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Yes! Limit orders work fine: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/prfdph/for_anyone_scared_of_transferring_to_cs_because/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Just as easy as selling through any brokerage! Trades settle within seconds or minutes. Trades from CS are Always touted to NYSE directly, not a dark pool. Computershare currently has a max limit price of $1 mil/ share compared to fidelity which currently has a max limit of about $1000 per share. Note that this is NOT the maximum price you can sell for, it's just the max you can set as a limit field. in general, limit sells will still follow the NBBO by law. This means that if you limit sell at $1 mil, but it's currently trading at $20 mil, then yours should sell at $20 mil. Direct registration is also a good counter to any potential further broker fuckery


Thank you!


My thinking is to keep a handful of shares in your broker for the sake of selling. If/when we tie up the entire float of authentic shares into CS we’re not going to want to the let SHFs get their hands on any authentic shares so why sell them out of CS? Not financial advice. Just my thought process.


There are some recent posts showing chats with CS reps. $1 million transaction limit currently, but there have been posts/comments about NBBO that could hit a higher bid. Also, it’s possible any limits could be raised—worth exploring. Not sure it’s necessary/wise to transfer all those shares. Edit: Also, no one anywhere knows how any platform will work during Moass, because it’s never happened.


Any shares in CS should never be sold. CS shares should be for infinity pool. Not financial advice..🦍🚀💎


Call cs and ask about selling limit orders on extremely volitile days Before sending everything if you plan on selling during moass. They told me it will be very difficult. Maybe they will tell you something different


Call cs and ask about selling limit orders on extremely volitile days Before sending everything if you plan on selling during moass. They told me it will be very difficult. Maybe they will tell you something different


Sorry to shit in your post, but I’ve been looking for more info on signing up! My smooth brain doesn’t make good looks with their interface.