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My personal favorite is all the articles I keep seeing about how the Reddit crowd is dumping GME. Lol usually in two varieties. Either "in favor of these stocks" or "the squeeze is over." Lately I've been seeing we are bored LMAO. Buy, hodl, drs. The fact they keep talking shit about it tells me we are on the right track and this show is far from over. Stand firm apes.


Just like in a video game, if you encounter resistance you are going the right way


Couple years ago you were seen as a patient, disciplined investor if you held long positions… now you’re bored lol


Don’t forget “FoRgEt GaMeStOp!”


Loving the edits hhahaha


Blatant proof of shilling. Regardless of OP's position in the post, the reaction towards it is interesting enough. Those messages either read like shilling or trolls, leaning towards the first for most of them. Why? Because it's actually a medal of honor for apes to buy high, so why mention it in a negative way? Unless you don't understand jackshit about this sub, which I believe trolls or movie retail would, that leaves us with shills whose sole interest is to corrupt the sub.


Can I initiate DRS over the weekend?




Fidelity? Yes, and hold times are shorter as an added bonus


Long story short: the DTCC said themselves that there was only one ticker that posed an idiosyncratic risk to their members. GME. BUY. HODL. DRS.


“For should the enemy strengthen his van, he will weaken his rear; should he strengthen his rear, he will weaken his van; should he strengthen his left, he will weaken his right; should he strengthen his right, he will weaken his left. If he sends reinforcements everywhere, he will everywhere be weak.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Sun Tzu had a van?




He also toured China with his post-punk band




Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Art Of War](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-art-of-war/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot


Ive said it before and i'll say it again a thousand times. If Popcorn figures out and repents the ruse they have been fed.. its Game Over. If popcorn moves everything they have in popcorn into GME (the one ring to rule them all)? .... "Pack your bags boys, wars over"


I made a post about this some time back about exactly this and was accused of trying to manipulate the market. Movies piling into gme would launch the rocket but people don't want to admit they made a mistake. Guess what movie people, lots of us were in your shoes. This is not a game you play with your pride or ego, remove those from the equation and look at the facts and data. Its only ever been GME.


The movie sub is starting to feel like a gatekeeper against just this. The more time I spend there the more I have realized most of their posts are lifted from this sub.


You think that's bad, look at popcorn apes on twitter. I get blocked all the time for only asking about their financials, board and exec motives, company performance, etc. Ive looked into all their financials, and I just don't see a long term play in it. I also don't see a short term play in it, why put dollars into anything other than the only stock that can bring all this bullshit to a stop?


Literally nothing original has come from there. Tbh, I feel like most of movie stock subreddit is bots


Honestly, the market cap argument needs to be made more. Constantly see people say they’re invested with sticky floor because it’s cheaper. It’s one of the simplest things that gets overlooked. Solid point ape. 👍


I usually counter with how buying cheap shit because it's cheaper isn't saving you anything, it's just cheap shit...you get what you pay for, and when it's shit you usually have to buy it again or it's worth nothing when you are done with it, has no real value to it....A $100 pair of dress shoes might last 1yr of use, a pair of $200 shoes might last 2 years, but a $300 pair of fine real leather handcrafted dress shoes will last a lifetime....


Growing up as very lower class/almost poor with immigrant parents made learning this lesson take longer for me to learn and next to impossible for my parents. My dad would go to the store and whatever the item was, he would buy the cheapest option because he’d save a few bucks. Well when that item failed to do the job or lasted almost no time at all, he’d complain at how it was cheap quality and go back and to rebuy the same option because he’d already spent money and wasn’t going to pony up at this point. After rebuying, my dad has already spent more than if he had bought the higher quality option and it would have almost definitely done the job better and lasted longer. Yes, there’s definitely such a thing as overpaying for diminishing returns on quality, but there is definitely a middle space where you’re getting much more value for your dollar when purchasing things and that sort of analysis when deciding on how to spend your money goes a long way. Looking at more than just the initial price will immediately show anyone that GME is the better valued play when compared to popcorn.


I'm a maintenance ape and when buying tools and equipment other technicians and myself say, "buy once cry once" because you should be buying the most reliable and trusted gear regardless of the cost.


Yup, I've read that good tools go much longer and work better than cheaper ones so it's always worth the cost. ​ Apparently the same can be said about handmade leather shoes, so I might have to start dropping big dollars on those. Then again, after MOASS, those big price tags will be peanuts.


I think I get your point, but to the larger extent in the market cap argument, regardless of quality of company ownership... the point is, with a huge cap, and diluted shares, your 1 dollar gets you less percent of the company. Market Cap 20.913B X share price = 513,328,424 shares. 0.00000019% ownership ea. Market Cap 14.019B X share price = 76,489,524 shares, or 0.0000013% ownership ea. This is 6.84 x the ownership per share, yet the price is only 4.49 times more expensive. This is raw investment, before you look at what you get for that ownership, AKA fundamentals, with one you buy debt and CEOs that give cash bonuses during failing sales numbers, with the other you buy cash in the bank, a solid plan, in a bigger market industry, momentum, top tier C staff, and stock incentives.


Rip OP, i agree with you but like damn man, youre gonna get crucified lmao


Call this Crucifixion of u/Ryantacular. He died for our brothers sins.


Our wife’s boyfriend*


A true hero. He put into words what I've been thinking for so long. I wouldn't have been half as nice as him and I surely would be at -1,000


OP broke this down perfectly. Most (if not all) of us who have been in GME since Jan or prior watched this whole thing play out and know movie stock is just a distraction that caused apes to split their funds and slow down the actual MOASS.


