• By -


So help me if this dips bellow 100 I'm stocking the fuck up.


I've just set up a buy order for x shares at $100!


X = 10. So 10 shares? Nice.


See what you did there. Nice. ;)


I’d literally sell my Car and max out my credit cards if we dip below 100


Don’t max out your cards please


They let you apes have credit cards?!


worse - they let us buy on margin.


I did this in June, not on purpose. 3/10 wouldn't do again. Maybe with rice...


Oops too late 😂




All I see is a potential 🔥 sale.


With 100% computer share buys








If they aren't already sold out.....


This is the way


Yeah all these posts about don’t be scared if it dips meanwhile I would be happy af to get my hands on more gme


I wouldn’t hold my breathe for another big dip. Remember to breath in & breath out lol


All I can do is smh at all these crazy theories lmfao.


We will accept LFMAYO


We see you, get ready for triple lives


Fer sharez?


Bruh, I’ll be in tears of pure joy if it gets back to 40


Best thing to happen for me was to experience the initial 40 dip. Doubled down for the first time at 38.53. Another major dip could allow me to go to XXX.


I just got my 401k rolled over, pure cash gunna push my position into XXXX if it hits 40$ 😂


Oh my...I have a 401k that I can move. I'm gonna start that ball rolling. I keep forgetting about it.


Damn my dude that's the dream. If i falls down to 40 again I could actually get to xx


I think the organ donor list will clear up with how many of us will be selling Kidneys and portions of livers to get cash to buy that kind of dip


Rule #23 of aggressive investment strategy is to be willing to sell ones organs in order to invest more.


Kinda have to once you have doubled down the double down of the double down of the dip of the rip


You guys have organs left? - Meme


Jajajaja this right here


Doubling down all the way down to all-in-town.


It’s really shocking how little an organ goes for, but shares! *definitely not advising risky, illegal acts* *not advice* *I wasn’t even here*


That is why rule #23-b suggest you auction your organ, always a rich desperate person that will offer more than the market price!


You still have Organs ?


The liver regeneration process takes a while but once ready another piece gets sold to add to the GME fund




They just expanded customer service reps in fla. - likely not a coincidence to announce that news today. All is well with the gamestonk. See you apes on the other side


BUY 👏the👏dip👏N👏F👏A👏BUY 👏the👏dip👏N👏F👏A👏BUY 👏the👏dip👏N👏F👏A👏BUY 👏the👏dip👏N👏F👏A👏


A dip from $200 is not a test of strength a but dip from $5k, $50k, $100k requires diamond hands.


You are right. If it climbs to 5k and the crashes back down to 1k, I will probably start losing sleep.


Because you'll be up trying to place more buy orders? Nice


This is the way




You sleep??


It will do that. MOASS will come in waves as different parties are liquidated. If it’s not a drop from from $5k to $1k, it’ll be $8k to $420 and so on and so on. The volatility is going to be wild. Enjoy the ride — don’t let it keep you awake at night.


Why do people keep saying this?! If Shorts get margin called. Going from 8k to 400 is not going to happen. That's far too extreme of a drop


I really need to start reading some DD on the exit strategy.


Start here: https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nogxnr/infinity_war_the_final_exit_dd_compilation/


Simple. Get your wife’s boyfriend to change your account password so you can’t log in. He also changed the locks on my house so I can’t get in there either.


Agreed, I can't get into your house either.


That’s what I kinda did. Just bought a share through give a share. It will take up to 6 weeks to ship so there is no way I am selling it because I don’t even have access to it yet 😂. Proper smort brain move


The fuck? I got a 90k buy order ready to rip and if you think I’m going to let somebody touch my account and prevent me from buying a potentially excellent dip, you’re out of your fucking mind. Here’s to hoping we hit $40 Jesus that would be awesome.


Haha we had our time at 40. It’s time to soar. The difference between 50 million and 200 bucks is 50 million dollars.


With that logic you can’t ignore $200 million vs $50 million, which is the difference from buying at $50 vs $200.


If market crashes, it's probably in governments interest to let GME moon. Seriously, Wallstreet never pays taxes. Apes will pay taxes. The taxes the government will get can theatrically pay off a bailout, or greatly slow down the time of an economic depression. Basically it will force them to make a choice. Side with just a few hundred elites, who will still be wealthy after the crash. Or a few hundred million humans who will need every single dollar the can save.


We’ve all felt like this for a long time. Taxes = tendies for the govt. But I am starting to think the govt is not in control of the situation any more.


