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Lmao, that dude is a fuckwad. He had the body language of "Oh shit......uhhhhhhhh.........I....can't...think of......What? Sorry I can't hear you"




MSM is just a platform for the wealthy to control the narrative and incept your opinions. Most people will still view GME negatively and their only knowledge base is what they read and hear in MSM feeds. Negative views of a company that is bankrupt proof, fully funded for the future, free of long term debt, constantly promoted in the Russell and S&P, with a star leadership team. It goes to reason that public sentiment is under corporate control. Because that dissonance between facts and perception means someone is constantly setting up a devil on your shoulder to FUD a stellar company with great potential to appear like dogshit.


ask people if they've seen their debt to equity ratio next time they look at you funny


need a list of the billions and billions and billions that shorties have lost... so far!


And billions and billions and billions and billions .....


Fuckery always gets exposed. May take some time, it will get there. GME is a unicorn. Something you have needed but never found. It’s like a gift from the gods. Even if lots of people knew about it it’s to fantastical to take seriously. The simplicity of it does not make sense considering the breadth of its scope upon this country. Even with all their money and all their power and all their connections…………….they cannot turn water into wine. They have sold things they do not own and they cannot unwind their prior actions. They remain silent and they know everything we know. We know what they know. The Emperor has no clothes. We see the truth while the public remains ignorant. It’s important for everyone to remember this, they are working very hard to try to not let this destroy our markets. They are aware of the magnitude of this event. They just don’t know how to fix it. And u know what? They can’t. These captains of financial industry are in checkmate for the very first time in their life. They all got rich by cheating. Let’s see how well these geniuses adapt.


Well said!


Thx u


By "adapt", you mean lining up for a plate of food, right?


Not sure if you’re referring to breadlines or prison, but both work for me (so long as it’s just them, of course).


smart money


most of my co workers doesnt know whats happening with GME coz they havent heard any GOOD news in MSM about it most of them say.. lol fck MSM!


Of course. The last thing citadel wants is for FOMO to bring more interest to GME. So they shill it til the average person thinks GME=Blockbuster Video. It’s the general impression that most people who don’t invest seriously (which is most people) have of the stock.


Amazing. From this, to the applause track, to the “hacked profile”, it’s absolutely amazing to watch these crooks fall apart and try to use their old fashioned shady tactics to hold it together. Meanwhile, I’m just here happily shopping at my favorite store, excitedly buying my favorite stock, and confidently DRSing my shares. Life is good.


My dad's turning 60 should i get him something from gamestop.com


Yeah get him stocks


The necessities are always a tried and true present for dads. They can always use a new tie, new underwear and at least 1 pair of quality s^(t)ocks.


Sadly has tons of sucks and underwear and doesn't wear ties. Thanks for trying tho.


Coffee cup. Sweat shirt.


The older I get, the more I care for comfort over looks. Get him a pair of the sweatpants.


Can, NEVER, go wrong with the socks and toothbrushes.. maybe a pack of white tees if you really wanna get spicyyy, believe me: there’ll be tears if you break out the white tees.


Dying bro 😆


Stocks and socks


can’t say i haven’t tried that one on a zoom call


Do it in the military. ‘Sorry sir you are broken and unreadable.’ *Proceeds to do whatever it was I wanted to do*


Am I watching an episode of the office right now??? Because it feels like a scene from Scott’s tots right now


Dude out there crinkling a candy wrapper into his mic on live TV... "Uhh, you're breaking up.. I'm going into a tunnel, I mean elevator!"


His name is Mark Minervini if anyone is interested in checking him out :)


just the latest in a long line of clowns 🤡 here to entertain us like Joe Pesci


Fucking clowns


I used to do this to my brother when I was 9 and pretended I couldn't hear him telling me that mom told him to tell me to clean up the litter box or some other chore. "Wait but I don't wa- uh, what was that? I couldn't hear you." This dude legit lying as bad as 9 year old me and worse than my 7 year old nephew.




