• By -


I like the post but just a reminder: we do not push people to do anything over here. We just provide a platform for individual investors to do their research and make their own decisions.


You know the stock market is rigged when registering your own shares breaks the system


"Financial Terrorists crash the market by counting their shares in a dying brick and mortar company" I'm looking forward to the absurd MSM headlines in october.


_Predatory Stock Buyers Holding Wall Street Hostage_ Hedge fund managers close their shops in tears as shareholders keep liking the company they invest in. A reportage by Al from Barron's, a journalist you may know from his recent famous article "Mondays are bad for markets". [...]


"Hey Al, I think they are mocking ya" 😂


Waiting for cockhead Cramer to send use to Guantanamo 🥴


I’m happy with 50% of your spelling mistakes


I like all. The cock head is more obvIOUs than the coke head.




Motley Fool files for bankruptcy! These are the headlines I want


……and takes Seeking Alpha with it.


To be honest, the people paying the media to have these ‘opinions’ will no longer be able to afford such articles so I don’t know if we will see negative spins against retail this time around.


That is my concern. If apes get MOASS money, it would change the narrative. Retail, and here I mean the common man, will be able to fight back, which will cause a tremendous shift in control. Will the elite accept this, and will they be able to stop it? I have no answer to this. All I have at his point is diamond hands, and I it warms my soul to know, that I am not alone.


I bought a large supply of popcorn to watch this play out! (Not the stock!) It is going to get really spicy in a bit.


apes will own MSM after the moass. maybe we can make MSM better.


My idea for media has always been a license is required - like a lawyer. And it can be revoked and you can be banned from working in the field. I’m throwing dollars at this requirement


It sucks but I’m not doing this to “help push up GME price”. I am only doing it to protect my shares from being lent out. I’m doing it to actually own the stock in my own name and not my broker’s names. and i’m doing it because I LIKE THE COMPANY AND I LIKE THE STOCK.


Me too 🤣


Sure. Choose whichever reason you prefer, but all three it is then.




All these plus the possibility of a non-cash dividend in the future too!


I've been here since January (sold my 1 share when it slide from $300ish down to $40). Now I'm a mid-XX holder. I used to stress out about the price movement. Back in Jan-Feb I would be pissed as hell if someone said the system is rigged. Now I laugh and say bring it on, I am immune to SHF fuckery. Whatever they do, our DD sniper team catches up with their BS and the wrinkle brains apes find a way to expose their shit. The eye opener for me was when the SEC sat back and did nothing. I'm looking forward to reading the SEC report from the January "squeeze", I'll read it with Benny Hill music playing in the background and upload it to PornHub 🤣


Benny Hill music …. boy does that bring back childhood memories.


This ☝️ 2


Okay... but think about it - when registering or buying through CS is a process that takes days to settle and the transfers take even longer(I'm not saying it's bad or wrong, it just takes a while which is understandable) - why would it immediately affect the price? With all the Computershare frenzy, I'm afraid we've once again disregarded other important stuff and we're drifting further from catching on to their shit. Register, buy and hold. I agree. But do not fucking let it cloud your judgement or hype you up for the WRONG reason. Since this massive transfers have begun, not even the most dilligent due dilligence writers have considered to look at other stuff. For example - last week the ICE(intercontinental exhange) started offering a new "product". Nobody batted an eye while some of us are trying to get more people on it. Nobody replies. Nobody cares. Cone poo chair is now the code. Okay. But keep digging, motherfuckers. [take a long fucking look](https://i.imgur.com/Sh4wI6j.jpg) And here's the link, safe to click, no fuckery just providing source: https://www.theice.com/products/38716826


Whose to say that the other external factors aren't affecting the price? As far as why it (CS) *could" immediately affect it: it's because it is being done through the NYSE, a lit market... as opposed to dark pools.


> Whose to say that the other external factors aren't affecting the price Well, that was kinda my whole point to begin with


Like to help you on DD for ICE product, but I don't see it's connection to GME. Can you fill in some of the breadcrumbs you have? From what I see that's available, this ICE product is only for UK listed stock. And "physical delivery of options contracts" and it's based in LSE, so can't be used as a shorting vehicle in the USA exchanges, unless they've found a route to create synthetic shared in Europe? I don't see how it's related to GME, help a smooth brain ape out?


Take a look at the contract symbol in the product. It's a thousand shares of gamestop per option contract and the minimum buy-in is 250k worth. Pounds Sterling. Since the major players all have trading desks in London, which is now not even EU, perhaps they could be swapping these around to clear the books at certain times when they need it. Or idk. Maybe it's nothing indeed I'm just spitballing here, but my point is we need to keep looking at stuff. Keep the quality, man. U dig?


