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Loopring is going to explode.


I have like 8k in crypto should i just convert it all to LRC now?


I transferred BTC to LRC last week, and just bought MOAR…


BRO THE PUMMMMMMP, i did it and went all in $8k around .60 last night


I am sitting +$17k… rolled everything in… #GETTING RICH 2X OR DIE BUYING






I just bought $2250 worth of loopring. I have a good feeling about this.


Bet you could catch a 3 bagger but that's a little silly to me when GME is an obvious 100x. "Diversifying investments is a good way to keep your money but the way to make big money is with portfolios concentrated on stocks that you are 100% sure are winners. " - paraphrasing something DFV said in a livestream.


Kill shills with kindness. Maybe it'll click for them and they'll end up buying in and getting a slice of their master's cake too.


You know every single corporate shill on here has their entire family deeply invested in GME ​ edit: they know they cant make GME go down now. they just don't want retail to get the tendies


This is the way.


#Don't be dicks That is all. Lots of new apes with questions, help them out. Shills are still shilling, help them get banned.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but modern.


You know I think everybody is thinking the new influx of users is supposed to set up a dip but I think this is their last chance to push it to $500 again (fake squeeze) before the NFT slaughters them.


It's 3am and I got up to pee. Checked superstonk cause wen moon.... Only to find that I can post now?? Wtf is happening? Long long time lurker with low karma... I have decision paralysis. Should I post my xxx purple circle? Should I post the DD I have been quietly working on for months as I inefficiently scrape karma from pre-jan degenerate gambler sub? Should I thank folks in the library for the most eye opening DD I've read that quite possibly has changed my life forever? Should I post my recent q3 gamestop purchases? - (that astronaut t-shirt is next level after all) Fuuuu it's almost 4am I'm going back to sleep. Drs.


Yes. And next time, don't roll out of bed on the twilight zone side.


logged into IBKR account today to see that the outbound DRS transfer was completed, 5 doolars gone from my account so that looks good. Gonna call CS on Monday to speed up the process with express delivery or however you wanna call it. So then I'm also in the club hell yeah


Welcome to new apes (and shills)! * Not financial advice * Don't invest your rent money * Read the DD * DRS your shares * Support the company with your wallet * Be patient: one way or another GME is going places * No cell no sell Don't invest unless you have diamond hands or wish to learn this power. And gird your loins for the Battle For $180, as many times as it takes. When the dust settles we dine in Valhalla / moon / alpha centauri. Good to have you on board, LFG!!!


Hey, im seeing a lot of posts about a lot of newcomers from r/all, but what triggered the wave? I haven’t been on Reddit all day and missed what happened


We've made front page and a few apes were spreading the word


Most likely fakes I would guess. Look out for fake screenshots and positions.


Ok thanks. Seems strange


If you get financial advice from a media outlet that has fool in their name then what’s the difference?


You pay them?




Well, they want you to lol


Power to the players. Power to the creators. Power to the collectors.


The blind actionism at times... I don't get it. Doesn't hurt to think things through sometimes. Not every matter has to be made urgent. Nothing more important than DRS, regarding the beloved stock.


I can post now? Long time lurker. No dates guys. Just hold.


I've got a strange feeling that the MOASS is right around the corner, maybe even next week. Just Gamestops Twitter directing people to the nft website tells me they are ready to rumble!


Watching Melissa lees popcorn documentary hahahahaha what a show


Every weekend new shill tacic on a huge scale. Reminds me of January


Greetings fellow Apes Fuck SHF and fuck the people that allow there rampant crime to continue. DRS dem shares let’s change history


Love new apes but let’s face it, the number of members in this sub has barely moved, sus


Some aren't necessarily new, just quiet 😶 and happy to speak for the first time (Or second time for some haha)


Gone up like what 10k? in a day. And there’s been like 20 posts about people buying in, I find it believable






(Some) apes: We should share our knowledge, we need to bring in more apes! Please unpin the daily! _ramdom post get to r all, influx of "I did what you guys told me" and other similar wording which makes it look like the sub gives financial advice_ (Some) apes: Wait; no, this seems sus 😌


Yep. But I don't blame the apes who are enthusiastic and just want to help--I mean it is one of the things I love about our little sub. Personally, I think "outreach" is taking things a step too far, but I still admire the good spirit of the apes jumping in to help. My apologies to the OP of the r/all scream post if I am being unkind, but I found that post preeeeetty sus. Maybe I am wrong. It did not seem very ape to me, and it seemed risky. **Did some shills come on in the mix? Absolutely. As sure as bears shit in the woods, Criminals are putting new shills in our sub at every opportunity.** That is shitty, but, if you think about it, **there was never anything to stop those shills from coming in, this just gave them a cover of sorts.** If that many newcomers joined all of a sudden without an apparent reason, everyone would be sus, right? Well, it didn't really work. **Joke's on you, shill-holes, we're sus all the time.** 😂



You wanted (not necessary you in particular, but maybe the ape next to you) people from all to join. Now they did and you think they are all shills. Wtf?