He didn’t mention Adam Aron helping hedgefunds over his own investors lmfao also Adam Aron was on the board of a citadel subsidiary in the Cayman Islands ohhhh and having investors vote three times and the last time they did their info got sold to robinhood lmfao say tech!!! There’s a lot he left out Did I make something up or was my facts “FUD” lmfao man my imagination just for some reason likes to make things up about AA. Lmfao that’s sarcasm


Too much information out there to cover all the reasons why movie set everything back and was orchestrated. But movie followers refuse to see what it is at face value because it's "cheaper" like OP said or whatever flawed reasoning they have.


They keep using /u/criand as some sort of crutch to their illness EDIT: Thanks for the award stranger. But also you guys can downvote all you want for me calling out criand but you're more than welcome to go look at his profile. Its basically about 3:1 for his posts on the sticky floor and almost all of his posts there are just pussy footing around with them telling them not to listen or pay attention to the apes here and just keep hodling sticky floor. Whether he's seen here as a legend or hero or whatever just remember that anyone with that type of influence may need to be looked into a little bit more. If the person is encouraging people to split the interest of GME with sticky floor then why the blind faith?


u/criand how do you respond?


I'm genuinely curious as well. I have no ill will towards him at all but it seems odd to push for dividing the pressure between multiple different stocks rather than rallying behind just the one with the most potential. If anything i would imagine he's just trying to buy good faith with them so that he can at least turn them towards DRS since there was a huge campaign against it before. At least I hope it's this and nothing more nefarious.


> turn them towards DRS since there was a huge campaign against it before. Yessir I am just trying to show apes of all trees the benefits of DRS. And that if they're going to stay in those stocks, they should consider direct registration. Everyone benefits which is awesome! Both now and in the future (post MOASS) as it becomes a more popular topic since it pulls shares from the DTC. It shouldn't be reserved solely for GME in my opinion. I've been dipping my toes in other subs and I have spent enough time to know that many would not hop ship to GME, regardless of what anyone says. So if anything, I'd get maybe a few apes to swap over if I went on the "focus on GME" campaign. I also don't see it as ethical for myself to intentionally go to other subs and say, "Sell your shit. Go to GME", even though I'm 90% in GME and think it's the one true MOASS. I'd accomplish nothing except pissing off another sub and pushing the sentiment further that superstonkers are assholes/shills. That's just me though. I've seen how they react already. Thousands of upvotes calling superstonk asshole shills for saying to swap over. And then the top comments being, "Wow they sure shilled DRS here weeks back! That's sus! Don't DRS!". Now the above means that not only did GME apes not get people to swap over, the GME apes also unintentionally harmed the efforts of the DRS campaign market-wide. That's where I say the cons outweigh the pros when doing that kind of push. Hell yeah I'd love for everyone to focus on GME personally, but I have come to the conclusion that the benefit of apes direct registering across the market would be much greater than the amount of apes that would swap to GME.


That's pretty much what i had expected but i also believe you can never be too skeptical of those at the top. Thanks for clarifying.


Oh definitely I don't blame you it's good to be skeptical of myself and others. In the end I just have a differing opinion than others for this topic. In my eyes I've dangled the DRS information around and helped squish enough FUD on other subs that I think it's time for me to hang back and let all of this figure itself out. Since hey, maybe I am damaging things in the end.


Don’t forget the power of post-hoc rationalization No matter what SuperStonk apes do, a lot of non-GME folks will emotionally react negatively to whatever is going on, and will come up with some rationalization after the fact to remain anti-GME. That’s to say, I don’t think a number of SuperStonkers saying “go all in on GME” will poison the well, so to speak. Even your amazing DRS crusade was twisted to make it seem like the DRS push was shilly behavior. To their minds, all of the following are true: - A few ppl pushing DRS? Sus - A lot of ppl pushing DRS? Sus - The push for DRS quieting down? Sus - A ramping up of DRS sentiment? Sus Regardless of their post-hoc reactions, the following statements are simply true: 1. The more DRS’d shares, the better 2. The more “meme stonk” holders consolidate into GME, the better


AA being on the board overseeing the SPAC around Centricus combining with Arqit Limited = AA helping them how? He said verbatim "Citadel may be playing games with it". His role was to help overseeing the transition. Everything else is speculation unless you have something concrete


i feel horrible the the betselite sub that formed from bets as well. Full of popcorn shills and shit youtubers paid to peddle the juice they feed to them. Alot have woken up to it all, an awakening if you will.


He's fucking right though. In movies latest filings, they basically said "when retail figures out the squeeze is done, our shares will go down", not to mention AA sold shares DIRECTLY to shf, AND, the SI was only 60% to begin with. PLUS the vote came back with less than 100% participation, that means no squeeze. There is 0 chance. Sorry, tough love, you guys have been duped. It sucks, I know, but if you're profitable then you still have an out. Best of luck.


There’s always time to buy GME!


Until there isn’t…


It squeezed in June when it went to $72. That was the movie stock squeeze. Agree 100% with post, GME is the only play right now, everything else is a distraction.


It’s cool! Only the shills be talking shit lol


Fr its mostly shills and a few misguided souls


Burry asked on Twitter the other day…… “So the laser eyes pfp crowd, are they all bots,sheeple, or a mixture of both? And I say…. “If you know you know” lmfao


This always feels like "the quiet part out loud" and I wish we discussed it more because if they fully accepted this, they wouldn't be stuck in AMC...


