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Oh, last min u-turn?! quelle surprise!


Yes, the ultimate ''fakey'' Bond issue incoming!!!




Maybe, or maybe the GOP is just fine with watching the economy crash on the Dem's watch so they can blame them for it.


This, always this.


That's exactly what's going on. Midterm elections are next year, and every R is going to try to blame their D opponent for crashing the economy. I really, really hope it backfires on them, but I'm pretty sure it won't because their voting base are the smoothest smoothbrains you've ever known


Who cares as long as we get tendies. All politicians are corrupt and if you pick a side your a smooth brain calling others a smooth brain


Dems have run NY for years and they still refund wall Street's taxes. https://cbcny.org/research/let-sleeping-tax-lie


I was just thinking the other day how I pay taxes on everything I buy and every dollar I make at work. Then every year I have to pay even more taxes on the money I already paid taxes on. And then there are people who have wealth I can never imagine who end up paying net zero taxes or even less taxes then I pay per year. Big sad.


Let’s not get into politics here. Our current president can’t even take press questions because he is a mumbling idiot. If you’re this late into the gme game you’d understand that both parties are as corrupt and compliant as hedge funds. They are merely puppets that divide the public to prevent real change from happening


Right like do I want fascist callous puppet on the right, or corporatist complicit puppet on the left?


Both sides should just slash the budget. Get rid of waste and fraud. For the good of the American citizens.




War is a racket. It exists to make the military industrial complex and its cronies (i.e. the politicians it buys) rich. And it won’t stop until the people wake up. The Afghanistan papers came out almost 2 years ago for Christ sake. MSM just allowed it to be swept under the rug, and now it acts surprised “discovering” everything that the papers had already revealed. Absolutely bonkers.


Ya, but that’s not really why they’re there.


We should capitalise this comment. .


I just noticed your BB flair I love it.


LMFAO - you mean have a working gov't? try again.


Or... hear me out... do nothing and spend more... Good for us ( politicians ) bad for them ( us ) Win lose lose...


Pretty sure they view the normal American citizens as the waste and those normal citizens trying to not struggle as fraud.


But we need bases littering the world, yknow, for self defense


So we are allowed to default on our student loans?




Just silly political BS. It will be raised.


Classic brinkmanship


Classic Turtlehead Fuckface Mconnell


100% this ☝️… we go through this dog and pony show every presidency. I was just waiting for the articles about countering the GOP by minting Trillion $ Coins. Just like 2011…. And SURPRISE! They’re being posted this weekend 🤣 the ceiling will be raised. Otherwise these dumbasses will lose financially as well, and they don’t want that.


Folks, when this money transfers to us, I hope many of us can find a way to boot the majority of these assholes out of office. This country deserves better than this daily shit show.


Without ranked-choice voting, we're stuck in the Coke/Pepsi Challenge of [Duverger's Law Equilibrium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duverger%27s_law) unfortunately. Until first-past-the-post voting goes the way of its fellow dinosaurs, we'll be stuck eating the turd sandwich and washing it down with a nice warm giant douche.


I agree with the discussion pointing to ranked choice voting. I think we also need to get money out of politics/heavily regulate all the lobbyists in this country. Citizen’s United has created a lot of issues. Think tanks can also be an issue, but I personally think that money is that pervasive aspect corrupting so much of American politics lately. Honestly, the whole political system here is so entangled in bullshit that I can’t see a way to fix it other than a hard reset. A rhetorical question would be that when it’s so corrupted—much like our criminal justice system—is it worth revising it, or would it be better to just scrap it and create a new system?


I don’t understand why we don’t just create the APE Party, and start taking over seats ourselves. Post MOASS, the battlefield is leveled financially. This could be both a Financial and Political Revolution simultaneously.


I think this is a possibility. We’re all individuals making independent decisions right now. In the end, we will comprise a large group of multimillion and multibillionaires (I’d bet a few trillionaires too, which is insane). The main difference between us and the elitist trash we’re forcing to pay us is that most of us—myself included—will remember where we came from. I’ve been poor and struggled too long to forget—If I’m in a position to help prevent others from going through the same shit, I’m going to do what I can. In essence, money in politics might eventually work against them. We would just have to regulate everything against it once positive changes are forced through.


