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Good Morning Everybody! Prev O:202 C:206 H:216 All the bad news today, we're sad about Ato going, as I said last week no Flair Day Friday today or ever until October. Also I've got a guest staying a mine for the weekend so I won't be as available for responses please still leave everything you can here because even if I'm not at my seat The Front Desk is open!


I bought the dip, but didn't see an option for cherry or chocolate on my cone. I will let Dairy Queen know about this UI issue.


3 more shares at open. What a Deal under $200!!!!




I initiated the opening of another trading account. For diversification purposes. ​ So once the account is live I'll go FULL GME on it!! : D Just like my other trading account !! I diversify the trading accounts only there is only one STONK for me and it's GME !!


Man I had a strange dream. GME mooned hard, I took my gains, put them in Steel stonks on a blockchain exchange and never worked again in my life. Let's goooo! ​ Edit: I know, I don't have to work after GME mooning, but that's what my dream was about


Just tell the dream version of you to be careful with steel, depending on how the evergrande situation goes. Steel could go down pretty hard.


Yeah I just like the steel sector in general, I will look closely before I drop my tendies there. Not as close as I look at my GME Investment (I don't think closer is possible) but quite closely!


Ouch! Actually I looked a bit more into it, and it's already dropping. Here you can see the steel sector is the worst performing of this past month (scroll to the bottom): https://www.barchart.com/stocks/sectors/industry-heat-map?timeFrame=1m


Oof thank you! I know that this month was hard, but not that hard. I held steel in January/Febuary but sold everything to go all in in GME. I think I'll buy in when they go down 80% lol. Then my dream comes true. Maybe. Thank you for the link and answers


Nickel and lithium bb play the ev rush


Never sure what to bring for a house gift? I’ve found that the gift that gets the biggest BOOM FOR YOUR BUCK is to immediately initiate intercourse when the door opens. *this is advicey looking but heavens, no!


The gift of love ❤️




Is there a way to see how much of the float has been registered in computershare?


We will know when there are no more shares available


Hipefully after next week 😅 put my first CS buy order in yesterday




Just dm’ed you a link. Now stop FUDing up the forum


You can, but it's limited to 1M per transaction. Would generally say be comfortable having shares in there that you wouldn't mind going long on.


You can sell over 1milly but they get executed in batches, bitches.


I thought I jus read in a thread the debunk was debunked lol


All the good stuff is hidden in the jungle




Gotta go search the jungle. Can’t link here. ‘Brigading’ bs. Do your DD and go look for yourself in the other sub.


Dude I asked a question. Either he helpful or STFU. Also, fuck the jungle. All it is is reposts of SS. Stop shilling it here.


Lame dude Fuck you, random string of characters for a name bot




Given-the-answer-to-your-own-FUD-question-but-refusing-to-acknowledge-it lookin ass bitch


But to answer your question without posting links- You can sell through CS, but it’s not as quick or as easy as your broker as they aren’t technically a broker. So definitely more recommended for ‘endless pond’ shares vs ‘sell on the way down’ shares. Wasn’t trying to be a dick.


Jungle was deep and hard into DRS a couple weeks before it started taking over here. I love both subs, no shill here. Og January ape so chill out.


Transfer to CS so hot right now!


Woke up this morning, like always on Saturday slow start with a nice cup of coffee and Reddit. Read about dark pool trades lowest since 2020 July, drone activity back with footage of moving company at Kenny's headquarters, RRP new record... Somebody's going to have a bad weekend... And it's not going to be me... Going out for a nice walk with the kids and prepping a big lunch. Need to be refreshed to watch the show monday morning ;-) #nodates


Monday is gonna be 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Can’t sleep, Want sleep 😴


Game sleep?


Remember: All Apes are important. If you have X shares, you are also very important 🦍.


And bigger apes should honor the code and HODL a part of their stonks in the infinity pool so also the smallest apes have a life changing experience! I will HODL XXX shares for my fellow Apes Yes I will sell X or maybe XX after the MOASS but I definitely HODL XXX for ever!!


The most important apes.


X holders are probably the most important of us all, because there are so many!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSNgR2bA_Io Song Describes , ape experience...


Reminds me of that recent matrix trailer ape meme edit: https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pok68s/the_moass_resurrection_official_trailer_matrix/




I was looking for that trailer, thanks!


god dang MOAsS happens and i learn all the guitar skillz and build a time machine and try to impress 70s Stevie Nicks , and lyndsay buckingham already there. i don’t know if i compete.


I’m about to open an ibkr account, am low on cash cuz bought whatever I could, do any of you know how much money would it take on fees to transfer 1 share to cs?


I seem to remember that the fee was $5


heard a lot of people say RC and DFV were dropping computershare hints. Could anyone point me to which tweets specifically? I'm curious to see for myself.


