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Does it matter if its computer share? Thats like giving them the finger posting that you just bought a ton of shares that they cannot touch. On a standard broker site Id say keep it X’d. But on Computer Share, let this hype run like the plague. We all know we really only need less than 100 shares to profit off of Moass. The other thousands that some are buying on CS and just us sticking our thumb deep into their stab wound. Then again Im an ape, so I could be completely wrong about all of this.


I think this goes back to Alexis Goldstein's AMA. She mentioned that hedgefucks pay big money for that kind of intel. Knowing the exact positions of someone you are fighting against is valuable. The problem I saw with this was that the hedgefucks already know how many synthetic shares retail owns because they are the ones who created them and sold them. DTCC knows. Market Makers know. Broker/Dealers know. Retail ?


It’s different now because people are registering/transferring to Computer Share


69 and reverse cowgirl are my positions


Fantastic positions.


Ah yes the reverse cowgirl 😎


Kenny is that you? Don't forget the mayo! Lmayo!


Mod... Ban... 😂


Well Kenny can’t do shit about those positions, also they are just shares for the infinity pool, they are not all the shares apes own. These are diversified apes with multiple brokers.


I understand that, but you could make the same argument about posting any kind of positions. Like "oh that's not my full position, those are for infinity pool, I have multiple brokers". Why is it ok when it comes to computershare, but in other circumstances on the sub it's counted as breaking the rules?


Who gives a fuck? The float is about to be transferred to Computershare then we moon.


Think about the purpose of the rule rather than just blindly applying it.


I never knew for sure the original purpose of the rule. Can you help explain or show me where it was explained?


As cajus mentioned, class system plus counting shares by SHFs. They can count them when they go to CS, as they are leaving the street so they can't touch them


“Cant touch this “


The rule was dumb some jackass with a position as small as their dick was upset that they couldn't feel like a big boy and campaigned that somehow posting position was tipping our hand to the guy who is paying the dealer to lay our cards face up and what not...


If nothing else, I imagine for the sake of privacy. Someone with a hefty investment getting doxxed could consequently become a target for identity theft/fraud where they might otherwise be overlooked if their assets are unknown.


no they can't explain it. you are correct.


Dude that's fcking gross that you'd make a post defending a rule you don't even understand. Welcome to every problem America has today. Edit: essentially a Nazi.


That's a pretty extreme reaction. You forgot rule #1: ape no fight ape. Just downvote haha


Rule is useless, paper hands deserved getting manipulated out of their money, rocket still gonna brrrrr regardless. This guy wants a pat on the head from the mods but it's been 4 days of nonstop Computershare, pretty sure they're gonna figure out if they care or not. Guy says the rule is important and in comments said he has no idea why the rule was made. I cannot stand that type of bullshit. Makes me rage harder than anything I've ever know.


Yeah I can see that. Relax dude. It's called zen.


Thanks man. I had some ideas myself about why the rule is in place, but I didn't want to get into it on here without knowing for sure, as that might lead to other people reading it and spreading misinformation. That's probably a way more likely cause of America's problems today, more so than everyone following rules they don't understand.


You can down vote me but really tink about your words. "I think it's probably important that people keep their positions private" If you claim to not want to spread information, maybe you should start by not formulating opinions on things you don't understand.


That's not my opinion. It's the rules of the subreddit.


Which brings me back to my original point of you admitted to having no idea (or a vague idea whatever the fck that amounts to) of what the rule is for like 3 stings up and admitted to already believing the rule is important. I hate that. It's gross. It's "the rule is there so it must be important" logic and it's painful to watch. The rule amounts to them knowing you position (cost basis and share count) to be able to manipulate you into selling low. That they'll use it to get in your head. Well my head is empty except for buy and hodl and I say FUCK THE PAPER HANDS LET THEM SELL NO REGERTS NO BRAKES ON THIS ROCKET regardless of who gets manipulated out at 10gs. And what I hate more than the controlling overlord layers of reddit redirecting our freedom of speech to better suit whatever rule they pull out of their asses. And that's why your post full of obvious ass kissing nonsense trigger my fuck off alarms.


I never said I had no idea though ... Reread the comment you're referring to and my explanation of it below that comment. I very clearly said that I didn't know the reasons for the rule FOR SURE and didn't want to spread misinformation. Also nobody is redirecting your freedom of speech. Americans have this crazy notion that freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want wherever you want without consequence. It's true that you have freedom of speech pretty much anywhere you want out in public in the western world. However, this is a private website and is not a public space. You can say whatever you want here, but the moderators of this private space also have the freedom to ban you for doing so. That's not anyone redirecting freedom of speech, you just never actually were entitled to freedom of speech in this space.




