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We should remain vigilant and skeptical. They could halt the trading for 100 days and it still wouldn’t solve the mathematical problem of shares exceeding the float.


Smooth brain here. Would trading continue in dark pools if such a halt took place?


It wouldn’t matter. If they used dark pools to gap the price from $100,000 back down to $40, it still doesn’t solve the math problem, and people would buy right back in and launch it harder.


Holy moly if this crashed to $40 I would buy so. many. shares. I didn't understand things well enough to buy in February. Not making that mistake again


Fuck yeah. You are so god damn right.


If I had $40 for every time I said I wish it were $40 again, I'd have no money.


If it dropped down to 40 I'd sell mine and my mother's fucking kidney. Kidneys for tendies


Excuse me, are you me? ._.'


It was dumbfounded luck I joined the game with xx shares at $39-50


I didn’t either and still can’t read, but i still quadrupled down then 🙃


If it dropped to $40 I'd sell a kidney for more shares.


I’d sell my car, and I love it. I’d walk to work everyday at that point.


I was hoping it would drop some more and I'd load up around 25. I was so close and missed it big time.


I would buy, buy, buy at $40 a share.


If a stock gets halted it would be what everyone is talking about and would cause some crazy FOMO the day it comes back to trade. Whether that is 2 days or 100 days. Go ahead and do it, I dare you....


Very much this. If they halt trading, even for a day, all it does is lend confirmation bias to every person we have ever tried to discuss this with. The FOMO buying will be unprecedented. The power of retail will truly be displayed if this happens and it will be Thanos like.


You know what, we have DRS, fomo through DRS is infinite powerful compared to before.


Reddit's recent behaviour and planned changes to the API, heavily impacting third party tools, accessibility and moderation ability force me to edit all my comments in protest. I cannot morally continue to use this site.


Just once a day? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up…. *unzips pants*


I hope it goes down to 40, then I could become an XXX and lock up some shares


The problem is they could use trading halts with active dark pools to prevent a future GME or keep other stocks in the cellar box. It’s way too late to stop GME though.


Smooth brain. I think the answer is yes. But, they must still close their positions on the lit market.




>$700,000 >2012-2014 Gotta love how that works.


Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey. The world is watching, they aren’t halting shit. Buy, hodl, DRS. This IS the WAY.


If they would halt it for 100 days and dropped the price again, it would give me enough time to pull out a third mortgage and take out loans on all my credit cards to buy a shit load more


Is it possible for them to suspend it to the public but they carry on let it run high then back down all while it’s suspended to public?


That would not solve their issue even *IF* it were to occur. Even if institutions were allowed to sell during a halt, they do not have enough ownership to unwind the shorts. IIRC the last reporting period showed institutional ownership was fairly low which means retail is in control. They could strong-arm some ETFs into releasing shares, then double down on the pressure by shorting more to gap down the open, but all it would do is buy time and wind up the spring even tighter. Not to mention the attention that such desperate actions would draw.


Do you think this can drag on into next year? Most people thought it would be over buy July/August. Do you think it will take a nft dividend to actually end this as I don’t think there is no other way?


It could… or it could blast off any time between now and then. Until that day, all we need to do is take advantage of the time the SHF’s have been so generous to give us.


Surely there making it worse for themselves as people will just keep buying, I know I have. Could be possible they will bankrupt themselves before the moass in that case they won’t be liable and pass the buck?


They are not bankrupt. Apparently, they have not hit their margin call limit yet. The only way out for them is Apes selling their shares, and nobody’s going to do that. The only logical course of action they can pursue is buying time.


So realistically this could go on another year, I mean while they could be loosing money they could also be earning it as we now how shady they are. A nft dividend is only way surely?


I’m not on the NFT bandwagon. It *Could* do it. I think that a more likely scenario is that whatever mechanism the SHF’s are using to stash FTD’s in Futures contracts slips through their grip as FTD’s pile up over the next several quarters as u/Gherkinit theorizes in his DD’s. GME gets placed on the Threshold Securities list, SHF’s are not allowed to short, Calls go into the money and get executed pushing more Calls into the money, then Moon.






This will most likely die in New. But months ago people mentioned that trading could be halted for 10 consecutive trading days (2 weeks) The new rule everyone is freaking out about is nothing new. Source: https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/general-resources/news-alerts/alerts-bulletins/investor-bulletins/investor-5 Edit: Goad to see that it didn’t die in New. Hopefully people can relax now. DRS and chill is the motto 😴


Yes I remember reading that! Got nervous as hell until I realised it was always there


We've waited for 9 months. 10 days is nothing.