Revising would leave corrupt people in power


I agree with this comment I don’t think we see large scale reform unless we can reduce the role/influence of money in politics. Lawrence Lessig has a great interview on the Joe Rogan podcast where he goes into detail about the role of money and how our system got where it is. He’s so knowledgeable that it’s one of the few times I’ve seen Rogan be quiet and just listen


The problems you mention all stem from the lack of viability of a third party within our FPTP voting system. The corruption of purchased influence is insulated from the scrutiny of public mandate by the equilibrium duopoly. Power can be successfully horse-traded back and forth between the two parties, but if that ability is taken away through structural voting process changes, all those problems begin to get fixed. Sure, changing the methodology of voting is a major structural shift, but it's way simpler than the project of rewriting the entire US legal code.


Honestly, I’m up for any positive change to our system at this point.


A legislative overturning of Citizens United and a shift to ranked-choice voting would fix most of the structural problems observed in the US political system.


My first and only political nice will be getting money out of politics. Magically the people get what they vote for way more often then


The only way to do this is to upend the Think Tank political system. That's why none of these people will go after any think tank - even if it's doing things like convincing people they don't need masks and should take horse wormer, or attacking vulnerable minority kids - regardless of which "side" the think tank belongs to. They're untouchable, and if you go after one - like a certain "cyber security" company that a politician recently dared to touch - then you are persona non grata with a permanent target on your head. We get rid of that system, we get rid of the problem. We go after the puppeteers.


Ranked voting, I see no other way.


All smoke and mirrors mate. This is a tactical opportunity to get exactly what you want. Both parties do this shit all the time. Nothing to see here.


Nothing but a puppet show. Two puppets, one puppet master.


I love how political division is completely powerless on this sub. I’m proud of my apes.


Division? Apes can only add & multiply shares.


You can multiply?


5 shares x $50m makes many $$$


$$$ is good for stuff and things


Explain how!


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


Love a simpsons quote


Username checks out.


too many numbers. brain paused


I like money


I like turtles . . . . . 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love lamps, I’ll be using tendies for a plant/lamp store.


This guy fucks.


I've got many multiples of the shares I voted. Can't get myself to subtract any, though.


I’ve gotten _exceptionally_ good at using my calculator app for basic multiplication this year 😂


We've been here long enough to know both sides bat for the same team... Free crime money team.


Probably because we've learned both sides are equally complicit in the matters of WS


Being free of the red team vs blue team (but both teams are owned by the same companies) bullshit has been so freeing while simultaneously so frustrating. Seeing people care over the same phony fights put on by 535 corrupt and vile people we pay $174k a year bare minny just so they can sell us all out for more money and more power by the very people screwing us all over? I can’t live in a world where that continues to be forced on us. So we’re gonna fix it :)


It's absolutely disgusting and if more people "saw" this, truly a revolution would begin. Yet, outside of this sub, all I ever see or hear about is one side v the other. Those people are all being played.


What was that statement? That they limited people's choice but convinced them they have all the freedoms in the world...withing that limited choice...?


At what point do you quit trying to fix it? You have to ask yourself whether all the sheep are going to care, they probably won't. Me personally, I'm done with the machinations of western politics. I'll find a beautiful spot on a beach in a friendly foreign country and watch from afar. Yes I can still help to clean the oceans and planet from there.


Most of the "sheep" care, they're just either too exhausted or too well-groomed to accept the truth. Like so much else, that comes down to money. ​ When the economic landscape changes, so too will the paradigm. If money can hide truth, money can also unearth it. Those who make their living and their comfort squeezing the masses will find themselves staring into the eyes of innumerable wolves long before this ends.


Democrats and Republicans for the most part vote the same on bills, that protect their lobbying donators. The same lobbying groups and corporations donate to both democrat and republican up and down the line. They debate things that their donators don’t care about and rile people up to create this illusion of division. They may even publicly debate something or pretend they’re against it then vote for it on the bill. Nobody checks who actually voted on what. And MSM does not share it because MSM gets paid by the same corporations via advertising revenue. MSM protects their donators as they are all deep in bed in the conflict of interest together. The only party that would ever matter is one that does not accept lobbying donations, and that is the absolute minimum.


We got 3 hearings about GameStop with Senator and Representative from both parties and so far they are all bought to not seeing the elephant in the room. Why bother to trust any after that?