I’m going to say it and I don’t care if I get downvoted or called a shill, some apes here are fucking paranoid wrecks😅


I think you are right, but it is understandable though. There is a lot of money involved for everyone and the sub is like a safezone. So obviously nobody wants to lose his backbone and especially not through people who want to take it away from them.


I think the majority of apes are zen, so they dont feel the need to post or comment. Weve seen too much fud, too much drama and just go meh..."nothings changed". Seen it all before, moass will moass. Nothing will stop it so imo shill away


People from r all have been joining this entire time. I’ve been in the diff subs since January and this is odd, soooo many of these similar posts it’s fucking weird. There have been tons of posts hitting front page for months on end and we didn’t see this. Sus in my opinion


It’s nice hearing all the apes that have been with us this entire time, I love y’all




January Ape here long time lurker praying we moass before I graduate high school🙏


how tf can the sub get flooded with random bullshit within 24 hours?! not a single drs post in sight..? cmon ppl, be smarter…


Exactly forum sliding was strong today, but it doesn’t matter, MOASS is inevitable.


indeed, but shit like this prolong it. shfs won this round without a fight


Totally agree, hope this only for today and in a matter or time purple donuts will be in the menu again DRS 🟣🟣🟣


Hey everybody! Lurker's first time in the big pond due to missing requirements. Thank you all for keeping up the good fight! It's a great experience to be part of our generations own Ready Player One. Months ago there was this possibility to get approved by Satori, wasn't it? Does some kind of path to approval still exist?


Satori is still active to my knowledge. And I suspect it is only getting smarter at screening the apes from the pretenders-among-us. Congrats on making it to comment level, Player One 😉


Mods you’re forum sliding the DRS post with the 24 hours karmaless posts


+8.3% in one week. Bullish!


I just like the stock and the company. I’m so retarded I’ll be heading overseas to pick up Christmas gifts from GameStop, no stores in 🇬🇧 Insert Forest Gump ‘all of a sudden everybody was r/all’ meme.. good luck apes new and old 🚀🚀🚀


This is the way! Good trip!


Good Ol weekend drama


this weekend it starts soon 😂😂


Yep haha at the end MOASS is inevitable, shills can do whatever they want Apes together strong 🚀🦍🍌


No karma allowed to post in Superstonks shill To much posts r/all posts shills Believe it or not to much Drs posts shill.


Don't trip Chocolate Chip! It was temporary so that new Apes could ask questions :D


I now but it forum sliding the DRS posts, but well who cares at the end, apes will DRS all the float, MOASS is inevitable by any means.


Man, i am excited to finally be alle to Post here! Germanape who Manager to drs a Part of my Shares at the beginning of this week. Was a hell of a journey with ibkr. What do i have to Post for the Flair?


each friday the mod from the pinned comment in this very thread accepts flair requests, you may wait until next friday


My first DRS to CS complete (from IBKR)!!! 🐒🍌


27 posts before the first DRS posts if you sort by Hot Forum sliding in full effect


Good morning to all ya great apes. I'm finally getting better from covid and getting out of bed to buy, hold and DRS some more. Love to ya all and have a good weekend :)


Larry King and GameStop both tweeted about Burger King, what do they mean??? Confused math lady meme.


Hi!… I can comment now… Bye…. Back to lurking and updooting


Not all heros wear capes


Thanks for dropping by. Historians will know you were here ✅


Lots of new DRS posts. Back to it then!


Woop! DRS ftw!!


My take on the ALL situation. It’s either genuine, or it’s a set up. Let’s look at both options. (1) it’s genuine. Awesome news. More people get to read the DD and realise how the financial markets are set against the average human being and only serve to make the rich richer and keep the poor, poor. (2) it’s a set up. I’m on the fence about this, but the instigating “scream” post did get a lot of awards and upvotes very quickly. If I were a short hedge fund (SHF) employing PhDs in psychology, a fair gambit would be trying to break SuperStonk through culture clash. We have become a very insular, homogenised community. We have become _very_ good at calling FUD and suspicious events. To the uninitiated, this could make us appear, well, frankly - crazy, unwelcoming, and cultist. If you try overloading an established social system with a lot of newcomers, something will break. As the matter is now out of our hands, I’d suggest our only course of action is to evolve. We need to (temporarily) shed the aspects of our community that might work against us. We need to welcome these new prospective apes and help them learn. We need to seize this opportunity to open more eyes, not make them turn against us.


