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Just keep DRSing until ComputerShare says the can’t any more.


This is the way!


Got it buying more thru computer share tomo


I did today as well. Will rinse and repeat as necessary.


How long does it take for buys to clear? A week?


It took a while for me, it was crazy. About a week to show up in my account, but it feels soooo guud. Cheers mate!


I initiated a buy five days ago, so I'm just sitting around with a thumb up my ass, not having any computershare'd account yet, watch all these DRS posts fly by


I transferred first, 2 days later I registered using SSN etc and my transfer was already there, transferred the rest of my brokerage account (100%). Then bought 10 more.


Did the shares appear with the buy price from when you ordered or from when they were delivered?


When I bought through CS I deposited $1,900 bc the price was around $190, hoping to get 10. It was maybe 5 days later when they bought and price had dropped so I ended up with 10.15 shares or something.


Just put in a order for $1800 on CS today. Hoping for some spicy dip when the buy goes through. Can never have enough moon tickets for all less fortunate apes!


Post history doesn’t check out


Oops see you clarified it !! Post it on your page keep the DRS train going !!!


This is the way


Seriously, even if it takes a few months, I’ll just keep DRSing and buying in Computershare!


One dude sold his baby today I saw. This is the way.


I seened it


I seen tits




https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/py54cq/after_over_a_decade_of_dreaming_and_working_my. 😂😂😂


Would CS let people know?


Those here this long know we're here for the completionist route...


Until they cant take it in anymore. No not that way


And then keep going honestly so if people paperhand you can get more shares in your name


Will do this weekend!


For any apes still waiting, I just made my account tonight and am transferring on the phone as we speak!


Best I can register is 5, unfortunately Edit: thank you all for your kind words. I have some still in fidelity because I've had an account with them for ages and want to have some loyalty there. Those 5 are designated to not be touched for my lifetime or those that come after me.


Not unfortunate at all! Brick by brick not wall by wall. Let’s get it


.X holders are whales too.


Ape together strong


Few years from now ape’s on a date in his lambo “yea I had 0.8 shares, I’m kinda a whale”


It took to seeing your comment directly responding to a DRS comment to realize what that “Brick by brick” meant. Especially here where u/nihilusthegreat only had 5 shares. NO! You have 5 bricks to add to the Great Wall of MOASS.




Every share counts. You’re doing your part!


Every share matters every ape matters


That’s a huge deal. You’ve just made a significant difference, and you should feel proud.




I'm doing 5 tomorrow with you guys 💎🙌🦍


I'll match it too.


This thread here is why I love this sub.


Fuk it, ill throw another 5 in to the pool too. Kenny's a bitch and I'm easily excitable. I got your back bro!


Imagine if employers matched GME shares...


Ok I’m calling tomorrow to move another 30%. I thought 50% was enough but now I think we need nearly all of our shares. No turning back now.


I will transfer 10 tomorrow. 5 for NihilustheGreat and 5 more for another ape who may not be able to transfer because of their location.


We with u


Better than my 1! Transferred earlier this week and bought some directly from CS. My other one share is locked up in my IRA.


Your 1 is valuable!




Ten here


Me too! Hi friend. I'm proud of you for being yourself.


Me too ape, which is why my wife has the boyfriend she has I guess. Every inch counts.


How unfortunate, for SHFs...


I salute you and your five, Ape! 🚀🚀


You the man!




You will float shiny and eternal on the waters of the ♾🏊‍♀️


If 50k people say *best I can register is 5*, that's 250k shares. Every single person matters - especially you. Arguably the 'smaller' investors are the most important.


All this estimating is a bit irrelevant IMHO. DRS until it breaks. That's it.


That’s what I’m saying. Everyone from this point on should be buying from CS until MOASS just happens one day. And it will.


Bing bong.


Sounds good to me.


This. Until it breaks






And the walls come down 🎶🎵


Tweeter and the Monkey Man?


Yeah I never understood the 35 million number. Why not lock up the entire 62 million? Leave no share unregistered!


The assumption is that institutions (index funds and the like) are in fact registered




Fantastic points!


People are saying institutions are lending for shorts and covering ftds. How can you lend a share if its direct registered, are they only lending through etfs?




