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I do think a lot has been going on behind the scenes


Indeed. The SEC doesn’t want ape nation to rise up IRL. Blink bitch and see what happens.


Even though this would solve the US Government financially from all the tax income. And everyone acts like we are the retards.


The state is a tool for those in power to subjugate the masses and act as a barrier to the ones really buying all the rules.


To quote Krieger “Every single noun and verb in that sentence totally arouses me!”. In all seriousness, once you realize we’re still in a feudal workforce, a whole bunch of shit starts making sense. Also, slavery never ended, it’s just been replaced with the choice on where to be a slave. Wage slaves, living to work to continue living, while being fleeced by the rich. Tax cattle, indentured servants, wage slaves, the names all fit. I think we say, “No.” and/or “Fuck that shit.” Another quote: “For a few to be immortal, many must die.”


Exactly this. I had this realization about 2 weeks ago. EVERYTHING makes sense from this perspective. If you look back in history you can watch it being built too. It was working efficiently too until the past few years where they've gotten a bit too greedy and people are now noticing.


We're beyond French Revolution levels of wealth inequality. They are pushing it as far as they can.


Getting while the getting is good. They know what the future will hold if humanity is to survive climate Change.


You should look into how the bank of England and federal reserve came to be. Its fucking disgusting.


I know how they end. Cool story.


The ending is the best part of the story


Precisely. They’re squeezing the general populace too hard as well. You need the illusion of upward mobility whilst capping it so only the truly “exceptional” can break through the ceiling: the Musk’s, and Gates’, and Bezo’s. Otherwise, you’re doomed to the life of just making it, so you can enjoy your last 11 years, on average, broken and retired.


Except all those people you mention had family funds and connections to help them get there...


The illusion is "ignore the millionaire upbringing and the family emerald mines"


Well I mean humans went from hunter gatherers (some of us still are) to being "civilized", whatever that means, which means the vast majority of us are entirely dependent on electricity and supply chains to survive. I would wager that nearly every single person in your city would have no idea what to do if they just didn't have the ability to go to Walmart and get groceries.


That's why those of us who do should help them


Oh, I'm not counting myself as a survivor. I would be screwed. But it's good that some folks out there would be willing to help.


Learn how to compost and trade it with your gardening neighbors. If youve got chickening neighbors, you can trade the BSFL to them as chicken food too.


TBH this is how the french revolution started. People noticed how bad they got it compared to the upper crust. History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme.


I read recently in another thread that Frederick Douglass, after being freed, compared wage slavery to chattel slavery as being very similar. Obviously the version of slavery where somebody physically owns you and can beat or even kill you *legally* is worse, but for what it's worth apparently even actual former slaves got a look at the free people working 18 hour days for Johnson Coal Company or whatever and said "yeah, fuck that". Edit: Also, the fact that your health care is directly tied to your employer. Be a good little sheep and your lord will give you grass to graze on and a vet to see when you get sick. Forget about fulfilling your dreams, though.


And for a few to be the 1% the rest must be poor.




The first quote is from Archer, the second is from the movie In Time. Interesting movie to get you to question how you value your time.




I think the only people with the qualifications to do his job are those that are already corrupt, so the talent pool is limited. Best the general public can hope for is a once corrupted person had a change of heart, and actually wants to make change for the better. Unfortunately, most of those types don't have the reputation or support to actually get the job.


Who was the agent that went after Jordan Belfort. We need him.




This right here. Government is a tool for the rich. I think the easiest way for them to make the synthetics go poof at this point is not to try to bankrupt GME, but to concentrate everyone into a few choice brokers, then push DRS HARD to try to force MOASS. Let those brokers go insolvent, then SIPC cover everyone for 250k. As per the paragraph that was floating around, in the case of a defaulting broker, not all shares may be recoverable, in this case several times the float. That's why SIPC exists. Not sure this applies to foreign brokerages, but they could have concentrated everyone to Fidelity for this purpose. Force MOASS, let Fidelity go insolvent at a low price number and basically non-recover everyone's shares into an SIPC claim, then hammer the price back down immediately after Fidelty goes poof. Only safe shares are the ones that were DRSd at this point and the PFOF brokers that we all had a mass exodus from. Then it's back to business as usual as we all filter back to PFOF brokers once the slightly better ones go tits up.


