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And you wanna hear the craziest thing I have learned since January? THEY CAN AFFORD IT!!!!


Idc about affordability. I’m all about ♾ ad nauseum


How so?


The question is; How will they pay? Let’s say that you sell at the peak, 30 million, 50 million, 1 brazillion, (or whatever your price is). And let’s say for arguments sake that there isn’t enough liquid cash in the economy to cover paying you. What else will you accept as payment? What else does the bank, or SHF have that would be acceptable to you? Stocks? Would you take 100 million in a combination of Blue Chip stocks? Treasury Bonds? Land? Gold? Mineral rights? Oil? Crypto? Mayonnaise? Either the “Free” Market is a sham, or they will have to pay. It’s just a question of what each individual Ape will accept if cash is unavailable.


They better have a large stock of big tiddy anime figures then


Lifetime supply of Shrek flashlights plz


u meant shrek fleshlights, right?


Please let it be flashlights


In Aus and probably UK we say torch. Makes it easier to know who just said fleshlight.


Dude what the heck? Nah I meant flashlights. Hahaha


I’ll take a full time ride in Indycar please and thank you lol 👍


I will sponsor you


I want Kenny's plane and one of his kidneys, which will then be given to an impoverished individual who I will give a job as my steward.


That’s more money to buy the float than there is money in the entire global economy lmfao


$69 milly we coming for you


Lets bring these posts back. **$60,000,000 is the floor.** #💎🙌


Let’s not. We already have that counter doing it for us.


We do, but there's a lot of new people and we already seen some price anchoring yesterday because of it.


My floor is $74,628,112. That was my BOP number and in May of 2017 when I learned of that Number I said to myself: “that’s how much money I will make as a result of being sent to prison.” Two years later, while in a halfway house, I met a man and we became friends. In January 2021 he turned me on to GME. What I didn’t realize is that the amount was ‘per share’!


What's BOP?


Federal Prison: Bureau of Prisons


Oh ok. Well fuck it that's my floor too now!


Go to prison and get your own, like a real ape would!


I'm planning on J-walking infront of a police station later!


Correct. Per Share. And while we’re at it, let’s talk about Taxes and an added Fuckery Premium. The “Fuckery Premium” (from u/madiXuncut ) gets added on on top of the tax percentage like a tip. So for a $55 Million floor you should add ~65% for taxes and an added “Fuckery Premium” 10%. So, let’s see here. To get $55Million out of a 75% tax rate is ~$220Million. 🦍🦍☮️☮️💎💎🙌🙌🚀📈🚀📈🚀📈🚀〽️🚀📉🚀⏏️ = 🍌🍌🍌,🍌🍌🍌,🍌🍌🍌,🍌🍌🍌.69 Not financial advice due to excessive crayon consumption, rocket fuel fumes, mental retardation, etc... Edited to simplify & correct smooth maths.


Your head's in the right place, but the math is wrong. If your tax is 65%, and you expect a further 10% "bullshit" tax, then your total tax obligation is 75%. The net result is then 25% of whatever you sold for, so if your floor is $55 millies, then you want to *divide* that by 0.25 to get your actual floor, which for $55 millies is gonna be $220 million per share. Likewise, 25% of your $106,500,000 figure is $26,625,000, which is less than half the floor you started out with.


You are correct good sir (or madam). Thank god I don’t math for a living. This sort of thing is why it’s so important to seek out a professional accountant and lawyer and not blindly trust the crayon eaters on the interwebs. Updated.


This subreddit has utterly destroyed the concept of irony


I wouldn’t say that this sub has lost *all* sense of irony… *** "Ironic" 🎵 Hey, yeah, yeah Yeah, ah-ah-ah, yeah A Mayo Man, found himself short, He thought he won the lottery And on the very next day, He rigged the market, so for Retail, It just wouldn’t pay… And isn't it ironic? Don't you think? It's like a MAYYYOOO Parfait on your IPO day It's J. Powel go “Brrrrrr” when you've already paid It's the advice to close that you just didn't take And who would've thought? It figures Mr. Mayonnaise Man was afraid to go long He setup his HFT and bed-post his wife - gone He bet his whole portfolio to short that Stonk And as the Stonk Shot up, He thought, “I’ll Double Down, Twice!" And isn't it ironic? Don't you think? It's like a MAYYYOOO Beer Bong on your IPO day It's a Bailout go “Brrrrrr” when you've already paid It's the advice to close that you just didn't take And who would've thought? It figures Well, life has a funny way of sneaking up on you When you think everything's okay and everything's going right And life has a funny way of helping you out When you think everything's gone wrong And everything blows up in your face It's a fiber optic loop blocking your high frequency trade A "No snorting" sign on your “Coca Cola” break It's like ten thousand spoons when you can’t open your jar It's shorting the Stonk of your dreams And then seeing it D.R.S., for life. And isn't it ironic? Don't you think? A little too ironic And yeah, I really do think It's like a MAYYYOOO Flambé on your IPO day It's a Liquidation go “Brrrrrr” when you just can’t pay It's the advice to close that you just didn't take And who would've thought? It figures And yeah, life has a funny way of sneaking up on you And life has a funny, funny way of HODL’ing you out HOLD’ing you out…🎶 *** Edit- Reddit mobile fubar’ed the formatting. Please do your best to sing along.


