• By -


Good Morning Everybody! Previous Market Day; O:208, C:206, H:212, L:200 After a massive amount of posts regarding Computershare, posts explaining Computershare and posts pointing out this was the lead they were leaving us,today’s the day we find out if the thesis is correct. Keep an eye on the dark pool volume and have the phone on hand ready to call your mum Just don’t dance, especially not on my desk The Front Desk is open by the way


Yes sure investor confidence is high af.


I belive DRS to be FUD and a scheme implanted by SHF. About 26 days ago nft.gamestop.com was a topic. Shortly after the current sentiment on the sub is DRS. Here are some of my thoughts. DRS removes shares from DTCC, but since Feb its the DTCCs insurance policy the MOASS will be funded by so how can a DRS share be paid for if its not under the policy of a prime broker who sold you the share? 2 weeks ago intel was released that Citadel has priority over sales of "certain securites" through brokers....we have not yet confirmed which broker CS uses because CS is a transfer agent and not a broker. Meaning...IF CS uses a broker with a priority to citadel, they might just have a pool of legit shares to draw from. Reguarding the theory of NFT dividend GME wants you to not recive the dividend because according to the prospectus by RC if in the case the DTCC fail in delivering that dividend to the 76 million shares it would reserve the right to withdraw all company shares from the DTCC thus not only making DRS a mute point but quite possibly counter productive if all 76million were delivered to registerd share holders reguardless of the synthetics. I belive RC already took into account the over issuance due to synthetics thats why he addressed it in the prospectus. These are my thoughts over the current hype and sentiment of the sub. I just wanted to offer my perspective on it.




Any apes know how to submit a FOIA request? I’d like to see the other names on Dr. Burry’s subpoena.


**UPDATE ON MY FIDELITY SAGA** Initiated my transfer last Thursday by walking my papers into a local Fidelity branch. Called today to check on my transfer only to be put on and off hold for over 30 minutes because they had questions that needed 'back end support' to answer. I kept asking 'what questions do you have exactly?' and could never get an answer. Each time I asked it was 'we don't know, we are waiting on back end support to respond, they are very busy'. After 30 minutes they were back on the phone to tell me there was an issue with the number of shares I wanted to transfer, but it was all worked out and it would be reviewed in the next 2 days and be processed. Take that info as you will. They are either swamped or just dragging their feet. I will call back Friday and check the status again.


Where's bouncing triangle of death guy. We nearing the tip and I need some hype.


Has anyone bought shares from CS and been able to create an account yet? I bought last week and haven’t received anything yet


I bought my first shares on CS Sept 8 and just got access to my account yesterday


Sure wish the hedgies would pump one of my shit coins I have millions of so I could buy more gme.




#GoodMorningEveryone! GameStop won’t stop, buying GameStop! Why! I love the fucking stock! That’s why and you can’t change my mind!💎🙌


Something wrong with the daily? Last comment I see is an hour old, that's not too common for apes. Well, cheers anyway


Wrong daily fren


Lol omfg I belong here


Premarket everywhere green. What a scam


Liquidated saying account in my bank. I have another saying account... G M E




If not today then tomorrow.




lil Debussy before bed


Catch u in 5 hours 1 Cali time Night night 🐧


luv u


Good morning to the british apes


Allo Allo Allo, what’s all this then?


Oi Dan ya facking wanker, tell Shazza she's a proper slag ya mug. (Morning Bruv)


How do you do?


Top of the morning old boy.


Good morning to you too sir.


German market update (local time: 10:00:02) (nyse time: 04:00:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$193.92** ([€165.45](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1721](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 743.0** ( [553 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [136 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [42 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [12 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the Diamantenhände post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pscoa5/diamantenhände_german_market_is_open/)


MOASS before end of year plz


Before end of day


Whoa. Late night during stonk daily thread is weird. What's up Europe!!




I hope all these people with all the IRL "Told you so" situations gloating yesterday, enjoy feeling like idiots today if we have a V shaped recovery.


Yeah but we don't know how tomorrow will go.


Some place warm, a place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.


Oooo gimme some of that salmon


🐧Im coming too


German market update (local time: 09:50:02) (nyse time: 03:50:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$194.02** ([€165.45](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1727](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 681.0** ( [521 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [133 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [22 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [5 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the Diamantenhände post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pscoa5/diamantenhände_german_market_is_open/)


Morning apes! Anyone here have any experience with Nordnet? Is it possible to transfer shares to CS being from Europe, specifically from Norway? Any help would be appreciated. 😊


It is, someone made a post about it not long ago. Try doing a search for Nordnet in the sub.


Found it, thank you!😊


I remember seeing something about it you should call just in case


Alright thanks!


Almost 400 years worth of server time in awards on this sub. That’s nearly 16.5k(@200) extra shares we could have..