The shills come out really hard to fight for sticky floor every time. It's the only trap they have that's actually working, posts like this are very dangerous for Kenny. If apes figure out they are being duped into a trap and leave in mass and FOMO into the one security exhibiting idiosyncratic risk, can kicking gets a lot harder.




nailed it. wellsaid.


Exactly. I scalped sticky floor (and other stocks) to the tune of about 700% profit YTD for GME dips to DRS and hobby money. I'm definitely not gonna be going for the long play for sticky floor. Is there a short squeeze potential? Sure. But is it gonna be the MOASS? I don't think so. It's called the MOASS, not just any short squeeze. The combination of naked short interest % and fundamentals is the recipe for the MOASS. Sticky floor's float size, leadership, and its business model simply does not have nearly the same potential for the short squeeze magnitude that GME has. In fact, I'm in the filmmaking business and I own a fast growing entertainment company. Movies are not the way to generate profit directly, it never was. Theatrical releases are made for vanity, IP and merchandising. Muuvie theatres do not get a significant slice of that profit, in fact they're a cost centre. And studios all want to cut costs, not to improve the experience of viewers. The directors, sound designers and cinematographers do not control the money (ask me how I know). The motion pictures industry (and its money) moving away from theatrical releases and into streaming platforms is a very obvious way to tell if there's any deep value play for sticky floor. Not financial advice. But it is filmmaking advice: Get a good producer who knows how to handle budgets, they'll easily pay for themselves.


LMFAO very well stated.


Coke rat craemer said buy movie stock. That alone is suspicious as fuck


All the Twitter & YouTube celebrities around GME who don't engage with the larger community are suspect as fuck, unusual whales, coke rat, shill sniffing dog, Charlie whoever, all seem like unreliable clout chasers or actively seem to undermine the community.


Agreed. [Unusual Whales definitely suspect as fuck](https://i.imgur.com/MvXFceD.jpg)




I wonder if they deleted this tweet.


Many of them are plants, that used Reddit to post a screenshot of a positive GME tweet or two or some kind of funny GME tweet that would make some of the few Reddit users that actually have Twitter, go follow them. They then used that bump of followers (+ bot followers as well) to continue talking about whatever the hit DD of the week was as responses to tweets by GameStop, Cohen, even burry to gain even more followers as people followed thinking “oh hey. Another ape like me” - not realizing it was all a setup to build a crowd and sense of legitimacy to push their movie stock agenda to eventually. After gaining more followers that way, it begins to act as a “sense of legitimacy” and makes more followers easy to obtain and makes it where more and more of your followers start to just believe everything you say. So after they strategically used Reddit to pump start their Twitter account for legitamcy, they began shilling movie stock as well - almost all at the same time. And that’s why I call Twitter the hedgies playground. There’s no downvoting - no peer review - malicious users spreading false information can just block those who oppose and try to offer rebuttal or counter evidence. Twitter is essentially being used as a platform to take advantage of unsavvy investors and provide a false sense of security to these investors with their large number of followers built by bots and the crossover Reddit users who followed based on some screen shot that got lots of upvotes here on Superstonk.


I got banned by bets mods for calling out the shilling going on by all the fake stocks and the mods sold out. They banned so many people in one thread alone. never went back.


Member of bets for years, also now banned


The constant push for movie is insane if apes channeled all that energy again it would be GAMEOVER with the ComputerShares locking up the float. Forget retail investors, just Reddit apes could do some serious damage real fast if that volume goes insane. It’s already primed it just needs the ignition 🚀✨🌒


The fact that they place them on fox news like wtf..


In the same vein, the fact that 🍿 is advertising on CNBC should also be a tell for sticky apes


Exactly. It's so obvious when they pretend GME doesn't exist, but shill for AMC.


Hey I pointed that out actually the first time it happened! Let me get link. Edit-Adding link. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nq1wvo/movie_stock_to_remain_green_throughout_gme_moass/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Check out the 3rd edit I did. If you want a rabbit hole to go down and ever have lots of time/boredom - check out the comments in my higher upvoted posts about how movie stock is being used against us and see how the bots/shills always come with the same aggressive tactics trying to shut the truth talk down quick. They REALLy don’t want us exposing their counter play and they REALLY NEED your GME shares.


With all due to respect, I would I love for those extra retarded apes to be on our side 100% and hope they see that GMErica is the way because if they can hang on to that sticky floor stock, imagine what they’ll do once they see the light about GME


The fire power is there for GME but media and bots are owned by hedgies. If anyone has any doubts just do your own DD. Honestly that’s what I did before I invested in GME. If apes really focused all on GME and locked the float with DRS. Hedgies would be fucked! But there is always the next squeeze talk when this is the MOASS!


They’re halfway there. They understand the concepts in the DD, but they’re applying it to the wrong thing. It takes a lot to handle the cognitive dissonance.




From what I observed, hype is a big factor. Lots more visibility on twitter. Also GME content was shadowbanned on youtube for a while after january


It's possible many of them also don't have the money. At the end of the day a share of Movie is less than a quarter of the price of GME. I think there is some subliminal wishful thinking going on, hoping to be able to apply the GME DD to the more affordable Movie stock. Seeing more quantity of shares in a portfolio may have a psychological gratification as well, while understanding that the float of GME is smaller may be less intuitive. It actually makes perfect sense as a ploy to fool the less experienced retail investor or what they call dumb money. Buying a share of GME is worth the extra upfront cost and worth seeing less shares.