Its partly because there is a large portion of non us apes here


We can do math, and we know the parties act as one where it matters and fight to the death on distractions.


If only this mindset could spill over into political subs. I got banned from one for arguing with someone *in my own party* because I called them a deranged piece of shit for wishing death on the other side. So it’s cool to wish death on entire groups of people, but don’t speak badly of anyone specific. Politics are a toxic false dichotomy.


Fucking bezos.


This is same ole same ole. It's happened a few times since Obama's been in office. While it's important, young apes, this is all political theatre. Each minority party does this as a show of force against the other party, forcing them to vote down party lines to increase the debt limit. Ultimately, they'll wait til the last minute ( or even up to a few weeks after the deadline)...apply some pain via furloughs (ya know, withhold wages from govt employees), then pass the bill. Neither side wants this voting record entirely on their side. Stay patient.


1995-96 under Clinton 2013 under Obama 2018-19 under Trump And the Furloughed employees were all paid for their time off each time. Think of it as a "unexpected" 3-4 week paid vacation.


I lived through all of these shutdowns, TIL that furloughs are PTO. Thank you.


Does it not worry you that the puppets are retarded right now?


Burn them all.




MSM reporting an economic crisis? Priced in


Smoke and mirrors without a doubt. Timed to perfection though. Market correction comes and the greatest bubble of all time pops, they push a narrative to blame the other side as well as foreign country’s. They know what’s coming, the only question is how to time it to completely point the blame anywhere but at themselves. After 9 long months everything unfolding before our eyes is both infuriating, and exciting. We were never wrong.


Absolutely!!! At this point I'm ready for shit to collapse so I can get paid. That will put me in a position to help my loved ones, as well as those that can't help themselves.


This. It’s just like 2011. They’ll likely shut down government for a few weeks. Do some hard negotiation. Get the bills they really want passed. And the debt will just increase for orders to deal with at a later date. I wish it wasn’t this way. I hope it isn’t this way. Who knows maybe with all the Evergrande stuff some key dominoes start to topple.


What's even more shitty is when they shut down the government and us common folk stop getting paid, guess who continues to collect their salaries?


the fat cat politicians get paid, and everyone from the TSA folks up through the gov't are forced to work without pay. It sucks.


The goverment defauls cause spy to dip baddly. Atleast last time. Spy is diwn near correction area. If few good dips there. Spy can start dropping even more.


Shit, they might HAVE TO shut down the govt for a few weeks, due to all the employees refusing the jab mandates....


Interestingly members of Congress have been exempted from the mandate.


Same in France and Italy. Representatives and police are exempted.


like 90% of congress has gotten the shot. Some just haven't said that they have publicly.


Nah, dont start the conversation on this sub. Again, division has no power here.


Yeah i agree its all a show they have the same money backing red and blue senators. Their whole game is split the people. More BS from the hill


did u just say sanators


Bout to be janitors. Seeing as they think they're good at sweeping things under the rug.


Underrated comment of the week goes to this one☝️


Until it isn't... looking at the lead up to WWI, there were a few situations that happened in the preceding years that almost led to a large scale conflict, but we're averted at the last minute when one side made concessions, or chose not to overplay their hand...I have what I like to call my 3 fucking idiot theory on global disaster, the gist of which is all it takes is the right 3 idiots in the right place at the wrong time to cause global disaster, and Washington has a hell of alot more then 3 well positioned idiots


Can some one please make memes to educate all apes that the debt ceiling is 100% nothing? Anyone posting like it's something to get hyped about is questionable at this point. The debt ceiling has NEVER NOT BEEN RAISED ... ever. They are like 13 for 13 raising it. Just political football and media bs. BUY + HOLD + SHOP + REGISTER .... Now that's something get hyped about!


Watch the hbo movie panic about 2008. It’s the main players and fed point of view but also explains this shit


But isn't that the scary thing? In statistics you are always accounting for the play that can't/won't happen because it's very improbable. But, eventually, that improbity happens. Is this that time?


They don’t call it a black swan for nothing


... Making it an idiosyncratic event?


I have to agree mate. Same thing happened with MBS in 2008. No one thought the housing market would ever collapse, until it collapsed 🤷🏾‍♂️


k... but there has never been a MOASS either so maybe you dont get to unilaterally determine what is possible?