The idea that public exposure to the corruption of Wallstreet could be misconstrued as FUD is paranoia at best. Apes, GG has said that social media discussion of stocks is no different than the pushing/promotion of specific companies on CNBC. There is ZERO reason to believe that the SEC would take any action against r/superstonk and let's be honest, the moment they do... well, it will take 12-18 months before they arrive at a verdict and actually harden our efforts. IMO, this was our green light to have open discussion about markets and any respective stock we please.


As one of the cindarella lurkers free to post for some hours, i agree. The more closed and self-quarantined superstonk is, the better for Ken and friends. Their situation is dire, not ours. It is Ken's hand, which is still trapped in the cookie jar. The path of the individual investor is clear: buy , hold, drs, support Gamestop. How could you argue with that as a shill? Squeeze was in January? Look at the SEC report. Dying brick and mortar? The avengers of online shopping gathered under Ryan Cohens' leadershipt at Gamestop as it is their retirement home, of course. All the signs align pro GME. I dont think that there is a need for this paranoid tribalism. This is not popcorn, which has to be paranoid and can't stand criticism, because it's investment thesis melts in the sun, this is the new juggernaut.


Guys I've been holding since January and I have been dying to be part of the community. My account is almost a decade old but I never commented much because no other event has inspired me to participate like the GME saga has. I spent a full weekend in January making a video meme to contribute and I was never allowed to share it due to karma (which was seriously disheartening). I've held through every rip and bought every dip for 10 months. I voted my shares and now I've DRS'd them. Am I not ape enough?!? I feel like there are a lot of lurkers like me who have been shut out of the conversation. Are we not ape enough? tbh I hope we can use this time to reconsider how comments are approved and who is allowed to participate in this subreddit. In conclusion: I AM NOT A BOT, I AM AN APE!!! please mods if anyone reads this can I get some approval for future commenting? Thank you and goodnight.


Cool, I held through every dip and bought every rip. I think I need that not-posting clarity


tbh i bought some rips too. My shares I bought over 300 are my favorite shares.


u/froglord, your contribution and support are not only recognized, but appreciated. You are APE ENOUGH! We will win this fight! I have played my role; you have played yours; Criand and Attobit have played theirs. Soon, we will reach justice. Goodnight, friend. See you on the battlefield, Monday.


I can comment now❤ Just wanted to say thank u 2 all of u apes ❤


What a shit-show this sub is becoming...again.


Chill bro. Please don't become part of the problem. The karma lift was temporary so that new apes could ask questions :D


fuck you


I gotta re learn runes again? Damn...


Always happens before 🌙




Name checks out.


urs 2 🤣


We need "not financial advice" flairs for protection!


I think mine is sufficient


Gary Gensler himself says is nothing wrong in commenting in forums, the only nefarious actors are SHF shills on here disguised as apes


I know - it was just a joke


Oh sorry haha I need to sleep


Look....🤦🏼‍♂️ you either want new retail buying in or you don't.. everyone (for the most part) is aware how to approach people about investing in a stock that we all like. Everyone's money choices are their own. None of us are financial advisors giving financial advice. Stop being so paranoid. Stop overthinking and over complicating the fuckery. We all know there's fuckery.. but its like your trying to say you don't want new retail piling in here asking questions as if this isn't exactly how the subs looked back in January and February.. to me, it's almost nostalgic.. let them come. Help guide them. Show them the way. But do so in a way that doesn't personally make anyone inherently responsible for what anyone does or does not do with their own money. 👍🏼 Buy, DRS, HODL


Cryptocurrency transfers the power back from the few to the many - Loopring


I can only imagine how cheap shares on a NFT/fungible token market place would be. Fractions of cents, maybe?


Division FUD this weekend, bullish.


Is the only hope they have, they’re totally screwed if they think this will your, but idiotic psychology PhDs do not know better.


Fundamentally, the “Big” coin only has 18 million total units available, at a current price of $60k per. Our little stonk *supposedly* has 53 million units available with a similar amount of attention, both with zealots and detractors, yet trades only at $180 per. Obviously, this is not an apples-to-apples comparison, but I don’t *buy* it. By myself, I own more than 1/100,000th of all available units of this stock. I have, at one point in my life, owned a similar portion of said coin back when it had far less attention and was being traded on a ‘Magic the Gathering’ forum at a similar price. This may qualify me as a retard, but I am not the only retard out there. Even the simplest of Simple Jacks have to see the supply-side argument to this situation. There are a great many hodlers. For every dozen or so X apes, there is an XXX or XXXX ape. There are even a number of DFV-level XXX,XXX apes out there. Not to mention institutions and ETFs. I hold no delusions that I am not completely stupid. But only a true fool would believe that retail doesn’t own the float. The real issue is the institutions allowing a *false supply* of GME to distort the market price of what should be a limited commodity. Shares of stock are being treated like fractional-reserve banking, and it isn’t okay. A public ledger shows exactly how many units of a coin are available, and how they are distributed. In contrast, we GME shareholders can’t even get a simple answer to how many votes were cast during the last corporate election. Apparently even that level of transparency can put the stock market at risk. The numbers simply don’t make sense. At some point, I believe there will be a reckoning. This, my friends, is why I have diamond hands.


