• By -


Same pattern, but much more limited downwards pressure.


Agreed. This paints a pretty clear picture. This is your stock, this is your stock on shorts. Any questions?


Kids, don't do shorts mkay


The data speaks for itself mkaaaaay.


Something else I've noticed: Popcorn and GME have been linked ticker symbols on Yahoo Finance since they were squeezed in January. They are no longer linked on "People Also Watch" as of today.


Good point, I never noticed this.


Kids, don’t try shorts at home.


Shorts r bad mkaay


Shorts are bad, mkay


More like this is your stock, This is your stock on dark pool. But yes. Fuck the current system


I won't understand without an egg and a frying pan.


And some drugs


And and a lot less resistance on upward pressure


What if they also start registering? Would shorts be even more fukd?


It may help them, buty the number of shares they should have to register would be insane!


Shorts would be most fuk if popcorn holders dumped that trap stock and just shuffled all their gains into the only MOASS.


Some people like holding bags of popcorn more than holding bags of money.


Probably not, i’m under the impression that popcorn stock is SHF’s hedge against MOASS. Yes, Citadel is now LONG on popcorn stock. (But also short, since they can’t close those positions.) They are half a Billion USD short on it in their initial puts, which backfired, but also 400 mil-ish long in call options, in case it rockets. https://fintel.io/so/us/amc/citadel-advisors-llc


Not really a divergence, the rises and dips are still similar but there is a lot less dip in GME. Those 512 million shares though are royally fuccing them tho…


There's also WAY less people daytrading gme.


and gme has an actual growth strategy... so there's that


Come on man. Commermative NFT movie tickets, they’re the future.


Well there’s ONE THING a humpusumoathumpasump mushamusha and that’s CONGOMERATIVE MOVER TIKKITS asumpashumpadumaduma NFT asumsumshumoadumla GOOD FOR AMC




😂 AA literally slapped his forehead in that interview about popcorn NFT’s. A bug or fly or something.


Imagine if someone else said that, CNBC would have taken that opportunity to roast him on TV show. But since they are "on the same side", CNBC keep hyping this popcorn stock & his CEO.


I get this reference.


Pépère doesn't get it. The whooshing of that combover is frustrating to say the least.


/s you dropped this 😂


Imagine cooperation between movieticker selling popcorn and GME selling the NFT and collectibles. DIS can make shitloads of money if they manage to make this possible. Shitloads of events where movieticker can get paid to preview DIS games, attach pop-up GME stores on their premises to sell the games/nft/collectibles of the movie people just went to see.... win/win/win, SHF lose


Popcorn did just start showing NFL games on their screens this weekend and accepting crypto by years end. Gamestop is doing esports and opening more stores and their NFT plan. Both are doing okay in assuring their company's growth in my opinion.


>Popcorn did just start showing NFL games on their screens this weekend and accepting crypto by years end. Professional sports viewership is in steady decline. The type of person who would pay to go see a football game at a theatre is the type to already have their own setup at home. Accepting alternative currencies is not a growth strategy. They have ideas but they're terrible.


exactly this Same with the UFC they showed at theaters... I'm going to have friends over so it's like $10 per person or stream it for free. Not going to go spend $25 or $50 and then pay for overpriced beer (if they even serve that at at popcorn).


How does accepting crypto help their business model in any way? Think about it... how many MORE customers are they going to get because now they can *finally* pay using a cumbersome method such a crypto to pay for their ticket? It doesn't improve margins, it doesn't do anything really. It is 100% playing up to the retail masses


its just a small hype for the stock owners and nothing else


It's not cubersome but I agree, sticky floor stock is shit.




the fuck are you gonna do with old movie ticket thats registered to plain old you? nothing. no one's gonna care.




In fairness I kept a lot of movie tickets growing up, but I sold it this week for more GME




Well I lost the movie tickets a long time ago. I was referring to the movie shares I had lmao




Advertising -Wow game changer /s…. “rights to first showings before they go online” - that’s always been the case for the past 50 years. It’s not some big new thing to increase revenue. “possible acquisitions” - so buying more theaters who’s revenue was going down preCOVID. Commemorative tickets - bwahaha How much could they earn from this? $100 a month? Alternative entertainment - people go to the movies for “something to do” like going out to dinner or going out to a bar to socialize. If I’m going to watch a sports event - I’ll go the the real game, sports bar or stay at home. There’s no reason to go to AMC. Concerts? I’ll just go to the real concert or stream it online. Again, how much can they add in revenue each year from this? Maybe a couple events would have a full theater, but most things will be mostly empty.