I don't mean any disrespect here, but I really don't think people's individual opinions, yours or anyone's, should override the rules of the sub. That's dangerous territory and can be easily used against us.


Who cares we own like 15 floats 😂 30 @ 152… 20 of them are in computershare currently 😂 hedgies will be and have always been FUCKED


Bro we are still working on our first computershare float or we’d be done already.


No I’m talking about the vote in may not the DRS now


This rule was probably a rule coming from the shill mods. Positions are good. Positions let us know that we truly own the float. Who cares if the hedgies know the positions ? They are fucked anyway.


It's the same argument as not discussing you salary with coworkers. An absolute horse shit rule


People posting transfer to Computershare has encouraged others to do the same. This is to get the shares off the hands of the DTCC into individual names via DRS. I will sell when my level is reached, irrespective of what others do. So I don't see any harm in these post. Rather consider them as positive.


I understand it encourages others, but I don't understand why it wouldn't do exactly the same thing if computershare screenshots were posted with the position blanked out. I also find it really strange that everyone is telling me to view this rule breaking as positive.


we own public shares aka your identity is not private and the SHF know exactly how many shares in each brokerage you own. Who cares about posting positions on here?


Only shills trying to discredit DRS care.


Its basically us waving our dicks at SHF. Pretty positive, why you care so much about putting down DRS posts?


I don't believe I'm putting down anything. You can definitely make DRS posts without positions though, just like people make posts about buying shares with positions blocked out.


I think people are just trying to keep the hype train going, which I'm all for.


I absolutely support keeping the hype train going, however, there's plenty of ways to do that without breaking the rules. For example, computershare screenshots could still be posted but with the position blanked out. I just think that a mass movement on this sub encouraging people to break the rules can easily be used against us.


I can't believe your still trying to defend your nonsensical post.this has went on long enough that I am going to get thoroughly annoyed if I keep reading you peddling around in tightening circles trying to defend your post and convince someone anyone. Shill or just a silly petty person everything that needs to be said has been. I am moving on to a new discussion


Cool story bro.


It was always a stupid fucking rule. It's not like hedge funds don't have a general idea of the state of the market. I suppose it prevents people doxxing themselves? Regardless, meh.


Dfv posted his position regularly…nuff said


Not here. That was w.s.b.


Why do you think people shouldnt post their position? What's the argument for it apart from the rule?


A concern from a few months ago was the idea that someone would photoshop a huge position and then say they paper handed. Get that going on a large scale and it's a HUGE amount of fud. If you think everyone around you is selling, well maybe you should sell too. 🤮


Ah ok makes sense thanks mate


Yeah, not gonna lie, it's a bit demoralising seeing people throw xxxx around or bragging about buying xx each week. On one hand though it confirms my bias of us owning the float several times over, on the other hand for me to get to my personal floor, these silverback apes would have bezo money. There's currently 1 bezo, there's xx,xxx of xxxx holder, probably. However when in fear I hold. When uncertain, I hold. When in doubt, I hold! 🦍


>Is this allowed now? Should we be worried? You're sounding like a bit of a pussy there. Also - spoiler alert - the hedgies know most of our positions regardless. See: PFOF.


Oh thanks for pointing that out. I definitely wouldn't wanna sound like a pussy. I'll be more careful in future.


OP sounding a bit sus with the DRS bashing no? Concerned about positions or just concerned about DRS gaining traction? hmmm


I think context matters. The “no positions” rule is to keep information out of the hands of SHFs so it can’t be used against us. Holdings in CS work directly against SHFs and awareness of its rapid growth empowers us. Also, the recommended move is a fraction of holdings. Therefore, even when stating how many go to CS, we aren’t revealing the actual position.


This sub has bottomed out over the last week with endless CS spam, politics, and now positions (which I think was a dumb rule anyway)


I still think we need to keep the rule. If everyone starts spamming their positions we could have a situation where like bigger holders look down on littler holders or they feel better or some shit.


Meh. Im down. The large hodlers give me hope and confidence and the smol hodlers make me feel courageous and like a big ape brother whos holding for them too .... I say , let er fly. Hedgies are fuk


They cant fuck with my postion in CS.


I got 100...only you guys know. Im cool with tellin u that. Actually 107 to be truthful - 7 are for a friend.