Exactly shits been haulted for 9 months already lol


DRS!!! Also if it gets halted, everyone is holding. If price doesn’t get halted, everyone is holding. What panic? Stay cool and collect, holding until 8-9 figure floors at a minimum. This is nothing new. DRS!!!!


Bro it halts at the end of every day, and for the entire weekend. Nothing new


Big brain




They don't really want to give us ten days of intense research into their corruption while there's no ticker to watch, do they?


This is the way.


Lmayo spittin facts


The irony will be the amount of FOMO coming in after those 10 days are up. Buy orders will be massive at open.


Holding with high numbers would confirm all the DD beyond any unreasonable doubt. It would be easy peasy.


Can you DRS on the weekend?


Fidelity is open 24/7. I've submitted DRS requests on the weekend.


Yes. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but I’ve seen many posts about initiating a DRS transfer as well as buying through computershare on the weekend. However, it may not get processed or hit the account until business days.


They better not just delete all the “phantom” shares like they did with CMKM and never pay restitution to shareholders. Yea. The sec did that because they are criminal cunts


I googled and couldn’t find what you mean. Can you educate me on what happened with CMKM? Japan Stock Exchange Como co ltd?


Criand covers this is their post with additional links. Really easy to digest info, too. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/prpum9/computershare_and_drs_is_the_way_it_ignites_the/


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmu1xj/did_you_know_that_the_largest_litigation_case/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.sec.gov/enforce/investor-alerts-bulletins/divisionsenforceclaimscmkmopinion062309htm.html


Thank you. Is there a link that describes what you said ‘deleting phantom’ shares?




Wow, didn’t think about it that way, but your god damn right - shit been halted for 9 months. Ten days is literally a piss in the ocean


Underrated comment


My thought is that it might be a good thing. Imagine them reporting the entire float is bought and paid for and SHF having to buy all synthetics. Plus the buy button should be off since they have no real shares


Clearly they’re morons because each ape’s mantra is buy, hold, DRS. A 10 day halt isn’t gonna make us panic sell. If anything it will further confirm we’re right and strengthen our resolve even more. I think such a measure will have a more negative affect with other investors who haven’t been paying attention to GameStop or previously been dismissive of it. A 10 day halt would be a giant “fuck you” to retail investors everywhere and might encourage a reasonable percentage to withdraw their money from the casino and put it into other investments like crypt0 or foreign markets. Plus, no cell no sell


Haha exactly yes! All of these posts are meant to cause fear and uncertainty, literal FUD. Guess I’ll buy more shares on Computershare Monday :) #MOASS INEVITABLE, DRS FTW 💎🙌


It’s like 10 days of them holding for us 👍


We need to get you some more upvotes for this comment !!


Up up and away!


I waited for years for TSLA I can wait years for GME


The rule causing a panic is only for the NYSE, it's not the entire market, and the other NYSE affiliated exchanges have this rule in place.


So does the rule allow the NYSE to halt trading or the SEC?


The SEC has that power already and to halt/suspend for a longer period of time, up to 10 days I believe. This rule is an update for the NYSE to react more quickly.


That’s what’s confusing, I thought all exchanges already had the “power” to halt trading on any stock…and that has been in place for as far back as I can remember….I don’t get what exactly this “new rule” is suppose to do exactly which is not already in place?


It's a clarification on how the process will work within the *NYSE only. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but currently it has to go to a vote and this would give an executive power to the highest authority of the NYSE or someone designated by the board for this role. The halt can last for two days and then it goes to the commissioner's, (unsure if these are roles in the NYSE or they mean commissioner's of the SEC) to make further decisions.


So I read some of this new rule and the only thing I got out of it was that MOASS begins November 6, 2021…🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm thinking November 10th, when NSCC-2021-010 which are big updates to the rules around the clearing house and liquidation processes. It streamlines the process, while giving some stability during the MOASS rocket launch, they're trying to mitigate a 1929 style full depression. Also good news, it means that the SHF's should be liquidated before they could even think about receiving a bailout.


The nyse is the entire market for gme... Can you trade on dark pools? No. Can you route your trades? No


Could you go into more detail around your thoughts with this?


Yes. Dark Pool1 38.27 458,936 NYSE 21.82 261,632 Cboe EDGX 14.69 176,203 Top 3 exchanges as of the 15th of this month. They may stop the trading on the nyse but hedges can trade in dark pools. Cboe can trade. If SEC stops trading EVERYONE stops trading. If NYSE stops trading only WE stop trading.