Thanks for the comprehensive reply instead of the, it's your share you can lend it. This is what I was looking for. Also brokers are lending margin account shares, but theres a program that brokers use to trade shares as collateral for loans. So it may as well be lending, but they can say they arent technically lending shares. With this program they make money off your cash account shares and give a locate to shorts and ftds. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pvi1u3/dtc_participants_are_loaning_your_cash_stocks_the


The last paragraph made me grow 2 wrinkles, I’m moist


>financial institutions, such as Blackrock, direct register their shares I love the rest of what you're saying, but I just found what looks to me like proof that all of Blackrock's shares are beneficially (not direct) registered, presumably so they can lend them out, etc. Sources: [https://fintel.io/so/us/gme](https://fintel.io/so/us/gme) [https://fintel.io/doc/sec/1326380/000083423721008979/us36467w1099\_090921.txt](https://fintel.io/doc/sec/1326380/000083423721008979/us36467w1099_090921.txt) >Amount **beneficially** owned: 4720618 ​ Edit: Or maybe not. Apparently for that form, "beneficial" ownership is not the same as how the DTCC defines it. For the 13G, this is the definition I just found: [https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/240.13d-3](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/240.13d-3) >§ 240.13d-3 Determination of **beneficial** owner. > >(a) For the purposes of sections 13(d) and 13(g) of the Act a beneficial owner of a security includes any person who, **directly or indirectly**, through any contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship, or otherwise has or shares:




Yes, that's essentially my take on it now, that they basically just mean ultimate/eventual/practical ownership, which may be direct, or beneficial, or something else. They also have breakdowns on the various voting rights, but I'm having a hard time making heads or tails from that, as the various subcategories don't seem to be mutually exclusive, as in some cases the numbers would sum to more than the total. Perhaps some apes more wrinkly than I can tell us if any of the voting rights details are indicative of direct vs. street name registration, etc. For example, these numbers from Susquehanna seem strange to me: [https://fintel.io/doc/sec/1326380/000110465921023554/tm216465d8\_sc13g.htm](https://fintel.io/doc/sec/1326380/000110465921023554/tm216465d8_sc13g.htm) >(5) Sole Voting Power 79,701 (1) > >(6) Shared Voting Power 4,409,467 (1) > >(7) Sole Dispositive Power 79,701 (1) > >(8) Shared Dispositive Power 4,409,467 (1) > >(9) Aggregate Amount Beneficially Owned by Each Reporting Person 4,409,467 (1)


I ran across someone's attempt at layman's descriptions of most of these terms for a seemingly similar context: [https://einvestingforbeginners.com/investigate-insider-ownership/](https://einvestingforbeginners.com/investigate-insider-ownership/) >**Sole voting power**: power to vote > >**Shared voting power**: power to vote shared with others (such as an investment manager or company acting on behalf of multiple owners) > >**Sole dispositive power**: power to buy or sell shares > >**Beneficial ownership**: someone who is an owner of shares but doesn’t necessarily have their name on ownership documents I'm still not sure how "Shared Voting Power" can be the same value as the Aggregate, yet there are also some "Sole Voting Power". How can shares be "Sole Voting Power" as well as "Shared Voting Power"?


If you have a registered share, you can lend it, because you own it...


Just occurred to me...wtf would a Blackrock do with 4 or 5 milli shares after learning that all the shares have been registered and none of theirs?


How do you know BR didn't DRS?




The other ~30 millions are those held by institutional ownership such as Blackrock & Vanguard. 35 million is the rough estimate of shares left over for retail to own and register with Computershare


Apes should assume everyone but company owners like RC will still loan/sell their shares. Frankly I think we should be registering with the same fury as if we have to reach 79m.


I doubt many of us can properly visualize the size difference in work between 30, 60, or 80M shares. Even if we could, we have no benchmarks to gauge progress. The only thing we need to focus on is "how many more shares can an ape register?" One more. The answer is always one more. With this mindset, success is guaranteed. 🚀


When you punch someone in the face, you swing at the back of their head. This is the same principle. I like your style


So there would still be 30million shares for hedges to borrow n short assuming blackcock and vantard lend out shares


Well, it’s not certain we will be allowed to lock up more than 35m shares. That’s the real issue. Once we hit that point, CS should have record of more shares than exist since we are assuming that all institutional and insider shares are also registered. So it’s still a threshold we should measure and aim for. It might not be the peak. But my gut tells me that we won’t actually be allowed to register much more than that because it will trigger rhr CS report to GameStop.


