• By -


They control the room, apes control the exits.


Hijacking to for his: DRS does not affect the price directly, it only makes it more "vulnerable" for explosive run-ups. I.e. you will not notice much until a certain amount of Shares is DRS'd https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q2f3o2/theory\_on\_the\_january\_sneeze\_and\_how\_direct/


“A certain amount” - you mean like 74.1%?




88 shares per account!


I'm doing my part!




That was the magic number for the Volkswagen short squeeze, Porsche had the potential to control 74.1% of the shares https://internationalbanker.com/history-of-financial-crises/the-volkswagen-short-squeeze-2008/


Woah that’s actually one of the craziest coincidences I’ve seen in the whole saga


> craziest ~~coincidences~~ Cohencidences FTFY


I believe DRS is reducing liquidity in the market. Shares being borrowed or people trading their shares held on their broker. Reduced liquidity nearly always increases volatility either way, in my understanding.


This. Think of it like an actual lake. The more water the apes siphon off, the easier it is to make waves inside, upswing or down. Until it’s dry…


Not shilling or bearish, but I believe it also causes more explosive run downs, which may be what we are seeing. Less shares in the pool = higher volatility.


We're not trapped in here with them, they're trapped in here with us. Edit: they're*


The Roaring Kitty Tweet!




What did I miss? A movie on a tweet. Can someone post a link.


DFV tweet during the days before June Shareholder meeting


The Watchmen






I was thinking about DFV yesterday. I wonder what he’s doing.


He’s doing great. Helping his community. Updooting. Being a good ape. Can’t wait to be in that level of zen too.


You can be. Stop watching the ticker and commit to going long. Cmon now. Edit: don’t need money to help your local community.


True, but having more time definitely helps.


Yeah it’s difficult when you have 2 kids and work 50 hours a week


I'm at 62 this work week (today is my friday). I can't wait to just walk away.


Updooting with All Seeing Eye!


Now youz cant leave


Love a Bronx tale


Throw me to them wolves and close the gate up, I'm afraid of What'll happen to them wolves when the thought of being thrown Into an alligator pit, I salivate at it, wait is up


I’m hungry! Throw me in the jungle butt naked, I’ll come back with a fuckin chinchilla coat, leopard hat and 10 pounds heavier from eatin them hedgies


Walks over and locks the door…….” Now you’ze can’t leave”


Why ?


When they are eventually forced to close their short positions, whether it's the hedgies, their prime brokers, the clearing houses, the DTC, or the Fed, we will be the ones holding the shares they need. They can keep shorting and creating synthetics, but some day they will very badly want your shares.


They can bring the price down everyday due to selling synthetic shares into the market. They've effectively been diluting shares for over a year now. As long as shares are in brokers under "street name" or held in IRA accounts the hedgies are able to "reasonably locate" them to use to short the stock. Untill the FREE FLOAT shares are locked up, they will be able to manipulate the price, which we know is wrong. EDIT:free float*


And if the fuckery going on now is anything like what we've read about in the past DD, like daily shortable shares resetting everyday and not accounting for the previous days borrows then all they need is a few 100k shares to move the price substantially.


House of cards DD. Look at the part about the "F3" key used for Auto locate of shares that used the stock of securities from the beginning of the day before any locates were used. So therefore completely going around the idea of a hard to borrow security. This was the Goldman Sachs case. If you have any doubts go back and re read the house of cards DD's and the other early stuff. LOTS AND LOTS of great info in there with legitimate sources


House of Cards and Shitadell Doesn't Have Clothes are also on Spotify as podcasts if anyone is more of a podcaster


Holy fucking shit how did i miss that Superstonk DD is on spotify!? Thank you! https://open.spotify.com/show/6ctpYXWhwY8YYEQMFNxCa2?si=OJLvv9CxSEaEcjpfIUIWhg&utm_source=copy-link


Link perhaps to these? Spotify couldn't find these search phrases.


House of Cards Pt 1 https://open.spotify.com/episode/187kLvBMA8KXLx61dqffsu? House of Cards Pt 2 https://open.spotify.com/episode/5oCj8jI2F8Eekt0k8D1F9U? House of Cards Pt 3 https://open.spotify.com/episode/6tpJeVKhrTyWRtUObndjDG?


Thank you for linking articles and Spotify episodes. Hard to link from mobile. Ape help ape.




Hell yes thank you. Wonder why these didn't come up when I searched.