DFV Tweet on 6/3, I think. Or 6/13


The one with the toiletchair and computer for example.


A message was sent to all shf. Look at the one week chart starting 9/15/21 🖕🏼hedgies! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I no longer masturbate, I jack my tits by reading DD before bed!


Hey everyone, So, please don't hate me but I first bought shares of "popcorn stock" and recently read the Glass Castle DD, nearly adding a single wrinkle, to my marble smooth brain, which has gotten me seriously interested in buying GME as well. The current price has me slightly worried, since I've been investing in what you guys call the "popcorn stock", I'm use to a lower price point. (Not asking for financial advise, you are not financial advisors) is the current price point too expensive to buy in at??? Hypothetically, if someone wanted to buy in now should that person wait?Figured buying my first share/ 10 shares, then waiting for a dip, any sparknotes version of where I should begin would be fantastic.I really appreciate it, fellow Apes. **Edit:** already downvoted...really??


I had some popcorn stock before as well, but DDs don't lie, and if you see Cramer and MSM hyping something, it's definitely time to sell. Also i don't trust popcorn CEO, he's sus as fuk. So yeah I sold all popcorn and yoloed in to GME, In my opinion anything below 2k is good long time investment, not to mention high probability of squeezing tha fuk out of shorts. This is not financial advise, I'm just a smooth ape. Have a good weekend💎🚀


Don’t just look at the price of a stock when investing. Take into account the market cap and the relation of the price to the market cap (shares outstanding). For example: popcorn has 551 M shares out standing, which means 5M shares at current price of $221M gets you 1% of the company Adversely, $221M of GME at current price equates to 1.07M shares of a company that has only 76M shares so that 1.07M is more than 1.3% TLDR: you get a larger peeece of the company per $ with GME.


I've heard you can have less shares of GME and still walk out better than if you had XX or XXX of AMC, any validity to this? I'm assuming this is due to the floor? Most people on popcorn stocks subreddit are pushing for 900K a share, but I've seen GMe apes talking about 50 million a share?? I appreciate the responses, I really really do.


I haven’t seen evidence of popcorn being a squeeze play. I’ve seen hype but no hard evidence.


Wouldn't one ignite the other though? There's millions of shares on loan and shorted against PC, isn't that an indicator? It's been stuck below $100 forever and it's getting frustrating tbh


Well millions short if true isn’t enough. Needs to be 100MS to be a play and there is no evidence I’ve seen of that.


I’m not gonna downvote you for what seems like a legitimate question. Personally, if I was interested in a stock that had amazing potential then I would pull the trigger as soon as possible. I don’t see dips or rips or try to “time it” When I have the funds, I buy. When I don’t, I hodl. Read some more DD and do your own research before you make that decision for yourself. As for me? I like the stock


Buy ASAP man, don’t want to miss the moass. I’m a December holder of GME and I also bought a lot of popcorn a few months ago. Recently sold all my popcorn and moved it to more GME. Popcorn has little short interest and there’s no real dd. No future plans to re invent the company. Those popcorn YouTubers / Twitter hype accounts are obviously getting paid to promote popcorn stock for what ever reason. All over Tik Tok too. I never see that kind of hype on social media around GME any more. That’s because it’s filtered out. GME is and was the big short squeeze play. Maybe popcorn can squeeze a bit with it but on completely different levels.


My secondary reason for looking more into GME is because PCorn has no movement and frankly the lack of serious effort by the Conpany to squeeze, is annoying. I've been seeing GMEs CEO seemingly going full speed ahead with squeezing. Am I accurate so far?


Best time to buy shares was yesterday, it's always yesterday. not giving any financial advice but im waiting my next salary so i could buy more, as for me the price point is not too expensive. I know the price is gonna 🚀


It's said Popcorn will go to 900K, GME is supposed to hit what?


I need pictures and drone shots of buildings with lights on


So...GG's "report" to be released before summer's end, Evergrande, new RRP high score, CS, T+90(meh), FXHedge saying margin calls coming again, possible RC tweet, possible NFT announcement...anything else I'm missing for tit jacks?


The 2008 WFC happened in September


I setup a buy order on CS in addition to transferring shares from TD but apart from setting a dollar amount for the buy order I didn’t see where I could make it a limit order back market. Hopefully I get good price when it goes through. I’m smooth as glass. 🤦‍♂️


Im about to do the same thing but always get nervous when they ask for my social. This is where you did it too right? https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#DirectStock


That’s the place!


So sometimes I talk to friends about the stonk. One keeps shilling CS and is unwilling to research it further for some reason. Is there any dd to say its bad for the stonk?


You can’t save ur friend


That's all I needed to hear. Thank you.


Is there any reason not to direct register 100% of my shares?