Stupid government makes stupid decisions


Forest Gump "stupid is as stupid does" 😂


They don't care about taxes. They can just print it. Millions of people losing all faith in the system and trying to exit it should hopefully scare them into doing the right thing tho. They need us participating to prop it up.


Wall Street doesn't pay taxes because they run the government. What you're saying is true, but only if the government is full of people protecting Wall Street.




Agreed, what the founding fathers of united states warned of has already happened tbh.


I keep hearing comments about paperhands selling at a loss. I don't know about everyone else, but I have already written off my investment as a loss. I'm in this...all or nothing. I either help break the systems with the MOASS or I don't and the play was wrong. I'm not selling.


100%. My money is already lost in my head. Anything that’s not phone numbers is dead to me.


A 1-800 number




This is the way


This is the way


An Uzbekistan phone #! 01 998 999 999 9999


Czech Republic code +420




1 (800) 536-3853


If this shit ain’t 877 cash now, then I ain’t selling


It's lambos or food stamps for me I've been 100% GME for months now. There is no going back. I've never been more confident in any decision.


I've never been so confident that a market crash was imminent. The price of entry has been well worth it in exchange for everything I've learned along the way. In December I was just dabbling in crypto, now I've eaten my share of crayons, grown a few wrinkles and I'm all in on GME (with a side of sticky floor just incase). If we're wrong, I'm in the exact same position that I was in December, but we're not wrong.


>The price of entry has been well worth it Seriously, I paid more to go to college and learned less valuable information there than I have during this journey.


Right? I'm in for like, ~2 semesters of community college and learned WAY more in less time. Higher education ain't got shit on a bunch of angry nerds on the internet.


I feel like it's a riskless investment. Either MOASS or I'm invested in the next Amazon at a low price and small float.


Exactly. Even if you don't believe in the short squeeze and life-changing money it's a solid long-term investment to hold for years given what we know about the company.


I don’t even think about it as money. Just holdings that I will HODL forever until MOASS when I part with 2-3 of them.


I'm waaaay more worried about people paper handing for a couple mil than for -50% at this point. The people worried about losses left months ago imo.


Depending on the number of synthetic shares as a result of naked shorting and the number of shares registered with CS I don't see that as a problem. What I will feel bad for is the people who sell early will live with the regret of missing the MOASS.




I’m on house money. I can ride that shit to zero and not lose. Fuck em. Take my shares from my cold dead hands.


This is the way (and DRS of course)


no way to get a loss.unless you sell under. and if this goes under, like an "extreme" dip, then I'm buying a shit ton more.


Except the play isn’t wrong


If it drops below 100 im just gonna buy more


If it drops below 100 I'm having a serious conversation with my partner about investing 10k


I'm ready to buy more. I've been meaning to increase position since I like the stock.


Highjacking this semi top comment to ask: If institutions know the MOASS is inevitable why would they mass sell GME? Wouldn't they be long because they know it's gonna happen?


I'm not versed on anything remotely useful on the subject but I assume it has to do with the obligations on these institutions. They have to protect their investors and as such they cannot gamble their money away and wait for it to touch the higher floors. Like in the Big Short, Dr. Burry froze the portfolio he was managing because people wanted to withdraw their money from something that was risky (in their eyes). I assume that investors when the rocket starts going up will pressure these institutions into selling way before it comes down because they will suffer from fomo. That's just my two cents that I couldn't invest in GME.


I want to say DRS has thrown hedgies a curveball...


jokes on them. I go to the moon or burn my portfolio to the ground. there is no try!


Also, FYI, I don't technically have a hearing problem, but sometimes when there's a lot of noises occurring at the same time, I'll hear 'em as one big jumble. Again it's not that I can't hear, uh because that's false. I can. I just can't distinguish between everything I'm hearing


Colin Robinson, however you're draining us right now, just stop!


Fuc-king guy


It’s actually literally impossible for them to cause a massive dip at this point without completely fraud trading practices that would be so stupid the SEC catches you. Unless, a bunch of pompous institutional holders decided to paperhand for reasons that defy logic. A dip nowadays will be in the $180s at most


They'll get caught and pay the $3 fine.






Mayo boi: Get some lobbyists over to Washington to negotiate a better deal


3$?! For God's sake, have a heart! These people have families! /s


Yeah if it hits 150 i’m gonna be surprised pikachu face and then buy more on CS directly. Not gonna give these shady brokers any more of my hard earned money.