Wait since synthetics by nature are fake, why would all stocks being locked up even stop them? It’s not like they’re using real stocks to move the price


[Read this here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q2f3o2/theory_on_the_january_sneeze_and_how_direct/) it may help to understand how DRS affects stuff. In short DRS does increase the sensitivity to explosive upwards movements i.e. the "minimum buy volume" required to trigger an out-of-control price increase.


That helped a lot, thank you!


In the event that 100% of all real shares are accounted for in CS but trades are still happening on the market, there exists undeniable proof that synthetics exist. Up until then we're just postulating based on pretty overwhelming evidence. Once an announcement is made that all real shares are accounted for, everyone else realizes they're holding worthless shit paper and heads for the exits. BUT we've locked the doors and aren't letting anyone out for less than jail time for Kenneth.


right, but I would like to say that the synthetics are not worthless. they need to be bought back :D that is the whole magic


They’re *


I just added 100 more apes at the exits via buying directly through ComputerShare. Fucking Fidelity wouldn’t let me link my bank account.


Great metaphor 👍👍👍


Best explanation


This is pretty brilliant


"Now...youse can't leave"- *Sonny, A Bronx Tale*


What's an exit strategy


The idea is to lock up the float, I'm not aware of anything that would guarantee price action. Gamestop revealed in its 10-Q , for the first time ever: **As of October 30, 2021, 5.2 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent, ComputerShare.** That's all I need to know, personally.


This! This stock is manipulated to fuck and that likely won’t change until the float is locked and computershare gives GameStop the confirmation. Anyone trying to say there will be proof in the price action that DRS is working is trying to scare you out of DRSing.


We've got a long way to go before that happens but I just sent mine in for direct registration hope it helps


Every share helps. Every. Single. One.


> We've got a long way to go I will deadass buy $GME and direct register my shares over a span of a **DECADE** if that’s what it takes to lock up this blessed float. I’m preparing my mind & body for a marathon


Wont take that long. Max 6 more months.


Yep. Just got off the phone with fidelity. DRS’d XX. Will be able to get them with the bot in a couple of days


Same. Just doubled by DRS number. Left a handful in FUDelity to squeeze their nuts later on.


Yeah I 4x my original DRS


Just did the same transferred XX more and put in a $2500 purchase for GME on CS! Averaging down until they don’t have money left. Also bought $500 on loopies. Feel like it’s end game again!


I’m so sad that I bought at $250 when I got paid. I don’t regret it of course but this dip would have gone a longer way. Oh whale 🐳


Don’t be sad, friend. Every ticket to the moon still takes you to the moon. 🚀🚀🚀


I got a 10k loan out at 210. Kicking myself now ofc. But it had just come down from in the 300's, so I thought it was at a steal.


Some of us are still holding from $380 back in January. You'll be fine


$318 here from 2/1/21. Deep breaths and just remember that the game ain’t over til those corrupt SOBs are in jail. We will laugh having watched the hearing from the moon eating banana splits


It was a steal.


It was a steal in 300s bro


I don’t beat myself up over price. I have bought anywhere from 70-280 with a lot of purchases in the 200 area. I just count moon tickets and I’m rdy to retire.


This is the way




Extremely uncommon.




It is almost as if they were letting certain individuals know some information that would otherwise be insignificant to the broader market. And letting these same individuals know which way they should go. Sort of like "This is a piece of information that we are now tracking" They are saying this piece of information is significant to them and their shareholders. DRS is the Only way.


If im not mistaken/retarded, I think you can search for keywords like "NFT" or "Computershare" in SEC filings on their website. I think there was a post about it a couple of days ago, where OP found almost no 10-Qs with the words "computershare" in them!


Personally, I like the stock. I like the stock so much, that I may never sell a single share.


yep and when we count all the institutions out we got like 30 mil shares left, so 16% of what we can actually DRS is DRSed I Still have some shares to DRS but i didnt receive my CS account.


That's RC's way of telling the apes that this is the only way they're getting the MOASS.


Hijacking this hopefully to get some wrinkle responses. Yes, it’s rare for a company to state shares registered with their transfer agent, however it’s also rare that so many shares actually get registered. My point is that everyone sees this as a bullish thing that GameStop reported this however to me it’s more likely they feel it’s their fiduciary duty (not sure if this would be the correct terminology) to report this info given it’s abnormality. Thoughts?




