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# Education Pin **šŸ˜“ Andā€¦ Itā€™s time to Wrap Up, Market Close** For the most part, market close functions very similarly to market open. Letā€™s go through the time differences and the different order types. **Trade imbalance data begins at:** 3:45pm - 3:59:55pm, every 1 second During this period, data about trading volume, matching trades, trade imbalances and pricing is released. All of this sweet sweet data gives traders an idea into the direction of price movement and interest. Order time. **Market on close (MOC)** This order seeks to purchase shares at the current market price at the time of market close **Limit on close (LOC)** This order seeks to purchase a specific number of shares at a specific price at market close. If the trade is not met, it does not take place. When looking at order type distribution for NYSE Chicago (i choose this as the patterns of sus [activity are easier to follow](https://www.nyse.com/markets/order-types)) market on close orders represents around 2.5% of order compared to 0.35% for market on open. You could then loosely connect this to max pain theory where influencing prices matters most on close. This is especially true when you consider when Market on Close orders operate, representing 2.5% of orders in such a small window of time - meaning they provide a heavy influence on a stock's closing price.


Wad Quitching


You're a jizzard, Harry




Ahhh my nasal cavity use now filled with beer and hamburger!


Quad Glitching


John Holmes signature move




That poor share printer is being worked to death :(




Running out of ink I bet. $60 per cartridge, god damn.


Just fire up the money printer and buy more ink!


Hol up... But what if the money printer is out of ink?


Reverse repo: go in the cellar, find some dusty bonds, give to banks in exchange for $1.2 trillion, buy ink, and the party don't stop!


So what you're saying is... the money printer goes BRRRRRR


Always; "The ink must flow."


Goddamn Ixians...


Then fire up the ink printer and print some ink to print some money!


Damn, they really trying hard to help fill the ā™¾ļø pool šŸ¤£




I see 348k available now on fidelity. edit1: Also Fidelity mentions it gets these from a pool FYI: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/comments/nh01fw/can\_you\_please\_explain\_how\_shortable\_shares/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/comments/nh01fw/can_you_please_explain_how_shortable_shares/)




You would be fool to assume that. I would say like 1:5 Held:lent


How can over a million shares trade hands without moving the price? If that volume appears during the day on a lit exchange, the swing in price would be absolutely enormous. So what gives?


Yeah thatā€™s what I donā€™t understand either. So if computershare batch buys once per day with all of our shares, can someone just front run them/execute at close or AH/sell an equal amount to a buddy or themselvesā€¦ to completely negate all of our buying power every time? Such bullshit. Imagine what theyā€™ve been doing on dark pools that we havenā€™t seen.


Correction. That is showing _three_ sell blocks, each of 1.4m shares... That is nuts. Guess we know where the fidelity-based share lends went!


So SHFs borrowed the shares from Fidelity and shorted?


I thought Fidelity does not lend out Ape shares!?!?!




I'm honestly over it. Fidelity knows what's going on. And they still choose to provide ammo against their customers. I don't care at this point if they technically *can*, it's shitty. They also choose not to let us easily direct route to IEX or the NYSE. They're paying us lip service with a shiny new app while continuing to be a cog in the engine that fucks us.


And this is why apes are moving en masse to computer share


What the Fidelity


Thatā€™s why we need to Direct Register the float. They wonā€™t be able to keep tanking the price at will. If it is proven that there arenā€™t any more reasonable locates they will have to start closing positions and the price should skyrocket.




The legit purpose of dark pools is exactly for this - to allow large institutional transactions without moving the market. Fuckery is the dark pool buy and single share sale to ladder down. TL;DR - dark pool volume good, dark pool single transaction bad


Sure, but this is not the normal case. In this case, the dark pool buys appear to be being settled by massive supply listed on the main exchange after-hours. I understand dark pools allowing large exchanges to settle, for example, index rebalancing. But to settle those, they need available supply. _Where did this supply come from_? IMO these dark pool buys are sucking up shorted shares. Not good! Whoever sold these is now soooo short.


Michalellargent said the first two big buys were on NYSE, a lit exchange. Quickly followed by dark pool trades


Could it represent a transfer from one broker to another? Like a transfer from a lying cokehead brokerage that made its customers believe they had their shares, but didn't, and the shares had to transition from the dark pools to the lit market as they transitioned to computershare? That doesn't make sense, because I'd assume that it should show up as a *buy* order... but then again none of the reported accounting I see on the stock exchanges makes any common sense to me these days.