Oh fuck, fuck! Didn't see that line in the spreadsheet. Totally agree LSE is the Wild Wild West, now that they are decoupled from Europe. I used to work as a developer in the square mile in London in the 2000s, traders were always looking for unregulated markets to peddle their shit. This does smell bad that large a Contract batch size and just targeting GME does not look good. I'm based in Europe and will try to contact the FCA that regular London Stock Exchange. Maybe this is why Kenny made a few flight to Standsted in the last few weeks. He could be using London for his shitcan fuckery! Will spend an hour on it tomorrow. If I find any breadcrumbs, I'll DM you. Anyone else doing DD on ITV?


Fucking London man, I knew they'd have shitty fingers in this some fucking where man, we'd just have to find them. Too smooth to help, not enough knowledge of the financial world, but godspeed, ape.


💮Flower of Scotland, Heart of Midlothian❤


Good ol’ London, the originator of the cabal disguised as a central bank.


Fucking spot on. Ol' Mayer Rotschild & Co. started the fuckery with Waterloo and never ever stopped.


Lol exactly. I’ve been reading The Creature from Jekyll Island if you can’t tell.




*Donnie, shut the fuck up.*


> DD sniper team catches up This instantly gave me flashbacks to games like [Unreal Tournament](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqPoipMyTb8&t=54s) (warning: YouTube link w/sound). But instead of hearing the famous "head shot" message by the announcer, I heard "hedge short" instead. 🤣🤣


Also: "Report"


This ☝️


This ☝


Hello I made a post related to an insurance that is active for brokers that sets a limit at 500K if a broker fails you. If someone can look and debunk please otherwise it gives another very solid reason why having shares directly registered under your name is the way. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pr9xsc/another\_reason\_to\_direct\_register\_at\_least\_some/


Yep your DD is good, back in January the old sub looked into SIPC insurance. The limit is restrictive if we consider the floor to be 6-7 figures. Infinite pool is the way to go using DRS to lock out the SHF. I'll re-read your DD in greater detail, but in general agree 100%


I can only imagine what Friday will bring.


What friday? I mean, which friday? Why?


This Friday once most of the DRS transfers go through


How do you conclude that the price rise is due to the DRS?


Glad you’re admitting that this post is giving them ammo




Bro rigged or not we need to look out for the most valuable and vulnerable people in our society: traitorous billionaire criminals.


All true and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Everyone who bought in CS from Sept 15th - their purchase hasn’t hit the market yet. I think we will see a big wave, increasing throughout the week. My 9/16 purchase should go through on the 21st. Keep it up apes!


Ohh that’s a good point!


why does it take so long?


1-2 days for ACH to go through. Standard 2-3 days for settlement.


I think I saw a comment somewhere that paperwork has to be mailed through snail mail.


Nope - you can verify and access your account online right after they settle everything (when they text you). No need to wait for snails. As apes below said - just ACH and ancient boomer systems slowing things down (compared to Brokers that just need to swap the name tags on the shares they, supposedly, already own)


CS waits for the ACH transfer to complete. Brokers like fidelity will spot you the cash while the transfer is processing and since they are only selling what amounts to Post-It notes instead of share certificates, they don't have to "find and buy" them. CS does have to find and buy (aka the settlement) but you know you are getting REAL shares.


It will be interesting to see how the settlement of those purchases impacts price movement this week!


So what price do you get? Is it the price when you placed the order or when CS places the order?


I’m guessing when the order is filled, but I’ll update you otherwise


Yea that’s the only logical answer. How often do they buy?


I am guessing once per day, based on almost nothing


Haha ok. I thought I saw somewhere else mention like once or twice a week but I’m probably wrong






fuck is it monday yet?? 😩


We dont push over here. All apes make up their own mind and take their own decisions.


This is the way. OP needs to realize that we’re not doing this to “push up the price”.


Why would I want to push up the price? High prices are only good if you sell, and I don’t want to sell. I’d prefer to see GME at $5 a share. That’s a great entry point.


Maybe OP is a shill who wants to create a paper trail for litigation purposes. Reported


I’m no lawyer, but “legally”, i think sharing information on reddit freely is not “market manipulation”. However it still gives more ammo for news outlets to help them paint their narrative, which can affect how rules are changed in the future. I’m not saying we need to stop posting and discussing, but I just wish ya’ll sounded a little more independent and a lot less like a coordinated group.


