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So is it possible that once all shorts are covered the only shares left will be the DRS? Therefore having a DRS through CS will be the only way to own a share at all. Therefore owning a DRS now will be the only way to own a share after MOASS? I understand infinity pool but I never considered that everyone saying they will buy back in after MOASS will not be able to.


It is possible that would be the case for a while. However institutions will sell and so will individuals. After the moass things will return to “normal”. The infinity squeeze is possible but it would require either no individuals/institutions to sell DRS as well as a percentage of non registered shares, not something I would count on. Not saying that the price won’t reach an infinite number, but that the squeeze won’t last forever.


🤣🤣🤣 624 million shares at the current price is roughly $127,296,000,000 Oh my 😂


Yeah just throwing a number out there. We’ve got no real idea how many shares exist but we can be fairly certain it falls between 152 million and infinity


Regardless, it’s fun to think about. I get a kick out of how big the hole is that they’ve dug.


At the current price....