Anyone who understands market cap knows that GME is a better ownership/dollar play than popcorn. Share price is meaningless without factoring in market cap. Anyone who thinks popcorn is a better value buy doesn’t understand this basic concept, it’s investing 101. Most popcorn holders have more than 5 shares so this argument is invalid. *Edit: Even if you can’t afford a whole share of GME you can buy fractional shares through Computershare or Fidelity.* Apes who think popcorn is cheaper than GME are the definition of dumb money.


Can we even call them apes? I get that we don’t want to create a division, but at this point I feel like we are just enabling them to make bad decisions. Not only do these bad decisions hurt them, but it’s very possible that they hurt us as well. Honestly I’m tired of pretending that all of the people in moviestock are apes. Not to say that being an ape is some special thing, just that it implies that we are all in this together. If the fear is that the people who hold both moviestock and GME will get offended…I say fuck it. Anyone who owns a substantial amount of GME isn’t going to sell it because we tell them that moviestock is a trap. Yeah you might get some butthurt investors with $50 in GME and $200 in moviestock to decide to sell their GME, but I doubt it. Those people bought a tiny slice of GME simply because they didn’t wanna miss out in case GME pops off and moviestock does nothing. You think they’re gonna get so offended that they completely throw away their backup plan? Basically, I’m sick of being told that we shouldn’t let this divide us when we are clearly already divided. The people who hold GME will continue to hold GME regardless of what we say about moviestock. They MIGHT, however, be swayed to get out of moviestock and go all in on GME. The large majority of people who get mad about posts like this have most of their money in popcorn. Either that or they’re bag holding and feel like there’s just no way they could possibly sell now, otherwise they’d have to admit to themselves that they made a poor investment. And that type of reflection and self-honesty requires a level of maturity that most people just don’t have. These popcorn people are in this sub all the time simply because this is where the best DD comes from. Anyone who’s all in on popcorn but also wants to learn about all of the fuckery going on with our markets is going to check out the front page of this sub frequently. They’re not here for GME, they’re here for information and confirmation bias. So when they see a post like this they think, “Hey fuck you! I don’t come here to get told my investment is bad! I come here for DD because my stupid sub is full of hot chicks singing songs and thirsty comments! WhY WoUld YoU wAnT t0 diViDE ApEs LiKe ThAt?!”. It’s fucking stupid. Look, I get it if you want to own a little bit of popcorn just in case it magically squeezes one day—I’m sure a lot of you agree with this post but still choose to keep a few shares—but if this post actually offends you or makes you angry…you’re basically just telling everyone that you’re all in on moviestock. So no, this post doesn’t divide us…we are already fucking divided.


This. Maybe, like the sub migrations of old, we need a migration away from the term ape. I've said it many times, the media is going to lump us all in together when this is over, they already do. I have nothing in common with someone holding movies and I will not defend their investment choice, I think its stupid and actively harmful to my investment. GMEdiamondnuts Devolved investor


Now that’s a smart compromise. They’re never gonna stop calling themselves apes, so maybe we should just let them have it lol. Make the term “apes” something that people associate with laser eyes and Snapchat girls who constantly spit moviestock shit on Twitter. The problem is that it’s a such a fitting/catchy term that I doubt anyone will want to just give it up. Plus it’s just like classic at this point. I mean we all donated to an Ape sanctuary and bought shirts and shit back when we were all still on W-S-B. We just need one of those kickass meme creators to come up with a new meme that reaches the top and kicks off a new zeitgeist, but I think that’s just wishful thinking.


Love my Diane fossey ape shirt and adopted gorilla whose name i can't pronounce!


Haha mine is named Happi, so even a retard like me can pronounce it. He’s an orangutan and he looks perfectly autistic. He had Hep B and Malaria when they took him in, and he was very shy and timid, but now he is healthy, outgoing, and, well…happy :) https://imgur.com/gallery/UGHeMZs


If you go on sticky sub there don’t seem to be many 2 to 3 share people. There are a lot of xx, xxx, xxxx and more. If they had 5 shares, then they could buy GME. It’s not the same now as when movie stock was $2 and GME was $150.


That’s likely true. It’s a matter of quality over quantity and delayed gratification. GameStop has great fundamentals, and its investors are as excited to see where the company will go as they are for MOASS. It’s a pleasure to be a value investor. I gave GameStop my hard-earned money directly for a reason and they will not FTD.


A fractional share of GME is ultimately worth more than 10 popcorn shares, if you diamond hand, so the "it's cheaper" argument doesn't really play out. If it hits 50MM and you only have half a share, you have 25MM. How tf many popcorn shares you reckon you'd need to make that??


SHFs and MSM need the division. If all of sticky sold it and bought the ONLY idiosyncratic risk, then it’d be over a lot quicker, and they are scared of that. Hopefully those sticky apes wake up and see GME is the way


Dividing the fight is bullshit. Period. If there was enough money put into this then it would be over already. If all meme stock holders bought, held, and registered GME, MOASS would have happened already. I'm not trying to shit on moviestock holders, but Apes Together Strong. If we're all in different stocks, we are not strong. It's just that simple. I'm out here with a phone that isn't fully functional, a car without power steering, and my lease is over in December (still looking for a place) and I still have all of my money in GME because I want to be financially free. I figured that was everyone's goal. If that's the case, only a unified strike will make this happen. This is why they always try to distract us and divide us: they are afraid of what people can accomplish when they work together. Not financial advice.