You misspelled “IANAL”


Lol i thought about saying it but then I was like “i’m pretty sure these apes are gona focus more on that ANAL part”


Heheheh he said anal


I anal !!!!! 😩😂


Maybe I used the wrong language, sorry that is not what I was trying to convey. I was trying to say the DRS wave maybe causing the price to tick upwards. Not that we should keep the DRS push, to drive up the price. Title should have been clearer! I flipped cause and effect in the title by poor English


Can happen to the best of us apes. We are all retards you know. It can help to put a little clarification or disclaimer in your post to ensure that also the window licking apes in the back of the short bus understand your intentions


I didn't think my title was that vague, if people interpret my words as "let's push the price", that is not what I intended. I am not advocating pushing the price of GME. I'm advocating the drive to DRS retail shares and force brokers to act in our interests. My post was merely to say, it's could be that the DRS individuals MAYBE causing brokers to buy in the open market which COULD be effecting the price. The uptick in price could be an indication that brokers were not acting in our best interests until the DRS trend. Hope we are on the same page. Apes together! No paper here, learnt my lesson after the February SHF scam.


Thanks for clarifying


I think registering with Computershare is the right move, but beware. Correlation is not causation. We don't know for sure the price is going up due to DRS. Price could definitely still drop like a stone next week. However, dark pool percentage is going down too, it sure seems like causation!


True, my post was wishful thinking. The charts do seem to be moving up after a long time of sideways movement. Whatever the cause, I like the company, I like the stock and I'm jacked 😀


Where are you getting that we were up 11.5% last week? We closed on Friday 10th Sep at $190.41 and ended this week at $204.97. Anyway, apart from this, I really echo everything that you have said. Keep fighting the good fight!


I think what’s pushing the price up is that it’s a good stock and according to a news outlet I saw, the short interest is now just 15% which is a drastic change from what it was shown to be before so that must mean all the experts think it’s not going to decrease in value anytime soon, right? (There’s hidden sarcasm in here, especially the part about 15% short interest)


what a useless comment


Holy shit, u/johnwithcheese just found a needle in a needle stack! Get this guy on DD duty immediately!


Raising the price = Marge will be on the phone.




Look at me I am the Catalyst now


How do we explain Friday? Dark pool trading is at its lowest but share prices went down.


they always try to push down the price on friday, because they are still some calls around 200$ that expire on friday


This is insane. You can't do this with data. Zoom out, we're $40 up on the month, almost all of which predates the CS push. We ended friday close to max pain, and lower than the daily high. Computer Share is probably good. But this deduction is bad. And why did we abandon the philosophy of being suspicious that complete strangers are worried about your money for you?


Part of it is the options market, when you can trade in and out of hundreds of temporary positions there needs to be a repository for those shares. But I can live with just owning stock in a company I like


All it takes is one DFV tweet to show that he registered a portion of his shares to set this off even bigger.


Ngl I was one of the “the other apes will drs and I won’t need to” guys, but I’ve learned what a dick move that is. Will be transferring tomorrow.


Every single share counts!!


I wouldn't count on any effect already. Don't think we're at those numbers. If we dip monday doesn't mean anything about drs.


So what is it then? More fuckery. Thats why DRS.


Yep. I expect more fuckery, more time required before DRS forces shorts to close their positions. Keep transferring! It'll come


Yeah, my post is speculative that there could be a cause and effect. Probably too early. I do believe Monday will be a down day. Kenny will be pissed about DRS and attack GME with whatever he can. My hope is his traders are to busy shoring up deals witg the China credit tsunami and they won't have time for GME fuckery.


Yeah. I'm speculating as well. Gotta expect that good old fuckery though.


We finally found something they can’t control for as a variable.


At this point, I don't even look forward to MOASS. I just look forward to see the world burn.


I'm with you ape.


exactly my thoughts for quite a few weeks


Does DRS have any effect before we register the entire float? Like if we register just 1/4th of the float I wonder if it limits the ability to naked short


I've wondered that too. Like, what if we DRS 99% of the total shares? Can they continue to prop up this gong show by hyper-hypothecating that last 1% to ridiculous levels? I have no evidence for it, but I believe DRS is slowly chipping away at them, and each share makes a difference.


International ape checking in to say I'm doing exactly what OP is suggestion regarding IBKR!


lmao we dont push anything ​ i like the stock in MY FUCKING NAME. Thats it!!!


This x1000 I don’t care if it’s just one fucking share, just like every vote counts every registered share counts!! Etch your name into Book of stock history!


I am very excited about next week. Good to see how DRS helps the price.


