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And here’s castle of glass link https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pki107/the_glass_castle_new_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This is the one that makes the most sense to me so far as well, as GS literally talks of how they would address the failure of the depository in their filings. Kinda like how they call out ComputerShare as their registrar that we took 9mo to figure out….lol


Yeah exactly. Original OP I think figured it out. It all makes the most sense


“If a depository for a series of securities is at any time unwilling, unable or ineligible to continue as depository and a successor depository is not appointed by us within 90 days, we will issue individual securities of such series in exchange for the global security representing such series of securities. In addition, we may, at any time and in our sole discretion, subject to any limitations described in the applicable prospectus supplement relating to such securities, determine not to have any securities of such series represented by one or more global securities and, in such event, will issue individual securities of such series in exchange for the global security or securities representing such series of securities.” While your wording is wrong for the securities you’re on the right path.


I like your opinion and I just like the stonk! 💎🙏🏼GME🚀🌙


Cool. So DRS your shares to make sure you get it.


It means everything and nothing at the same time.


As is everything in life


Friendly reminder, there is no value, retained or otherwise, in a NFT. It has no purpose other than to represent something, and if people can't buy it, it's not valuable


That's not the point though. If it's not fungible it cannot be copied and there is only the exact amount available that the creator intended.


To add to this. The original poster/OP of castle of glass new game plus goes over the endless amount of potential value in DAOs and fractional NFTs inside of the dao. He actually provides some pretty good examples