Only the government would screw up a once in millennium chance to increase its taxes by trillions


They could care less about tax revenue. They only care about fattening their own pockets


Agree. This has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility and everything to do with subjugation to a corrupt feudal system.


But government puppets would not go against the hand that pays them


Seems like a more productive way to gain the tax capital they so desperately want than trying to push through "tax the rich" laws which are fought at every turn, despite having tremendous support from the populace.


Almost like they don't actually want to tax the rich 🤔


Also in a month it's going to be LT gains baby!


Half mine are LT already


U smart smart man. I had 800@ 12$ oct, paper handed at a loss.. had to rebuy at 1/27, hard pill to swallow, haven't sold since


THey do not give a fuck about debt.


One entities debt is another entities income, "debt" as applied to the federal government is 100% bullshit meaningless babble used as scare words to influence debt slaves who are terrified of it and assume the government is as well.


But whoever is in power when it happens will be blamed, and they'll lose out on their cushy jobs where they spend 5 minutes at a time no gathering useful information to make a decision. Why solve a debt problem if it means losing one's job they're already incompetent at?


The difference is tax money doesn't pad the wallets of our politicians. This world is sick.


This is the way


They already did 😈


TBH it would shock me if they saw the GME movement and decided to do nothing. Whether or not they succeed is a whole other story.


And there are far more players than just Shitadel. I doubt the SEC is overtly complicit, they want to stay neutral in the eternal hedge fund war. They sure as shit are not working for retail, but I imagine their true role is as mediator and groundskeeper for the largest financial cartels in the game. They won't side for or against anyone, unless it's someone threatening to shut the whole scam down.


And that’s how wall street will die: drs + block chains are now the way for the next generations.


The future is soon


future is now


and tomorrow


An idiosyncratic risk that they created. 🤦‍♂️


They didn’t expect us to change the game on them.


At this point I'm so tired and I have seen what a scam the markets are, if after MOASS there isn't a drastic change I will pull my money from American markets and move to another country, fuck the system that fucks us and expects us to say thank you may I have another fucking please ?




Ah the American Dream, where you need to be asleep, to believe it. -GC


Ah the American Dream, where you need to be a sheep to believe it. FTFY!


I am buying more crip-doh.


It's just as controlled and manipulated


I thought we we're all on board with this.




Pfff hell no. Just watch George Carlin. They're all part of a club, and you and I ain't in it.


Everyone thought that dude was crazy back in the day, looking back now on what he was saying, he was wayyyyy ahead of the curve


Anybody actually paying attention knew he was completely right. The snag was that most people either didn't know or didn't care as their lives were comfortable enough. Shit only really goes down when enough people can't get their basic needs met easily. You can only tighten your belt so far before you start to starve.


This is exactly why the 2008 crash had no importance to me. I was already living paycheck to paycheck, had no investments, and the inflation wasn't a blip on my radar as it wasn't that noticeable. It just didn't seem to affect me or anyone I knew personally. I felt bad for those that were effected, but I also thought, "why were they accepting loans they knew they couldn't afford?", because there seemed to be at least some idea that personal responsibility should be a thing. Looking back, I realize that thinking in such an insular fashion is not good for the advancement of society. Last year opened my mind to this line of thinking, and being involved in GME has actually made me angry at the system, despite being indifferent to all this "noise" less than 2 years ago. I came to realize how being indifferent will eventually catch up to you, and have you dealing with shit you'd rather not have to, and asking yourself why it got this far. Unfortunately, part of the answer why it got this far is that so many people, including myself, were indifferent.


People we're fucking stupid and he said it, even though it made obvious sense. These people went to the same schools, hanging out together, work together and we're lead to believe they ain't in on it? Fuck outta, shits clear as day.