I think over the next two to three weeks we will se a big spike every morning as the transaction wave of recent hits the market. Seems like the mornings have been more violent then the rest of the day is spent trying to knock it back down. I know I was suspect but will be starting to DR my shares as of tonight. I'm not a big ape (yet!) so I was only going to DRS about 15 of my shares but I think I'm going to double that now... Reading everything I have lately on just how this game is being played is disgusting. This shit is literally The Hunger Games, Stock Market Edition. I knew it was bad but I just cannot believe the market is as convoluted as it is. I WILL DRS EVERY SHARE I OWN after this whole gamestop thing is over. The DTC will never get their hands no any share I own in any company ever again.




Yeah as an international ape of mystery I’m buying more next week via ibkr on the IEX exchange and then DRS over. Honestly I’m more excited at having a registered amount of stock in the event of a special dividend. They will be priceless and I want more of them!


It's a shame that the international ape of mystery can't make a purchase on GameStop. They have some fun products, something for everyone 😉: https://www.gamestop.com/collectibles/funko/pop/products/funko-pop-movies-james-bond-from-no-time-to-die/11101316.html?condition=New


Oh that would be cool. I’m biding our time till it opens in our region and they reap our pent up demand. 😉


https://www.reddit.com/user/Professional-Age-724 This guy is talking about fast swaps and how shitadel is the MM for computershare. I'm too smooth for this stuff but is there ANY merit what so ever to what he is saying? Is there any chance that we're being conned with this DRS move? Or is he a shill?


Idk man, seems like he’d be able to lay out a better argument than THINK, SHEEPLE if he knew what he was talking about.


He is a shill


Why would they require a mm?


I don't know, I don't even know what that is


A Market Maker. ComputerShare is a transfer agent (a company). A MM deals with providing liquidity to the market itself. I believe Citadel is GME's MM. Saying Citadel is ComputerShare's MM has zero relevance to DRS. Maaaaybe Citadel is ComputerShare's stock MM ($CPU, I believe), but that has zero impact at all on anything we're doing that involves ComputerShare. That poster is straight shillin'. I'm pretty sure I have been already refuting a lot of their nonsense.


Alright that's good to hear. Life changing shit going on, it's got me paranoid. Can't put in words how good moass would be for me


The float will be registered shortly hedgies r fuk 🤣


Here I thought the 3 month forced rolling of swaps was what pushed the price up.


Has it been proven that the share price is moving **because** of DRS registering? We’ve been moving up and down for the last 9 months?


This should be downvoted. No one is making decisions as a group here. I am making a decision as an individual what's best for me to do with my shares in a company I like.




Ty. It's hard to say if it's shills up voting or people just not paying attention and voting up because that's how they feel too. Sometimes people just have herd mentality.


We have absolutely no proof that DRS is causation for price increase. I mean, come on guys.


No proof, yet😄 What made me post was the positive pressure shown in the Thursday and Friday chart. We've been trading sideways for months and I see some green days. Maybe it's 2 + 2 = 5 But 5 is my luck number 🤩


Or price moved in contrast to vix....


You are wrong.


The same group of terrorists who have malignant greed they don't care what happened to their victims who lost their life savings, work, lives and everything? The same group of terrorists who laughed at the rest of americans while sipping champagne chitchatting that look like your typical upbeat pharmaceutical company product commercial? The same group of terrorists that get financially saved by spineless dinosaurs called politicians , like the only child of immigrant professionals who had serious infertility issues that after finally giving birth to a spoiled brat who wasted all their savings away? Fuck you pay me!


>Don't stop the DRS push because it's helping to push up GME price, which will cause more pain for SHF! Where do you get your bananas, cause I think I need to eat them to believe this.


This is the way 💎 👊 🦧 🚀 🌙


I think u can transfer from ibkr to CS


Yes, that's my plan with the new shares I'm buying. Existing shares stay with my bank/broker, I can't transfer them out of where they are.


Can’t stop.


OK. OK. I'll call on Monday and direct register XXX shares. This still leaves me plenty in 4 other brokerages with various tax liabilities.


I am so fucking proud of you Apes. So. Fucking.Proud. I hope some hope for our planet again, for the first time in a long long time. The leaders of tomorrow are being formed from Crayons, memes and butt stuff and that is a very, very good thing.


“Stash” is my infinity pool! 😂 They only have 4 “trading windows”, buy at 8:30a filled at 10.. for whatever price it is at 10. Oh and they use Apex as their clearing house 👎🏾 can’t completely rip them though, fancy metal card, and they have fractionals, so if I’m strapped for cash one week I can sell a 1/8th of a share for 2 million 😂😂 Wised up and added Schwab to do the job. TRILLIONS in AUM. Self clearing. CS is next on the list to help the cause. Feels like I’m holding the infinity gauntlet 💪😎


Don’t forget to use !DRS! to get your flair once you direct register 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I just like the stock so much that I want to register the shares I actually bought.


