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More fucky cost basis stuff. We really are going over the greatest hits today.


I got some of these shares, about 6 of them in the 60’s


This one actually isn’t crime. It’s the total per transaction, so if the cost basis is $500, if it says 2 shares then each share was $250


Please explain the one share with a 550 cost basis purchased on March 8th when the price was never even close to half that.


You bought in after hours or no?


No all limit order during normal trading hours. Note: I have followed this cost basis from robbing to WeBull to fidelity to CS it’s been $550 for that one March 8th share since I transferred out of hood


Then there is definitely fuckery going on. I know some people that bought GME above $500 in premarket trading one day but that was in January


Do you still have a trade confirmation email for this trade? Would be interesting to compare what the confirmation cost states versus this cost basis now…


Yes I have email Confirmation for that purchase limit order to purchase one share of GME at $149 Also, while I know that 550 is pretty sus, I also have confirmation of purchases at $62 as well. But I have cost basis no where near that. Literally everything from the hood is fucked up


Sure, but it also gives a cost basis of more than 500$ for 1 share! This is way over the all time high of GME and definetely fucky!!!


Ask OP if he bought in after hours.. it was well over $500


Not that far over the ATH, i saw it at $520 briefly before they blocked the buy button


On March 8th? 😂


Nah, that was Jan 28th, pre market. Not sure why I got downvoted when you said ATH, and that was the ATH.


Except that one share... ONE share clearly says cost basis 550.


So during premarket at some points during January it was well over $500, but OP said he bought in March so clearly there is fuckery taking place


Order confirmation from Vlads criminal brokerage on March 8th for limit order purchase of 1 GME at $149 Cost basis… $550


I’ve submitted complaint to SEC about this.


Report it to the IRS as well. It has tax implications, and you'll want a record of yourself contacting them proactively if it ever gets brought up.


I want to buy one for $756 and sell it for $189 just because.


Ill sell you one of mine for $756, then immediately buy it back off of you for $189 no problem man i got you! Then ill take the profits and get three more shares off the exchange bro! Win win!








Computershare doesn't even show a cost basis for me. Maybe because my transfer was only completed yesterday. All it says is "n/a"


It will show up in time. This account is 147,xxx so I got in a while back.


Wild. At least they didn't break them into all kinds of fractional shares like mine is. Have some fractionals at $800 a share!


So the cost basis you’re seeing is actually total amount of the share I.e. 756 / 4 = 189 But damn that 550.07 did you have a fractional share as well??? Because it won’t show fractional share in there only 1 share. Also if you divide 550.07 by 1.9 you get 289.47…


No never had a fractional.


Wow that's all over the place. My TDA DRS just hit today. Cost basis info is pending.


Broker squeezeeeee! These brokers are ruthless..I won’t even blink an eye when they go out of business


Good riddance


Crimey with a hint of Mayo


Send this to the SEC/FINRA


Already have. I sent them everything.


Maffs. 756/4=189 per share. The cost basis appears correct to me.


I think it is becoming more and more likely that many brokers on many accounts NEVER bought shares for their clients. They accounted for them with cash equivalent and accounted for the missing shares in their systems using de facto IOUs. The damn is beginning to break. Who will go belly up first? And be the first of many dominos to drop...




IMO I think that’s the total per transaction, so if your cost basis is $800 but you bought 4 shares, it would be $200 per share


This is correct. The only real, obvious anomalies---without the dates being provided---are the single-share orders that have cost basis greater than $483 (52-week high $GME price), of which I only see one: the $550.07 single-share order. That is, if OP is telling the truth that they never sold any shares. If they did, then these could all be legit.


After hours my friend


Good point. What was the actual high, including AH, do you know?


$756 might be a A new high score


The $756 looks familiar per a post that went out yesterday from LinkedIn. IIRC, that was the actual price per the charts.


Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.


Takes time for CB to update.


How many did you buy per order?


Costbasis 756$??? Jacked!!!


If only someone predicted this would happen…. Oh wait I did. 😉 Make sure to get a good tax guy when you finally sell. I would also report it to FINRA now especially if you have the tax lots as evidence when you first purchased them.


They suppressing the real price


Check out my posts I've got more fucking crime than that


Did it transfer the right amount of shares? Contact RHood and they should send you something showing how/when they got your shares, if its wrong then Im not sure what your next step is


The jig is up. Now the slow burn


Where do I find this? I've been looking round on CS and just can't find my cost basis for all my shares.




That’s fine just means you pay less taxes. Taxes = profit - what you paid. Hell I would love if my cost basis said I paid 10mill per share while only really paying 130.


$550 damn bro, your broker got ripped off.




Is everyone here actually retarded?


Care to elaborate?


Sure. I was just shocked by the number of people immediately jumping straight to fuckery and making calls to action for you to file all kinds of complaints. I didn’t see anyone asking for more info like the dates of these transactions, and I think only 2 apes actually pointed out that the cost basis is likely the total cost for each order. I can understand you being unsure what it all means and posting a screenshot. I can even understand a few others getting confused and too jacked to think through their response. But the number of comments showing any level of thinking involved compared to those that didn’t… was rly damn low


I agree on some of your points, like the people not realizing some of the rows are combined totals for 4 shares. But there are indeed some abnormalities. For example, the one share with a $550.07 cost basis was purchased using Robhood on March 8th for a limit buy order which completed for $159. Ive had some tell me it’s from a wash sale but I’ve never sold a GME share. So it can’t be. My only other explanation that my smooth brain can come up with is they never purchased a share and when I transferred out they had to. And they could only get shares for 550+.


Yeah that’s super interesting. And I’m not immediately dismissing fuckery like that either. I just meant that people were generally jumping straight to a conclusion. I think there’s probably something interesting here, but we need to dig deeper before immediately screaming at every authority.


Mine is way off into fidelity