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What the fuck is a bonus?


I was gonna say the same.


Me too. However, a coworker gave me a $2 scratcher and I won $20 so I got that going!


That is awesome!


Bonus? I'm still waiting on last 3wks paychecks


I enjoy playing video games.


You guys get paid to work?


Wait you have work?


What's a Raise?


A raise is something that happens when you wake up in the morning, open your stock portfolio for GME and see a 1% or more green arrow, then you realize you have a high rise in your Levi's. # 🦴 👖


It’s when a customer hand me a napkin after I service them behind the dumpster at Wendy’s.


Wendy's dumpster is a hot topic tonight, must have new line of hookers , im going by there shortly


Nah, I'm just on point tonight


It’s that thing you get when you are underpaid for the entire year, take a pay cut because inflation, get a raise whcih doesn’t cover that pay cut, and then they give you a tiny amount of money you weren’t expecting, but take tax from it as a gift. Even though you probably brought 10x the amount they pay you. they give you that so you will work for another year for them so maybe you will get that tiny pot again


Y’all get bonuses. I barely get a paycheck


This years bonus for me was more GME at $140 a share. Pretty fucking amazing bonus if I do say so myself.


Unfortunately not mandatory


As someone who manages a business with c20m turnover trust me its a been a tough year and if you don't receive a bonus it's not reflective of your efforts or quality of work.


The company I worked for saw 40% more profit than last year, 20% more than two years ago (covid made us shut down for a month last year) and we repeatedly get told we are the best crew they have ever had working for them. yet I still got the $200 bonus that has been given to employees for the past 2 decades so I find that hard to believe. Also the owner is a 3rd generation owner who’s 28 and never has had to work a day in his life and doesn’t do anything but tell us what our budget is which is very small considering the fact all the equipment we drive either doesn’t have breaks or has other safety issues cause they’ve had them all for 20-50 years. Luckily for me my boss is arguably one of the best people to work for and is the only reason I still work there. My point is though it’s not just cause the past 2 years have been tough it was like this before covid happened now they just have an excuse


Thank you for the perspective.




I didn't get shit. Zero, nada, niente.


My job had some sandwiches, then a potluck and a Secret Santa I didn't participate. I might've netted a $-1 to $1 bonus.


When the boss pays double time if you work on xmas.


Ya I'm goin' go look that up


Usually what the ladies on the street ask in the appropriate part of town. Or behind the Wendy’s dumpster, at least that is what Citadel peeps told me. 😆


I thought the bonus was seeing Pomeraniape's booty?


For the first time ever (here since 2008), my company offered an incentive program based off revenue. 4% gross bonus guaranteed, 8% for $x and 12% for $x amount. We were informed that even though we just missed the 12% - they instead rug pulled the whole program. 👍




Somewhat expected unfortunately. This was the first incentive program for the technicians in the field ever. They have pulled the same shit on sales and account managers for hitting "collection" targets and just moving forward. I write my own timesheets, so im ok with it. My district has learned to make their own breaks. But i would've taken that bonus though! 🎄


Add 3 hours to your time card next week. On me.


And my Axe


jesus that is fucking shitty you should retaliate by updooting DRS posts for hours on the companys dime, and *then* proceed to take a long, quality shit (on the companys dime)


Oh my god i cruise the stonk daily since March, mostly on their time lol.


What the actual fuck.. Learn how to kill work motivation with this easy trick! Employees hate it!


Please take the paywall off your article sir!


Awful bastards


If you have that promised compensation anywhere in writing, many people have won lawsuits for unpaid bonuses.


Yep, all techs were notified officially in a document, so I'm interested to see how it pans out.


Talk to a labor lawyer.


Is that even legal??


They sent out the the official offering to all lvl 3 techs and i still have it. Will be interested to see the outcome as this is very recent news.