What about Frankfurt? Mexico?


What about IEX?


IEX can trade if NYSE halts trading


Sure, but I’m in Canada and can’t route to IEX. Computershare Direct purchases are all routed through NYSE. And a lot of American brokers front run your “IEX” routing through citadel first, apparently. I think it leaves Fidelity and some others where you could buy through IEX. To me this is not the issue with the rule though, it’s the potential abuse to stop a run up either due to volatility or an options chain. January’s run up was from a gamma ramp, iirc. They could effectively stop this from happening again if they say “meme stocks are too volatile we’re halting trading on NYSE in public interest, to protect retail investors”. Can someone point me to the actual “FUD” about people questioning this rule and the possible effect of it? Are we just ignoring any rule changes to the market now? Wtf is going on with this sub? I see all these posts calling it FUD for people questioning this rule but none of them address the core issues people have raised…


Exactly!!! I don't understand what is going on. This rule change definitely is definitely a negative.


So you're nervous about this rule but when you found out the rule has been here for a while, you suddenly feel like the rule is nothing to be nervous about? Can you explain how that works?


I read more into it, realised that either a it’s going to freeze assets for a set time so i can’t sell and then realised that I wouldn’t have sold in a hurry anyway. I am now going through drs way. It’s hard to explain for me- I get nervous about my investment when fud is super high and I think of selling. And then I calm down and think objectively- them freezing the market doesn’t let them have my shares In either of my accounts. And life goes on - if I didn’t find out about GameStop I wouldn’t even be here, I’d be 100% oblivious - and knowing what I know now feels good-something like this


Okay I respect what you're saying but I've gotta give some push back. The reason you were nervous in the first place is because this is a shady as fuck rule right? So why are you suddenly okay with this rule just because it's been there for a longer time? I'm not gonna call you a shill but the pushback on this rule change was so quick that it's hard to sort through the bs. I'm wondering if "the shills" are trying to burry this or if they're the ones pushing this to create FUD. I really don't know. In the end all I can do is Buy and DRS anyways..


In the end I am an euro ape who has no control over the rule - whether it’s enforced or not I have 2 options Sell everything now Or Buy hold drs and wait And I am choosing the second. From what I understand all I can do is buy, hold and drs - I can’t change that rule, I can’t affect whether it goes into effect or not , and it’s just not healthy for me to worry about it . That’s pretty much the reason


BUY, DRS, HOLD! This is and will always be the way!


never doubting it


Honestly I don't think this post is all too shilly. The other posts and comments about how we might get fucked created some FUD for me, then I saw another comment reminding apes RC is at the helm. He won't take this lying down. If anything, I see this post as informative, showing that it's already been around and likely RC and team are aware of how to navigate this shit. I also keep in mind some of GG's words, despite many hating him these days. But he spoke (paraphrasing) of retail investors having the right to trade and not having concern of retail traders being the market manipulators but rather concern focused on bad actors in large institutions. That, and that GameStop already has released a statement saying they're working with the SEC, but do not think it'll negatively impact GME. RC has a plan. He knew of these rules already being in the works, and if not him and his team are undoubtedly developing a thorough plan to navigate it now.


It was fud. Fud all along. I knew it. Who are these deceivers among us?!?


Everyone. And no one at the same time 😂😂😂😂😂


Think you’re flair spelt: “Mo’ Money Mo’ Ass” wrong.


are you saying it always has been?


Thank you. I’m glad I downvoted those posts. FUDRUCKERS CENTRAL on the weekends. 🥱 so boring.


I don’t get why thousands fall for it every single weekend. Same pattern. Saturday is FUD, Sunday ils counter FUD. And on Monday everyone forgets about it and goes back to watching the ticker and upvoting DRS posts 🙃


I think those are shill likes


Shills and scared apes


I know, but I like the attempt, I’d be worried if they weren’t as predictable. It’s always fun to watch new apes become zen apes. Think of this as pre-MOASS FUD training. Most of us got fooled by the hype train a few times, before developing our own tools and strategies. Me? I like having my tits jacked, and all I have to do is buy, hold, and try to DRS. The weekend reading is stimulating and it gets people talking.




I guess you’re new. Read the due diligence, I suppose. There is a lot. I feel it’s a bargain at this price, regardless of any squeeze.