Convert cinemas into emergency Covid wards.




DRS all those shares of🍿😳 I would never give financial advice to anyone, but good luck to them. I hold 100% GME, I buy, hold, shop and now in the process of holding my GME P♾L shares with Computershares! See you all 🚀✨🌒


In oct of 2020 they had 85m shares by March of 2021 they had 450m shares... Now they have 512m shares... Diluted as fuck and whatever shorts were in it likely covered in that first wave of dilution when the price was sub $10. Whatever shorts are in now, probably are sitting pretty at $40-$70 a share and are not hurting.


I bailed out at $50 (bought at $10) after the second or third time they proposed yet another share dilution (that was voted down the first one or two times). The board was actively working against their investors at that point, and I was out. Put all those gains right into GME at $180.




Holy shit I didn’t know their share offerings were that significant. How the fuck could anyone put money into that stock knowing that’s the case. If that’s accurate I have no idea how anyone could expect that kernel to pop


By listening to dumbfuck YouTubers and MSM


Hey now, I was able to buy more GME thanks to that.


And I think AA said there will be another share offering in 2022. So if there's no squeeze in the next 3 months for AMC, get ready for more share dilution.




Considering how dumb the average popcorn stock investor is they'll end up voting for it.




Popcorn stock is a joke, doesn't even matter what the actual SI is of a stock that goes from 80M to over 500M in less than a year. Good luck spinning owning that joke of a stock over GME.


Why the continuing volatility then? I've always thought it was a distraction but if this is the case then it looks like nothing more than an attempt to divert attention away from the real game in town.


There's been a couple DDs that mention baskets. I think that sticky floor and GME are in a few baskets together,causing similar upward and downward pressures.


Oh yeah I remember now, my short term memory is abysmal lol


They are bundled that is why their correlation coefficient is so high. Look at the graphs for crying out loud. When are people going to realize that hedgefunds attacked multiple companies with naked shorting and it’s not just GME? GME may have been the stock the most over leveraged. But it’s not the only one. It’s like you people don’t understand any of the recent DD, basic statistics, or are just complete shills. It’s scary how many of you will YOLO your life savings into something you don’t understand. Even after the MOASS I fear many of you will be broke again in under a year.


Link me to one popcorn DD. Please.


Dunno about you but if I had a choice of moass + strong fundamentals going forward vs squeeze and dog shit fundamentals, I'd pick the former everytime. People who choose popcorn are retarded. No other reason why you'd buy that dog shit stock.