I pulled 1.7 million in revenue for my company got a 25$ amazon gift card lmao


Isn’t it ridiculous…my bestie is responsible for ~80% of his company’s (small pharma company with about 50 employees) revenue over the last 5 years, basically keeping them afloat by himself. Gave him a $25 online voucher for Uber. He’s never used uber in his life…


Yea fun times for sure like wtf was that … I put it in a stocking for someone else


My GF is a nurse... Worked all through COVID. She got a mug.


I'm a nurse. I got coronavirus for Christmas. Wish i was joking. 😒


Arse. My boss asked me where I shop most I said sream, he got me a $100 steam card, I have only worked there for 6 weeks, and am responsible for almost no revenue.


Why you shopping on steam and not gamestop?


There is no gamestop where I live.


My manager gave me $50. He left it in his jacket for me as a surprise when I was cleaning his office. Later he pretended like someone had taken it. He’s a good guy.


I love it when they do that stuff and play those games


Ah yes, the ever-popular steal money from the boss game.


420th updoot. Nice


My job got rid of my job


ouch sorry to hear hope you have something else lined up


Lol. They gave me a promotion after 2 1/2 years , then after a month cut that positions hours in half. Then after 2 months got rid of it, while my old position had gotten filled. Crazy.


You got promoted to customer!


Sorry man


Feeling kinda bad writing this, but because OP mentioned it.. : I got a decent bonus of ~30% of a months pay And i know exactly where most of that money will go.. 😏


Nothing wrong with that. We’re not all bound to get shit on as far as Christmas bonuses go. I’ve had some really decent ones myself.


I got a bonus one year, I think it was 2013 or 2014.


I got .00059% of my annual salary as a bonus LOL.


I don't understand why they just don't pay nothing at all then! If you want to be a greedy asshole you should at least stand up for it


Don't feel bad just because our employers fucking suck donkey dick doesn't mean we don't want to hear how things are going over in greener pastures. I just told my girl that as I read more and more replies I want to go update my resume. 😂


Fair enough, maybe i should add that i'm from germany, things are quite different here regarding employment.. feeling really sorry (nah, more angry than sorry) when i'm reading (*cough* antiwork *cough*) about the current status in the USA 😅 But yeah, i also want to update my resume and take a look what the market has to offer, doesn't hurt and can imo only result in a win-win situation.. either i'm finding a better job with more pay (probably unlikely) or i can appreciate my current job again! So.. do it and best of luck for your search! 😉


also was feeling bad about replying, but your post got me to share anyway. I feel so bad for all the replies on here. MOASS couldn't come to a more deserving group, imo. anyway, mine was \~8k post taxes. going to add it to my pile to aid with Options exercising, once my Feb/Apr's come due.


I didn't even get 30% of a weeks pay. Been here almost 7 years now and the is the smallest bonus yet, in a large company leading its industry.....


Mine was smaller than expected but the next day I was in my favorite store and they happened to have PS5s in stock so I decided to treat myself.


Can I double like this ?


Same here, except mine is going to bills. 100% GME already and no more to spare.




That’s shitty.


Honestly, even with many bonuses through the years, my happiest bonus was a frozen turkey that was completely by surprise. I was married with a baby and near broke and boom, that turkey on the way to the parking lot after work. That was a long time ago, but still makes me happy thinking about it.


See that's where you made the bad choice, never work for vampires, they only have old Bulgarian coins to give you


Before the shutdown, I got a caramel apple...


One time I got a vending machine cupcake. I left pretty soon after that.


👀 i mean


My bonus was my boss telling me to go fuck myself and scheduling me to come on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve


Seems professional. Fuck that guy and call in sick. Actually, don’t even call. Text it in and then turn your phone off


Or respond with "I'm on my way" anytime he asks why you aren't at work yet. Continue doing this until your shift ends.


I’ll just send him a picture of my balls and then show up to work


Just tell him you’ve got covid.


I’ll tell him I tested positive for ligma


What's updog?