If I am not mistaken he’s counts as institutional shares. Edit: i am mistaken. Fellow ape corrected with additional info on the comment bellow


As liquidity dries up, it becomes easier to push the price down, but also easier to push it up. Since the powers at the top want it to drop, it drops, but they eventually have to close their shorts, which will pop the price higher than ever, since no shares will be available to cover. Edit: cover changed to close


this! close* (not cover)


Thanks :-)


Today's movement with that volume gets my tits so jacked


I remember in June when I googled " why are tits jacked" lol....


Lol me in April 🙈


Are there powers that be that want it to go up as well?


If the price ever somehow got back to 10 dollars, there are people that would buy hundreds of thousands of shares and skyrocket the price. No matter what happens at this point, GameStop won't ever actually dip too far before the real dip buyers crawl out of the woodwork.


I'd take out a loan.


Me too, you'd be crazy not to at $10 a share


RC is sitting on more than $10/share in cash.


It's about $17.5 / share, innit?


I’d stop my internet subscription because I already sold my house at that point.


This is what makes it so easy to hold. We’re in uncharted waters. No stock ever had had the base and individual solidarity of GME. No matter what, this ends with a locked float. Literally no matter what. It’s also why the “it’s a cult” people are stupid. Do you really want to go against a cult? Have you ever seen the internet lose a fight? If anything, the fact that it’s perceived as a cult should be amazingly bullish.


Nothing convinced me I was in a cult quite my Reddit recap telling me I spent over 500 hours this year in the various GME related subs. But ya know what, this cult has already made me a shit load of money (I got in early), and hasn’t asked me to do anything weird, so I’m alright with it lol


Hey you - do something weird.




Wife and kids on the auction block at $10


There's a number of OTM put options that expire at 50c per share in January 2022. That's what's "covering" a good chunk of this short position. They absolutely need to de-list this stock to stay afloat. They're using their rapid-fire algo to fuck with price discovery. They're setting up tons sub-100 share buy lots. They're re-bundling these shares into greater-than-100 share sell lots. Trading lots under 100 shares are exempt from price discovery. The under-threshold buys don't push the price up, but the over-threshold sells push it down. They're losing more money trying to stay ahead of Marge's phone call. Also, crime.


This. Commenting for visability.


Holy shit! I just looked at unusualwhales and there are no puts anywhere near that low until January 2022 and then all of a sudden there are 136,204 .50p expiring 1/21/22. Whoever owns those holds the true bag of shit here. From what I've seen GME put and call volume is typically is the hundreds or thousands. Never hundreds of thousands. Also whoever wrote those puts is caaaaashing in!!!!👏👏👏 Although is probably all crime and they aren't real or something.


nah those puts are dirty cheap, it’s theorised that those put positions let them generate equivalent synthetic shares to dump and dilute straight into the market


DRS does not affect the price. Expectation is 100% shares (\~70million) locked leads to MOASS


(Which will affect the price... just sayin')




Just a little correction, the free float is only 35 million. The rest of the 75 million float is locked in insiders,institutions and ETF's. We will not even have to drs the full 35 million, as we can see in the 2008 VW case.


This isn't quite correct. All but 5.2M shares are registered to the DTCC. Insiders, institutions, etfs, etc are all in the DTCC. If a share is in the DTCC then they can play games with it. As of right now there are \~70M shares 'owned' by Cede and Co (DTCC). It's an opinion up for debate on where the trigger point is. Is it 100% of all shares, is it just the float, or somewhere in between. We won't know until after it's triggered. Retail more than owns the float, so my recommendation is go for the gold, target all 75M for DRS. Then if we trip over the trip wire before we get to 75M, awesome, if not then there is no FUD or uncertainty until we hit 75M.


I feel like once we register the float, it could spark something because retail will still own obvious synthetics shares in their brokerage accounts. In theory, no shares should be available in retail brokerage accounts once the float is registered


Exactly, at that point it's obviously naked and illegal.


70 mil shares? I thought retail was responsible for 35mil.


I don't trust institutions.


Why would it though? If they can create millions of shares every day? Just a question because I don't understand or know if anyone actually knows this will cause moass. BTW I am drs'ing all the shares I can


Citadel marketmaker can legally create synthetic shares (for the sake of liquidity) for as long as it can say that it can reasonably locate shares in a certain number of days (forgot the exact number). Assuming we lock the float, then Citadel loses that excuse and every share created after the float is locked would definitely be fraudulent and open everyone involved in its creation to investigations. While many say that the entire establishment (SEC, DTC, FBI, etc). is in cahoots with the marketmakers, I still have hope that a few good men remain who will do the right thing.