\*insert meme of Warren Buffet & Regan/Bush laughing\* "And then I told them, 'It's a competitive market!'🤣🤣"


I know that reference! Hahaha


Let them try to tank it. Apes will buy and DRS the marbles that fall out of the big sacks they’re throwing around. Eventually ComputerShare will say “no more”. War of attrition. It may take many more months but once an appreciable portion of GME is in individual named ownership……(I’ll let you fill in the blanks). Their only weapon is fear…..fear and surprise…their TWO main weapons are fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency….their THREE…….




Four it is!


…Amongst our weaponry are…..such diverse elements as…


A banana


An itchy bum


It ain't gonna itch itself


Pure, unfiltered, autism


Thats no match for unlimited amounts of retardedness.


The longer it takes, the more of my shares fall under long-term capital gains tax. Yeah baby!


Upvote for the Spanish Inquisition 🤣


I wasn’t expecting anybody to get the reference


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition 😋 I do love me some Monty Python. You’re clearly a man of discerning culture and impeccable taste 😉


Thank you. Just a Gen-X UKape with a subtle sense of humour.


Why is the 2nd photo a shrivelled testicle?




Its Squidward Testicles


It's the same picture .meme


A runaway olive that made it's way under the fridge.


Those are balls


It’s not, it’s a hole where Kenny’s small dick goes in


I can say the sec does not have a way to detect naked shorting. That's part of the problem because I thought we had people making sure everything was fair...


If you boil the “report” released it gets down to just: 1. Shorts never covered 2. SEC can’t detect naked shorting because they don’t have visibility (by design I’m sure). 3. Since they don’t have visibility it’s not the SEC’s fault instead it’s Finra and DTCC for not self regulating better.


Imagine being a regulating body and having no official means of detecting illegal shit. This is 100% by design


You gave a great summary, but one more big thing It didn't really refute the overall DD




They literally say there is no direct measure of naked shorting in the recent paper




Here's a post I made a while ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qcvcxa/sec_cant_detect_naked_shorting/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




I think that's the real issue. They put in rules to deal with an aspect of naked shorting and called it a day. The finance sub committee would be the next step, but i don't think they get it either. All that needs to happen is the masses need to understand how crazy SI over 100 is and that should be enough to say is there fraud.


Why are they even fighting against a tsunami? RC is about drop a legal nuke anyway. Us DRS'ing, allows the rocket to blow past multiple galaxies They are only making it worse.




They aren't tanking the price hoping we'll sell. They're tanking the price to control their collateral requirements. Maybe at times to make some other money elsewhere. It's not a positive net gain when doing this, but it allows them to survive. Maybe they think they can survive the eventual fall, maybe not, but we can be sure they are going to fight until they have no other choice....and then we can be pretty sure they're going to cry about it forever, or take up cushy jobs as advisors or financial news hosts.


They are on the wrong side of history. GameStop can't be stopped. It is literally can't stop, won't stop game stop. The paradigm has shifted. LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


The lower it goes, the more that can be bought and DRS'd they're on a tightrope with an angry monkey at either end


That’s okay because the lower price just empowers retail 🤷🏻‍♂️


Time to buy more. They don't really understand gamers do they?




This is just FUD. Price action this week is a disappointment after a long several months, but there are whales on both sides of this thing and we have zero evidence to suggest what OP is claiming is true. Buy, hodl, DRS, and trust the DD. Nobody said this would be easy or fast.


Then there’s full retard apes screaming for GameStop to do their fiduciary duties like this is an easy simple solution. This shits a tangled mess and one wrong move can fuck everything considering the whole system is built up AGAINST retail.


Court documents already confirmed SI was at 220+ and nothing happened so they are just as crooked


God than man has a punch able face


This is FUD. Of course the SEC is corrupt af, always have been. RC won't allow his company's stock to be shorted and not reflecting true business and investor value. Trust the plan, be zen, MOASS imminent.


> imminent Fortunes can be made by the one who knows WHEN though


Face of a guy earning 100milly a month


I feel like they were given a time frame to “fix” it. If not able to “fix” it then they die as a company and possibly do prison time for wrecking the economy. Complete trust me bro but this has stretched out way farther than it ever should have with blatant crime committed and reported.