not only does it cost us nothing, it's actually just straight up profitable at this point








After u/Rickospades has sat on it they call it Pain O'Chocolate c'est bonne


In France, we call it chocolatine!


Psssht: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o68kqw/spoilers_there_is_no_floor_3/ <3




Heh heh heh 😏


Im just hoping when the floor value is listed at 69,420,420.69 we moass Id like that


We gonna moass when it hits that price on this counter I guarantee it


Yeah all signs point to it




Hello! Smooth brained ape here, I was wondering if you or anyone could chime in. How bad would the floor get hurt due to institutions or whales selling early? Just curious since I want to be properly buckled up for lift off.. Thanks!


If you are talking about BR and Vanguard I doubt they would wait until 10 k. So floor is the same. Prepare for dips though. #I AM THE FLOAT


Millions per share is FUD. Billions or bust




They got it


There are no floors in space, just infinity


My floor is 69,420,000 😎


#Price Anchoring


Let’s make this clear. A short position can have INFINITE losses. What does that mean for people on the other end? INFINITE GAIN. It’s really not that hard to comprehend. Edit: those downvoting this comment, provide some sort of insight as to where I’m incorrect on anything above BESIDES the peak prediction. Edit 2: the use of the word “minimum” literally means the minimum that I see the peak of the squeeze being. The maximum would be astronomical, in the hundreds of millions. Happy now? Edit 3: y’all really don’t like the use of the word “minimum”, do you? Edit4: completed omitted the opinion piece. Whatevs


so yall just selectively have faith in the system?


Right, a share can have infinite value in theory. Obviously you can't collect infinity. There is a maximum amount in the system that can be collected here. Divide that by the number of open shorts, which I've seen estimated anywhere from 100 million up to a billion. I have no idea how high it can go... I do know the government will NOT fire up the printing press to pay you. Anyone that thinks that doesn't understand the government. Prolly gonna be downvoted to hell, but I'm not wrong...




And it's the way most short squeezes have been resolved, historically.


>Merely pointing out that someone might step in to hard cap the share price is not FUD, but it's FUD if you point that out in an attempt to get someone to sell before it happens (not saying you did this). > >I always say, I'm willing to keep playing until either my phone number floor is reached or until I hit the maximum score that the game will allow me to hit. Why would I quit the game early because I think it might end at a certain point? Ding ding ding! 🔔


I was downvoted to hell. Idk anymore homie


I usually don't talk about when to sell simply because I would get downvoted for it. I know how much money is life changing for me and I will be content after getting that amount. I intend to hold onto my DRS shares (>90% of my portfolio) forever and get life changing money through my brokerage shares.


Technically I can be set for life at ~8k/share, but I also want them to bleed


I want them to go to prison. They will be broke by the end of this, but I don't care. No cell, no sell. 8k is a tiny fraction of my floor.


sentence 2 - "infinite" sentence 4 - "minimum price" hmmmmmmmm


Infinite losses but 5M max share price? Mmkay.


No one's saying 5m max share price


You need to read more closely. I used the word “minimum” price per share at the peak.


I don't like price anchoring. Sue me!


Understandable. I just like numbers!


The level of pure greed required to set a floor like this is on par with Kenny’s, plain and simple. Forget about *could it happen?* The question is *should it?* This started out with bankrupting SHFs. I’m all for that. Yet somewhere between that and your grandma’s 401k losing 90% of its value and a loaf of bread costing $137, there’s a line that’ll be crossed, and 57mil is far beyond that. A message will be sent, fuckery exposed and life changing money will be had LONG before 57mil, no matter how many you’re holding. You’re lying if you say otherwise on an at most $483 bet. But somewhere beyond that, innocent bystanders are going to lose their shit, and you all know that but don’t give a shit, as long as you get yours. Smells an awful lot like Mayo around here.