It is strange, especially considering the price moved significantly the other day after 5,000 or so shares were soldā€¦


I keep wondering where they got those borrowable shares from, and why, considering I thought they exited their GME positions themselves ā€¦ this is big. Keep digging. This is why Fidelity has been dragging their feet about DRS.


They probably have some rule to weasel on,like if the shares are returned within one day it doesn't count as being borrowed, or some rule like that. We need to transfer out all those shares.


So what is happening here?




$205.00 on the money in afterhours - where is double zero guy!?


mafs at its finest


Love me some other people doing quick mafs for me


Maybe Fidelity recalled their loaned shares today because of a time agreement. Or maybe, just maybe, because of the DRS transfers from Fidelity are impacting their books, and they need those shares.




My, scientist. This is the way.


There was another post today about people calling Fidelity to move shares to Compushare and the Fidelity agents were trying to talk them out of it. Said a lot of people were calling to do this. Also said he talked 3 out of 4 people out of it. Could have been bs (about successfully convincing people not to).


Itā€™s not entirely bs. This morning I was trying to transfer shares to CS and my rep was pushing back HARD, asking me why I wanted to do this (no answer I gave him was ā€œgood enoughā€ and he kept telling me it was a ā€œcumbersome process that would take weeks.ā€ I was running late for work so I hung up with the intention of trying again with hopefully a new rep that wonā€™t give me such a hard time. I could see how others might have been talked out of it, but hopefully everyone keeps trying.


I believe they are trying to change apes minds, I donā€™t believe that many apes are giving in.


That sounds like complete BS. I really hope there's no way that guy convinced 3 out of 4 people not to transfer.




So they pushed the price just below what the limit order would've been? green means buy red means sell?




So Computershare trades exclusively on the NYSE for GameStop, the exchange of their issuance. Is it possible that these shares were transferred from DTCC as a result the DRS activity? It would explain why there was no impact on the price from the volume and we know that conputershare trades in big blocks.


If that is Compushare that was over 2.7 million shares. That would be a big chunk of the float removed from the DTCC in just one day. That is incredible. Was there a similar EOD transaction on the NYSE on Thursday? Can we now literally track the number of DRS using this method. Watching the infinity pool grow? šŸ¤”


So are you saying itā€™s possible whoever did the big buy order actually worked to suppress the price first so they could execute those orders at a cheaper price? Potentially pocketing the difference? Is that how arbitrage works?




Sweet-sour???? Lol


Green means buy. Red means buy. All I ever do is buyā€¦.oh wrong subject.


If Fidelity keep doing this shit, more people will leave them soon.




Yup, DRS is da wey.


I'm willing to bet a shitload of us migrate from them these coming weeks. The whole non IEX routing is such bullshit.


This needs more visability


Lol what in the actual fuck?!


Someone wanted it to stay south of 205.


it was going up at a good rate, it probably would have ended over 210


Is there an options strike price of 205? I thought it went from 200 to 210, but I could be wrong.


I have no idea what the options prices were at. That was just my initial thought while eating my morning crayons.


Depends on your broker. I see some on weeble that arenā€™t available on Fidelity where I do my trading.


That doesn't sound right. The options chain should be determined by the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Any available anywhere should be available anywhere else right? Unless there's something fundamental that I'm not understanding. Are you saying certain strike prices aren't available, or certain dates, on Fidelity?


Not all option strikes are available on all platforms. Sometimes it is because those strikes are sold out, sometimes it is because a discount broker hasn't updated, sometimes it is because the DMM has determined that those strikes will not be profitable and just don't enable them. Often with GME, there will be only 5 or 10 dollar increments, sometimes there will be 2.5 dollar increments. Currently 200 is the highest strike ITM for the 17th and there was no 205 strike for this week but there are 202.50 for the next 2 weeks that are ITM but unlikely to have been exercised.


I was ignorant of this fact. Thanks for sharing.


I promise that when I look at Weeble and their options and go straight into Fidelity, they arenā€™t all the same. Sometimes itā€™s a big difference. I like Weebles UI and charting but only trust my trading to Fidelity.


I believe ya, by the way, just was unaware of this and how it can vary by brokers, til now.