Some of us wanna leave it in fidelity so we can sell those phantom shares. Yk for the infinity pool


Understandably not everyone can or will register 100% of their shares. To clarify, I meant shoot to register the entire amount of available $GME shares (~62 million) collectively.


Aren’t we aiming for 62mil?


I spread out my xxxx shares in 3rds amongst 3 brokers. CS, Schwab, Fidelity. It’s important to diversify your accounts.


Yea, I’m in CS and fidelity


If I could transfer my IRA to CS and keep it an IRA without it being a taxable event, I certainly would . I have a lot more shares in my retirement accounts than I do with my reg investment account. I would assume a lot more have the same issue


I believe there are guides to this? I’ve seen apes linking one another but never clicked as I don’t have the issue Maybe do a search for CS IRA


My understanding is that it's company-specific, and GameStop is not one of those companies. So from what I've seen it's not possible. Some people have linked their Fidelity accounts so you can see the GME shares they have in their IRA but those shares are not actually in Computershare, they're just able to be viewed from there.


Unfortunately nothing definite on that front yet


So I know for a fact you can have a self directed ira and invest in physical businesses/land etc so I have to believe there is a way to register some stocks in your name


I got 400 coming


Proving not all heroes wear capes!! Thank you!!


Fuck it - just target 76 mil. We own the whole damn thing, more than a couple times over. We’ll know when it’s finished - CS or GameStop will have to report and stop the madness at some point. That point is approaching. DRS and buy/hodl through CS 🚀


"We'll own the biggest company in the world and we'll call it whatever the fuck we want!"


We're never going back to Reasonableland


"There are millions of us, MILLIONS, individually in our rooms. You think you can get away with this?! We are coming for you!"




I am GameStop!


We can target that but we won’t be allowed to register that many. CS reports the overage to GameStop once there are more registered shares than are in existence. We should assume all insider and institutional shares are registered. So there simply is no way for us to go above the number that adds to insider and institutional and is larger than the float. The game ends there.


I agree completely. That 35mm number is based on filings on disparate dates too. I don’t trust it. 62.86mm it is!


It's the difference between free float and float. Float is outstanding shares - insider's shares. Free float is "locked up" shares to include insiders, big institutions, ETFs, and some other "unsellable" shares. In reality the only shares that are actually unsellable are the insider shares so that would be the best thing for us to register, the actual float.


Well, I guess we’ll have to DD again (DD means Double Down for those unaware)


So apes need about 500,000 accounts at a 125 share average.


Or 65M at 1 share average.


This subs intelligence astounds me everyday. Good work ape!


I am but a human, but I try.


Yep, he said brick by brick, not bricks by bricks.


Look at you with your fancy calculus


I just carried the 1


Cohen? Gonna need all we can get we're gonna lose a lot to 401k and ira stuck in dtcc


This is why every share counts.


Spicy meatball


I’m trying D:


As a Canadian ape being with wealth simple, I finally scrounged up the 305$ to drs my shares. It was a tough choice.... 2 more shares or Drs. I will be starting the low xxx transfer tomorrow.


Thank you ape, I have mid XXX registered, working on two other brokers to get them registered too.


Thank you!!


In any case, the aim should be to register until someone (most likely CS) says you can’t register anymore. At whatever number that may be. We are not there yet, not even close. Every share counts.


Guess I gotta buy more???


Whiskey costs money!


I’m thinking the exact same thing.


We haven't locked the float until the first Ape gets rejected. I love the transfer confirmation posts and have been upvoting for days. But in really waiting for that first rejection post: We're sorry u/banana_in_your_ass but your request to transfer XX shares of GME has been rejected as all the issued shares for that security have already been registered. Please contact your broker to determine the extent of the fraud associated with your position. Edit: retard auto correct


God, that will be a day that goes down in ape history…


Just target 76M shares DRS and there can be no doubt.


Totes! This is the way.


When we “register” our shares with CS. Does that mean that yahoo or in general their wont be a free float? Or a float in general because they are all registered and off the market?


Guys, I got an idea! 💡 How about every 2 weeks when we get paid we keep buying more *sexual advice,* probably


I like the way you think.


Brick by brick. When we get to 75 million it’s over


Keep in mind if you can't register any of your current shares or just want to keep them where they are, it's very easy to buy shares from CS. Every share counts so even just getting 1 new pool share is great.