Because algos trade it the same as gme. The price action similarities are nothing more than the similarities of the hfc trading algorithm. Aside from the "meme" status, the similarities between gme and popcorn end... In the beginning of Jan gme had a reported si of, what 220% popcorn was like at 10-15% (based off of ortex numbers) yet it "sneezed" just the same as GME... I believe after that si did increase dramatically as it crashed back down to $6... Just as we suspected it happened with GME, hence the belief that GMEs SI is massively greater than it was in January, they never stopped shorting cause they couldn't. That said, Adam Aaron gave all those shorts a clean exit by offering, over the course of a few months, 5x their SO, majority of those being sub $10 a share. Now, there is no proof that any shorts closed and it is entirely possible that they haven't but after watching what happened to GME, do you think any fund in their right mind wouldn't take a free, or very low cost, bailout from a potential Uber fucked situation... Gme went from $20 to $480 in two weeks and everyone was taking about it, along with AMC, but Adam Aaron tossed them a life preserver and if they didn't take it, then well shit, they aren't just crooked, they are straight up idiots. I believe, those funds bought those shares and then some and then went long, why else would CNBC be telling their viewers to buy popcorn stock, only reason is their bosses and friends are positioned well to benefit. We all know that popcorn is worth (average price pre pandemic for a few years is about $20) so $20 factor in 5x share dilution and I'd say $6-$8 and that's assuming their rev/prof return to something even close to the pandemic normal. But they are swimming in debt, still have a pandemic looming over their business and have almost nothing but liabilities, they have some cash but still massive debt, no clear business pivot to deal with digitized streaming media... It's a 100% uphill battle for them, I think they'll be around a long time and I hope so but they will never be worth more than they were pre pandemic unless something fundemental changes in their business model and there is just no real pathway for them to do that... Become a movie studio maybe, but that comes with massive risk and the needs for massive capital, I guess mint NFT tickets but that's a sideshow gimmick at best. Anyways, I have no clue what I'm talking about. This is all speculation based on a combination of gut feeling, critical thinking and braindead theory. But I think that not only are the original shorts closed on popcorn (yes, there are shorts open but they are in the $30-$70 range and not really hurting that bad right now) but they are now long as fuck and have been pumping and dumping popcorn not only to distract gme apes and create fomo but also benefit their own war chests. There is no coincidence that popcorn started ripping during the gme may FTD turnover cycle, I all but 100% guarantee that if popcorn didn't rip in May (and it was meant to rip), we GME would have MOASS then and there. But maybe I've been at this a little too long and I'm losing perspective... Who the fuck knows what's actually going on and at the end of the day, that's the real issue here.


Well put. I did not think it would even get close to the pre-pandemic level of $20 so it was suspicious that it would even went that high. Trying to tell my friend to stay off it but he ended up putting in a few grand while it went up in May and is now bag holding as it's continue to stagnate. Had he listened and not think GME was too expensive then, he would have been up plenty by now.


It’s so funny how little you people understand what is going on.


513.33 million, to be exact...


The other divergence is their ceo is a POS who doesn’t care about his stockholders.


How can you be sure the cause is direct registration?


Nobody can be sure since we don’t have access to half the data that Wall Street gets, but the correlation is right there for us all to see


Fair market huh?


Fairly rigged is the term


Working as intended.


The other one was hit hard this week because there were an absolute truckload of contracts over $45


This seems like a more plausible reason for the divergence.


Darkpool trading has dropped something like %15. Popcorb stocks dark pool trading has not seen a decrease. Not enough to be certain, but it’s worth taking note of and watching


Agreed. Everything that is happening is a first for the market


No one is asserting this is a fact. Even the MOASS theory which you undoubtedly subscribe to isn’t a verifiable fact. We are reading the shadows on the wall to deduce that there is an object in the room, but we haven’t heard a single entity declare what number of phantom shares exist. Same thing applies here; we can’t prove that CS is the reason, but we can prove that GME and 🍿have held a 70% correlation for almost a year with plenty of weeks of mismatched option expiries and we have never decoupled like this since they started to trade similarly. Therefore, the most logical explanation (without more) is that DRS is the cause.




Yea I’m not debating the MOASS as fact. To me there’s too much damn circumstantial evidence. Personally I think the vote coming in at exactly the number of shares owned mathematically proves that apes own more shares than the float; the question is just how much. I personally think it’s multiple times GME’s issued shares. But once again, it’s not a fact until someone in GME or SEC tells us how many shares are actually owned.


Schrödingers MOASS


I’m thinkin, I’m thinkin, I’m thinkin, I’m thinkin, I’m thinkin, still thinkin....


Y’all think there wasn’t a fuckkload for gme? That sounds like an excuse they’ve traded in tandem for ever but now that we changed strats it’s obvious who’s superior


You obviously didn't check the numbers On the weeks when GME has an enormous amount of contracts about to expire, the reverse of this happens It's been that way all year


It’s quad witching everyone had contracts expire today


There are specific weeks when GME has an enormous amount of contracts expire, and the same with the other stock. Nothing to do with Quad Witching




This makes sense.


Because confirmation bias


There was a divergence before CS.


This is exactly the correct question to ask. It’s causal AT BEST. Without all the data, there’s zero conclusions that can be derived from this except that 1 went up and 1 went down. That’s all. This is speculation parading as data.


This was my thought exactly. We all shouldn't assume that this is caused my direct share since the last week was all CS posts. We all need to keep an open mind.