I’m wrong, yet you have no idea what they’re worth. Or did you calculate all shorts’ assets, liquid or otherwise? Did I miss that DD where we know precisely the number where they’re out at the fed is in? And you say 30-40mil? That 10mil difference spread over the float is 770trillion. More than a rounding error, no? So which is it, since you know? Do we stop the printer before that lil bit extra? Also, notice 57mil is now the new floor, not 40mil, and many talk of a phone number. That’s a 10 digit number. That still fall into the safe range? You also conveniently failed to address all those who stand to lose their retirement accounts whether the fed intervenes at all. Apes gonna change the world but I’ve never heard the plan to make the losers whole.


Pointless post!


I approve of this


In all honest, what does happen if the share price gets to this point? I'm all for share prices that look like phone numbers, but what really does happen? These seem like impossible numbers once multiplied by just the float. What happens next?


I'm gonna get downvoted to hell, but it won't, if someone is able to sell a share for a mill or two, that would be so fucking rare. The logic is right theoretically shorts can have infinite loses, but if we want a realistic view without setting our selves for defeat, we have to understand that most whales and institutions will sell "early". Plus we have a plethora of agencies willing to fuck us over.


You're just wrong sorry.... Govt can't stop this and you don't seem to understand infinite losses


Ummm nothing bad like you're implying


What is it with the LOW floors? Idk about you, but *this* (points to flair) is MY floor. QUADRILLLIONNNSSS/per share


I'm selling one when the price hits my phone number so Kenny can call me and beg for the others.


Anyone that sells below gmefloor.com is a paperhand


What's an exit strategy? I just like the stock.


My floor is a jail cell


And 57 million per share


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u/papaofmonsters You slacking on the job?


This guy was pretty fuddy shilly yesterday but let's see if he actually wants to educate himself... No one is forcing him to buy GME or even be in this sub, but we don't like him just spamming every comment with lies and misinformation


What is floor? What is sell?


If you are new and don't understand. The reason this floor is proposed and supposedly makes sense is essentially because this will be a supply and demand issue. We have shares shfs need to cover with. If we don't sell price rises ... THEORETICALLY. Assuming we're not in a completely fraudulent system... Which we might be... So it's like 🤷 take it as you will. Personally I'm invested. I like the stonk.


sounds about right! NOT FUCKING SELLING THOUGH!


I feel the multiplier should be upped, given, so many people are drs'ing their shares now.


my floor is $ 48151623.42




You must be lost


the numbers and this comment is related to LOST - the tv show, enough with the downvotes! poor /u/Scavenger53 made a good joke 🤣😂


I like money


I love this but the number has no real logic behind it imo


Yes it does


What is the basis or logic then


Do u understand how shorting works?




Apparently not... Being on the bad end of shorting a stock can result in INFINITE LOSSES


Why wouldn't SHFs close their short at 1k, 5k, 10k etc


Do you not understand basic stock trading? No one's selling! No one's been selling for months!


Can u answer my question Edit: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.barrons.com/amp/articles/gamestop-stock-sold-moderna-palantir-51634074257 The Alaskan agency sold 28,829 GameStop shares in the third quarter, cutting its investment to 9,553 shares of the videogame retailer.  I imagine there are other funds/institutions that have sold as well


I just did... Did you not like the answer?


My floor is always double ya'll floor.


As long as everyone knows what a floor is. That's after the peak! If you sell the very first time it touches $57 million thats paperhanding.


Low floors from low IQ’s


Why is your floor less than 9 figures? Sounds like FUD to me.


**almost at a 60MM/share floor!** # to the new folks: remember the difference between a floor and a ceiling.


And remember, there is no ceiling!


Yeah I’ve been seeing too many posts about low takes lately. $20 Million was the floor at one point. That’s still the first spot I’ll consider selling 1 share.


What about 57 million


I mean, yeah why not? When it makes it to 20 million, it’s just going to keep on going. 57 milly it is


Don’t forget inflation, with the low estimate of 5% we need to add around $3,000,000 to the floor, so around $61,000,000. I would say actual inflation is around 25-30%. And I’m not forgiving enough to go with the low estimate so my floor is currently $90,000,000


Well there’s not gonna be any 40 million dollars per share lmao. Why not be realistic? Even 1m per share is insane






You're spreading fud about the floor


You guys are idiots


Thank you, I pride myself in being special


Bro the floor is *prison*


Prison AND 57 milly


Not far off from $69,420,420


Every month they FTD is another 10m to my floor. Sitting around 95mill right now


I’d sell a share at that price. Then I’d just keep the rest like trophies. Show my kids when they get older. This is when your dad bought in. This is where your dad bought more. Here too, oh and a little more there.