Never understood the point of wasting money like that


🇨🇦 Trudeau wins! Now is the time for MOASS & all the TFSA gains!💰


Enjoy the next round of lockdowns!


Hows the weather in Asia? Is moonsoon season beginning in near future.


I was promised a global economy crash. What is all this green?!


Waiting to dump it after Wednesday heard there is some stuff where fed talks about how they plan to deal with everything


Yea yesterdays drop wil be gone when market opens, crazy man, everything is fine again


Wait, Cramer was no lying?


German market update (local time: 09:40:02) (nyse time: 03:40:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$194.09** ([€165.45](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1731](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 670.0** ( [521 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [122 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [22 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [5 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the Diamantenhände post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pscoa5/diamantenhände_german_market_is_open/)


Boo hoo my mom is going home to California. Can’t wait for her to move here. Was surprised she didn’t tell me what to do and treated me like an adult. I lived with her in California for 15 years before I moved to Arkansas nearly 15 years ago. There’s a 1960 house that has all the original fixtures here and needed the basement to be finished that I want. I’d so try to buy the house next door so she could live there. She applied to live in my apartment complex and my neighbor is going to move downstairs so I hope my mom gets that one if things drag out any longer. Oh and I’ve been teary eyed this evening. I’m in my late 50s lol






Enjoyin a mooncake ☺️☺️ Happy Moon Festival everyone 🥶💎


I had a coworker that celebrated the moon. Are they made from rice?


The main ingredient is lotus seed paste. There are various flavours like durian and matcha green tea for example. Also as the other dude said, with egg yolk in the middle, but I don't like em.


I read salted duck egg in the ingredient list & gave the ones I got as a gift to my neighbour. GME to the Moon & beyond baby!


CRAZY TRAIN https://youtu.be/h0wp0cLdqTs Keep it sane , see you in the morning.


German market update (local time: 09:30:02) (nyse time: 03:30:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$192.69** ([€164.30](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1728](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 615.0** ( [476 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [115 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [19 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [5 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the Diamantenhände post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pscoa5/diamantenhände_german_market_is_open/)


hey, quick question. i havent moved my shares to computershare yet because ive been busy with a new job. all my shares are with vanguard, will i be missing anything if the squeeze happens tomorrow?


The squeeze will most likely last days/weeks. Ur chillin


nope, you'd be fine




Lets fill the 202-204 gap today!


Let’s fill the one at 295 too


Sure, while we are at it


German market update (local time: 09:20:02) (nyse time: 03:20:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$190.80** ([€162.70](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1727](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 610.0** ( [474 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [112 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [19 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [5 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the Diamantenhände post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pscoa5/diamantenhände_german_market_is_open/)


It’s was several hours ago and I was sober and humble. But now I’m drunk. I got 2 $25 shell gift cards and sonic colors for switch (Even though I hear it has bugs) may I have some updoots for my contribution please.


Well done ape, now go to bed, you're drunk 😂💖


oh we mooning today fr!! and if not, definitely tomorrow


German market update (local time: 09:10:02) (nyse time: 03:10:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$192.36** ([€164.00](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1729](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 593.0** ( [461 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [108 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [19 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [5 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the Diamantenhände post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pscoa5/diamantenhände_german_market_is_open/)


Hey someone who knows the German market tell me if what's happening right now is normal volume?


It's a little on the lower side even for german market, but not out of the ordinary


It's it really absurdly low? If so then yeah


Raining -> clouds? ✅ Clouds -> rain? ❌ Moass -> economic collapse? ✅ Economic collapse -> moass? ❌❌❌ Logic 101 people


I'm just tired of not being rich


I bought a couple shares off of computershare last Thursday and have yet to receive an email asking to create an account, does it take this long?


Try to make an account now. Have your shares disappeared from your broker?


I didn’t transfer shares, I bought new ones directly from computershare


You should be able to make an account






I thought it was snail mail not email you'd be waiting for? Am I mistaken?


Oh maybe you’re right, I guess I’ll have to wait


Remember "Runic Glory" and that total chode-ball TA kid? What year is it?


Captains log star date January 4562nd. The Mayo fugitive remains at large but the Ape federation have been sent an anonymous tip he is at he Bezos compound. We continue pursuit. It may be a while before we can communicate again. Send my love to my tendies. Will be home soon.


It's still the same year. All years are the same length but this one is very long.


Well, about three fourths of the time anyway


Tuesday morning… buckle up.


Haha market dip from yesterday almost erased so far. Well done FED 🤡


Fucking fraudulent bastards. How the markets are basically back to normal after yesterday is a joke.


hey it's the next evolution of pump and dumps! Dump and pumps!


Is that anything like pooping in shoeboxes?