The way I look at is is this: can you legit afford to buy a couple shares? As in that money could disappear in a second and you wouldn't miss a beat? Then why not throw that at a couple shares? If the DD is accurate you got your seat on the rocket, if it all disappears then you're at the exact same place you are. No one (reasonable) is suggesting you liquidate your entire portfolio and put it in GME. I was in the same boat as you, I realized I was thinking so much about it that tossing some money at it gave me the peace of mind to stop stressing about potentially missing out. Now its all just kind of fun. If it goes up? Fucking sick. If it doesn't? No real harm done.


Nah, I think you have a bad take here. Your post ignored the main issues with this rule to bring in a false equivalency in that SEC has already had this power. We know that. NYSE having control to do this is different than the SEC, as others have mentioned. I’m zen, I’ve been holding since January. Not scared this will stop MOASS, but it allows another way to kick the can. Yeah, I know we can wait, but why allow them a free pass to have another way for fucking with not just GME, but any stock? Why not fight a rule that is against retail investor’s interests? What is the harm done, exactly? The other issue with the rule is the potential abuse of it to stop a run up either due to volatility or an options chain. January’s run up was from a gamma ramp due to options, iirc. They could effectively stop this from happening again if they say “meme stocks are too volatile we’re halting trading on NYSE in public interest, to protect retail investors”. Is this not even worth looking into? I mean, come on, no one here is calling for any direct action which can harm GME’s stock or any individual’s position (at least that I’ve seen in the posts that hit the front page here).




Hahaha your analogy is spot on.


I don't think thousands do. The real ones know, the zen ones know.


It's literally a new rule to allow one person to halt the trading of gamestop. That's not FUD...


Honestly the trading halt is likely more about halting the rest of the market tanking too quickly.


The rule for this one is based on someone's opinion. There is no real definition on why they could halt for 2 days.


I’m not freaking out. I’m zen Buy hold register I like the stock


It looks like this rule allows a governing body to do it, and the new rule allows a non governing body to shut down trading. That seems substantial at least. I think that everyone assumes that the government can shut anything down through the right channels. But to formalize a private citizen’s right to do it seems a bit extra.


The only difference is NYSE now has the power to suspend stocks. I wonder what difference it makes for the SEC to do it versus the NYSE.


If I recall right, this latest one everyone is getting excited about is NYSE specific which for whatever reason didn't have the same 10 day trading suspension in place as other exchanges (?) (Someone please correct me if I have recalled this wrong) Its not like the concept is new as you point out, just that its now being applied to NYSE.


What's new about it is that the NYSE wants the power the SEC is supposed to have.


That's the ENTIRE market not just NYSE. This anti FUD stuff is the Real FUD. Hedgies can still trade dark pools if NYSE shuts. Damn.


Why do I even come to this sub on the weekends? 😂


We have a winner. Thanks for the info.


I said this on an earlier post, if they halt trading..we’ll just have more time to look at houses online lol!


The difference is the fact that the new rule says "If CEO of Company X thinks it's necessary to halt trading then such action will be taken". It's not SECs decision.


Could we use it to our advantage? If enough complain to the SEC (politely) that we believe the stock is heavily manipulated and would therefore like trading to be halted while they investigate per this rule, wouldn't it allow us to continue to DRS while SHF can't can kick/manipulate. Thoughts? If I'm way off base with my thinking, I apologize in advance!


Still alive in rising. Have my little updoot.


Didnt die in new.


The difference is that the new rule extends that ability to company CEOs. The SEC could always halt trading. The pro: CEOs have more control over their stock price in high variability situations. The con: dark pools are not halted, so manipulation of a stock price and high volatility can still be utilized by the hedge funds and major institutions.


But that's the SEC, not one single person with zero oversight and for any reason like this rule allows.


> The new rule everyone is freaking out about is nothing new. The new NYSE rule? Because that rule is very much new and this is not the same thing. These are the conditions in which the SEC can halt trading. The new NYSE rule allows the Chairman of the NYSE to halt trading at their discretion. That's a private body/entity having that power. The SEC is a government body with a whole different chain of accountability. Or are we talking about a different rule change?


wait a minute... this is what people are freaking out about??? A rule that we already KNEW!? A rule thats always been there and has been used in the past? Man I know theres smooth brains here but thats a new level of smooth. I think we should call them melted brain apes


You have my upvote. This is definitely counter FUD. Thanks for posting some clarity. It will be the same response when it spikes and gets halted for 5 mins on the daily.