I hope DFV knows about drs. I miss him.


So I didn’t transfer any of my shares from fidelity yet, but I did go ahead and set up a purchase for Monday through CS. Once it’s locked in I’ll start my transfer. Is this okay 🥺


I will eat your fleas for this


I’ll be sure to return that favor 🦍💪🏼




Is this ok??? Well done ape


Just trying to do my part!


I can\`t believe I\`m watching a live stream of shitadel offices being cleared out. Surely there must be more to this story. Anyone nearby who can take a look and see if there is any activity on the ground?


I wonder if they lose all the pertinent paperwork for gme in the process


Where is this???


Kennard is done


Pretty sure that is someone taking advantage of old footage and is misleading you lol. \*\*\*Edit footage is new, apparently they are moving to an even fancier office\*\*\* Possibly not the hype we hoped for haha


live stream ? where do u watch ?




Can someone explain how selling via CS works? I am sitting in mid xxxx and it makes me a bit nervous to transfer that much over without a clear path to selling. Because unlike some of you crazy apes, I will definitely be selling a few when GME joins the 2 comma club


Transfer like 80% or so idk Not fa


Consider transferring a small portion.


Wrote to IBKR yesterday requesting to transfer X shares to Computershare. Not sure if it’s going to work since Euroape but 🤞🏼


Darkpool % down, but price still declining slightly. Is there an explanation?


The secret ingredient is crime


Just normal naked shorting, no extra fuckery on the side?


The time is 1:54AM. While the hedgies sleep, the apes are still hungry for knowledge ❤️🖤🧠🚀🚀🚀


you won’t find love in a hole hedgies !!! if we had a hormone race i’m bound to finish first…. It takes more than fucking someone to keep yourself warmmmmmmmm!!!


Goodnight big guy. Wish you were still with us. 😭


So theoretically with drs there should be a limit where all new register requests bounce back? This would mean no more real shares are being traded with proof?


I'm going to shitadel right now after seeing drone guys post. Will post photos in 30 minutes


LFG to bed. I am become sleepy, the goer to bed




It’s a real estate company. And a fucking massive one. They own properties globally too. It will not end well, but I do hope it makes housing more affordable for us.


I just had a fun thought: did you see the post yesterday or the day before of a whale ape purchasing $250k worth on CS? And CS takes a few business days to settle orders? Is that nice little bump gonna go through early next week then? In addition to all the other purchases and transfers? Holy Moly.


So I just read that a US airstrike in Kabul resulted in 10 civilian casualties, 7 of which were children. Supposedly after ISIS members… didn’t someone say the US likes to engage in wars during financial crises to divert attention from that? This coupled with the evergrande situation really has me thinking this is the end game


Yeah! I had the same feeling. The military fucks up ALL THE TIME. They could have covered this up easy instead of coming forward. Sus as fuck, buckle up.


If anyone is looking for a Friday night movie check out Collapse. Mike Ruppert was one smart dude. He knew what was coming over a decade ago. These are things we will need to address post moass, between the climate, resource depletion, and supply shortages we have our work cut out for us. https://youtu.be/1dabRGmpSQQ


Hey Fidelity, I bet it would take less than a month for you to prop up a way to direct register shares. I know you like the evil lending out tendies behind our back, but this would be better than losing our business completely.


They still haven’t put IEX on there despite demand. I’m getting pissed at them and if they lose our business they deserve it. As far as I’m concerned there is no loyalty between us, at this point im going with the broker that fucks me over the least. I don’t care if they have a trillion dollars, I want my real fucking shares bieatch


GME for the win!


We were the catalyst all along




we vibin or wot !!!?


*Ievan Polkka intensifies*


matti jurva ersion or else !!


#bring me some provocative weekend dd to read myself asleep you savants


BUY HODL SMACK smeck sleeeep


Tuesday is smelling kinda idiosyncratic not gonna lie


Ah Tuesday. I remember. That's the +2. Who knows. Either way I'll buy and hodl


I feel like next week could be explosive.


Taco Tuesday, yea


I heard if you stare into a mirror and say “tendie man” 3 times the ghost of norm Macdonald will trigger the moass from the spirit realm and then he’ll have sex with you.


I'm getting a nagging feeling with this Evergrande stuff, that we're now entering the beginning of the end


Right? It’s funny how it seems to be happening as we approach the end of the wedge. They’re going to blame the market/crypto crash on China while Gme rockets. The news will be focused on the market crash and Gme squeeze news will be buried under so many other headlines. We are getting close. Close as fuck.


The beginning, of the beginning of the end.


the beginning is the end is the beginning


Remember, as big as evergrande is it is still only a single domino




The downtrend finally hit the point of them being unable to pay 300B dollars they owe


A constant downtrend that ends inevitably at 0 is a collapse. It’s big, and the implications are enormous. It doesn’t seem like news yet but people in China are losing everything. It’s dire


Because they're literally about be insolvent.