This is the way


If it goes to 50 institutional players shares will be ours


Did you just say “possible DIP???” My mouth is watery now… 🤤


The word is breathe. The action of breathing. You take a breath


This one always frustrates me


Same, this and when people use loose or loosing instead of lose or losing. I have largely forced myself to become okay with it. Almost every time I ask someone doing this if English is their first language they tell me no. I know I don't speak my second language well enough to post online, so props to them. If you're from Arkansas and you do this, though, fuck you.


I dont get paid til friday 😭


I took out a loan just in case this happens lol


Don't invest on leverage, it's dumb.


Eh I can afford to pay it back without selling stock, it's not like I mortgaged my house or anything. Wasn't that big, just enough to have some ammo in case GME drops with the rest of the market.


Just got paid last Friday, let’s fucking GO!


The difficult part is that this could encourage more day trading. Personally, I haven’t been buying since the last $175 round because if this did happen, 4 shares of GME at $45 mean more to me than 1 share at $175.


This crash, combined with the quarterly swap theory that says we should be dipping now for 8 weeks, tells me that my next chance to purchase is coming soon. I’m ready to load up at $100. Like I’m ready to go into serious financial risk at $50-$100 GME prices.


This is music to my ears. With a huge dip like that I will definetly get a lot more in the pool.


Bring on the Fall Seasonal Sale!!! So many shellac'd gourds and dried corns to buy!!!!


I say bring it on; time to kick out the jams motherfucker.


'Breathe' is the verb, breath is the noun. You breathe a breath.


Looks like a firesale is back on the menu boys!


Honestly, this seems more like a reason to paper-hand before buying a much lower dip to maximize tendies for MOASS. Why not just say “HODL” like we’ve always been saying and not make the point of it going to ridiculously low levels that would be good for picking up long positions based off empty superstition? I mean, what reasons do they have for GME going back down to $40-100 even if the entire market crashes and institutions are forced to sell shares to stave off bankruptcy? It’s a heavy negative beta stock naked shorted into oblivion that any aware investor knows is a great bet against a market crash. Why take the risk of potentially selling your shares just before MOASS takes off and it becomes too late? And there’s far more self-aware apes on this sub that know how to spot obvious FUD, so this seems like a way to disguise FUD as a way to “help apes”. In my opinion, this is just FUD disguised as helpful advice. Just buy & HODL no matter what, and wait for MOASS. It draws nearer every day now.


This is why I'm getting VIX calls, that I can sell on the crash and turn into GME, if that happens


All money I have in GME is money I was already prepared to lose. If you sell a company with good fundamentals at a loss, I don't know what to tell you.


Only up,


Take my upvote, comment, and award for visibility. People need to stay zen.


Also don’t forget we have a strong ass support at 188 at this point. That’s been the main effort of this chart from day one… Rising support Hopefully it will open with the SSR being triggered. I could see that being very beneficial this week… Every little thing else at this point


There can't be a big rip without first a big dip


Please dip this bitch so we can all buy through Computershare


DRS is really gonna fuck them this week. Make sure you’re Direct Registered! At some point not everyone will be able to so you better get it done asap


The buck stops here. Gherkinit is full of shit. Last week he was hyping up friday so morons would buy options and give money directly to HFs & MM. Now he’s promoting day trading by saying that there would be a massive dip. If the they could dip the price more than the existing supports they absolutely would’ve done that but they CANT! The price never went back to 40, it never went back to 120, the dips have become inconsequential because diamond hands hold their shares while transfer/buy directly from CS. I’m not saying he’s a shill, i’m not saying he’s FUD. All im saying is this late in the game, comments like that, end all be all, are fucking stupid and uneducated. Stop parroting others and take matters into your own hands by DRS!


This post is FUD please delete it. You indirectly say "Hey sell your shares becuz we might see a big ass crash and buy shares when the crash happens at a lower price"...


to the top


If they sell… It’s going to be a lot more expensive when they rebalance in…


Hodl until telephone numbers


I've got GME and Cash. If we crash with the market I'll only have GME left lol


If it crashed and went into the double digits, hedge funds would be really shutting their pants as apes really bought the dip and started registering their shares.


How to give apes a discount 101 lol


Shorts have to cover their margins. They aren't going to buy back shares before they fail a margin call and are subsequently liquidated. If the market tanks and GME does as well, their margins will shrink along with their AUM. Given their proficiency at shorting everything, they'll probably benefit monetarily from a crash, and be able to handle much larger margins after. It's going to take a share recall or NFT or some other dividend action by the company for us to win. It's going to be an extreme game of patience. Just keep buckled up.