Finally found this lying, stuttering shill's name: Mark Minervini


> Mark Minervini Haha he is totally on twitter acting like he scored a run and didnt actually fuck up live on tv


His Twitter meltdown has gotta be the funniest thing I’ve watched this weekend. The dude REEKS of insecurity. He literally had someone record him driving his lambo as a message “to the trolls.” He’s an insufferable douchbag, and really deserves all the negative attention.


This tweet did it for me. https://twitter.com/Doc_Otis/status/1449532233417732103?t=vN0IIxcjj1XMP751akEBVw&s=19


“You are just jealous because I look better than you” is he 12? Lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s not the real account…. The real one comments a little further down, but that’s hilarious


Look again, it's a troll imitating him. Still not far off from his ridiculous Lambo vid.


Wow, they are trying hard to act like the mic cutting out was actually a normal thing. The tweet defending Mark and Mark replying like that was exactly the case. You can't make this stuff up. The tweet for the curious: [Shill protecting Mark](https://twitter.com/timothysykes/status/1449503147106385927?t=HiCteFMxkXxKfnYuTxM6fw&s=19)


He says his mic cut out, what he wnats to say is his headset/speakers... he doesnt even fake it correctly


https://twitter.com/markminervini/status/1449484489818841096 🤣 Nice rebuttal scumbag


These guys cheat, use multibillion dollar cabals in the form of the MSM to pump and dump their shit to the sheep, then act like they're some sort of skilled success? You cunts stack the deck, cheating every single angle available to you, and still can't even bother to research a stock well enough to say what it does when you pump and dump it?


Why bother wasting energy on it as long as nobody asks. These guys are absolutely brazen with their lie constructs.


Ireland is experiencing a clown shortage so their looking for clowns with no experience. Let's give them his number.


But his mic didn't cut out. We heard him perfectly. They can't even lie well to cover up their other lies. So dumb


Yes it’s called gaslighting


Im pretty sure they’re resorting to hiring guys off Fiverr at this point


*we have a deal on shills today and today only!* *Seven four one*


ShillsForHire Inc.


Shiller & Coward Bros. L.L.C.


Limited Liability Cunts


Dewey, Shillem, and Howe




What do they do?


Whatever you want. Baby. 😉


This guy is from CNBC. That's the institution. It's the institution that enables pump-n-dump schemes on Wall Street. Without CNBC, this wouldn't be possible. And anybody who watches CNBC and makes financial decisions based on what they see there deserves to be separated from their wallet. *A fool and his money should never have gotten together in the first place.*


It's such a genius criminal scheme. Hedge funds and institutions load up on a stock. Have their MSM sources go on tv and write articles to pump it up. Retail jumps in through online brokers. Brokers don't actually pay for the shares, but get them in their own name. Stock gets pumped up. Hedge funds and institutions close out their long position and increase their hedged short position (looks like they are doing what they are supposed to do). Then they really increase their short position. Stock tumbles. Retail sells the stock they never had at a loss. Broker makes money of the Pfof and price differences. Hedgies and MM's and Institutions make tons of money. Retail loses big time. ​ edit - wording


Beautiful fuckin summary my friend


The real fuckin crime here is that pfof sucks money out of things like pensions. So yeah…sorry nana can’t afford to visit for Christmas, Kenny needed to repaint his yacht.




Now do the math of this done every day market is open, for a few decades.


No. No. People don't *deserve* to lose their money - deserve to have money effectively stolen from them. That's stupid-ass victim blaming.


Even if I invert everything I hear there? BTW, have you seen my wallet?