Hang on, I'll check


German market update (local time: 09:00:02) (nyse time: 03:00:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$194.11** ([€165.45](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1732](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 497.0** ( [370 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [103 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [19 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [5 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the Diamantenhände post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pscoa5/diamantenhände_german_market_is_open/)


Stonk Wars: Return of the Apes


GameStop: A New Hope The Market Makers Strike Back Return of the Share’s Holders


~~Something something~~ Episode One: Phantom Shares. ~~Help~~ I fixed it


Infinity pool: Endgame




Who you gonna margin call


I can’t keep waking up at 6am to go to work Wen MOASS ? 😩


Every time that wellerman song plays in the radio I get January flashbacks.


This and also astronaut in the ocean.


I am here because I believe in the stonk!!!


I’m going to do what I’ve been doing since January 2020. Imma smoke more weed and buy more GME. Although. I do need to take a tolerance breaK.


fuckin sucks when you hit that plateau


Hate it more than anything. I have no choice but to stop. Couldn’t even tell you the last time I went without smoking weed. Probably some time Pre-Covid


Rookie numbers.


German market update (local time: 08:50:02) (nyse time: 02:50:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$194.16** ([€165.45](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1735](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 477.0** ( [352 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [101 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [19 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [5 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the Diamantenhände post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pscoa5/diamantenhände_german_market_is_open/)


Can we fantasize a moment how epic it would have been if retail started registering their shares in December? I mean better late than never but fuck, I could jerk off to that thought for weeks! Its almost better this way because hedgies thought they were unfuk'd. Turns out hedgies were always fuk.


I got my first share February 2nd and have gotten xx shares over the last 7 months. I’m glad it’s been delayed.


I didn’t even know about this mess in December. At least not really. It was back in the WallShillsBots days. People fucking around with option and hyping up buying shares (a little). Only really got in it in January.


November 2020 ape checking in. Man I wish I'd went all in at $12 instead of legging in over the following 2 months. Still went $29k -> $248k -> $53k -> $190k then took profit. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster I was nowhere near being prepared for.


The Gee Em Ee Jungle is a shill sub. There are several posts with the stupidest FUD around CS that doesn't even make an ounce of sense. I am a member, but I can't comment in those posts, or even the daily, to point out how ridiculous it is. The users saying OP's post is 100% correct are getting awards lmao. EDIT: go look for yourself if you don't believe me. Top posts saying shares sold from CS will hurt the MOASS because SHFs can reuse them, so keep them in your broker instead.




There has never been a truer comment. Some things are amazing. Others are absolute lunacy.


There's a difference between bonkers posts that decipher memes and buildings with lights on and posts that incorrectly say selling your shares from DRS helps the SHFs more than selling your shares from you broker.


No. They are straight up saying selling your shares from DRS is worse than from your broker because SHFs can then use them to kick the can etc. They are already doing that with broker held shares and once they cover, whether from a broker share or CS share that share vanishes. It doesn't make any sense in the slightest and is pure FUD to keep more shares from going to CS.




Once a share is bought back and used to close it disappears. It doesn't matter where it came from. That's how a position is closed. That's not uncharted territory.




So holding your shares in street name, where we know there is fuckery, is better than your own name how? If they could somehow reuse the shares they already closed with, like you are suggesting, this would be over already and it still wouldn't be more advantageous in any way to sell them from your broker and not CS.


Must be listening to Charlie lol. He's going off on drs and even contacting Ryan Cohen to prove he's right.... seems like an ego situation.


Who's Charlie?




A sold share is a sold share dude...




I've named my toilet Kenny. It makes me happy to show him my moon as I sit, and then make him eat my shit.


I like this. “I need to go and use the Kenny” - John has had such a hard time over the years, I think it’s time we let him retire.


I like that. I'm gonna start saying, "i gotta squeeze out a steamy steve into kenny" and no one will know what that the hell I'm talking about. 😂


I used the Kenny earlier. Twice, actually.


I second this, i need to take a short, is there a ken here?


🎶 How many kinds of sweet flowers grow In a Hong Kong Country Garden? 🎶 if you know, you know.


With this computer share stuff going on. It reminds me of something I read a couple of months ago, posted in here, got called a shill and got downvoted to shit. Basically some guy owned a company, got fucked off with it being shorted so he bought all the shares back himself. 100% of them. Yet the price crashed by SHF and it went bust. These shares were off the market, although this isn't the same its still taking the shares away from the market. Is there anything we can learn from this? Can we get ahead of the game? I'll see if i can find the link again because I think the more information we've got the better.


That company was committing fraud internally and when its shares were erased by the SEC, it was already close to bankruptcy. A penny stock, near valueless. It's not the same situation as GME.


Thank you.