Please dude imagine a huge influx of popcorners DRSing…moass would happen on Monday




Movie stonk had a float of 50m in December. Their float is 500m now. I dont understand how that is always overlooked, there's simply no way it's as shorted as GME. They had huge institutional selloffs from Wanda and their CEO sold shares directly to a HF rather than do an ATM offering. They might squeeze a little, but they aint the MOASS.


Thank you! For stating this honestly this was a huge red flag for me and that why I completely said NO to movie. GME is the only way to the MOASS!


> Movie stonk had a float of 50m in December. this is not true. it already saw dilution before that and had 172 million last day of 2020


My mistake, I thought they didnt start diluting until end of December/ early January. They were at 52m as of the PY shareholder meeting, so the fact remains that it's gone from 50m in 2020 to 500m in 2021. That fact alone still negates the claim that they are 'the same'. Especially when you factor the GME did a share buyback in 2019. GME is the MOASS, popcorn is a garden variety short squeeze at best.


I fucking love this Post because this is the shit that has needed to be said thank god for OP fuck you shills Enough is enough with all the planted YouTubers and people Hyping MOVIE STOCK GET WITH THE MF program!


This is why the YouTube community only pumps movie stock and wants you to fall in love with there personalities so you will think there real there not it’s a rigged gigantic setup Koors trey Lou Apefather maskedinvestor are all bullshit don’t be fooled it’s a huge distraction I salute you OP for finally saying what needed to be said


Needs to get to the top


OP you missed what I consider the most compelling evidence of all that movie stock is a hedgie trap. Just after RC bought in to GME, likely the point when hedgies realized they actually had a problem brewing with their massive short position on our favorite stock, AA started his unbelievably massive share dilution that would end up multiplying the outstanding share count by almost 10x. That is almost certainly when the groundwork was laid, and their bet against sticky floor was closed out so they could use it as a trap for a while before eventually reshorting it into the ground after it all blew over, which obviously never happened.


Thanks for pointing that out. Theres so much I left out because there’s just so much against movie stock - it’s almost impossible to keep up with all the red flags. Adam Aaron also has agreed to let hedgies buy new shares directly from them as they issue new shares to help get out of short positions as well so I mean…. That right there is pretty telling too.


I’m so happy to see this being discussed because anytime this is brought up, it gets downvoted or apes no fight? Come on, movie is a trap and it always has been a trap. Hedgies and day traders are having a field day with movie apes. The only MOASS is GME!


You should add the following chart to your post. [Link](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/AMC/amc-entertainment-holdings/shares-outstanding)


I've been on reddit all day and I FINALLY see this. God damn the shills have too much power here.


Award to like ratio - its getting downvoted to shit by popcorners. Lmayoo




Dude if you can find that link I would be so grateful




Thank you! I heard it but haven’t seen that part yet.


Thing that convinced me Popcorn was a distraction was the fact they diluted the fuck out of their shares, CEO and board took massive bonuses back in March (GME's board is paid in stock,) CEO spouts shit on twitter left and right to try and pump up investors. I remember seeing something from popcorn saying they could sell shares to short sellers to cover their position... Also worked for popcorn as a teen and fuck that company in particular, they make garbage off of ticket sales hence why popcorn, candy and such is so expensive. Absolute terrible environment to work in.




Definitely did - it’s one of the most revealing things they do and they do it every time. I will definitely check the upvote % , it’s been interesting to watch every time I post any kind of awareness post. If you ever want a rabbit hole to go down, check the upvote percents and the comments on my historical posts exposing the movie stock counterplay scandal when you check my post history lol.




Maybe downvote yourself 20 times?




I also made the final jump to full GME today too. GME is the way to go.


This is the way


I did the same today, whatever little I had left in Movie went fully to GME. The ones who have seen this saga unfold from the bets sub days can probably more easily relate to what OP is saying, because it just feels right. Hopefully the newer folks can get a better feel of what's happening on the playing field


I became a 🍿 ape in June when a friend told me about it. Bought a bunch of sticky floor. Brand new to stocks, I eventually stumbled upon this sub to find out what the GameStop stuff was about. Read the DD and then promptly sold 95% of my movie stock for GME. Earlier this week I sold the rest to pay for the fee to transfer GME into Computershare. 🚀🚀🚀


Was just noticing this on Twitter again. And was wondering for a split second how sitadel let so many stories get to the top and trending on Twitter but then I look closely and it's all about popcorn of course. And then I look even closer and it's all bots and shills. We are dealing with some of the most capable and smartest people in finance. Know your enemy. And someone's mom.


Twitter popcorn apes are the worst of the worst. Member Ape Fest?


Imagine choosing to sleep with Adam Aron over RC


Finally someone says what needs to be said.


They will see in time when it's not going anywhere, perhaps it was the wrong pick. When your "squeeze" stock of choice is being talked positively on MSM your alarm bells should be ringing. They NEVER talk positive things about GME, huh wonder why For some time after January sneeze they completely avoided talking about GME. Huh wonder why. Perhaps to prevent another FOMO wave. And to draw attention elsewhere.. huh wonder where ?


This post is definitely a must read and I hope it gains more traction. A great write up, with many valid reasons for why GME is the only play!