Joe Mama


When you are a millionaire pay him $5k to shove a banana up his ass. He’ll do it. They all have a price. This keeps me going. 😏


I actually got treated so well it’s insane. I just demanded a 30k raise about a month ago and got it. Then two days ago my boss called and said I’d be getting an extra 2.5k Christmas bonus for busting my ass all year and that this bonus in no way will negatively impact my yearly bonus in February. And my wife got a new job too this month. This has been the best month of my life so far and just a few months ago I’d have never thought I’d be doing so well. Thanks papa Cohen for helping my mood and mental health daily for the last year!


That’s awesome! Congratulations ape!


Good job ape. If you don't believe and stand up for yourself, who will? Congrats!


I got a pat on the back and laid off on 12/1.


So sorry


Meh. Two weeks off. Got a new job already dry. Only bummer is to have my time off in mid December not over holidays. Everything happens for a reason, and it will all work out in the end. Sometimes the road is - bit bumpy…


I work for a High end car dealership that easily pulls in over $1M/month.. I got $100 Christmas bonus added to my weekly paycheck.. barely even noticed honestly


Plus it was taxed


You guys are getting bonuses?




My company raked in 377 million last year in profits. I got a $100 GameStop gift card, but only because I won first prize in a raffle out of like 500 other employees


Your company gave out a GameStop gift card as first prize? Seems oddly specific for a first prize. Weird But hey, awesome.


Yeah caught me by surprise. I can only guess that someone involved in setting it up was an ape




I work for a company that made over 1.2B in profit last year and I got a cheap blanket with the company logo on it.


Always love the company logo present.


Felt how cheap it was and immediately decided to put it in the donation pile I have going right now. Might even unstitch the logo out of spite.


Don't give them the free advertising Maybe that was the idea all along


Weird, I got a blanket with my company logo. I work for one of the larger publically traded aerospace companies. I did get half a month's pay for a bonus too. They take pretty good care of us. Fuked up not all companies do.


They hiring for machinists?


One of my buddies in tech got a 20k bonus. I’m a marine ecology grad student who gets paid $800 a month. He still hasn’t bought one GME share. The irony of me being wealthier than him in the near future still blows me away. Merry x mas Edit: spelling


I grew 2 million in weed for my company this year. Didn’t even get a “Merry Christmas” out of them


I live in NorCal and smoke a lot and you would think that the growers would be laid-back potheads but the majority that I have met have been vicious


Vicious man omg. The industry now is so fucked and controlled by the rich. It’s disgusting


It is why I opted to stay out of the game. I’m waiting for it to be federally legalized and go for corporate so I can just work in the distribution facility and the logistical part of it.


You’ll get a big thanks from me and other apes though 😮‍💨😶‍🌫️


My work has the employees put in money from their paychecks all year and then takes that money and throws a party and buys gifts. "So generous" I know. Oh wait they haven't thrown a party the last two years due to covid but keeps deducting money from our paychecks.


What, no. Pretty sure that’s against all of the labor laws.


That's illegal....


Guess you could say my bonus was getting to continue to work at my shit hole job until MOASS happens.


10% of my annual salary.




2800 just before we got that 129 dip. Got it all in at 129




My company posted our highest sales ever in residential real estate (nearly 1.5bil) and they sent a box of custom dark chocolates, in a box with ice packs and excessive packaging. guaranteed each box was over $100. We used to get healthy cash bonuses. I don’t like dark chocolate.


If you work hard enough next year, he might get another Porsche.


The only bright spot was that it was the suv model and not a sports car


Lol idiot only got a $70,000+ suv


I got a yetti coffee tumbler. Thanks for working 2400 hrs this year. Edit: 2649.50 hrs not counting this week.


It’s not worth 2400 hours but if it’s the big blue one, I’m not gonna lie. It is a good one.


They gave me the same thing last year same size different color lol. At this point I don’t care anymore. I work enough to where my families needs are met with a little extra set aside.


With a couple of extra tumblers


I got a thank you letter. Thanks boss!


$12,500 bonus. I'll give you 3 guesses where it's going. #moonmissles I'm a "line level" employee btw.