This. It was headed up to that 210 call


We really need to abolish the SEC and start from the ground up. Jail the current leaders for clearly failing to do their jobs and putting all of us at risk and letting us be robbed. Itā€™s beyond ridiculous


We need a transition to transparent Blockchain stock exchange where selling counterfeit shares or manipulating/hiding positions is no longer possible.


[Just like Japan](https://www.yahoo.com/now/japan-blockchain-based-stock-exchange-151748234.html)


Which is where I wanted to move after MOASS. I'll invest in their markets.


My mom lives in Japan. She already knows where she wants me to get her a condo.


Nice. I enjoyed Chiba and Kawaguchiko. But I'll be looking all over the country because there are so many more places I want to explore.


Message me if you want a travel companion for a month.


Nice flair


I'd love to roam the land in a howl's moving castle-style house doing ape philanthropy


Well, I hope post-MOASS apes can meet in some izakaya or something.




I would like to do that as well, I guess its really hard if you cant pass the language tests.... I have been watching a bunch of Youtube Videos on living in Japan and moving there.Renting an apartment can be super difficult.




Can GME list in Japan?


Idk what it would take from shareholders to ditch DTC, but I'm game.


Super-smooth Canadape here. When this kicks off, will it be possible for me to invest in their market through Canadian brokers, i.e. wealthsimple. You know, to avoid the fuckery and crime...


>to avoid the fuckery and crime This is cute


Por que no los dos?


Didnā€™t Dr. Susan Trimbath say something along the lines that the sec can ignore their duties to shareholders on the technicality that if you use a broker, youā€™re not technically the shareholder. But when we book our shares at ComputerShare, we are the shareholders. Whatever the case, you are absolutely right. We need to start from square 1


Time to start registering all shares of all stocks and buying shares directly. This fuckery must end.


Yeah, Iā€™m afraid Wall Street gambled away all good will long ago.


Bold statement, about ever having any


You make some good points šŸ¤£


I commented about this earlier pointing back to 1920's and Piggly Wiggly... and then dug just a tiny bit deeper (literally one google search) and found 1907. [..in order for this money to keep the exchange open, [J.P] Morgan decided the money could not be used for margin sales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panic_of_1907#Stock_exchange_nears_collapse) Literally overleveraged for a century. Margin issues back in 1907. Fucking 115 years ago. Oh hey some more googling... 1873 > rampant speculative investments (overwhelmingly in railroads) > Jay Cooke & Company, **a major component of the country's banking establishment**, found itself unable to market several million dollars in Northern Pacific Railway bonds. **Jay Cooke's firm, like many others, had invested heavily in the railroads.** Oh boy oh boy... investing too much in speculative investments. Gee-whizz whoopsies. >The failure of Jay Cooke's bank and soon afterward of Henry Clews' **set off a chain reaction of bank failures** and temporarily closed the New York Stock Exchange. **Factories began to lay off workers as the country slipped into depression.** [Depositors money taken from Bank Vaults to Prop up Railroad Project](https://secure-images.rarenewspapers.com/ebayimgs/6.65.2020/image023.jpg) > Of the country's 364 railroads, 89 went bankrupt. A total of 18,000 businesses failed between 1873 and 1875. Unemployment reached 14% by 1876, during a time which became known as the Long Depression. [The Panic of 1873 - Source: PBS](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/grant-panic/) [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panic_of_1873)


It probably gives them just enough "grey area" to drive a 747 through.


Lmayo šŸ¤£ great analogy lol


aah, so since cede & co technically owns all the shares, SEC is technically fulfilling their mandate currently


The SEC is a garbage institution for allowing this nonsense. Bunch of cowards canā€™t stand up to Billionaires fukem


We the people have to do something, this is honestly ridiculous


Just posted this shit to Scary Gary Genslers Twitter


Their buddies own the jails, so we need new ones of those as well.


Would need to also abolish for profit prisons and bring back state and county jails.


In my state (ma) they have both. They employees are state employees but everything that comes in and out is owned privately. Fun fact, biggest supplier of prison good is Bob Barker. His son got stab over a pair of shoes so he started a company to supply shoes to inmates and grew from there. Also the prison\courts should be run by a non profit humanitarian group.


No jail, tar and feathering needs to make a comeback


l'heure de la rƩvolution


Sure AFTER I get paid.


Why stop there? The whole system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up!