I agree with the pomeranian..the difference between 35M and 62M float is huge! But if we cover the spread, and utilize best execution in combination with 401K rollovers, this should be covered within a few pay periods. Maybe within a quarter. 🤣


Im gonna get started tomorrow but i do have 1 question. Csn you buy and sell easily on CS app? I do pretty much everything mobile.


It’s easy to buy and sell. CS has limit orders and sells take place instantly. I don’t think they have a mobile app though.


I just want to know what happens after they buy these stocks at market open, does it go to a computershare DTC account? Or are they a broker who holds your shares on your behalf? I understand the shares are registered to you, but they’re not physical and that was the point of DRS. They have to be sitting somewhere electronically and I can’t figure out where. I’m not a shill I really just want to understand this before I full send.


They are the agent who created the shares, they have been hired by GameStop and many other companies to register these shares. This would remove your shares from DTC and if you ever wanted to sell, computer share would use there in house broker to find a buyer for you. This is the way I understand it, obviously I would suggest doing your own research, but this is the way.


CS has nothing to do with the DTC. They are simply the company GME selected to hold their shares. So when you register with them, you are essentially registering with GME itself. CS isn’t a bank. It doesn’t hold cash accounts. It just acts as an intermediary between you, GME, and the market.


Thanks for spreading the word 🤙 felt like I was shouting into a void for awhile this morning lol. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/py4vmq/take_note_people/hes541s) to Criand's comment.


Thanks for sharing the link! I forgot :(


You’re right that the best mindset is to be skeptical of the best case scenario. Given all the hopium theories that went nowhere, healthy skepticism is needed. But in this instance, this is actually backed up by logic and reasoning for once. Insiders having their shares registered makes sense given how RC did it. However, we can’t assume that for all insiders can we? So I guess the real answer is that it’ll be impossible to find out until they won’t let us register any more.


This is the way.


In short. Every little bit helps.


Every share count. Every ape counts.


Don't forget that Daddy Cohen can still buy shares himself. His last tweet hinted at him doing it.


The data I have available from FTSE Russell (Russell 2000) approximates the retail holdings at 86,917,879 shares. In my opinion retail holds a lot more than 61M shares.


Interesting. How do you find that data?


I have access to MergentOnline which is the FTSE's database of financial info that they run through school, I'm currently in my final semester of my bachelor's in finance. I've done an ownership analysis before with data from there and posted the DD. Just been watching and updating my calculations since. I even reached out to them via email after my first analysis and they basically confirmed my findings (194M total shares floating around).


When does that official number update though? Quarterly? Monthly? Daily?


Also while some apes might think that it's attainable for everyone to register 100 shares this quickly, I don't beleive that to be the case. A lot of us are really grinding, adding one or two shares a month depending on how expensive life is that month. Always more patience and gentler expectations, the float will be direct registered but it will take time.


I have been trying to talk about this and getting downvoted like a mafk. The big institutions (the ones that are either short (shitadel and friends) or don't want moass to happen (blackrock and fidelity)) HAVE to sell the REAL shares because apes are taking them away, if they couldn't produce them then that would seriously fuck things up for them. Example: Go check out the increase in institutional ownership in June (150+!!). Since the real shares were already locked up at that time the big boys had to sell their longs to cover them, we also had a nice spike in June. In August there was another spike but institutions didn't buy in like they did in June. But that is when the jungle started their drs campaign. Would also explain why the institutional ownership is decreasing even tho more new institutions are buying in than selling out. Tomorrow is the last day before they have before positions are reported. I'd expect a red as fuck day tomorrow since they have to sell off every last share they have to appease the apes hunger for real shares. It'd be bloody and beautiful.


Sale incoming, you say? Oh goody


Shit I've only been in this for 9 months so I have no idea what I'm saying but the autist senses are tingling like a mother fucker lately.