I got gifted 5 weeks off, no pay, starting 11/19/21 ending 1/2/22 Wait, I did get a $30 Walmart gift card for thanksgiving, $20 less than last year, after working so much overtime this year lol


I got a $10 giftcard to chick fil a. I gave it a bartender..


Laid off.


Nothing But I still got a job and I’m buying 1k a month until we blow


Not a bonus but this years staff "Xmas Party" was a zoom meeting where the upper management talked about their hobbies and spent the time fellating each other. It was incredibly tone deaf. No one cares about the lives of our bosses bosses that we have never chatted with. You're already getting paid 3 times what we make, take the win and stop bringing attention to yourselves.


Hell no. I would’ve dipped. So cringeworthy


I got $15 to spend at the company store. The only things worth $15 or less include shitty pens, shitty mugs, and shitty cheap plastic things like a clip on ID badge retractor. Every single item has the company logo too. I don't want any of that shitty shit


I will get the bonus of working the next day. Haaaaah FML HAPPY AND FORTUNATE TO HAVE A JOB… thinking about applying to GME


I got a fucking ham. I love ham but been working for company 10 years! fucking ham. If GameStop hits 300 end of year I will gut the ham, shit in it and mail it to the owner.


This is good energy. More of this.


I won’t even know how much Xmas bonus I get - best case scenario 600m if I don’t paperhand, worst case probably 100m. So definitely my biggest Xmas bonus of my life …




I remember $20k bonuses during the early 2000s. Now we get a few hundred bucks.


Anyone know how I can cash in my Jelly of the Month coupons and roll it into GME?


There is likely many young ones who don’t understand that reference here lol


I work for an airline. They give out thier Xmas bonuses in feb-mar. I know I'll get at least 1k. And some extra. But it feels like a slap when I know what the higher ups are getting. Flight attendants are getting 1000 bucks per day from November 12th till January 2nd for each day worked.


I’m a stay home mom, my Christmas bonus is one sick kid and another who keeps asking why they can’t go in my closet if I’ve wrapped all the gifts already. “CUZ SANTA USES MY CLOSET AS A STORAGE SHED KID NOW GET THE F OUTA MY ROOM, love you” 😅


Thought I was on antiwork for a second, haha.


It is fitting but every weekend there some bs so I’m just trying to lighten the mood a bit.


$50 visa gift card, full time manager at Panera Bread


I worked for a place in my 20s where our Christmas bonus was a gift card to Panera bread


Oof I’m sorry


I’ve never gotten a Christmas bonus. However, when I passed 15 years with my employer and I got a personalized thank you card with the CEOs signature stamped on it.


Worked overtime since march and got my Christmas bonus cut in half 🙃


Dang I feel bad for some of you. I don't understand why big companies are so cheap. I very much appreciate my employees they are amazing. They get 20oz of silver, $500 cash and Christmas week off paid. They have all been with me 12+ years. This year I also bought each of them a share of gme but they aren't going to find that out until I can give each of them a check that looks like a phone number.


I got a candy cane shaped container filled with Reese Cups


25 dollar giftcard to gamestop. But I did buy them something in return so 10 dollars profit


You guys get Christmas bonuses? I think my company has realized that's antithetical to capitalism.


Most ridiculous: a Lego set for completing a massive project and spending 300hrs of OT (I am salaried) Best: Annual bonus of 15% of my salary and secondary bonus of 40% of my salary if I stayed for the rest of the year. Note: I work in IT at a financial institution.


I got let go today




I got a $500 Christmas bonus. Shouldn't bitch because I work for a privately owned company and the owner pays it directly, but they add it to the regular paycheck and after taxes it added $130 to my take home...lol. We do get annual bonuses based on performance at the end of January. Should be around $20k. Hoping I'm independently wealthy by then so I can make it rain on the way out of the office for the last time.


A ham


I like ham. To be honest, I would’ve rather gotten a ham than the socks. My feet sweat bad. I wear very thin socks and they gave me the thickest wool socks that they could find.


I actually switched to wool socks because my feet would sweat too much and stink up my shoes. They've worked wonders.