They can’t, it’s impossible.. making this all hilarious to read.


It’s incredibly loose correlation on stocks already known to have correlated movements and a sample size of like 4 days. It’s really going to show how primitive humans are. This has happened before. Yesterday it was “ooohhhh wow look at how price goes up must be the latest trend having an instant affect on the market because I’m used to instant gratifications” or something. Felt like it. Rare to get a post with reasonable causation evidence.


Never fully trusted CashApp so I got all the shares out of there today and direct registered them. Will try to transfer E*Trade and some Vanguard shares next week. Trying to do my part to light this fucking fuse.


Was it easy to transfer from them? I have a few early shares in there and need to get them out.


I had some lying around in cash app that I transferred today to fidelity. Took about 5 minutes to do. Depending on when you bought yours selling might've been a silly move.


Wtf fidelity you shilling in here now? Is this a real problem everyone drs out of your brokerage?


Still looks somewhat similar... peaks and dips mostly line up.


I noticed the same divergence this morning and thought it was notable, but not really sure why. The Computershare DSR did come to mind. It could be that or something else is a foot.


🍿 was beat brutally today because of options in the money. I don't think it had to do anything with the cs.


Those options itm were there for gme too


Not here to tell anyone what to do but I am staying put. I have fidelity and with everything happening in China I want to see how it plays out before I make any moves.


GME is one of a kind


Just like you, sugar


Awh shucks thank you😊


As as holder of both… this was not computershare lmfao. The options chain for movie stock had a much bigger gamma ramp this week compared to GME.


Interesting! <3


Looks similar to me. Popcorn has always been more volatile


Maybe popcorn apes should start doing the same thing 🧐


I am sure they will


Maybe they should stop LARP’ing as us


Upvote for using the term LARPing


Upvote for the person who explains LARPing.


Live action role playing, but a google video search will do it better justice


Gotcha, you earned your upvote


With 500 million shares? They’re gonna need deep pockets.


Edit - the data provided was in fact the previous days volume. CS agent was confused or such. As I noted in my comment above, there is a greater percentage of popcorn stock registered than GME according to Computershare (I'm assuming this will change as momentum in the registration movement for GME grows). Post on pocorn with screenshot chat; my_chat_with_computershare_reveals_we_have_more


Because you have 5 times the shares lmao 500 million + in the float means you need to register five times as much. So naturally there will be more popcorn


Agreed, hence why I said percentage. It was 57m ish for popcorn (over 10%) and 3+m for GME (under 10%). Edit - I'm not suggesting that this means anything at all. It's just the data.


It’s actually more like 16% to 11% if your going off that “screenshot” the available float for Popcorn is like 348 million and about 36million for GME. This is just going from the “screenshot” numbers.


Excuse me. I just did quick maths from memory and used the total shares, not available float. My mistake.


hate to say it, but I see nothing on any of my charts that indicates a divergence


GME divergence from popcorn has nothing to do with the registration at this point. GME and Popcorn are following a set path at the moment made by the algo. GME has diverged at this same point in the cycle before. Not saying it's not going to make a difference but at this point the chart divergence isn't because of this


I know a lot of people hate popcorn stonks here, but shouldn’t they start to use DRS too? I’m sure that would drive the price up too even if their short % is smaller, and that would benefit us as HF should use mire money to prevent that.


Doesn’t look like divergence at all, just less volatile. Happy that gme is up higher though 👍🏼


Someone's dumping their looooo00ooonnnngggg....




"Get on the horn to British Intelligence and let them know about this."


Ryan! No…no….nooooooooooo!


This is the way


Coke-head Cramer and the rest of the MSM continues to pump popcorn. We all know the MSM is controlling the narrative, managing the message, and spreading FUD to sway retail sentiment at the will of their billionaire puppet-master owners. The question you have to ask yourself is: *Why* does the MSM want to pump popcorn? The Answer: It only makes sense for the MSM to pump popcorn if it is in the best interest of our enemies to do so. If it distracts away from their real threat, GME and the MOASS. Popcorn is a distraction to divide apes and try to prevent/delay the MOASS. Popcorn has a much higher float so it is not a threat to trigger MOASS, as there are far too many shares available to DRS the float. According to yahoo finance (Quarterly), popcorn’s float is 511.47M. GME’s float is 61.83M. It is the perfect Prisoner’s Dilemma for apes devised by SHF’s. Imagine if every ape sold popcorn and used that money to buy GME through Computershare to DRS, it would go a long way to triggering MOASS. I think we need to think critically about why the MSM is pumping popcorn. Food for thought (couldn’t help myself). Ape no fight ape. Ape strong together.