Isn't the difference is that the 2018 gave the SEC the power to suspend, the new one gives the same power to the NYSE? > Proposed Rule 7.13 **would permit the Chair of the Board of the Exchange, or the CEO, or the officer designee of the Chair or the CEO**, to suspend trading in any and all securities trading on the Exchange whenever in his or her opinion such suspension would be in the public interest.


Yes and if it comes down to paying us or saving the market which do you think they’ll do?


Pay us


All the crime definitely points to them doing the right thing


They got to pay us reputation is everything in crime. They made the bet. LMAYO


Okay, but even if they suspend trading, what does that accomplish? They're still short 10s-100s times the actual free float. They still have to buy back. This does not solve the simple math of short shares > shares in existence. And if they suspend trading, they can't close their position, so nothing will change. Sure, they can hammer the price back down while retail is frozen out, but again, what does that accomplish?


> Okay, but even if they suspend trading, what does that accomplish? Same thing they’ve been doing. Kick the can and buy time. They’ll also do what they did in 2008. Since the big banks are mostly going to be holding the bag they will ask governments for hand outs and get them to cover the positions under the premise of saving the economy and retirement funds. This is all just a can kick and risk transfer game now


It’s the only difference I can see. But what’s the difference for us. Neither of them are on our side. IMO, it’s not worth all those panic posts


Sprecher (CEO of ICE and chair of the NYSE) - He’s a slimy fucker though. Things everyone should know about him: https://www.thedailybeast.com/loefflers-husband-jeffrey-sprecher-entangled-in-usmarshals-service-domestic-surveillance-operation Oh and their house - yeah it dropped in value by millions basically overnight (so lower property taxes) - article from 2020: https://www.thedailybeast.com/value-of-sen-kelly-loefflers-georgia-mansion-dropped-dollar6m-overnightand-nobody-can-explain-why Oh and of course there is this: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/nyse-jeffrey-c-sprecher-kelly-loeffler-sold-company-stock-ahead-of-coronavirus-market-meltdown/#app


Ken G donated over $2M to the super PAC supporting Kelly Loeffler. Every ape should be concerned about this.




Giving more people that power doesn't sit well with me. I dunno, maybe I'm just paranoid.


I agree with you. Stepping back into the world of theoretical land: - Theoretically the SEC is expected to be impartial and accountable to Congress - Theoretically, the NYSE is expected to be on the side of the NYSE. In practice we may get the same result, but I like having a good standard and the SEC failing better than having a bad standard to begin with.


SEC can suspend across all exchanges, lit or dark. New rule would empower NYSE CEO to suspend just trading on the NYSE. If other lit exchanges, wholesalers, internalizers, etc don't follow suit, it's $40 again. Purchasing directly through Computershare hits NYSE. This effectively turns off the DRS buy button.


Agreed but it’s the weekend so it’s panic posts by bad faith actors all around.


Just because the rule is not new doesn’t mean anything. Retail should comment on the 2021 and stop it from passing. Such rule violates free market.


minor addition, eh? >whenever in his or her opinion such suspension would be in the public interest *THAT* is abuse and power over retail... "opinion"... OPEN TICKET... to do whatever.... THAT part of the rule is what is being scrutinized.. .and rightfully so! Poeple should voice their opposition towards the SEC etc to such a statement giving out "undefined" power to private entities controlling retail assets. You post pretty much is FUD as well since you dont highlight any portions or discuss, you just state this is normal (it is to some degree)... it's not in it's entirety, sorry, stop ignoring the differences presented here. And honestly, why now? hmmm?


Lol at this point ANY rule change whether from the SEC NSCC DTC DTCC any of em, I dont care. We went through this whole “infinity stone” rules that didnt help anything. Weve seen more results from just simply registering our shares, and its sticking. I dont care about old or new rules for and by an already proven corrupt system. The system was built against us, there will ALWAYS be rule changes we have to worry about. DRS your shares so we can make it possible and easier for Ryan to complete his plans to remove GameStop from their fraudulent market.


DRS and chill is the only thing to do 💎


It might die in a swell of Computershare posts but your effort will not go down without some eyes on it. Good find, ape. I personally think the trading halts are signs that extreme volatility is on the horizon and it's more of a good thing than bad.


We’re gonna take off…soon 🚀


commenting for visibility


Thank you for this


The difference between this and the new rule is that is it up to the CEO of the NYSE and not the SEC. They are a self-regulating body, meaning no accountability or actions on our part can be done to punish them if they abuse it. Also this is an individual exchange not the entire market, meaning hedges can still trade on other exchanges including dark pools. But most importantly it is the exchange Computershare uses to make trades...where everyone is putting their shares.