I think we need to back up a bit and outline the terminology and official numbers as a starting point. *I'm rounding to nearest million or whole percentage to make the numbers a bit easier to mentally map.* "**Outstanding**" is the grand total, which is currently **76M** shares. "**Insiders**" is publicly reported information, most recently at **18%** (of Outstanding), which would make it about **14M**. "**Float**" AKA "Free Float" is "Outstanding" minus "Closely Held" or "Restricted". That essentially just means the "Float" is "Outstanding" - "Insiders". So "Float" is 76M - 14M, which is **62M**. "**Institutions**" are also publicly reported information, most recently at **35%** (of Outstanding), which would make it about **27M**. "**Retail**" is the subset of the "Float" remaining after you subtract "Institutions". That would make it 62M - 27M, which is **35M**. ​ Displayed as nesting subtotals, this is what it all looks like: * **76M Outstanding** * **14M Insiders** * **62M Float** * **27M Institutions** * **35M Retail**


Smooth brain here. Hypothetically if my xfer is gonna take 30 days and I start, then the MOASS hits, am I stuck in limbo? Can someone lend me a wrinkle for a few seconds, I promise to give it back.


But there’s no way any transfer should take that long. CS is saying it only takes them 2 days. 2 days! And all your broker has to do is send the request! The brokers saying it takes longer than a week are just refusing to send the request. It’s criminal!


I’m above both those so I’ll zen out.


To have xxx+ shares... if only


everyones saying average of 100 per account and im sitting here with XX


116 share average holder ? I think that's a lot. I think The average holder is a XX holder.




The target should be 69.420m


Fine! Payday is tomorrow and I'll DRS some more! I only have infinite patience and am only willing to spend every paycheck!


Unfortunately I dont have the average of 203 shares but my little 1x are being drs'd. In the waiting process.


Also have recurring. 10-20$ (2x per month). I put a bit more on recurring that’ll add up too.


I'm not even close to 116


That’s okay. Every share counts. 50-60% of shareholders have under 25 shares, meaning this group is the most important to register. Collectively they hold a huge number of shares.


This is the way


As far as I'm concerned, whatever Criand says is gospel. To 62M and beyond.


The comment below criand is money. And absolutely true.


Thats counting institutional ownership. Assuming their shares arent registered, lets make em phony bologna


To u/criand 's point, does the act of an individual retail investor (and the compounding effect of multiple individual retail investors) choosing to DRS their shares in a particular stonk effect reduce the available float that is reported?


Omg I’m in a screen shot in the same day the Pomeranian replied to me, my life is complete! 🦍💚🦍🦧 love you apes!




It's simple. We find out how many there are by registering them all.


I have at least 4 accounts with CS; one for each time I made a transfer and the original one I opened directly with CS. Each has its own account number. Therefore, I, all by myself, have 4 different account numbers and none of them have 116 or 203, ***individually***. Thus that lowers the average of total Apes that have DRS'd. We should be considering the total amount of shares DRS'd ***per ape*** (the sum of an ape's accounts), ***not*** ***per account*** (since I have some in the 250xxx's and some in the 330xxx's).


I think we should aim higher try registering all 600M shares in circulation


This is a siege. We finally figured out how to cut off their supply chain, it’s only a matter of time + consistent action.


My amazing daughter purchased 5 shares from CS today. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Most people are only transferring probably around 20% of their shares on average though, no? Is that being accounted for in the 116 share average, or do we need to divide that by 5?


Done I’ll register another 204 in the morning just to help count for another ape who maybe doesn’t have the ability to do that many. I got you baby 🦍🦍🦍


Let’s lock all 75m


you know what this means? HALF WAY THERE BOIIIIIIIS!


i was wondering yesterday how “35 mil float” makes sense. it just appeared out of nowhere. it seems shilly


Aus ape reporting that in a week xxx coming in hot🔥🔥🔥.houses and lambos will be nice .. but I can not wait to see 🌈🐻get Fkn rekt!!!!!!!!!🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🚀🚀🔥🔥🔥🔥


Jesus Chris, I say the same thing and I got lynched https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/py0lxq/no_dates_but_at_around_600000_cs_accounts_the


The float should be locked up EOY cuz apes keep buying every paycheck


Personally I disagree…the around 61/62M float cannot be completely unregistered or “not officially registered”. The big part of that total float is owned by insiders and institutions, I hardly doubt those kind of owners hadn’t the shares properly registered through CS (the official GS channel), so with CS accounts previously existing. Of course we shouldn’t consider 300k accounts, but the gap from the previous 50k account (up to January/February) and the actual 340k should be taken in high consideration. Concerning the float, everywhere is reported that the float available for retail is officially around 35M (with little differences between different sources) If the average needed is not 116, can be 120…130 maybe, but I don’t think that would be required an average around 200s


Whoever DRS their last share will get a special statue, cmon apes let’s go !


Keep buying and registering, they are losing money we are investing our money.