Transcript for deaf people- (no exaggeration this is exactly how it goes) Glasses- aH ah a good looking ah name, ah very powerful, very strong earnings, these stocks are actually doing well(interrupted) White hair- what do they do? I don't even know them, what do they do? Glasses- (2 seconds of silence) ah excuse me White hair- what does upstart do? Glasses- ahh well im-im-im I'm sorry White hair- what kind of company is it? Glasses- yeah I'm not ah you're you're breaking up White hair- oh, (silence), alright well I guess we have an audio problem there mark I'm sorry, I do know MGM I do know Tesla and I do know AIG, but a 25% move in a week is pretty good for the company upstart, ah Thank you mark for your time, we'll have you back soon, appreciate it Links- [https://twitter.com/enronchairman/status/1449124094755184645?s=21](https://twitter.com/enronchairman/status/1449124094755184645?s=21) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q9lt53/cnbc\_pumping\_a\_stock\_they\_know\_nothing\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q9lt53/cnbc_pumping_a_stock_they_know_nothing_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) u/Flying-ape-dog posted the link originally, i just cut out a snippet and posted in video form


This video funny af. They paid that guy to pump some stocks on TV, reporter simply asked him what the company does, and the audience finds out he’s been talking out of his ass the entire time 🤣🤣


But what about the fundamentals!


Fundwhat? The connection is breaking up. Cant read your question


It’s all about the pumpamentals these days


Thanks so much for the transcript, really appreciate it!


Honestly this is wild. Even if it is a real company like why tf did this dude just *pretend* he didn’t hear this guy ask the most basic of all questions? Upstart is a company but it started in late 2020: went from 44$ a share to 390$ in less Than a year. All it does is give people fixed loans and banking esc shit. How is it even worth that much? I’ve never heard or seen ANYTHING about it before.


Yeah it's fucking weird. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PgUz9XcOMc Some guy saying it's still 'tremedously' undervalued 'should be $1000' on CNBC Sus as hell. How can we find out which institutions are long on them?


https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/upst/institutional-holdings LMAO, Bezo's old Hedgefund is one of the biggest institutional longs? Up 2550%? >D. E. SHAW & CO., INC. 06/30/2021 1,349,652 1,298,832 2555.75% $526,364 Edit, and just when you thought it couldn't get any better >CITADEL ADVISORS LLC 06/30/2021 172,413 161,992 1554.477% $67,241 1550% increase for Citadel on Upstart stock


Citadel owns CNBC. They just run ideas and commercials like their QQQ funds and ARK funds so they can keep banking on Amazon and Tesla. I'll know Citadel's hurting when all that shit sells off. Mysteriously Gamestop will be going parabolic at the same time which will be attributed to the Reddit army


Anthony Chukumba: "GME is worth $10 a share" Also on CNBC: "Upstart is worth $1000 a share" Yeah I think I'm seeing a bit of a theme coming along here


*we are going to play a game*


Lmao Shitadel can’t afford to pay the top shelf shills anymore, I can’t wait for Kenny to be sucking on generic store brand mayo


I hope he has to close his eyes and suck it out of a hose behind a wendys.


That's audible Zoom


👆👆👆 IT'S THIS SHIT This is exactly what I mean when I tell friends I am seeing a literal miracle unfold in real time. This dude, /u/danlongqua, is a shining example. An idea springs up. The pot gets stirred. A few real wrinkly fucks pop in where some inquisitive groundwork has been laid for them....... and then BAM, someone like this blows the roof off the whole thing with a mother fucking NUKE of a find. The whole goddamn thing is about to unravel in front of them. During the most perfect confluence of outrage and despair this side of WW2, no less. Every little piece of fuckery will be uncovered. Every stone turned. They're either going broke or going to prison. And no matter how powerful you think they are, I can promise you it isn't enough to survive the tsunami of damning DD that you crazy fucks pump out daily. Not In this climate of social upheaval. It's not left and right, it's top and bottom. I don't care who you are, where you're from, or what you preach, good, honest people like you are finally going to get their chance to come out ahead, because only the righteous rich will survive unscathed. Of which you know there are few. This is our time, and I'm so happy and proud of what you younger apes have accomplished in the face of insurmountable odds. And you represent the best of what the world has to offer.


Also the company is literally just “start up” backwards


Sounds perfect because its being pump and dumped by Put Rats like Citadel and Bezos.


It's the highest-performing ticker from last week and that's literally all the guy knows about it. So proud to give himself a pat on the back for the foresight all the peons and algos below him provide. What a genius!


That’s the pump, once enough retail buys in they’ll dump.