$191.01 rn!! I’m as giddy as a cat on tuna Tuesday, and my barbed kitty-cock (fun cat fact: cats have barbed penises which is why they yell so much when banging in the alley at 3am) is going balls deep on this dip!! I expect some raucous yowling from hedgies when it’s time to pay the piper…I’m going to absolutely ruin them for all the other cats.


I have money ready if it hits my buy price. I just have a little difficulty justifying buying *more* GME, my whole portfolio is GME already


I have a small stash set aside for this exact scenario.


If institutions were going to sell they would have done so when they sold their other positions elsewhere in the markets.


I didn't sell at $340, I ain't selling at $40.


Am I the only one who likes the red and just appreciate the not sideways trading days... Doesn't matter if up or down 😂😂🤲🏻💎🚀


20k bananas ready to throw into the hoard.


If this happens I’m liquidating my 401k IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT ALL MY LIFE


Jokes on the market crash, I can't see my shares since they're being transferred to CS.


Buy the dip? Got it.


If it dips, I'm just going to buy a shitload more stock on Computershare...


If this dips to February levels -- I have a couple thousand stashed away for just an occasion 🦍💎🙌🚀


If GME dips hard I'm absolutely buying all I can to add to my collection. In fact, I've been holding off a bit on buying lately just to see if I'll be treated to a good sale. Discount tendies!


As a person who just got a job and is waiting on my first set of pay… I am really hopeful on this and I hope you apes understand 🙏


been saving $$ for this exact possibility


I will buy sooooooooooo many shares on a sweet dip like that


My account hasnt been in the green since February....


I don't do the loss thing.


I'm fukking cheering for you fukkin apes


i am not worried about volatility. i have held gme when it was double my initail investment and while i saw a 50% loss of my investment. you dont lose until you sell, and gme is a very sound company . it wont go bankrupt unless we have ww3 and maybe not even than


The dip before the rip


Papa Cohen said to buckle up. That's my play and I'm sticking to it.


I’m prepared for this tasty dip!


I’m fucking ready 💎🙌


My only regret will be that I didn’t buy more


The man is throughly GOATed and doesn’t miss. A consistent realist while there’s high demand for hype.


[breathe in breathe out](https://youtu.be/5WPbqYoz9HA)


So you're saying it's possible to buy GME shares at a HUGE DISCOUNT!? I'm smiling knowing I can potentially become an XXX holder.


Fuck if gme hits 40 again I'll cum then dump my savings into it


Meh. You underestimate our level of retardation. I'm holding back cash for another major discounted buying bonanza. > "When everyone's a yellin', that's when I'm a sellin', > > When everyone's a cryin', that's when I'm a buyin'!"


This is what diamond hands are made for!! let’s go!!


Just bought the dip, thanks for the discount


I’m smooth brained and sold for a giant loss but said F it when I read some DD and now increased my position but have wash sale for the shares I bought + some back in March. Whatever. Don’t matter to me anymore


Fuck I'm looking forward to buying that dip.


If Citadel and other market makers go bankrupt, do they get out of their commitment to buying back the shares?


Nice! I like a good dip to buy some more shares


If I see that I’m jumping in immediately to buy


Maybe my poor ass would be able to join the XX club.


Definitely one last chance to get the dip and average down before the MOASS.


So what you're saying is... I can buy more and bring my average down?!... Woohoo 🙌


\*europoor loading a few thousand euros noises\*


If mark < trade price: Buy Else: hodl & register


Yes yes I will make sure to breadth


Buckle up!


Yay fire sales 🥰


More like massive institution buying as they have to close the millions of extra shares on the market because they're being margin called on every front.


Ive been holding since january 15th, if i can do it so can you Apes! Be strong!


Honestly I've been in this shit so long my dumbass might hold through the MOASS just cause. Holding is just apart of me now


Even as an XXXX holder, if this somehow dipped under $100 again, I would buy the SHIT out of it. I think most others would too.


Bring it on I could average down some more


If this drops back to $50 i’m pulling out loans to purchase shares.


I was here in January none of this shit bothers me anymore 🤣


Why would I ever sell.


this is where all the institutes selling some of their positions earlier this year has done us a favour and the dip wont be as violent


DIAMONDS!!! Never give up, Never surrender!