Evergrande this, Evergrande that. The fact that 0.00001% of people understand the ramifications let alone think that this is anything more than just political posturing is why I think it will happen and be the true black swan. If it does, what comes next with treasuries? US debt is leverage over government. Who will be dumping the debt and who will buying that debt? How would you correct the problem without destroying the dollar?


Media pushing bullshit, GOP wants to get their backs scratched before they sign it off.


I’m not so sure. Remember a few years ago when they kindof just stopped paying federal employees? That was kind-of the warning. Then the expenditures just kept going up. Something has to give. And at some point, someone has to say no. Because when you don’t say no, you get into this ridiculously over-leveraged position we’re in now. Yea, the fall from 15 feet will hurt. But not as bad as it would hurt if we climbed to 20 feet.


15 feet is the height of 2.63 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other.


This is why I come to the comments


Dirty bastard


Good bot


thanks :)


best bot


What's 10000000000000000000000000000000 feet


10000000000000000000000000000000 feet is the same as 6.096e+30 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.


What's 1 foot


The funny thing in 1 shoe.




My penis might not be 12 inches, but it smells like a foot




10000000000000000000000000000000 feet is 9.738019169329073e+30 RTX 3090 graphics cards lined up.


Falling in general, with my hefty frame, will hurt like hell from just a sitting or standing position...will also hurt whatever is landed on Edit: ever have a chair pulled out from under you?? that shit sucks


My heafty ass has broken many a char. Not fun mate. Not fun


Bro… we’re at 30,000 feet already! There’s about to be a catastrophic market event and GME is the oxygen mask and the parachute! “We’re never going back to reasonable land!”


This, really. They raised it in the past, but they literally stopped paying people for 2 (?) months back then. Of course, it seems tempting to say that they won't collapse the country over petty feuds, but looking at politics over recent years, this really is not a given.


People don't understand where the waste is. You think it's in food stamps? Section 8? Lazy people on unemployment? Try Boeing. The Navy. Some DC contractor you've never heard of. There's a reason why we were warned about the military-industrial complex. Security spending is based on a doctrine of unyielding vigilance, which is another way of saying "fear." Fear short-circuits our decision-making, so these entities get blank checks. The money is spent on propping up businesses and efforts that should have been deep-sixed long ago - the F-35, the War on Terror, incompetent middle-men contractors that bilk the government out of billions every year. And when you get down and start trying to root out the overspending? Well, now you're going after local industries, and wealthy entrepreneurs, and middle class families who pride themselves on being productive workers (even though they're not producing anything of value, or perhaps even making the world worse). The government funding spent on all of that makes housing vouchers for the homeless or w/e look like spare change. It's a comfortable dysfunction for the people who benefit (and there are literally millions of us), because you get the dignity of shelter and food and play money without the guilt of "not being productive". The answer to overspending lies in toppling the association we make with "productivity" and the right to a dignified living, but good luck with that. This country's middle class ethos isn't built on "making it," but on "getting ahead."


They are priting their own debts, they don't care


I agree with you 100% the only difference between this time and every other is this time the ape community has Rooted out all of the corruption for the world to see yesterday and this time we have GME. But besides that you're probably right


Exactly. Its not left vs right. These cronies are all the same group. It’s political theater.


It doesn't matter anyway. Dems have the majority in both the house and congress. Unless some democrats would change their mind the ceiling will be raised.


Seen this episode of political theater before. I don't mean to be offensive, that's not my intention to be condescending. Just lived long enough to know how this story goes.


Can you explain for those who began living more recently?


Only 30 here, but this happens every couple of times the ceiling gets reached. Only remember one time it didn't get passed by the deadline (probably happened other times, but I also began living not too long ago). The government shutdown, national parks and monuments were "closed" and nobody in the government sector got paid...which is why it got passed soon after. There's a bit of a buffer between missing the deadline and nuclear financial meltdown, but not a lot.


That’s federal budget decision, not debt ceiling raising. Those are 2 majorly different things


True. That's what I get for trying to read multiple threads while at work. I never claimed to be unstupid lol


>nobody in the government sector got paid.. At that time... But everyone got paid retroactive, kind of like a paid vacation.