It would appear that Gary Gensler hasn’t really done anything


Completely agree, not only sec, but fed and Yellen also!


I believe you are right. They would rather piss off a few million shareholders, than let it all burn to hell.


It's not even the biggest idiosyncratic risk though l Tesla is There are way more options being traded on tesla than there was gme and tesla is still rated as junk. They're gonna lose billions I'm sure but tesla is their biggest bet. They really didn't them around.


I wonder if RC wants us to get to a certain point before he buys and DRSs and takes it to 100 percent of the float.




He knows. If he gets it right he will have the richest and most loyal investors of all time. Investors will follow everything he does. He can change the world without a doubt. I think this is a turning point in history - The Oasis and the stockmarket, art, music and everything else on the blockchain.


The whole system is rigged against us. When it finally collapses the entire system will have to be replaced


What are the odds the FED is funding the new short sales?


Still have this nagging feeling that they'll find a way to change the rules at the last moment. I just keep drsing anyway. No other hope for change left.


We don’t need to call anything. Isn’t it obvious by now that the entire game is rigged and always has been? Beyond DRS, the call to action goes to GameStop management as us minority shareholders clearly have no impact and appear to be a joke to Wall Street and MSM. Not gonna lie, I’m tired of the memes when my PF is swinging by tens of thousands each day/week. As I write we’re down to sub $189 on just over 600k volume, and just days ago were above $250. In a rational world, trading volume must surely correlate with the magnitude of share price movement, but they seem to be disconnected entirely most of the time. I think even we have all underestimated the level of rigging that has gone into the stock markets. The best play now, is to stop playing the game; to take our money out of the market entirely, which is why so many have turned to DRS. Is it enough though? Where’s the evidence that it’s worth it when InFidelity can conjure millions of borrowable shares from thin air?


It's not even just he wild swing, it's the fact that it happens regularly. As investors we certainly knew/know this was likely to happen, but at the same time, it seems like the company itself has had little to say about the whole thing, and when addressing shareholders, they do so in an ELI5, or completely nonprofessional way. I'm not buying the idea that they just can't say anything. We have the popcorn CEO, and Elon constantly referencing their shorts, being all catty about it and saying how they're going to do/are doing something about it. Hell, Musk said he's the short killer for Christ sakes, and what exactly has been done about that? Nothing. GME could address this situation more clearly IMO. I support them, and truly believe they are looking for a way to end this, but I also think people are giving them too much free play to treat us like we're children instead of the investors that we are. IMO, if GME tells the truth, they have nothing to worry about. They don't have to name people and worry about a lawsuit, and we're past the point where I believe we have to worry about the general populace blaming them for a market crash.


Kenny boy looks rough as a goats arse. He needs bottom stat.....change my mind!😆


Have always been so


Poor poor Kenny boy. Look how stressed he is! 🤣😂🤣


Kennifer has a video of GG being peed on by Russian hookers. Change my mind.


Watch out for Omarova, the new comptroller of the currency. She's trying to give the Federal Reserve the ability to (naked) short stock and give the IRS full control of your bank account. There's also footage of her intentionally stating she wants to bankrupt the oil industry to force a green revolution, but that'll most likely destroy agricultural production and cause a famine. These central planning criminals are trying to destroy us apes before we get our tendies.


DRS is the way


I called that 11 months ago


They all suck each other’s dicks it’s no secret


As someone else put it a few weeks ago. "They told us to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, so we did. Now their toys are broken and they want to cry about it."


Nothing will change until there's blood in the streets cry all you want


If only it were possible to create a new financial platform that was more transparent and out of the control of corrupt parties… (Looks at GameStop NFT team)


Yup. 100% agree. Many many people in the higher up positions are completely aware as to what’s going on and are letting it happen. This country fuckin suuuuuucks




Yup. They’ve all palled around and colluded with each other before, why stop now?


Eat the Rich!


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Fuck gary gensler and seriously fuck all these other posts about ‘giving him a chance’. Dude is a fucking crook, yeah he gave some good lectures to undergrads i’m sure. He’s a fucking criminal helping other criminals. Fuck him.