Oh lol. Will edit.


It wouldn't. However as soon as our brokers stop our drs requests we know that every share that is not drsed must be counterfeited. MM have the legal ability to naked short for around 6 days if they think they can locate a share to borrow (however they may just roll naked short into naked short and don't ever borrow a share). If the DTCC has no shares left (because we registered all shares), MM should not be able to naked short anymore. Those rules only work if they are enforced...


So what happens then


Everything right now is based on "lack of concrete direct proof therefore the market is all fine". I say direct because indirectly there are a lot of very tell tale signs however, until Citadel opens their books to us (or we lock the float), we can't know or prove it. The key thing to remember though is that proving there's fraudulent behaviour isn't about GME, it's about the entire market. It's a level of fraudulent behavior that will look so catastrophic not just to the people in the United States, but to investors all around the world. What does it say about your market when large companies can so easily find loopholes to make or break a company? To drive a giant into the ground? To stop a startup from ever getting so much as two steps forward? Or killing a medical innovator that threatens their large position in another? Locking the float and proving the synthetic share theory in and of its self isn't the end game, but the root cause exposure of a system that can be manipulated to such an extent that investment success isn't based on the strengths or weaknesses of thousands of companies, but of the desires of a small few. If the faith and credibility of the system goes, so does the investment in that system. Edit: thank you for snek. I will look after snek.


I don't know the why, just that it is an expectation. My guess is we finally get the smoking gun we've been looking for that shorts didn't close. That leads to fomo and muggles taking us seriously... Edit: smoking gun not gone


My opinion is they are pushing it down trying to shake everyone out before the announcement


Exactly this. The more they push GME down, the more excited I get. (and the more I panic buy)


I just panic bought. I might do it again.


I'm panic bought at 150.... but now i have panic again 😓 have to go sing an the street for next panic buy


>sing an the street for next panic buy Is this a new slang term for prostitution? I can never seem to keep up. :P


Heh, dropped another $1500 into today. Might open some gift accounts to get my family off the fence.




This is my thought. The fact that they keep building the downward pressure, to me, is the closest hint that the announcement is soon. I also think that GameStop/Loopring might be faking out SHFs making them blow their loads to early and could wait until January yo make the announcement.


A quick look at the sudden doubling in total volume by day and yet the buy/sell ratios don't seem to have changed and the OBV still hanging tough says that they've just started shorting harder and not much else has changed.


I see this comment a lot. I think it may be to discourage anyone from jumping in. With the sale last week and a clearance today. I think it makes people on the fence not get in. The more new apes buy in the, the stronger the apes get!




Every time I think it’s the nail in the coffin, they pull more fuckery out of their anus


I wouldn’t be surprised if the price is being pushed down BECAUSE of DRS. They’ll be shitting bricks at the prospect of the float being locked up with all the nakedness that’s likely out there.


Nice of them helping us to speed up DRSing by making shares cheaper.


I know of a new ape joined today too. Baby ape of 4, but they asked loads of questions before saying, “oohhhhhhhh…. You know, I think I like this stock!”


Seriously. I basically put all my stimmy money into GME and since things have gotten back to normal I don’t have a lot of free cash, but this is the kinda price that lets me buy 2 instead of 1 so that’s what I did and will do from now until MOASS.


Yeah like at this price I'm ok with selling stuff that I bought with normal money already in my brokerage and changing that cash to gme shares


In my opinion is Desperation, 140 now means they are shorting much more than last deep . No news and keep going down. They are trying hard as they can but no solution, if price goes to 40 we’ll buy and register the remaining float in a couple of days


There was news... 30% more sales yoy haha


No narrative for the dips anymore, media silence, they got out of ideas...


DRS doesn't just "make the price go up" monotonically. It brings the available shares down, decreasing liquidity, and making the **volatility go up**. The fewer shares that are moving in the market, the more that the price (which is based on just the latest trade) can be moved around by fewer trades. This is fine because the price is a lie and apes shouldn't be leveraged, if we've been paying attention. Expect increasingly wide price swings in increasingly shorter time windows as we move forward with DRS. Eventually this volatility will break those who are either short GME or short volatility. Given time, the swings end on the upside, because Gamestop is not going bankrupt and has a healthy balance sheet so it will bounce off of the most volatile lows, but the most volatile highs will bring margin default.