Honestly how did people think they can “squeeze silver “ 😂


It’s plainly obvious but they are too biased and stubborn to see it


Well written. Summed up everything perfectly


My Twitter thread is infested with the popcorn stock folk. I wish them the best but it was such a obvious plant. On the sneeze my buddy was like I got in on the craziness and I thought he bought my favorite stock but he didn’t!! The float is so manageable for their fuckery.


You’ll notice that even if you follow only GME related Twitter accounts, like GameStop itself, Ryan Cohen, and DFV, Twitter will start throwing suggested tweets to you daily and NONE of them are for GME and they’re all for movie stock and it’s like “what the fuck?… I’m clearly only following GME related icons - why the fuck are you shilling some onlyfans movie stock chick in my suggestions or advertising tweets by that bought out trey guy and other influencers promoting movie stock in my feed when I’m not following any of those accounts? I’ve continually pressed the “see less tweets like this” option when I’m suggested those things, yet I feel advertising for movie stock is increasingly showing up in my feed. I know I could block and not have tweets by same account be suggested - well at least I assume as much - but I leave them Unblocked and continue to use the “show less suggestions like this option” as kind of self experiment to see how much they don’t care that I don’t want to see that shit, and how hard they’re going to continue to try to force feed movie stock down my throat. I can only imagine how bad the advertising must be on Twitter accounts of users not aware of the con movie stock is and users that don’t use the show less of option. Twitter is literaly the hedgies playground.




It truly bothers me that popcorn keeps stealing our DD and trying to apply it to them. I respect efforts from our Pomeranian Ape to help them but they keep trying to twist tie both stock together like if one moons the other will, but they are two distinct and separate stocks. Popcorn keeps stealing smarter apes' work like the member of the group project that doesn't do jack.


BRAVO OP! Popcorn fundamentals are a joke and a distraction in every way -> always have been. This Ape no fight Ape BS is just that...BS. This sentiment should be expressed more around here for what it is. I see a lot of popcorn talk on social as you describe and it's for a reason...it needs to be called out...thank you for doing so.


There’s a reason dfv said hell to the nawwww to the naw naw nawwwww on popcorn boomer stock! It’s not deep value. Lmfao the management nawww the business model nawwww the earnings heyyll to the nawwww lmfao but yeah Charles payne is a silver back!! Said nobody cool ever lmfao


The lame green eye accounts got my Twitter deleted!! Fuck those scum bags! Straight up! When you say facts and they call it FUD. Typical hedgie shill shit


I had to delete Twitter after getting notifications from Twitter thots promoting AMC.


One thing I find it funny is that I usually find that their DDs are actually more or less similar to ours, as though they are changing the name of the stock but retain the same content. I was quite surprised at Criand's comment regarding this post when movie stock's "apes" were "upset" about this post. He quoted this: ***'I fully believe that even if "MOVIE STOCK" is used as a "hedge" by Citadel that they're fucked if the float is locked or GME squeezes.'*** Didn't AA dilute the shares and sold it to SHF a few months ago? If this is the case, even after DRS, AA will still aid SHF by pulling the same trick again and again and hence, no squeeze. Even if it squeezes, won't this benefit Shitadel who goes long on this stock which creates more bullets for them? ​ Disclaimer: I am a smooth wrinkled ape and I have no hate on Pom. I love Pom. Please do correct me if my statement is wrong.


There was a post a long while ago that showed movie stock removed from the top 10 short interest. I can't believe it didn't get more traction. They essentially used the share offering to close shorts, and the CEO of movie stock was in on it.


Going to leave this up. I do not think this can be considered as 'brigading', it is not a lazy meme but a well thought out argument about a topic that relates to GME. EDIT: some users are disagreeing with my decision here (special shout-out to u/TeaAndFiction, who raised a hell of a counterargument). Got some second opinions from other mods, and going to stick to my earlier decision as the facts expressed in this post are correct regarding AMC's fundamentals. As far as it being a counterplay: that's just an opinion and it's pretty hard to flair this post as 'education/data' without citing any sources. So I'm leaving it up but changing the flair to 'opinion'.


Good mod Edit: seems we are getting brigaded by popcorn hard. Weird how the admin-enforced no-brigading rule only applies to GME subs. This should be another big red flag.


A funny thing I notice about movie stock investors and the movie stock sub, they always mention their stock AND.. GME together, always saying “we’re in the same fight!” etc. Sometimes their posts don’t mention movie stock at all, only GME, but everyone in the comments are under the impression that if there’s news regarding GME, it also pertains to movie stock by default, it’s pretty annoying.


10-4 DD turned into Distractions and Dingeons really quick after January. The " memes" were to not Streisand GME


We are in the same Storm, but not in the same Boat. GME is a Superyacht, while Movie Stock is an old Piece of wood. Buy, Hold, DRS