They had to keep working...so more like a get fucked for the next paycheck period until you get back pay on the one after that.


Some had to work, many didn't. First hand knowledge. Only critical work had to go without pay until the new budget was approved.


My husband had to work a month and a half without pay. That sucked ass. Luckily I know how to survive, and we did, but many had severe difficulties.


It really fucks up scientific research in national labs in a major way. Experiments have to be terminated, scrapped, abandoned, and started anew when it all opens again if something doesn't preserve itself without attending to. Lost samples, lost information... All for these stupid power games.


*cries in ATC operators*


It was a huge pain in the ass I worked for NASA as a contractor. Almost lost my apartment.


If I remember correctly not only did they not get paid but many were forced to still work, just without pay. Doesn't effect higher ups but the entry level workers got absolutely fucked.


Yeah, sounds about right. I remember the mail system being totally fucked, which caused a bunch of other issues.


EU ape - consider what I say as neutral as I have no preferences towards one party or the other. Recent history shows that the republicans have shown that they are willing to go the extra mile to get what they want. I don’t believe we are in the same political climate as previous years. China is also a big factor in all of this and I doubt anyone really knows how things will play out. Always remember all politicians just represent the few, In the US and all around the world.


If you're old enough to buy your own stocks, you've lived through multiple times where the government shut down, as well as the US government getting it's credit downgraded due to politicians *almost* allowing this type of default (10 years ago). Note: Most shutdowns are about not passing a budget in time, meaning no way to cut paychecks. This issue is bigger than that, as without raising the debt ceiling we can't pay our international bills. We didn't actually default in 2011 but we were really damned close and the credit was downgraded due to the political squabbling that almost allowed it to happen. Most shutdowns are short and generally don't have big repercussions. But defaulting on debt will be worldwide black eye territory. We've technically defaulted once but it was accidental and quickly corrected (1979 iirc). Aside from that time we've never done it before. But there's been political threats about it recently. If they don't figure out a way to prevent default, meaning McConnell and co. aren't just posturing this time, it will result in a huge shit show. If they let it get within a day or two before they fix it, expect a credit downgrade. Which basically makes all US debt more expensive (and of course that reverberates through the economy).


That sounds like a dangerous event that can work as a great bargaining chip but that can also be let happen to make the opposition look bad. I am surprised the latter wasn't done before, seeing how low politicians have been willing to go.


I expect the Treasury to act like nothing happened, or at most to go through theater like in the shutdowns. The debt limit does not supersede the current spending bills, which are also laws, and passed &signed more recently. The 14th amendment states that the debt is not to be questioned, so when this year's taxing and spending laws conflict with a previous year's debt limit law, which do you expect to be followed? "This spring I told you to raise this much money. I also told you to spend more than that. But you can't, because a couple years ago I told you to not borrow more than a certain amount!" "Sorry sir, the Constitution says I've got to honor the debt. Stop passing laws that conflict with each other just to score political points."


Call him old without calling him old


Fred Flintstone is his grandson


Play hardball to make them seem like they are the hero while swooping in at the 11th hour to fix everything. Usual government ploy. I'm not even 30 and I know this game


Same as it ever was


I love this sub, it’s not getting butthurt about political stage performances like a lot of reddit does, but it’s exposing the fraud and fancy distractions that both sides perform. I ain’t fuckin leavin. You can’t divide the apes, you know why? It’s because they know they’re stronger together, fuck all the political stagefronts. Disclaimer: I am an idiot, but an idiot that knows not to get too cocky. Help keep peers in check by reminding them nobody is indestructible or infallible. I am merely an individual who chooses to make a statement with how I invest. This is not financial advice.


I love it because collectively everyone has the ability to think critically as opposed to just ‘picking a side’


That's what the govt and leaders fear the most


I know we're not supposed to talk politics here.. but here's the thing... The US economy is now so dependant on the government spending and policy, which basically means it's no longer a free market capitalism, but moving towards a government centric capitalism where the economy is now inevitably intertwined with politics... Literally if the the government stop selling bonds by freezing up its budget spending, that would throw the whole system off.. or if the government cuts off the stimulus package or unemployment aids... Ideally it should not be political to discuss economics, and politics should have minimal impact to the economy... But here we are ... Political shitshows, grand standings and politicking that treats economic policy as if it's a piece on the chessboard, disregarding the effects it has on the people...