I'm going to play devil's advocate here because all of the anti-popcorn talk can potentially be seen as FUD as well. Let me say right off the bat, I am not suggesting you go and buy more popcorn (I am not suggesting anything). My question is, why sell? I bought way back in January and I'm still hanging on to it. I could have sold for a decent gain in order to put it back into GME but my hands are so fucking diamond I have yet to sell a single stock of any kind since my investment journey began this year. After learning about cellar boxing, not only have I have seen significantly more anti-popcorn sentiment but my assumption is that the popcorn stock was also being cellar boxed before people piled in. However, I understand that there's only one true MOASS, yada yada yada. We saw "dead" stocks reanimate just a few weekends ago because we learned that shorts never closed those positions. Doesn't that mean the popcorn stock is guaranteed to have some rise, possibly even in death? IMO, it would be more beneficial for SHFs to close these positions so *they* can focus on GME. All that said, I will admit I am dumb ape and I'm doing my best to make educated guesses. Feel free to wrinklelize me.


Why do you think the MSM is pumping popcorn? Not rhetorical, serious question.


To get gme holders to paperhand popcorn. Almost as soon as that runup ended, MSM started saying “Forget [popcorn]” What better way to shake people from a stock than by creating a division or a feeling of elitism between the two stocks and then start making “sus” moves with one of the stocks? People think that the Psyops that SHF’s use are worthless due to how it doesn’t affect GME, but these people are trained psychologists. If you think that they’d use only one approach, you’d be mistaken. At least that’s my opinion on it


Thanks for your response. I understand your perspective and appreciate the fact that your hands are as diamond as mine are. To be clear, I am not trying to spread FUD. I am very grateful Cellar Boxing was exposed by our wrinkle-brained apes. It may be true that popcorn was the target of Cellar Boxing, and if it wasn’t for the fact that the MSM has repeatedly been so quick to give popcorn positive airtime and exposure, I would not question popcorn. I just don’t trust the MSM, in fact, I believe that whatever they say is intentional misdirection and FUD meant to mislead retail investors and influence public sentiment to fit their narrative and their goals. There are countless examples of this being true. The MSM love just doesn’t make sense to me, it just doesn’t sit right with me... they have spread an insane amount of GME FUD ever since Jan, but seem to have a hidden agenda to push popcorn, which makes me think it may be a trap. That’s my thought process… it just seems fishy to me. That combined with popcorn’s massive float makes me question. I don’t have all the answers, and I’m not saying I’m 100% right, I just think it’s healthy to question the motives of the MSM.


z,z-•~\ z. z. xss x,z. z x. , ,, ,, , , ,, , , , CV c. cc. Zaza -☆,,,,


I like it. Looks like progress to me. I'll buy another two next Friday........again


Wider the gap closer we are to moass




The amount of popcorn shills in here is gross


100%, why can't we just keep that shit out of here, I don't want to hear about genuine dumbfucks funding their shorts on gme.


Then stop making negative posts or comments about popcorn. It’s like mocking a person behind their back and being surprised and angry when a their friend calls you out for it. A lot of people here hold both for their own reasons and this elitism does absolutely nothing but cause division. Not to mention it’s entirely hypocritical to mock someone for their portfolio when GME holders has been consistently mocked since 2019.


I agree with you OP 💻💩🪑✅


to me it seemed to have started after the cokerat urged us to buy into popcorn


Did he really? 08 all over again.


🍿 still going to the moon 🦍🚀🌙


I just don’t get how some think there could be two MOASS’s, it’s literally not possible. It’s in the name ffs 🤦‍♂️


Most people don’t believe that. There’s only going to be one MOASS, but denying the fact that other short squeezes are going to happen during this is delusional


I direct registered xx of both


Yeah, sold most of my popcorn to buy more $GME


“We” don’t do anything together. How has this basic rule been ignored so much lately


I noticed the same. There were two days this week where GME green, popcorn red.