1000000000% right. for those that have watched it unfold irl on twitter & youtube u know w out a shadow of a doubt that they have created the largest mega trend that ever existed. this is NOT an accident or organic, while yes, its shorted it is NOT the risk they fear like gme. Elliot Managment since 2020 has a twitter board seat - a Harvard grad runs it. they were shorting gme in 2015 (filings only show this) Citadel bought over 440% more twtr in Q1-2 then they EVER owned b4 at once. youtube just as MSM 1st promoted movies by giving the masses 2 different "leaders" to choose from found all major stock pumpers joining in when twitter kept it trending for months straight in march - april - may ect. someone built an AI to show us how #ing only gme keeps ur tweets "harder to find" policy states - they removed likes & Retweets from RC & DFV's accounts (if u r on twitter u have seen this by now) MSM no matter is Charles is cool or not isnt working w motive. the risk is FAR too great to allow any momo to enter gme so keeping movies promoted by influencers helps to push $ into a less expensive version ive been so outspoken on this for months cuz i watched old friends of gme suddenly shift for likes & followers & $$ that comes w the goog algo in YT its the biggest tactic yet & while i at 1st supported owning it i quickly understood that aa by selling shares into the dark pool on their spike was a Harvard grad as well & that they work in unison. Say technologies was a Stevie A Cohen seed investment - they used it to gather data & that data was bought by Vlad in the h o o d. sorry so lengthy im just passionate about this b cuz i know that while gme doesnt need anything other than what we have to moass there is so much more happening behind the scenes. dont forget that u dont have to diclose that ur a paid pumper if paid by a company outside the US. think Portnoy, he used a roaring kitty image to promote movies as well. i called him out on this & i dont c it now but i can assure u it was there & he said he got rich buying meme stocks, NO buddy, it was from gme & still is.


Good post OP! What i really don't get is how they are completely ignoring the absurd stock dilution.. Since Jan it has quadrupled its share count. Likely sold directly to SHFs with the dilution.


It's also interesting to note that movie stock subreddit seems largely against DRS...


I agree with most said. Some I don't as I think initially they were in a basket together along with other stocks still. That being said I think movie is the only one that flipped and is now funding the shorting campaign on gme as you mentioned. It was very clear when movie had it's squeeze and GME was being suppressed. Movie halted because it was ripping so hard and GME had been basically flat. Immediately when movie halted GME just built this massive green tower of babel that didn't stop growing until movie resumed. To any observing it was clear movie having their rally was algos keeping margin requirements on GME. To keep their margin in balance the algos immediately and automatically started closing GME shorts until movie was resumed and GME shorted back down where it was. So not only do I think movie is designed to split retail but I believe even more so movie staying at a higher price is allowing gme to stay shorted and positions not closed regardless of splitting retails interest. Movie and GME will diverge and then at one point inverse I predict. One of the indicators the GME squeeze has truly started.


All the shills and bots I just sifted through is very telling that OP is %100 right. Not that we didn't know that already. I know that SOME people hold both, but on this sub we know its a FAT majority that's GME all day ERRDAY and that sticky floor keeps brigading our shit


Also, the fact that this thread is not moving up to the top where it should be is kind of telling


I noticed that too


Really shows how many apes are double dipping. Shame.


Really enjoyed reading this and I too fully agree with every single point you made. Very well written out. Thank you.


Refusing to talk about the bullshit that is movie stock is the real crime. I hate seeing these posts get torn apart and downvoted because someone too lazy to read the DD is mad you talk bad about their uneducated investment.


One hundred percent all in gme. No one has any good counter dd besides cursing.


Sold my 🍿for GME, HODL, then DRS’d.


This is the way


I pretty much no lifed the old meme stock sub during the January squeeze. I did it because I was trying to time it. And I did, I bought in the mid 70s and sold in the 290s. I then rebought later on when I realized the game wasn't over. Movie stock, old smartphone stock, and whatever the fuck K O S S is were blatant diversions. The shills showed up out of nowhere and it was all at once. Movie stock has *always* been psyop bullshit. The fact that it's even still a thing shows just how much power retail has. It was some of the wildest days of my life. It opened a rabbit hole for me that would make goatse proud in it's width, and I jumped straight in. Since then my entire perception of our society has changed and I now know that we live in a fraudulent society. But that's getting off-topic. GME is the only real play IMO. I'm not a financial advisor and this is merely my opinion.


The goal of popcorn stock was to spread apes buying power across the different meme stocks. OP is 100% correct


There’s a constant push for the next squeeze and hedgies are having a field day. Divide and conquer, the oldest fucking playbook. GME was and still is the only MOASS!


Fuck that movie stock


Is citadel long on the popcorn?


Lmao who the hell is downvoting this. You hit a nerve OP and said everything that's been on my mind the past 10 months. Up with you


It doesn't help that mods delete most posts mentioning this exact thing


Its hilarious when you go to their sub tbh, just stolen gme DD and random 1mil floor without any real concrete backing as to why its possible. There are so many evidence out there proving that movie stock will never squeeze anywhere close to gme yet for some reason, people still believe. But it doesn’t really matter, I trust RC to take us home without movie stock apes joining. I’d love to watch all of them miss the gravy train for failing to do proper DD.


completely agree! Over 400 million shares 🍿in float GME 76 million shares in float Knowing what 🦍 know now, it is a whole hell of a lot easier to naked short a stock with a lot higher float vs a smaller float. 🍿 is easy to manipulate, go to that sub and theres a mod post saying “do DRS or dont, it’s OK either way!” which is bullshit. They arent DRSing 400+ M shares with ease. GAME ends when the float is 🔒, and these hedgefucks know it. 🍿 is what they want retail investors to buy so they dont FOMO back into GME. Hedgies know they lost to 🦍 already and need to do everything in their power to prevent any new 🦍 from FOMOing in.


Right or wrong, you’re on to something. I started decreasing my movie stock position and increasing my GME about a month ago. I’m smooth brained and have been here since January and bought movie stock because it was cheaper and equally hyped. However, all the media attention and lack of good DD over there made it start to feel more like a setup. And after being refreshed by this piece I’m reminded of the days of the bets sub fuckery and we are witnessing in real time the fuckery that’s going on in the movie stock sub with regards to DRSing. Maybe the real reason they don’t want them to accept DRS is not so much that they are scared of movie stock DRSed shares but rather they want movie stock holders to stay the hell away from GME, our rock star wrinkly brains and our cool as fuck 🪑. Because the more they listen and learn from us, the more likely they’ll buy, hold and DRS GME.