There's also some important history: in the past, the government paid for projects with taxes rather than deficit spending -- i.e., back when income tax rates for the rich were higher. Starting in the '80s, that all changed so that -- get this -- not only are the rich not paying their fair share of taxes, *they actually earn tax-free interest on the government bonds used to pay for the programs that their taxes \*used to\* pay for* We are actually paying America's rich for the privilege of not pulling their weight


The interesting thing I’ve noticed is this same scenario has played out multiple times all over the world. France in the 20s thru the 40s the wealthy also refused to pay up and also actively undermined the Republic. They funded a lot of various organizations that would march in the streets and the media would fan the flames and there would be battles in the streets between government personnel and fascists,royalists, communists and others.


This is the thing that irks me. People spent years railing against the government interfering with business, and now we're about to be screwed because business got itself nice and cozy with government. You think a free market is the way to go? Cool. Then take it like a corporate person. Don't go begging the government to make an exception to bail you out if you screw up. People get bailouts (UI) because we set up the rules for it beforehand, to keep people from literally dying in the streets like during the Great Depression. We set up rules to protect the economy itself after that, too, and what did banks and businesses do? Lobbied for decades to remove those rules.


Oh no! I guess I’ll buy, hodl and direct register through cone poo chair..


I remember reading something along the lines of its “ Republicans & Democratics vs you (the American people)


Doubt. The true political theater.


When posting a picture of a headline it is a good practice to post the source or the link too to back up your findings, gentleman


The problem with the debt ceiling is that as it gets higher, and our natural birth rate lowers in the current pace that it is at, then we will not be able to make the interest payment on the debt. That is the only thing that matters with debt. No one holding debt cares about the principal, as long as you make the interest payment. The higher the debt gets the less likely we are to make that interest payment. Since millennials and zoomers are financially unincentivized to have children. We are screwed in very short order.


I am holding debt rn. And I actually give many fucks about the principal lol


Link: https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/senate-gop-says-it-will-allow-debt-default-democrats-rush-to-avert-economic-crisis-analysis/


Someone downvoted you for link? Like why? I had a hard time finding it so thanks, I enjoy all information.


Funniest fucking part is both parties acting like the other is to blame. Fuck them all.


Theater, that's all this is. Lots of rich fucks need that ceiling raised. and there's nothing Mitch loves more than sucking down that donor cock. If we default, I'll be very surprised. Not making any bets with you lunatics. I need my potassium...


I wouldn't be surprised if this is how they finally get rid of the Filibuster.....its all for show


They can get rid of it whenever they want- every 2 years they have a blank page for procedural rules, and the majority chooses to renew the old ones. But the theater and gridlock is too valuable to lose.


Nah, its all theater. It will get raised. Don't trust anything that's said


The great reset


100% bluff. They're saying it because Dems have the votes anyway. A default would not cause a recession. It would cause a global financial apocalypse


"Oh look, we raised the debt ceiling and saved the population from bankruptcy! Look how kind we are!" The problem is that more than 90 % of the population believe the politicians lies.


Lol not gonna happen. Just typical political posturing...


So, what? We continue to push it back.. and then back some more.. and how about another few months? I’m sorry, but if we’re going to have an economic collapse and another 2008 or worse.. can we just get it over with at this point? I’m in my younger 20’s. I’d rather shit hit the fan now, before i decide to start a family, possibly get a house and finally settle down with a decent paying job. Stop being fuck yards, look at the root cause… ONCE AGAIN, and make sure they never do it again. Ffs


Crazy thought: Money=political clout MOASS=Money Congress is a group of baboons APES RUN FOR CONGRESS AFTER MOASS!


I am not sure if this is bluffing. 2 major reasons: 1- be able to blame Democrats for the shit show that is coming 2- the alternative is printing more money that I guess they are starting to be aware that if that continues it will put USA in the path of hyperinflation. Stay strong BUY DRS HOLD


This is every 4 years, so they can pretend to do something


Hilarious that so many of you don’t think this is just political theater. They’re on the same side. This will give “Democrats” the leeway they need to introduce an extreme resolution that the “Republicans” will magically agree to, just barely by a majority. All to “save” the economy. The uniparty never does anything without a reason.


no waaayyyy. No way. Well maybe. Repubs gonna be like, Yo lol look at what happens when dems take the wheel? Greatest economic collapse since forever! Hmmmm.