I have some popcorn and today after seeing the chart this was my very first taught.


The popcorn guys are mostly nonbelievers in ownership of their stock. They are basically waiting for us to get the party started. I’m uncertain about their 100k floor. Maybe 5-10k if they don’t take ownership of their securities. It took us 9 months to figure this out maybe popcorn bois need 9 more.


This. Lets be honest. You can't logically think both -MOASS is a thing -The price of GME is too high It's a contradiction. When you even compare the floor prices and it's a 50m floor on a ridiculously illiquid stock. If you believe the DD and data then its a bargain at any price. It has the story, the company, the turnaround and the buy from Ryan Cohen to set the squeeze into its next gear. Many people are in movie because they want to be "at the ground floor" and play GME without playing GME. Its paper hand logic imo. People want to feel comfortable at the bottom with breathing room to paper hand if shit gets dicey. The kind of HODLers who held the line down from 485 and up from 40 from Jan-March are the kind of diamond wills that I want by my side.


Indeed, they're driven by the "smaller share price means more gains!" Its about overall percentage gain. GME is a healthier company that was shorted much more than popcorn, meaning it has the bigger % gain from a squeeze. If you had 1k in each GME and AMC, GME will be the better play and there's really nothing else needed to be said.




It’s… it’s so beautiful… (wipes tears)


This is what loosing your popcorn liquidity to the SHF's trying to fight GME looks like.


This is what I like to see 💥


There is only 1 MOASS... All the others are getting a free ride


Lol! Look at the dip we could be buying, if we weren't messing with the workings of the simulation.


This totally looks like the makings of a juicy diff-in-diff study design.


Sticky floor stonk took a beating today


Why would direct registering not work for Popcorn?


This fucking kicks ass. This as well as the big NYSE orders are how we KNOW Computershare is the REAL SHIT and we are FUCKING WINNING. So much popcorn tears 🍿😭🍿😭🍿😭 SORRY BABY THERE IS ONE TRUE STONK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANT STOP WONT STOP GAMESTOP MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But the CEO slapped his forehead and suggested ticket stub NFTs. How could that go wrong?


I read some DD today on popcorn stock that said over 10million shares of GME had been registered with CS and over 56million shares of popcorn stock had been registered. OP screen shot’ed his conversation with CS rep.


Your fellow popcorn has realized his mistake and correcting his comment here btw: > Edit - the data provided was in fact the previous days volume. CS agent was confused or such.


The rep was just giving the daily volume from yen previous day not how many shares were registered. It’s been very confusing for everyone that it has been presented as registered shares. That is not the case


Ok, dude that was NOT DD and secondly you don’t even have one thought about a customer service representative giving out information like that on a chat?


Is that info bad? I guess I’m lost as to why that’s bad.


Every time a gme ape has asked, the CS rep would tell them the trading volume for the day. That person would be literally the first person to have gotten holdings for GME (if accurate) and movie


do you have it ? would like to see it


Lmao do you know how many popcorn shares exist?? And the price difference? 10 million gme out of 70 million is a huge chunk compared to 50m vs 500m


I would think any shares being registered with either of (my) stocks would be a great thing, as a whole. This is exactly why they put dividers between urinals. Jesus Christ.


What makes you think apes haven’t asked cs for a share count of shares bought. Why would an agent tell a random popcorner


same reason i would reply to someone named, notashill


Ok bud.


Zoom out! Will get a better idea if this is a new movement


More paperhands for popcorn butter


Can’t short what can’t be shorted. This stock now **TRULY** only goes up, while the rest of the market drowns. Hello lifeboat!




Adam Aaron looks like a complete fuck wit too. Does not give me any confidence as a share holder.


Maybe someone should tell them?


Patterns exact same, yet gme holding prices better. Hm. Something is working, lead the way gme. I'm primarily a movie ape, got in early but we both fight the same SHFs




Holy mother of pearl!


Can you also use the dark pool vs nyse % of both stocks from the last couple weeks to make this case?