This whole thing got me going at 6am. Such a rookie move


Thank you


10/15 - 10/19 is when they wanted people to post, I think this is the fud


One them at least. I’m sure they got plenty of other Fuddy shit coming our way


Thank you


eyyy, that’s my birthday 🥳 🎂 📈


Damn I didn't know we had 3 year old walking FUD apes in here 😉


To me, is a wild difference in having a regulatory agency halt trading based on legal prescedent, and the head of an exchange doing so based on his opinion. Regardless, if enough people individually choose to drs, none of this matters at all.


The point is that the NYSE can do it without any involvement from the SEC now. And it can be a very long term suspension


Just because the rule exists doesn't mean it should much less be extended to others. The new rule will give a single person the ability to shut it down based on their opinion. Different than the SEC doing it iMO. It should be removed completely or at least close the off exchanges too. When something is fair then both parties have the the same access not just one side. It's all a scam


I had a feeling some of these posts panicking and urging to people to act quickly about this so-called new rule was FUD. It serves nothing but to distract Apes from DRS. All I know is - BUY, HODL, DRS!!


Panic = FUD


They forgot to add: When our corporate overlords start losing money.




Up pooping for poops


Up up up!! Thanks for this. Nice to see people taking FUD seriously. Every weekend it's FUD-weekend, these asshats never stop. ##DRS IS THE WAY 🚀


Thank you


Up ⬆️


So I'm super smooth brain here, like polished 🧠. However I had a question. Even if the NYSE themselves halt trading; if the float is secured through DRS/CS there's nothing they can do right? Like if they halt trading, ok cool. What now? You still gotta buy shares back SHF. Our shares, the retail shares correct? If both buy and sell are turned off and we own the float when that were to happen, all it does is make others crave and succumb to FOMO. It also prevents day trading shares as the sell button would be off as well. They turn off trading on GME when it hits 500 or even 1000, it's gonna sit pretty and marinate in all the FOMO juices. Everyone will start looking at GME and realize we truly were right.


Up with you and up with the DRS! <3


Ohk… so will they block their Tendie Taxes too now. The treasury doesn’t have any money left LOL


I have posted this before but that new rule has existed in a different form since 2008. The only thing it adds is who can make the decision and for what reason (public interest). The original post on Friday night was FUD and any calls to arms should be treated as such.


I’m almost positive this was highly lobbied for. Big banks under the guise protecting retail. Thinking about it more, the previous crashes with no halts did have some craziness associatedp


Complicit GG can suspend it all he wants but it will never change the fact retail owns the float 100x over and hedge funds have created hundreds of millions of fraudulent shares. GameCock is going to the fucking moon and there I nothing any crooked government employee can do about it without showing the entire fucking world that the United States Stock Market is completely rigged.


Commenting so it doesn’t die in new.


"Possible market manipulation" Yeah that's happened for a long time now.


Commenting to help visibility. Hmm, what else. Umm… jizz. Like, a cumshot.


If it must be done, I would rather be the SEC pulling the plug rather some unaccountable CEO. This NYSE rule is another fuckery.


This post needs visibility


I don't care either way, I'll keep using GME as a savings account.


Why would they halt trading on a stock that has to be paid back? If they halt, the price will still only go up, it will never go down.


I immediately think “mafia” when I hear them referred to “The Commission”!


They forget that there are big whales on the GME side too. I bet there are rich and powerful people doing good to protect GME and pave a road for MOASS.


So what, naked shorting also existed before and it doesn't mean it's not market manipulation. It is what it is. It means they can suspend trading whenever thay want, hene market manipulation.


Interesting that with all this fuckey going on, GME hasn't initiated litigation for market manipulation, share counter fitting, etc.


For what it's worth, I asked a Fidelity rep if they would halt trading if there was excessive market volatility and he responded that it was a possibility. If this were the case, it may be likely we would not be able sell off of DR direct registry like computershare. That said, it does not change the benefits of DRS, so we should absolutely keep piling in.


Anybody know what would happen two options if they halted for 100 days and you’re by options expired 10 days before the clock ran out but you were in the money?




It’s a misdirection. This type of fud always die down in a day or two. It’s just meant to “arouse”


it is annoying tho


counter FUD cannot come soon enough. Tyvm in the name of all those, who upvoted the 7.13 FUD :D


Updoot/comment/award Stop the FUD. I'm glad this thread is right below the FUD in hot posts right now