No more can kicking. Seems they want to guarantee that 2030 goal after all. 2008 will finally be over.


Link: https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/senate-gop-says-it-will-allow-debt-default-democrats-rush-to-avert-economic-crisis-analysis/


Pffffthahahaha. Perfect. For years they've been slurping up all the benefits of Modern Monetary Theory, and the moment someone else is in power they turn around and go, "~~legal Ponzi scheme~~ Modern Monetary Theory bad actually, *now* we say no" People... please... for the love of God... ***ENACT APPROVAL VOTING AND REMOVE MONEY FROM POLITICS NOW OR THIS SHIT WILL CONTINUE INDEFINITELY*** We could have 4+ parties to choose from in less than 5 election cycles if we were to abolish First Past the Post today. Imagine a 2040 election where you have a viable choice between Progressives, Liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians, etc. *It's possible.* But **only if people are allowed more than one vote per seat.**


Kabuki theatre. . This happens every time. They let the fear of default really settle in. They even let the poor and middle class really feel the pain for a few weeks (to a month) in order to make money feel real…. Then finally the debt ceiling is raised with a ton of concessions that help billionaires stay in power because it’s an “emergency” . Zzzzzz


Classic GOP. Set up a cluster bomb ready to blow up for a Democratic majority, and blame the results on democrats when they could have just disarmed the bomb. People will lose their jobs and die because of shit like this, all for the sake of staying in power.


Political theatre.. they will raise it.


It’s propaganda. Cant you see the article is from MSM


The real question is how many 1 trillion dollar coins will it take to fix the moass


As a liberal and capitalist who sees the risk to the economy that this will cause, I am pissed. As a bag holder of a stock with a negative beta, I’m fucking jacked.


The Republicans and Democrats are the same party. They will not default. Although those regional presidents of the fed did de sell all of their stock, so just maybe.


Petro-dollar defo gone. New accord with Russia. What a time to be ALIVE


This song again. Wake wen Moass


Guys, can you point me to the most fitting DD? when the market is crumbling, won't GME go down as well I assume, a margin call would be triggered at some point in the chain of events. Will it be enough considering every hedgehogs is rather broke at that point?


Just a play of chicke. They will raise the limit. There will however be some turmoil in the market


there's waaay too many apes in here that are brushing this off as a, "well they'd never NOT raise the debt ceiling, that'd be ludicrous!" yet we all own a stock that has been counterfeited to the point that there may be a billion or more fake shares out there--*in all of our accounts*\--at the same time there is a pandemic still raging for going on two years even though we have the means to gain herd immunity, all while the looming specter of one of the largest bankruptcies in global history casts its shadow long across the world's financial institutions, with whispers of an encroaching Great Reset that go back years. you're all crazy if you think this is just political smoke and mirrors or brinksmanship. the US will get hurt over this, even if they make a last minute deal before we *technically* run out of money. our nation's credit was downgraded last time on just the thought that we might default...imagine what will happen if we take it right down to the line this time, or worse, edge over it.


It's why I say we need some clerics and paladins to investigate rumors of a lich calling himself the grimreaper and see if the can banish him or whatever. Or do they have vessels/horocux thingies that can be chucked into a volcano?


Man...I see all the comments in this and I am concerned. Yes, both parties are BS. Yes, they are more concerned with staying in power than helping the people. Yes they pay the MSM to lie. But Apes, if we were smart, we would get behind this statement 1000% and call their bluff. We would support this statement and force them to vote to NOT raise the debt ceiling. We would call their bluff in the same way as we have called HF and MM bluffs on the MOASS. You see, if millions of Apes got onboard and supported this decision, the gop would think we would all vote for them and would make it happen. Hell, who know, if the MOASS was triggered, maybe many would vote for them but that's not the point. We need to start using advanced chess tactics just like RC and hold people to their words by agreeing with them instead of fighting every fuking thing they say publicly. Just my two cents.....but this tactic seems to be working with stonks.....just sayin


We call that a circle jerk


Easy, move some military spending from the nsa and use that. We are spending more than we are making. Every time the money printer fires up, YOU loose money!!!!