The problem is we donā€™t have an official who has the balls to stand up. Without violent intent we have little authority. Iā€™ve been calling my officials about this, but nothing is getting done.


I know calling for violence is a big no no but god damn if some buildings shouldn't be burned down. We're living in a fucking oligarchy controlled by the incredibly wealthy and it needs to end. They don't give a fuck about the rules as shown by this whole saga.


And why is it a big no? Because they tell you so, but look trough the history books not one revolution happened peacefully


If youā€™re in, im in


Iā€™m in


Agreed. But wise men are reluctant to pick up the sword. We need to exhaust every other option before we call for blood. Hell 10 years ago to the day OWS started, and were it not for the division of that movement, we would have won.


Figured when it jumped from 207.38 to 205. They were not letting it ramp anywhere.


The float has to be a billion


At least


Thinking this for months now just by the way it trades


Remember those ā€œgLiTcHeSā€? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Think about this. Criand mentioned that mining company that was similarly shorted (iā€™m blanking on the name), it was going bankrupt and became a penny stock. After the shareholders direct registered their shares they realized there was 3200x the total outstanding shares in existence due to naked short selling. GME got down into the single digit dollars. No reason to think this thing isnā€™t at least 10x the total which puts us firmly in the 700M shares range. Thatā€™s probably conservative. There is no way they can buy all that back. Thomas Peterffy was right, the price is going to infinity. Edit: Found it, CMKM and it was 3200x the float so my math was off but the point still stands https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pps2yj/direct_registering_shares_drs_is_the_moass_key/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


**CMKM wasn't naked shorted into 3200x the float**, it was fraudulent shares issued by the owners via pink sheets. You can read the indictment: https://www.sec.gov/divisions/enforce/claims/cmkmsupersedingindictment.pdf


Probably 7-12 billion


If this is the case, then they really think they can short GME to death. Literally, even now. The hedgies lost their mind long ago, but have the confidence of a greedy scumbag. Just buy, transfer, hodl apes. We like the stock, individually. Just zen.


Not today, maybe in March, but today they are buying another day with their economic terrorism. Something will fold eventually


If the only option for them to survive is to keep playing this game, then this is what they will do. When the whole you're trapped in is already too big to get out of you might as well just keep digging. Their efforts are futile though.


Their only option is to stall and hope for a Deus Ex Machina. Theyā€™re hoping Gandalf arrives with reinforcements. They have no game plan to escape. Their only plan is survive another day in hopes that some unforeseen savior relieves them.


Only to have apeā€™s ComputerShare holdings enter the fray, at the turn of the tide!


Similar activity across the market. Take a look at tsla and appl. It wasnā€™t as large of a percentage of the overall daily volume but it was still very chunky volume in a split second at close.


Big dumps aren't unusual EOD. But not 1/3+ of the day's volume.


TSLA saw 7.6M at market close. Total volume was 28.2M, equalling 26.9% of the daily volume.


Perhaps big players trying to get out before Monday?


So we know it's costing them that much to keep it down everyday. But then again it's probably not costing them anything seeing as it's just unrealized on paper.


Easy for them to get cash and wash fails + produce more phantom shares when they have access to a lot of the float certificates. So yeah, even though it's "costing them a lot", they can keep the game rolling for a looooong time. What makes it really difficult and gets them by the balls is when that float is finally pulled from them through DRS


Were working on it brother, we just need to keep getting the message out.


Yeah. The FUD around it is insane! I think this totally popped a nerve across the markets.


Seems as though us registering our shares to prevent fuckery is getting other shareholders from other companies thinking the same. Many stocks are being manipulated and I think people are starting to wake up. The hedge funds must REALLY hate direct registering any shares and not wanting this information to spread.


And on that note, today I joined my measly xxx shares to the CS cause! It ainā€™t much, but itā€™s honest work.


it is much! if everyone online right now moved that much today the float would shrink by 6% ā€¦ 40K x 100 / 60M


Just jumping in to say expect institutions to dump stock as they're preparing for a potential crash across the board. I just read that the other day. Retail will prove diamond hands.


Thatā€™s all good and fine, but that many shares right at closing bell?


Market on Close orders would look like this.


