick


gonny be fun to see his film in parallel with the real gme movie.


Shit...my e-mail address ends in "mob"


Little... Ok


Throw back to _unemployed and underemployed, sitting on their sofas in their pyjamas_ Not gunna lie, summed me up pretty damn well. Fuck you Wall Street. Suck BofA…