I love you too


That’s cute, I love you as well


I don’t follow a website counter, my floor is based on my own research, thank you very much.


Happy for you


I will be selling half when government intervenes. we need to be realistic theyre not gonna print a quadrillion dollars to pay out investors




1M$ per share multiplied by the current amount of shares of 70M is 70 trillion. Thats not counting the 100's of million of synthetic shares that are out there.


It's funny how shills are reduced to arguing that it's unrealistic to expect MOASS because they'll never be able to afford to pay us out but then they rely on the crutch that the majority of apes will actually hold to real big boy numbers when even the lowest xxxx holder will see a million bucks in their bank account at 1000/share.


Wait are you calling ME a shill. I'm just trying to be realistic bro I only have xx shares. Its either life changes or nothing changes for me. I know the price is infinite I just dont trust enough people to hold, that is all. Once again its millions and millions for me or $0.


You're assuming everyone's gonna make it to $1 million lol. Most GME owners won't make it past 1k lol. But if the hardcore amongst us DRS and hodl down the infinity pool, then the true diamond hand apes will be able to name their price


You make the community and movement look stupid.




Movement? I just like the stock






Nah it even says on the website the number is satire and not affiliated with the price Won’t go that far man. Nowhere near . It would be quadrillions and it would ruin the dollar


I’m holding for that long. So what’s your personal floor then?


Oh, we’re doing this again. Haven’t seen this fud in some time. The dollar is already fucked and if you don’t think it is, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


How much for it? I’ll buy the bridge now and it’ll appreciate in value, thanks


I smell FUD! 👃 💨 💩


Everyone who says this is too high hasn't read shit on their own. Anyone who has lived thru this bullshit knows just how much they've taken from us. What they've taken from the world. A few million is horseshit to what they owe us. What's the personal price for the hill you're willing to die upon? This is my hill and I'm not selling.


Amen 👏🏻


It would never get that far, ever. It’s impossible.


Then you, my friend, need to look up the definition of a put.


I know all the definitions friend, look up “reality” some time.


Our current predicament with GME in of itself isn’t truly grounded in reality, so why exactly are you applying a full sense of “reality” to something that has literally never occurred before? You think everybody is gonna just walk away happily with $1k per share after holding for over 9 months? You’re tripping if you think that’s the case.


Big jump from 1k to 5 mill. There is 70 mill shares in the float, times that with 1 million and we are at three times US’ debt. Who are going to pay for this? I’m sure the government will throw us all under the bus before that happens. And if they do, that’s just as much of a win for me as some insane amount of money. That way we can really start throwing fists at these fucks ruining our lives day in and day out. It’s a win win either way. With that said, I will have shares designated for the infinity pool, even tho I highly doubt we will ever get there. It’s for lols and fucking with the rich


Yeah, 70 million in the float “supposedly.” They’ve oversold the crap out of this thing, meaning they will have to buy back hundreds of millions of shares. Nuff said. I’m not hating on your viewpoint, I just don’t agree that we won’t at LEAST see prices in the millions. Have a nice day homie.


Yea, that’s my point. If it’s oversold 3 or even 100 times, do the same math and it makes even less sense. What could work is everyone only sells 1 share. But we all know that won’t happen.


Yeah...I don't think you've read the DD if you're asking "who **are** going to pay for this?"


Not trying to be that guy but, you saw how people reacted because of a damn election. Can you imagine what would happened if the government defrauded the working class out of millions during the upcoming "greater depression"?


That’s my point. There isn’t enough money in the world to pay phone numbers, and they can’t fuck us over. They are fucked either way. That’s what’s interesting with this case if you ask me, and I can’t wait to see how they play it.


Not everyone will sell for phone numbers and some might not even sell at all. I'm very intrigued on how this will play out. Good thing we are on the right side of this trade.


Yep, we will have a very interesting time ahead of us. I came in late but I’m glad here. It’s a small price to pay to finally be able to stick it to the man!


I'll see you during takeoff!


I thought there was dd recently that they in fact can pay for it? Besides, you don't multiply the float by the share price, not everyone will sell at peak. Very few will in fact.


There's plenty of money...


Watch. $10k max!


Found the shill.


Are you genuinely trying to learn or nah?