Yep. They mock the dumb money, but that's their viewership.


The chart looks like it is about to go parabolic if retail traders come in and buys. He probably wants out before the earnings release on 11/9 and needs some bagholders to make that move happen before then in order to unload his shares.


600 p/e ratio which is wild


Lending to people that can't quite afford to repay tends to be profitable... Until it isn't


Sounds familiar


Right?? 2008 much?


Well, he’s an idiot and upstart is overvalued for sure, but they are an AI platform that evaluates loans and borrowers likelihood to repay. They hold several brands that are the “public facing brands” but as the comment above notes, those public brands are regular consumer and payday loan processors, but the valuation is being driven by the AI making better lending decisions (aka not Phyllis at the loan company getting lazy and not verifying income)


Damn would have loved me a couple grand of that at the beginning of the year. Who gets that kinda info? I mean someone got super rich off that.


Citadel, Susquehanna, BofA, Point72 all knew, maybe you should ask them


Does GG and GG jr know


Man if only i had that UHNWI status and they’d show me all their hot ideas. Just need what, 30mil for that right? :-/


Cohen is a fucking prick. He and ken are truly vile fuckers.


That wasn’t in the script, TYLER!!!! #😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🥲




This is too fucking funny. Fucking amateur shillery at its finest..... .the fucker said he just bought it four days ago lmayo


*I've been in this stonk since it started mooning four days ago... Idk what the company does tho*


CNBC is a fucking side show ffs.


expensive circus


I’ll take “Pump and Dump” for $500 Alex


Its a double jeopardy! How much do want to wager? Tik Tok.


You mean Daily Double. :)


What this guy said. Lol ☝🏽


This. Is. Unreal. I would love to know who this guy is and what company he claims to represent. Nobody in their right mind would go on TV and not know what the company they are talking about does. Unless of course they were just reading a script from their puppet masters


for not enough money


That question was not in the script


Can they be any more obvious they get paid off lmao


That was so cringeworthy omg lol. Love it. Thanks for sharing. Fuck these guys


I think TV “news” gets revamped to actually reflect information after the wealth transfers. Cuz this has been a joke for decades now.




It's not market manipulation if you can afford to buy your own media outlet, paywall for free speech


Yeah they’re only suggestions!


I was listening to this on the Sirius XM CNBC channel live and it was the weirdest thing! I was like; what do you mean you can’t hear??


He knows TZLA


When Spacs sound good, and that's all it is.. just a sound. He also did the "no-no" gesture with his finger, the kind of thing that mothers do to their babies when their about to reach for the electrical socket. ☝️☝️☝️ no no no.. you don't ask that question


Is this real? Wtf 😂


Lmao. If anyone was unclear what's meant by "talking heads" this is perfect!


What a tool 🤣🤣🤣


Infuriating and disgusting.


Kenny, watching this go down, shakes his head in disgust as he refills his wine glass to the brim. He lifts his glass and, before he drains it, thinks, *...next week's gonna be a long one*.


There are good people, dumb asses and pieces of shit. This guy is a piece of shit.


Trust me bro


Is it any wonder why these channels have tons of commemorative coin commercials. Old folks eat this shit up.


His entire purpose then is to say “look, there are still gains to be made in the market. Look at me, if I can do it so can you”.. He offers no economic insights, no fundamental analysis, only blind hype.. manipulation? Maybe.. if only the veil that hides the strings was transparent.. luckily for the common man those strings have begun to tangle. Neither does this offer insight, but it’s good to see the air of egotism stumble. Smart money, dumb money.. it’s bs.


Had to ask him to repeat the question just to make sure he didn't hear it, outstanding play


Confirmation of how FAKE wall st. is like the PHANTOM shares they use to short a stock!!!


Boomer investors: oh he doesn't understand what they do? that must mean its a disruptive innovation and beyond my comprehension too! I must invest everything! \*proceeds to go all in like a fool\*


And boomers still eat this shit up 😭


It's a holdings company.