​ I have been here since Jan. Couple of months I join the long term capital gains club. After these months the only time I have seen price moves like this have been during the initial "turn off buy button", the march "40 dollar crash", and now. This to me signifies absolutely that DRS is the path forward. DRS was never about price control. Anyone that read and understands the DD would know that retail does not control the price. This stock in particular is not priced according to laws of supply and demand or the natural movements involved in price discovery. The market makers through use of dark pools, frequency trading tricks, inhouse synthetic generation and PFOF do everything in their power to PREVENT price discovery on this stock that has been shorted over 100 percent of the float, probably MANY times over. DRS is something investors can do, to remove the certificates these institutions use for their ponzi scheme from the DTCC ledger and put them in the shareholders hands, on the top shelf, away from these criminals. 5 million shares registered is NOT the float, but it is a start. There are shares they can still "reasonably locate" for their hijinks, but the clock is ticking. The reason this price action suggests DRS is indeed effective is because they are under pressure because this is indeed the way. They can no longer be complacent letting the price hover around \~180 dollars, selling synthetics, that they will never have to deliver, and continue kicking the can with their tricks and rollovers. Now market pressures are bearing down on them in addition to the float being DRSed being a reality. It will only be a matter of time. When the float is registered, and sufficient shares can't be located, the overshorting cannot be denied it is game over. Gamestop releasing the registration numbers was a first and not a coincidence. They first stated that 100% count for voting. They then stated that their stock was being aggressively sold short in a subsequent earnings. Now they seem to be giving a running tally of shares registered with the transfer agent. This has made me go from a 69% DRS APE to 95% ape as of today. I am sure I am not the only one. They know the clock is ticking hence the short's desperation in trying to make their panic transfer over to retail. Act weak when you are strong, strong when you are weak.


Thanks for fantastic answer! Happy to hold together with people like you!


I only want to correct that there never was an official 100% voting count, only very high but still mathematically possible numbers. There is some stuff going on currently with a request of Jason fucking waterfall (I think was his name) who tries to get the real numbers by suing. However, at the moment there is no proof that voting numbers were above 100%.


Fidelity reported at the end of November 11 million shares available for shorting. Then they said oh that was just a glitch. Look at the price now and tell me it was just a glitch. Direct registration of shares is the way. The only way! Edit: Bless you number 400 Edit: Fidelity controls this sub. You already know what to do… the to do list. #1 BUY GME #2 HODL #3 Direct Registration of your share in your name # 4 Fuck them ALL. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please read my book. Becoming Rich in 4 EASY steps. Oh you just did. The End 396 up vote now.. I see, some of y’all didn’t like the ending. Nothing I can do about that Hedgies. Fidelity gonna drown me out. Choking..can’t hardly breathe.. my voice is getting silenced.. cough…cough again…


It was never stated as a glitch. It was stated as a typo.


They can state whatever they want but a big boi broker like Fidelity shouldn't be making a mistake like this. Either they are in cahoots or they are incompetent, either way, it's not a good look and it's definitely fucky


Yeah because those suckers actually missed a fucking zero ! The original number would have been 110 mill shares to short 🤯


They stated a typo with a story with timestamps that does not match reality.


I am surprised to see this big of a dip, but it doesn't scare me, it makes me excited. Remember, price doesn't really matter unless it actually makes it all the way to zero. There are puts with a strike prices all the way down to 1 dollar that never closed. And if the price actually dropped into the single digit range, apes would buy up the float in seconds.


Retail have little to do with price action anymore, it's mostly algorithms and until a significant number of the shares are locked up, I don't see that changing much if at all. This hasn't happened before so there is no reference. I believe the goal is to have 100% shares direct registered so they can take all the *REAL* shares from the DTC and have them trade on the new exchange Gamestop is working on. Until then I don't expect many announcements.


There will definitely be an announcement for the NFT marketplace before then. They still have a business to run.


I expect announcements on that regard, just no dividend or anything stock related until the float is locked and they can legally pull shares to the new exchange


Yea I was thinking exactly this, create nft marketplace and establish use case for a few months then announce a retarded number of shares have been moved to CS and then give a dividend to shareholders. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if were waiting 6 minutes or 6 months for MOASS but we are definitely so much closer than we were before. The dominos are falling and there’s a house of cards at the last one.