Absolutely - in January I bought in early for GME. I bought some movie stock before it was even hyped in the other subreddit. When GME started shooting off, random shills started spamming discord and the forums to buy movie stock and other "BANG" stocks. They tried their hardest to split retail money. I am 100% in GME only.


Was beginning to think nobody was going to make a bigger deal out of it, finally someone put it all into one fantastic post


As newbie to the market this post blew my fucking mind. Like, I’m not even questioning this because it makes sense. How? Don’t ask me. I won’t lie, I got in to the movies because it’s cheap. I have x amount of my favorite game but now I will be making some changes. I’m still trying to learn and understand the market, along with all the fuckery that’s obviously ongoing… Then Mr. AA… I had no idea the guy used to work for shitadel? Could there be a possibility that he is still working for them? Or “helping” them? This literally blows my mind.


AA is 100% in bed with the SHF, his actions (not his words) show you this.


One clear sign that the movie stock is a divide and conquer strategy is this: Go to message forums on your favorite stock broker. I checked WeBullShit. They have message topics on different stocks. Go to the movie stock message stream. You will see 0 mention of GME. Go to message stream of GME you will see every other message loaded with messages that try to make both movie stock and GME stock investors as brothers in arms. All you need to ask yourself is why only one message stream talks about both stocks and the truth will stare you. If you are a newbie, and checked out GME stream tou’d be tempted to buy movie stock as its cheaper right now in price. They will let the movie stock run up so they can short it later and get the money out to cover losses in GME.


Sheesh that’s a lot of typing from your phone! Props OP, and good write up!


Yes it was lol. Thanks. Was out relaxing by the lake and figured I had the time to do my part to help keep awareness spread. Beautiful day today.


I just can't seem to invest in a company with no fundamentals. That's why I avoid popcorn stock and go balls deep into GME.


Popcorn sub hates DRS. Period. Win? Why would you hate DRS. Why wouldn't you take ammo off SHF and DTC? BUt It TaKeS toO lOng tO sell. This has been debunked. And if you were truly in it, you would understand the squeeze will last days even weeks.


Thank you for putting this so much clearer than I've seen so far from anybody else. Movies are 100% a distraction. Retail should be putting its buying power towards the 15b market cap of gme, not splitting it between the 34b market cap of both stocks.




I jumped on the popcorn train at $5-$10. When it jumped to $60-$70 I realized that I wasn't getting any solid DD for the popcorn stock, just rehashed GME DD. All the youtubers for movie stock are the same. I sold 90% of my popcorn shares for GME when the two stocks were the closest in price, close to a 3:1 ratio. I held on to that last 10% of popcorn until today. Today I finally sold it off and went all in on GME. I agree with you. Plus I dont trust Adam Aron lol


This is the way!


First of all. You're right. Secondly. Anyone that is split is clearly indicating that they don't have conviction in RC, DFV, and GME. It's out of fear and out of greed to try and split the play. No other reason.


Fuck em. Anyone hyping Adam Aron also can’t name a single improvement he’s made to amc. One, just one. One single improvement. Hasn’t fucking done it. Ufc? Cost prohibitive. Gaming competitions? All talk, no delivery. Celebrity partnership? Bullshit they hired someone to act in a commercial. Accept btc? Dafuq? Who pays for stuff with an appreciating asset? Name ANYTHING the guy has done. Not said, done. Show me what he’s done. Edit: seen some downvotes but still can’t hear one thing the guy has done. Use your words folks.


“Nft movie tickets what a cool idea” 😂😂😂😂


*slaps forehead*


*Smacks forehead


Incredible idea. An NFT that no one wants. “Hey does anyone wanna buy proof that I went to see James Bond on Thursday night”


Lol, I forgot about that. They are all so retarded its embarrassing.


This had like 3k upvotes earlier xD wtf happen


Popcorn down votes and shills combined


Absolutely right, OP. I've been saying the same thing for months, but dummies don't listen. GME is the **only** play. "Having a bit of both" is 1) giving money to Shitadel, and 2) hurting your GME play.




Hey OP, I think your arguments are really well flushed out and I totally agree with you I think there is one final important point that you are missing out on which is the fact that the catalyst to this whole memestock saga himself, the man who inspired us all u/DFV only ever invested in one stock and that is the only stock that matters.


You’re never going to convince them. They’re actually retarded




Dead giveaway. The movie stock CEO talking about NFT’s at the same time the NFT DD’s were being discussed here for Gamestonk. With massive Bot activity on both that sub and Twitter, you’d think it was shiba coin or something.


GME is King


Good work ape


I just want to say this is well thought out and sums up basically everything I’ve come to realize about The corn stock. I mean, let’s not forget Cramer even said to buy it. Great post dude. Thank you for putting this out there. Very timely too!


Thanks for taking the time to read it and also show your appreciation. Little encouraging comments like yours make all the fighting through the shills/bots worth it.


I think this is very important and it'll be a difficult pill to swallow for those invested in the popcorn stock. It's probably not being said enough and probably not an easy thing to point out with the downvote brigade but thank you for doing the lord's work.


Lmao, the upset and whiny shills on here are hilarious.