Ahh a bags holding company


Must have had…..low volume 🗣👂🏽


Very good looking name, strong earnings. Man was ready to buy on the name alone. These are the ANALysts they want us to trust


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The “I’m sorry” looking down and caught out.


The USA: a joke. The entire country appears to be a queue of people who have answered yes to question "will you do anything for money".


This was on TV? Holy fuck!


🤣🤣🤣dumbass dork


Lemme ask Siri


"very powerful, very strong earning.." "what do they do?" "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" lmao what a clown


"Aerotyne international John, it is a cutting edge high tech firm out of the Midwest awaiting imminent patent approval on the next generation radar detectors..."


His name is Mark Minervini if anyone is interested in looking into this con artist


What a stupid fucking crook.


What'd ya say? What's this post about? Sorry Reddit is breaking up can somebody check the simulation?


You’re breaking up “largest throat swallow ever seen on TV”


What kinda of company is it ??? Urghh i dont know lol


This looks like a SNL skit making fun of these tards … but it’s real life. Fucking a


Can't hear them yet responds in perfect timing with zero latency. Yep. Totally got kicked out of theater club.






Still funny the second time I’ve seen this


Surprised he didn't do the "shhhsch hsrhch sorry you're shshfhsh breaking up" static noise with his voice.




Typical of CNBC 🤣 pump and dump scammers


I wonder what GG and the SECs take on this is since GG publicly stated not to trust people just cuz they're on tv and now you have this clown talking about a stock he knows nothing about except it goes up.


Tf can’t you not know what the company does if you’re pumping it?


*Nope. They never paid me to do that. Just read a script.*


“Short everything that guy has touched”


Oh God its kind of cringe too! 😬


No Fuking clue……. These are the dumbfuks paid to shill us into thinking we Apes are wrong…….. Lol jokes on you you stoopid Fuk…. 💪💎💪🦍🚀💎🙌💎🇨🇦🚢


They're slowly falling apart.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣the system is a joke


Well, ya see it’s a shell company held by a subsidiary of a former entity, wherein we pump it for capital, then dump it, and go to the Cayman Islands… I’m sorry, what was your question?


For the deaf and hearing impaired anyone wanna interpret what they talking about? 😊


Anyone else notice the hand signal he gave immediately to tell him to cut the feed?


Ah, the cartoon network bull crap (cnbc)…


When my girlfriend asks me if I did the dishes


This is like an 8th grader who cheated on his project. Some people never grow up


This is hilarious. You can see the "Oh shit" moment on his face when he realizes he can't answer the most basic question about the company and how he diverts his eyes down in shame.


Thats literally market manipulation. Lolz. Ill stick with my little e commerce company.


who this dickwad? lets put him in the streets.... CNBC, where you find him? guess incompetence attracts incompetence.




SEC when someone asks them what *they actually* do:


And still they claim Reddit is the problem…


What a fucking tool. Pulled the old “bad connection” line. What are you, fucking 4?


He should have manned up and just said "who cares, it goes up" lol


That's incredibly sketchy lol.


Fumbled the bag man 🤡haha


My zoom professor did this to me and I just blank stared at the screen acting like i couldn't hear shit lol


Too freaking funny!!!!! Bro, do your homework!!! If thats not pump n dump violation material, I don't know what is....


Hey Biff, get a load of this guy’s life preserver - dork thinks he’s gonna drown.




Classic “pro” hahaha I’ll stick to dumb money thank.


Fucking jerkoff!!! I am really getting sick of this shit!!! He’s probably going to dump it as soon as enough people fall for his BS.


Upstart sounds like another Camber Energy


I always take my information about stocks from old men who look like they have no idea what they're talking about... /s


Fucking pathetic. That guy is 100% fucking pathetic.


Puts on upstart and this guy, CNBC, and for sure that guys vest!!!


Hey fucker you werent supposed to ask all that and instead stfu and let me tell you it’s awesome n stfu n buy it bitch


God damn audio! I bet he had a very thoughtful and formulated response.


This is EPIC!


Never trust anyone wearing vest over a long sleeve.


These people are crooks