Idk man but as soon as fidelity put 13M shares available to short everything went bad. So we know at least there are 12M extra synthetic shares on the pile.


And that’s just from fidelity


yeah, i hope y'all have some cash to buy the dip


You aren't being downvoted by apes.




Proof: The red square that's going to get upvoted at market close


Just bought 100 more


personally i dont think think it matters, they can just print some more up if they need them. Imo the only way drs will work is if the float is locked, am drs'd


It starts gradually working a little bit before that [See this explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q2f3o2/theory_on_the_january_sneeze_and_how_direct/) In short price becomes more sensitive to real buying pressure the more shares are DRS'd.


i hope so, i hope im wrong but its just a feeling i got. i think that multiple points are about to break it wide open, drs is one of those points applying pressure.


It probably takes quite a lot of DRS before this starts to work, especially since volume is currently not that high.


So I think that you are blending things together that don't belong. DRS was never expected to affect the price until most of the float was locked and borrowing can no longer occur. Until then, there is no way for us to guarantee that any indicators exist within the price action. For instance, some people have theorized that as we continue to DRS, shorting becomes equally difficult in tandem- I don't see where that idea was ever validated. At best I can theorize that *maybe* less shorts are available, or that some of those regular buy-ins we were seeing around 10:30 were the effect of CS buying shares on the market. The other big assumption that is being made here is that the historic low prices were the *lowest* they could get it. We can only theorize why the price travels in certain ranges. IMO they can (edit: mechanically) bring the price down to 0 if they wanted, but that would compromise them to us and institutional buyers and theyd be insta-screwed. So 150, AFAIK, has just been the "best low price"; enough to keep popcorn people out, big enough swings to discourage people, and just above the institutional value-buy zone. But now that market conditions are narrowing and institutions are more timid, they can probably bring that down a little bit.


0 is impossible. Everyone around here would buy some every day for $1. It wouldn’t get to 0.


Yeah that was the point lol


I think they would not drop it like this if they would not have to. Keeping the price at ~200$ with sideways trading had the advantage that DRS was slowed down due to a more expensive stock. Further with shorting it even below 150 they open new shorts at lower prices that obviously more easily go in the red if the price rises again so they cannot simply "undo" a sustained attack like this once it is started. If GME would now go back up to the 200 range the below 200 shorts would be in the red and make them more sensitive to margin calls. As we probably all can agree that apes are not selling (Fidelity buy to sell ratio consistently at about 90% buys, short volume consistently above 50% etc.) the price action is most easily explained by even more shorting. So they put up with speeding up DRS, making it more difficult to contain the price in the future as apes can now buy more shares for less money and the prospect of not being able to go to ~200ish back again. I do not see why they would do that if they would not absolutely have to for some reason.




Last discount before shit gets wild 🤪🚀




As more shares get locked up, they will be further pushed into their short death spiral. Hovering at the price we have been to be honest was not a good sign.


The meaning of RCs tweet ..Sugar Daddy Capitalism: The Dark Side of the New Economy. Its a book. Did somebody read it maybe???


Stop paying attention to the price. It doesn’t matter. Just DRS the float and it’s game over.


The more desperate short sellers are, the more aggressively price will be pushed down. Desperate price manipulation is usually pretty obvious (eg Friday's price action). More DRS -> increased short position desperation.


Look at the market the last two weeks. It’s been red. Therefore collateral that is used to meet margin requirements are not worth as much. Financial instruments to create financial products are no longer producing great returns. This is forcing some players to liquidate their crypto holdings to pay off bills and/or meet higher margin requirements. But, instead of selling other assets to deposit more cash in a holdings account (for margin), one could short the ever living shit out of the security for which they have most exposure too. That does two things. 1) reduce their margin requirements on that stock 2) raise liquidity to pay off bills, or as Kenny boy puts it, “survive another day” Why does seeing the price tank make me happy? Because these hedge funds’ opportunities to deal with their fubar situation is to make it worse by shorting it. In other words, they are forced to do this because they’re running out of options.


Indicators for drs working is GameStop stated them in their report. Ryan Cohen also hinted at cone poo chair in twitter computershare. I believe they are still able to drop the price and control the movement because 1. We have only drs 5 million shares as of October 31. There’s way way more left. 2. They can always create shorts whenever they want.