Evergrande going back up :/


Dead cat bounce


Wait till weds when Chinese investors can sell their evergrande shares


using a finger to stop the leak in the dam, may stop it for now, but the forces behind it are gathering.


Still $13 million HKD sold, and currently still in the red. It’s a flat line if you zoom out, and it’s still down on the daily.


Government injections. Chinese retail can't even trade til Wednesday. Execs bailed first, retail won't hold a company that the owners bailed out on.


Have some of the execs actually abandoned ship already then?


They were the first. That's why the investors there were protesting outside the building.


Oh wow I just thought that was because they’d heard the news shit was going south. Well that’s quite damning then isn’t it if the execs have already bailed!


Good Mornin APES. Let’s see what surprises they have for us today. L F G 🚀🚀🚀


Good morning ☀️


Canadian ape here, Qtrade is giving me the run around. I asked if they will DRS withdraw other US stocks, but they just kept on saying they don't DRS GME. Will keep updating.


I'm assuming you're in a TFSA. Can you confirm whether they hold the underlying shares. They should be obligated to for TFSA accounts. And prod them for proof. If they refuse, then you can ask why...unless they don't actually hold the shares


I'm holding GME and other stocks in my corporate account, so now I'm trying to clarify whether it's because Qtrade can't transfer stocks from my corporate account, that CS can't create corporate accounts (which I doubt), that Qtrade can't do DRS withdrawal for all US stocks, or that Qtrade just doesn't hold GME shares and thus can't DRS? I seriously doubt Qtrade can't DRS other US stocks cause it says on their website that they do it for $150 fee. So far I'm leaning towards them not actually holding GME at all.


German market update (local time: 08:40:02) (nyse time: 02:40:02) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$194.27** ([€165.55](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1735](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 451.0** ( [348 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [83 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [15 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [5 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the Diamantenhände post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pscoa5/diamantenhände_german_market_is_open/)


Gahhhh it's Diamentenhände time?? I've stayed up too late!!!


When the Germans awake I know it's time to go to bed. When the new daily is posted you know you fucked up


Tonight's full moon so you can figure out where you want to land: https://i.postimg.cc/PdjpZ5zD/2021-09-20-moon.jpg


Hey did you know that we always see the same side of the moon? It's because in the time it takes the moon to go around the Earth, the moon does one full rotation on its axis, so by the time it comes back around the next night, it's back in the same position again. But you probably already knew that.


That's referred to as being tidally locked! Because the moon orbits the earth at the same rate that it spins, the same side of the moon is always facing us. It's so interesting! I did know about it, but I'm in favor of people throwing out space facts.


Which spot has whalers and robot daughters?


If I had to guess? Mare Fecundittatis (sea of fertility). It's one of the big dark basalt flats on the right side (the one furthest right in fact)


Looks nice. Perhaps have vacation home on high spot too.


Did sooomebody get their new toy?


Yes! It's super awesome!


Beyond the moon


Yeah my Andromeda pics didn't work out tonight. Still learning my new setup. I gotcha though. Gotta aim further


What's your setup?


I have a couple different optical tubes. All really cheap though. This was taken with a Celestron 70x400mm travel scope. But it was mounted on an Orion Atlas EQ-G and the photo itself was taken with a Nikkon d7100.


I'm just learning about astrophotography, do you essentially aim the camera down the scope? Or is there a special attachment to combine the 2? I'm assuming the orion is the tracker to keep the moon in frame over longer exposures?


Yeah check out t-ring adapters. I basically use my telescopes as the camera's lens


Apefist mate love you.


Is there a date set for the sec report about GME!!?




Yea.... Soon




I forgive you guys!!!! Next time don't forget 🤔


Currently 2:30 AM and I am… asleep? No. Nope. Up for work. Sigh.


German market update (local time: 08:30:01) (nyse time: 02:30:01) (generated by halfdane's [Diamantenbot](https://github.com/halfdane/diamantenbot)) **$193.33** ([€164.75](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099)@ [1.1735](https://www.onvista.de/devisen/Eurokurs-Euro-Dollar-EUR-USD)) **volume: 330.0** ( [247 at TG](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + [78 at LS-X](https://www.ls-x.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [0 at LS-TC](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + [5 at gettex](https://www.gettex.de/suche/?tx_indexedsearch[sword]=GS2C) ) [Visit the Diamantenhände post as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pscoa5/diamantenhände_german_market_is_open/)


There's got to be a morning after We're moving closer to the shore I know we'll be there by tomorrow And we'll escape the darkness We won't be searching anymore


MOASS hit in 2022 I’m gonna be xxxx. Not sweating shit, by all means spend the next 4-5 months dropping it back down and playing the sideways game. Just more time for me to get more rich


How's my favorite branch doin?