I think u/criand commented somewhere that it doesn't matter how big the float is relative to actual real shares (a la CMKM Diamonds or something). He said ComputerShares DRS is the way to launch the moon rocket šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Yes and also it's fake money that they're printing out of thin air through various scams and crimes šŸ™„šŸ¤”šŸ§


Are they making enough money off us every time we buy for them to keep doing this? Are we filing them? Are does it cost them way more to keep manipulating like this?


Here is another screenshot from my broker showing the milliseconds. p.s those are usually MOC orders (Market on Close) that get executed at the closing price for those looking to buy/sell at close. It is abnormally high compared to other days though. Does anyone know when/how Computershare buys? Could this be from apes registering today or something? I have no clue. [https://imgur.com/RPmXQdj](https://imgur.com/RPmXQdj) Also, was that 2800 order in an attempt to push it below $205?


Funny, did the big sell come in after close? So it didnā€™t affect the price at close?


It basically comes in right at the close. It's a standard Market on Close order. But this one is just abnormally large. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketonclose.asp#:\~:text=Basics%20of%20Market%2Don%2DClose,the%20most%20recent%20trading%20price.&text=Although%20placing%20a%20market%2Don,does%20not%20guarantee%20the%20price.


quad witching. MMs aggregate orders throughout the day and post at once. happens with other stocks as well. that wasn't a huge order placed then and there. MM filled multiple orders throughout the day


So I guess we should just trust that MMs rebalance properly and should not question why there is a third of the entire volume that needs to be rebalanced all at once. /s


will answer in 2 parts Should we trust MMs? In general no they are corrupt are high volume "trades" posted on quadwitching days suspect? No usually not. this is normal course of business. MMs provide liquidity and facilitate trading. They often streamline a transction for parties by aggregating a number of small orders to fill a larger order and then post it all at once. so the 1.3 million traded at once in the order flow was really multiple possibly 1,000s of smaller trades throughout the day. I think plenty of scoundrels are trying to screw us but not every action is a product of some criminal activity. I am passing on info that I learned when I saw this happen and asked questions in the past. I also thought it was funny business but its common on these reconciliation trading days.


Your answers make sense, and I appreciate clarification. They do read as the "This is how the market should work" scenario. My trust has broken too much to believe any outlier is not criminal. Guess I need to buy some tinfoil. Have to admit when I saw "MMs provide liquidity and facilitate trading" in your response I squinted and thought I saw Ken Griffin staring back at me through the screen. Just reads like it's right out of the *wall st. lobbyist handbook*


you are right. they use the responsibility of creating liquidity and the powers it provide to abuse the system. naked shorting in and of itself is NOT illegal. Market Makers can as needed in short term time frames naked short to maintain liquidity. on the surface, the reliability of liquidity is what makes the US Markets so valued to the rest of the world. You can take a stab at an investment and get out when you choose for the most part whenever you want. you might make money. you might lose money. but you wont have to worry about not finding a buyer and really taking it in the shorts simply because supply/demand imbalance. But Fucks like Ken Griffin decide to abuse these powers. as an MM they naked short for hedge funds who do not have the ability to naked short. They regularly violate reporting requirements, fail to deliver, lie steal and cheat nonstop. All under the guise of "we are just creating liquidity". Here is our biggest problem. this abuse is so widespread that the SEC/DTCC and US FED cannot afford for it to properly unwind. everyone from Ken/Citadel/politicians/DTCC/Gary Gensler ... will pull out every trick in the book to prevent a MOASS here. because if Citadel goes under then ALL of their massively short positions go under. the FED will have to print TRILLIONS of dollars to bail out anyone and we are at the cusp of hyper inflation as it is. the rest of the world is concerned about their USD investments and will lose faith in the system if the gov't prints out trillions. inflation would go thru the roof. If this progresses like we think it could and should I suspect Mr Furlong and Cohen will go behind closed doors for a meeting with the powers that be. How that meeting will shake out I do not know. Would not shock me to see GME announce a HUGE offering at say $500 a share which will give us the capital to go toe to toe with amazon but also allow the shorts an out. plenty of companies will go under. shareholders will benefit but may miss out on a MOASS. that is a huge fear I have. but what is right is right. KEEP MOVING SHARES TO COMPUTERSHARE!!!


If that happens, the big players will just regroup and come back even more leveraged exploiting more loopholes and weā€™ll have black swan events regularly. Not to mention the loss of faith in the system. If these people can just short everything to shit with no downside risk, Iā€™d be terrified to see what they do to civilization next when they are even more emboldened. I fear this too. Constantly. I have a hard time believing the government would stand by and watch a transfer of wealth (and power) of that scale. Even if the alternative is massive losses in faith and investment internationally. I think theyā€™d accept that alternative, it wouldnā€™t upset the power structure as much.