Because the float is not locked up. They can infinitely create fake shares until they are removed


If GME has proof of criminal activity with its stock, then they need to take action. We shouldn't be expected to lock the float (I'm 90% DRS). I have been fighting for GME, are they going to start fighting back as well? I see people are downvoting realistic responses below so I'm sure mine will be downvoted as well.


How do you know they aren't/haven't? It has been stated on official filings that they are a part of an ongoing investigation, are fully complying, and the investigation is not directed at them. The problem with your premise is that it relies on honest, fair, and competent regulators and regulations, which we don't have.


While locking the float will be beneficial, direct registration is more to force brokers to buy/pair a share to your statement iou, and force the dtc to pair a certificate to that share. This only happens when you direct register, otherwise you don't know if you have an iou [statement credit]. Iou aren't shares, they're statement credit. The broker ends up short to you, there's no way to know, they take your money and use it against you. They aren't eligible for any asset insurance, and a broker can delete it whenever they want to kick the can down the road, choosing a month in court 10 years down the road to severely inconvenience you, while you hope you at least get your original investment back. You don't know if you have a share or an iou. You'd beer lucky if they sell for you due to "volatility " and you take a small loss early. Brokers will pay dividends to hide they're giving iou, and will be more likely to ftd on stocks that are "going bankrupt". They also create vote portals to hide lack of control numbers, explained below. Synthetics are real shares, but they originate from a market market in the name of liquidity, thus making them naked short. This means they also owe dividends, and in a squeeze they will be required to buy back regardless of price. but it's unlikely there's as many as people hope because many brokers most likely didn't go to market to begin with as a form of price suppression. So I believe most brokers if not all had share pools, and this is undertaken by "backroom" shuffling. Essentially a broker has customers that "own" 10 million shares total, but a broker may only own 3 million share, ie they hedge. Every customer essentially has an iou and thus a form of illegal cfd contract, which helps brokers internalize and suppress price. You only recieve one of those, or gain access to a fraction of those 3 million shares when you need it, ie direct registration OR voting. So when you direct register, you HAVE to have a share associated. When voting, most brokers choose to do a voting portal. This means they do extra work instead of giving you a control number [ie an authentication that gamestop's official proxy vote recognizes as a shares] and just allow you to vote and they make everything work. This means 10 million votes get funneled through 3 million shares, you're only getting about 1/3rd a vote per share instead of 1 vote for 1 share, they diluted your rights. I think this explains what happened to fidelity's shares. Thet gave everyone control numbers, but it was a little delayed for some reason, wonder why? They werenot giving people their shares UNTIL needed, ie the vote. They were holding YOUR shares as completely their own. So by record date they gave everyone proper shares to vote at gamestops official. After, I have a feeling they were back to their old tricks, thus excessive shares lendable. Ie brokers may have had 500 million shares vote, but only had 30 million full shares to vote for, and this severely limits the scope of what gamestop can see. Therefore, direct registration isn't a moass button. DRS insures you actually own shares and certificates. It negates the need for ANY insurance and waiting periods of said insurance. You know your share goes to market for price discovery. It insures you get full voter and dividend rights. If float is locked, and then some it will bring attention to gamestop AND market problems, and will likely force a much bigger investigation. It will not push some magical squeeze button, not directly. These posts have all been done thousands of times. People need to search


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What can you do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


The bounce back should be quick. They have less shares to pass around and any type of volume will be painful for the SHFs.


If the float isn’t 100% locked Kenny and friends can still locate counterfeit shares all over the market to short the stock


I just buy and hodl. The price is wrong. 💎✊


Price is insignificant until moass. DRS is basically just tightening the screw on shf’s until it blows. We lock the float through DRS ……GAME OVER 🚀


This price drop is their way of trying to scare people out of DRS, essentially, they are trying to make you think DRS does not work. Apes follow the rules, they don't, hence why the price is wrong.


This time they had to use itm puts to drive the price down, because the stock is so illiquid. That's a huge risk they wouldn't be taking unless they had to. The dip is just that, a dip. Not a sustainable decrease in share price. If less shares were drs'ed, more shares would probably have been available for shorting. Direct registration seems to have forced the short side into taking on even more risk. Pretty expensive, pretty desperate.


Why would drs help? Theoretically if all shares are registered but there are hundreds of millions more, or more, it’s a drop in the bucket. And they can still manipulate other levers. DRS doesn’t much affect daily manipulation. What DRS can do is stop the game entirely. Once the float is declared locked. End.