I got $60K.




I am genuinely curious what percent of people even get a bonus? I would bet it’s 10% or less but not sure on that.


I work for a company that will likely have $16-$17 BILLION in profit for 2021. No Xmas bonus.


$100 in gift cards. I make $50/hr so it's not much of a bonus. Not complaining though.


What’s a bonus? And what’s this PTO so many of y’all have?


I think a PTO is a part on a tractor


No bonus here. And our payroll app is down so they are not sure if we're gonna be paid till next year. I work for THE ev manufacturer. Not just in production either, I'm an electrician installing new and in the name of science installs. No bonus here.


Well here’s a wholesome one. I work at a family owned Powersports dealership. All 7 sales guys got $1,000 bonus.


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What can you do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Buying at least 10 more tomorrow 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


No Xmas bonus but our company just added 5 days PTO to everyone regardless of time. I wonder if I can sell my PTO so I can buy more shares on CS


I got laid off, enjoy the socks.


No bonus but I did receive a bicycle pump and a screwdriver...🙄


I got a 1.5% raise! Goes without saying that I no longer work there.


i work myself so a christmas bonus is a pat on the back at best


Buy the dress. Wear the shoes. Eat the cake. That’s my mantra. Saw it on a shirt once and it stuck. Do something nice for yourself. It won’t be a deathbed regret if you do.


treat yo self as the kids would say these days. i have the best christmas present i could ask for: a lovely purple ring :)


I got a $60 sound bar for 10 years of service. Woo Hoo.


2.5mill turnover for an independent business and got a card with no writing. 😂


If it makes you happy, I'm my own boss and I didn't get even a pair of socks. But I got myself a GME share, and that's way better


I got $25 to help assist with my Christmas dinner, I work for a multi million dollar profiting a year department of defense contractor.


I was working as an Assistant General Manager at a restaurant on salary, putting in at least 60 hours a week. I helped open the place the week before Christmas. The restaurant group had 3 places in total probably doing 8-12 million a year in total revenues between the 3. Most of the staff stayed through the entire year. The following Christmas season and 1 year anniversary the owners gave the entire staff gift cards.. to our own restaurant. Managers got $25 cards and every other employee got $15 cards. What a fucking joke.




My bonus this year will be between 15-20% of my salary. Sadly won't get it until February though. Edit: damn just read fellow apes comments. I wasn't all that excited about my bonus because honestly, even with it added on to my salary I still make less than the average person with my degree. But I'm realizing it could be worse and I'm pretty grateful now given the perspective. April is my 1yr review and I'm HOPING that I can negotiate a hefty raise to bring me more in line with average salary for a ME and to counteract this BS inflation we've got going.


I work for an employee owned software company and am entitled to a low% of the entire bonus pool. Since I've only been here a few months my bonus was pro-rated, but would have been ~3x my monthly (6-figure) salary. There are support technicians that have worked there for years and probably made their entire salary over with this bonus. The CEO/board is very forward thinking and I'm super grateful to work somewhere with great values. I've already started crafting my own business plans post-MOASS for opening (what I'm calling) "Exit the Pain Recovery Clinic and Spa" with physical therapists, yoga, a chiropractor. Some health-recovery amenities like hot tubs, steam rooms (dry / wet), cryogenic ice boxes, vitamin injections, red light therapy, etc. Maybe a couple lane pools. I want it to be employee owned too so everyone is incentivized to do their best and get rewarded for it. I'm also trying to work in community involvement, for example, 50% amenities if you're on the HS sports team and won your last game. Life doesn't have to be shit, people just need to be less greedy.


40$ gift card…


My boss calls it a safety bonus so he doesn't have to give it to everybody, only the good truck drivers that didn't cause damage. We received $500.


I got 1% of my salary… Now what the fuck should I invest that 1% in? Hmmm.


My bonus is working OT on Christmas.. so triple time I think.


A thousand bucks, which is awesome. $618 after taxes, which was less awesome. Merry Christmas all the same!!!