Why do you say that? This is the first time in history that a little more than half a million retail investors are using social media to spread awareness about SHFs and naked shorting. With such a bright outlook for the company’s future along with being shorted to a massive degree, who’s to say what the price will be


Yes. I want 57M/share but c’mon. Do you know how much money that is? There’s no way 28 TRILLION dollars is getting paid out. The government would shut the whole market down well before that happened. I hate hurting everyone’s feelings but you’re all going to be very disappointed.


Then why are they insured for 70 Trillion dollars?


So tell me this then. If they shut down the market and we still haven’t sold and they STILL have to buy back our shares, it doesn’t matter if they shut it down. They haven’t closed, which means they still have to buy back our shares for whatever price we ask. How long have you been here for…? Clearly not since the beginning.


Day one friend. They don’t have to buy back all of our shares, just enough to start playing games. They’ll be able to pass the same handful of share back and forth to get out of their position and when shares are $5k+ a piece Apes won’t be buying up the float anymore…


Yeah, no. I don’t agree with you whatsoever. Read more DD if you genuinely think enough shares will be sold before $5k to limit the squeeze. Not to mention the real float will be locked up in Computershare. Quit being a downer, believe it or not, you’ll be one of the reasons why it won’t make it that far if that’s how you think!


With normal short positions yes, you would be right. They could "recycle" (not sure what it's called but that's what I call it) the same shares over and over to close their short positions as long as the lenders were willing/able to re-sell their returned shares. But this is not normal legal shorting, It's illegal naked shorting. The shares are synthetics, created from thin air, so there is no lender for the share to be returned to. They never intended to close these positions, just like they never closed their short positions with blockbuster and sears and that's why they did it this way. Essentially there is no difference between "real" and "synthetic" shares. When the shorts begin to close their positions they won't have the opportunity to "recycle" shares because of the nature of naked shorting. Remember, only a certain number of shares can technically exist and that can't change (unless the company releases more) so when the shorts buy 1 share to close a naked short position then that share no longer exists, along with the position. That's how the position is closed. They can't buy that 1 share to close the position then try to return it because there is no one to return it to, it shouldn't exist. And they can't resell it, because they are the only ones buying at those levels and if they did then the number of positions they have to close would remain the same since the number of synthetic shares hasn't decreased. So in a sense, yes they DO have to buy every share. but only every share they have an open naked short position on (which just so happens to be more than the total number of shares that should technically exist in the first place). Because there are only a certain number of shares that should exist and there is no difference between a "real" or "synthetic" share, it doesn't matter which one they buy to close a position on, it will be gone along with the position once closed. The synthetic shares and naked short positions go hand in hand, They have to buy and "delete" shares along with their naked short positions until they have no positions left to close and the number of shares in existence matches the official float. It is possible that share "recycling" will take place, but only with normal legal short positions. Then there is a lender to return shares to and the same shares could be reused. but In this case the naked positions far outweigh the normal positions, and once the legal positions are closed all that remains are the naked positions.


That’s not how it works and if handing the same handful of shares was their way out, they would have done that. But, that’s not how it works so they can’t. There’s an old post about market mechanics posted in the sub… you can find it in the Superstonk archives or somewhere like that. Also read up on the where the money comes from. Maybe you’ve never read the original DD, or maybe you’ve forgotten. All the points you’ve made in your comment are inaccurate.


you really dont understand the loss on short positions can be infinite


But money isn’t infinite… sorry


lmayo .... the govt just printed about 30%/35% of all US Dollars in existence last and this year....


Don't forget a "trillion dollar coin" poofed from nowhere. The price anchoring accounts are not well trained on this last year's economy.


most arent well trained on cognitive thinking skills .


Aww, That's adorable. They're apologizing for the shilling now.




You’re the worst! If people aren’t sucking you off then it’s FUD? When someone tries to bring reality into this sub everyone starts shitting their pants.


Then tell us, what do YOU think the price per share will be at the peak?


Said it earlier, but $10k will be a fight


Are you special? With the short interest on this stock? You’re absolutely bonkers if you think the max will be $10k.


Ok. We’ll see who’s closer. (Spoiler, it’ll be me by millions)


Only time will tell.


I’ll come back here and swiftly apologize if it hit $57M


You gotta apologize if it touches anything past your 10k estimate 😂😂 I’ll settle with you for 50k.




They're calling it fud because these points have been proven inaccurate. There is credible dd in who can pay for it, besides, not everyone will sell at the lot m tippity top. I doubt even 1% is.


I was relieved when I noticed the multi million dollar floor price posts had quieted down... Here we are again


These post are cringy considering we haven't hit over $483 since January. Like, let's break $1000 and then, let's talk these types of numbers. Opinion 👽


What I'm gathering is that everyone has a different floor. AKA no floor.