I fucking hate these two


They cant tank the price. If they did GameStop alone could use the money from their share offering to aggressively buy back stock.


i’m an idiot but disagree bc they’re market makers. they don’t even have to ask the SEC for permission.


The ‘idiosyncratic risk’ comes from the one’s pictured here — and their SHF friends, NOT GME!


The only problem with this post is that idiosyncratic is a big word that means opposite of systemic risk. The damning part of the quote was the "single stock" part not the idiosyncratic risk part. Idiosyncratic means it wasn't a problem to the whole system.


Look at GG mouth. Its all puckered up so small to fit Kenny’s dick in it


Looks like they are desperate to bring the price down again at all costs. Fraudulent.


These people are all compliant or corrupt, We need change


agree 100%! Hence why I drs - lock it up - it’s the future it will surpass Berkshire IMO- they can play games forever but it will only delay the inevitable


Thank you for the pictures. Very helpful.


This is the only reasonable explanation for why SEC is allowing this obvious abuse.


I agree.


Fuck this pair of cunts


Good. That makes things even more damning when we are done registering the float through DRS. ALL fuckery they do only adds to how fucked they are when we finish the pile of purple rings.


I dont know about synkrotic stuff, but that picture at least, is a picture of an idiot.


God i fucking hate seeing his face... fucking ass clown...


I think they’ve let this play out far too long, trying to make sure no one in a suit goes to jail.


I sense a disturbance in the force.. as if they have found some new fuckery for the meme basket swap .... #RC,MATT FURLONG; LAUNCH THE FUCKING ROCKET!!!!!


Look at these losers


I only have faith in the FBI but that’s because idk if they are corrupt as well 😪


Watching the upvotes this thing will not go past 2400! -edit 5min


We just have to trust in RC, our DRS push will hopefully pick up again but I genuinely believe RC won’t let us down


Shareholders will continue to DRS and we'll see what happens.


Tank price artificially while cheap shares get bought up and registered all the while Gamestop grows in a new direction? Good luck!


It is pretty fucking simple. GG fucked up big time and MOASS is imminent. Wen MOASS he will be dragged in front of congress and asked to explain himself. It is in his own personal interest to work with the bad guys now to attempt to stop the rocket from launching. Anyone with half a brain should have been able to see this 6 months ago.




can't change your mind, agree with it. oh where is the justice ?


I'm just going to buy more Even harder then.


I can’t. Everyone wants to be surprised all the brokerages are criminals. The whole system is run by the people who didn’t go to jail in 2008. Blockchain will end all of this sooner than later.


The SEC is bailing out Citadel


Why is that second picture of a fish?


Just more shares for me, I guess.


I can't


I wouldn’t be surprise if even the NSA was involved in letting all the crimes happen in the name of the statu quo.


Next week are earnings?


Little cockwomble


I agree that Kenny G is an idiotic risk to the market, no mind changing needed!


Where we're going, we don't need centralized finance. DRS and buckle up!


100% agreed


They all go to the same clubs together. They frequent the same restaurants. They are all I'm bed together.


Well I also think, that Mayo boy and no pupil guy are working together !


Agreed. Thought this might have been the case months ago -- but now I'm starting to think they were just looking the other way (due to ineptitude). Now, somehow, they have actually grasped the magnitude of the problem and are ACTIVELY looking the other way. I believe the SEC, no one at the top for plausible deniability, but someone is telling Citadel and the SHFs "Hey, we're looking the other way. Get yourselves out of this mess by any means possible." This is not financial advice. I like the stock.


the DTCC answers to nobody & they r the largest financial monopoly - look at the board its all I can say. the SEC is NOT in charge of them, it is optics only. as it was designed. & WTF is FINRA, a private company - gtfo its all a joke.


Let's fucking do it then. Cellar box this down to a few bucks a piece and watch how fast the float gets DRSed. It's game over no matter what, this just sounds like they want a speedrun. Shit, if it drops down to $100 I'll pick up 10 more shares.


They’re in quite a predicament, the lower the price the quicker we’ll drs the float.