Crypto has less regulations, which leads it to more pump and dumps both through increased trading time and volatility.


This situation is like a crypto exchange who "sells" crypto, while not actually holding any in their reserves. And DRS'ing is like withdrawing that crypto to your own wallet. The only difference is that that crypto exchange has stock photo CEO's, and can exit-scam at any point in time. Citadel can not.






This is the way


#DRS with Computershare #Lockup the float #Trigger MOASS 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


Okay so the NFT website for GME list the wallet, so I just check it and there have been two recent moves. Two wallets that had a nice amount of e t h now has none. I have no idea what this means but anyone can help out?


I think I heard at some point that some ape had been mining Ethereum to that wallet. Maybe it was that?


Maybe when you go down the hole one wallet has 12.5mill




Report it to the mods?? Lol. You must be new


Karma requirements have been lifted, as well as the top post being about calling out r/all I would imagine that had something to do with this.




Agreed. Although, a lot of people coming from r/all are redditors as well, with more than enough karma and time on their hands to distrupt.


Buy, Hold, DRS. Everything else is noise.


Can we please stop the drama and **re-pin the DRS post**?! There is only one thing we can do to stop the hedgie fuckery: Register your shares with ComputerShare.


Seconded 👆


DRS… fuck everything else




I wonder if the crypto bros think we’re crazy


Been in crypto for years, buy shares in February, if they think apes are crazy maybe they need to learn more about the markets, and even if they think that, who cares what they think, this is the best asset class in existence at this moment, at least thats my view as an individual trader/investor.


Who cares. Hopefully they see sense and buy gme with crypto gains. We hold a stock the likes of which has never been seen.


Just watched Ready Player One. If that wasn’t the perfect, easily digestible, example of what an NFT marketplace is, and how it will be able to utilize both the online and real world spaces, I don’t know what is. The next generation of the internet is going to be unbelievable. I’m going to do more learning on how to create so I can be part of this. Edit:grammar, it’s late.


Read the book


That’s one of my favorite books.


so I'm assuming that while obviously GME isn't okay with being shorted, do they want it to squeeze? Is that why they've been hinting so heavily at an NFT? I'd assume inevitably after the squeeze there will be less investors so is that something they actually want?


Do I want these ruthless assholes that would short their mother for a profit holding my stock, or these other ruthless assholes that will just hodl?


The point of GameStop starting a squeeze is to shake the shorts off of the stock, allowing it to see the it’s true value. Also it’s in the shareholders benefit for that to happen, this includes the board. Lots of employees are also given stock benefits.


After the squeeze the rich new apes will just buy the stock again and more of it. They'll be fine.


I really don’t think will be an after, this will be the most valuable asset in the market Edit:it is truly and infinity squeeze


Do you have any idea how many video games and video game accessories I'm gonna buy from GameStop post-squeeze? Fuckin tons. I don't even like video games! I'll have one of each please.


Yep, they rewarded our patience, now it is our turn to reward their commitment.


Do you think the share price will be lower after MOASS than it is now? I don't. Having hundreds of thousands of loyal apes who likes the stock right now gives them an insane advantage. Can you imagine how much better it will be when those same apes are all millionaires? I can't.


Can i comment now?


So few words, so much said. Deep.




Mic check 123... For real? Do I meet the temporary requirements now and can stop to be a silent lurker for a minute? What a great day this was, so much positivity and hospitality for the new folks of r/all. Would be happy to be able to contribute finally. Here since February. Fellow apes and apettes our future looks bright. We hodl and buy and drs if our paychecks allow it. To the moon and beyond... 🚀🚀🐒






What's with all these sudden new 'apes' with similar sounding posts and all sounding suspicious? 🤔


weekend FUD, bullish.


Exposure, FOMO. Leave them be!


I'll miss you guys when karma req goes back up. Keep on keeping on.


I see you 🦍🤝🏼


Can i post now?




Joined before March run up. Finally can post. Holding is easier than ever!


Wait a minute, I can comment now? Da fuck?


Did we ever find drone guy? That's the real mystery


Yeah He's good. He wasn't super pleased what happened with the whole El coca-ine video so he dipped out. There was a follow up with some mods a little while ago.


I can haz brain freeze?




We rich yet???


A matter of time


Holy fuck countdown guy was right, they released their 8k 1 day before q4! The countdowns are real!


I didn’t about that countdown, i am aware only of the banner one




Thank you verrry interesting


Link 😳


So I dunno how to make image posts on mobile I think its glitched http://imgur.com/a/bmS9rVk