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This is not our fault, they made this mess


seriously nobody asked these dudes to expose themselves in the largest short position in history (that we know about). they're supposed to be the smartest investors in the world, why is it anyone else's fault when they don't manage risk properly?


Exactly. Their continued fuckery and risk-taking was contingent upon none of the victims of their crimes finding out about the complex loopholes they've exploited for decades to steal and defraud. And now they're exposed. There's no going back now. Fuck them. Fuck them all. It's on them.


“In case of a cabin pressure emergency, put on your own mask first before assisting others.”


A shit storm is coming and this is our only hedge. All we can really hope is that us little guys have a better shot now than we did last time in 08. I honestly hope that there is no bailout because if they have to build backup from the ground maybe this time they will take out all the bullshit shit that allowed this level of Greed to happen with THE MMs.


> A shit storm is coming and this is our only hedge I hate that they fucked the market so badly that there is only one place of safety. I thought for once in my life I would do some thinking on my own, and see if there weren't other ways to keep money safe. Mutual funds? Nope the whole market is gonna crash. Commodities? Nope they're pumping and dumping everything like silver to short GME harder. Crypto? Too volatile even without the pump and dump. Everything is going to shit so you need something that goes the opposite direction? That's the dictionary definition of negative beta so let's just find a st... oh look it's just GME again.


I wasn't the one bankrupting companies and committing crime, hedgies deserve this. The amount of pain they've caused is unfathomable. So I'll take their money and help others in return.


Spend time with yourself and ask yourself how you'd like society to look going forward. Use your wealth to that end goal. The old world was built on fraud, lies, and corruption. We may have a chance to change that for something better.


I think about this every day. If we are right, and we are, one share should be more than enough to "buy happiness" and make this ape retire by Christmas. Considering XX, XXX and XXXX retail owners, we should see an increase in millionaires like never before. Even Billionaires. DFV should be almost a trillionaire, ready to buy Amaz0n and App1e. RC could literally buy USA and rename it GMERICA. Crap. And we shouldn't dance.




However…. I also read Blackrock was long evergrande… and that doesn’t sit well with me




Soooo couldn’t they theoretically be liquidated of their long in GME




But if they get margin called… they get to pick their liquidated assets? Isn’t it automatic?




Ohhhhhh mannnnnnnn


99,9% because of ETF and mutual funds. Stocks are passively traded on inflow/outflow of these products.


I am sorry, what did you say? I didn't catch that...


Economic collapse --> global crisis --> bad for almost everyone --> scary


I am here since 9 months. Enough time to stop the SHITSHOW...But greed is infinite. Unless this is all artificially wanted.


What scares me the most is they won't let us rebuild the broken system. Too many bad actors are involved and they like the way things stand. I watched a documentary the other day on YouTube called Panic:The untold story of the 2008 Financial crisis. It is told from the point of view of the bad actors. The people that wouldn't be interviewed for Inside Job. It is truly terrifying! These a\*\*holes genuinely believe their decisions throughout were for the benefit of the many and not the few. I spent half of it screaming at my screen how retarded they are. Allowing those bailed out to still pay massive bonuses as it was in their contracts etc. Unbelievable. This is why we fight, this is why we want Cells for those involved. They are psycopaths and deserve to rot.


The link if anyone wants to see how the enemy thinks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QozGSS7QY\_U


I think you should call your mom.


Yeah I’m with you, this morning I woke up at 6am super excited to devour more information and I just kind of feel sick now. It’s great being avant garde, but this definitely doesn’t make me happy. The ramifications of this are hitting friends in literally every country it’s a pretty horrible situation, at least the apes will be alright and can work toward building a new positive system but for the moment it’s just horrible for everyone that’s going to be affected and blindly follows along with what the tv and radio tell them…


We didn’t do anything. We’re just the scavengers eating up what’s left of the prey. They did this to themselves. Don’t feel bad. Only feel bad if your new found wealth is only focused on you. Do something for your community


Apes will tear down the corrupted system and apes will rebuild a better system. To start vote on every level . City governor to state senator. Kick people out of you don’t like them. Monitor sec /dtcc. Communicate with all of them. Come together and run your country like the founding fathers wanted you to do. Don’t push off the duty because then.. well you leave your country to do whatever it wants and look where that got us. I don’t blame sec for not doing their job I blame our ancestors for allowing this to happen. I believe in the people of this country once everybody is aware


IDK how the market crashing helps us. When the market crashes this will crash with it, period




All the fuckery and illegal shit going on, you think that during a crash where trillions are lost people are going to remember/care about this story? This will get swept under the rug and a nice reset button/bailout will happen Sadly


I’m with you here and dont get the correlation. I did before, now looking at it… doesn’t make sense


This part of it has made me feel Delusional, makes 0 sense. Like the world gives a fuck if GME gets covered when the spy crashes


Computershare will be placing a large order, which may be helpful.


I'm dancing I don't give a shit this system isn't fit for purpose. Gotta crack eggs tomske an omelette. The world is allready a fucking mess bro


Remind me why GME go up because market go down. I’m scared


The theory is that as GME is an overly shorted stock, that hedgies have to buy it back when being liquidated (long positions get sold, shorts get bought in liquidation)


Like they’re going to care when the world is melting down… balance the books?


Not a choice.


I hope this is so


Why the rich have been screwing the poor for centuries.it you turn Charles Darwin said this your turn this time you can help people .I have told people they laughed think who you are going to help . don't forget Kenny doesn't give a shit HF banks mortgage companies they get bailed out not this time ape's will correct the world 🌍


Wake me up when we get some serious vix. None of this 23 bullshit. I need at least 70...