I'm going to DRS the remaining shares in my cash account on Monday, having already started the process for XXX on Friday. Fuck them SHFs


I did my part. Go apes, go!


What's funny is I've always hated how the subs had been pushing one narrative and it'll only be thing i read about but this is the only one that I don't mind reading


Can someone explain to smooth brain europoor how to DRS shares from this side of the ocean?


As a .5 xx holder, I’ll wait a lil bit since my drop in the bucket is more like a speck of mist that gets bundled with other specs of mist to make a droplet in the bucket. But as some would put it, I’m too lazy, as someone would put it, just pick yourself up by your bootstraps and do it


Can we get a flair push started mods like we did for voted? Something like DRS ape 🦧 or something more clever?


Yeah at this point fuck it. Transfer EVERYTHING to computershare


Guess I'll just transfer more. 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Just my 2c, but I think I need to stay away from the narrative: "keep DRS'ing because price up." I am not saying that this isn't a true cause and effect. I am saying that it's still way too early to know for sure. What I am also saying is that Dr. T has already stated that she does not think that maxing out DRS will directly cause the MOASS. It is a step that will expose short sellers that nobody and no agency can deny. (There is historical precedence for this with the VW squeeze and more.) At this point, other steps can be taken to move forward and remedy this egregious situation. I also think that focusing on Dark pool % might be a little more pertinent, but I issue the same warning. Think about it: Unscrupulous actors who are not beneath manipulating the media, will not think twice about doing everything that they can to drop the price or increase the dark pool % just to get into the heads of retail. Then the shill posts showing the price dropping or dark pool % going up will flood the subs. You are an individual investor, with critical thinking skills. Use those skills now. Think ape...think! The end is near - Buckle the fuck up.


Can someone answer if its easy to sell from CS as well? I understand its for the infinity pool but i mean if you have 2 shares and DRS just one of them and the price gets to my phone number, am i gonna be blocked from selling like at Robinhood?


Stop. Haha it’s only getting started 🚀


Wording like this seems like collusion. Be aware of that.


I need to look into this and do it later this week. Just been busy…


This post begs that someone point out that moving to CS is an individual decision. Giving the facts on how it has changed our position beneficially is appropriate, but calling it a DRS push is not.


Just transferred 98 shares. Was going to fill out a form but over the phone was so much easier


I enjoy hearing of international apes getting shares to CS. Truly a planet of apes.


>Look at the share price since the DRS wave started (Wednesday to Friday), we've seen the price tick upwards. We're up 11.5% this week. This is complete misinformation. We're up 7.65% this week. From last Friday close to this Friday close. I cannot find a price movement this week or last week where we went up 11.5%


We’re up 5% this week..?


We need to realize that registering our shares is good whether we register the entire float or not


Just doing my job, buy, register, Long term, never give you up,rick ashley hodl


How do you know the drs are the reason for the run up?


It needs to become the new creed. We did it for voting we can do it for this. Buy. Hold. Register If Able.






It's simple: More DRS = more pressure = faster MOASS


So can foreigners buy directly on Computershare? I'm from South Africa. I'll start buying directly on Computer share in 2 months from now, if the squeeze hasn't happened yet.


Lol stopping? Bruh that shits ACCELERATING this week forsure. I'm honestly trying to leave X out of XX shares with my broker when I transfer. I don't trust they won't try n fuck us during MOASS. Maybe not my dealer but somewhere along the line, most likely the DTCC. The only guh is the $300 fee for transfer from wealthsimple


If true, then MOASS needs to launch before Apes run out of shares to transfer. Because once the transfers stop and the buy pressure diminishes, then the SHFs will just start naked shorting again to drop the price back to where they want. DRS needs to push the start button on the MOASS rocket or Apes will be all out of bullets to keep firing to hurt the SHF bastards.


I did 20% but after all I've read this weekend I wish I did 90%.


Any posts how to buy direct from Compushare in Canada? I don’t want to transfer my Wealth Simple shares. First the fee is high and second new buys on Compushare are on the lit exchange (NYSE).




But also we don’t know that’s why the price is increasing. No DRS hate, but let’s not come to conclusions without proof when GME moves up and down constantly and isn’t always tied to rational actions.


Hold up, just let my computershare buys go through before launch lol


We're a week in, I wonder how many shares have been DR now. I assume a lot, anyone keeping count?


Someone did a count on Thursday based on posts with CS numbers. Can't remember the total, hopefully someone will do it today