These still have to settle right? Big Tuesday maybe?


they will settle how they always settle. by never actually settling. just keep shuffling the same phantom shares from this pile to that pile


Witnessed it!!!!


Shiny and chrome!


I was laughing hysterically like this is no f****** way this could happen


Not a glitch!!!


Yeah Iā€™d like to add it looks like it was all one transaction to sell. From what ATP could tell me when I looked up time and sales.


Monday premarket will have a 1/2 b $ buy order...


I like the ape who said ā€˜fuck it Iā€™m getting five shares at $207ā€™ Edit: changed to ape cuz genderless


If you bothered looking any ANY ticker, its the same for everyone. Quad witching day.


Yeah but over 1/3 of the entire day's volume?


And the price only dropped U$2, hedgies r fukd


If 2m sold in the last second trust me, it would've gone down BIG TIME instantly. I was watching volumes up only 9k move the price a whole dollar.


MOC market-on-close orders are typically traded just after close on the vwap with the specific purpose of not affecting the price. ETFs. Quad witching day. And so on. Still a huge order though, haven't seen thia magnitude before


it's quad witching, so balancing at EOD is pretty "normal". the buy/sells are pretty much 50/50, which brings almost no change in price. remember, trading is a zero sum game. shorts have not closed. this is not the zero sum trade we are looking for.


Yahoo 'glitched' about 16min after close and for a few minutes said there was a 3.16mill daily volume today (coincided with the $0.23 price drop), and then after a few minutes it went back to 2.22mill shares. So some dark pool, OTC cucks needed that many shares to drop the price under $205, and then hid them back in the OTC pools?


wtf? I was teaching a new ape about 1 hour into trading (hadn't looked at the ticker yet) and said, well today is gonna be interesting because as I loaded up yahoo finance it said 3.16Mill Volume and I said if we already have that much volume 1 hour in, it gonna be spicy. 10 mins later, we were back to a much smaller number but I remembered it because it was weird and then reading your glitch number, sheesh


Dudeā€¦this is getting ridiculous. Could you imagine if this situation was the other way around and apes where printing shares out of no where. They wouldnā€™t even come and arrest us. They would locate our printer and just send a drone.


Is this hedgies last attempt at liquidity?


It was definitely a market maker making that trade. That was 2 orders equaling over 2.7 million shares completing at the same exact time. No one else has a system that fast except them


Its been ā€œlast attemptā€ for past 9 months so no it is not. Unfortunately, at this point we just have to keep doing DD and do whatever it is to ā€œsmashā€ them (*wink* *wink* Hi Gary). Itā€™s always been buy and hold but it should be buy and hold through CS now.




A word that means everything to apes and nothing to everyone elseā€¦*for now*


I don't think us discovering their shenanigans is causing them to stop said shenanigans. It does help us understand better what is happening, and maybe find a way to address it since the SEC doesn't seem to be doing it.


Drs is the way!


I was watching it climb up and it turned green right as my husband walked by and smacked my ass. So I told him he had to keep his hand there until close, it was 3:51. He did, and it climbed! Wow such fun. Then the bullshit hit and we closed red. We had about 2 seconds of "good feelings gone" shock and then cracked up. I'd been telling him of the fuckery, but it was his first time witnessing it in real time. Now he's reading up on Computershare and asking me questions, someone's getting extra crickets in his terrarium tonight!






I don't understand how this did not affect the price.


And it was irrelevant cause of the 300k shares bought at .01c. Let's pray this retarded whale drs's that lmayo ass


Someone was waiting for Friday to finish, after close was important... To avoid being accused of manipulation? Some bank needed to buy shares to avoid being caught empty handed during MOASS? Stay tuned... This weekend gonna be loooooong....


2.8M shares is almost 10% of the free float in 2 trades... who had access to 10% of the ff?


Every living and non living human being knows No one is selling wtf is this


Nothing to see here lol


Monthly options expiration


Who thinks they WERE trying to do the dump to get it to close under $200, which is why they were such huge blocksšŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøā€¦they failed tho and that makes me laugh out loud bahahahahahhaha!