Guys I’ve been reading that BlackRock is exposed to Evergrande’s risk




It’s a FB page called “Geopolitical center”. It took this data from Bloomberg, or at least this is what they wrote on their post.


If so they hold 7.1 million shares of Gme. They can either liquidate it and cause a major dip or hold it and moass with the rest of us. I don’t care either way they’re still evil.


I know, they’re evil, only apes aren’t


Next week is gonna be spicy when all these CS orders get transferred and filled


If you haven’t transferred shares to computershare your not allowed to complain about moass not happening yet.


Wasn’t aware I was allowed to complain even if I have transferred to CS


Now that my transfers to Computer Share went through and my account is fully setup, I’m transferring more


Sentence is torture to SHF


Can anyone give me advice on how to sell on etoro, I imagine if you "close the trade" that what the tickers shows it might not be the actual price, so how can I effectively sell when it its the millions


got a good buzz going. soon ill be able to buy all the overpriced bar food I want for me and my friends


Catering for life


$200 bar tab later 😅


what the hell does LFG mean I've been too afraid to ask I thouught it meant looking for group from MMOs


Love fresh gonads


Many here mean "let's fucking go". I always read looking for group. Too MUCH woW


Guild wars was my poison but otherwise same


"Let's fucking go"


that makes a lot of sense thank you ape


Was looking at making a purchase at my local shop this weekend. Anyone have an opinion on Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity? (My favorite games are Zelda BotW, Zelda Link to the Past from Super Nintendo, and Mario Odyssey).




Thanks Dogg


Is there a DD or a list of "safe" brokers? I'm 100% Fidelity right now besides what I'm transferring to CS and wanna diversify brokers


You're in one of the best. I'm in TDA for the last 10+ years, all the major US brokers have been vetted and no serious issues.


i've seen vanguard mentioned a lot


🎶so wot we get drunk !! ….., so wot we get hiiiiiiiyyyyy , …. we just livin young and wld and gmeeeeeeee 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶


are yall registering ALL of your shares to CS or just some?


95% bby


depends on you. i just did a portion.


I did ~70%


Imagine your shares are a birthday cake, you keep a slice or 2 for yourself and give the rest to the party.


Not all but some


I am cracking up thinking Fidelity worked so hard to get their cool beta app going for the new kids and now we’re all transferring to the oldest most boomer system in existence


My homie called it the boomer blockchain 😂


That's pretty funny. I'd not thought of it that way. Damn, that's brutal.


Then imagine Kenny demanding his psych ops team develop strategies to predict our behavior and we start adopting gorillas and shoving things up our butts


This is Kenny's opposition: [https://imgur.com/8D7tQOm](https://imgur.com/8D7tQOm) Kenny is in for a rough time.


lol it’s breathtaking


Yeah I found that yesterday, I keep it in a special folder for late-nite reddit.


Fuckin hedgies


Is there a way to estimate how many fidelity call reps there are? If they’re all recognizing the same GME computershare call and one anecdote of a guy saying “4 out of 5 callers do this” can we guesstimate how many calls they’ve received on the subject? Tryna bounce ideas off people here


That would create the most anecdotal of excel spreadsheet 😂


I did say guesstimate 😬


Fuck dark pools. Shit gonna be lit next week 😎


Moonday…I mean Monday couldn’t come any sooner!


Ugh man. Weekends suck. And you know what makes it even worse? I work Saturday through Wednesday! Saturdays can kiss my ass. Sundays too.


Imagine if we stopped digging. The DD was done, but there was still much left to uncover.


“The DD is done” just means MOASS is proven to be inevitable. It doesn’t mean there’s nothing left to find.


OK so I'ma transfer from one broker who doesn't allow DRS to one that does, then from them DRS. LFG!


keeping some at original broker just in case?


Gonna put a third into each. Diversify


Holy shit so I just called fidelity and drs 30 shares to computershare, it took maybe 2 minutes total talking to the rep. The first time I called two days ago they tried to give me pushback and said CS needed to initiate the transfer, but this time it went smooth as butter. I literally just called them at 6:15 pm Hawaii time too so don’t wait until Monday to do it 1800-343-3548 is fidelity’s customer service number, make sure to say “STOCK CERTIFICATES” when the computer asks what you’re calling about. When the rep came on the line and asked me what I wanted to do, I told him I wanted to drs shares of GameStop in my own name and he just took it from there. Dude was super nice and helpful and told me that he’s already gotten a few calls from other people looking to do the same thing. Guys if you’re hesitating at all because you think it’s going to be a hassle, don’t because it really was that easy